Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1925, p. 4

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the home or he actim 3rtm itari member c niadian wtekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton tree press ispubhalied every thlhtbtlay mormuh aftlie 1ree press builfllng milt street acton ontario the subscription price is 3oo per year tn advance postage is charged additional t6 offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ment 10 ccnt per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subae qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editonal and busmchs office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 jmo difficulty for united stateacitizcnalo became canadians a most matter of fact sano and reasonable view of the difference in executive prerogative between jhe king of the british empire and the president of the united states is given in a dialogue in that highly interesting new volume the book of the west recently issued by its author h a kennedy an jowa tarmer had come into saskatchewan to settle a neighbor said to him upon arrival you wont find it strange to become a canadian there l nothing strange about it he said friend of mine down there said to me 1 aint going tojiave no king riding over me well i told him the king was just a president and brought up to fhe business as no in anout president ever was we have to elect one every four years and you just elect one when you see theres need and the best part of it is chosen and brought up a he is you have always got a president thats never been a party man and never can me so all parties trust him mighty sen sible plan seems to me then your king n goes neighborhood news- twn and country milton thursday morning october 22 1025 against his people and parliaments he hasnt an- thing like the power of our president once a united states president gets in he appoints what ministers he likes and they are planted for four years no matter what happens congress or no con gress here in this dominion of canada vour prime minister is the only man that has anything like the power of our president and even he has to do what parliament says or get out they talk about self- government theyve got it in great britain and youve got it m canada a sight more of it than we have gulbrnlth co arc making oxten- alvo improvementii to their otorp principal am one which 1b tho putting in oj a now copper front mian h 15 bastedo milton who has been a member of tho iode foi many yeara painted a picture tho sunhhlne girl an original subject and presented it to the i ode room in tho pool memorial hospital turlington boasts of a chamber of commerce muton had a board of trade a few yeara ago but at tor func tioning very rell for a while gradu ally wilted and died ilko some of ita predecessors tho soil liar doesnt appeir to bo favorable to the growth of such institutions wonder why tho servlco in st- ptuila united church on sunday evening was with drawn hi order that ita members and adherents might have the opportunity of attending tho anniversary service- that evening in knox proabytorlan church reformer the pickleetest- georgetowm editorial the level crossings inquests concerning the safety of level crossings ought to be held before accidents occur rather than inquests on bodies of victims of the economy of rail ways or municipalities guelph mercury many paople will hope that attorney general nickels statement that level crossings must go will be put into effect canadas dead letter office it evidently has never occurred to the general pub lic that if everyone who writes a letter would take the simple precaution of writing or having printed a return address on the upper left hand corner of the envelope there would be no need of a dead letter office at ottawa itcouid go out of business at once as it is it costs our government hundreds of thous ands of dollars every year to handle the million of letters that go astray and that of course takes no account of the losses to the senders and the intended recipients through business letters which never reach their destination all because of a little carelessness or lack of forethought canada surprises overseas investigators the visit of the newspapermen from the british isles to canada the past summer evidently brought revelations to them as to the extent resources en terprise and general activities everywhere manifested throughout the dominion the influential writeis are very generous and complimentary in the expres sion of their opinions as to their discoveries mi john bayers of the belfast telegraph says can ada fills me with wonder and admiration that comparatively small population should have accom plished so much in so short a time is marvellous and from what i have seen i am convinced that the tapping of the dominions resources particularly of alberta and british columbia has only begun i the two urgent needs of men and capital british it possible can be supplied there seems to be no linvt to the future of the country 1 am impressed by the loyalty the beauty and the pluckofganada and v take off my hat to the courage of the early explorer and settlers they laid tho foundations upon which it should be an honor to build today floreat canada subjects for school essays one of the burdens which teachers and pupils bear throughout each school year is the matter of com- ositions or essays in some schools nothing is more dreaded in others nothing is so cheerfully un dertaken much depends upon the teaching and perhaps still more upon the subjects assigned for practice writing english the case against such sub jects as contentment spring the pleasure of giving and whateverit is right is not so de cisive and easily made outas some persons would have it to be sure the result must always be the production of ancient and timeworn commonplaces yet they will not be old nor threadbare to the writ ers but must be the product of their own thought and therefore original it is always to be remember ed that the object of writing compositions is to stimu late thought as well as to enable the pupils to acquire facility in the use of language it may be that the modern system takes too little account of the use fulness of thought upon abstract subjects it leans to the practical and endeavoors to render the task of wrijmg compositions jittractiveand easy there are persons who believe that just as good exercise can be secured with an axe and a wood saw as with a pair of dumb bells in a gymnasium so we believe that just as good school essays can be written oh subjects of local interest concerning which the pupil may secure original information and form individual opinions as on the vague and meaningless topics an excellent field for such subjects is afforded bv the opportunities for practical or esthetic improve ments in ones own town or community td the credit of the school pupils it may be said that they have done much actual work in improving appear ances and sanitary cond ns in many places and in towns where they have done nothing a littb search will disclose all the more to do tree planting and protection the placing of shrubbery the estab lishment of parks and playgrounds the care of a few natural beds of wild flowers all these are but subdivisions of the general subject of how o beaufify our town which may berccommended as a sensible source ofschool essays the plan has al ready been adopted in a number of schools with a success which warrants further use and success here means not merely acceptable compositions and tho requisite training in the writing of english but not infrequently the more tangible fruit of permanent improvement in the city or town 4 i france and germany agree to perpetual peace the locarno conference has amply warranted its assembling of representatives of the nations ger many finally concluded that is was in the best inter ests of herself and all concerned that agreement be made with the plans for world peace suggested by the majority of representativesof the league of nations alternations of hope and fear held the pub lic mind in suspense from the time the allied and german representatives- met- at locarno to discuss their national differences and find if possible a basis on which to establish a general pact for world peace the tension upon the nerves of the peoples has been relieved by the- intelligence received on friday that the final text of the rhineland pact has been adopted by the conference and that treaties guaranteeing security to frances allies on the eastern frontier of germany rave been agreed to by that country and assured of acceptance by the powers with the sign ing of the locarno treaty europe will reach the border of the promised land of peace and order and prosperity it will remain for the individuals under wise statemanship to make the locarrro convention the beginning of a new era in world policies an era in- which the development of mutual confidence and the practice of the sound doctrine ifor the general good of mankind will be regarded as the only real foundation on which the wellbeing not only of the world at large but of commonwealths can securely rest the globe points with loyal pride that it iv-as-a-eanadian- the seveoral selootioiut rendered by our band saturday nfeht on the main street were greatly appreciated sir rev h caldwell attondert the w c t it provincial conventlpn held in pembroke last weak tho georgetown fire brlffado ac companied by tho members of the municipal council attonlcd dlvln ser vice in knox church on sunday even ing loot u i ot raspberrloii to tho herald oflqco yes- of arspberrlce to tho herald office yes terday mornlnff he atya there la quite a lot otlll on the bushes anniversary services will be hold in knox church georgetown on sunday october 25 1025 r w bro b y borraclouirh d d gjf b w bro j b wulumo w bros g ford s krk h dlokio a norrington and bro rov oporcival mayes chaplain outdated at the con secration dedication and installation ot officers of glenroso lodfro no 028 a r am hoerald thoro had boon an opidomlc ot tho mumps and overy nftunoon brought to tho health department a numbci of children seeking pormiiuiion to i oturn to school sometimes no doctoi wad present und they had to w lit so doctor carlln devised it moani b which his socretary mlns currlgnn might test tho applicants pickles are tho thing said doctor carlln if a person 4tith tho nllghtost trace of inflammation in tho thyroid glands takes a bite of anything sharp ly sour the face is instantly contortod in extreme cases the pain is extreme so a botlio of mixed pickles was added to the pharmacopoeia of tho ofnee now when hero is no doctoi in the ofllco miss currlgan lines up tho ap- iillcants for certificates and goes down the line with the bottle of plokleu if tho child takes tho pickle trnd smiles as a healthy child nhould ho may go back to school again but if lie scowls in pain ho la condomriod to stay at home you have been intending to try ed rose why npt how before you forget red rose teais good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try si business directory medical dr j a mcniven physloun and ourflnn offlco and rosldooco corner bomt avonuo and migln btroot phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick strfbt aoton ontario bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan www m out lth your fuel supply the strike of anthracite miners 4 likely to bo lengthy par to break this monopoly of heating fuel by using do your hamilton coke prepared in ontario by ontario labor wo have mado arrangements to have a continuous supply of hamilton byj3joduct coke this coko is manufactured from best grade of soft coal and burns free from smoke and has no clinkers and vory llttlo ash to introduce into every homo this fuel we are offering this superior coko at 1150 1000 i arge nut size for furnaces and large heaters per ton small nut size for ranges and small heaters per ton phone 48 aoton j b mackenzie lumbor and coal dealer georgetown phone 33 burlington gives final effect to the conclusions reached at locar no by admitrlng uermany into the league of nations as a member on equal footing with the other powers senator dandurand is the president of the assembly nor is it less gratifying to realize that it was a can adian proposal for the amendment to article g of the league covenant that made it possible to bring abqut the arrangement whereby germanys member ship was secured with peace at hand trade may be expected to make a speedy recovery everywhere enterprise has been held in check by the uncertain ties of the european situation editorial notes the tacit endorsement of the candidature of dun can campbell the liberal candidate in hnlton by the convention of the halton progressive associa tion last week is regarded by his friends as assuring mr campbells election beyond peradventure the formation of a canadian club in cleveland draws attention to the fact that there are 10000 can adians in that city who have been driven from their home by our disastrous trade policy mail and em pire and what about the 12400 americans residing in toronto today whose disastrous trade policy brought them to canada the oshawn reformer took over the oshnwa tele gram last monday and oshawa in future will be a one paper city the reason given is the amalga mation has been due to the rising costs of publica tion and is for purely business reasons news papers have certainly been hard hit for several years past the death list being a very extensive one the greatest prohibition campaign ever attempt ed irt great britain is about to be launched after many months of quiet preparation the keynote of the appeal will be to the mothers of the country among the prohibition speakers will bo hon philip snowdon former chancellor of the exchequer mrs david lloyd george lady donald mclean and sir george hunter the men poke fun at the women when they vote for a man because he isgoodlookmg or they like his style or they like his wife ot for some other sentimental reason says the main street business girl but for the life of me i cant see why that isnt quite as sensible as it would be to vote fpr him because your greatgrandfather would vote for him if he were here shelbourne economist a e dobbie of the advertisertopic petrolm has purchased the newsargus at stirling in hast ings county and takes possession november 1 mr dobbie is this year president of the essex kent and lambton publishers association and his fellow newspapermen throughout the province will wish him every success in his new field mr dobbie is a grad uate of the georgetown herald and is a credit to his almnjnatcr j the ladles of trinity ohuron aro prepatinbfor tuuftar to bo held on december 4th the members ot tho burlington citi zens band are makinff nrranffemento to hold a concert the flrst week in novembor mr roy early presented the qasotte with an applo on tuesday that weigh cd 17 ounces it was ot tho axtei varloty and was grown in this dis trict h c breckon of tho mlddloroad had tho misfortune last tuonday to fall from an applo tree aiid break soveral ribs besides receiving a bad shaking up juvenile members of the daughteis of bngland are planning ft halloween party and masquerade in the lodgo room on thursday octobor 211 from 6 30 to 8 oclock wentworth county council haa pas sed a bylaw which makcb it com pulsory after december 1 for all ve hicles to carry a rear llffht on tho highways at night thoae who fall to tako hged win eoon be in trouble horsedriven and other vehicles must have a light going from dusk to dawn if thoy want to travel the roada of this county the penalty for violation of thlfl hylaw 1s feilaael erin at a meeting of knox presbyterian church congregation at palmerston a hearty call was extended to rev john lindsay presbyterian minister of the village messrs james sanders of toronto and joseph sanders of detroit spent the weekend with their parents mr and mrs h sanders miss sylvia tyreil of winona visit ed with hiss jean abbott and other friends over the weekend mrs r heevely and son and daugh ter of brampton were weokend visit ors with mrs r tines mrs w s mcklnnon and daughter marion havo roturned to their home at olds alberta after visiting with dr and mrs abbot mrs a anthony and daughter doris and son dick were weokend visitors with mr and mrs v a ramesbottom miss bertha hamilton and facr lady friend of woodbrldge spent trie week end with her parents mr and mrs james hamilton mr hi c austin roturned from his annual trip to scotsguard saftk on thursday evening last mr and mrs adam smith swansea and dr nnd mrs c it eaton toronto spent last woekend with tho tatters parents mr and mrs a mcoul mrs d mcklnnon oranroviue spent tho weekend with her mother mrs dr gear mrs p walker of hagersvluo is visiting with her parents mr and mrs c overland mr and mrs r a graham bel- fountain announco the engagement of tholr daughter marjorlo elizabeth to mr francis william root eon of mr and mrs nelson root hlllebarg tho marriage to take place tho latter part of october last friday morning was indeed chilly recoptlon for erin fair with a bleak north wind and the odd flake of snow flying however around noon tho automobiles began to arrive from every direction and when the program me of sporta commenced an average crowd of approximately fortyflvo hundred had assembiod the exhibits in the hall especially in tho fancy work- fruit and fjowons and domoeile eclence departments excelled former years advocato tap8 ood of might guard our boys godof peace 3od ot lire save them all ood oinovo keep each one evermore were the good old days really good when you hear anoldtimer sigh for the days of his forefathers smile quietly to yourself and think of this the ancients got along without auto mobiles soap stoves toothbrushes win dow glass breakfast foods telephones without practically all of the things we jt consider thetare essentials of life there never has been a time when lif e bettered itself so xapidly and so con sistently as now new conveniences and new comforts are now continually being thought out and brought out for your benefit in order to reap the advantages that are yours today you must read the adver tisements they bring you news of all that- the world of invention and discovery is doing to make your work easier your homelife more pleasant your cloth ing and food problems less difficult they keep you informed of all that is new in the markets and stores they tell you not only about the goods the styles the varie ties and prices but also where and when these things are to be had the advertisements are messages from the business world to you heed them dont overlook the advantages that are yours read the advertisements legal phone no 22 p 0 box mb harold nash farmer k a barrister solicitor notary publls conveyanoer etc 1 prmrvwattblocrrractjiirtn monet lent on mortgages hours 9 30 ajn to f p m saturdays 12 00 oclock dental dr j al bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic usod if desired offlce at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8urnoon offlce over bank of nora sootlav hodr8- 9 so to 6 so evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunau bpokbindar account books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly anal promptly done wyndhom street qaelph out over williams btore r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with mb acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent iifc fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary arid pforta c glasa insurance trustee for estates collections bualnepa entrusted to my caro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially m t l o fa proper tavorablo rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton business training is a necessity attend the guelph business college gummor bldg guelph ont individual instruction by business experienced instructors start on monday 1 a l bouck principal and proprietor the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and iloadstono work wo sell direct to our customers at wholosale pricea thus aavlnnr our customer 40 pr cent 1 wo havo the boat appllancos and the only mochanlca in the dominion who can oporato pneumatic toola jropcrly wo can give references from wtmdreda of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to havo jaw suits in order to collect we have tho i largest and best stock of qrauilte in tho dominion or more than any throe i dealers in the west wo aro lssltl- j mate dealers and employ no agents i and do hot annoy or poet cuatoniora by sendlnff out ignorant agents solicit ing ordora wo employ only mexihanlca j and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free pre88 office canadas foreign trade i growing with leaps and bounds for the first half of the present fiscal year which ended on september 30 the foreign trade of the dominion exceeded tbatdt the same period a year ago by 144804829 according to the monthly statement just issued by the department of customs and excise the statement shows that canadian trade for the sixmonth ppriod just ended totalled 1030- 589762 the figures for the six months ended sep tember 30 ld24 were 88578833 mmbulmlljmtmimillml vote campbell for halton and a united canada mmtymw iw j v4i l 1 f

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