Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1925, p. 4

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i he home or 1jp arfam 3te press member ctuadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton tree press is published every xhurjiui uioriulik nt the i ree press buimmct jiill street acton ontario the subscription jirlce i 00 per year it advance ppstagc is cliargcd additional to offices in the unltcov slutcs the ihte to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line aatc measure for first insertion and s cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 8 cents per inch eachinsertion advertisements with out specific diiucjms will be inserted till forbid and charged aofanlinely ii p moore president and editor cv a dills manager and assistant editor teiephones- ldttonal and business office nw ltcsidcncc of president 1ij residence of manager 131 245 members in next dominion house the question has beqn nsked how many mem bers are there to be elected f6r the house of com mons in the coming general election p by provinces the new house of commons will have the following representation ontario 82 quebec 65 saskatche wan 21 manitoba 17 alberta 16 british columbia 14 nova scotia 14 new brunswick ii prince edward island 4 yukoni 1 total 245 weekly fashion hint encouraging- hopes for improved conditions earlier estimates of abundant crops throughout the dominion have been fulfilled and yields taken as a whole are considerably better than for several yearspnst in the prairie provinces harvesting operations were started earlier than last year and deliveries of wheat by farmers since the first of august have been more than double those of last year during the same period grades so far are better jthe yield generally is considerably above last years but the lower prices will partly offset increased yield and better grade i thursday morning october 15 1925 editorial canadas good name ln the midst of electioneering itnt least ought to be desired of every true canadian in making ar guments for the party he espouses to try to avoid injuring the good name of canada during the heat of a campaign there is liable to be much depre cating of the country in which we live and thereby promotion of other countries canada has not and is not going to the bowwows quiteso much as some politicians looking for four thousand a year forr four years would haye us think a good thing to lemember and a better thing to do is work with the construction gang not with the wrecking crew renfrew mercury the vote at last general election the fact that 12055 votes were polled in the last general election for the house of commons in haltou and di anderson received- 5201 which was 1653 less than the majority of voters who exercised their franchise gives very reasonable hope that his single opponent mi duncan campbell in the coming elec tion will be elected at the last election dr ander son received 418 votes to the 495 polled for his op ponents in acton 838 to 221 in burlington 547 to 471 in gedrgetown 536 to 453 in milton 752 to 844 in oakville 702 to 1029 in esquesing208 to 675 in nassagaweya j54 to 375 in nelson and 459 to 376 in trafalgar qem8 of thought a chic ensemble printed silk and flat crepe combine to make tins clue costume the coat has a slight flare at the lower edge but is sleeveless there are two deep tucto at the knees and among the smart details are the very small revers and narrow collar of the coat and narrow cuffs which finish the short sleeves the bag is of tapestry with an insert of painted satin medium size requires for the dress 3yi yards of 36inch printed silk and for coat 3 yards36inch flqt crepe luuhtcr ono of the moot prcclouo of doda frlftii tho veiy unit tho very hftht tho very freuli air of life tho clivlio dfnlnfcctunt tho heuvonly inffeo author of elixuuoth untl lici gor man garden few women can foi lunrr kocp from trying to improve theli iihii nml to improve mean to lluino n peiifon fiom what ho in whatovoi that may bo into uomothiilff clue slncluli lowia wo aeldom condemn mankind till tlioy have injured tin and whon thoy iiavo wo neldom do anything but do- toht them for the injury bulwer difllcultleb are goub ouandn and trainers and only through thorn can we ono day come to tlio fuilnonh of manhood h w becchcr x often our trlula net ila a tlloill- hedffe to keep us in tho good pasture bit our prosperity in u gaj through which wo go astray sook to cultivate a buoyant joy- oub sense of the crowded klndnoasou of god in your dally life dr alexander maolaren succeus lies not so much in finding a suitable place us in making youmolf suitable for the pluco you hnvo found wo full to get much bonodt from many blessings because wo do not try to impart them to others the danger point ono often vondgin about tho motive which prompt pcoplo to toll their own tioubloi to any but tholt most intim ate fiiondn ilomlahiiiliiih itu ilulitu and to know what lu wrong wltil uii 1h one of them a meic acquaintance bun no audi rlttht and what in mole ho does not want to have he 1h not in tel enter ntno out of ten who talk about tholi tiouhles boi o thili llm- enorh why did you confldo youi wot rle i to a chauco jicqualiunnco tho otlici day suioly not with tlio liopo of be ing- entertaining- piobably not with tho dcslro to trot sympathy tho teal loason is that tho mnttor so absorbed your thoughts that you wanted to talk j about it you would have confided i in tho family cat if theio had boon no othoi audience and that meant that you need to bo on youi guard m alaaactarngtaaifiacltlimclomt te kill moths business directory dr j a mcniven phyalolan and buineon ohlco and noaldonro corner herat avonuo and elgin street equal to the occa8ion forget not to biiow kindness unto boya for thereby some havo entor- tulnod great mon unawares tuot is not glvon to evoiyono blh a cortalnliufnc ofllcor when put to tho test showed that ho posucssod it in ahundunce ilo wus regulutlng tho how of trufllc at u busy corner whoa without icuson foi the command he ordered an uutomobllo to stop the drlvor a mlddlouged woman was justly indignnnt and thrcutenod to ro port tho officer ho realizing his cm ror summoned his wits and uald im uouy ipaam that i stopped you but ou sec when i first saw you i thought that you wcio too young to drivo choq8inq a novel struck by a meteor deserves a place in ontarios history the nomination of on e c drury former u f o premier of ontario on the progressive ticket is one of the campaign events of the week while they may differ to some extent from mr drurys economic views the sound business interests of the province have come to recognize in him a courage and honesty of puypose in public life which ave wen their respect and even admiration al though handicapped by political necessities and a jnckofexperiencedassqciateswhileprime minister of ontario he had the courage to take a firm stand against the illjudged hydro radial programme whicn was put forward on the wave of public ownership fjopularity and by so doing saved the ratepayers of the province many millions of dollars mr drury deserves bis place in history as one man who did his duty in preventing the further piling up of the countrys transportation debt financial post all vehicles on highways should cany lights at night the ontario motor leaguehas sent letters to all the county wardens of the province of ontario point ing out that the lightless vehicle is theworst menace on our roads at night and that by an amendment to the municipal act passed at the last session of the legislature county councilsnow are empoweredto pass bylaws requiring all vehicles to carry lights at night thj lightless vehicle has taken an awful toll of life limb and property in ontario in many of the leading states of the union as well as in great britaip and leading european countries the lighting of all vehicles at night is legally obligatory it germany knows no humility is quite evident at the proceedings of the i shortcircuiting whiskey shipments by his courageous presentation of facts as they existed in relation to shipment of liquor to port colborne over government railways manifestly to be shortcircuited to canadian points revirmr moyer at the session of hamilton conference last week put officials of both the provincial and federal gover defence hon w f nickle attorneygeneral for ontario in commenting on this statement is quoted as saying theres no doubt that a great deal does come back youve got to admit it ana you carit stop it the globe follows with who cant stop it mr nickle is powerless in the matter but that cannot be said of the federal department of customs day after day according to mmyer are r tti clearing small woodon boats loaded with liquor from port colborne for cleveland and other united states ports kriowinb that such craft are not capable of making the voyage mr moyer adds it has been said bv the federal government that every effort possible was being made to stop the exportation of liquor from canada i say that no effort whatever has been made to curtaitthe shipment of such liquor the globe then offers this sauy a fine chance foi- a new federal minister let hon mr boivin reply to rev mr moyer what repeal of prohibition means to russia for eleven years russia has been under a pro- hibitory law through all its turmoil incident- to the overthrow of monarchy and the adoption of a very imperfect form of democratic government the dw prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquor has been in operation and the people of the illgoverned country have ieen living comparatively sober fivet lately there wns organized an effort to repeal the prohibitory law the soviet government coceeded to this clamor and prohibition was last week repeal ed the authorities have no reason to congratulate themselves on the results the sale of vodka of pre war strength has originally led to an outburst of drunkenness unknown in moscow since the revolu tion an outspoken moscow newspaper gives an t nedifying picture without evasion it says from early morning booze lines formed at the liquor stores vfc lmve stood in line for bread for sugar for everything said tho crowd and now after j 1 years waiting we are catty to stand in line for booze before evening many stores were sojd out of the 40 per cent liquor whereupon- the public be gan buying the 60 degree cognac as the day wore on drunks were numbered by the scores the street cars says the evening paper simply reeked with vodka firstaid stations and ambulances were just about worked to a frazzle the city police mobilized their reserves to the last mnn and were equally over wnrlcntt xhocvt are everywhere tlicaame history has recorded sim ilar results wherever restrictions on the aide of in toxicating drirfksrrmvo been removed and histdry ever will be obliged to record similar results when ever prohibition restrictions are removed locarno conference where representatives of the powers are gathered for the purpose if possible of formulating treaties by which world peace may be assured that germany is still determined to do everything in its power to weaken france at the very opening the sessions of the convention it be came plain that the berlin delegates intended to fight to remove the proposed rhineland treaty as far away as possible from the results of their defeat in the world war as embodied in the treaty of versailles this for them means particularly a fight to end as far as possible the association of the allies in a word the german programme at locarno is to split france and the allies with the hope in future diplo matic gatheringsin europe france will be weakened in its voting power absence of drunkenness in public noticeable impressed by the absence of drunkefiness on the streets of american cities airs lamb canadian wjfe of commissioner lamb of the salvation army of london england declares that canadians have a good reason for pride in their country although prohibition might not yet be perfected in their country one had only to watch the sober crowds of new yorkunderthebnglrt irghfsofbroadwaynd he bowery pnd the city of toronto as it appeared to her saturday night and thank god for prohibition for a moment she dwelt on the tragedy of the drunkenness in england with the women visiting the bars and tht prams with their babies left outside the saloon doors mrs lamb was also impressed with the vastness of ontario and the golden oppor tunity that canada offers to people striving for an existence in tlfr overpopulated mother country ebiobiafc notes the politi all tell very gibly wh thevwjll do if elected but numbers of them fail to tell about what they didnt do when they had the opportunity cheer up canadas entire debt is not greater t frances indebtedness to the united states alone simcoe reformer when listening to preelection speeches remem ber that it is not always the most ready speaker who is the most practical in the consideration of matters coming before parliament for consideration and action if president beatty of the c p r persists in talking about coming prosperity mr meighen will have a word to say to him g16be hell evidently have to interview sir henry thornton of the can- adiannationai lines a well wholesale hardware stores in canada will it is saidp follow the example of the wholesale groceries and form a merger the movement in these days of high costs and keen competition is more and more towards cooperation and consolidation an article in a recent issue of the nor west farmer states in part grain live stock and animal products produced jn tho prairie provinces this year have a farm value approximately 200000000 greater than in 1924 this is certainly encouraging- the total net debt of canada decreased by 7- 321871 during the month of september according to dgures issued by the finance department last week during the twelve months since september 30 1924 the decrease in the amount of the debt has been 25805122 two renfrew county publishers have been nom- hsebf commons candidates mr dan a jones of the pembroke observerwas named as a liberalcandidate for north renfrew and mr r a jeffrey of the arnprior chronicle for the conserva tive candidate in south renfrew both are able public men but both declined the honors it la possible that oomo of tlio mya- terloua disappearances off ships at flea aro caused by falling meteors the chance that such a mass may b a vessel is no less possible than many other strange happenings or tho ocean worlds there is a meteoric stono in south america weighing thirty thous and pounds and yale college pos sesses a fragment which weighs aeventeen hundred and forty pounds such a projectile is of course cap able of bonding tho stoutest craft to the bottom about twenty years ago a iargometeor burst above a dutch barlt and ono portion looking like a ball of lire fell near the vessel and caused great commotion of water and crossseas the heat was intenso for momenc allen kelly in the new york evening post writes of a sim ilar occurrence described by- a witness in the person of an old dutch sailor we were becalmed in the paclflc the moon was shining clear and au there was nothing to keep a lookout for the men were drowsing- unller tho bulwarks 1 was leaning over the rail looking at u brlgantlno that had re cently drifted into tho calm about three miles to tho starboard wo hod not spoken to her and did not know who she was but by her build i judged her to be an american i do not know of any other- craft meeting the fato of that brlgantlno i do not say it never happened beforo or since be cause strange things happen at sea and somo of the strangest never get toldj i had fallen into a dreamy doe whon i was startled broad awoke by a very bright light in the sky looking up i saw a great ball of flro rushing down through the air making a rushing his sing noiso as it enme tho light al most blinded mo and i could seo noth ing but the hery gleam on tho water t must have been travelling like a cannonball in the glare i lost sight of the brigantlne and then i heard u crashing solind and the ball of flro dis appeared leaving everything black be fore my eyes when i got my sight back i could not see a trace of the brigantlne i could hardly believe my own eyes but in no direction was there as much as a par of it in sight a rising and falling of short waves showed whore the shooting star had gone into tho sea that was just where tho brig antlne had been tho light and noise aroused the watch on deck i sent a man aloft to e if he could moke out anything of thejreflsel thinking some poor fellow might be floating whero the brigantlne went down i sent out a searchboat all it brought back was a bit of scorch ed deck planking that was tho only trace of the brigantlne we never learned her name or anything about her the rule of three threo things to guvern tongue conduct and temper three things to love courage gentlenebh and affectfon three things to hate cruelty ar rogance and ingratitude three thlnga to delight in frank ness freedom and beauty three thlngn to wlah for health friends and a chceiful npirit three things td avoid i die n esa flip pant jesting and loquacity three thingn to flcht for honor country and home three things to adihlre- intellectual power dignity and graceful neai throe thing- to think about life deuih and eternity a writer in cllpu lot out a uecrot re garding the way in which aomo young women judge novela in a street car two girls were talk ing of what they read oh i choooo a novel eaully enough said ono j go to tho circu lating library and look at tho last chapteis if i and the lain- softly falling over two lonely graves i dont havo it but if tho morning sun is glimmering over bridal robes of white satin i know its all right skinny men run down men nervous men dont miss this vouio behind tho tlinui if you dnnt know that cod liver oil kxlrtit t u one of the greatewt flesh produrtm in the wot id ucchuho it contain inuil vitalizing vitaminth than any food you can 6t youll be glad to know that mr coym cod liver lxtract tabletu omu in iugai coatod form now no if you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of tiolld healthy flesh on your bonen and feel woll and strong and have a com plexion that pcoplo will admire ask any druggist for a box of mccoys cod liver extract tabets only co cents for 6q tablets and if you dont gain five pounds in 30 davs your druggist is authorized to hand you back the money you paid for them it isnt anything unusual for a per son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days and for old people with feebleness over taking them they work wonders k e j nelson fniwitick htueet aeton ontario leoal phor nr 22 p o box ik harold nash parmer k a otrrlttmr solicitor notary publlay convayanosr gto pebnvman block acton out money lent on moiltoaobb hours 030 am to 6 pm saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d a darhiat honor graduate of toronto ttnlva ally the lateat anesthetic uaed u dealrcd ofllco at residence corner of mm and frederick streets dr p g gollop dds lds dsntal suroaon ofllco over bank of nova ijcotj hotms 40 to bio evenings by appointment miscellaneous going cheap darling he whlnpercd will you he mine yes she whispered softly causing his heart to bent quickly wlthhappi- ness i am not worthy of you ho said do yon know i was dreadfully afraid you were going to refuse mc tell mo why did you jdolsn to mako me so happy i intended to refuse you nho an swered hesitatingly but you know my weakness i never could resist a bargain and you lookod so choap to mo i simply couldnt lot you go your fuel supply jthetftrike ofajihraclto minors is likely to bo lengthy do your part to break this monopoly of heating fuel by using hamilton coke prepared in ontario by ontario labor wo have niado airangrmenth to havo a continuous supply of hamilton by product coke this coke is manufactuicd fiom best grade of soft coal and burns 1 fieo from smoko and has no clinkers and very littlo ash to introduce into every home this fuel wo nre offering thh superior coko at large nut sie for furnaces and large heaters per ton 1150 small nut size for ranges and small heaters per ton 1000 phono 48 acton j b mackenzie lumber and coal dealer georgetown phone 33 the fitne8s of things what is your name asked a clerk in the oijm of tho county treasurer where a citizen of the town had called to pay his taxes r w 3wockhamer was tho re- whut do the initials stand for they stand for r w thats all never use anything but the initials insigning niy- name but your parents didnt name you r w did they no sor then why dont you use your full name because i am ashamed to ashamed were you named for somo scalawag no slr 1 was named for a great i sec said the clerk who may havo been something of a ralndreadcr you wore named for ltajph waldo emoraon woll sirpnose i was tho clerk grew indignant the idea of you being ashamed of that name ho exclaimed dont you know air that ralph waldo emerson was pne of the greatest and beat men this country ever produced v of courso i know jt- didnt i say he was a great man but if you were in my placo how would you like to have people think when they heard somebody calling you ralph waldo woll thats a mighty big name for a little bald headed old uverystablo keeper with a pair of crosseyes and wart on his nose and bwackhamer for a last nam he won pat oflahorty very palpably not a prohibitionist was arrested in ari zona recently charged with selling liquor in violation of the prohibition law llu pat had an impregruiblo derenco his counsel in addressing the jury said your honor gentlemen of tho jury look at tho dofendant a dramatic pause thon now gentlemen of the jury do you honestly think that if tho dofendant hnd a quart of whiskey he would sell it tho verdict reached in ono minute was not guilty it might be worse a friend met a cheerful irishman who had plainly suffered somo hard knocks well pat how nre you get ting along now he inquired oh oim still hard un hin or luro jon in llonolulee und fare puld ol sail tomorrow tisuro man youll never bo ntlo to work thore the temporaturo a hundred in tho shade pat had endured too much enro- fully to be discoutagod well he loplled hopefully olll not b4 workln in th ahauo all th toirao were the good old days really good when you hear an oldtimer sigh for the days of his forefathers smile quietly to yourself and think of this the ancients got along without auto mobiles soap stoves toothbrushes win dow glass breakfast foods telephones without practically all of the things we consider the bare essentials of life there never has jeen a time when life bettered itself so rapidly and so con sistently as now new conveniences and new comforts are now continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit in order to reap the advantages that are yours today you must read the adver tisements they bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier your homelife more pleasant yotrrcloth- ing and food problems less difficult they keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores they tell you not only about the goods the styles the varie ties and prices but also where and when these things are to be had the advertisements are messages from the business world to you heed them iverlook t ad t are yours read the advertisements francis nunan bookbindat account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street quelph oat over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with mb acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burolary and plata i fiaaa insurance trustee for estate collections business entrusted to my care will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton ibiucmuondsrvast ttbrovto canaoa business training is a necessity attend the guelph business college gummer bldg guelph ont individual instruction by bisftiess experienced instructors start on monday i a l bouck principal and proprietor notice to creditors in tho matter of william franklin moonoy and of tho bulk sales act 1917 notlco is hereby kiven that william franklin mooney of acton ontario plumher and tinsmith hai aold iiih stock and business in tho village of acton to william it e blair and that i thomas devey jcrmyn farmer of tho vfltnfio of acton esquire havo beon appointed under tho ahovo act to receive md dlitributo tho proceeds of nuch snlo amons tho parties lawfully entitled thereto all creditors of tho said william franklin mooney aro therefore rc- rutttwtthttttwtrwgoka afler tho first insertion of thin notice to fllo their claims nguinht him with mo duly veri fied by statutory declaration and i horeby kivo notlco that i will not bo responsible for and will not rocog- nlzo in such distribution any claims jlot so propei ly and duly filed dated at acton ont this otolith day of october a d 1925 t d j farmer trustco tiy ii n farmor acton ont his solicitor the old mnd reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo soil dlroot to our customers at wholosalo pricos thus saving our customor 40 por cent wo havo tho beat appllancos and th only mechanics in tho dominion who can operato pnoumntlo tools properly wo can rive roferondes from hundrada of our customers in toronto and other places whoro others havo to have law suits in order to collect wo havo th lament and best stock of granite in ml d or mom than a th dealers in the west wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no aaenw and do not annoy or peat custom era by sending out ignorant agents aollolt- ing- ordors wo employ only mochantoa and defy oompetltldh hamilton ovsons l 7 ont 1 kmmmmk i t

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