Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1925, p. 5

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jsladnitmvjskss v txiuityjjat october lolic- the good old lazy man i know 1 den r old inzy man vlui i omiii about all day whose luud 1m full of happy thoughts and ploiimmfc thlneh to etxy iii wandeih through tho sunny streets and linfjtmh hero and tlioro tu watch tho children whom ho meets or smooth nomc bubyi hair the sunday school lesson for sunday october 25 and when ho ilnds a lonely child or one- thalh fretful crown iio takes it gently by tho hand as though it woro his ojvd ami hand in hand they ntroll away along the pavement wide first down the block and then across then up the othei hide ho helps tho children ut their gumes and known why each ono wins iio tells junt what day toptlmo ends and marble- tlmo begins iio ik no myth fi om fali-yhinfl- nor prince in paupers clothes but just u dear old lazy man whmn everybody knows and if you keep a sharp lookout and note each one you meet some day youll sco tho lazy man come sti oiling down your street wiild ron n anderson paul in kpiiksus acth 19 23- 31 goldenlvxt foil tho lovo of monoy in the loot of all evil 1 tim 6 10 time a 1 5k place lophesus twenty years ago from tho issue of tho frdb presa of thursday october 26 1905 thanksgiving day a tuikeylchs thanksgiving some thing of a novelty there uie hosts of plump geese ducks and chickens the heavy loads on the narrowtired wkgons of the tanneries aio cutting into the church street roadway some what tho wider tires agreed upon tihould be put on at once union thanksgiving services will bo held in knox church this morning imcssia chester wallace a m- smith and t ilurding returned on satuidny from a two weeks trip to northern ontario and tho temlska- ming district mr s lasby who has been running tho butcher business at tho corner of mill and alain streets for about a year aold out on tuesday to mr nell patterson who formerly owned the business tho annual thanksgiving supper nnd entertainment held by knox church ladies aid will bo tonight tho programme will include elocution ary numbers by alias graco j merry of toronto solos by mies lexlo clark toronto and mrs s c chi a holm and numbers by tho choir addresses will foe dolivered by the local clergymen mr and airs robert crown have re moved from their farm near crowbons corners and are now comfortably set tled in their cottage on bowor ave miss mlliy anderson vhohfe turned ii couploof weolts igo from tho northj west left on tuesday for toronto she will spend the winter with her slater in tho city a visible argument some uneducated people are victims of tho fallacy that because there are giaduates of colleges who are un- worthy of the institution that has tried to do so much for them there fore colleges are bad tho rev thos x hunt relates in his spirited auto- fcloeraphy an incident in which ho cor rected ono mans pre whllotwaaaceihg as agent for iufayetto college i applied to a very wealthy merchant for a donation and ulbo io laite a sciiolurship and have his honhcducuted i found him so strong jy confirmed in tho opinion that a collogo education is but tho road to worthlossness that i desisted frotn ar guing with him after dinner i proposed a walk wo raado a thorough visit to the wharves giogahopa and hotels of tho place after supper i remarked- what a pity that so many of tho worthless idle nuisances wo hnvo seen -in- ourwallr today have spent their time and their fathers money in colleges colleges said he why there is not a college boy among them they ixrcr ignorant their parents do not go to church nor read tho bible colleges indeed i had him you sec then i said that young mon may bo ruined with out a collego education i admit hat coll ego boys may bo ruined not in consequence of education but rather in aplte of it statistics show that a smaller proportion of college students become worthless than of any other clitss of young men in tho country tho loason explained 1 a religious and commercial ltlot in isphcsus 2331 paul had wonderful hucccsn in kphesus verses 1012 1820 he must also have testing before ho leaves it might seem to us that it would have been better for paul to leave in the full blaze of his success but ood looks at these things iulto differently from what we do thogospel wuy is sure to create a stir sooner or later men do not realize all its bear ings and all its demands at once so they receive it quite calmly but denotrtus will wako up to tho fact thatr it touches his business the go pel faithfully and fully preached will stir up any community at home or abroad it is not necessarily a bad sign at all when things begin to boll- in city village or church it may bo simply an indication that the lire la getting hot the stir camp because the new religion affected business verso 25 reforms and revivals are all right if thoy do not hurt anybodys business if they do why of courho business is business and the reform and the revival must go the lovo of money what a prolific mothor of evil it is the sunday newspapers may bo a great curse but then tho christian merchant must advertise in it for you see by the business we have our wealth there are many applications let us seo if wc cannot find ono that will hit ourselves demetrius uttered a very striking and truthful though entirely unintentional commendation of paul verse 2 r would that we had more pauls that would persuade people that they should turn away from the worship of false gods and servo tho living and true god and to wait for his son from heaven 1 thess 1 9 14 paul was of course entirely right in saying that they be no gods which are made withstands demetrius does not attempt to provo that ho wasnt but simply points out that this doctrine would have a bad effect upon their business ho was like many today who wish tho preacher to square his preaching not with tho wqrd of god but with finan cial considerations tho first and the chief danger was injury to business but there was another poor diana wnh imperiled verso 27 it is doubtful if demotrlus really cared much for her but ho knew that an appeal to relig ious projudico would carry many with him whoso cooperation ho greatly de sired there aro many today who becomo very enthusiastic roligloniflthj if thoy can coin money out of it or got into ofllcc his statcmont that all of asia and tho world worshipped diana was hardly consistent with his pro fessed apprehension concerning her nor was it exactly time somo were enraged because thoy saw their busl- neys going to pieces somo becauao they saw their religion going to pieces and thon there was a concept of ac tion to reestablish business and relig ion at tho same tlmo in unison they opened tholr mouths and yelled great is diana of tho epheslans this way of proving a point has not go out eyep in ou day t o crowd who can yoll tho loudest aro quite sure they have proved their point nnd carried the day but somehow or canadian national oil electric cars when exposed to air tea loses its strength and flavor salada x jms ani for that reason is never sold in bulk your grocer sells this delicious blend try salada railway time tables at acton na cleans like china when yon nn 8mp enameled ware utensils rottnstrer need to ecrape sconr sidbcrnb tlue way some wares demand ot water boap a cloth that b oil you need to clean them it wnshea like china has the cleanliness and sur face- of china but wears like bteel dont be the slave of your cooking ware i equip with clean pure sani- larr lasting smp enameled ware qoino wsit no 29 800 am no 31 1045 ami no 33 220 pjn no 35 600 pjn no 30 830 pm no 25 sunday ii 1041am going east no 20 721 am no 30 1108 am no 34 335 pm no 38 017 pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 709 pm for 8ale by james symon mill st acton oriental diplomacy tho presence of tho japaneao crown frlnco in paris reminded tho london spare momenta of the following- story it waa at tho time of tho exhibition in 1867 a japanese embassy went to paris to treat for three free porta in franco in return for which franco was to have three in japan tho ne gotiations proved short and amicable mnko your choice said japan wo will choose afterwards tho minister of foreign afllalrs se lected yokohama ycdo and hanyang the- embassy mado no objection thoy simply smiled and went on their wiiy somo tlmo afterward japan senc word that tho three ports mentioned wcro agreed to and in return japan desired havre marseilles nnd south ampton this last named greatly amused th french onlcialh jjhey never laughed ho much before and certainly never since suuthumpton a french port gontly but unmistakably they ex plained jho situation southampton is in knglanri they replied wo know that camo the response hut then hanyang is in korea whereupon tho french offlclalti were bilcnt and thoughtful mo chance for the jack-of- alltrades tho hist census listed the number of occupations in the country an live hun dred and seventy- two but the number ojf occupations need not cuuhc you any confusion whether there are five tjhousand five hundred or only fifty makes no especial difference to you tor if you succeed at ill it will bo by putting all there is of you into one ealllng out of tho long hat of actlvi- tioa for which men and womonrocoivo wngen few mean anything to you but there ih one among tho number at which you could make a success kind it out ajirt fpruh on it iii twen tieth century nioro than over before tho jnck-of-all- trades hiim very llttlo cjiance dad influencl the scotch have a story of a llttlo hid who was desperately ill hut who for 4ill lilt mothers pleading refused to inko hl medicine tho mother rflminy gavo up oh my hoy will die my hoy will die she sobbed ho will not take tho stuff that would save him hut presently piped up a voice from thu bed dont cry mother it ald kutherll bo homo soon and hell imiko me take it an oil wthoutalcohal aomo oili am many medlolnes have alcohol as i ionilnent a judicious mingling of six chosen essential oils compose dr- thomas kclectrio oil and there is no alcohol in it so that ita oitects aro lasting other diana of the epheslans lost her hold on men from that day on though thoy screamed for two straight houm points proven in that way do not stay proven there was a rare combina tion of fearless courage and humble common senso in paul tho mad mob awakened tho manly fire in pauls soul ho wished td get into the midst of the riot and proclaim jesus but he yielded to tho entreaties of the dis ciples and tin persuasion of iris frlenda who were in place of power paul had tho opportunity of facing a maddened mob further on tho time has not yet come mobs are always irrational and mob law always insane there was a babel or voices ono crying one thing and another another there was utter confusion and tho majority know not why thoy were como together tho original cry verae 28 is tnken up again and wih ono volco they shout it for two hours what a strange sight a great concourse shouting steadily for two hours great is diana of tho epheslans if shouting could provo anything suroly this proposition was proven but shouting no matter how loud how long or how unanimous can prove nothing the probability is they did not altogether believe it themselves in their inmost beings and wero try ing to convince themselves 6t it by yelling tho louder tho man who in his inmost heart la sure that he ih right is pretty sure to bo calm and quiet while the man who doubts the truth of his position waxes vehement in his assertion or it 2 tho mob quieted by the town clerk 3541 the town clerk was a sensible fel low he told them that there was no uao in yelling so loud to provo what everybody believed ho also put in a protest against mob law ho told them there was a legal way of having dif ficulties settled and crimes punished and that they were in danger of got- tlng into trouble themselves by raising a riot alen who incite a riot or net in motion mob law ought always to get in trouble themselves the advice given tho excited citizens of ephcsus is good advice for us all bo quiet do nothing rashly the greek word tidnslatcd rashly means precipitate ly there was never a time in the worlds history when so much harm was being wrought by precipitate ac tion- amongthb nations as today let us as lndlvldunls bo deliberate and thoughtful nnd bo sure wo are right before we go ahead tho truo man of faith will never do anything precipi tate isa 28 paul and his coih- panlons had respected the rights of eyftnldolntoih floemff to htwqubctl his strength rather in preaching truth than in attackingerror verso 37 a one example for us to follow the town clerk exposes tho uttor folly of mob law it la never necestiary verso 10 ami always results in evil in the ilnal issun daily roadlnos for next weak monday october 10 paul and apol- los 1n isphesus acts 18 1828 tuesday october 20 paul anil the ijaptists disciples acts 19 112 wednesday october 21 paul and tho magicians acts 13 1322 thursday october 22 tho silver smiths riot acts 10 3641 friday october 23 tho klotcvs re buked acts 19 3541 saturday october 21 paul writo to the ephcslan church eph 1 1- 14 sunday october 25 the blessed state of the believer isa 55 813 what we get from peautfi from the peanut says london tu bits ten vuiletles of milk flvo kind of breakfast food two grades of hour ifocreiim saiadol sauce metnl- pollslieh toilet and laundry soaps oleo margarine wood stains leather dyes ink and glycerine a teacup of peanuts can bo t mado into a pint of milk while the nuts make a better lard substitute than does cottonseed oil mlxod with woll- l0aton flour peanuts make a palatnblo nnd highly nutritious bread thoy also make- excellent b intuitu tiuu cakes thfch canadian national railways have put into service on entirely new type of motive power which may go far towards solving two of the most serious ercblema steam roads are facing namely igh fuel costs and the competition of motor bus and lorry on the public high ways the oil electric car u the homo given to this new method of locomotion and its creation is due to the mechanical officers of tho national railways who conceived the idea and carried it through relatively speaking the principle behind the power which drives the car is simple in one end of the car is located a light fuel oil engine operating on the diesel principle and this engine drives an etectricpmeratqr which provides- the energy to move the car the engine is tailed by a small electric motor opcrat- ednom storage batteries and these batteries are in turn recharged by the generator when it begins to function so that the cycle of performance is a close approach to perpetual motion two sizes ofcars have been built the large or articulated type and a small type the top photograph shows the large type consisting of two bodies resting on throe fourwheel trucks the ends of the two bodies being attached to thecentre truck in buch a way by a safety locking pin that the rear car is able to swivel sufficiently to take the curves this carhas a total length of 102 feet- tind can accommodate 126 passengers in jthe lower left hand corner is a photograph of one end of the fuel oil engines used on these cars on the right mayor h bnlharrie of ottawa ts seen shaking hands with mr c e brooks chief of motive power of the canadian national railways on the completion of the first trial run of the car from montreal to ottawa large below is a photograph of the small car which has a passenger carrying capacity of 56 both cars have roomy baggage ends as well an idea of the possibilities of these cars ia to be had from the performance of the small car during a test trip from toronto to montreal the mileage between those points is 334 miles tho fuel consumption of the small car on tho trip cost 350 and lubricating oil 48 cents or a total fuel cost of 398 to have operated a steam train of similar passenger carrying capacity even with the most economical type of locomotive would have entailed a fuel cost of at least 6600 the ability of these car to produce speed when required was demonstrated during the test run of tho large car from montreal to ottawa tho trip was made in two hours and fifteen minutes actual running time or at an average rate of 52 miles perhoun bo til cars showo in the photograph are now in service the large car is in local service on canadian national lines out of the tunnel terminal between montreal and ottawa tho small car is in local service between 1 1 ami ton and guclph ontario what a woman can do a plucky woman in the united states who began to support herself at eigh teen has shown how a schoolteacher can see europe to tho best advantage in twelve years earning u small sal ary in a public school she has taken p pupng and lived frugally antr hih been able to go to europe every other year for a- two months holiday her first journey was made to eng land and scotland and was enjoyed w keenly that sho planned another nnd saved money for it during the next two yearif the second tour was through franco belguim and holland and in order to travel comfortably she learned french during her leisure hours returning to her school work she be gan to study german and at tho ond ot two years was ready for a journey up the rhine to vienna and thonco through dresden and berlin to bre men with renewed ardor sho plunged into the study of italian and at the ond of two years sho started for home sho mado tho round- of the i till ian cities and spent a fortnight in swit zerland two years afterwards she was in spain and was ahlo to speak tho jangunge during tho inst year sho hni made her sixth journoy to europe travelling through denmark norway and swe den to russia and spending a fortnight in moscow sho carried with her a fail- knowledge of swedish and not only know the russian so as to rcal the treet signs but could make her own bargains with droskydrivers and go about without a guide in the courso of twelvo yearh she hots made six journeys to europe and learned to speak sljmodcrn languages and lias supported herself entirely by her earnings as a schoolteacher and has paid every penny of her travel ling expenses starting with a pains taking study of tlie language of the country she was to vlsjjand also pre paring herself by a course of leading she has mado the best possible time of her time abroad the reward of all this oneigy and lieroverance has come in her thirtieth year her knowledge of foreign lan- gungeshas fitted her for broader work teacher and she has left the public school to take a position as in structor in french german and italian jn a high school for young women there may be higher aims than those ordinarily involved in foielgn travel but tho persistency of this american girl in carrying out her plants is worthy of praise it is a great gain jn any human life if it is governed by a definite 1a1rpose and keeps that purpose steadily in mind do not allow worms to sap the rltnllty of your children if not at tended to worms may work irrepar able harm to the constitution of the infant the llttlo sufferers cannot voice their ailment but there are ninny sifsns by which mothers aro made aware that a dose of millers worm powders is necessary these powderh act quickly and will expel the wormh from the system without any lncon- venlcnee to the child he wanted the change a atopy njout lawyers is contributed by tiwesleiti correspondent air bub- son we will cah him was a younw lawyer of the town where the court was held while tho opposing counsel mr carter was i much better known attorney of a neighboring city 2mr uabson wan addressing tho jury and having explained a point of jaw to the jurors he turned to mr carter with tho wordhi iant that right mi7 carter thought that ho had a very verdant suhjuct on his hands and with a smile of eonseiqus superiority rpihipd l have an office in c and if you have any legal problems that yup delie to luivo solved i shall be please to enlighten you for a financial con- 1 hlclcratlnn not in tl6 least abashed mr bab- son drew from his pocket a tencent piece ond hold it out toward mr car ter with tho words hero tjl us what you knov and hand back the change in the roar of laughter which fol lowed tho court joined all but the dollar a man who thanks god that ho be longs in london and who doesnt be- llo in tho exuitonce of an honet yankee and has tho graco to say mo lately wrote the following letter to a lady in new york as to tho raetlhat he la honest wo nrts iotttn no doubt since ho admits it himself the letter is published in tho new york tribune lady on new yeaf s day i was in new york and at an overhead railway station on tho third avenuo and eigh teenth street i found a pocketbook which i think is yom property as i was going directly aboard tho ateamer for london where i belong thank god i had not time to hunt you up now hero at homo my missus has a lodger that comes from your country and ho is naturally a yankee and they ao eay he is an honest man i do not believe mysolf that thoro in nn honest yankeo but tho missus says that ho is a real gentleman well sho la tho boss and she ought to know well this yankee comes over hero about 8 or 10 limes a year with fine stock and he putn up with my missus and as he pays hl score i think we can trust him with the purae there was noth ing in it of value except a ploco of breen paper which said tho tjnltod stntes would pay on demand tho sum of one dollar which i sold for four shillings but that was llttlo enough for all the trouble and as i am ni honest man i do hope the yankee will go and give you your pocketbook as a vermifuge an effective prepara tion is mother graves worm exter minator and it can he given to tho most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution a great adventure the peoplo whooso fa teres t in life aro indifferent to ono of its most fascinating adventures trying to make trio world better you might think that trie reformers would be the ones who would iohe heart and perhaps take their lives but this does not happen it is the people who are trying to get all they can and give as llttlo ns pos sible who are likely to be no over whelmed with the uselessnoss of ex istence that to live any longer seems impossible try and make the world a little better to implanf high ldbals in the mind of some boy to help some tempt ed grirl to brighten the life of somo lonely old woman to comfort a griev ing child these aro the things that help to keep life interesting another story many amusing stories are being told of the recruits in service the new orleans timesdemocrat tolls one of a goimun in the naval reserve who was walking his post and calling tho hours ns required he called seven bells and nils veil the- next call however was a variation it was eight bells and all is not veil i hve dropplt my musket oferboard quickly drives out ah rheumatic poison the first day you take hhoumn the doctors remedy that is selling sq rap id iy youml real i re that when fthouma goes ip uric acld goes out it matters not whether you aro tor tured with pain crippled with hwollon joints or distressed with occasional twlnfirea itheuma is guaranteed to end your rheumatlo trouble or money back itheuma la just as effective in ens oh or lumbago sclatloa arthritis ami chionlc neuralgia rheumatism is a dangerous disease it often affects tho heart nnd causes death if you have it in tho slightest decree get a bottle of rhciima from 13 d irhitsarb or any gooif druggist to- dny and drive it from your system at once just as he put it mortost people should havo a care if cairied to an extreme modesty is liable to b ridiculous as in a case leported by tho st louis globe- democrat years ago a member of tho indlunna l tiutt nf- hroadcloth and a silk hat goldhcadod cane and white lawn tlo wandered up into tho sanctum of tho courler- journnl stood iiround in a listless way looked over the papers went down stairs iind camo hack several times iio was asked to take a seat which he decllnod elaborately and ended by drawing his chair in a confldenftrnwfty up to tho roundabout mans desk couldnt you ho said put in the paper that i am at tho gait house with my bride ami just fling in somo- thlnc about my being a prominent indicinfun i dont care anything for this kind of thing himself but you know how tho wornon are i want fifty copies of tho paper sent to this address ho laid down two dollars and u half grinned got red in tho face said good morning and vanished next morning ho read that mr j hucklebcny requests us to say that ho 1b nt tho gait house with his bride that ho is a prominent member of the india mu legislature and that ho him self personally cares nothing for this newspaper notrlcty but that a society note would bo very gratifying to mrs huckleberry he added that ho want ed fifty copies of the paper for dis tribution to his constituents tho oil of power it is not clalned for or thomas eclectrlc oh that it will remedy every 111 but its uses are sq vnrlous that it may bo looked upon an a general pain killer it has achiev ed tlmt greatness for itself and its ex cellence is known to all who havo ever tested its virtues and learned by ex perience his own executioner naughty boya used to bo sent to cut the birch rod with which the master whipped them a most grat ifying caso of similar poetic justice is reported in the paris journal and concferna a french architect monsieur gcorffo ho was sitting in his onlco when ho heard a knock at bo door but an ho desired to be alone he took no notice and went ort with hla work a few minutes later ho heard a key moving in the lock not doubting that ida visitor was a burglar tho architecture armed himself with a re volver and quietly hid behind some curtains presently tho thief entered and proceeded to rifle the room then suddenly ho started and grew pale in a minor ho had seen a rovolveileveled at hla head from behind tho curtains ophi the window oidered the architect andshoutpollcc the burglar had no alternative but to obey and so summoned tho olllcer who speedily arrested him no ono need endure tho agony of corns with hollowaya cftrrt remover at hand to remove them decidedly the reverse linolo wellington de ijergh a rotired englis merc who occas ttirne to visit his relatives in this coimti y was an enthusiastic bicyclist notwithstanding his age which was over seventy him other passion was a fondness for watkeia dictionary which he main tained will superior to all others of whatever date and he seemed to know it by heart your uncle said a caller one day appeals to be a walking cyclopedlu on tho ronrrnry responded one of uncle wellingtons canadian nclco4 lips u cycling wnlkorpedia woman nd aathm women are nunflwied among the sufferers from atithtna by the countless thousands in tiveiy climate they will be found hftlplein in tho grip of this relentless dliicatso unless they have availed thchr selves the proper remedy dr j d kellokkn asthma itemetty has brought new hope and lift to many sueh test imonials sent eiitholy without solid tatlon miiuw the enormous benefit it has wrought among women every where can youffcyd to lose when you buy speculative shares which have no earning record and no market viue you are simply gambling with the overwhelming probability that you will lose your money why take this long chance when you can invest your savings in sound dividendpaying securities of known value and earning power arways readily marketable and be safe you can do this by availing yourself of our pay in a vkar plan c example 500 initial investment 500lnvestedpay in a year plan will buy outright- 5 shares bell telephone dividend rate 8 10 shares steel of canada dividend rate 7 10 shares cahadian car foundry pfd dividend rate 7 tho abovo investment securities are long established dividend payers and possess an unumial degree of safety plus extraordinary profit making possibilities on rharket advances other investment group selections for smaller or larger sums on request our new investment booklet the road to financial independ ence gives a complete record of canadian dividend paying securities with their high and low market prices and explains how you can start investing small or large sums with absolute safety by our pay in a year plan send for it today no obligations representa wanted to act as our local correspondents mail this coupon b satnteeijrharee pa investment b inkers canada ceiwhit bldg montreal que you may send me details of your pay in a year plan and your bookie ttvjthoul obligation on my part i am interested in the following securities v name addres dopt k p city look money take notice that wc will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 years oxperlencet your disposal and as3umo all your collection troubles send us yur list we will do tho rest no noto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away wo will tacldo nny honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly mnnaror referonce sterling bank of canada qlijdre cry for castoria mulhert fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops ancj soothing syrups prepare to relieve infants in arnis and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation qf food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always tool for tile signature of cut fcnvn directions on pnch pack i trr pllyskians everywhere recommend it fe free press job printing is always neatly done canadian national electric haifcways vvitbound dally excopt sunday r 743 am dally ntnnnr 048 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally t g43 pm daily 743 pm dally d43 pm dally 1232 am eafltbcund daily 743 om dally except sunday s43 om dolly 1143 am dally s 14s pm dally 343 pm dally 641 pjn dally 743 pm dally 943 pm dally 1140 pm freight delivered by apodal oxprcu freight freight picked up at any ad- dresa in toronto j a smith insurance and real estate agont for confederation life as sociation londoh lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee avd accident insurance company farm and town properly for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention eivon your business solicited residence mill and wallace sto telephone 105 r 2 10 off all monuments ordered now in order to reduco my stock of monuments for fall and not carry any surplus monuments over the winter montjia i will give a ton per cent reduction on all monuments erected this season place your order now acton monument works j nicol prop m stcfldt actanw onl 1 typewriters investigate our precisionbuilt factory rebuilt underwoods and you will buy no other 325000 enthusiastic users general typewriter co 99 king street wcit toronto 2 advertisers the free pre88 ia anxious to servo you and serve you wall wo can oivet your advertise ment better attention avid there fore mako it more attractive if the copy is aupplied fco ua on monday or tuesday if copy faila to reaoll ua until wedneaday forenoon there la a ruah to eet it up betforo the forma cloao and the raault ie likely to bs leas aatiafaotory 8end in your ad80early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and e know we can please you savage co guelph ontario

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