Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1925, p. 6

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ri ti ml i ii m tl fci t- rx- died iieriunoton in ooorftotown tuesday ortoboi 11 192g eatolla octavla baker beloved wife of ooo w llorrinktun urtl is yearn thompson at tho home of her daughter mrs john merachorn ct norfolk street oliclph on monday octctlui iii lulis mary tloflzcll the whlovv ir tho into john c thomp- on in her nth year slfor ivrimt jkrrr teifi thursday october 22 1025 brief local items tjio general election in a wcol from today do your buying and your paying now and do it in acton shower to tho bridohtobe aro luito numerous these fall evenlnpa guolphs annual road rncos tin annua mad rua for which guolii has become f am ohm will be bold on thanlcsfrivliur lyiy novrmlmr llth thoro will tut opon o vents for if and g mllo nmi nnd 10 mllo walk local rncej will inrtudo road rn ecu for men and boyn prlzci uerrrofjatlns 1000 are offeror lady misoionarios leave for china m1hh jean orahani of toronto mini oladyti ivrkiiih of- dmyton an ha emily caldwell of ftoorjrotown and ml3 lena taylor of jvoweasitle loft iait woclmsdav liy ctn for van couver from which port they will rail on october 2 for china tho party will proceed 2000 mile inland from shanghai and will hp wtationcd it h oxpected at choiiklu mlsi ciraham nnd mihh taylor will spend five- year in the chenptu difdrlrt ai school mal- rona mbo caldwell and mihh tvrklnh will twich three year in the mission aries nchoolh tlii party on leaving vancouver wore under tho direction of rev dr j t thomson a toronto missionary returning from his fur- joukiii their work xv 11 he linder the uceotion of the united church of canada i been vlill- the farmers hnvo rushed in a jarpe quantity of roots during- the past week tho village of powaasan is getting alonp this year on a tax rate of 35 mills autumn is the season of calm it has its wild storms hut ita calm is exquisite the nominations for the ominc federal elections will he held at mil ton todny quarterly communion services will he held in tho united church on sunday november 3 cheer up theres pood weather coming- and lots of it esqueslng womens institute will hold an old tlmo social in stewart- town hall on october 27 the political pot in halton may be balling these days but it is not boil ing overr- milton reformer octobers second snow atorm came on monday it was howtryor ns short lived as the one the week bofore these are yellow mellow ripened days oer tho dreamy litftlesh ways beauteous golden autumn days it for things far off wo toil while many a pood not sought because too near is never gained wordsworth if tho broken gun at tho soldiers monument should be put into present able shapo before the armistico day scrvlcea t yjuaco of ctaterdown will taico a plebiscite on the installation of a waterworks system at a cost of 30- 000 today george mason of trafalgar town ship picked a macintosh red applo on monday which tipped the scales at one pound and four ounces nothln ought to bo drivin a farmer in october his crops are in tho barn and he cntake his timo over fall plowinv mr poaslee mondays gales played havoc with the apple crop that remained unpicked tho trees in the orchards in this sec tion i lou jacobs of nelson township regarded ns the champion applo picker of halton county and perhaps of tho joominion picked 44 barrels of apples in nlno hours on saturday partridges and squirrols are pro tected again for this season threo men were fined at chatham for shoot ing black and grey squirrels 15 each and their puna were- confiscated no less than seven new or revised text books for use in ontario public and high schools aro now being is sued by the department of education and will go into use wlifain tho next twelve months tho anniversary services of tho acton united church will bo hold on sunday november 35 rev dr chown late general superintendent of the methodist church wjl i preach at both services vitcv r e zimmerman ba will preach anniversary services in the united church at liallinafad next sun day rev mr vvaddell the minister at ballinafad will occupy tho united church pulpit here the home of iv giles of the mid dle road near uronte was entered saturday ovenlng by thieves who stole 110 when the family vzere out milk ing two bedrooms wero ransacked but nothing was taken except money while mr a j murrays farm iiand had his team at iundaays mill oi saturday for chop the horses be- cunio frightened and made a dash up mill street fortunately they were caught before mutfrtdamago was dono tho upward lendancy in the prlco of potatoes js very welcome to the farmers prices have been quoted in toronto during the week at j1j20 to tlgo per bag american buyers aro picking uj car shipments from tho growers at a meeting of guelnh presby terian presbytery hold lait tuesday the cull of bedford park nd eglfhg- ton church toronto to hov h e ab raham of st andrews quelph was sustained as was also a call from pualfnch to rev peter matheeorn jxxusro couldnt bo a better time for a man to think back over things and rejoice that the earth has returned him her increase than when he is followin a pair of hones lilt died to the plow in the fall its the best time of the year to bn thankful caleb peaslee my dear said a young wifo in town to her husband the baby has been trying to talk nsrain what was ho talking abotlt i think it must have lieen politics ho started very calmylbut jnm few minutes ho was as angry and red in the face as he could ho it is perfectly wonderful how ho takes after you fined for sunday gambllno tho following caseii hoard in tor onto police court on monday shows how sunday gambling i treated in toronto police court officer milling and boyd were responsible for tho ap pearance of ling how charlie ling wing wong let lung zoc duck lorn ling and joe kto it wan explained that this celestial contingent had been called from a fan tan gaiao at 35fcj elizabeth strerl and that the game from i chinese point of view at any rate was n small one the accused paid 5 and costs apiece for their in fraction ot the law in the name court harry brisk t mlcklo macka p packman mike rtbblth jharrykac- nsky mike shoulder mike pennlck p orgathulc and nick mommas acknow ledged gambling on tlio lords day tho game played had an unjironounce- ablo name a pipe organ as a memorial tho baptist church at port kmyan has just been presented with a beauti ful pipe organ by mr and mrs c x icillmaster and family tin a memorial to their son and brother the into charles- killmnstor who was superin tendent of tho sunday setiool and an active worker in the church theport rowan news gives a detailed descrip tion of thv presentation and dedica tion of the organ and a few references thereto that will he of interest to our readers theinows says the new pipo organ in the baptist church has a splendid tone a charm that will cost a spell over every musical soul that worships there on dedication sunday it was played by mr fred killmnster m a bach mus who in ono of the few really great organists and choir masters in canada tho organ was procured- bythe ivlllmaster family in memory of their son nnd brother ono of the best business men and ilncst singers among tho young men of nor folk county it was a wonderful ser vice on sunday morning ono which gladdened the hearts of tho so who heard and understood the beautiful thought which is conveyed by- this memorial orpan will bo appreciated more and more with the passing years when the idea of a memorial to bo placed in the church came to the fam ily it was certainly a happy thought in view of the extraordinary musical talent of all tho members that it 1 mit frclir reld who li iig several monthfi at jici mot in rv home mrs laithcr cornell i vim on saturday ut inst for her ho m- at painbrini paak sin- um m u compnnled hy her twin ur m 1 i i sinter jessie mrnirn iitol leslie arthur sw k- hamor ami albert nilth attended i he meeting of ouelph ivesbyteiy of the united cluirch last week to coiv- with reference to t the matter of tm- services of u united church mini tor as pastor for name time tho pit tit has lhrti mippllid 1 tho pastor ot the daptim church acton hhi fils has been i veri aucoitablc arnn o- mont generilly so far as tiio pu pit uiplv hfis hecn concerned now how ever that tjnfted church nilnlsteri aro liable it is probable that within a month or no the ehtirchnnd its ser vices will be in charpe offi jtastor be longing to tluit body mr donaldson of the unite i uoekwood incached the jn- nlvoriary ncrmon ialen mimi on supdny evenlnp to the united fhiucii oonwgithm in the lall the wintry weatlier this wek h keeping the furniera back with tlieir work tiiere aie a lot of potatoes ap ples and turnip to take in yet mcitr c a an1 w l- paihy of knatchbull completed their himpons silo tilling sat nviiv afternoon campbellviille limehouse mr dougliat fjewd was home from knox colleprc tolonto 0er tho week end the dam at the toronto lime ooh haw mill lias developed a serious leak and it will probably have to he re constructed tliewiterwheel will ilso be overhauled interest continues in the service of the united church here tho congre gation adopted the weekly offering system of envelopes on sunday ttio pivlngs will hereafter be more system atic and naturally inereise in amount the farmers hereabouts are getting in their root cropv they arc much encouraged at the increased price now being offered for potatoes it js more than double tho price which ruled last year rev- thtrmnii dodds of dixit- and- islington will conduct anniversary services in llrneboime pjcauitcrian church on sunday november 1 at itti 1 m and 730 pm all sainth church milton ijjglitu i the irone of a pretty weddlnir when bertha mildred eldest daughtor f t it itohh beciimc the bride of george w dennis of campbollvlllc tho ceremony was conducted by tho rector rev canon e j r naftol of milton the bride was given away ly lier father and wore a pink genrgetto dress with hlack hat and carried a bouquet of roses miss violet ham ilton aunt of tho bride was tho bridesmaid mr robert mcmnllen iit milton wiiy the best man after the ceremony over forty guests sit down to n sumptuous wedding supper at the home of the brldoh father after which the happy couple left on the r honeymoon tked ut her a moment liiuiu eigir nervous bitrnlng willi the hint courteous ballinafad mrs klllmaater is a native of acton a sister of mr john c h nnd wns for tnunj yiars a member of the choir of the methodist church here mrs h w mcintosh of toronto spont a few days last week with her father rev n avaddell miss p mckarlnnd nurse ut tor onto spent the weekond with mish glen miss dorothy burnylde of guelph was a weekend visitor at the fad miss barbara young of strcotsvlllc spent a few days last week with her mother mrs james young of this place i there wos an election meeting in tho hall last prlday evening when hon hugh outline and dr anderson spoke to the electors of halton and south wellington mrandmrnra kfnwietttind son graham visited friends in brampton on sunday mr leslie waddell student of knox college toronto occupied the pulpit here on the llth inst mr and mrs h english of toronto spent sunday with her sister mvs b rogers miss m m young of toronto s visiting at her mot juts home here for a few dayn annlvorsary hcrviccs will be held in the united church hero next sunday rev r e zimmerman ba of acton will preach tuornfng nnd evening rev lino w is lis r limed fhiu ili uk ollegi front poich a illeum silence hei rithei o slie was one o modern gi i who ai anty to set light nruiig lel me tell you a stor about jny- heir jennj ho said when i went tu college i was t fanuboy tiued to a home life wlthmy mother and sisters i had a small room in a cheap honrci- iiiat lioimij which swarmed with nolyy htudents they rfuny shouted played names fenced and somotimos drtuilc it was impossible for mo tb ntmly after a coupleof months i coaued to hj and sang and told atoiies nul soon began to drink with tho rent one day the sister of ono of my eliushniatos asked mo to supper j3ael of jho class had been asked by her in tut n she was u plain mlddloafumi woman nol learned or bright in any way inmy in taking care af her family and liouso but hc had a thought to iiifru to u stranger a boy whom iilie siau- probably on tho brink ofruln when i was golnp away sliu said laugliing of courso you will bo work ing hard now to bo ieadeinr yourcinhlt to satisfy your mother it is simply inipossiblo for you to study in hmt hahol of a house why tot take the corner of my back porch for a htudy she led mo to a ilttlo nook over looking an oldfashloncd garden it in never used she said nobody will 4turjjynu you cm enter from out side vvkdiall not interfere with yon nor will you with us thn quiet little corner shuded by grapevines was an enchanted place to mo after tho noisy illsmelling board inghouse i came to it the noxt day and round a chair and tnblo with u lockdrawer for my papor and boolcn i remember that tho tears stood in my cyca for sheor happiness it was tho tho author of life and sport on the pacific coast says that in assem blages where l little patience and jjoodt humor temper what is disagreeable the people of the pacific slope aro at thelr best once ut a performance of mime play several youths wero guying the prin cipal character to tho annoyance of evorybody else suddenly ni gentle- jilrst timo that i liad been alone since man said to them very pumtoly tltt it lady om tho stage is making so much nolho that we cannot 41 car what you are maying but i hops wo shall have the plonsiireof hearing your criticisms later when tho act lj over silence followed the remark at tlmca somctlilng more forcible is needed a certain lady bad one day bemi rudely treated by a minor rall- xyny ofllcinl she was very indignant and quite at i loss for words hnt she had a saving sense of humor aiw turned to a stranger at her elbow si- said she will you tell tills man what i think of him the stranger without betraying tho least excitement said in jl meloneholy drawh sir thin lady thinks you are an understrapper clothed with a little brief authority whose only qualillca tsl4 v i to eonfirii- i ultn- explain the iiieitilin pejle in d line i evil if the know avesteui law ye was t j ounjf woiinin with temp- i jl lllsfief i iiiflfihur a ieamlnlnir iv hamrhtv she had estlf- hmt dir- hol seen the defend uit di i id i o the plainlin the lawyer selged nn tin woid shy shv t booh wluu in on mean by that will ynn explain in the coin t what the wivrd nh nisin i tho girl leaned uvu- the 1 k b nenth the witnessbox plcio up i book and threw it so acemiteiv uid ao forcibly at the lauyslhal li hi i hard work to dodge it i think the court now iusf inland i the moaning of the word iuy iud the judge grivly tln ili i wan -il- lowed t inini her testimony where the paint drush never rests in order to preserve the rdnel in tli gigantic horth lhfdge in suiland from tleffectu of tho i ithi it is repainted every thh d yetr i ml the hfiiietuit la so largo thil ittalfts three years tn- the workmen employed about thirtyfive hi number b- cover tho entire bihlge no lhit helm com pelled as snoit as they have reached one end fo begin again at the uppoaitf end they aro continually at work the lirldgo contains fio00i tomi oj metal and is k2dc feel in length tlon for the position you occupy your extraordinary impudence tohtmthtrtath doll will ocr ttfeiuiipit of tho united church at acton endorse duncan campbell halton progressives favor lower tariff and the candidate supporting it a largely attended meeting of the halton county progressive associa tion was held at milton last wednes day evening president norman wriggjesworth of ashgrove occupied the chair tho meeting discussed the question as to wnether or not it would be ad visable to place a candidate- in the flold it was anally decided not to do so m the following resolution wan unani mously carried moved by m a campbell of nelson seconded by s marlatt of trafalgar that we do not place a candidate in tho field and that we are in accord with the principled laid down by the progressive party especially a lower tariff therefore we endorse tho candidate whoso platform comes closest to the principle that wo repreaont oakville philanthropy nnd business are rather curiously related in the minds of some people uh the lewlston jour nal suggests uy an vmecdoto of a maine farmer xle lived at cape elizabeth and when ho went to port land ho invariably favored certain friends with hamplos of his produce perhaps it only happened so but anyway these friends were always well to do and mr lufkln never unhitched 1 left home i wont to work i would bo leader of my class i would riutls- fy mother avellr- that little nook was my salva tion tho woman who gave it to me mill her husband and childron grew to be dear to me they brought mo into tho world of innocent pure alms oulto apart from my college life if i jva kept near to the right during the years when a man is most sorely in need of a good companionship surcly 1 will stick tolt for the rest of my life i worked hard during tho sprjng tid early summer in my little porch- ktudy and when the examinations came- 1 was ready for them when the zeaults were announced my fondest desire wa realized i had passed at the head of myelnss and it was that kind hearted wo man who saw what bad company- was dolnj to mo that gave me my chance to make good and 1 have never been soiry that i grabbed my chance and fciiplit hard to keep clean nnd satisfy tha wishes of my dear old mother when her father had finished a look of determination was seen in janes eyes she had resolved that upon her return to college she too would seek a ouiot spot ignore the rowdy boord- inshouse set and make good thermometers 89c end for our dependable gutririteed easy- toread t lis minute fever ther mometer in a handsome- case wlfji full instructions for lining drtip- klsts charge lfu to 200 for this thermometer send 83c money order or itamph national wealth publish ing co p o box 1736 montreal ean co the store with the stock wc nro liiwing tins week the best value in navy poiret twill ortv miltennl in tlie market 51 inches wide all wool in a icli shade of blue good value at the regular price 2 25 yard special this week at good values in stripe flannelctti fjood nap fast colors- at per yard c 32 inches wide with while kntfllsh flannelette 31 inches wide nelettc is worth 50c special this week white flannelette- 27 this ii an 185 25c 40c inches wide with a good nap a good flannelette for childiens wear special this week per yard makes 20c white and ray flannelette blankets large double bed size with pink or blue border this blanket is worth 300 special this week 260 a job for you 6 to 10 daily so- men wanted no previous experience necessary wrlto for 40- pago freo book which explains how you can earn while learning to work in city and towns shops is auto mechanic kngincer electrical battery or welding kxport chauf feur salesman etc also bricklay ing plastering mechanical dontis- try and barberlnr- dont die a- lab orer white nqw which job address hemphill government chartered trade schools ivco em ployment service 1g3 king st w toronto as to clothes how much timo and consideration the old horse to drlvo homo wlthoutls man elvo to lllli ci0the3 finding tucked awny fn the waggon something in return fully as valuable ng drr t if not more the nelghhors noticed that ho ql uestlon which almost every boy asks hlm on entering th work- if ho liuvolhat most puerile of all aveakf nesses prido in his own good looksho may gnawer it by beropilng a fnp4mii tlie opening pt it night school is unuer conslieration bj the board of miss caldwell goes to china miss emily caldwell georgetown kindly remembered on eve of nor journey tho last meeting of the yuun6 peoplea league of the georgetown unttod church took the form of n farewell to miss emily caldwell who left last wednesday for the mission field of west china about two hun dred members of the congregation gathered tt show their appreciation of the fact that ono of- their number is going to take- part in the great nfork and mlas caldwell wns rhowered with good wishes anti was assured that the thoughts nnd prayers of the commun ity wpuld follow her she was presented with t life mem bership in the womens missionary society a purse of gold by the con gregation a writing case by the choir a silk umbrella by her sunday school clafih and a steamer rug by the glen- wiluamr public school board the choir spent an evening with jdhm caldwcjl at tiie home of her jiarontii jtev and mrs h caldwell herald education mr w s da via and his sister-in- law miss cavorts recently arrived back from a ten day trip to montreal and quebec ma george ii xmver of the firm of consulting engineers bearing his name toronto took up his rcsldenco in bis newly acquired house jier last week tho horticultural society held a meeting in the council chamber on friday evening to discuss plans for the coming year and to distributo the prizes won at tho september show thieves broke into the dominion storo last week through the roar en trance and carried off a case full of chocolate bars ah tfaih the manager is able to find out these aro the only things missing mr and mrs w a deane miss francis deano and mihh breckbn of burlington left on mojitlny on a motor trip to miami florida where they in tend to spend the winter the officer and quite 1 number of the members of golden rule council no 60 pt of t journeyed to ham ilton last friday evenine by one of the parlor motor busses nnd visited the sovereign council of tlmt city tho lawn along tho sldo of tho gregory theatre on dundas street has been seeded and three mtiplo trees have been- planted by mr grogory which will add much to iho appearance of this corner munns anniversary nnd fowl sup per will be held on sunfluy and mon day october 25 and 2g sunday sor- vlocs at 11 am anil 7 pm in charge of rov a j irwin l of water- down tv l his nam i emembrnnccs with people who were well fixed so ono day when egga were away up in price and ho was starting to town with a lot of frcbh ones for a certain friend some one said to him curiously why dont you ffivo thoso eggs to some poor family 7 oho said mr lulln easily poor people cant afford to eat eggs at this time of year kgrp is high a delicate position rqckwotd wedding presents are frequently distinguished fortlieir usefulness and giftmaking at any time is always at tended with some danger but there is a contractor near albany who real izes that tho most generous inten tions are likely to turn out disastrous ly the albany journal tells how it came about a faithful irish employee announcej hia desire tb take n months vacation in order- to visit his brother in the west ho had worked so well and steadily that tils employer not only granted tho request but made him a present of a now valise tho night before tim was to leave ho received the gift accompanied by u few ap preciative words tim started at the valise for a mo- meiar and then nuked what am i to do with thot why put your clothes in it when you go away of course nnswered tho contractor a put mo clothes in u is it said tinu an phwat will oi wear if ol put mo clothes in thot useful after he is gone the summot boarder it appears may be useful to his landlord in other ways than- in putting money in his pocket a lato comer to a certain sea side resort whose permanent resldepta aro only sixty in number and whose communication with the gay world on thursday evening of this week n durlngtljp winter is not close was flll- wirtf pity when he thought of the congregational socinl will be held at the home of mr chinlea hamilton for st johns church tdist sunday morning t the con tinuing presbyterian chmch hov mriko asked a native if tho prop police 4jourt news indiscreet kindness mifls peggy watson a village not able in her day ajwayfl tried to say tlie pleaaanteat thlngn nho could she admired and praised and did all fn her power to make other people happy hfae wa afraid that mr berry felt ensltlve about being deaf so when he sat near her one day at the sewlnff society ah said smiling- t dojty think you nre very deaf jtfrs bmty what did you say asked mrs berry i i dont think you are very deafi repeated mim peggy somewhat lou4r i dont understand you said mrs berry hocomlruc nervous i dont thlnfc ymi arp very leafl cried minn peggy in a load high voice pleae say that egnln urged poor mrs berry x and thea swss pegy with the kind est ot intentions had fairly 6 sbdut n her friends jr i dont think you r firi mi jim forbeh six months term at the ontario reformatory for bootlecging ended last week jim says sp more bootlegging for me phil forbes first torm ends slat of december if he pays his 100000 fj he will tlion be liberated othprwisc he ronnilns in tho itoformatory until next june george dickson was last week sen tenced to a term of from one to two years in tlie ontario reformatory hy magistrate crawford m brampton on clmrgpa of chicken stealing hi- tlftil district simpson commenced a series of din courses dealing with events through tho bible he briefly dealt with tho opening verse of tho first chapter or genesis on tho word in the begin ning and tho prcvlotiu 3tto of condi tions mr simpson h well versed la tho scriptures and along with the aid of a churtt he very uibly helped tho rongrepntion to get tt 1 coper insipbt into tho knowledge of oiirlil jilblitial times at the morning servlco of the united church rev mr cockttiirn iccuple1 the pulpit in the interests of mlnsion ttnrk tf fhn rr ii jt november rod and gun the kennel department of the no vembor hod and gun the canadian hunting magazine contnirn a notable feature ine article on the canadian field trials of bird dogs from the pen ofa rmty bo said to be thercatest field rial authority ontho american continent tho no vember issue- mjcht ihi called a hunters number from the amount of hunting interest it contains an old timers stor ot hunting in the hocky mountain is a real old tinws- yarn written in a carefree style that marks the man of the open and interests his fallows in the brecxes from the west a bryan williams the well known b c eporteroan strikes tho liiwe nore that is felt in all h stories and rsgulnr fwiturc or tho wajsurine r gr thiflor limited jiib- waiislne w j twor llni lr tiaqriiitarlb work of ijho unltcl oliurrli otcoiritn blvink brief nccountx nf tho ncoiln ot tho cliurch chpcclally jn tlwwentern tiravincob in ti ovenlnu bwmr donnldhon nntl rev mr ltfnrsh of edon mills cxchunkcrt pullllts bb iovlnc of nlnpirn llln wiih n clmitor over tho wcckond mr robert camoron lit toifinto ami formerly principal of tho public school mere ronowort ncfiuilntancon ovir tho weekend ho in nt lioncnt atmlyine taw h mr malcolm mcnnbb linrl fnmlly of anlikrovo xpent suncloy nt iho hom of archie mcnnhbj i- wiulnm koycc of siincoi- nwhomo over sundvy anil cnjlort ot tllo hos- pllnl saturday in guliih lo nco liln brother stcwnrt who iinilerwont an 01rtlan jaut- week vi- liopo on tvjpirltir borbor will bn alilis to ho hround in the notr future ilia plnpo li hcinjr burplleil by mr tavcll of ottolph jrr thomas kelly nnd ilaukhter julh rcnl a fewi rtnyhln aithur lust week a flmoll attendanco wan at iho iinll on sfonrlny evrnlnr at the nimllnft- in the tntotests of tho women rtectbra which wim to bo rtdoroslidl lv mr kirnh john mincdolinlcl of toi- onto alonpr with others rrorn ouelph the wnowatorrn of tho urieinonn nn thwftynvo pdwer belnk off a coiiple of dreary and monotonouh oxlytenco the inhnbltanii niiiht leud iluilnp much of tho year ketl a nntlve if the people did not find it dohperalciy dull in winter dullr repeated the nntlve iwell i guchn not ivo imvi- irood tnnkj at oxperienco- mootln what kind of expcrlcnco ineotliibs ahkcd tho ihtonlshcd stvuiiffer about summer hortrderfl was the nnuver we met two or three times week durlntf tho winter and tell about dincorent exieilejicia-avjtli- suin- ner bnnrders fiueni you wouldnt call our winters lull if jou wero there ua btin the contempt of ull stronger men hut if ho overrates his other oua3ltlos ho often becomes a sloven aupposinr that the world will judge him on other grounds than that of well -llttinfi- coat and trouaers a man who wn one tho foremost of cumimin statesmen said once when 1 wqfl i youiik fellow 1 held dieas in contempt if ihad noblo aims in my soul i reasoned what did tho cut of my coat or tho polish of my shoes mat ter one day i wont down tho street in an old hat and soiled garments which r ljad worn when finning a muld wus scrubbing tho front steps of a neluhborinfr house and probably taking mo for a tramp thil out tho ullfu of water na i paased i was much bespattered and accordingly hurried homo and chnnged my clothes i put on a new- handsome suit when i passed the house again the same muld not reeorinlzlnp me made way for mo with a respectful bow then i reasoned respect and civility arc solid tidings of ltre if a certain claws of peoplo pay raspect and civility to clean and seemly clothes it is a cheap wi or gaining consideration to wear them costly thy habits ns thy purse can buy lint not expressd in fancy lior the apparel oft proclaims the man vain folly will betray itself in its gaudy finery but why should a grave ratiotal character be misstated and belied hy unclean and slovenly gar ments thoro may bo as much false vanity in untidy cnyleas clothes aa in fop pery toe nxkinq ran oobeactrrs burns scaids etcvgalmosaivecant be bat mighty cood forco10s too pmce2strrryxtlviugqist swilyebi mens black wool sox at a bargainwe have 50 pairs of mens black scotch fingering o in sizes iq loj and ii we have sold these sox for 75c per pair wc clear this rot of pf 50 pair out at a special price of per pair duc mens merino underwear shirts and rf g f- or drawers fall weight special at uachpluu andpjlo2j mclean co mill street store closes wednesday at 1230 acton ont wonderful healing salvo for ec zema burns sores etc send 3 cent stamp for sample or 25 cents for a box 23 dunloe rd toronto 5 5000 reward if 1 fail to grow hair oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grower grows hair on bald heads it must not be put whereat is not wanted cures dandruff and all sculp troubles 175 per jar agents wanted prof m s crosse 839 alain st winnipeg man the charity concert under the auspices of the puke of devonshire chapter of tho 1 o d e in the town hall acton tonight thursday october 22 programme wkxixirivrtrizntrz by the orehetrn corvkt solo mr a jtasoil i hecitatiox miss helen ostiandcr tevob solo mr lewlu scottish dancivc5 john macocchie solo mm j inticol sklkctiox t orchestra part ii kklkction i the orchestra solo miss j galliriltb kkcjtatiov qltaktktte 1iaxo duett tkxoi solo qlahtettb sklkctiok miss addlo hurst the band quartette l grtl and jpannio orr mr itivll knox l idle quaitette the orchestra god save the king c proceeds for local charity purp06e6 specials for this week the bane of bashfulness short hours a certain aecretary of wnr tjuyil tho jmdon tit tllta wan very zealous in regnrd the dutlea of hliofllee and in weeing that others were not unmindful or theirs one day ho visited the looms of tho infantry ilepot nnd in- nulred as to details mooting a man ofnd in u hcrgonntn uniform in tho pnnnage ho nulceil him al what hour he unually cnino to bio duly oh nnld the serneant i iisuivlly about eleven twolvo strolp in oclock stroll in said ho imiiniseil mln- lator then i presume you do not leave until alato hour won replied the nnm oner- nlly nllp off at three oelocll slip off at tlircis -ooloohi- returned tho minister ncniiduliaed jmy sir may r ask what dopnilmont von he- long to i conn inly nnld the nllirr r come every snturdny i wind tho eloclts not to be too well done bmr in tljo ivcnlng no doulit kept a htllo whliriu- may hull nort- many avhy 1y there is a hnppy meaning in every thing it in said thnt a shrowu old lady luard her niairud dauitliter nay i myliuabuilil doeiinljlo hiicii and uuch a thing hell 11 nil hlihflclf- in hot water my child n li din obi lady a mnn is llko an egg kopi in imt yiter ay hull nprt bin keep him tlimo lohir and ho liairtoiw the aliy little lrl who j buries iter face fn her mother hltirth on tho ap- pronrlt if a htranp r makes a chaim- infe- anil aileturcfiquo flyuro that same- child bfcomoi jl yotinp woman and iufferin tho nonici of diffidence as a wiullowtr tt l party is an object for pity no wo nut n can le nnhympilhetlc uiih tho mifforoi if he ban herseif once tltdtntd tin iulserie of sclf-con- hcioht iijno4 the feur of nodal blunder t lichen ho of phymjcal awk wardlitkfc ho onvy detestod yot hti lulled of- ik more easy and kiaeoful friend tlio bit tor apjuehrnhion tlitt no om will over have tho dosiro lo break tlirotiffji the barrier of apiarcnt coldnetti nid illneover tho real wo man yet uijh flliynorih ha its root iikii cpwlliyof cbtmtter hotii noblo and hervleeiifolo in that admiration which reaolnj o fctr it nmy soom idle to try to overcome kiiiimi dlusdenoo hj nn ethical argu ment mi if oner tho timid blrl cn brin lieihok to record the tcirlfylnk nootol kiuf ith hlmply her hiionn apd oxnniplcii liu may krndpahy find her four mckliir nlo admlrollon and -rty- into ti uihwihoiiio itnltitlon hodal kino in itirroly helfforkottlnj nbll d ut oiiiiif it atiotherh place ah he niiy klveandtako which hi ihiwhiir olmrni of iho ihihic- ihk iii tho coimfrj or the artirnotui tea in tlm fttv in lln remit not of roiiium for onvriiia hon imt of piaotlro in the art of ontri r- itiihk- they aro ae- nulrctl with far limi toll and nkill n ihtvlnc tin min or in embinidety or in roiilury join our xrnas club h w hinton acton- and georgetown kor iveddiiik and lllithday llftm club ilizes kpoilal kou- venli 4 cut lass nd chlni mllvpl lliitwitp anl uniiow waiv for the tnlilo old colony adam miirmiul wnm minster mliyfnlr pattern vtni itnbcii 1s47 an 1 community plit- mvojhltarp ienclls watermnn pirkor jind dintil luntiin inw all nnd hoc our bityine prices before join our xmas club jjeep cuts round steak nt per oa i sirloin steak nt per o tb cidc porterhouse steak per op round steak roasts i q per tb ioc porterhouse roasts 04 pei lb c 30c 27c 30c sirloin roasts per h winp roasts nt per lb choice rib roasts per ft 24c 20c 20c smoked meats side bacon by piece 0j per tb qjc cottage rolls at per lb smoked rolls whole or half lb smoked ham whole or half lb mincemeat try our mincemeat per tb butter choice creamery but- jq tcr per tb toc eggs at iper dozen aft- 20c now pjpev every wednesday afternoon w j patterson corner mux and main streets acton ont mmimmiwiwtwmnihamiai a stickler for rank it 1h not in thin oinintry alone thnt tho notion of eilimlllv pvovuih the london kikmiii leimili tile rnllnwlnit luntanoe as it nmiuililcint hteamei the ptop- fity of llni imilnnlllir irlelltnl in wiii ntoiuiilhir iti ii hniltlimiiipton hm- li a kiiiiu inilllhlitor limited fill mediately l flolit ot ii all nllliil- nil holtld 111 toillililtr auelllff till sll6uoil oilill mil nf hi nay lllll tlm hiinie till iifflltulllll illluve of mle lolll- erllil ile iiliiuliil inreplv ale ve uiilnlti or llnil veiiicnly nil iliuiiiiiil li iillleer then mmltii in yo sumln nalil hie i llwitiiiiian im tin eaninin ihls federa election i m t a public meeting in thfe interests of i dr r k- anderson halton conservative candidate wit be held in she tvl hall actoivat8pm saturoav october 24 addresses will be given by i t 11 avdon troihirtent labor organizer of ottavva fiol j k mtkav wlib jl aghcwitural matters m jfflblw9 jvrttm mi w issi v ft

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