Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1925, p. 6

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3 birihs marrjarcs and deaths arc now charycd tor ut the following rates births 5tx marriages 50 deaths oc memorial cirtln 50c 10c per line extra for poems qorn siiortiijl in emiuciiner on octobor 2nl 1925 to mr unit mm w shottill iv hon smith on monday october l to mr and mrs allen o c lako avenue il daughter i 125 smith married q ri3nnickatcheson at guolpli on monday october 12 1925 by rov amoh tovell gertrude daughter of mr mid mr john atcheson erin to george andrew renniclc qoorijo- town kisheuoifei3n at elmfruto georgetown on tuesday september ho 1925 by rev h caldwell gladys jean eldcat danghtetf of mr and mrs giffen to joseph leslie fisher oldest son of mr ana mro w w fisher of georeotown died dixon at peel memorial hospital brampton on tuesday october 13 1925 joseph r dixon clerk of the surrogato court uged 69 years mccutcheon in erin on tuesday october 6 1925 sarah kennedy widow of the lato stewart mc- cutcheon in her 85th year matthews at bruntford hospital on saturday october 10 1925 kath arine grieve wife of alexander mat thews 20 aldn avenue in her 73rd year cordingley at the residence of her brotherinlaw mr t aldwoll of munns corners dundaa street trafalrar on tuesday october 6 1925 sarah jane cordinclcy obituary mrs aluxanfieu matthews tho deuui occuircd lust saturday at brantford houpltul of mra alexander matthews after a ioiik luncuii mra matthews was a native of georgetown her maiden name was katliai ino griovo she was a daughtoi oc the late mr giiove for many y euit a blacksmith and highly estuomeil in gooigctown about foityflvo years ago miss giiove wui married lo mex- under matthews son of john mat thews of acton most of their mar ried lifo was spent in brantford untl toronto only mr mutthowit survives mrs matthews was a member of the presbyterum chuich tho funeral fiom the 1 evidence of her brother alexander vgileveh 1aluco suuet brantford wus held on tuesday after noon intcrmeuljwas made ut mount hope cemetery beagle club bench show field trial and benchshowqbehold in acton this week br artmt 3te tyvesa thitq3day october 15 1925 brief local items tho election comes two weeks from today tho first flurry of snow came last friday octomer 9th house furnaces generally have commenced to function twill soon bo time to do your christmas shopping early ah demagogues depend on witless votes for sheep as shepherds know will follow goata transfers of real estato are num erous in town jubt now prices havo an upward tendency it is hinted that nioro men hflve cars in their garages than savings accounts in tho banks a manb eagerness to bet at elec tion time is never any indication of how welio can afford to do so tho cold snap found a number of citizens short of coal and a very 11ml t- ed supply in tho local coal yards friday nights fall of snow was just an earnest that winter may bo expected sometime beforo christmas tho congregation of knox church is about to make preparations for tho installation of a fine new pipe organ behpld throughout tho land on many a smoking pyro the maple- martyrs stand ablazo in autumn fire mr j b mckonzio is planning for the erection of a new bungalow on church streot near victoria avonuo ookvlllo band has adopted acton citizens bands method for a sano halloween and will hold a carnival that night aro you enjoying october with lovoly mellow dreamy days its tho third annual field trial and bench show of tho centi al ontario beagle club will bo held in acton to day thursday friday and saturday there will bo field trials in i the park and over some of tho neighboring farms and swamps the bench show will be held on til- day evening tho entries will covr thirteen classes for which valuable prizes and libbons are offered 1-n- trles close on october 12th tho oillcers of the club in their an nouncement characterize tho trial grounds at acton to bo among tho finest in tho country tho oillcers of tho club are hon president john g kont toronto prenldont vvilllum archibald tor onto secretarytreasurer emerson robertson toronto directors harry taylor a fowler a young m ham ilton toronto and w fllman alder- shott voterinary surgeon dr a j campbell experienced judges will conduct tho contests fine addresses at teachers institute hon justice riddel gives inatruc- j tive address at convention at oakville one of the mpst successful anni al conventions of tho hulton and wei worth teuchoih institute fiom tiie view of attendance and inter tr closed at oakville on friday afternoon cm thursday evening tho ci of feituio qf the pvogi amnio was an i i- dress by hon justice w r rlddll toionto on the league of natlor i mayor wilson robinson and chi c- man wm busby of the boaul of 1 1- uciitlon gave addi esses of welcome i id george hlllmer m i p was honored guest the president of the institute mr p d shorey of milton was in the chair addresses wcio delivered by a n v seal row inspector j m denyes miss i anderson of acton miss e blesslngcr of burlington mrs f g russell of toronto miss e b brown of oakville m a late of nelson and m e ireton of east flamboro miss carr of hum ton and miss m e currie of bronte 6f accra elected for the year were as follows hon president inspcctoi denyes milton president r f sandeihon oakville vicopresident miss m e iicton carlisle scciottry miss m z bennett acton treasurer miss i elliot milton executive com mittee miss edna nell glenwllllann miss mary a vannatfcr georgetown miss eva fee hornby miss veina m logan appleby and miss v j mc laughlin strabane neighborhood news- town and country churchill tho nnulvcifairy uervlce at churchill cuninosntlonul church hint sundny wnii mulkodly inupliatlon and aue- cchm notwithstanding tho inclemency of tho weather a irood number gthei oil ti6m tlio irill anil suiioumunc points to enjoy tho service the irastoi itov mr ijoyd conduct ed tho service- tho speaker for tho occiblon wan rov a c stowirt m a of acloic wild eavollveiy helpful and iniplrlni message the knox cliurcn last dominion election vote andoraon received 5201 and fish er and ford 6854 war memorials souvenir number the municipal rovlow of canada published in montreal will lssuo a war memorial souvenir number on novem ber 11 during the past seven ycara since this colossal struggle at 1100oclock on tho 11th day of the 11th month no vember 1918 there havo been erected a grcut number of beautiful monuments bearing over lasting trlbuto from tho poopleof canada to those who paid tho supreme sacrifice every urban and many rural com munities aro- boing invited to partici pate in this work and to send photo graphs or engravings of their mem orials tho erectipn of these monuments is naturally a source of pride to every conynunlty and it is hoped that an illustration of each will bo included in tho coming edition of tho municipal rovlow of canada this work has been undertaken with tho object of placing beforo tho can adian public tho splendid permanent war memorials which aro now dotted across canada l the following were tho olliclal re turns of the vote at tho last general election for tho house of commons it was a triangular contest 12055 votes were polled dr andorson received 6201 to the 6854 jiolled for his opponents anderson fisher ford acton burlington georgetown milton takvliio 118 83c 517 53g 752 report op sessions of the hamilton conference givon by rov mr zimmerman at tho united church last sunday morning nelson freeman 1lfi nelson village 60 kilbride 44 lowvillo 50 bells school 30 appleby 43 slrathcona 99 brant hospital 172 trafalgar coyne g8 drumquln 94 postvlllo 30 munn3 corners 39 palermo go bronte 85 ninth lino 84 nasaagawoya campbellvluo brookvillo knatchbull 93 40 esquesing scotch block 112 norval 157 stewart town 100 dublin 34 thompsons cors 100 glenwilllama 199 137 141 397 393 708 9c 18 31 38 1 35 09 44 53 14 18 59 10 95 111 90 70 42 67 59 38 78 21 90 53 c7 74 60 13g 58 170 90 101 90 97 31 4 210 200 125 149 131 94 92 123 157 215 132 110 422 115 138 59 male quartette mossih j lewis f halt alex mann and j smith assisted very acceptably in the servlco of song accompanied y miss l gray as or ganist tho subject of mr stewarts sermon was tho love of thrlst after a few fellcltlous words of introduction the speaker proceeded to develop his subject uhdci two general headings flrsrrthe lovoofchrlstfoiman and secondly mana lovo for christ under tho first heading the lovo of christ for man wan revealed in his ministry- to tho phyhlcal moral and spiritual need ofvhumunuy the whole- of christian ity on gods side was doclared to bo gathered up in jesus christ alono in icsponso to this lovo of christ for man was tho love of man for christ the whole of christianity on tho human sldo of lifo was not in any denomina tional connection but in admans vital relationship to christ apart from a saving fnlth in christ man was etern ally lost human love for christ must necossnrlly manifest itself in a steadfast devotion to christ fcvon k thlss devotion should spell death or persecution many a roan exceedingly strong physically is yet as weak as water morally and spiritually in conclusion the speaker by means of forceful llluatatlon declared that such lovo and oacrlfico on tho part of christ surely merits and demands tho fullest lovo audi trust and sacrifice on tho part of rnn a suggestion has been made that the united church of llmehouso and tlie church liqro vjhlph voted in favor of union when the congregatlonal churches of canada were voting on the question be formed into a circuit with a rogtilarly ordained minister of the united church of canada as pastor such a course looks feasible the congiegatlon would have pastoral oversight by one of its own ministers would have iegular communion ser vices and other advantages which have not been enjoyed for some years the matter has not been referred to the congregation us yet but it is under stood that it has been ono of the similar citses throughout tho field that has received aomo consideration by the leaders of tho united church of can ada it la probable that the congrega tions at llmchouso and churchill will bo consulted in tho matter when tho general adjustment of the work of the united church is bolng proceeded with mr john mclntyre who has bought a home hi acton will shortly hold a sale and later will remove to town bannockburn tho ociuihi imstiiif of tho womens iiittlluto will hiv irulnuxt weduoada at the homo of ihs a g clarrldge tlu members iuo indeed to bring samples of pickles for n pickle contest a good progi ammo is iliho bolng pro vided the fiult holnc nent to tho sick childrens hospital will bo pircked at this mooting limehou8e on sunday novum her lt anniver sary services will be hold in knox church lirhohouuq afternoon and ovonlng when tho pieacher will bo rev air doddn bf dlxlo lato of chelt enham on monday evonlng a concert will ho hold followed by refreshments when a good programme of instru mental and vocal solutions will be rendered a cordial invitation is ex tended to all the best of care a physician tolls in tho newark star a iitory of a philanthropic doctor in fvmiihylvnnla mining town who gave a new theirnpmoter to each famllyi with tho urgent advlco to kcip their houses at a proper temporaturo whop ho was making his lounds ono day ho saw his thermometer hang ing in the loom he asked tho woman of tho household if she remembered his instructions indeed s i do was the lesponse i hang tho thing right up there and i watch it carefully to seo that it docs not get too high goryll oxchjlmcd the doctor and what io you do when tho temperature rises above- seventy degrees why sir answered the woman with tho air of one faithful to a trust wlion it getm too high i take it down and put it outsido until it cools off rockwood s and r lis soft shimmering haze and its wind less periods tho usual zest for sunday motor ing was not observant last sunday tho forbidding weather and the mud dy roads deterred tho brick w6rk of mr r n browns fine now farm residence is np and enclosed and tho interior work is now progressing the lino now pavement on st david street fergub is to bo officially opened with appropriate ceremonies on tiipbdnv 21t inn burllngton chamber of commerce is considering tho holding of another dollar day in that town tho last ono was very successful tho birds are going far away goodbye goodbye we hate to seo you going but then youll soon bo back again goodbye goodbyo mrlesllo martin tho enterpris ing gardener and florist of victoria avenue has installed a hot- water heating system in his greenhouses mr s cordlner has just sold his line now twostorey brick residence on wilbur street which is hearing com pletion to mr melbourne overholt this is tho offseason in egg pro- duction and housekeepers aro paying egga tho top price for this product so far this fall new features neyv freedom and now procedure in tho united church of canada wero forecasted by rov r ji zimmerman at tho morning service in tho local united church last sunday in giving a roport of tho sessions ot tho hamilton conference tho first under tho now order by the way held in hamilton last week tho fact of using thosermonpcriod of tho servlco for a report of this kind was in itself a new feature and ono which upnearu should bo appreciated comment was made ilrst on tho re markable spirit unanimity and good will evidenced at tho conference though there wero many questions which might readily have glven rise to contention mr- zimmerman aald there was nothing to indicate any cleavage along former denominational lines another strong impression was made in tho evidence of a spirit of re volt against established customs and old orders in the church particularly among the younger members df the conference this to mo gives- promjso of new things of unexpected developments in tho now church eald tho preacher reference was mode to several ad dresses given during tho conference by church leaders both lay and min isterial which led to an appreciation of the bigness of tho task of tho now church and in tho light of which a number of smaller problems which formerly wero considered of major importance aro bolng to aomo extent lost sight of explanation was also mado of thc 40000 main ana ex tension fund a campaign fff gol on monda tif a mcctlhilj was held in tho methodist church in tho interests of tho wctu and was addressed by mrs staccy of crce moie who gavo an account of tho convention at pombroltorcmt a sa clal timo was spent by all presont be foro they dispersed for their homos also in the ovcnlng in tho bascmont of friends church a meeting of he kxocutive committeo of tho rockwooft and evertohhranch of tho blblo so ciety to discuss important items unrt select collectors or the annual con tributions in behalf of tho british anh foreign bible society mr gowdy of limehouso panled by his son douglas ferguson of knox college toronto wfiro visitors in tho village on sunday miss besslo gardiner entertained a couple of friends from acton last sat urday afternoon mr and mrs franlc liooro went to beamsvlllc for tho weekend will hodglnson who is employed in v t smiths establishment was opor- ated on for throat trouble last week robert henderson johnstoho howat elwyn lockor and sister miss jean torrance of simcoe were homo for tho weekend tho funeral of tho lato john fitz slmmons who passed away in tho hos pital last week took place from his lato residenco on tho third lino to the friends cemetery on wednesday afternoon tho light snowfall last sunday morning was a lemlndor that winter is gradually approaching hopo wo havo some fine weather in the mean time no use trutking kui oancocots burns scalds etcoalmo de dot mighty good tor c0l05 too r 25 arvwronuaaist pftiw cd o lv dv 3vmxgotorcnto wondarful zoma healing salve for ec- burna sores etc r send 3 cent stamp for sample or t25 cents for a box 23 dunloe rd toronto 5 a good shot twenty- six deei at one shot sounds a uttle liko the beginning of ono of those yarns which are told in tho countrygrocery store neverthe less this is given as a fact nor did tho vermont man who made tho re markable record violate any game law tho shot was a snap shot and ho fired it from n camera instead of from a gun aeroplane assistance in fighting insects acton prosperity is again dem onstrating very acutely the need for additional houses there is not a va cant house in town available for rent a little sun a little rain a soft wind blowing from tho west and woods and fields are sweet again and warmth within uie rich earths oreant dont be downhearted about the little spell of weather which came laa week autumn zephyrs and indian summer are to come feforo winter is due the choir- of the united church ih preparing special muhlc for the an niversary services on november 15 choirmaster mason has tho work wji in hand keep sweet weve got to hvo together after the election when the candidates wero talking so glbly for wont be- seeni to ottcein six months mrs william corey received first prize for 10 varieties of baking dis played at acton fall fair hi tho entry which appeared in tho judges books with no name i am the little white wondor snow far havo i fallen yet softly i light out of the north comes a sower to sow out ot tho north comes a husbandman white as we all know somo people are almoht always planning something which tiny aro going to do by and by its tho work at hand they cant sum mons uphe will to do which has been inaugurated and of which tho sharo of the hamilton con feronco is 450000 as not being in any way a new fund or a now effort but rather as one to take care of former general funds as uro necessary for this year only mr zimmerman returned on satur day after spendingsoveral days at the conference tho aero piano has proved itself very valuable in aiding tho ceaseless fight against insect pests speaking of flights that were mado for scouting purposes dr j m swalno in charge of tho division of forest insects of tho entomological brunch of tho de partment of agriculture says that it was impossible to obtain valuable in formation upon tho areas of infesta tion and also to locate blocks of spruce and balsm which could bo expected to suffer attack next season these aero plane flights covered tho area west and north of lako temlskaming where tho outbreak was spreading and also west and northwest of the lakes where in festation had been acute for two years from a holght of 3600 feet it was pos sible to determine types of timber and to locato tho blocks of spruco and tho balsm accurately information from u few days flying would havo taken two men more than six months to acquire by ground surveys r millinery j 1 all the latest shapes and size6 at moderate prices now is the time to think of christ mas gifts we have a lafge range of fancy work and novelties dont spoil your watch by letting it run dirty too long the c n r watch in spection requires a watch to be cleaned every 18 months to give accurate time have your watch cleaned and repaired by h w hintori acton and georgetown specialist in all watch clock and jewellery repairs silver ware optical goods bags cramaphones etc plating and gilding done mclean c the store with the stock vvc are showing thfs week the best value in navy poiret twill- dress material in jhe market 53 inches wide all wool in a i ich shade of blue good value at the regular price t of 225 yard special this week at mod good values in stripe flannelett 32 inches wide with good nap fast colors at per yard vvllitbknglishtlanneletletl inches wide this flan nelette is worth 50c special this week i white flannelette 27 inches wide with a good flannelette for childrens wear week per yard j a good nap special this 25c 40ct makes 20c whit and gray flannelette blankets large double bed size with pink or blue border this blanket is worth 300 special this week jou mens black wool sox at a bargain we have 50 pairs of mens black scotch fingering sox in sizes 10 i01j and 11 we have sold these sox for 75c per pair we clear this lot of ri 50 pair out at a special price of per pair duc mens merino underwear shirts and t ff drawers fall weight special at eachvl uu and 125 mclean cbi mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 120 bonds stocks and grain private wires to new vork chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan phon 574 cuelph a- job for you 6 to 10 daily go men wanted no previous experience necessary write for 40- page free book which explains how you can earn while learning to work in city and towns shdps as auto mechanic engineer electrical battery or welding expert chauf feur salesman etc also brtckiay- tng plastering mechanical dentis try and barberlng dont die a lab orer write now which job address hemphill governmcn chartered trade schools free em ployment service 163 king st w- toronto miss j galbraith millinery and fancy jsqods phono 109 rebuked could outtalk anyone but the printer hoffman tho german phylcist used to tell u stoi y hlch dr andi ew d white repeats in his chapters of ro- mlniscenco in the century magazine hoffman arrived in glasgow into oho saturday night and on sunday morn- inffwent outto callon sir william thomson later lord kelvin tho doorbell was answered by a woman servant whom hoffman asked if sir william was at homer the servant answered sir ho most certainly is not hoffman then asked could you toll me where i could and him sir she answered you will and him at church whei o you ought to be a great bargain ben hokeas famous hawaiian orchestra will supply the music for the dance at stanley park erin on wednesday evening october 21st a concert there will be a one hours con gjven during thqvenifl6j consisting of vocal and instrumental selections admission couple 95c and war tax 5c extra lady 50c lady without escort 50c including tax the pavilion will be heated for the occasion tho lato p t bnrnum said ir jou have 19 to unc put 10 of it into nivrtllnif i can outtalk any nuui but ii printer thn man who tuk every week to t thoufulml mon while i am tilklnir to it few is the man i am afrtld of anil i want to bo hlu frlond trado with the mon who ndvortloo and you get hartalnu and tho worth of your money patronize your paper na your paper and uh youwoujd any otheicntcrprluo becauao le holpa you tho local papers aro relldounly rend u aro tho veny host avonucn for imparting to customers or producers simple- but extremely important in formation at sf i a meeting of the newspaper mon of tho district under tho auspices of tho wellington ondtjuircrtn press as sociation has been arranged to bo held u in palmcrston on friday dundaa council has instructed tho police to tnko action against restaur ants which illegally sell goods whlcn aro not consumed on tho premises at legitimately served meals tho childron who mako a prac tice of tampering with tho silent pbhw nt mill and mulnatrcota aro liable to got into serious trouulo unless tho habit is stopped i according to mr william tald- hw auclpli township clerk the loss of snoop in that township this yoar through tho depredatl6ns of vicious dogs has reached tho sum df 1401 mr b y barraclough by com pletlng arrangements recently him acquired tho interests of kngllnh shareholders in the glen williams wool- ion mills ltd and is now control ling owner tho hunovor cement plant ono of the towns oldest industries has been sold to outside interests and tho plant will bo dismantled almostlinmcdlatoly tho salo of the industry forces tho 00 men employed out or work the leaves within tho orchard walls glvo to the wind at play light hearted plungos leaps and falln throughout tho autumn days and yet with still unsworvlng power the fruit is ripening hour by hour now that mr davis lias sold tho throo brick cottuges ho bujlt on dower avonue ho is preparing to erect aik other group on tho vacunt lota on mill streot between tho properties of h f wils a m jb the soloists at knox church on bunday were mr jnck lewis tenor soloist in the morning avnfl mrs 1 c clark of chatsworth soprano solo 1st in tho evening noth tho slngor soloctlons wore wok rendered and drew much favorable comment from thn congregations lip country store owned by mr j jubcs dodd contained such a notoly conglamerjitlou in the way of stock that a village lounger one clay offered hot that another man could not nsk for anything ordinary everydny uue without uncle jabots producing it the two men entered the store and lie challenged party said jgot-uny- fatso- teoth on hand to lay undo jabe without an instants hesitation undo jle put his hand to his mouth and u moment later held out his hand with u sot of grinning tcoth in it there ho said ill sell that net mighty choap for my gooms hcv shrunk so thoy dont flt me any more and- im going to have some now ones if you want theso for but tho two mon hnd lied while undo jabo called after them til let you havo em for lessn half prico 5000 reward if i fail to grow hair oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grower grows hair on bald heads it must not be put where it is not wanted cures dandruff arid all scalp troubles 175 per yjv agents wanted prof m s crosse 830 main st winnipeg man friday saturday specials were the good old days really good when you hear an oldtimer sigh for the days of his forefathers smile quietly to yourself and think of this the ancients gotlong without auto mobiles soap stoves toothbrushes win dow glass breakfast foods telephones without practically all of the tilings we consider the bare essentials of life t nev has been a tim w smoked meats smoked ham whole or half lb smoked roll whole or half lb cortnge roll whole r half lb side bacon by piece ya per tb fuc 30c 28c 30c beep cuts- choice rib roast at per tb rib boil per it stewing beef lb 12c 13c loco 12c 20c tjlick rib per fb rasl at rolled per lb shoulden at blade roast at per lb 20c lc 18c 16c now open every wednesday afternoon w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont steak roast off log per lb shortening 3 lb pail of shorten- a- ing for jc jb pail of shorten iflg f9f i tb brick of short ening for 3 lb pail of lard for 5 lb pail of lard for 20 15 pail of lnrd for life bettered itself so rapidly and so cpn 1 sistently as now new conveniences and new comforts erenow continually being thought out and brought out for youf benefit iii order to reap the advantages that are yours today you must read the adver tisements they bring you news of all that the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier nr homelife more pleasant your cloth ing and food nrobfeins jess difficult they jkeep you informed of all that is new in the jnarkets and stores they tell you not only about the goods the htvles the varies ties and prices but also where and when these things are lo be had the advertisements are messages from the business world to you heed iem dont overlook the advantages that are yours read the advertisements

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