iiiu noiie or member tanadnn weekly newspaper association member set ei ted town weeklies of ontario the acton iite press is published every ttaiiridiy morning at the irec press uuillin mill street acton ontario the subscription price is aoo per ear in tauvance postage is charged additional to offices in the- united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ryiin in rrntff v 1nt r measure forfirst insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific direction will bd inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor teiephones- kditonal and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 thursday morning october 9 1925 editorial keep highways open in winter automobiists are demanding that highways b- kept open for traffic three hundred and sixtyfive days in the year and contend that there is nothing unreasonable in their contention we are inclined to agree with them the government reaps a rich harvest from licenses gasoline tax etc while a sub stantial fee is paid by those engaged in running taxis from place to place last winter the drivers between ayimerand st thomas were required o pay for running every day in the year yet there were occasions when it was impossible to get through the huge drifts and many times conditions were so bad that the value of their cars was reduced every trip the department in all fairness should keep snowplows in operation when necessary so that tht traffic may not be held np to those who are paying for the privilege of jising the highway aylmer gazette fraud orders bymoil the general public is not likely aware that when a business concern in the dominion begins suddenly to receive n large number of letters daily although no ripple has disturbed the surface a quiet investi gation fa going on and if there is anything dii- honest about the business a notice will soon appear from the postmaster to the effect that the depart ment at ottawa has ordered the retention of all let ters addressed to that manorcompany the dis honesty which is held to justify the issuing of n fraud order may be a mere bareface attempt to steal an effort to get something for nothing the charging of an excessive profit or misleading adve- tising hfis called forth such an order a noted cas- in point is that of a company which advertised to fur nish seed for an agricultural product and to buy the product at market price the order against the company was issued because it was learned that it sold in small quantities for a total of six hundred dollars seed which it boughmn bulk for three dol lars and because it represented the product as easy to raise in fact it is difficult this fearless attitude and action of the government is of the greatest pos sible benefit to the country at large in two ways it checks indeed if stops absolutely one kinctof fraud and it protects innocent persons from loss through that fraud the thing on which stress should be laid is the availability of this strong arm of protect ion there is often a number of fradulent schemes afloat dependent upon the publicity which they get through advertising when ones attention is at tracted by such an advertisement he has only to call the attention of his postmaster to it and ask him to notify the department at ottawa to do this in every suspicious case is a duty which every honest man owes to his neighbor as well as to himself the old han of the jbgr clock w n editowax notes an acton old boy in commemoration and loving ro- nicmbmnce of the authors home town among fair natures wlnuomo rills i think of theo o town of mine serenely nestled by the hiis thou nrt a veritable shrine and when thy children cease to roam they turn toward thee as homo sweet home the miracle of locarno is that a will for peace has been created in europe for the first time since the world war declared premier baldwin in a speech at london on friday tjie registrars who completed their workon sat urday ascertained that there are 18000 voters in halton county returning officer dewar has or dered 20000 ballots printed there were 12055 votes polled in the last general election in this riding what is the countryasked a district visitor in the city the other day of one of the fresh air chil dren from the ward the quick reply was the place were things are alive yet many a country or small town boy or girl says i wish i were out of this dead place and in the live city folks call thee by a well earned name an appellation of renown because thy works have brought theo fame and made thee a busy town not prone to booms nor flashy ways preferring sunlit paths to haze what precious memories arise as fragrant as a morplng rose of those with whom we could advise and find the path we later chose unswerving men with hearts of gold whoso spirits never have grown old live on o town of mine and may thy sons and daughters free from lure construct thy civic life each day on lines of strength that will endure and may thy lustre never fade as long as suncrowned men are made with apologies to the st marys journal if you cannot pay the businesslike governor of a western state says that his state now pays as it goes and if it does not pay itjioes not go the principle which works well with a state or a province should be equal ly successful with individuals one of the most undesirable habits young people can form is that of charging articles on account going on the supposi tion that it will be easier to pay for a new suit or a gift xor a friend in a month or two than it is at the present time so far as personal expenses are concerned no one can afford anything he cannot pay for when he gets it often it is a wise policy for a farmer to go in debt to some extent for a farm or for a young couple to go in debt for their home but it is not a good policy for young people to run in debt for their clothes their pleasures or their christ mas or wedding presents pay as you go and if you cannot pay do not go acton chamber of commerce campaign for acton the acton chamber of commerce has inaugurat ed a strenuous campaign in favor of shopping in acton its ammunition consisting chiefly of handbills suitable for exhibition in shop windows these hand bills set forth a rnoving appeal to shoppers who are reminded that the circulation of money by the acton people for acton people by leaving it in exchange for goods at acton shops promotes the prosperity ot fellow local ratepayers the employment of acton people in acton helps to keep down the tax rates and leaves something over for dog biscuits it is contended that acton shops goods and prices com pare favorably with those in other towns no this item does not refer to the activities of the chamber of commerce of acton ontario but of the enter prising organization at acton england the item is from the last issue received of the acton england gazette the plan adopted by the overseas chamber of ctffnmerce is worthy of emulation by acton on tario rghamberof commerce we commend it cor dially where the crowd is thickest the pressure of women mpon jhe profession of teaching becomes greater each year of the hun dreds graduated by the normal schools and colleges every summer a great many look forward to earn ing their own living and the schoolroom presents itself as a natural goal it offers a living at once and the fact that the earning power of the teacher may never be very great docs not count as an offset to the comfortable fact that the income begins im mediately the woman who undertakes to raise violets or chickens or to paint pictures to plan houses compound drugs or establish a cooperative kitchen must be willing to wait some years hefoic her income will be sufficient for her support but the ovcrsupply of women trained more or less ad equately for teaching will soon make itself felt to even nie least foresight of these prospective wage- earners an advertisement for a teacher inserted twice by a board of education in this count recently was answered by two hu j and fifty candidates nearly all letters in response to the advertisement were from women evidently of unusual parts and powers and almost all of the applicants manifested a nervous anxiety for a good position and great ap prehension in regard to the permanence of it such facts as this indicate clearly that women in greater numbers must seek other occupations the outdoor employments have never been properly appreciated by women the problems of domestic service await their solution most important of all many a woman may well learn that wageearning may be for her an unnecessary evil and that society although over- stocked with schoolmvams has plenty of room for feminine professors of odds and ends at the convention of the hotelkeepers of on tario at toronto last week premier ferguson de clared that there would be no more referendums or plebiscites on the liquor question while he was in power he said that in future the government will determine the policy to be followed on any issue nofa stnglelicclarniiton accorded any candidate for the house of commons in the official nomina tion proceedings which took place last thursday throughout canada this is indicative of the ex treme vigor with which the campaign is being con ducted by all parties but the case was similar in the 1921 general elections war is ended at last peace has come universal disarmament is near with a great light in his eyes the british foreign secretary austen chamberlain thus proclaimed proudly to a press gathering at paris last week the inauguration of a new era although he did not say it in words it was felt by those list ening to him that peace was really signed at locarho a visitor fronrscotland to toronto recently said a great many people in his country regarded can ada as the icingon the american plumcake less poetic than the characterization our lady of snows this description of the dominion yet ap peals to the imagination of the epicure the visitor added the significant remark however that he be lieved canadians themselves had a great share of the cake as well as the icing hardware and metal magazine estimates that each year the local paper gives from 500 to 1000 in free advertising to the community inwhich it is located it adds no other agency can or will do this the publishers of the local newspapers in proportion to their means do more for their town than any other man and in all fairness ought to be supported not because you like or admire them personally but be cause the local paper is the best investment the community can make simcoe reformer printed in iarc letters on the detroit city buses can be seen the words courtesy prevents accidents in the interests of public safety this certainly is a fine slogan at first sight it is not so evident just how courtesy tends to prevent accidents a little thought however soon reveals the secret con sideration for the rights and liberties of other people has a tendency to make things- run smoothly sel fishness is a promoter of irritation and misunder standings this slogan might veil be adoptecr by all motorists the earnings of the canadian national railways this year are so far very encouraging both the gross and the net earnings showed substantial in creases during september as cpmparetf with the corresponding month of 1024 the gross earnings show an increase of 3294804 or 1706 per cent while the net earnings increased 1792615 or 8348 per cent for the first nine months of 1925 the net earnings of the national system amounted to 12- 32576535 against 6075830 in 1924 an increase of 10287 per cent tourists from the united states have brought 150000000 in revenue to canada this year accord ing to estimates of canadian government officials more than 2000000 american automobiles it is estimated have crossed into canada already this year they carried approximately 9000000 tourists or one tourist for every man woman and child in the dominion every province shared in the tourist business ontario received the larger traffic last year 1376988 cars from the united states entered ontario 163878 of which stayed frbm two to thirty days 1645 from one to six months and the remainder shorter rjtfriocfs sun bonnet and hat hetes a little story of un esteemed elderly couplo who lived in this com munity many years aeo it has never been in print before because until recently a few of their descendants atlll remained they are all gone now however and the quaint little incident will hurt no ones feelings it is a fact however that some of our oldest residents used to tell the story with much unction the lady had been bereft of one helpmeet and her second husband had twice been left ji widower before this pair wer united in the- bonds of matrimony tjuy wero both of that tompet anient which causes its posses sor to bo chat notorized as act on the woddlngrdny the bride after reaching her new homo with the groom found in the back entry on a con spicuous hall a sunbonnet which had belonged to her immediate prodeces sor she romoved it to oblivion in closet her newlywedded husband made no comment but replaced the sunbonnet on its accustomed nail during the next few days the calico headgear vibrated with more or less regularity between tho closet and th nail then there came a day when the bride approached her husband with a mans hat in her hand as ho was in the act of reinstalling the sun bonnet if you have that sunbonnet there she said firmly i shall hang up mv first husbands hat on the next nail she looked at the bridegroom and met the counterpart of her own ex pression she hung the hat on the designated nail and although tho two people lived to be very old neither the hat nor the sunbonnet was ever moved again till the house cumu into the hands of a new owner can you reiember my friend mr coleman has sent n further interesting resume of election days with the query how marty can remember and here it is my dear venerable friend there hove been a great many do minion elections held since 1874 when alexander mackenzies liberal govern ment carried the country referred to in a former letter to this column but ho came into power at an unfavorable time a great financial depression set in in september 1873 beforo tho form er minister resigned banks were breaking in the states nnd business was becoming veiy slow in canada before the next election in 1878 sir john a macdonalds na tional policy was evolved and sot forth resulting in the election again of the conservative party this policy was on tho assumption that protecting canadian industries by a lighter duty would resultin more factories more employment more demand for dwell ings and agricultural products fit was taking on the face of it what ever might result to the ultlmato con sumer but it was policy whether principal pr not for mr mackenzie contended it was morally and econ omically unsound certain it was that manufacturing took a great spurt so that again in 82 sir john carried tho country i am not euro about tho halton member but i think mr william mc- cranery was candidate and probably member in 1887 mr david henderson ap peared as candida to ami came within nine votes of mr john waldloa total however on a technical point mr waldie was unseated after sitting one session and in 1888 about a yea later gavo gxfy to mr henderson who ob tained ig0 majority however mr henderson like mr waldie had to retire after ono session in tho same manner bribery by agents or some thing and in august that year mi waldie got a majority of 27 and re mained in tho house tho balance of tho term tho next election watt in 1801 und n new cry had arisen to protect the party in power rflhco 1878 annexa tion to the states a vigorous liberal was boginnlng to orate in tho house nnd ho had to bo reckoned with wi1- frled laurlcr tho government won and mr henderson carried halton over mr waldie nnd held the soat ever afterwards unfh his elevation to tho privy council about 1910 or so ho carried the elections of 1801 1900 1904 and 1908 tho government was having a hurl time in the nlntles sir tohn died in june 1891 and about tho only avail able logical successor was sir chns tapper in advanced age tho ilouso was prolonged to six sessions in tho five year nnd this brings ub to 1890 which was the primary suggestion of my writing this brief epitome and of anklng how many can remember that year sir chnrcs in going westward on a spoaklng torn via gdelph was announced to speak at acton on route at noon actoidingly th6 glove shop and tho tanneries had an hour off and a big crowd as sembled to seo tho ivcmlei john harveys dray was bucked up to tho oast oy the did station and f tlio waiting wan long and anxious on siuount op- tho hour at last thr woi 1 came that ho had left coo-igo- lowxi soon tio whistle was heaid at the third uno ciossing and tho srfibvo to1hci up in tho rut and slowly tho jovqmment cat canto to a htop ml fltor nnd mr henderson in their silk lints cmcrgeil trom the roar end of car accompanied by the poitly old gontlemmn of confederation daya hiho with ida glossy beaver the cheeiliiff waa immense as lie wan conducted to tlxciitcpa of the platfoim and seated upon the dray with his fellow politi cians mrgooifro hynds who an hus been renmrked was a pi oof that valuable goods are sometimes found dn small parcels in neat speech of erecting wolcomed sh chai lea to our m perouu village whoso prosperity wan largely due tch the wise policy of the government of which ho was he head and bo on sir charles launched out in a ro- heursjil of tho doings and alms of his government but a great many weio afraiotfte whistler and had to leave a t brown for- a long time had a fine anap iof tho scene howoyer when voting day came sh wilfrid xrfiuriera party got a largo majority largely from quobcc things wero going swimmingly as returns came in that night tho con- sorvatlvea had tholr returns brought to nnd announced from the old mnt- thewa hnll ovor tho feed store en thusiastic supporters crowded in thflf june evening- among them waa rov w brera who soon emerged saying theyre up there smoking along about 10 j m after john hendersons rocket were finished the applause and announcements wero slackening up and eventually qiilotly one by one the crowd melted away mr henderson won as has been said but the govern ment waa defeated at tb0 1900 election a humorous sit uation arose at mr waldlos meeting which wna i think the one addressed by the jfon thos blaln speaker of tho conimons and north wentwprths member from 1872 onward little pamphlets were distributed at the door which were labelled what mr hen derson has done for halton tho booklet contained only blank leaves this of course was fuijny but at mr hendersons meeting as usual close to voting day he held one of them in his jiand and remarked that on open ing it tie round not a single blot or stain this set the audience wild he however said that while his conclu slon of members duty to jils con stltuency was primarily to represont it in the nffalrh of the nation he had however been fcf ten tho medium be tween perfionu and places in halton in order to hoc u re government attention well what i was going to say was what a change tho veteran warrior and winner of many contests mr henderson liaa passed away mr storey had cone quite a whllo beforo sir chario has long since passed on an6 even sir wilfred george hynds the capable and useful man of local affairs hum also deceased but the world goei on die who will and let none of un think we cannot be done without yours j s coleman weekly fashion hint fashion considers prints for the development of this after noon toilette fashion selects one of the new printed silks and uses plain satin for the trimming the dress has a straight neckline at the back the front being m round effect the ends of the tiestring overlap in front but arc tied in back extensions at he side are shirred at the tipper edges and allowed to hang free in panel effect medium size requires 2 yard 36inch figured and l yard 27inchiplain material a forced sale notwithstanding that mr coleman has now been a resident of uncle sams land for several years ho still sustains hln oldtime rep u fat ion as nn authority upon incidents of local his tory cas3er0le of lamb with vegetables oven djflhes are becoming more popular because the appearanco of tho food is more appetizing jhan that pre pared on tlio top of tho stove and experienced housewives who are using selfbastine enamel ware roasters realize tliaxthis utensil is best adapted to meat linhes where basting playi such an important part in flavor an 1 browning of tho roast and after thi meal is cooked enameled ware is most easily cleaned no matter how thlcc the gravy a wholesome baked dinner consist ing of meat and vegetables can be pre pared in a self basting enameled ware roaster which saves considerable time all the real work is in the preparation the cooking only requires an oven of tho proper temperature and timing wipe two pounds of lamb shoulder or neck with i dahvp cloth trim sprlnklo with salt jiepper and flour and biown quickly in a hotgreased frying jwm place in a aefbaatink roaster nnd ndd two cupfuls of diced canots nnd adozen small white on ions add two cupfuls of water to the fat in the iryrlnp pan let broil up once and then pour over the meat and bake in a moderate oven for ono hour then add one tennpoonful of salt six bmnll potatoes cut in halves and two cupfuls of canned peas cover closely again and continue baking ono hour longer thicken tho gravy slightly before serving a ejeuated discovery mirs norton came home from a call one day in such a disturbed condition that it was evident that tears were not far in the luclcground she lost no time in beginning her explanation john she said to her husband i am so mort tiled i dont know what to do 4 la tlo matter joanna asked mr norton fhttve beoncallingr on mrs povor- 111 you know her husband major poverlll yes well i jat learned today that major isnt ills title at all major la his first name why certainly ive known th it for years what is there so mortifying about it nothing nald mrs norton with a groan only that ivo called him major every timo ivo met him for the lost ten years hope springs eternal the patience of fishermen who ieall love tho nport 1h tho themo of many stories one ih told by a man who tt availing on foot thrdugh part of england canao wjfun a solitary flsh- erman who looked as if time and tho world might pass away without disturbing hl content have you flnhed long in this stream imkl tho traveller eighteen years was the calm re sponse get ninny bites was the next question tho flali crrnim scarcely tui ned his gaso from the rootln his hands five yeura ngo in this very spot i had 0 fln bite he answered hope fully might have been worse a dlnpoaltlon to look i always on tho brhjht side of trilnm spnrcs its pos sessor much ituhnpplness but when the cheorfulnenn resin upon leasonlng so unsound a mr dolanh theie must some time como nn awakening mr dolnn lnil lost iiih position at tho mill owln to iiih peislstent habit of tnrdlncftn nnd in consequence iiim wife was low in her molud hut do ian was as cheerful ns ever now dont 10 lohin your smolloi norah dnrllnv ho said coaxingty olm out o wurrk to be suie but twas only a jolinr a day oi got if old been gettiu two dollars ourmoint would bo twoicji as bad kapo that vrussswsasv xiss- da anb am wo there is a story to accompany almost any famous picture whether anclont or modern and many a paint ing has a history but tho history de vised for a certain portrait of him self painted by w p frith has rare points of novelty tho famous eng lish academician had entirely forgot ten tho picture says chambers journ al a friend dlacoveredlt in a small shop its not a bit like yotr aro now observed the friend but it may have resembled you somo years ago go and look at it mr frith went and found his own imago after un es trangement of fortyflve years he determined to buy it although he had not tho faintest recollection of hav ing painted it ah a portrait said frith to the woman in charge of the shop after he had pretended to examine seveinl of the other works whose likeness is that that said tho lady is a portrait of tho colebratecluitiat filth painted by himself why ho must be an elderly man put in the artist well ho was young once was tho conclusive answer its not much of a picture quoth frith to this the woman demurred she thought the canvass was woi th twenty pounds then frith waa really sur prised it cost us nearly as much as that tho shopkeeper explained without moving a muscle wo shall make a very small profit you sec it is very valuable becauao tho urtiat is do- c eased deceased exclaimed tho astonish ed palntor dead do you mean yes sir died of drink my hus band attended the funeral mr frith bought tho pictute but he did not revive for somo time healing a broken leg tho pioceciiings of the royal society of england wero not taken so serious ly a hundred and ilfty yeais ago as they aro now a sailor who had broken his leg sent to tho koyul society an account of the lemaikablo mannci in which ho had healed the fractuie his story was that bo had dieaaed it with nothing but tar and oakum and in three days waa able to walk just as well as beforo tho accident this remarkable story mitui ally caused somo excitement among tho members of tho society no one had previously auapected tar and oakum of posjejjing such mhaculous healing powers tho society wrote for further particular and doubted indeed that tho leg had been really fiactured the truth of this purt of tho story how- over was ii oven beyond a shadow of a doubt several letters passed be tween the itoyal society and the sailor who continued to assert most solemnly that his leg had been treated with tar and oakum and nothing else tho society might have unmlned puzzled for an indoflnite period had not the sailor added in a postscript to his laat letter i forgot to tell your honors that tho leg waa a wood en ono their first ice cream sovon hundred immigrants were spending on bills island their first sunday in tho now world and through somebodys kindness ice ct earn had been added to tho bill of fure this was a novolty to most of them so great a novolty indeed as to amount to a puzzle tho times reports somo ot tho comments which it called forth surornn thcresfrost in th milk suid an irish girl when tho fir at cold spoonful had surprised her throat milk did yo say said a north of ireland lad ah but its more like awatened snow it is an how did they kapc it from meltin inquired another some italian immigrants did not take as kindly to it and tiled to make the attendant understand that they would liko to have it warmed oh what stuff this would bo to ciuiae with in ot weather exclaimed an english fisherman smacking his ups a good reason little freddie had dilhculty in understanding fractions his teacher explained at great length that tho fractional pii ts of a whole totalled riddles wh in a hhooliiiiiihhh illu a l t- lor c- ilmauht she foi iiim liaison into t hiis- os when does ivatci jug when it h i i ihi ihii n i d ii lut of inks in it wl cannot ui liny juld in pints ltocautio it in alwijii kt in iulii quart whon may c jjfid ben im to oify a fcathf mdbi d when it mhepii on mm u hif if a man iitjuxhs in tin nlnct ii the pouiing lain nlmt ih ii sunn hell b cause ho in i iiitf hlg when is a ghls lull like the set when it is wavy why n e old ti kliih lilu mi t liocatiho they tun qitilkly into holes business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolan and ouroon ofllco and rcaldcnco cornor fcomlr avonuo and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelson fkedeluck street j acton ontario legal bonps stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j phon 57 hanni can guelph phono no 22 p o box jsb harold nash farmer m a darritor solicitor notary pudllo conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 930 tun to 6 pjn saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentlet honor graduato of toronto univer sity tho latest anesthetic used 1 aeslred oulce at residence corner of mm and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lda dental suraoon offlco over bank of nova sootlm hours 9s0 to 6j0 evenings by appointment miscellaneous mcuues ktof4k i spiiaklc in diicktn houm bm a chicaafl d rowi kill lice r v i sp liaivknto coughs couw akt mmn- chttia wmkn treatkd wthtkat wonokmfuuv ttftkctivk rd4edv robert francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of eve description carefully bound ruirnesieotly ana promptly done wyndham street duelph on over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 yeais experience list your property with me v rfttliathinmdio radio price lut its free write at once eightpage price list nnd catalogue startling prices unheard values addrea radio dept aikenhend hardware limited 1721 tomperance 3u toronto 2 canada i 5000 reward if i fail to grow hair oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grower grows hair on bald heads it must not be put where it is not wanted cures dandruff and all scalp troubles 175 per jar agents wanted prof m s crosse 839 main st winnipeg man out goes ml rheumatic poison rheuma acta on kidnoys liver and bladder tho very first day get a bottl of khuuma totluy unj wear ft aatlslletl smile on youi fiice to morrow t1 i i ith a xomoily that li astonishing tho that whole when nho thought alio k country and ita june m kood hud dilvtn homo tho explanation mho j for ffoutt ac lumbago unci ktflnoy mlhory n for rheumatism asked freddie whether ho would laihei have a whole apple or twp halves ex- pectin him to unawoi that the two halvoh were the sumo he replied two halveu why would you pi efcr the two imjvcs hhe naked hccauhe then i could hoo if the apple waa had lnnlde t it drive tho polhondua wnsto from the jolntb and musclji thnlta tho aoc- ret of hhoumus succors liut wo dont unit jou to tnke 0111 word for it go to tj j haisard or an kood ill ufglatt and got a bottle- of ithouma today if it doesnt do aa wo promlio got your money back it will bo thoro waiting for you order from your grocer his best tea and hell usually send red rose red rose teais good tea the same good tea fqr 30 years tryitj ontario a e nicklin in8urance agent lifo fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my core will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 414 bower ave acton kgravfngp 03 richmond sivfat trronto canada ambitious young people it was n trained helpor from the guelph business college that tilled the vacancy in an office in your locality this week there is a place for you in tho buhiness world get your training start on monday at guelph business college individual instruction a l bouck principal and proprietor m running full time now the holiday aoason is over eyo examinations every day except tho wednesday half- holiday if having troublo with your oyes write in or phono 10slw for appointment a d savage optomotrist and mfg optician right at tho post odlco savage building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and heads t ono work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale price thus savlnfir our customer 40 per cent wo have- tho bost appliances and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can operato pneumatic tools properly wo can slvo references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other plaeos whero others havo to have law nulls in order to collect wo have the largest and best stock of granite in tho dominion or more than any three 1 eaters in tho west we aro legiti mate dealers and em pipy np agenu and do not annoy or post customer byhondlnsr out ignorant acnts solicit ing- orders we employ only mechanic and defy competition ibvmelton sons oubuph ont