Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1925, p. 3

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2- 2hj jvcfcm rxe tyves thuusday octobdr 22 102g the spirit of fall aiiown the misty valley liusldu tlio tinlcllnc rill aciosh tlio tluaty meudovt and oer tlio uzuro hill with wino and poppy pollen a kingdom to cntrall tliero nauaed uncrlcd-umvitnesaod- tho spirit of tlio full in hlentluit hho linn touohed thorn tho grapeh to purplo turn tho inaplo ajul tlio iiuniac with crlmaoii tlwyuiuni a hoht of nodding aateih she decked in full urrtiy and ripened nulaantl berries ao-tih-w4t- alone her vuy v t- x tho folk of held anil forest tho squirrel haro und bird tho oak and beech and elder lier silent menaago heurd and ua a subtle token to many a careleaatown tho drowsy breezes carry tho perfume of tyzr sown j i wo know not what her presence tishid from human slbht wo only know that borrio tlmo sho passed with footstep light but neath a strango enchantment in tender happy grace tho air and earth and wntcr aro dreaming of her face edwin 1 sabin news from overseas gleaned from tho acton england gazette of october 2 it lee who won tho acton swim ming r club hwimming and diving championships la the on or a journal ist on tho dally sketch he is a fast swimmer with an easy etyle and an extremely neat diver tho 53rd annivorsary ot the dedica tion of all saints church south ac ton was kept on saturday when there were celebration of ithe holy com munion at 6 7 and 8ani a party of thirtyfour all saints south aqton parishloneri went by special bus to tho polytechnic cin ema on monday night to oee the mis sionary nimv india today an enjoyable concert was given at tho chiswick town hall on wednes day in last week in aid of the british fascists chiswick ealing and acton districts a defendant summoned at acton police court n saturday for non payment of income tax aaid that ho did not pay and added i ha vo never been able to pay my income tax since i wont to london nearly 300 members representing churches from all parts of london at tempted an allday meeting of tlio i london baptist association at the acton baptist church on tuesday tho semifinal of tho acton hos pital competition which was postpon ed from last season wan played afc park hoyal on saturday when hol land athletic tho homo team were vic torious by 5 goals to i lb a fast and exciting match the amount collected in tho treat procession in connection with the acton hospital ieto on saturday july 25 was 82 19s on tho prize competition realized 63- 8b making a total of 116 7h mr g brit tori vicepresident of the acton chamber of commerce has re turned from a holiday in franco in greatly improved tieajth is marrlago a failure waa tho subject dealt with by mr hicks at the aeton brotherhoo m on smi- day miss nowell of harleaden wa the soloist a conference convened by the brent ford district council with reference to tho proposal of ealing and acton to purchaso gunnersbury park as an open space was hold at tho brentford coun cil ofilcea on tuesday week- old and new friends and a largo crowd of kcenlyintcrosted children were present at tho fifteenth annual competitions of tho acton and chis wick schools swimming association held at tho acton public baths on friday evening the jdnlor branch of tho primrose league acton priory habitation which does not teach party politics but endeavours to interest children in tho history of their country and its institutions has in addition to its patriotic aide a sootlon devoted to games and sports during the winter season tho acton ladles swimming clubs meetings will be held on thursday evening juniors at c30 and seniors at 7 pm it la hoped to start liresaving classeato enable members to obtain tho bronze medal- hon and award of merit a congregation tea a fruit jbupper and plenty of- good music were amongst tho inward and utwrfex- prcsslons of joy of the actoifhil wesleyan church at its harvest home tho church was crowded at all ser vices oh sunday horrible callousness waa the stern comment of the coroner when ho was informed at an inquest hold in the acton firo station on monday morn ing that an attempt had been made to dispose of tho body of a newly- born child by burning it tho rev g j hill the only sur viving son of tho founder or the sea- mens christian friends mission who is 82 years of age arrived in acton on thursday in last week from a holi day in scotland just in time to oon duct tho funeral service of tip brother mr justus hill tho artlst- tho tragic death of dorlu margaret morey fulham at tho swimming gala off tho west london central schools sport3jutsoclatlon in- the acton baths on the previous wednesday evening was the subject of an inquest held by mr r kemp at tbo acton firo station on saturday morning many itemo of local interest were dlncusscd at the monthly meeting of tho acton chamber of commerce hold on monday evening complaints with regard to th town council having v gono beyond tho building lino in tho erection of tho extension nt tho local baths wero informally mentioned but no resolution was passed vocally at least things were very lively in front of tho acton parish church on saturday nigrhtr- forty members of tho hyde park com pany of tho british fascists under their commanding ofllccr mr hosey had invaded acton in order to help the newly- lodged local branch until it was strong enough tostand alone a street collection wns made in jcfc- ton on saturday for tlc blind babies sunshine homes of iho- national in stitute for tho blind tho local organ izer being mrs c m talbot as many of tho lady supporters or uio cause are still out of town the nolle of the emblems weno fow but those who worked succeeded in raising 23 15s r 3d our town council is ioinidcd and because of that tho ratepayers aro left jniesslng into what extravagance will lurch next to vote in favor of lighting the church clock and then within a week decide lo hovo it left in darkness is a harmlcmi form of municipal -activity- which contributes to tho gaiety of tho town without ad ding to the expense sumo members of tho actyn cham ber of commerce think dint dogs should be deprived on hygienic grounds of tho right of entrance to ahopn it is quite possible that homo- dogs may bo more hyglonlc than some- ehopfi epoaklng gonorallyi but trierfe sms to bo an arguable caao for keeping dogs of tho longhaired scratchy var ieties and tho shorthaired of tho nosing varieties out of shops where goods intended for human consump tion are exposed for silo j 1 a iv jbqm s- tfft ptt han m jyidfjrh m mo 1 j n- 1 utynity v u m vsyii 1 h crickets in the hay when the pumpkins growing ypuow and the apples getting mellow j and tho squirrels chatter w they store tholr nuts away what will make tho foollnys ghn than to climb an old brpwn and to listen to the slnwrtg crickets in the hay there aro all the hiding places whore the jnckomantewi faces used to grin arid wait our coming where wo put them hi a row and i hear tho boyish singing and the merry laughter ringing when wo mocked the noisy roosters who wero learning how to crow and the apples wo wero eating when we hurried home from meeting just to lie and count tho swallow nests high up among the beams with our pillows mndo of clover as we talked tho future over raising up the walls of manhood from the timber of our dreams oh tho tlmo when apples mellow and tho pumpkins getting yellow and the year is growing older and your youth has slipped away what will make the feelings sadder than xo climb an old brown ladder and listen to tho singing of the crickets in iho hay and others may and ntenmtlng when i wih h tho hospital about threo weeks- i noticed quite a nth among tho nurses one evening- upon 6p- qulrliik i found that tho nurses of the hospital wero tendering a reception to their superintendent miss gunn who had just returned irani a trip qvorscad wiiero she had attended tho great in ternational convention of nurses at hel- shikforth 1 asked where miss guiimh homo was and was informed that she came from belleville a few days irtei when sho was in private latlonts pa vilion my nurao brought her to my room and introduced her to me my first question was are you a daugh ter of the lato donald sunn tulss gunn she replied- that die was 1 then asked was acton your birth place miss gunn no he answered i wns born in belleville shortly after my parents moved there from acton but i have the gold watch tho acon people presented to my father well that is an interesting incident which tho editor gave me and i am sure you aider residents will agreo with mo in this i had intended adding another story of tho old days for you to puzzle your memories over but i und my space is all filled now and ill reserve these for another week- weekly fashion hint precious memorv a shelp of old school books in a certain nttlc of this community which i visited recently there is a shelf full of books which look worn and dusty and dull their thumbed heatly giving my scythe to one of edges and turneddown corners tell of twsnen he gave mo the package use and their titlepages bear datef you jim bo said i was well back in tho nineteenth contury an enthusiastic young housecleaner would suggest belling them to a secondhand book dealer stic would not guess what treasure they have in their keeping there sangstero arithmetic rubs covers with lennlos grammar and lovells geography they carry grand mother into her distant schooldays moro clearly remembered than the new events of last week they wero studied by the light of tho huge open are in the big kitchen which kept the face red and tho back cold next them stand tho long series of readers tho young reader the american first class book and all the rest tjhey recall not only the readf ing classes with their mingling of the ready and the ha scholars but no heritage which a son can imussesi is worthy to bo compared for a mo ment with the blessed consciousness of having dono nil that he could do to make father and mother happy during tholr lifetime an impressive little story to which nothing need bo added was recently told by a man whoso form is now bent and whose hair is white with years when ho was a boy of twelve ho was returning one evening from tho hayfleld where ho had boen at work since daybreak when his father mot him with- tho request that he go to town and do an errand for him any one who has lived on a farm and who knows what a days work from sunup to sundown means in haying lime will understand how the boy felt i was tired dusty and hungry said tlio old man it was two miles to town i wanted to get my supper and to dress for tho singing class my first impulse was to refuse and to do it harshly for i was angry that ho should ask mo after my long days work if f did refuse he would go himself- ho was a gentle patient old man but flomothtng stopped me one of gods good angels i think of course father ill go i said chig in kashmir no wardrobe should consider itself uptodate without a frock that fea tures the flare this model in dark green kashmir fastens at one side and- is trimmed with a narrow scarftic of silk to match the dress material the neck riiay be finished with 3 col lar or in round outline medium size requires 2ti yards 54inch material an yarfl3jf silk ribbon wrong office those rao and exciting friday after noons set apart by- mr little tho revered for declamation when u bozzaris the dying gladiator blngen on tho rhine and hohen- llden vied in popularity with ex tracts from pitts great speeches here is another group of books bo- longing to a later time when morells english grammar with tho latin roots in the back and andrews and stod dards latin grammar enforced the inevitable amo amas amat and led tho way to the victories of caesar and tho talc of aeneas and dido smyths algebra is dropping out of its binding as the result of tho long struggles in which it had a part next to it stands youngs night thoughts suggestive of tho heated rivalries ofthe first class in parsing next to that conies the two most abstruso of the academy textbooks watis on tho mind ami up hams mental philosophy by means of which the boys and girls of the sixties acquired a mlxturo of philosophy theology and ethics each chapter of which ended with a sermon- ette the modern textbooks aro flno with pictures and bindings they are gener ously provided by town or city and are filled with tho latest results of science and with nolectlons from tho wholo held of good literature but tho shelf of aid schoolbooks is worth all of them when it comes to the matter of sentiment they may be consigned the attic but not ono of them should bo sold they aro worth their weight in gold for they aro heavy with the golden memories of longpast school days the can you remember evknts my i wonder who can remember stories of a fow weeks ago created such an interest among the readers of thla column- that i feel 1j ylll bo quite worth whllo topresent a few more of these stories of thp early days i wonder how many of you remem ber whepi donald gunn was station agent at acton for tho old grand trunk railway intfie old station bo- tween fifty and sixty years ago llko tho present popular agent ho was popular with the peoplo who had bus iksss to do with the road when charlie symons and sidney smith were shipping lumber from their mills at st helena and the smiths mills on the check line mr gunn was always most attentive and helpful in securing cars and making the shipments when jlmmle matthews and mr smith wero shipping their hops in the fall mr gunn wns always careful to advise them as to tho markets best weights for bales atjd most expeditious times tit- to ship when the moore brethern- and brown and hill wero shipping shingles staves and headings and tho cars wero dlillcult to get mr gunn never failed to give them nil the as sistance at his command about this tlmo w ii storey co iwero be ginning to ship their products to all parth of tho country and mr gunns help in routing shipments was in valuable about fiftytwo years ago tho gt it realizing the superior qualities possessed by mrtuiin pro moted him to agent at belleville an important divisional point there was great regret among acton busi ness men at his removal though of course all his friends appreciated tho splendid preferment ho received mr gunn was accorded tho moat cordial farewell over given to a retiring rail way agent in acton an oyster sup per was given and at thin supper he waa presented with a valuable gold watch on hehulf ofthe- eft isciih of ac ton tho presentation was made by wh storey who that year was oc cupying tho position of reeve for the first time it being tho year of actons corporation as a separate municipal ity going myself but somehow i dont feel very strong today x ho walked with mo to tho road that turned off to town and as he left me ho put his hand on my arm and aaid again thank you my son you havo always been a good boy to me jim i hurried into town and back ugain when i came near to the house i saw that something unusual had happened all of tho farmhands wero gathered about tho door instead of being at the milking or other chores as came near ono of the men turned to me with tears rolling down his face your father ho said la dead ho fell just as ho reachea thu huuse the- last words ho spoke wero to you i am an old man now but i have hanked god over and over again in altthoyeatttullt liuvu parsedsince that hour for those last words of my falher youvo always been a good hoy to mo a woman who has been a victim of indigestion and is kept to dyspeptics diet rndnt of the time was recently invited out to dinner which he was an xious to attend she went to the telephone and trusting to a somewhat unreliable memory naked central to bo connect ed with telephone 23d4 when the con nection had been made she began her plalntlvo query without any prefatory is thatyou doctor i want very much to go o a little dinner tomorrow night she began rapidly und do you think it would hurt me if i ate just a taste of soup and perhaps a little fish or tho least little game and a bit of ice or salad i- really think my stomach here she was interrupted by a voice from tho other end of the wire madanx it said coldly oat what ever yqu plonse this istho meteor rubber company had been there long r enough tho proprietors of one of tho great dally papers having long been dis- hatltilied with the work dono in their prossr5bm reduced the foreman of that department to tho- ranks and cm- ployed a new one tho new foreman although he was thoroughly competent and an artist in his way an such a man has l oo nowadays was rather boyishlooking in making tho rounds on tho morning of his arrival he stop ped to no to tho work of tho big color press i beg your pardon ho said to the man in chargo of the particular proas but if mu will take a suggestion from a otrlgigcr i think there lo a way by which you can make this machine register a little better ho proceeded to point it out whan tho pressman roughly interrupted him young feller ho said you cant teach mo anythngabout running this machine ive been nt it too long i think you have replied the new foreman piletly passing on i shall make- it my- business to seo that you aro not at it much longer novel dishes lions fleah is said to make a very good meal tiger meat is not so pala table for it is tough and sinewy in india nevertheless it is esteemed becauso there is a superstition that it imparts to tho eater some of tho great strength and eunnlng which character ize tho animal there appears to bo considerable difference of opinion as to the merits of elephants flesh as an article of diet tho natives of india and africa consider it a dainty but the opinion of at- least ono european which is against it he says i have tasted elephant ovor and over again it is moro llko soft leather than anything else to which i can compare it another travollor however declares that he cannot im agine how tho englishman can say that as he finds tho meat delicious why lv- ready to do anything feel perfectly free to call on me if there is anything i can do most of you havo heard a remnrk llko the ono that is quoted above some of you have made one vory similar but is it not a fct that you do not always feel frco to call- upon tho person a great many promises aro mere forms and mean nothing at all pspecl- ttlly those vague ones which cover a great deal of ground tho person who offers to do anything is much less likely to meun it than if he offered to go on an errand we mlight all watch our words to good advantage to bo sure that an indcflnlfo promlso does not hiilo an unwillingness to help why do wo pcfslut in likening evil and disagreeable people to animals who do nut possess their undesirable traits for instanco why is a coarse and boisterous laughter called a horse laugh horses surely do not indulge in rude ttbos why is a crabbed and morose per son said to be as cross as a bear when a bear is noted for his rollicking good nature why is an unkind and meddlesome woman styled as an old hen when a hen is one of tho kindest and iqost motherly creatures attending strictly to her own brood why is ono who is deceitful and dis honorable alluded to as a dirty dog when a dogs heart is clean and honor able to tho core why should a coward bo called chickenhearted when chickens will fight to tho death not only to protect themselves and their young but to bring financial gain to their owners why is a man who turns upon his benefactor and sacks to injure him tormed an ungrateful cur such a thing as an ungrateful cur does not exlqt why- hi- a guilty jooklngnr- shame faced person supposed to look sheep ish sheep never look guilty nor do they appear to bo ashnnicd as they do nothing which would cause such- a look there aro many other sayings equal ly unjust and uncalled for such as skinning tho cat this feat dear to tho hearts of all youngsters could and should- be called by some name less suggestive of cruelty waiting for tho old cat to die is another which should bo replaced by a kinder phrase ono important method of humane edu cation is to flpeak kindly to and of animals always a seasick hero a matter of spelling those who love to study human na- turo often derive as much pleasure from watching the peoplo who visit picturegalleries ns they receive from uio pictures themselves it is not every day however which produces so amusing an incident us one which an english paper reports two ladles wero looking at a picture by mr faed in tho royal academy entitled hlaonly pair the artist had depleted a poor boy sitting up in bed whllo his hardworking mother mends his only pair of trousers he boy although obliged to stay in bed whllo the repairs are under way s contentedly eating an orange ono of the visitors looked at the picture with searching gaze and then remarked to her companion his only pair i dont call that a pear at all its an orange that he is eat ing no man is a hero while seasick lafayette was sent by washington and congress to kranto to ask further sup plies of inch and money for tho ameri can colonoles ho sailed from boston in the frigate alliaiueuon january it 1779 the harbor waafrozcn and a passage had to he etitvor the ship through the lets off the newfoundland banks tho hhlp was assailed by a terrible tem pest which threatened destruction and lafayette was very seasick ills aide- decamp the chevalier do imitgltiand who relates the incident in his mem oirs hear him soliloquizing thus on tho hopelessness of the situation and the emptiness of glory diablo i havo done well certainly at- any time of life barely twenty years of age with my name rank and for tune amlafter having married ma demoiselle do noalllcs to leave every thing and servo as a breakfast for codfish i running full time now tho holiday season is over kyo examinations overy day except tho wednesday half- holiday if having troublo with your eyes write in or phone loolw for appointment a d savage optometrist and mfg optician rlbht at tho poot ohico- savago building quelph free recipe booic- out co lt4 mobtrui s internal and external pains are promptly relieved by be thomas eclectricoil that it has deeh solo fan neadlv fifiv veahs and is ttwjay a greater belleo than ever before 18 a testimonial that speaks for its nuuerou3 curative qualities if you hate to change birds push their youne out of tholr nests to forco them to uso their wlnfffl a prominent man tells or dlachiuslne a young employee becauso ho thought ho would do better in anothor lino of business ho had tried vainly to rouse the young fellows ambition but ho enjoyed himself just where ho was and had no desire to change tho older man waa at length obliged to fire tio young man for his own good at the present time he la earning five times tho salary ho could havo hoped for if ho had retained tho position ho was bo loath to leave somo young peoplo injure their pros pects by too many changes to them tho different job is always tho doalr- nblo one as some boiry pickers always tiling thnt tho finest bush ib at a little distance others are victims of in ertia ir they get settled in a cortaln place they jvant to stay though it can easily bo demonstrated that a change would be the best thing for them if you aro settling down in your first job sticking to it not because you llko it and have figured out that your best chance- to succeed is to stick but be cause you disllko the idea of making tho change it is a pity that there are no kindly birds to oust you from your nost and forco you to try your wings v the unfair deal the real name judge nathan webb who resigned recently from the united states dis trict court la known to tho members of tho bar for his downright good seime ho hates shams and starch of poses this trait wus illustrated in his court some tlmu neo by a little episode which tho tjostoh herald re calls a witness on tho stund gave his name as t augustus browne ifis condescending manner exhausted the patience of tlio court und judge webb asked hjm whnt did you say your name is t augustus browne with an e replied tho witness well what does tho t stand for asked tho judge thomas was the answer proceed with tho testimony of mr thomas a browne with an o said the judge hard on both of them an irishman whoso fj says the juondon outtoortwtth ho indtrithathlh friends used to tell him it was an of fense to the landscape happened to be as poor as he was homely one day a neighbor met him and asked v how aro you pat mighty bad sure tis slunrvation thats starln mo in tho face begorrn exclaimed his nefghbor sympathetically it cant be very plensant for either of yc2 ii i called upon h p moore our editor a few days after his return from tor onto general hospital and in tho course of our conversation referred to this story about donald ounn whleh i watt islclng how ninny folks could re member wol ho snld jlcouitl add another lintt to your chain which you gained 10 pounds in 22 days thats going bomebut skinny men women and children lust cant help putting on good healthy flesh when they tnko mccoyh cod llcr extract tsblolir chock full of vitamlnch tho kind thut aro extracted from tho livers of tho coil tho kind thataron real help to frail rundown anncmlo skinny men und wodiiai try these sugar coated tuatelcnft taldet for 30 days if thoy dont help greatlyyou gct ypurmoney back ono woman gained ten pounds in twentytwo days sixty tabotbttxty concs ask any druggist for mccoys cod ilver rcxtrnct tablets directions and formula on each box ino oct mccoys tho original and gonu- back in 1921 we sold the united states agricultural products to the value of 146539883 after thefordney ustariff of 1922 went into effect in the united states we bold them only 51337733 worth by raising their tariffs the united states farmers have put about 100000000 per annum more into their pockets and the canadian farmers have lost it what is the lesson to the canadian farmer on what terms is the canadian farmer competing with the farmer of the united states they are terms that not only forbid the sale of his products in the united states but compel him at the same time to witness united states farm products replacing his own in the home markets of canada let us examine some of these terms canadian farm exports to the united states 11 months ending august 1921 and 11 months ending august 1925 1921 1925 article us quantity us quantity tariff or value tariff or value horned cattle free 14970944 ijg to 2c per lb 297753 phis 2 per head poultry jcperlb 769060 3c per lb 611529 sheep free 1184950 2 per head 219878 oab bushel 6c per bus 2822429 i5c per 32 lbs 389280 wheat bushel free 47735082 42c per 60 ms 408152 fresh beef chilled or frozen quintals free 237782 3c per lb 63408 potatoes bushelfree 2581037 50c per qtl 566113 eggs dot free 264676 8cperdox 52887 and now a great reduction has been made by the can adianaustralian treaty which just went into effect on october 1st 1925 under this treaty australian and new zealand farm products will enter canada at the following tariffs for entrance for entrance products into canada into australia the australians pay the canadians payi bw per do free 18 cli cneese ffee 6etsperlb butter j let per lb 6dsperlb honey let per lb 4 cts per lb bees wax free 3 cts per lb presh meats ict l sctsperlb canned meats 15 40 canned poultry 15 40 lard- free 4 cts per dt teuw- krr 10 lctperlb canned vegetables free 30 cu to 210 per doz cans of to apples and other dried 4 pints fruits 10 bets per lb quinces pears apricots 25 cts per 100 lbs 150 per 100 lbs canned fruits ct per lb 30 cts to 210 per doz cans accord- j1 big to size canada will be flooded with farm products from other countriep at these low rates but canadian farm products are shut out of other countries by high tariffs meanwhile half a million canadians have moved to the united states because of the tariff reductions that have closed up or slowed down hundreds of factories that is half a million buyers of canadian farm products have been lost the far mers are hit twice for entrance products into canada 1 the americans pay potatoes 35 cts per 100 lbs eggs 3 cts per doz butter 4 cts per lb cheese 3 cts per lb cattle 25 hay 200 per ton wheat flour 50 cts per barrel wheat 12 cts per bushel corn free certain fruits 25 woollens 27 for entrance into the united states thp canadians pay 50 cts per 100 lbs 8 cts per doz 8 cts per lb 5 cts per lb 40 400 per on 204 per barrel 42 cts per bushel 15 cts per bushel 35 106 the united states raised their tariff- in order to protect the american farmers and the purchasing of foreign farm products was reduced it was therefore to the american farmera benefit u and we prove it in the next column we list a few canadian products imported by jhe united states under the 1921 tariff and under the raised tariff of september 21at 1922 these figures are quoted from the com mercial intelligence journal published by ottawa overnment26thseptember19l5page324 2 for the farming industry i tka pvmpcrity lueot cfid40 rkhmxj st west tainmkm hi mkzm k

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