Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1925, p. 5

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lje artiut 3te 00 thuhsdav octohkr 20 102r the house we used to live in thu lunie uc uued to live in looks ut ut l ho wistfully ut wo u dilvlni by tiil uiiiil that maltoi ith neai tiuei mmmui oiifl llitrn swiftly after with enti citing higu come back como back wts imtr lti luu lmploie lift up tho tjiiismtihockfil litu tho tmitlisuiliild duoi and entu in youi childhoods home once nioit ah no let us make men y with light speech of newei days mid punh the iiat on hie close to that ilooi the baby used to re i oil tho knob iiid play with it befoie ho died he used to tdeeji on the bronl window mill a butibciiiu in liis luih no not that hill this level ioinl ihlvc fast oh fuht- orhtlll how small it wis iiefoie the buds me ifiown tlioy he so warmly hi one tiny nest hut all the woikl 1h thehs when they have llou and fot eisn 1 oofn i eplaco the mothers breast ah well uoil cmetli see befoie us now tho ampler homo beneath a lofty bough lift up tho baddened heart and clear tho brow for in that empty neat hevond the hill aio blesyed shadows at immoital ease tho sunciowncd baby on the wlndow- sill tho luipjiy cliildien underneath the tieoa old house loolt not so pious thou art the llrst love o tho unfoi getting heart ethclwyn wet herald the sunday school lesson for sunday november 1 twemty years ago from tho isauo of tho free press of thursday november 2 1905 tho cheese factory project is likely to materialize mr j wilts ona new twostorey dwelling on fcjovcr avenue is neurlng completion tho btrccts mo buaytheao days with farmers teams bringing in firain tur nips and sugar beets w p matthews has disposed of his harness buslraens to x w gordon of orton mr gordon will tako posses sion about tho new year gardener hawea husbeen at work on tho bowling green this week put ting it in shaiie for winter tho young- folks of tho epworth leaguo engagred in very practical hal loween prnnkit they had tho fun of distributing boskets of vegetables among the needy intown a neodlo party will bo given by tho womena institute on friday after noon at three oclock in tho council chamber tho committee on local option has doclded to go on with tho campaign in acton through tbe enterprise of a number of tho young men in town tho gener ous aid of messrs beardmore co and the willing cooperation of the council acton is to have a commo dious unci well conducted rink tho coming winter tho council has been approached und granted tho use of tho vacant lot atrtha power house it ia proposed to grade the land fence it put up electric lights and run it as a hockey and skating rink thanksgiving evening saw a goodly numbor gathered in knox church where a plcaulng supper was served early in tho evening and an enjoyable programme followed among miss merrys selections wero the jumble sale and tho little red canoe miss lcxlo clark sang a numbor of solos of wjilch tennysons throe fishers was perhaps the beat mrs w s chishvolm sang tho island of dreams and tho church choir sang a couplo of anthems very creditably tho monthly meeting of tho minis terial association of acton and george town wa held at the presbytorlan mjanso hero on monday afternoon at tho conclusion of tho meeting mrs wilson entertained tho members of tho association at ten against another flood dorrigan lived in a crippled shanty which atood in a field near the main highway the foundations of the house were lower than tho road through which ran a great watermain as tho living room floor of tho house wan raised on posts to mako it level with tho road it left a largo cellar under neath where kerrigan kept a dozen hens ono day tbo watermain burst flood ed tho cellar- and drowned tho hens dorrlgan immediately put in a claim for damages after a long delay and much trouble influential friends as sisted tho old man to get twenty dol lars in settlement of his claim that evening he paw mrs cassldy hie noxtdoor neighbor sitting on her back steps i got my money from tho city ho called to hci dm yo then mr dorrigan its glad i am to hear that how much did ye get twlnty dollars a glory be i and hov yc the money i hoy not but i had it what did yodo wid it sure i bought me twlnty dollars wort o d ticks wld it the reward of curiosity it cannot be said thit the rebuke contained jti the following anccdoto was conveyed in the best way but ft undoubtedly found its mark whllo on utrl through tho south soon after tho civil war a prominent man stopped overnight at tho little town of war ronton north carolina tho next morning whllo he wuh strol ling around ho met a countryman who greeted hirii with howdy and pass ed tho tlnio of day most cordially tho native was barefoot and having some curlofjlty about it tho visitor asked is it the custom of the country for tho men to go without shoos wal was tho drawling reply sonic of usdoob but most of us tends to our own business no need to suffer with corns or io run the rlk of paring them uemnve them surely und pninleshly with hollo- ways ooi n kemover notashamed of him an hnfrllflhnian immeil cmwe wan a lino ehtumcal sehoar mid distin guished orator he mado his own im- sltiori in life even at a time when clnsres were fat more seriously re garded in england than they ate at present ills fathrei was a carpenter working in tho town of winchester and on tho most loving teims with hla son ono day tho aon then an eminent man was standing near tho cathedral door talk ing to the dean and waiden when his father pasucd by tho old man wan in his working dross with his rule sticking fiommih pocket and was evidently willing to spare his son a uulutatldn lint tho younger crowo railed out in good uninpnhlro tllulocl ileie fnythor if thee balnt iishiimetl if- i i luiint ashamed of the fight against strong duink llh i 10jo ucntl kpli g 19 is 5 1211 33 ju 2h 1k gohlealvxuno strong in the lord and in tho power auength of his migft43j6 10 time a d t8 or 63 placo rome tho text explained ho strong in tho lord put on tho panoply of god 1013 the woid tmmdiited bo trogn is in the vrchent tctihc this taken to- gethei with tho voice in which th vei b is found passive voice and the derivation of the voi b would lcquhe as a litem tianslatlon bo yo con tinually bcjng made powerful the sphere in which wo are to grow strong er is in the lord ie in vital union with him we air in an inilnite rcs- oivoir of power strength and might wo are bound to i avail vo ajsa bo aimored without as well as em- poweied within no armor of mans devising will prevail it must bo tho aimor of god but why this neodtof tho power strength and might of the chi 1st and of putting on the whole armor of god 7 hocauso there ia tho devil tho enemy and accuser cf job chapter 1 2 zcch 3 1 2 it v marg rev 12 10 irnd because ho assults every believer with his viles i e skilfully planned stratagems i we have on the whole armor of god we shall stand if wp leave any iiart off we shall full- wo have a wrest ling ie a liund to hand conflict be- foro use and this conflict la not with flesh and blood j e with mere mor tal men like ourselves even tho might iest of men our hand to hand conflict is with great spiritual dignitaries headed up under the supremo leader- ship of that mighty intelligence the devil our wrestling is against tho principles against the powers against the worldrulers of this darkness against tho spiritual hosts of wicked r ness in the- heavonly places these are tiemendoxis words they teach us flrst that under the devil there are great hosts of hubordlnato evil person ages second that these hosts are skilfully organized under ranks of leaders of sucli great dignity and pow er as to bo called principles powers world-rulors- of thia darkness ie of thp present order of things under the midnight hhadowtt of error sin and death forth still these evil digna- tariea arc in the heavenly places ie in heaven cf chapter 1 20 21 jab 22revl3ixukeldiis sin is a far naoro awful and farreach ing ovil than our petty human philoso phies imagine it has not only deso lated the earth but invaded and pol luted heaven tho words tako up imply that god has laid his whole ar mor at our jectr our business is to tako it up and put in on 2 the panoply described 1417 tho girdle is that which holca tho whole armor together and gives vigor to tho whole frame girding- the loins for the conflict cf ex 12 11 40 7 luke 12 35 1 peter 1 13 ps 18 39 what la this girdle truih i e sincerity reality the breast plate ia righteousness ie con forming our conduct to the will of god as revealed jn his word cf ro 14 17 is 60 17 2 cor g 7 obedient regai d for gods will as revealed in his word protects thoheart from all tho subtlo assaults of satan tho gospel erladtidiritfs of peace is tho gjadtldlnpa that jesus christ has made peace between sinner and god by his atoning blood col 1 20 ro 5 1 10 eph 2 17 unless wo aro perfectly clear about thia that jesus christ has made perfect peace with god by his finished work on tho tho cross tho devil will hit us in the feet and down wo ahull go tho word translated shield does not mean tho httlo round ahield of roman warfare but tho largo oblong shield two and onohalf feet by four feet in size cov ering tho whole person faith covers us at every point by faith 13 meant unwavering reliance upon god and hla word nothing will protect us from all satans darts liko that satans darts llko thoso of ancient warfare come flying through the air all ablaze and very terrifying and hurtful but with tho shield of unquestioning faith in and reliance upon god and hl3 word we shall be ablo to quench all tho fiery darts of tho evil ono cf jno 14 l r v the word here translated salvation is not tho word ordinarily used in the nowteatament for salvation though it comes from tho same root and is closely related to it it is found only hero and in jhreo other places luko 2 20 36 acts 28 28jj it emphasizes in all the places where it is used tho thought of salvation- as centering in tho per son of christ and as perfected at his coming again this is not tho salva tion which wo olways possess in tho forgiveness of our sins etc verso 15 eph 1 7 2 8 r v if wo bcliovo in that aalvatlon receive it claim it for ydur own all of tho devils as saults upon your head by tho sub tleties of philosophy col 2 8 and theosophy and chlistlan sclenco and new theology and new thought and hlghei criticism and what not will prove of no avail a word of god is hero called tho sword of thy spirit why 1 because tho spirit furnishes it is the author of it l peter 1 11 2 peter 1 21 2 sam 23 2 acts 28 25rwctt3 7 9 8 10 15 2 it h tho holy spirit who uses it through uh when we use it 1 thcsa 1 5 1 cor 2 4 acts 1 8 jno 16 711 3 praylxibt at all seasons in the spirit 1820 when tho whole armor of god has been put on and the sword of the spirit lititf heon firmly grasped in the hand there 1h one thing still noodod if wo aio to win in this awful conflict with the devil jind his mighty hosts that is prayer 1 wo must pray always n more literally in every season 1 e on all sorts of occasions cf phil 4 0 1 thess 5 17 col 4 2hob 4 16 2 wcmunt pray with all prayer imd supplication the word all emphasizes tho abun dancctof our pi ay en 3 we must pray in tho spirit cf judo 20 ij tho putyer which tho holy spirit prompts iiad tenches that god the father heiim iu 8 20 zeoh 12 10 the whole secret of earnest intelli gent really effective praying la found in thono three wdids in the spirit l wo miint watch unto prayer cf mat 1g 41 col 1 2 1 pet 4 7 k v tlio word translated watch ing in tli in verse means literally ho- ing nleoplchh 5 we must pray in not with all pei severance imd all supplication i e we must praythlngh through g for all the ealnts dally readings for next week monday obedience to law fph g 19 tuesday ai med for tho evil day hph fl 120 wednesday an army lost through drunkonucbh 1 kings 20 1321 thursday a kingdom lost through drunkonnehh dan g 19 31 friday israel destroyed by drunk enness amos g 18 satuiday watchfulness and so briety 1 thess b 111 sunday tho gad of tho widow and the fat hoi less ps 94 18 canadian products arriving at southampton young tender leaves and tips used i upper how tho cargo is stored ready for tho consignee showing one of tho electric trucks in action inaet typical british longshoremen who handle the cargo lowor left unloading cargo from the empress of franco at southamp ton i loftcr right canadas products ar- rivinoin england for distribution apart 10m tho importation of fiozen meat what is pcihaps one of the ivtoit extensivo and important hi anches of the trade of southampton england is tho inipoit of flour and fruit from canada and the united states tbchc- commoditlcs have for a good nuiiy yearn been arilvlng at the humpshlie poi t in steadily increasing volume ami as they aro usually carried in la t tie passenger vessels to ensure prompt and regular dcllveiy the recent rapid development of liner t raffle at south ampton has naturally been reflected in a corresponding growth in tho imports of north america flour and fruit so many of tho big transatlantic steam ers have boon divertod from the qther urltlan- ports that this movomont was almost inevitable and duping t aist rcw years developments in this con nection havo been very rapid in con- hoquenco it is greatly to tho credit of tho southern railway company that they have succeeded in so organizing their facilities in tho docks that they have been ablo to deal with all the in creased trafllc which has como tholr way in a most efficient and satisfac tory manner tho appliances for handling cargo of this description are of tho most up- todate chin tieei and the methods vinpluyud ni such an to guarantee to the consignees of the goods the most piompt and caieful despatch as can bo seen from tho photographs wo re produce one of the improvements that is adopted by tho port authorities in tho t unsporting of goods from the ships aide to shoda by means of an oleotrtciilly driven runabout tuck which results in a great saving of timu and labor ami also reduces the amount of handling to wliirji tho eoods arc suhjctfid und no minimizes the risk of damage tho system of ro id trantriiurt from southampton docks is alpti well orgnu- ied so that local conhignees arc excollently nerved whlltit tho rail- wny ponneotloub to london and tho noith of england are such that to quo to only one example it is possible for goods to be put on rail in the west of canada or tho united states shlp- pfed across the atlantic to southamp ton arid he on sale n london inside 10 days pesidesboxed fruit and flour which aio hhown in our llluntratlon being unloaded from the canadian pa cific liner empress of fiance bacon is another commodity which ia now playing an important puit in the rap idly growing trade of tjic port figuring it-out- tho ilttiojohnny of tho follow ing story may never have heard that great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite em and llttlo fleas havo lesser fleas and so ad infinitum his method of reasoning is analo gous ho had been gazing thought fully at hit book of animal pictures tben suddenly he called out say pa docs it cost much to feed a hon yea how much ph a lot of money a wolf would make a good mca1 for a lion wouldnt it pa yes i guess so and a fox would be enough for tho wolf wouldnt it yes yes and a fox could make a meal off n hawk eh pa i auppososo and the hawk would bo aauallecj with a spairow of course and a big spider would bo a edoz meal for the sparrow wouldnt it pa wouldnt it pa yes yes and a fly would be enough for a spider sure and a drop of molasses would bo all the fly would want wouldnt it oh htop jour chattel but wouldnt it pa yes well pa couldnt a man keo a lion moren a year on a pint of mo lasses ready- made medicine you need no phyolc lin for ordinary ills when you havo at baud a bottle of dr thomas eclectrlc oil for coughs colds nore throat bronchial 1 troubles it w in valuable for molds burns brulkos sprains it is unsurpassed while foi cuts feores and the like it li mi un questionable healer it nerds no tebti- monial other than the use and that will satisfy anyone as to its effective ness mothers can easily know when their chlldion iiro tioubled with wornm and they lone n limo in applying a ic- miibio iemcd mother graves woi m exterminator that extra twentyfive years the young people who no glad hey live in the twentieth ecntuiy because they consider it tho most interesting era in history hne another reason for selfcongratulation for by iioihk boiu i little later the piobnbuity in that they will live longer than the people of a hundred or even fifty yearn ago in 1800 in america tho avei- ago of tho people wu thlitythrrco yeais at tho timcofthclr -death- in 1920 it was llflyelght yeais a giili of twentyfwo yeuu what is of mote iniportanco the gain in the ability lo enjoy life that is n health and vlfor had increased equally you young people have nnsflii tn expect that you will hue longer than your parents anil much lunger than your jnindpatenth and greit-jsrand- pnrcnls von also have the proipeet of living mote cnmfoi table with fownr arhes pains illness you should mfike your hvptt count more than tlleu a clmfc in 1800 american cltlons had tin ex pectation of a life of only thirty lbroe ycnrsbtit what splendid r nilttt thoy got tilt of that hi iff iivhime life how- much they did to make thelt wmairy great and to give new ideals to tho world you youn r people irivo i ikht to expect nn extia qunrtei of u fiit- ury of lifo what are you gohq- lo do with it er1mafaci eevidence an english lord of the manor wan returning hontcone night when he found a country bumpkin standing by tho kitchen door with a lantern in his hand what aio you doing hero the lord asked tvo came acoortin sir was the reply acuortln what do you moan bj that im a follower o mary the kitchen maid is it your habit to carry a lantern when you are on such errands yes sir nonsense retorted tho master angrily dont talk such stuff to me do off with yourself courtmg wltl i lantern when i was young i never used such a thing no tilr said tho yokel mpvlng rapidly away judgin by tho missus i shouldnt think ye did sleep is tho great nourlsher of in fants and without peaceful sleep the child will not thrive this cannot be got if tho infant be troubled with worms millers worm powders will destroy worms and drive them from the system and afterwards the childs reyt will be undisturbed tho powders cannot injure the most delicate baby and there is nothing so effective- for icstorlng the health of a wormworn child safe betting ho was a bashful youth and when he tiled to propose to the girl of his heart his tongue glued itself to tho roof of ills mouth and refused to be loostined ono day in tho early autumn they talked of politics and thch of election bets his eyo suddenly brightened wlrwhut do you say ho stammer ed desperately to making a little bet wlthmc 5 ive no objection she sweetly an swered thoic ho went on lets go ahead and make abet if mckinlcy is elect ed you wwlll agree to mmarry mol he could get no farther rut who nobly came to his rescue ill malic a bet too she softly mur mured if bryan is elected you will agree to marry me there was a brief silence then a queer smile atiuggled across tho face of tho agltatedyouth another smile lighted the countenance of 4he happy maid why wait for the returns of tho election he chuckled why indeed she echoed ajitl theywerj married the next week an old debt tho little stelger inn near dresden has cclebiated its centennial and this among other memories is quoted in tho staatszeltung as bewnslns to it in 1840 on a morning in may the hostess of the inn hoard 0intant fir ing and saw armed jnsurecnta run ning along tho road as if in flight this was tho last remnant contributed by dresden to the may i evolution and the prussians were hard upon their track suddonly the hostess found herself confronted by a little man with nmoko- begrlmed face and hands who noddod nd rushed mto the inn give mo a basin of water he panted and aomo bread and meat quick an instants delay may mean death the hostess obeyed him you dont seem to know me said ho oh i havo seon you often but well i hope i havo credit enough for my breakfast for i havent a pfennig about me and i want a guid to show me the way through the forost to freiberg so the hostess sent her son to guide him through the woods fourteen years after a welldressed little gentleman presented himself ono day at tho door of the inn and ad dressed the hostess with n smile- good day fran wirthin i havo como to pay my debti i have not forgotten what you did for me on that ninth of may he then paid for the breakfast cat- on so long before now said he that is off my con science perhaps you wowkl like to know whom you have trusted so long allow me to introduce myself as richard wagner then a rebel now aintfestlcd by the king an oil of merit hi thomau ec lectrlc oh is notv juinbliof medicinal itibstancoh thrown together and push ed by advertising but the reifltof careful investigation of the healing qualities of certain olln a applied tp the human body it is a ram combina tion and it won and kept public favor from the first a ti ial of it will carry conviction to any who doubt its power to repair and heal the time of fulfillment defined his positiorj a veiy positions fatmui was inuule a justice of the peace and ho waw no impressed with the ti emondous dig nity of hi pom ion that the vllutrf in which he lived bitame tm hinnll to contain him as ho wis swiggei ing down tho road tie walked into a wlu elli n row be longing to an old woman ho careful whiio you me ktlng man she ciled woman i eplh d tho indian nit i fnrnmr t niu a magistrate lint a man y the young people who ai o all tin time saying that autumn is a melan choly season ate admit able examples of the folly of boriowlng trouble na ture duei not go into mourning be cause whtuir is at hand on the cah- titiy she arrays herself in hei gayest col firs rjhed and yellow take tho place of sunifjperh decorous green and the wild flowers do their best to vie with the gay coloring of the tiees october ih a month of exhilarating air and glotlous sunshine one can d6 nioi e work in octobei than in any other month of the voar everybody would enjoy it unreservedly if it weic not for the fact that on ahead hen the bleak dnys of winter this illustrates the folly of honowing ttouhle of al lowing something in tho indefinite fu- turo to spoil the perfoet present think of autumn not as a melancholy sea son hut ah a time of glorious fulfil mont relieves asthma at littlo expense thousands of dollars have been vainly spent upon remedley for asthma and seldom if over with miy relief lr j i kelloggs asthma ilemedy despite its assurance of benefit costs so little that it ih within easy reaeh of nil it is the national remedy for asthma far removed ftom tho class of douhtrul and experimental prepara tions your denier cm blipply it green tea are sealed ix alrtigluft alutniraum foil their fresh flavor is firver than aiy japan or gunpowder try sailadai while your salesmans on the train your com petitor may he on long distance 1j long distance calls costing 465 sold 2776 lbs of pieat for 688 writes a butcher can you afford to lose when you buy speculative shares which have no earning record and no market value you are simply gambling with the overwhelming probability that you will lose your money why take this long chance when you can invest your savings in sound dividendpaying securities of known value and earning power always readily marketable and be safe you can do this by availing yourself of our py in a year plan example 500 initial investment 500 invested pay in a year plan will buy outright 5 shares bell telephone dividend rate 8 10 shares steel of canada dividend rate 7 10 shares canadian car foundry pfd dividend rate 7 tho above investment securities are ions established dividend payers and possess an unusual degree of safety plus extraordinary profit malting possibilities on market advances other investment group selections for smaller or larger bums on lciuest our new investment booklet tho road to financial independ ence gives a complete record of canadian dividend paying securities with their high and low maiket pilcc and explains how you can start investing small or large sums with utoolute bifety by our pay in a year plan send for it today no obligations representatives wanted to act as our local correspondents mail this coupon bate burnett sa1nte clair co tn veatm ehtnjantrara canada cement bldg montreal que j you may send mo retails of your pay in a yeal plan and your booklet without obligation on my part i am interested in tho following securities namo dept e p city look money take notice that we will- handle your troublesomejnotes and accounts on a strictly- commission basis jno collection no charge wo plnco 34 years experlencoftt your disposal and assumo all your collection troubles send us yoir list wo will do tho rest no note or account is considered too small too largo too old or too far away welli tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager roference sterllner bank of canada the raw material of happi- ness the author cc the sonk the knd ot n perfect diy wis cxplainink an intcichtcci llmtener the way ahe came to write it she had ftono with lomo rvionilfl to tho top of n california mountain and sitting thcro with them ohe watcliect a vol dcautiftllsunhet tho hunact made me very happy and ho as an outlet to her feelliikh she wrote the none that ims mado jier a fortune tho minaot made her hnjly- now that la a wonderful thlnr kvcryliody been iunieth 1001 kmusi orici often but a mrat many of us me so huiy tliink- inff about our haul thnchtllit we do not onjoy thom pnrtllularlr thin lit tle story suetrenn how plentiful la the stuff from which impplnosi in made and how sadly 110m oof un wasto it tho bunsots and minrlms aie for you at much aa for nnyhuilv anil tho starlit iky is your possesion hocfi it mako you happy right of di8covery thcie lie tlmciwheri dlffcipncos of rank do not count ami an irlih soldier it aald to have chanced- upon one of them durliik the lito war in cuba ho was dlaoovcicd by the serfreant of his company in x hole well out of the way of even a iitray mhot when ho should have been ciiciel in active service clot out of thai hole conimundod tho decant sternly oct out ot it thl minute tho bujid lilsh fine looked up at him with stubborn nmlmome wiltten on ovei y feature you may bo mo hupcrlor oflicor ho bald boldly but nil the name olm the wan that found t this hole firrat castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates j to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cusyymjita proven directions on each package physicians everywhere recommend it railway time tables at acton qolno west no 20 800 am no31 1045 onc mo 3 223 pjm n6 35 600 pm no jo 830 pin no 25 sunday 1041 am qoino east no 2g 721am no 30 1108 am no 34 33g pm no 36 017 pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 pan canadian national electric railways westbound daily except sunday 743 ara dally 043 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 p to dally e43 pm dailjf 743 pm daily 943 pm dally 1232 am eastbound 743 am except sunday 043 am 1143 am 143 pm daily dolly daily daily dally dally dally dally dally 34s pm 643 pm 743 pm a 043 pm 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any nd- ilrtas in toronto j a smith insurance and real e8tate aeent for confederation lhto aa- soclatlon london lancashire fire iiiaurance london lancashire guarantee and accldentr dominion of canada guarantee and accident inauranco company farm and town property for salo irompt careful and courteous at tention effven- your business solicited rcoidonce mill and wallace stu tolophono 105 r 2 10 off all monuments ordered now in order to reduce my stock of monuments for fall and not carry any surplus monuments over the winter months i will blvo a ten per cent- reduction on all monuments erected this season place your order now acton monument works j nicol prop main street acton ont typewriters investigate our precisionbuilt factory rebuilt underwoods and you will buy no other 325000 enthusiastic users general typewriter co 99 kina street west toronto 2 advertisers tho free pre8s is anxious to serve you and sorve you well wa can give yur advertlse- mant hotter attention and there fore mako it more attractive if the copy is supplied to us on mondary or tuesday if copy fails to roach us uritir wodnesday forenoon there ia a ruah to set it up- before the forms oloso and the result is likely to bo loss satisfsctory send in your ads early free press job printing is always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting won6er- ful results and we know we can please you i savage co jewellers guelph r- ontario te lh 7

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