Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1925, p. 1

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y ht fiftyfirst year no 19 thurspay morning november 5 1925 acton ontario canada v thursday morning november 5 1925 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada minister rov ft e zimmerman b a parsonage willow sticot x services j 1100 a m tin minister subject a summons u oioit task 2 30 j m hillili school 700 p m tlie minister subject tho god of jacob tuesday r p iti young peoples meeting thuisdnv 7 10 1 in prayci meeting prestbyterian v knox chupch acton minister rov a c stewart m a mansc street 1100 a m tli minister subject thanksgiving 300 p m sabbath school and bible classes 700 i m the minister subject chi ists challenge to young cana dians young womens thank- offering service music will bo pro vided by yountr womens choir strangers leaving address- with the ushors will bo called upon by the pastopv the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 1100 a mthnnkflglvins service pastor gordon v crofoot of toronto preacher and sololat 300 i m sunday school bible clanses for all 7 00 p m thimksgivung service mr crofoot tuesday 800 p m- young peoples meeting thursday 7 35 p m prayer and praise meeting all welcome notices in 3lvcrti3emcat9 in this column j ccttts per word minimum cliaxrc 30c per insertion for 8ale dressed mllkfod chickens weighing 0 to 7 pounds for thanksgiving phono uo12 k- n brown horse for sale light horse attltrnblo for driver ap ply to alex mcdonald main street wanted woman for oleiintn friday after noons mrs john wood vilbur street gratnwatjted wheat qats barley buckwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tf fhone 3273 norval stenographer wanted a stenographer who understands bookkeeping and who la willing to make horsglf generally useful in a pualness office apply at once o box 7 acton free press card of thanks the family of tho latorobert lane hi tilmehousp wlsli heieby to thank vftelr many friends for tho kindness and sympathy shau n them during fheli lutti sad hucacvoment full steam ahead in this gigantic 200000 sale once in a lifetime an event like this extraordinary savings in yard goods hosi6ry underwear gloves millin ery wallpaper house furnishings treasure findings for every one who can get to guelph before the immense 200000 clearance is completed today we quote some of our best vaiue attractions in the department of readytowear fashidns siot and satn frocks 1275 sizes all the way from 16 yeais to 40 bust measure fashions new styles in the popular colors canton crepe and satin frocks 1695 fifty charming frocks in this special sale group all sizes from 16 to 46 bust measure the fashionable black included charmeen dresses 1675 engaging new styles in the fashionable wool charmeen graceful flares and slender straight lines all sizes from 16 years to 46 bust measure charmeen dresses 1175 another amazing value in the much wanted wool char meen flared and straight lines navy blue rust and sand shades novelty fabrics too womens and misses sizes up to 44 wool crepe dresses at premier king was defeated at the polls hon mr meighen fails to secure majority of members the administration of premier king wua clefcutefl in the general elections last thutyiduy at the same time tho policy of lion mr mclghen the op- position leader was not sumclently en dorsed to enable him to form a govern ment his elected followers number 116 premier kings group 100 and tho balance of tho houseof 245 mem bers is made up of progressives la bor itea and- independents these at present hold tho balance of power premier king was defeated in north yor by herbert lennox the con servative candidate eight members of mr kings cabinet also suffered de- feat the standing of tho conservative and liberal parties la as follows 795 slender straight lines with the fashionable fulnesses in neat little pleats somens and misses sizes wonderful opportunity furtrimmed coats at 2475 the new flared styles in duvvelour sand grey rust brick cinnamon and grncklehead blue shades fur trim- mings include french seal coon mandell and sable oppos- sum womens and misses sizes up to 40 surprisingly good values guelpifsfceadingandfcaksest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p nv quobec prince edwd island lib 11 00 11 3 1 15 4 3 0 con 60 4 7 10 11 7 0 3 10 1 british columbia news of local import the pageant bearing tho cross the presentation of the pageant en titled bearing tho cross at tho moot ing of the young peoples leaguo jiti the united church on mondny even ing foimed a very impicsslve service tho various characters in tholr strlk ing costumes were effectively pi c- a on ted largor german gun at monument tho lcmoval of the war gun at the town hall to replace the small ger man oikm- pounder at the soldiers monument which has become too do cropit to bo longer an ornamental rllc lu a worthy act on tho part of tho council it will present a better ap penrance in the now position and the menace of accident to tho primary scholnni at the hall is discontinued acton schools roll of honor the october standing won by acton public school pupils 100 110 afientb waited agonu to sail hosiery lor the family from mill lo conimrner write for our new kan and yflrcr cguuiglle jusf sterling hosiery mills w jb toronto caretaker wanted jpr the unltort church 25000 pgr year will he paid for competent mepvlco payable monthly if desired anpllentlonh recel nil t bnthr ji p m6cre frlerrotary trusteq bonpd reward for money lost iot thurfldny iifternoon a young litdy in town unfortunntoly lost n roll of bills on tho street in town there wero tens and fives in tho roll nnj it totalled a considerable sum the find er will confer n gicnt favor and the doing of a laudlblo net by restoring the lost- money a generous reward will bo paid tho finder apply i 1 free press office for 8ale to close e8tate the executors of the lfrtomay o kingsbury offer for milo lot 32 con- cession s in tho township of nassnga- weya- this farm contains one hundred 100 acres of excellent tund aoventy 70 acres cleared and the balance bush nnd pasture the farm is well watered usual buildings including silo all of which aro in good condition tho fall plowing is c there is a smallilm of r ull wheat 3 fal uirco 3 miles from acton on ft provincial highway atlff is close to the badlal ballwny ii apply to j j murray it 11 no 1 acton ontario or it ii kinitsbury r r no 5 hockwood ontario exevutors or to dunbar goetz dunbar 32 tjbugras stccct guelph ontailo their sollci- fflrs r is h wonderland friday november e wih justice starring tho police clog peter tho great comedy change tho needle fedlx cartoon i saturday november 7 idle tongues adapted front the story lr nye starring dorln kenyon and percy marmont comedy his high horse kodro lodgo the story teller vox news r thank80ivimo day monday novembeno old hovne week story by acorfiro alo tarripg tommy melglnin hnd lha ijoo comedydry up tue8daynovember 10 the thunderlntf herd by zano grey starring lois wilson jack holt and noali bpery chapter 2 ot tho cir cus mystery comody a cloudy romance p gregory son m misilltf the lowest priced loud speaker radio set in canada only deforest crosley can give such valtneasthis 33 compare for example model 0- in this neat compact unit deporcst crosloy presents the lowestpriced loud spoaker set on tho canadian markot a proved 3tubed regenerative circuit that gives loud speaker volumo on a range of 1000 miles no other sot on tho nvrket approaches it in price simple to operate over 6000 owners in canada testify to ltsi efficiency in results only a limited number of model 53 sets will bo available this season wo have secured ono of these sets which we will be pleased to demonstrate see our other sets for which wc have the agency fada 5 tube neutrodyne i 20000 complete radiodyne 5 tube set 12500 complete a t brown in addition to the above the pro gressives have 2 seats in ontario 7 in manitoba 5 in saskatchewan 8 in alberta and i in british columbia a total of 23 tho laborltes have 2 in manitoba and tho independents i in quebec and 2 in manitoba three rid ings aro still doubtful premier king and his ministers have been in conference during tho week they evidently intend to carry on un til an- early mooting of parliament can be called tho difficult problem of re construction of tho cabinet is under consideration obituary mps edmund synott on friday october- 23 at st josephs hospital guelph occurred tho death of mrs edmund synnott elizabeth gibbons daughter of the late peter gibbons besides her husband four children survive her mrs ignatius mccann james cecilia and edward also two sisters and five brothers the funeral was held on tuesday oct 27 from her home in eramosa to st peters church oustic tho re quiem high mass was sung by tho rev j j holland of hamilton n cousin of mrs synotf rev f j mc- reavy her pastqr aahisted interment took place n st petora cometcry- ousuc tho mush card nnd floral tributes wcni numeroua tho funeral was largely attended mrs charles nicklin morrlston on friday october 30 in the village of morrlston whero she had been liv ing with her eldest daughter mrs j elliott tho last throe years thero pass ed away in her eightyseventh year one ot tho pioneers of wslllogton cqunty annlo patmoro widow ot charles nictclln who predeceased her about twentysix years dgo the late mrs nlcklln was born in pllkington township two miles west of fonsonby on tho farm now owned by her son wilbur but formerly owned by the late henry mm tin after she was mniried she moved to the form across tho rond long known as tho nlcklln farm and here she spent nearly all qt it long and useful life untll a few years ago she was an active member and a regular attendant of the bethany methodist church near by in the early days when trained nurses were almost unknown and doctors wero few and a long distance away mrs nlcklln was often called upon to bo both nurso and doctor and until but a few years ago good seasonable footwear at lowest prices for mens womens boys and girls wear farm factory and school boots at less than city prices how dp we do it because our expenses are very much lower fjrst quality guarajtee rubber to fit all pokes and sizes of shoes also lieavy rubbers of au kings av prices tliat will compel you o buy iere harp harrisontk shoe man ve close wenesay afternoon all tfieywr fownl with tye exception f dejeinaeiijg t yq feneratlonwlll re- menton mil btroot tho ceremonies there tho decoration of the soldiers graves at falrview cemetery will take place thisnnunl event is improbttivo and very timely al citi zens who can do so will naturally jde sire to participate in these patriotic and memorial services member her for her ntelghborly kind ness and her wilhngnesa to help especially in thnea of sickness ot trouble mrs nlcklln jiad a family of seven children flve of whom aurvlvo her two sons arthur in arlxona ana wilbur on the farm in pllklrigton and three daughters mrs alma elliott ot morrieton mrs minnie fe hamilton and mrs emma elliott toronto the funeral service was held in the old home church at pllkington on monday afternoon and interment was made at elora f x robert lane llmehouae on friday october 23rd tho vllloo of liraenouso was deprived p an pld and esteemed lpluren-i- thwiubh- the deah of robert loe wft mq away fitter an lilnesa of f yjceks air lano was the son o ha late oefe ijrfae h was born fr phnaruacquny township on march 1 1868 and came to lrmehqus thi yoar ab duripp the whole ot this perjml h w ttnremployee u the toronto lime co durlner his residence in the village he was an honored membtr of the meth odist church of the village and after it closed ho joined the presbyterian church of the aixth lino where he served both in the church and sunday school he was a true friend and was respected by all who knew him ho loaves to mourn his loss his wife cutharlno scott three sons john wesley arthur william both of tor onto and robert of llmehouae threo daughters mrs annie caldor of letelller man beatrice mae and nel lie irene both of llmehouae jthrce brothersulso survive george of dun- da ik andrew and john both of man- itawantng ont and one sister uxxlo of barnes alberta the funeral was hold from his residence on sunday october 25 to llmehouse cemetery rev kenneth mclean of georgetown conducted ho service tho pall bear ers wore wm mcconnell of toronto joe scott john scott wm lane robt doughty and richard marshall of llmchouhc floral wreaths were sent from tho toronto lime co and also his fellow workers the brighton laundry of toronto and from tho follow employees also one from tha family many friends and relatives wore present from cobourgy sporvjifto dundalk quelph erin aoton efrb- town and surrodndlntf dlsfviota hie kfuneral wll p mut qo out and lo h hqf ctt latenr w h hw flwl experenca whh lo wdiq q realty tha l muhic op tho voioea he hears are parhapp en fifty uw five hundred mma ftwfty a creditable atory in told of a farmer who was on 1 led into a frlepivb house t hear the radio for tho first timty the friend gave him a heart phone when a concert was in prflgrpnii thft farmer u uteand then oald boy a thats jgneat i never hoard of he like of that ua fdr then abruptly taking off tho hou he cx thevoa a hand coming i mmst gomt and hbi4 ill usmu kaudm womens institute meeting tho- womons institute will hold their meeting at tlfe home of mrs marguret stewart llrock street on friday night november 6 at eight oclock rjharp miss amy l howes of hornby our district secretary will be with ufl nnd give a talk on the work also other interesting programme will bo given everybody welcomecomo and enjoy a social night united church communion service tho quarterly saciamental service in tho united church last sunday was largely n ttcmled after an impres sive seimon the first communion ser vice ajitl its significance to the dis ciples who communed thero with tho savloui the communion service was conducted there wua a largo num- bei of communicants tho right hand of fellowship was extended to several now members turnips and potatoes eaeafte frost the heavy frosts of last week wero rather alarming to tho numerous farm ers whut had turnips and potatoes still in the ground the several inches of snow which fell evidently shielded the roots csom injury from tho frost tho turnips escaped damage and few pota toes were reported frostbitten ap plet however on the trees and in piles in the orchards suffered severely from tho frost a new business enterprise mr- foster roney of georgetown will open on tho 15th inst in tho stofe on maln street opposite coxes garac where thomas gibbons was in busl- neaa for some time ji new shoe repair ing establishment the latest ma chinery will bo installed foster roney la a veteran who distinguished hlmneir during the war he won the jactoxlajcrcaffivjthe belgian jroas and had several other medals conferred his father m j- roney has pur chased this property from mr s m laaby with a view to a permanent business in aatan a pretty october wedding a pretty october wedding was solemnized on tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of mr alger crlpps when mlss ednor second daughter of mr- morgan crewson of crewsons corners became the bride of alexander mc isaac of acton the wedding was solemnized by rev a c stewart m a qf knox church vlsltlngr friends of both parties were present nnd after a sumptuous wed ding supper the happy couple left for toronto and points east on their retuin ilr and mrs mclsanc will re side on main street armistice day services all citizens nnd visitors who desire to do rionor to the memory of our soldier heroes who made the supreme sacrifice will assemble at the town hall next monday at 10 oclock for the public service there appropriate ser vlcea will follow at the soldiers monu tho following list shows the icsuu of tho october examinations in acton public schools senior fourth relta mcnabb 456 jean smith 448 marjorip garden 444 total 500 junior fourth allan marshall 390 helen ostrand- er 380 doris mcdonald 382 eleanor clifford 382 total 600 m z bennett principal senior third honry crlpps 4g8 kathleen mc- comb 437 bh1 waterhousc 436 total 600 i d folster teacher junioc third jamca huaid 404 john kerr 303 violet bluneh 390 total 500 a m r moore teacher second class nofrl nlcolak 321 margaret chal mers 305 wtfma watson 297 totaft 360 l anderson teacher senior second teddy hansen 365 louise latham 359 earl cole 348 total 400 sonior first frank jones 366 neil mcnabb 360 rolllo anderson 363 total 400 a macdonald teacher junior first margaret arnold 175 lorralncr jocque 159 grace ecclestone 15g total 200 senior primary kathleen huaid 149 george fottitt 134 harvey mccutchoont 128 total 200 n anderson teacher primary class a charlotte marshall 10 wilmer davidson 10 burt patrick 10 total 10 b annie evans 9 myrtle parnell 8 bessie vicars 7 total 10 c helen mopjiey 10 sam kerr 7 jimmy jonca 7 total 10 b gardiner teacher social and personal of dctioit was t a sane and enjoyable halloween acton citizens band has earned the gratitude of ait soveial years ago acton citizens band set out to induce a suno obser vance of hullowoen night in place of the senseleaa and destructive pranks which previously prevailed on that an niversary each succeeding year at considerable selfsacrillceon tho part of the members thoy have continuodu tholr halloween programme of cos tumed paradca band concerts compe tition of masqueraders and other features the result has been most gratifying the oldtlmo pranks have been almoat entirely discontinued and tho young people and old folks have had a real happy rollicking time to gether in goodnatured amusement our citizens might perhaps in one respect bo a trifle more spontaneous and enthusiastic in supporting the ef forts of tho band and leaders of the evenings programme an effort was made to fill in a halfhour last satur day evening with community singing the moat odf the singing was left to the mem bora of the band however when a good rousing response might have just hs well gone up from the hundreds of throats of the happy spectators who crowded the pavements the weather on saturday evening was a delightful contrast to the snowy wintry night which for about afort- night had preceded it the tempera ture wns moderate and tho bright moonlight gave an effulgence which entranced tho beauty or grotesqueness of the scores of masqueradere cos tumes tho hydro was generous also in the added lights supplied for tho occasion mr a loihlimun town last week miss renu porliea of guelph wusin town on saturday mr harold wansbrough of toronto was homo over sunday mr geoige jigrgina of auiora was home for a few days last week mr archie mochrlo returned home fi bm his trip to tho west last week mr james anderson nan returned from his visit to frlenda in michigan miss margaret brown of toronto visited acton friends over tho week end mr and mrs- ajcx crawford of guelph visited acton friends on mon day mr and mrs john e kennedy left on tuesday for their new home in de troit mesm a angus kennedy and earl cooper of guelph were wbme for the weekend mr and mra roy wansbrough of toronto spent the weckend with their parents hore mr roy young and miss emma robinson visited friends in toronto over tho weekend miss mary e macpherson and little miss frances dilla visited friends in dundas last week miss richardson of oshawa was a guest ut the home of mr d c rus- belloverrhe week- endr dr anderson woii by majority of 1268 the election was largely a con test between conservatives and liberals prizes wero awarded as follows best costumed married couple mr and mrs b v kenyon special for young marriod couple rlgby cross and mono mcgeckle best coetimned lady mrs b v kenyon miss jessie morton best costumed qlrl undor eighteen years mips ivy lutloy mlaa mabel kenyan bebt cps turned girl under fourteen yenrs miss marlon rlgby miss helen ostrander best casrtunncd qtrl under eight years misa frances dills misb mar- guret ha rr j son- best costumed man mr william wallace mr b v kenyon beat costumed boy under eighteen years ernost 3packor alfred bishop best costumed jboy under fourteen years erneet broughton bobblo mar shall best costumed boy under eight years jimmlo jones glen garden best mens halloween costume- i mr william coleman the power was to be cut off fofn hour besthbadeahahowen costume hydro power off on sunday for the first time since the dis astrous hurricane on the 25th of june 1923 the day of tho last provincial election therp has been nu serious disturbance of tho hydroeleotrlc until last sunday at two oclock that afternoon the current on off uxa tt was not connected ag4n until t20 in the evondflg the cause of the distur bance twtt time w4m not o storm on electan fly ut an accident by an employee qf the- hydro commission in throwing out a switch at the guelph reformatory several defectlvo in- aulators on the transmission line near crewsons corners were to be replace to enable the electricians to do this or ao thfr accident extonded the time to five hours as the line men were obliged to go to kitchener for a new main line swlteh to replace the one burned out at the reformatory the absence f current interf erred serious ly with the sunday evening repast in thoso homes in acton rockwood georgetown norvoj and cheltenham depending upon their electric ranges the church services in these places were also inconvenienced inasmuch an no lighting was available until 720 tho ovarholt- johnaton nuptiala a pretty autumn wedding took place on saturday afternoon at the home of mr nnd airs it l johnston first line esqueslng when their only daughter edna maude became tho bride of mr melbourne c ovorholt son of mr and mrs j e overholt of brantford tho bride entered tho drawing room on the arm of her father to the strains of zkihctigrins wedding march playod by miss hattie overholt sister of tho groom the bride looked lovely in her wedding gown of white satin can ton trimmed with need pearls and wore a bandeau and necklace if fleorla also tho grooms guti a wilto bujdj wrist wiilcb nw danced a ahaver bouquet of hierjcaiirbpauty rase and hiv o tftiu youny ftiwe bprnhlow nifce oi fto sfroem made ft pretty sjwer sir sha wan dressed in white h weudohlne trlmmod with pink rage-laitl- and hver ribbon and car ried tt bmket of pink baby mums the grooms jtlft to hla alflter was a lovely compact and to hlanleco a gold signet ring the ceremony waa conducted ty rev it e zimmerman b a pas tor of acton united church follow ing the ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon jwns served in tho dining room ufter which the bridal couple left for a trip to toronto niagara travelled i other- poinds in a gown of satinfaced coat trimmed with mandefl fur with hav to piiitoh qn their mr niid mrs ovcrbvojtvwihoaigv in their hev ubna un wilbur suroet acm mrs john brown church street has recovered considerably and it now resting very comfortably mr and mrs cecil hueston of hamilton spent sunday at tho homo of mr and mrs h s wilson misa e j stewart of hamilton has been visiting miss bella orahamand other friends for two weeks mr and mrs roy rumley and little audrey of toronto visited at tho parental home over tho weekend miss margaret sjucdonald was home from toronto university on thursday to cast her vote on election y mr t b mulliii of cadiz ohio ar- rlyed home on thuisday evening and will spend several weeks at his home here mrs j rogers has returned to her home in burlington after spending jcouplo of weeka at mr william john stones mr d c kuuscii ja making the best of the fine wum weather and takes jihoi t walks on the street from his home almost daily mran71 mis j m mcdonald and daughter left yesterday on a motor trip to bracebridge where they will spend a couple of weekn messrs wesley allan and edward huffman returned home monday morning after spending two and a half monthh in the west- mr hui rv oshea who has resided in acton for several years and occu pied a place in acton citizens band has removed to guelph this week mr and mr vv e hamlin and miss eveljn toronto spent a day or ho with acton ft lends after attending miss johnstons wedding on saturday mia w j hall and miss nellie spent sunday with mrs rachel scott nt llirtehouse and attended the llme house presbyterian church anniver sary service mrs wm swnckliamer and mrs r h wansbrough spent tuesday with their sister-in-law- mrs- j swack- hamerr in huttomrille who has been ill for some time mr harold weekea mr will smith miss dorothy mcllvenna and miss clara lantz ull of the ontario col lege of pharmacy toronto visited at m g bnntr rtarinb ther election in this county last thursday resolved itself largely into a contest between the oldtime politi cal parties as the progressives had no candidate in tho field many of them naturally felt no compunctions in re verting to their old parties in tho election of four years ago 3210 pro gressive votes wero cast for mr- ford tho nominee of that party a total of 12055 votes werepolled at that elec tion of which dr anderson received 5201 mr fisher 3644 and mr ford 3210 3vafc majorities for each candidate areglven below anderson campbell milton ill georgetown 348 oakvillc 485 burlington 564 acton 39 nelson freeman 123 nelson village 23 kilbride 30 lowville 34 bells school 16 appleby i- 4 strathcona 101 trafalgar boyne drumqu inj postville munna corners palermo bronte sheridan esqueslng sproats norval 35 49 20 gx 297 stewarttown dublin thompsons crns glen williams naflsagaweya campbellvule brookvllle knu ten bull 31 189 38 91 64 132 156 2133 andersons majority 1268 the vote in acton the election in acton was conducted with a good deal of goodnatured vim and a good vote was polled polling subdlvislon no l anderson campbell 120 town half town hull a 117 105 109 miss elalo laby beat boya halloween costume under eighteen years ernest bllton best girts halloween costume under eighteen years doris mcdon ald mr charlca wilson superintendent for the hydro commission made an expert mars hall and announcer during the evening many homes and shops in town wero visited by the juvenile masguernders they were kindly received and treated to candles apples nubr etc a very pnmchjtappreclatcd feature or th6 celebration was 1ho compliance with all of thohallowoen celebrationis with the roquest to ro- spoct tho houaes whero thoro was ill ness by refraining from calling- this kindly consideration will mean cordial receptlonn at these houses in future years f while the band was tho moving spirit in the affair thoy certainly do appreclato tlio spirit of holpjrulnosq that was so cheerfully given wh numerous citizens verp called upon fr vapjoiih lators u hylp nuke the affair a aucccim- thlu oplrlrof co- pe wp nako a success of any feature undertaken and tho band ap preciates the heln of all costs 1565 cents for board per day for prisoners at the halton county jail tho following figures aro from the annual remrt of governor mcglblxm for halton county jail at milton for the year ending september 30 number or prisoners committed dur ing the yoar 164 committed under criminal charges 65 committed under tho ontario tern- ther bride- peranco act18 19 of those thero were murricd 24 crepe and cut velvet and rosewood reported temperate 04 intemperate 62 bent p 4 sent to rio hefornaatoryia tjhn dally alveragjo coat of urlaonors ration waa lm cents misa acheson of horning mills who was hero on saturday attending tho wedding of her friend mlaa edna johnston spent a cpuple of days re newlng acquaintances in the commun ity mrs j holmes of acton spent a few days during tho week with her daughter mrs h d davis but re turned home on wednesday that sho might cast her vote for the conserva tlve candidate in halton county mitchell advocate mr david williamson and his daughter miss jessie who went to scotland on a visit last mid summer returned home on monday they en- joyed their visit met numerous old friends and rolatlves and have return ed in excellent health mr and4rswvhrpelghtrttrt emest and misa muckle hogarth of toronto were guests at moorecroft on sunday mr speight is quite re covered from hia accident and has re sumed the duties of his position with the- general electric co tho following friends from a dis tance attended the weeding of miss edna johnston and sir m overholt on saturday mr and mr j e over holt miss hattle and mr albert over holt miss c hcdley miss ethel gil mer and mr e harrison of brantford mr and mrs elgin overholt and mr nnd mrs h kitchen of walkervlllo mr and mrs george overholt and mrs a- rapp of woodstock mr and ai mouthful orators championship conteata by public school pupils tho champion nubile speaking com petition for halton county schools hel in milton resulted as follows girls under 10 yearnmolile heatley loom no 6 milton jlaael waldlc no 8 esqueslng tholma qlllman bronte chrlsay turner no 4 milton girls over 10 years isabel smith room no 8 milton mnrgaret hay- ward no 9 trafalgar doris gilliam bronte greatn flutnmcrfelt bronte alice gunby no 7 nelson lexy campbell no 6 trafalgar boys under 10 years johnson nee- innds union a trafalgar john shoroy room no t milton howard webster no 8 esquealng warring ton cope no 7 trafalgar jock ford no 6 trafalgar bmrcbnyr b6ysbver joyd li nan no 9 trafalgar bobble campbell no tf trafalgar wilfred waldlc np 8 esqueslng knox stracban no 8 n cbi i rrftfw no 4 alenc mcnabb room no 3 milton a polling subdlvislon nu 2 tony scynuka 101 94 government bldg 90 07 woodhaha store 93 77 521 482 majority for dr anderson 39 the number of votes polled waa 1003 the number polled in lost gen eral election was 913 the officers in the ave polling places were town hall a allan m smith dep uty returning officer and miss myrtle sopor poll clerk town hall b fred wright deputy returning officer and mrs arthur whitney poll clerk tony scynuka w j akins dep uty returning- officer and miss alice johnston poll clerk government bulldlng frank mc intosh deputy returning officer and misa elizabeth tlraham poll clerk woodhalls store duncan mcintosh deputy returning officer and miss b woodhall poll clerk notes of ths eleotion fourteen polling places in the county ave mrcampbeirmajorlties the five towns and eight polling places in the country gave dr anderson majori ties the township of nnssagawoya was loyal to its son candidate campbell each of the three polling places gave him a majority a total of 352 brook vllle gave a majority of 132 camp bellvule 64 and knatchbull 156 burlington led the towns in its sup port of dr anderson they gave him 564 of a majority oakvluo was close with 485 georgetown 348 the drs own town milton contributed only 111 to the majority acton was more evenly balanced with liberal votes and gave the dr only 39 majority there was yeoman service done for the candidates by their motorist friends they hustled after votes from morning till night the grits had their first innings in about thirty years in manning the t n led election the customary fates were absent in the deputy returning officers poll clerks and constables rf there wasnt much cheering when tho final results were announced on thursday night in fact theres not much cheering yet the result in halton indeed au throughout the dominion leads to tb-x- conclusion that the majority ojt the- progressives have resumed thdir- or iginal political predilections acton citizens band paraded the streets thb night of tho election to gtvo some eclat to tho occasion irrespective of any political aspect they gave a concert at the government building and solicited donations for the pur- mrsr j gmjth of h mlaa chase of prizes for tho halloweejj- klussle acheson or dundalk miss al- lie mcqowan of guelph mr and mrs smith nellls mr and mrs w g gamble mr and mra h e johnston and miss ethylene nnd mrs ramshaw of rockwood liarade and contests tho people were in a generous mood and contributed ample for the purpose it is rather significant that the com bined scats won by premier king and hon mr meighen in ontario and quebec aro almost equal in each case mr king secured 71 and mr melgheix 73 domestic economy tho little economies of many womei are amusing in their way as aro those of mrs jerome who lives in a little eastern town and is known to her neighbors as a careful thrifty house wife she stood before tho hatrack one day this sprfrig and looked ruefully at the tattered traw hat which her hus band wore in field your pa needs oy new hat to work in she said to her daughter emma who was wiping the banister well theres that other itraw hat replied the daughter he doesnt wear it for beat or when ho goes to town ho hasnt had it on for two years but its a nice hat objected mrs jerome it cost a dollar and a half but he doesnt use it ma ana he mi j as w taltttlttowrkin my dear said mrt jerome you young pebplo are altogether tob extra vagant in your idtfu vtn not going to let your father wear a gopd hat j whoa i in in him one gtfod enough to work in for fifty

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