Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1925, p. 5

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ii jvrfain 3to iteft thuksoay october llolg no place like the country theres no pltico llko tho country at any tlmo of year f thoios filwaya aometlinjj to bo done and tlilngs to aoo and hou v i into thl farmyard when hens tiro ciyine cluck wc hour tho hissing of the goom- and tho quacking of the duck tho tuikcy gobbles loudly tho pipjeomp cry coocoo i whilo from tho distant meadow tho cowa tftve anawur moo wo watch tho aeotl ahowlntr wo watch tho corn stow green wo sco it koldon in tho ear while in the holds wo glean jn tho fu in and load and vlllugo we uia the hup day at woik with thuso who aie at work at piny with those who play samuel stephenson the sunday school lesson for sunday october 18 twetvjtvyetch 3a go from tho ls3uo of tho froo proas of thursday octobor 19 1905 mr william bi own has jiui chased tho milk business of mr adam cook alia kato sniuh has purchased tho lot and i evidence on park ave owrail bytlionii3 liuii jr a j mackinnon barrister hus open ed an oluco in georgetown and is spending wednesday and saturday thoio tho great pacer dan iatch will en deavor to lower tthe worlds record at exhibition traek toronto on satui- day theio is a possibility of a new block being built nhoitly on tho molntoali property at the southwest corner of mid and john streets the house and lot belonging to tho etato of tho late willhtni smith main street hattj been purchased by mia thomas prout for 400 mr a e nicklln has purchased the vacant lot adjoining jiio property ai the corner of bower avenue and john streot mr samuel blown of winnipeg hnu purchased the home on bower avenue belonging to the estate of mrs jampa cobban for 800 mr browns father and mother will reside tliere while shoeing a hoiqo last thurs day at his shop on mul street mr henry qrindell had his left leg severe ly- injmed and is continedto tho house tho board of trado has arranged to have mr joseph cramer president of the fiontenac oheeao board addreea a meeting of farmers and those inter ested in establishing a cheese factory here in tho town hall on pviday evening laat an instruc tive and interesting address was de livered in tho lecture room of knox churcih by mr eraser of knox col lege toronto under the auspices of tho goforth mission band the contractors camo last thurs day to lay tho new pavement at hen dersons and sopers new stores mr ed gamblo who has been tho obliging baggageman at the g t r station the past two years haa resign ed died kajeyin esqueslng on saturday october 14 nancy hilts wife of mlchaej kaloy aged 65 years how she cureq him an impecunious young lawyer whose lack of clients says a writer in tho now york sun has sometimes caused him to visit a pawnshop told the following story in which the joke was on h-imolf- fdy mother gave me a gold watch which was often of more service to me us a pledge on which to borrow monoy in a pawnshop than as a time pioce it grieved her to know that i mado such use of her gift and several times she furnished tho means of re deeming it one day whon i had gone a par ticularly long tlmo without my watch mother demanded tho pawnticket within a week she handed mo my watch and i promised as usual not to iawn it again but tho necessity returned and ihad recourse to the loan ofllco tho pawnbroker glanced at tho timepiece and opened tho inner case his manner became formal where did you get this watch ho inquired it waa a- prosent i replied well im going to hold it until you can prove 4ta yours ho declared and then by way of explanation i sup- pose you didnt rcacl whats engraved on tho case no i said faintly til read it to you ef this watch is offered for salo or pawn notify mrs stroet reward there was nothing to do but go homo and mako a clean breast of it eight way8 to be fit paul whites to the corin thians 1 corinthians 13 113 golden text and now abltfjth faith hope charity love these thioo but tho gicatest of theso is charity love time a d 57 spring place ephehus the losson explained 1 love exalted j this is one of tho most reniarkable chuipteih in till literature but it la only u parcnthcdlti in pauls dlsousalon of the mention of tho gifts ojt the spirit it lulls what la tho more excellent iviy than any ui all gifts cr chapter 12 21 14 1 paul brings forward in itipld succession tho five things that were held in especially high ehteem in coilnth und tho possession of any on of these which made the possessor a member of the s aristo antohowa th6ptoominence oflovo over each one of them and over all put to bother if love wore lacking all tlicso taken together could count for nothing 1 the gift on tongues tho saints in corinth seem to havo been peculiarly gifted in this direction arid to have been veiy pioud of thulr rare gifts chapter 14 2s j eacii wan eager to outstrip the others in the display of tho gift chapter 14 23 26 27 28 a condition of affairs pre- vullcd exactly llko that which holds among tho pentdcostal people to day paul t el is them that their much- bousted gift amounts to little that the grace of their love is so far a more excellent way than the gift of their tongues that if love bo lacking their speaking with tongues not only of men but even of angels would leave them only sounding brass of a clang- xngcymbav 2 tho gift of prqphecy in its very highest potency surely that is something to be greatly theological and spiritual insight must occupy a very high place in the mind of god if he has love yes if not ho is just nothing 3 miracleworking faith a man can have that in the most powerful form conceivable and yet f ho has not love he is nothing 4 bonoflcence you can give all you have and for tho most philanthropic purpose to feed the poor but if you ixavo not love you gain by it just nathlng 6 martyrdom if i give my body to die ut the stake that will surely bring mo great reward not necessarily the rooro excellent way tlio supreme gift the ono and only ab solutely essential thing is love havo you it 2 love descrllfeu 47 ifovo lias fifteen marks that aro never wanting 1 11 ouffereth long it endures injury after injury insult after insult and still it loves on it wastes itself in vainly trying to help tho unworthy and stlu it loves on and helps on 2 it is kind it knows nc harshness even its necessary soveiity is gentlo and tender 3 it envloth not how can it is not an others good as pleasant to lovo as our own do you over secretly grieve ovor and try to discount anothers progress temporal or spiritual jas 3r 141c it v lovo never does 4j viunteth not itself if anothers great ness la as precious to us as our own how is it that we talk so much of 4iir own and aro so anxious that tho others see it and appreciate it 5 is not puffed up if wo lovo wo will be ao occupied with tho excellencies of iho others that there will be no thctfeht of being inflated over our own fmill 2 3 4 6 doth not bohavo itsolounseemly love is too consider ate oltho feelings of others to do ln- docoraus things 7 seeketh not her own that needs exampllflca- tion nloro than it does comment cf rv e tim 2 10 8 is not pro- volicd i it may bo often grieved but chapter 10 24 33 1 john 3 1c 17 never irritated takoth no account of evlli love novor puts the wrong demo it down in its books nor in its memory 10 rojolceth not in un- rlehteoumess why is it wo aro so fond of dwelling upon tho evil that oxlsto n tho church and the state 13 rijojccth with the truth oh if ivc lo r how are hearts will bound wfreneve we discover truth in others how glu dly we will call attention to it 12 bcareth all things 13 beliovcthrall things how proud wo aro of our ability to see through men and the umposslbllity of gulling us lovo is mot so sharp to detect lm- poaturo li is really taken in 14 hojieth ralb things no boy is bo bad but a motsors love with eyes of hope sees in hiin a futuro angel and so wd if wo loveiho brethren will hope groat things fori tho future even though preucnt attainment is very meager 15 endureth all things let jesus and stephen stind as illustrations luke 23 34 ac 60 examined in the liglit of pauls fifteen marks of love havo you ingr 3 tho per lrhenlth evcrytmo should strive to to a good animal strong and real j tough invalids have often worked n wonders but as a rule great men havo been unequally honlfpy 2 wo should bo able to get our second breath thc long distance runner feols he must give up wheri ho is pumpod but if he keeps on his lungs expand and ho feels better and runs more easily so wo all havo re serve enjmjgiea wldbh wo do not uso tout wmch wought ta bo bluponffivlion an emergency jeat dfis have been done gono on till they ordlnarilj able to comes by men found t sticking in god reserve 4 we ns feelin ing that i 4 we rattbt 5havevcry wide and deep sympaflf esp3ually with the people whohoftufclfj urgleramped and updovel0ped wk hayirtl this sym pathy wo are fltknow faplo con breath so to speak being beaten trust many a man this cr ou moods such of cprassloia or the feel- angot qp dome ifis glvj fewer ust c wjs must lovomature enery and all fho lffc around uasfcfcto mfty people thftt ia the neai oat- mm- to 0 wo mumt rofinejnd i our emotiovin 7 wo must balance nflui solvesvbe tween thought and actioffiwhlch both ood but each of wfelch ne6i to bo checked by tho other 8 we must be loyal and fulthfel for unfailing loyalty 1 tho ilnost tftkof rtu- theao arc ho final thoughts a nllround fitness by one of tho greatest thipkers qf our tlmp my magazine no doctor deliver me from the unfavorable criticism of a child said an old actor it hits the hardest a year or two ago ho continue wo woro playing in t cincinnati sho i wh cnit for the part of a doctor tl buslnohs orf one of the scones quired nip to como o nbsorbed n thougr cigarette i hud noticed a of tho boxes nearj youngest inombcr boy was completol play it was all enme from tho wing in quchtlon 1 passe feet of lllo d6rf 1t1 wfljill0 sal he turned to a lady behihffojjim and i henrd him say quite dlstltwmy i mamma hes no dotoflbr he is smoking a cigarette fl 4 i have hover smokeof garetto lp that bcenoolni- help ten verymja baby was taken verymjad when you were out mumaaid tho now mnjd oli dear said the young mother hi ho botter now yen h6s all right now ho seemed to como ovor qui to faint hut i found hlo mcdlclno in the cupboard fouiid ills nicdichie good gra cious what have you given the dear child there in no medicine in tho cupboaitl oh yea there is mum its written plninly on it and the girl triumphant ly produced a bottle labelled kld hovlver roberts syrup afttte extrsctaf cod liver jw for coughs colds 5 and bronchitis j railway time tables at acton sometime why not this time tejcfe good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it upper abbot paao huciind the glacior poak lowoi- dtroctor wheoler reading ro- port at tho annual mooting insert mr whoolcr right congcatu- lating capt who jut ro- turned from capturing mount logan tho camp this year was ono of tho best climbing camps wo ever hod said t- b moffat regarding the outing of tho alpine glub of canada at lake ohara this summer tho weather was ideal and thero was work for all classes to do hiking to lakes mc- arthur and ocsa and to tho opabln pass then shorter climbs were al ways availablo for the graduates siicii as shafer and oraray tho more sea soned climbers had huber victoria and hunabee the high mountains were in a better i condition this year than they have ever been before awing to tho scarcity of ice from 60 to 00 members wero out every day climbing the two days trip ever the passes being very popu lar through the courtesy of tho can adian pacific railway which placed its hut situated at the top of tho ab bot pass at the disposal of tho mem- bora the work of climbing was greatly facilitated tho annual business meeting of the club wa3 held at lako oharft camp on august 5th this was an v ious occuiblon for captain maccarthy leader of the mount logan expedi tion and henry s hall ono of the party were present the business of the club waa transacted in tho morn ing nt ten oclock under the large gly on the aliores of lake ohara no setting for the occasion that of wel coming captain maccarthy and his party could have been more appro prlato than nmld the superb peaks that surround ohara pings of various nations wero strung between tho trees of his primeval forest in which tho camp was pitched this being the ciudh own property which mr wheeler the director secured as far back as 1907 the scene was a festive oue the whole atmosphere despite the serenity of tho majestic peaks and lake was one of joviality and every ono was in particu larly good spirits captain maccarthy was elected an honorary member of tho club not wholly on account of the mount logan ascent but on other grounds as well for ho was iccognlzed long before this us an outstanding mountaineer votes of thanks wero extended to the can adian pacific railway nnd various de partments for tho swiss guides and the mountain hut at abbot pass the giving of presents vt if not you aro noth- frophcciesj their day lovo and nal nature only partial prophecy- tolls he wlion the in our partial idle nnd bo lah comes to pass ua only outline ered useless now the wlscj ouret day la be men knowln parcitlvo sense now and if laidl away child est vision now as in a riddle time is qomingr to sec face to fj v7o know in comlner when i wo have been knotv god as perl its- but whilo perfect partial pci thins that we can icrct thero 1 oiat is ho fast pnssl three things that love but oven gronlont is love lovi ly lilone oiily reacftftga fo m outlay o pirltuat gifts ubsdny october liuftyhje same spirit 19 anency of love 813 tongues knowledger- have e has eternity god is partakes of his etcr- ur best knowledgo is tho divinely inspired utiwivtof whatis to rfect knowledgo comes nowlcdgo will become ide when tho ovont which prophecy gave rophecy will bo rond- fulflllmcnt wo aro of us hut children ning wher wo shall ill things in a com- uro some of us men arc wo should havo i things our clear- but as in a mirror v marg but a hen we aro going cf 1 john 3 2 but a time is hall know oven as wn i e wo shall tly as god knows are still in this f is thero any- have that is ove amid all away there arc i faith hope one three the lands abaolute- jext woek 12 concerning 2 lll iverse gifts 1 cor 12 12- obcr 11 many mem- lofly 1 cor ig 2031 ctobor 1g chtviht a li vuher 2 coa4 1 ber 16 tho flospol aul i cor lp 1lt ctober 17 pauls orlnthlan church 2 liertfbut thursday elation of th friday o irntclrcd b saturday well to tli 13 1 sunday october 18 perfect in love 1 jolin 4 713 con keys like thistles some years beforo tho war tho gw- n crown prince got a very neat ilpwn from a philadolphia ghl it during tho emperors regatta and tlrti two mentioned weio sitting on tho doclfcltf a yacht a whiff of smoke fronktie princes cigarette blowing into fhe young jadys face a lieuten ant neru by remarked sniotto withers rtowerh sho ih no flower said the prince joculnrly she is a thistle miflb willard ralsutljier eyes a trifle in that case she said i had bet ter retiro or i shall be devoured the ivirty aavr tuo point here it an actual incident which oc curred in a little english town a generous american merchant of largo wealth happened to meet at the hotel thero a poor scholarly curate for whom he conceived a great liking and sympathy they took ono or two ex cursions together ono day the eng lishman exclaimed you aro certainly a lucky fellow to be able to travel some day i hope i shall bo able too to go about the world i never havo seen london and i cer tainly shall go to amorlca this is ono of my daydreams my dear fellow said tho ameri can im oing to london tomorrow come with me as my guest stay with mo at the langhnm and then coitfc with me to the states i will wiro for a otatesroom for you today what is the matter observing that the eng lishman colored painfully the price of a stateroom is nothing to me you can give tho money to my poor if you wish said tho young man but i myself urn no pauper ho turned haughtily away since that tlmo ho has told tho story as proof of tho vulgar ostentation of tho ameri cans while his wouldbo host also tells it as an example of the rudeness of tho english people it proved neither of theso things the american had no pursonride and the englishman resented only vhat ho- mistook to bo a personal iiysult it proves however that something more than generosity and sympathy lp need ed to give to a gift its real meaning and to mako it acceptable holloways corn remover takes tho corns out by the roots try it and prove it the habit of silence tho wisest man of whom history has a record king solomnn tells us that thero is a time to apeak and a time to refrain fr hi mthtgt it is evidently a sign of wisdom to be able to jtnow when to apeak and when not to apeak the habit o si lence is ono that every young person will find necessary and profitable to cultivate some of the great things of the world have beeii boi n in si- lopco remember how the ten com- mandonts wero given to moses first there was an earthquake then a whirl wind then a fire and then a still small voico in that silence which followed god gave to moses tho law again tho word tells us to bo still and know that i am god silenco is tho medium through which god speaks to ua two minutes of sl- lonce may change thewhole purpose of a life piactlce keeping silent for two min utes at tho beginning of the day and nee what happens a moment of si lence at the right tlno may provent much trouble when tho hot retort springs to tho lips a moment of jjir lencbmay allow uti booland soffen be silent just heforo expressing the criticism that pops into your heal whon the impulso to laugh at an others mistake comeh ho silent a mo ment and peihaps a better impulse will come just them bo silent with your pen after that sarcastic letter hus been written let it cool for twentyfour hour before mailing it it njay look different nt the end of that time silence li the soil fi om which sprout our seeontf thoughts which are usually our hotter thoughts keep a generous supply of that soli of silence ready in your life gave it up tho editor of a weekly patter pub lished at a countryseat desirous of doing his part toward reforming tho speling of the english language an nounced that hereafter tho banner will drop the superfluous letters in all words ending with ugh l tho next week it appeared with tho word tnnough abbreviated to thru althqugli and thoughto altho and tho and ao forth a correspondent called tho editors attention to the circumstances that thru wh8 incorrect as it indicated a pronouhclation of thryu tho point was well taken and he changed it to thro with tho result that several of his subscribers wrote protesting against that spelling for tho obvious reason that the natural pronunciation of the world would be throw whilo bo was hesitating about adopt ing throo as a final settlement of the vexed question one of his princi pal advertisers dropped in and said see here smith i dont want any of your reformed spelling in my ads the apace i uso in your columns be longs to xnc and you cant exploit any of your fads in it no hooner had tho advertiser gone than tho principal of tho high school camo in- mr smith ho said it looks queer when you print such words asthojpoly tho althoi and boro in your original matter whllo the platematter in which nearly all your nows is printed rotaina thio old spelling thou tho editor gave it up and ms next paper contained the following an nouncement wo howo concluded to give up our spelling reform and to leave tho eng lish lnngiingo to its fate it is too big a job- wo cant carry it through plone ush tho reformation of a language like tho stralgrhtenlng of u crooked tree is a work of tlmo and will not be hur ried painless tind perfect in their action millers worm powders aro always a safe and reliable remedy for chil dren who allow symptom of worms theao symptoms are easily recognized in a feverlah restlessness frequently ending in convulsions a point of notablo importance is that after millers worm powders havo expelled tho worms tho stomach and bowels ate toned up into a very healthy condi tion architextual curiosity the wonder wire an old laborer hud seen a tele phone line being ronsti uctcd along the loadway and being told you can send stuff anywheio in the world with it ho replied well now ill send me boy linny in cork ft pair of new shoes theao wero left hanging over the wire and the following morning he camo out to find an old worn pair in their place what a wonderful invention he exftjnlmod hes got the- now shoes and sent his old ones back for repairs for years molhiu graves woim ex terminator haa tanked a a reliable worm preparation und it always main tains its reputation the university of michigan possess an arclltelural curiosity in tho shape of a whispering gallery it is not so well known as that in the capitol at washington but it is ono of th larg est and moat perfect in tho world us length la perhaps greater than any other tho gallery of gloucester cathedral transmits sound a distance of seventy- fivo feet jitul in the famous gallery of st pauls london the sound of the voice can bp hoard across a- diameter of one hundred feet but the gallery at the university of michigan- outdoes both for it carries the faintest whisper one hundred and aixtyfeec in length tho gallery runs in tho form of a half oval about tho north end of the univeralty art gallery nnd was origin ally intonded for storage purposes its capabilities an a whispering galleiy- woro ncoidcntly dlscovci cd by a student now a nremher of tho faculty who wat examining lie building whilo it waa in tho process of construction polite but busy not long ngo a delegation of women appeared ut tho capitol to solicit tlu support ojf n member of congross for a bill in which they wero interested this member snyn a writer if a mqot en ergetic man and appreciating tho fact that hla time was pretty well occu pied the spokeswoman said now alrr if you would prober we will aeo youiit your hotel in thp even ing 91 mi j h tlnn tn hpfir vnn now lio said liut wv have n great deal to say on the bubdet ladles he saul bowing politely i shall bo- delighted to hear you no matter how niueh you huve to suy if you will only put it into a few words translated into vernacular cnpn jothan slow had strong ob jections to what he called the new ministers high talk slnco his sot- tlcment over tho clnmtown parish capn jot ham had beon heard to eoy that church was for them that need ed it and his conduct ueemed to im ply that ho was not of that number capn jothams own languago was of a primitive and unadorned variety and nothing pleased him moro than a chance to- translate tho ministers re marks to capn wilson pegg tho best clamtown storytoller capn pagg was deaf and tho ministers woods often failed to reach mm one night at a neighborhood gath ering capn pegg in tho course of a vivid narrative hud referred to the big fire of gl was it tho consonsus of opinion said the minister in a mud and inef fectual tone that tljo conflagration waa the result of some accident or the work of an incendiary hey said capn pegg starting dully at tho minister and then turn ing to his faithful friend for light what he wants to know called caph slow in his shrillest tone is whether tho big fire was sot or ketched tho oil for tho farmer a bottle of dr thomas eclectric oil in the farm houso will save many v journey for the doctor it is not only good for tho children when thoy take colds and cyoup and for tho mature who suffer from aches and pains but there are directions for its uso on sick cattle there should always bo a bottle of it in the house not a generals egg the freshness of eggs is carefully graded in this country but our dis tinctions aro surpassed jn delicacy by those long since in vogue nmdng tho british residents of india g af ar wards the duke of wellington was appointed a majorgeneral for his ex cellent services in india he happened to stop at calcutta at breakfast the herowaa served with boiled eggs ho took one broke tho shell and dropped it with an air of disgust laurcll he cried to his valet what do you mean by giving me a had egg tho valet hurried to hla master and examined the egg with the utmost serlouuncss i entrent your forgiveness said he but its all a mistake tho stupid servant has gono and given you an aidedecamps ogg by mistake even main street a man still young but wise for his yours wrote recently every street has every kind of people that there ore doubtless many who read it thought of- a book called main street in which some of the people of tho community are jcpiesjinted as narrow and crude and uninteresting some of you miy havo tolt that way about your own town and have longed to get away to some big place wher people wero broad nnd wise and charming companions you think tho inhabitants of the small town you call home are nunow well you will find just as narrow minds in any of the big centres of populations theic are men who have hud every possible advantage who can talk of nothing but business ana women who have iter n equally favoied who aro interested only in dress an i how to keep from getting fat by ll form of dieting ah cor tho bioad liberal people well if you look around you you will find some of them on tho street where you live perhaps under the very roof that nheltorn you the moat pathetic foi in of snobbish ness is the assumption that jou have to go n long way off to find anyone worth uusociuting with 13 very street oven main street has every kind of people goodbye aathma persons suffer ing from that extremely hying trouble known as asthma know what is it 4 wl th en capo as from a tyrant never do they know when an attatck may come and they know that to struggle unaided is vain with dr j i kelloggs asthma remedy at hand however they can say goodyftye to their enemy and on- joy llfo again it helps at onco j cadesky of toronxp eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday nov 2nd anyone suffering from eye- h train defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 pm can you afford to lose when you buy speculative shares which have no earning record and no market value you are simply gambling with the overwhelming probability that you will lose your money why take this long chance when you can invest your savings in sound dividendpaying securities of known value and earning power always readily marketable and be safe you can do this by availing yourself of our pay in a year plan example 500 initial investment 500 invested pay in a year plan will buy outright 5 shares bell telephone dividend rate 8 10 shares steel of canada dividend kate 7- 10 shares canadian car foundry pfd dividend rate 7 vv tho above investment securities aro long established dividend payem and possess an unusual degree of safety plus extraordinary pioflt making possibilities on market advances other investment group selections for smaller or langer sumti on repiest our new investment booklet the road to financial independ ence fives a complete record ofcanadinn dividend paying securities with their high and low market prices and explains how you can start investing- small or large sums with ubaolute safety by our pay in a your iliin send for it today no obligations representatives wanted to act as our lqcal correspondents mail this coupon burnett saintb clair co tato investment bankers canada cement bldg montreal quo vou may send mo details of your pay in a year plan and your booklet without obligation on my part i am interested in the following securities look money take noticethat we will handle youn troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge vq placo 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list wo will do the rest uo noto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away wo will tacklo any honest debt kebkiraikenrtliectore oranqeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada nadian n golno wnl no 20 800 ma no 31 1045 am no 33 l 220 pjn no 35 500 pm iftjo 39 83 pm no 25 sunday 1041 am golno east no 20 721am no 30 1108 am no 34 335 pjn no 30 owpjn no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 pjm canadian national railways electric waatbound dally inxcept sumluy 743 n dally d43 am dally dally dally dilly dally dallv 1143 a m 143 pm 3 43 pm 5 43 pm 743 pm 043 p m dally 1232 am eastbound 743 am except sunday 043 am 1143 am 143 pm 343 p m 543 pjn 743 pjn 943 pjn 1140 pm dally dally dally dally dally doily dally dally dally freight delivered by special exprens freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation life as sociationlondon lancashire fire insurance london xoncashlre guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company iparm and town property for oalo prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sta- tolophono 105 r 2 10 off alu monuments ordered now in order td reduce my stock of monuments for fall and not carry any surplus monuments over tho wlntor months i will elvo a ten per cent reduction on all monuments erected this aeason place your order now acton monument works j nicol prop main street acton onl typewriters investigate our pkecisionbuilt factory rebuilt underwoods and you will buy no other 325000 enthusiastic users general typewriter co 99 king street watt toronto 2 advertisers the free press ia anxioua to aarve you and aerva you wall wa can g your advartiae- mant baitar attention and there fore make it more attractive if the copy ia auppliad to ua on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach ua until wednesday forenoon there ia a rush to at it up before tha forma ctoae and the result ia likely to be leas satisfactory 8end in your ads early castoria vnnnvvvvi mother fletchers castoria fs a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation winii colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids fnthc assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness respond natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cyt7iiexa jprovtn llrrctinns on each package physicians everywhere recommend it does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we xre getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario vsiaifcli

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