Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 18 thursday morning october 29 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning october 29 1925- single copiesrfive cents the acton united church of canada minister rov r ezimmormaji b a parsonage willow tcce services 1100 a in communion service 230 p m sabbath school mission ary day 700 p in the minister subject the mbst excellent thing in tho world monday kim p m young pcoplos meeting pageant tho challcngo of the cross prayer and prnise service- thursday evening at 730 presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 a m the minister subject historical scries on book of amos no 2 an appeal for justice 300 p m sabbath school and bible classes 700 pm tho minister subject the power of prayer strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tho trustor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 945 a m sunday school 1100 am the pastor tho ordin ance or the lords supper will be observed after the service d v 700 pm the pastor a helpful gospel message monday 800 p m young peoples meeting thursday 730 p m prayer and praise meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charffc 3c per insertion for sale oxford down ram luml for bale c b swackhamer r r no2 acton rooms to rent rooms to ent comfortable mrs l a worben mill street horse for sale light horse suitable for driver ap- 200000 clearance sale continues for full details of the special bargains offered you in our big 200000 clearance sale see rage three of this issue news of local import i o d e mooting tuesday evan in q the regular meeting of tho i o d e will be held nt tho homo of mrs wm cooper on tuesday evening november 3 at eight oclock ply to grain wanted wheat oats barloy buckwheat highest prices paid w b b 7tt phono 3273 norvil por rent comfortable- housekeepings rooms for rcntivlth aladdin- lamp apply tu- aiss s mcdouqall frederick st wantep a girl hoarder woud glvo board and room at reasonable inico or in exchange for a little help in npare time apply to box 15 free press stenographer wanted a etonographcr who understands bookkeeping and who la willing to make herself generally useful in a business ofllce apply at once to box 7 acton free press alex mcdonald main street agents wanted selling hosiery for tho family from mill to consumer write for our now pall anil winter catalogue just out sterling hosiery mills toronto ontario wanted man tci check up puller brush busi ness in this vicinity man with car preferred for particulars write pl vflsner 30tj royal bank bidg london gnt join our xmas club h w hinton acton and georgetown for wedding and blrtflday gifts club prizes special sou venirs cut glass and china sjiyer flatwacc and hollow ware for the table old colony adjim baronet westminster ihyfnir iwittcrn vm rogers jfmf and community plate eyersharp pencils waterman parker and dintni fountain ppos call and see our prices before buying join our xmas club wonderland j- friday october 30- the night club based on the stage play after five starring tho silk hat com edian raymond griffith assisted by vera reynolds and wallace beeryt comedy sundown ltd with our gang felix cartoon saturday october 31 in love with love- comedy drama comedy ten der feet cartoon felix on the job fox news tuesday november 3 his jwajesty blinker bean starring matt moore and pnrothy dovorc chapter 1 of fill pew aerial in id chapters fthu ttrrnt otrnuh mystery comedy polu kid coming tjie thundermk herd with thomas molghan old home weekj- it l gregory son radio radio we have a full line of radio equipment batteries tubes etc see our pive tube rpdio vlactiine l ec aa pomplpte r with battery unci tubes for pjlvouu batteries recharged we call for your battery recharge and deliver same let us demonstrate our machine to you h a coxe ford sales and service main street acton us sale affair good seasonable footwear at lowest prices t r for mens womens boys and girls w parin factory and school boots at less than pity prigcg- how do we do it bepaue pur expenses are very much lower first quality guaranteed rubbers to fit nil makes and sizes of shoes also heavy rubbers of all kinds at prices that will compel you to buy here i 1 harry harrisonjhe shoe man avo close wednesday afternoons nil the year round with he exception of december h theunited church lust sunday rev- n wnddell b- d or balllna fad preached an eurneat gospel ser mon in the united church last sunday morning in the evening hfn on mr leslie wnddell occupied the pulpit homo baking sale at baptist church the ladles aid of the- baptist church will hold a sale of homemade baking on saturday afternoon octo ber 31 at throe oclock in tho class room of the church e e graham secretary 1267 voters in acton tho voters list in use in tho elec tion today contain tho names of 1267 residents of acton- there are 651 voters in pollingsubdivision no i inid 716 in no 2 there were 913 votes polled at the general election tour years ago ufo and u fwo meeting i tho u f o and u p tv o held thjlr regular meeting at the homo of mr and mrs john mcgregor nassaga- woya last friday evening a good programme of musical and literary numbers were given after which danc ing and games were enjoyed a bounti ful lunch was served by tho ladles obituary rifjbtofway on provincial highways s l squire deputy minister of his ways for ontario announces that a rfghtofway rule for through traf fic will come into effect at tho begln- ijik f next year on tho provincial highways this means that all ve hicles are compelled to come to u full atop before entering provincial high ways- from tho intersecting roads junior io d e shower the members of the junior i o d e visltedtho homcbf their fellow mem ber 2dlaa edna jqhnston last wed nesday andln view of her approach ing marriage bestowed a kitchen shower ta very comprehensive assort ment of culinary utensils was present ed a feature or tho evening was a sarprlflo sprung upon miss eva john ston one of tho members herself a bridotobe when she was presented with a- beautiful piece of silverware the slrls spent a delightful evening at this very hospitable home fraternal visit of young psopi tjlon invitation from lp ypunff peoples guild of rno church tho members of the baptist vqung pcoploa uriion jkiitl ji friendly yt alt to th former on monday evening thp oc oasiftn resulted in a very pleasant evening from soveral standpoints tho yisilttra -jkhu- went-in-a-body- tonox church under the leadershti of rov mr libyd the pastor presented tho programme for the evening it had much of merit tho devotional section was inspirational and tho literary and musical numbers were much enjoyed mr knupp the president mado a few liapiy remarks the young people of tho guild entcrtalnod tho visitors to a delightful tea at the close of the programme mrs minnie moore the president extended a very cordial welcome to the guests of the ovenlng mrs john thompson erin for home time mrs john thoniphon of erin had been residing with mr and mrs john mcbachern ouolpri several weeks ago sho waa stricken with paralysis her daughter mrs mceachern ministered to her with loving solicitude and the other mem bers of the family were frequently vlaltorh to hor bedside sho pnased away on monday 19th inst a funcro1 service was conducted at tho homo in guolph by rev roy w frid t d- after which thecortege proceeded to balllnnfad a public servico wna held in the united church there rov nj wnddell bi offlclatlng interment was made in the balllnafad cemetery mrs thompsons maiden name was mary roazell her birthplace being at the homestead on the town lino be tween ern and erumpsa sho was in her sixtyninth year fortyfour years ago she married her late husband john thompson who -predeceased- her some thlrtythreo vears after lier marriage mrs thompson resided on lot 2 cth lme erin which has ever since been the family residence the family comprises george thompson who resides on the home farm mrs john mceachern guelph and mrs a b mclean acton the juill bearers at the funeral were all former neigh bors george campbell joseph allan gavin cree william cole marry shortih and joseph swjndlehurst the band ejects officers for year a splendid banquet and social evening followed the busi ness session social and personal the bands halloween parade plana inaugurated for a sane and eh- joyabls celebration again acton citizens band certainly de serves credit for its continued effort to provide and carry into successful effort a really enjoyable halloween celebration for several years their initiative has materialized in an even ing of real fun with an clement of competition and tho halloween spirit predominant thin very worthy enterprise of tho band has largely forestalled tho un- neomlyand of tendestructlve pranks perpetuated under oldtime conditions on halloween night the parade will form in front of the band hall at n quarter ast seven a competent marshnll will be in charge of tho par ade the band will lead tho procca slon and the masqueraders will fol low in regular order in twos and fours six feet a iar t the route of the parade will bo announced hy tho mar- shall before the band leads off it 1m hoped the usual large number of cltirenh old and young will appear in halloween costume tho stores in town are well stocked with masks anil halloween accessories and a little in genuity and inventive skill will result in costumes unique historic amusing graceful or ludicrous all who are prepared to conduct themselves with reasonable decorum will be welcomo to join the parade jiyiy jiriwg wjl i j reuwardeilior the- best costumes best impersona tions and most attractive features thejudglng will take place on mnin street between tho government building and the hydro shop and citi zens are requested to refrain from lcrowding upon tho contestants by goodnatured observance of this re quest tho work of the judges will be facilitated and a larger number of spectators have the opportunity of viewing tho masqucraders who are be ing judged the io d e charity concert tho size of tho crowd that attended the l o j3 e charity concert last wednesday evening in the town hall was hardly worthy the splendid con cert provided and the vy creditable use which the funds derive therefrom weretjelna devoed hgyeye r tho hall wpj ttvblhtrdn filled und thoso who did attend were amply repaid with the programme provided- tho united church sunday school orchestra was most generous and willing in supply ing a large iort of the programme and every number delighted the audience tho other features on tho programme were provided by messrs george mason and charlie landsborough- in soxaphonc and cornet duetts knox ladies quartette comprised of mrs m it moore mrs a near mrs a- c stewart and miss isabel ander- 8on recitations by helen ostrandcr tenor moios by mr j levis solos by mrs john nlcol and miss j gal- bruith with violin obllgato by mlsa l mason recitation by miss addle hurst cornot duett by miss l mason and rudolph speflvogel tiie kteb acquisition to actons entertainers master jack mcgecnle waa perhaps the most gnerqualy qpplaqdpd and cordaiy recpiyeil of nhy fit th nrt- las jftfk s an ortist at dancing iijghlrnd jiloih dutch irish and cjagc iiu flrst appearanco in aoton waa pertfinly appreciated the ac- companlsih for tho ovenlng were miss hneet maion mias 1 m gray miss annio ilcdonnld and miss jean orr hov- a c stewart was the genial chairman for tho evening tho total receipt of the affair were 5960 trunktflivtria armistice memorial service each succeeding year since the erec tion of the- monument to the memory of tho acton soldiers who made the supreme lucriftco in connection with tho great war tho citizens of acton have perpetuated their memory with imprefcslvo public- services the effort has lieen and is being mado to ef- ftfctivoly materialize the motto adopted with the flrst military funerals of the war their name llveth for ever more at ten oclock monday morn ing nov 3 our citizens will assemble in tho town hall tho meeting will be opened by members of the council the national anthem will bo sung and a prayer will ho offered by rev h g l jlaufirh ma rev ac stewart will read tho scripture lesson for tho day and the audience will sing that good hymn lord of tho lands an ad- drcsa toy the rev h e mermnn b a will f olow aryd hov fther mckcovy will mkfce lue nocesbari awioumfementk after ini- ihg ood ouritmivlft arfjs at tlie nucilfinee itl c prpcefc q the d flopiipiunt on mih btreeet for m flecprauon oeremonlos thero tho doxolflpy will bo siing the monument wir ho decoruted tho nnmea of our holdlcr heroeji will be read by rev mr i laugh irayer will bo offered by rev j vpoyd njm nttcr two minutes of alienee nt 11 oclock tho last post wll hd aounded citlzons will then proceed to falrvlcw cemetery where tho fftftves of soldiers interred i there i will be decorated by tho junior daugh ters of the empire assisted by rov mr zimmerman and rev father mc- boavy a verso of nearer xjy ofl1 i to theo will 1m hups impl prayer and tho teiiohiptlon will be made by rev mp slovyojft a spuvenlr programmo j of the prrtceodipbo with engraving of tho rnnpument and the nm of the j kindly farewell to mr and mrs mcenery who leave the old farm at balljnafad to reside jn conj about 15ft pf ho neighbors and friends qf mr- nd mrs david mc- enery assembled at their home lot 32 8th line esqueslng last friday even ing to say- farewell and spend a social evening prior to their removal to their new home in acton a musical and literary programme was given in connection with which the following address was read and beautiful arm chairs and rockers were presented tho address was read by mr henry hlltz and thechalrs pre sented by messrs george rogers and alex mckay j to mr and mm david mcenery dear mr and mrs mcenery as the hlncereut and warmest of friends and neighbors we have nvet hero to flight to express our deepest regrets of- yolir flcparurcil from our midst we feel hat vc c npt lettho occaalori- imiss whhoii gather irjg to say farpcih and ssurip yau of our best wishes fpr yhur future your devotion vp duty apd loyalty ns citi zens of tho community and active memhernhlp in balllnafad church is common knowledge to un all and as it has been in the mint will continue to be in the future a source of inspira tion to those of us who are left to carry on words aro too few to express the number of ways in which we shall mis you and how much we shall miss you in each of those ways whenever tho clouds grew black we always know whero to com 6 to find an opon door and cheery smile and thus the silver lining return in you mr mcenery wo foci that wo aro losing one of our most faithful and devoted members we reallzo that your position in the church will bo hard to fill as you have over conduct- ed the work in businesslike and cflv- cient manner thus forwarding the work of tho master in no small way in our community many of tho pioneers that wore chil dren with you have left us some have been called across the river others have left to seek their fortunes in distant lands but you have remained until the present when you aroabout to deart we realize that you mramcencry have n no small measure been a party to the kindly deeds and devoted wife und mother wo know that in your deiarture wo are saying good- byoto a real mother of israel while we regret that you irtust move to youndcr town yet we rejfice know that you are not going no far away but that you will htill be able to be umongsluk nfllmva hud will con tinue to be interested lh our work wlille we lose by yiju departure we know tfynt aaiother- jnirnuhliy wll he the imfncv- we usk yiu it kindly aocopt thono chairs pot oqnhtderlnjr their mone tary value but an a slight token of the esteem in which you have been held in the church and corrimunlty may you long ho spared to uso the sumo and if in any small way by their uho they shall cause you to re member the happy relationships of by gone days we hhall feel gratified praying that gods rlchent blessing may abound unto you we very re luctantly say goodbye signed on behalf of the friends und neighbors hrnity iiiltz seorge rogers alex mckay mr mcenery replied in feeling words- he feltthat u was a real sor row t lenvo the old homo and friends among whom he hud spent his life time but lifes changes brought theno occasions he thanked the friends very cordially on behalf of mrs me soldier heroes will be ululrimjtea otjeuery and himself for the kind words ttftr twtt hall axftl mmtforol 0rtteni the annual meeting of acton citi zens band was this year a memorable event it was held in the band hall on monday evening and almost every member of thci isund was present to tiflco part in this annual event vice- president chalmers was in tho chair arid socretary n f mooro read the minutes of the last annual meeting tho auditors report showed that tho band was in a yery healthy financial condition and a surplus of 234 on hand which is amplo to look after tho aovoral improvements tho band is con templating tho coming winter tho report also showed that tho band had ono of tho biggest years wat it has ever had it was presenteiby band auditors george r agnew and alex mann tho report from tho past years olllcers which followed also omphaslzed the very successful year the band had just passed through jn tho election of oificers for 19262c tho following bandsmen were chosen bandmaster a mason by accla mation honorary president j c hill by acclamation president g a dills vicepresident james k smith assistant bandmaster johnallaon secretary treasurer geo soper jr committeeman a holfund property custodian and caretaker geo simpson each olflcer as elected apoko a few words asking tho bandsmens co-opora- tlon during tho term of ofllce at the conclusion of tho business session an elaborate banquet had been prepared by tie bandsmen the iloovo and council and several citizens who had been kind enough to glvo the use of their cars in transporting tho band during the summer sat down to the spread with the bandsmen it was a real feed and would have been a surprise to tho women folks in the way thojtablea wore nrruhged and tho function carried out of course tiic ladies had been doingtholr share at home to help av toast llst had been propared and lyesident alex munn was the capable toastmaflter in charge the list com- jtrised toasts to the king our townv proposed by g r agnew and responded to by reeve barber our guests proposed by j chalmers and responded to by c h harrison our bandmuster proposed by g a dills and responded to by bandmaster a jiaaon iind supported by everyone in chorus of hoa a jolly good follow and three cheers and a tiger that xliodo tho rafters ring numbers interspersed between- the toasts included saxophone und cornet i duetts by george mason and charles lundsborough harmonica solo- by j campbell currieselections bjths jiand male quartette pnd singing of oid familiar songs by everyone an interesting item was tho summarizing of the activities the bund had partici pated in this year by secretary n f moore that was a revelation to the bandsmen themselves as well as their visitors much or the success of the social part of the evening was due to the untiring efforts of the commltteo in charge which was captained by ru dolph spell vogei and ably assisted by bandsmen ray agnow geo r agnew geo bishop l d forbes and g a riiis missettle dills was homo from tor onto over sunday mr angus kennedy of guelph was homo over sunday dr wg c kenney- wns home from toronto over sunday miss bertie smith apent the week end at her home here mr stephen guest ya home from toronto for the week-end- mjlss margaret bennett was homo from toronto over tho weekend mr and mrs leslie r atkins of georgetown spent wednesday with acton friends mr and mrs frank spellvogel- cele brated tholr silver wedding annivers ary on monday mr and mrs donald askln and babel of grimsby were guests at tho manse during tho week i mrs w h stewart of milton wus in town on friday to visit her friend i mrs john brown i mrs dr e j nelson and bubo huvo been sending u week with friends in guelph mr harold wansbrough of tor onto was a visitor at his home here over tho weekend mr und mrs r f sanderson of oukvllle called on rev a c and mrs stewart on sunday mrs jumes moore and miss clara spent the weekend with mr and mrs c h moore dundns sxv and mrs earlo brown of kitchener spent sunday at the paren tai home bower avenue mr and mrs albert brown of kitchener spent sunday at tho paren tal home bpwer avenue mr and mrs chas o las by of toronto visited friends in acton and vicinity over the weekend mr and mrs george graham of rockwood spent sunduy at tho home of mr a c currjcv brock ave- miss wllma wildfong of dunnvllle spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs g h brown bower avenue miss kate mcqueen of acton is spending a few days with her mother mrs mcqueen golllngwood bulletin mrs gj w masales and master lome are holidaying with friends in owen sound dcaboro and chatsworth exmayor arthur s forster of the oakvllle star made a very pleasant visit at moorecroft on sunday after noon mrs jae near mrs r c law and children of detroit returned home after spending a week with friends here retires after 52 years mr peter a smith of boardmoro i coa tanneries resigns his position one of tho best known leather men on tho continent mr peter a smith of acton who has spent fijftytwaj years in the tanning business has re signed his position for thirtyfour yearshohaa beerimanabcr of tho solo leather tanneries of messrs bcardmoro co when tho tannery ot this company was built at brace- bridge ho accepted the managership and successfully conducted this large business until four years ago when ho removed ta acton for twolvo years he lias superintended tho sole leather tannery hero during his long career in the tanning businoss mr smith visited h the leading tanneries of cnudf nnd tho united- states and kept u tmioh with all improved meth od adopting such its were of advan tage in the production of the best grades of oak and hemlock tanned sole leather mr smith lias lately folt that the tlmo of life had come when a rest from business activities was desirable and last week tenderod his resigna tion his services haxo- been bo valued and ills relations with tho company so cordial that the messrs boardmoro were naturally very loath to loso his- services but mr smith insisted the resignation will take effect sometime next spring wherever he hasbeeiimr smith hivs proven himself a worthy citizen and in torestcd in local matters he waa mayor of bracebrldgo when ho re moved to acton and had been closely associated with tho towns interests similar interest has been taken in actons progress and ho holds tho-po- altlon of hon president of acton chamber of commerce mr smith comes from a talented family prof mith of tho boston collego of technology is a brother and another brother is ono of detroits luuillng business men our citizens willbo pleased to know that it is not tho present intention of mr and mrs smith andmisssoitn to removo from acton police court ngwg william v imhft georgetown was charged bofnio h mooro p m a georgetown on tuesday with un lawfully holding clothing and other focui belonging to miss sills guardiun for the children of mark varey now employed in detroit a bailiff salo of chattels of varey was held to recover the amount alleged due for rent mlm sllip claimed that ivor personal be- lonirigtrnnd the childrens clothing had been held by tho bailiff for a month trftor tho sale evidence for the proflcnutlon was taken after which tho defendant elected to be tried by the judge crown attorney dick of mll- lon und mr c h itowyer of bramp ton appeared for tho prosecution and mr- ii o molr for the defence i5dvln peardon brampton pleaded guilty in police court hero yesterday to reckless driving at the corner of mill anil malii streets- ho drove be tween an electric pole and the en trance to woodhalls iitore and barely escaped running over a women with baby carriage on the sldowalk police magistrate mtooro imposed a iftfrfulty of 110 ami cvata in all ir miss bertha brown and ilessrs roy juetlerneal mire jiamo front the elty- spending the weokend with their mother mr laird m mcdonald of the bank of montreal left on tuesday morning to continue his work in the bunks branch at brantford mrs h goldham who has been for several weeks in guelph hospital is making satisfactory progress toward recovery and hopes soon to roturn to her home mrs e j langevin bower avenue received the sad news on friday of tho sudden- death of her brother mr james leamy mining engineer of bis- by arizona mrs a m mcrliall of uxbrldge and miss jean mcpnuil or st george visited over tho weekend nt tho homo of mr and mrs malcolm mclean bower avenuo mr and mrs david mcenery of balllnafad have removed to acton and have taken up their residence in the james brown house on main street whioh mr mcenery recently purchas ed mr w h speight toronto who had his leg fractured six weeks ago wan able to leave tho orthopedic hospital last week and hopes shortly to resumo tho duties of his position with tho toronto cjeneral electric comjiany mr and mrs william coleman of heapelcr mr and mrs cecil soper of preston mr j soper of guelph mrp margaret glaseoy of george town and mrs c a wright of tor onto spent sunday at tho home of mrs alfred soper mr and mrs w d frick and mr and mrs solman took an enjoyable trip through new york new jersey and down to washington during tho week they had a delightful time at tho capitol and visited president washingtons old home at mount ver non pa mr roy johnston reached home last week from his motor trip to saskat chewan three young men accom panied him and they enjoyed their 3000 mile trip very well considering the rather unpleasant weather the harvest weather in tho west was dis couraging rain and snow interfered greatly with tho work and played havoc with the roads roy came home fooling fine and quite satisflod that onturlo is good enough for mcv fortieth wedding annir versary mr and mrs john karahami nsa- gaweya co ferrate d their 40th wldlnq dy h wednesday evening october 21 a pjoasant event took place in nasua- biiwoyu when mr and mrs john mar shall celebrated their fortieth anniver sary of their marriage tho membors of their family and immcdiato neigh bors were entertained at tho con clusion of dinner in a unique manner icinora kudo offered her grandparents tho congratulations of the company and marlon anderson presented them on behalf of tho family with a ruby pin to mrs marshall ahd an engraved fountain pen to mr marshall on bo- half of the neighbors a ruby ring to mrs marshall and a ruby tie pin to mr marshall mr marshall in replying for him self and mrs marshall expressed their surprise at the unlookedfor expression of kindness and generosity and re ferred to the fact that the family was unbroken and all present both chil dren and grandchildren ho also re ferred to the pleasant associations of good neighbors and some of the changes that have taken place in the forty years which have passed the evening was spent in uuislc gamos and social intercourses mr marshall in clerk of tho township of nassa- gaweya und the family has for many years taken an active interest in the affairs of tho township both material ly and morally news of local import do you vote you say that taxes are too high but do you vote about extravagance you sigh but do you veto how long you wail must wo endure this state ot things that keeps us poor how long i do not know im sure but do you voto wheat 55 bushels to acre tho best yield of fall wheat yet re ported in ontario is that on the farm ot itobert watson in vaughan town ship york county he threshed 55 bushels por acre from 10 acres at tho prevailing price of wheat ho will real ize nearly 1500 for the crop may vote though not on list tho omission from his hat by a registrar of tho name of any qualified voter does not deprive such voter of tho right to vote on polling day tho deputy returning offlcer for tho poll ing division in which tho voter lives may add the voters name to the list and permit him to vote upon his tak ing the- necessary oaths nnd being vouched for on oath by some other resident of tho polling division whose name appears on the list as prepared by tho registrar whore you will vote there aro five polling places in acton for tho election today two in polling tmbdivlalon no 1 and three in no 2 the electors who rcsido north of mill street will pojl their votes in tho fol lowing placea no 1 at tho town hall with a to l inclusive in tho fire brigades room m to 2 in the free li brary in no 2- voters a to g inclu sive in tonyscynuks near the bap tist church h to mc in the customs rooms rear of post ofllce and m to z ut woodhalj mckays store forty throe years satisfactory- servico in renewing a contract for adver tising in the columns of tho free pnfisa a leading toronto wholsesalc house saya wo assure you that tho ser vice you have given us for tho post forty- three years has been- quite with- out fault our contract with you if not the oldest is orio of tho two or three on which we have had tho pleas ure of doing business for a long period of years and always on a most sntis- factory basis it gives us pleas u j to renew contract for another year turnip shipping business lively turnips are coming in lively these days and the aiiinpcra are kept busy mr angus mceachern manager for messrs p m barrio co the inde pendent buyers have shipped fiftytwo car loads from acton station already this season the cooperative asso ciation has- shipped botween fifteen and twenty cars tho independent buyers aro paying- this- week j5 centu pur bushel for large turnips and 23 ccngrsmiuilakulaf year tha co- operative growers aro delivering without deflnlto prices being quoted an instalment 13 being paid thorn on dellvery and further payments will follow upon report of sales tho acro- ago of tho cooperatlvo growers is re ported smaller than that of last year some of tho members of tho cooper ative association are soiling to the independent buyers pretty wedding at the parsonage a pretty wedding was solemnized at the parsonage of the united church acton on tuesday afternoon at three oclock when eva may younger daughter of mrs hannah johnson acton was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to mr john edwin ken nedy of detroit only son of mr and mrs e frank kennedy acton rev it e zimmerman b a performed the ceremony tho bride was prettily at tired in a navy blue suit with black satin hat and brown shoes and stock ings and carried ophelia roses and lily of the valley and wore tho grooms gift a red fox fur sho was attended by tho grooms sister miss lorna kennedy who wore a pretty dress of cocoa bilk crepe with felt hat to match and carried columbia roses dr j johnson supported tho groom fol lowing tho ceremony a dainty lunch was aorved at tho home of tho brides mother the happy couplo left amid slioweni of confetti and good wishes for a short motor trip upon their return uiey will reside in detroit r young people enjoy visit to milton on mondny evening tho members of tho young peoples league of the united church visited tho league of tho milton united church in response to an invitation extended several weeks ago the weather was not very pro pitious for tho 24 mile drive to the county town and return but tho wel come extended by tho milton young people was so cordial that tho dis comforts of a ride through the snow wero entirely obliterated about fifty members of tho acton league com prised tho party tho programmo of tho evening was contributed by tho vialtora and it was evidently enjoyed by all a feature waa an excellent paper on good citizenship by miss t s h craig principal of acton high school miss bennett tho presi dent of tho league in a brief speech thanked tho milton league for their splendid hospitality and emphasized tho pleasure and value secured from such fraternal visits rev r e zlm- mermnn also made a brief address whllo rev mr hurlburt tho minister at mu apoko very kind words on belittle ox tho yaung peoplo of- ma church- tho acton league was very hospitably entertained to dainty re- freshmonts and an hour of social intercourse and intermingling of guesta and hosts wns enjoyed by all was a friend of andrew arthurs when rev g mu rosa misslonary from ho it an china who addressed tho prayer and praise aervico in the united church lagt thursday evening walked down mill steot that day and observed tho namo captain t a arthurs on the- soldiers monument ho folt at home at once ho called on tho pitkh pjikss apd inquired how it wan that capt arthurs name was on tho acton monument it was with natural prldo that the information was given mat this was his birthplace that he waa a son of mr and mrs thomas arthurs that ho attended tho school hero went from aoton to tor onto university and knox college and that he preached his last acrrnon in canada in knox church before leaving for his amission field at honon china well said rov mr rossi ho was my friend and neighbor in honan we both raised chinese labor battalions and took them overseas to franco in 1917 capt arthurs dlod in france from influenza he was only ill a few days in 1918 i visited his grave at hough several times before leaving after tho war rov mr ross met numbers of friends oif aidrew arthurs during iiih visit acton was proud to honor thin intrepid christian soldier in its list of heroes when tho memorial waa cncctcxl six years ago

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