Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1925, p. 6

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i a birth tilarriukeu and deilhs are now churned lor ot tile following rates uirtbs 50c marriages 50 deaths 5c memorial cards 50c 10c pec line extra for poems born ketd at tin homo of mr luther cornell on october 195 to mr and mrs oscar kolil twin nous cwatkin on monday october bth 1925 at guelph general hospital to marywlfo of ronald gwutkln col lege avenue iuolpli twin dauen tors married moyeukky on thursday october 1 1325 at the homo ot the bride 17s church street st catherines by tho rev i m mover pdfl colborne brother ot tho room mrs jessie a fry to william hcrvcy moycr st catherines johnsonlaptin at tho manse acton by ltev a c stewart ji a on wednesday september so 1925 elaio mae only daughter ofmr and mrs thomas lappln to mr robert a johnson son of mr and mrs j johnson milton died ford in milton on wednesday sep tember 30 1925 william todd ford in his sixtyninth year wood at guelph on thursday oc tober 1 1925 jorinlo bell widow of tho late luley bwood in her ssth year fitzsimmoxs at the general hos pital guelph on monday october 5 1925 john fitrslmmons of rock- wvrod aged 75 years speight at her home horlandole avenue lansing onl on saturday october 3 1925 emma youngest daughter of the late michael speight of markham ontario dayfoot on saturday october 3 1925 at wellesley hospital toronto gertrude helena beloved daughter of the lat mr and mrs j b day- footof georgetown in memoriam mccainsh in loving memory of al fred mccainsh who passed away on october 9th 1922 days of sadness still come oer us tears of sorrow oftenflow memory keeps the loved one near us whom god called threo year ago sadly missed by mother sister and brother fo arimt vtt ipbfl neighborhood news- town and- goinitry milton tho sudden death of william t ford ono of the towns oldost and most highly esteemed cltlzonn occur red on wednesday last when ho wan found dead about 111 oclock ho and arthur cannon were repairing u build ing owned by w a chapman near trie curling rink mr cannon tvont home to get some tools and left mr ford sawing a stick of timber when ho returned he found the lifeless body of mr ford lying on tho ground dr sunderland gave the cause of death as apoplexy mr ford who was in his sixtyninth year was a staunch con servative and a lifelong presbyterian he was unmarried and survived be foul- brothers andrew of durham thomas aiid james of milton and john of oswegfly n y and two sisters misses christina and mary oakville thursday october 8 1026 brief local items this week will bee tho finish of tho fau faira- erin fair is scheduled for to day arid tomorrow farm products arc being pretty freely marketed now our jewish irlendfl aro celebrating tho feast of tabernacles tho heay rain on friday spoiled tho best part of milton fair these glorious autumn days make living especially in the country a rear joy secretary w j aklna of acton fall fair and messrs r j kerr and a b mclean attended milton fair last weok potato digging and turnip pulling raako busy employment on the farm these days wide fields of corn along tho val- loys spread thevraln and dews mature tho swelling stalks now is tho timo to get your name on tho voters list election day la only threo weeks away walkcrton has engaged mr j t park of dundaik as bandmaster at a salary of 75 per month students and puplu nro getting down to real study now in view of the inevitable examinations in tho off- leaves that onco were fresh and green now aro brown and scar for 1 october has brought hiss autumn hbro this lu fire prevention week october 4 to 10 everyone is urged to inspect their premises and do away with flro hazards j m carton of naasasaweya picked his third crop of tamo rasp berries on monday they were fairly large and of excellent flavor a training coureo in boyology la a commendlble effort to give boys tho right views of life by a number of ex perienced and observant men mr duncan mcdougall brought in the largest olnglo potato to tho finns pitkas last week which has yet- been rocprdjjdjjutcfliirhjed i dsj ox many of thxtorchard trees that fbt tho landscape abouj the well tilled farms of ther community atlh bear an abundance of luscious wlnterjipples those who have time for leisurely motorl nff through the- coun ail a chimney lire at th6 residence of v ix gre gavmho are brigade a run at ten pm wednesday evening no damage was done at a reception given by tho member of the united church after the even ing service on sunday mr angle in a brief appropriate address made tho presentation of a purao containing the sunt of four hundred and titty dollars to ltev dr and mrs munroo upon their removal from oakvllle a largo congregation gathered in knox church last monday evening to witness tho induction of the new minister ltev dr william wallia who had recently received a unani mous call from his- former charge niagara falls south a very charming wedding took pace saturday afternoon in stjudos church when miss dorothy marie tho eldest daughter of mr and mrs w a chld- holm was married to walter alexander souter son of mr and mrs a m souter rov c e riley officiated anniversary services were held in palermo united church on sunday october 4th the rov val tllton of burlington was tho preacher at both services and special music was fur nished by tho palermo cholry following an illness of brief dura tion alice chapman wlfo of william lalng passed away at the hamilton general- hospital early sunday morn ing in her g4th year word cajmo to chlof kerr wednes day morning of tho sudden death of his brother high countyconatabtot f w kerr of brantford messrs william grammell and d v mcdcrmott aro enjoying a weeks duck shooting at rico lake messrs howard carson and charles p tuck mado a wcekond camping trip to mud turtle lake a few miles north of coboconk col muir of paris ontario was a visitor in town on monday record eden mills w- fdll days find mucjh to amire both natures scenery and the bracing at- mosphere thesacrament of the lords sup per was observed in knox church lnc sunday morning three hundred and twentyfive participated in the cocrv- niunlon service rv rov h e abraham of st an drews church guelph has been call ed to egllngton and bedford park presbyterianrchurqbtorantoata stipend of 5000 the christian science lecture radlocarft from massey hall toronto gave many an opportunity to hear for the flrattlmo something authentic about thesubject election day has been declared n halfholiday around these parts it will need a wholo holiday r unless it gets warmer later on to get the voltt out and interested mr willlami gamble of george town has 8omo very wonderful celery this year a dozen heads sold to a customer ftbe other day weighed 46 pounds ons hetid wolghinff g pounds in the fnlf fajr prime list puo llshedlast weok the naiie of mra w j 31i should havo appeared ns win 9 of the first priaerfar phlox oren nlnl in placo of mrs w j collier while out in his barnyard wil liam roney of tho sevccnth line es- ciueslng township shot a chicken hawk tho sir of which is a record- breaker its wings front tip to tip mcoaurod 4 feet a branch of secondcrop raspber ries grown on the farm of mr george graham near rockwotvd was brought into this office laac wek the bcrrlea nro of tho usual full alio and a flnu sample for a second crop fclicklesayjiv p th croasword pumlea oro baffling nuff but what pueblcb me is hoc merchants kin and qpt q town ffar printing do no olvortlslng at all an then complain that th homo paper aint prosperous looking ltstowol bannor knox church- young poopleat so ciety held their opening mooting for tho fall and winter term on monday ovoning thcro as an exeolleht pro- flnrammo which waa cigoyea by a largo aiidlonco 0h0 nwctlnrf wa termed a t klance over tho programme juat la- iiuod by the socloty ahowa nmny more intorostlng meotlbga which yrlll talja placo during the tall anu wantor fforaaona mr v armstrong of marsville called at the home of mrs fulton also on other friends ono day jast week rev marsh and mrs marsh have re turned after enjoying two weeks on a motor trip all aro glad to seo them back the- bankers athletic association of guolpb had a welner roast and dance at ed go wood park on wednes day evening of last week a large number were present and a good time enjoyed mr and mrs nodwell of toronto visited over tho weokend in the nome of mr and mrs macdougall mr and mrs- raino of toronto wero also recent visitors in the same home mr and mrs reld of guelph spent sunday in tho home of mr and mrs henry leslie mrs h la nod ell and mrs r luna dell of brampton were recent visitors in the homo of their parontsmr and mrs robert tuck rocent visitors in the home of mr and mra john taylor weromr and mra thomas taylor and family of buffalo mr and mrs haxpld taylor and little son also of buffalo mrs appleton mr and mrs atcheson and little eon of syracuse n y mr and mrs lucas also mra delaceyof st thomas mr and mrs hardlo and family of arkell wore recent visitors in th horaa of mr and mrs john taylor mr and mrs mobney of acton were visitors one eyenlng in tho home of mr and jmrs max milne mr and mra smith or erin called at the home of mr and mrs t- h webb recently mr and mrs j d moore of guolph were reoent visitors in tho same home miss giles of kitchener and friend spent sunday at tho homo of mr and mrsfrood mr and mrs howie wright of tor onto wore sunday visitors in tho homo of his parents mr and mrs john wxlffht lorne school tho followliift 1 iho rpiht nt lorn yolioo for september sr ivle3llo kwiuklmmii- lcoim wttllei geoiko cininr jr iv honotta wuller ohrliutk swnckhnmcr harbara guthiic hr hi corlnnv macdonnld tholmi clrnff brandon crowson st ii laura johnston swackhiimer iv yxann i ktta swnekhamev tin rarf douglas guthrie primer loy hatmen doi u den elwood johimton isabel anderson teucli walla 8 s no a erin the nchool report for j3 is no s erin for tho month of september lis follows sr iv loyola forstoll ilda crip kathleen mckoovn maud mccrn viola allan hector mcarthur j iv lulu mccutcheon thyra stone joseph foroktcll wllllo john ston gordlo leslie calvin altken sr hi mary mccralg annlo altken tommy coole josaio forestoll sr ii evelyn pearciv james mc- caig xiolakoreatoll eveline lamlert elslo nolaon lloyd mckeown jr i marjory mccalg orval stone jean mann jean burt marlon leslie elsie maude lawaon mccutchcon marlon mcdonald archie mcdonald m mcdonald tendher ospringe these cool autumn days are surely bracing with several silolllllng outfits busy in this community last week our farm ers spent several delightful days as sisting their neighbors and with an immense corn croptthls year nearly all our farmers havo more corn than necessary to fill their alios which lt greatly appreciated by those with a light hay crop many of our citizens aro taking up their mangolds and potatoes tills week which are an average yield for this locality tho big rain last friday was greatly appreciated by the men behind tho plow many of our citizens are buay pre paring their exhibits for erin fair which is being hold this thursday and friday and from prospects will sur pass other ycanc it is a groat meet ing place for friends and neighbors from prospects tho coming clectlovr will bo real interesting in this district as both parties aro at work- our travelling public surely appre- wlth crushed stone mr john altkens arid family enjoy ed a motor trip to hamilton onsunday and visited mr and mra harold altkons mr and mrs will mackenzie of tho second line accompanied by mr and mrs w usherwood visited at mr laughllns near hlllsburg on sun day mr and mrs robert mccutchcon of tho third line spent tho weekend in erin visiting mr mccutcheons mother who is seriously ill at present mr t d mccutcheon of the second line accompanied by mr robert thompson of everton attended tho convention on monday of the churches of christ held in tho christian church at hillsburg public meetings in the town hall on monday 5crwood v the fall fair last week was not so well attended as in former yeartt ow ing to weather conditions which pre vented many from venturing- out then other fairs being on tho same date would have a tendency to draw elsewhere tho exhibits in tho hall and live stack on tho grounds wero as usual up to quality music watt sup- jpllcd by the robinson family barul of guelph tuesday evenfng in the halliahdduplngtheafternoonrwhlch was much appreciated tho concert in tho town hall by duncan cowan and ha company jrf toronto was en joyed by all present wo hoo for a bigger show next year arid better weathor conditions to bring out a re cord crowd harvest home services werohold last friday evening and sunday after noon- in sl johns church the speakers for tho evening service being rev m lex ton of st patricks church guelph the afternoon service was welli attended and tho rector rav h g i bcugh of acton delivered an earnest discourse holy comnvuntoir woa alseobecrvcd which rendered tho service very impressive to tlioao pres ent the edifice was profuhdy decor ated und bore evidence of a bountiful harvest for which wo all ought to be grateful tothe giver of all good things communion of the lords sunder will be observed in the continuing preaby- torlna church next sunday tory service on friday evening we are pleased to have in our midst mr and mrs fred apatee of mary land who are- visiting tho lattera brothers robert and fred mcwilllams mr and mra john rogers who ro- rldo near meaford otitarlo wero visit ors in tho village and vicinity over the woekend they returned homo monday going by way of orangovillo and shclbourpe having come down through mount forest and on by guelph at frod osburnk sale last saturday mr dulton purchased tho houso and lot the prfco bolng 800 thdbnll game iat saturday at tho ontario reformatory with our local oam reauwod in a victory for the vlsit- ing team th6 score being 122 tho nt the farm had things heir mrn wy during tho first six innlnga then rockwood managed to got in and vfon out afe wnilai nurtis wont to ttacon hut baturdm- to attoud tho twonty- iw6woddlnrannivorsilryjflmr and mra laws o is- yqpme fifty fwrwsr guoalib wat dowfi to a sump tuou repast ond ehjbyta a nlejaaaant rtaafc evenlbv v vu v a public meeting will be held on monday evening october 12 in tho town hall at 8 p m hon hugh guthrie of guelph and dr r k an derson of milton will deliver ad dre us es on the very important issues of the present glee t ion earn pa ign at 3 p n on monday miss con stance boulton and dr r k ander son will address a meeting of the ladles of acton and surrounding coun try in tho town hall from now uhil polling day october 29 every cltlzon should take- keen interest in thtf dis cussion of tho vital interests confront ing canada today ncws of local import j uf o monthly meotiiiu tho v t and if k w o will hold ujeir rcktllar inecliiur at the lionu of mrs john mrhlkoi nafiftaguwiya on wednesday iveiiuig october 11 a- good programme will be glvtni a dad section of highway a houthm of the lilghwuy lietwoen tietniutown and noival huti ktten into lather bad condition lately un less ropairh arc made before tho wot weather period coined thoioml soon he ugly ruts through tho cluy wottoat month in 35 yooro pdiiowg thoot august auguht set a dry record for ottawa but september went ono better with a record lu the other extreme while auguht was the driest for 25 yearn in ottawa september wan the wcttoht tor uii years during the month there was a downpour of 612 inches acton schools field day tho continuation and iublic schools held their annual hold day in tho park yesterday afternoon a prob mo of sports and events for pupils of both tho high and public school yrua run off the list of tho winners in the various events will appear in tho nuxmstme of tho fkku press thin is firo provontibri wook the present- is fire prevention week in the united states and cuitntlt pamphlets u0- being dlhtributcd is your- home fire safe and sugges tions for the proper observance of klro prevention week teachers in the hchools will draw tho attention of pupils to tho prevention of ilro and boys clubs will put on firo preven tion demonstrations hi several places brought to book at last tibbie was a scotch lass hardwork ing and comoly she ruled over a grateful and suppressed family of now englandcra for eight years and then announced her intention of marryinu within six weeks 1 suppose it is rab whom you mean to marry tibbie asked her nominal mistress referring to a tall mildfaced scotchman who had spent moro or less time in tibbies spotless kitchen for tho last three years it is announcod tihblo calmly hero hes been coming andsittlngtwi mo all theso times and nover a word o marrying me- so at long last i said to hlmroif youve no mind to talc me rab ye can list say so and 111 spend nao moro on bright ribbons to sit up wl ye but ill tak my money and buyonet uur uttvumub i 77 t k- that plays tunes altcrtvo paid fora clato tho good road to evertbn which- u rtn strip of oil cloth to covor tho floor has been widened ana newly gravelled itrip where youve worn out tho old one and then ill tak myvreleegioua books andaettle down in quiet rabble was ao concerned at my drear prospects and the thoughts o my savings ho said ho would liao me whenever i got ready fall ploughing for burlev how to save an ntoratinn booklet on yoarly pu- chata plan an aid to small inveittora an interesting and valuable little booklot is published by burnett salnto clair- co investment bankers of montreal setting out an excellent plan whereby the public of canada may buy good securities and pay for them over a period of oho year tho object is to cultivate the habit of saving money among people who havent been accus tomed to buying securities and to show them how profitable it- will be for them to invest their sovihgit iiittihh way and spread tho payments over a year y good security can be bought on this plan with all the opportunities of tak ing advantngo of market variations jtnityct the lavbtw has an entire year in which to pay off tho balance due on his account- under this plan the investor pays 25 per cent of the purchase prlco on placing tho order and tho balance including the custom ary interest in eleven equal monthly instalments tho book outlining this plan can bo obtained upon application to tho company at its montreal office canada cement building phillips square results obtained over a period of eight years during which fall ploughing for burley has beon compared with spring ploughing prove that the fall ploughing is tho moro profitable dur ing six years out of tbo eight year porlod the plots which wero ploughed in the fall gave an average increase in yield of 205 pounds of tobacco per acre the average value of which was 53415 over the pleats which wero spring ploughed and as both tho fall plough ed and tho spring ploughed fields were fertilized alike planted and harvest ed on the same days and cultivated alike the time of ploughing was tho only factor which could havo influenc ed tho yield it was observed that plots which wero ploughed in the fall retain the moisture for a much longer period of tlmo tho following summer than thoso which wero spring ploughed tho experiments were made on a mediqm sandy loam soil and- while this soil runs together somewhat in winter it la easily prepared for tobacco in tho spring by disking itthproughly fall ploughing la not alone of value in conserving the moisture and im proving the mechanical- condition of the soil us ploughing- after october first has proven vory nclpfo1 in des troying tho larvae of the cutworm thus reducing the damage aften dono by that pest tho profit derived from fall plough ing is evon greater than tho moro in crease of tho crop as ploughing can be dono more cheaply in the fall than in tho spring and sorvesrto give a moro oven distribution of labor d d dig gers superintendent experimental sta tion harrow ontario the wafll against i n sects forced liberality it in not often miserliness gets such a straightforward rebuke- as in tho caso quoted in the mohtclalr times in tho early days of primitive metho dism there travelled in england an eccentric minister named neale who was famous for his plain talking on ono occasion he was preaching mis sionary bcnnona at avlllaga so noted for its small collections that he deter mined to pass the pinto hlmscfo on his round ho came to a farmer whowas as mr nealo well knew the rlchost man in the placo this in dividual placed a penny on the plate mr neale stopped immediately and sald in a loud voice take your penny out man take it emt dont you sceyouve covered up 7ouii laborers sixpence the rcbuko was effectual and a much moro valuable coin was placed on tho plate an odorous comparison plutocracy and its automobile- now monopolize the wit once directed to ward respectability and its gig tho following is a late instance from tho london chronlclo thatll be a powerful machine hald a native of the north or scotland to a motorist tho other day yes its a splendid car replied tho owner proudly i suppose a car- like that will bo nearly a hundred horseower sug gested tho countryman oh iuj tmtd the motorist mod- cstli it id only ten horse a hundred horsejowey car would bb very much larger i wasrjt going by size tho high lander dryly explained i was golnv by tho smell of it that old philosophy of iongfelyow mlpht well ho laljen arrlously by many these restless ovcnlifp stay stay at homo my- heart ann rest home- keeping hcarta are iiappiohtf6rp80 who wander thoy know not where arc full of trouble and full of euro to hay it is estimated that from 10 to 25 per cont of all crops grown in can ada is lost by the ravages of- insocta and that uieaiuulliosachiear in valuo reaches the enormous total of over one hundred million dollar- tho crusade against this devastation whioh la carried on by tho officers of tho dominion entomological ufa rich at ottawa and in tho various provinces is thus of a herculean character ah circumstances wurrapt it wholo dis tricts aro brought under quarantine to prevent the posts in particular locali ties bolng shipped out on products upon which they prey trenches mites in length have boon dug to trap tho hor ribly dcbtructlvo army worm aero planes havo been used to survoy tho arban infected with the npruco l5ud- worni poison gah- has been experi mented to kill grasshoppers para sites of different spocles are bred- and used as- auxiliaries in this gigantic- warfare and drugged baits or dis tributed nt strategic- points that is where it is thought their uso will bo most effective in no division of tho work hlis greater activity and vigor been shown thupin fighting the vicious cornborer cities have practically been placed in a atjxgo of solgo by men being stationed with rights of search to enforce tho regulations and to seo tlmt nc trans lxirati on of porn con trary thereto takoh place all of thin important work has resulted in thii saving -of- crops worth millions of dol lars tho farmor- fruitgrower and tho citizen generally aro apprcciatlngrtioro and more tho assistance rendered- by tho dominion entomologist- and his officers issued by tho director of publicity dominion department of agrlculturo ottawa owe young old people to thojo who intilmt that a man hhould hi allowed to retiro from ac tive 11 f at if in youiigfr hip follow ing facts iuaybe of valuer an iiishnian of ninetyeight yours rveently einlgrattml to america thero to start llfo over again that is pretty good going but pales before tho plans of a weymouth grandmother who wanted to hwlm iho ijiigutili chuiuiel tho ladliii havo been rat bur more active than the men but air xliuuiau hardy- who in eighty-four- recontly uddrohsed tho durchctitir uobatlng and urahiatlc society and a gontlomiyi tiuvciilceit yearn older wrote a lottor to a leading paper ago of course is not always the handicap wo aro apt to- imagine it is qhtdutono wus- over uovonty at tho tlmu of tho midlothian campaign and was prlmo minister of jjiitaln when over eighty wo liuvo to go back a few centuries however to llnd a parallel to tho recent caso of tho mexican ludy who was sept to jail at los angoles at tho ago of 102 a chelsea england pensioner married at 100 and his portrait painted when he was lf shows him handling a sword in qulto a bushiesullko way styles in the hereafter a revival was ruglng in a virginia colored church tho fruits had been considerable ono obdurato soul how- over resisted tho effort of tho older called to account for iiih reluctance ho replied yo seo how it is elder iso got a problem i dont see how iso gwlno git mabr shlrtovah my wings whont gits to glory dat aint yo problem retorted tho exhorter promptly yo problem is how is yo gwlno git yo hat on ovah yo horns ladies silk hose free a beautiful pair of ladies silk hose valuo 200 will be given to you for forming a- hoseno club in your vicin ity the rid co 3g jamos st s hamilton one notice to creditors in tho matter of william franklin moonoy and of the bulk sales act 1917 notice is hereby given that william franklin mooneyy of acton ontario plumber and tinsmith has sold his stock and business in tho village of acton to william k e blair and that i thomas devey jenny h farmer of the vhiago of acton esquire havo been appointed under tho abovo act to receive and distribute tho proceeds of such salo among the parties lawfully entitled thereto all creditors of the said william franklin mooney are thereforo re quired within two weeks after uio first insertion of this notice to fllo their ejfeims against him with me duly- veri fied by statutory declaration and i hereby givo notice that i will not bo responsible for and will not recog nize in such distribution- any claims not so properly and duly filed dated at acton ont this eighth day of october a d 1925 t d j farmer trustee yh n parmer au out h sollcitor a job for you 10 to 10 daily ho mkn wantkd no proviouh cxiierjonce necennary wrlto for 10- pag free hook which oxplalns how you can inrn whijo lonrning to work in city and town shops as aut6 mechanic eiirliiocc kloctrlcnl battery or welding expert gliauf- feur halohinan etc ahio urlcltlay- inir plastering mocha nhtid dbntlii- tiy ami jjarbering dot die a lab orer wiiitis nqw which job addrehs ileinphlil cover nment chartered trudo suhophi froo em- lloymont service 1 tin i0k st w toronto dont spoil your watch by letting it run dirty too long the cnu watch in spection requires a wntch to be cleaned every 18 months to give accurate time have your watch cleaned and repaired by h w hinton acton and georgetown specialist in nil watch block and jewellery repairs silver ware optical goodh bugs gramaphones etc plating and gilding dono typewriters investigate our precisionbuilt factory rbuilt underwoods and you will buy no other 325000 enthusiastic users general typewriter co 99 king stroet west toronto 2 millinery millinery felt hats regular from 375 to 500 for 275 we have just received a new shipment of saxony yarn splendid for sweaters and childrens- wear in all shades to sell at 2 ozs for 25c miss j galbraith fancy goods and millinery phono 109 mill st acton is your child thin and weak cod li v or extract in sugar coated tabtrru putaon flaaji mnd builds j thorn up in juat a few dayh iulcker tbnn you ever dreamed of theso wondorful hoalth building flesh creating tablets called mccoys cod liver extract tablpts will start to help any thin underweight little ono after sickness and where rickety aro suhpccted thoy arc especially valu able momi pcoplo know that from the livers of the lowly codfish vltamineh of the hst class ure extracted tho kind unit help all feeble undcrwolgh men wumen nnd children fry tlns wonderful tabic us for 10 days and your frail puny child dont greatly bonofll gf you- money baefc a very alultly child una if kulned 1 pounds in 7 montlih ak any driigklht for mccoyn god uvnrtactructtablctft an uny to take an candy and otrtablotu co ccnte sellingout of mens overalls work shirts ind misses and womens winter coats such bargains as these were never known or heard tell of in acton read this men heavy striped denim overalls regular 200 tf fp fop p 1 uo heavy black denim overalls perfecto brand reg cc 225 for i410l leather label overall best in the world reg 275 o fc for r tpacoutl unity toronto special regular 250 for t combination overall regular 30 175 275 big fl- brand ana carhartts srnocks or work 1 flfc coats regular 275 for wll j khaki pants for r 150 and 175 mens tweed and worsted trousers reduced big reductions in all work shirts mothers read this we have a few of those winter coats left regular jq af 1000 and 1200 for jv all ladies dresgles at v2 price wc also have a number of skirts at half price a number of boys overcoats at greatly reduced prices these goods must all be sold as we are going out of this line of business reesors phone w acton ont mclean co wiarm look up your fall underwear penmans merino 2 pieces shirts and drawers at- each turnbulls natural wool in fall weight at 100 200 andihlzb and pzzt boys fleeced lined combinations fr g tl o sizes 24 to 34 pncesntnge ztvl d rojpfswr mens fleeced lined 2 pieces shirts and drawers j it tiger brand at special price ji v ladies vests fall weight with or with out sleeves special price ladies vests silk and wool at each 7 75c and 85c 225 gray with pink and blue borders special price pair jbiankets large size for double bed white and t ca yarns yarns we are selling yarn at last years prices scotch fingering in black white gray brown khaki and sand shades the best yarn made at 35c sk 140 lb mclean co mux street acton ont store closes wednesday at 120 you are cordially invited to the churchill anniversary service sunday afternoon october 1 1 v at 3 p m d v address by rev a c stewart special musig by the knox presbyterian church male quartette all welcome can you afford to lose when you buy speculative shares which have no earning record and no market value you are simply gambling with the overwhelming probability that you will lose your money why take this long chance when you can invest your savings in sound dividendpaying securities of knownvalueand earning power always readily marketable and be safe you can do this by availing yourself of our pay n a year pan example 500 initial investment 500 inveted pay in a year plan will tjuy outright 5 snares bell telephone dividend rat 8 10 shares steel of calnpda dividend bat jft 10 shares canadian car foundry pfd oiyideiifl rate 7 the above invflhtmem hecuiltlfls are long catabllihoc dlvldoflff layorh and posneha an linunuul tegreo of safety plua extrftprdlnpry profit making iiosslmhtlea on markut advances other invcatmont group selections for smaller or larfeer humh on request our new investment booklet the road to flnanolnl indopend ence elves a complete record of canadian dividend paying seaurltioa with their highand luvmakotprlcpsandexplftinehow you can fltart iiivestlnk small or larko sums with absolute safety by our pay in v year plap send for if today no oblieajlons representatives wan ted to act as our local correspondents mail this coupon uursfptt saintb claih co bato investment imnkprs canada cement rld loptreal que you may cnd mo details of your jay in a year iian and yur booklet without obligation on hy part fuiij inurested n the following securities numo ajdre3s bepte p city those delicious roasts these chilly fall days are the ones when those good roasts and fine soups taste the best and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the best place in acton to go is pattersons 1 jprim roasts of beef choice cuts op pxrjk select pieces of vexl x fine roasts of jam8 bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage in fact there i hardly b cut of meat that you could deirg that yon will not find at our counters bought right feept right cut right and sold right the meats you buy at pattersons are the best that you can procure now open every wednesday afternoon orniirmux and main streets zssfssqmjxspes acton ont 7j uv msm v1 esiyv ufiiisibrabii9bsb

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