Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1925, p. 4

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hi ft i hsjl the home op h arum star tyttbb member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies ol ontario the acton free press i3 published every thursday moraine at the tree press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is aoo per year in advance postage ii charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on theadriresa label advertising ratestramicntadvertise menta 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line tor each subse quent insertion contract diifjay advertise ments for o inches or more per annum 18 cents per tncl each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted tin forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore prudent and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager british opinions of the election the london englnndgcttc corhmenllirgpmt the general election in canada said on friday no doubt the taxation which is regarded by canadians as heavy lias had some weightin the result of tho vote but mr ivleighens advocacy of high tariffs has had much more effect upon the electors probably however the mere vague desire to have a change of government has had as much influence as any other factor in the result thursday mofcning november 4 1925 edltoltlal the high lariii jsiection cry agnes mcrnau m r eviaently puts little cred ence in tne election cry tor nigner taritt vvnen askea on rriuuy uiter tne ciecuun as to what tier attituue wouiu ue proviaea lion mr meignen pe- comes icuucr 01 tne liovernment if a but were brought in providing tor higner protection she re pueu witii cliaractenstic trankness there wont be any sucn measure ihe conservatives have no idea ot raising tne mini to any appieciuoie extent lneir tarin puncy was a sneer umii i ne oniy interest tney haa was- getting into omce thanksgiving day of all the holidays in the year none is dearer to the canadian none more national in its character than that which is to be observed next monday thanksgiving is preeminently the home festival while it was established by the puritan settlers of new england as an occasion for the public and the general recognition of gods mercies it is now a rec ognized anniversary throughout this continent if it has lost something of the exclusively religious char acter which distinguished it at first it has still kept its spirit of love and goodwill it is the day when the old folks gather their own once more about them when the old rooftree again stretches its hospitable shelter over those whom the years have scattered and when little figures to whom life is new seek out those wonderful places where father used to play but to some of us this occasion of family reunion and general good cheer- brings other thoughts and as we gather round the board tears start and a lump rises in the throat for where wesit today an other sat last year and the benign old face which smiled so fondly on us then is but a memory now ah the vacant chairs the turneddown plates how can thanksgiving keep its blessed spirit in their presence nay let us rather say how can iubse that spirit while they exist what have those absent ones left us but memories of their love and kindness their faithful service and uncomplaining sacrifice those memoriesthis day above i all others brings vividly to mind and when we thank the giver of all good gifts for bountiful harvests and the food we eat shall we riot much more thank him for this great er gift of having known and loved those whom he has at last takontohimself a fleal optimist editorial notes while perhaps everybody did not feel thankful pn thursday nighrp everybody should be truly thank ful next monday our national thanksgiving day prohibition in united states amply justified i rroniouion nas already yielded results which fui- ly jusnry its auupnon 1 nis is tne nat statement ot aummisiiaiive committee ottne federal coun cil ot cnuicncs alter cunsiuenng its policy on tne suoject in tne uglit of the recent report on the pro hibition situation issued dy its research department mere is nutnuig in tne report me auny nistrati ve committee says to justify modification 01 thestana of the cnurcnes tor piunioiuoi- ine statement urges tnenas lnoinercountnesnol to bedeceivedbjrvar- ious attempts to interpret the research report as a confession of tanure or even discouragement and calls the cnurches to undertake a new moral crusade to strengthen tne nanus of tnose who are responsidie tor pioliioition enforcement liutter and cheese imports the news letter dated october 10 of the du- minion dairy and cold storage branch affords very picasant reading tor canadians it shows that the exports ot butter for the twelve months ending with august 1950 increased to j450o9ii pounds in value li0ozy3 from itu07su7 pounds in value 5tt0yuo2 in the corresponding twelve months pre ceding unu in cheese of 14oo415uo pounds in value oouyy0bo trom 117185400 pounds in value 23- of lb5594jl pounds valued at 0643331 of but- exporrsandbserloopouncrsrvafuea at 2060- 3a5 ot cheese exports of milk powder show a simi lar increase running to96177uo pounds and 948- 019 in la4b from 4278800 pounds and 4208 in 192324 result of the general elections the result of the general election for members cf the house of commons last thursday was unique and somewhat paradoxical unmistakably the country as a whole voted a want of confidence in premier kings administration but it failed almost as fully to vote confidence in the policies and the promises of hon mr meighen the leader of the op position the result of the polling shows 101 seats for air king and 116 for mr meighen inasmuch as our federal parliament has 24 seats neither jt the leaders has a majority and neither could possibly carry on with the membership of his own party the progressive party has 21 seats in the house this group allied themselves with premier king the past four years when his majority over the house was only one and this enabled hjm to carry on for the four years the policy of the liberal party being more nearly that of the progressives than is that of the conservatives- it would seem natural to expect the progressives to give their support at present to mrtkingratherihtin fotihaf reason it would seem probable that mr king will retain the premiership meet the parliament for de cision there and in thcmeantime continue the busi ness of the country the people of canada are more concerned now in getting on with public business aridtoking advantage of the very manifest renewal of businessprogress and reviving prosperity than in tho crisis of party politics if mr meighen can form a coalition with the progressives and labor members and form a strong government tbc majority of the people of canada will be glad to hear of such an arrangcrrnent if this is found- to be impracticable and mr king carl fuse the ether groups with his own and go forward with the countrys business this alternative will bridge over the present cricis in ei ev the country will be safely governed ari3 there will be little material change in policy or tariff what this country needs at present is not political tactics but a sane gettogether administration for the good of the country- instwd of party theri ajc important national issues which are paramount to political prestige and these must have careful consideration the best possible course under tho piosent conditions might after all be a coalitiop be- tyn i the conservatives and the liberals such k qtarsctwas effective at the time of confederation one of the dailies which was rather noncommit tal during the election significantly said on satur day naturally the railways will be expected to rush special trains to border points to accommodate the returning crowds now the fear that patenaude the quebec protaganist would deliver the canadian national to montreals nancial interests was evidently groundless he did- pt deliver his own constituency having been de feated by a substantial majority compulsory voting will be introduced in thefep eral elections in australia for the first time on nov 14 under a new law passed by the last parliament registrars are required to prepare lists of all persona entitled to vote any elector who fails to go to the polls without giving a valid reason for staying away is liable to a fine of 10 the general election is over and though there may he another one in the offing acton electors are more interested in the fact just now that monina- tions for the municipal council are due in about three weeks and it is just as important to ustill that acton should have a good council as it is that the dominion should be wellgoverned yes the countrys safe now the woollen mills will aubltrjooming bigger wages will prevail every- wherethefarmers will obtain prices far in advance of what they- have been receiving never a canadian will go into the united states to seek a job the country is safe and prosperous and taxes will be reduced everywhere the country is safe this years cattle shipments from canada to great britain will considerably exceed 100000 head white the british demand is at present easing off some what the total shipments for lqg5 will be a record the monthly average being well over 10000 the total value of the cattle exported from canada to great britain will it is estimated be about 12- 000000 for 1 925 v sales of over one hundred patent medicines has been placed under ban in ontario by the provincial board of license commissioners acting in conjunc tion with federal authorities the medicines and remedies- affected are those containing a high per centage of alcohorand not sufficiently medicated to prevent their use as beverages their sale by drug gists and other vendors has been declared illegal under the proprietary and patent medicine act if the preelection pledges of the candidates elect ed are as reliable now thathhe election is over as they were uncompromising and expressive when ihey were given the countryhas or in the refusal of further licenses to breweries and distilleries in those provinces which voted for pro hibition and a tightening up of the customs regu lations governing the export of liquor to our neigh boring country which is under prohibitory laws the great british empire exhibition at wembley closed its dears on saturday after two years ef fectively displaying the products and resources of the empire the exhibition wasr visited by 2700000 persons it was not a financial success so far as receipts meeting expenses of operation but it has been of incalculable benefit in stimulation of the resources of all british lands canada has already derived great financial advantages in the receipts of millions 6 fclollars wofthototdets 1 oiher produetsrl two more weekly papers passed out of sepraatc existence last week mr thomas nash a veteran publisher has sold out the gorrie vidotte and the wroxeter news to mr a g smith publisher of the winghami advance times and they will in future bo incorporated with that paper in which a special sec tion will be devoted to the districts covered by the two purchased papers by this enterprise one papr now takes the place of four for years published ui tliofio days of fretiuont subscript tlona for various church ontorprlsofl tho following htpry will bo iulto ap propriate tho question was what wob to be done with tho olfl parsonhigo tho roof leaked tho sills wer rotten the floors nnsrgcml th colllnern threat ened to frttl the cejlnr needod a ce ment floor finally tho house origin ally built for nn excellent spinster who hatl willed it to the chorch wnii far too nmall for mr bent and hla wlfo and four babies mrs baker believed that the parson ago could bo enlarged and repaired for six hundred dollara and moreover that the money could bo raised ta a pariah that had hardly been out of debt in twenty years she bore with calm nebb tho reproach of mrs porter an optimist of course i am so are you every time you stir the yoast into a batch of broad dont you ex pect tt will- rise with that the discussion ended for that day but aunt mary baker dldt not con tent ftierself with talking the next pariah j meeting voted to proceed with thcropairb if satisfactory estimate could be had for olx hundred dollars and if four hundred were in hand those contingencies seemed 09 remote that the vote was unnnlmotir mrs baker was made chairman of n com mittee to ralao funds now it ih noticeable that the oirtlm- iath of the world often have a very j shrewd contrivance as to ivaya and i menna the first thine mrs baker did wiib to arrange for the sale of an old building that stood at tho back of the parsonage lot john stevons want ed it for a barbers- shop he gave eightyseven dollars for it and that waaa noble neateirjy thoik came the subscription pa that was carefully used so as to en courage the reluctant if thomas cateu gave twentyfive dollars james polter would be ashamed to slve less two gonerous checks came in response to aunt- marys letterstotwo of tour boys who had prospered out west saulre pohter skeptical in regard to the whole business was made the partner of a curious ehterpriae would he rive ten dollars if by it could be i secured forty dollars more so im probably did that seem that he gave assent then did aunt mary expend ten dollars on sugar and nuts and pop corn and making big boxes of her delicious candy ahfe found a ready market for them at the summer hotel on the bin she actually counted up forty- two dollars as her lawful gain froini enterprise before the sum mer was overyr then tho frolics that took place in the name of tho old parsonage a chickenplo supper a huaklnc an old foljks concert a spelling school in fact pretty 1 much all the good times in the village for one year were trace able to the renewed parsonage of course the plans and the money were forthcoming and the house with its veranda its enlarged roomn all opening together as the rooms in a ministers house should its conven ient kitchen and its watertight cel lar stands as a testimony to aunt mary bakers optimism after ail perhaps that is only another name for that christianity which hopeth all things neighborhood news town and country r georgetown miss margaret dickie him returned from a years study of music in krance the girls will noil lwppleh for tho womons institute on saturday nov 7th tho armlstlco day col jumch ballantlno u 8 0 and mrs ballantlno of hamilton n y wore visitors in town last week mlflsn lillian ingram who has been an efficient employee on tho herald staff for the past five years left on monday for plondon where sho will train for a nurse in tho city hohpttal mr wlllson sectreiih of tho on tarlo society for prevention of cruelly to animals will address a meeting in tho public library on november 12th with a view to organising a liumnno hoclety in georgetown mr mcciillough of tacomii wash ington is visiting with mr and mrs w -a- wilson itis over 35 yeura since mr mcculiough left georgetown and this is his first visit back to tho old home town iiovr about georgetown longdelay ed new post office we notice that u contract has just been let for a new post office at gravenhurst to coht 920000 probably if we got busy again there might be something doing a small barn oil mill street and contents belonging to mr w whltmoo wus totally destroyed by fire on tues day morning the building was a mass of flames when first noticed about a quarter to ave when the fire brigade was called out- herad a readywitted patriarch erin a- halloween masquerade social was held in the brisbane school house on saturday evening during the windstorm on sunday night the post on which the electric bell ia locatedat the railroad cross ing nt hlllsburg was blown down an entertainment t will be held on thanksgiving evenbig in the united church erin under tho auspices of the ladles aid rev e r hall b a pastor of tho local united church is relieving miss gregg principal of the continuation school during her absence on account of the sudden death of her mother mr e f fernle of toronto is tho new teller in the local branch of the royal bank of canada and miss mc dowell who has been in charge of that work fdr some time is now account ant rev john lindsay has accepted the call to a presbyterian church at lind say he expects to commence his duties in his new charge on november 15th mr r w campboll hasvbold his residence to mr scott of toronto and mr campbell has since purchased mrs m milloys residence a very pretty autumn wedding was celebrated on tuesday october 20 at the home of mr and mrs robert gra ham belfouritdih when their daugh ter marjorle elizabeth was married to francis william root son of mr and mrs nelson root of hlllsburg advocate tlo old man wan a glutton for worlc deacon thornus told tho now minister they weru speaking of old mob en rogers who hud lately died ix f tor nn active life of ulnetyonu pynr folkn used to work in my young tluya morten would always tell y mo wim ji jottlc might cucky in forinti years ami 0110 day lie chal lenged john and jim uourilnmu thirty years youngorn him to pitch up a load ot huy tt fast h ho could load it iwaii right thoysayh tho hoy wugn wilri driven rounl to tho ineddor an thoy begun mohch held his invn awful well for noma tlnrj ami if tho boys stopped to broatho a minute hed call out moro hay mloro huy but after a while he had to strug gle around to koo on top of the het all ulnordored and halftrod down tin it was and it ntnrted to rock ami then to slide and flnlly a lot of it tulivnlodotf and moses with it jiollol sung out the boys what youdoln down hero i comb down after moro hay says tho old mini beginning to pitch cools ye please indian summer a perplexing question preparing the 8oil hotbeds for soil for hotbed work requires proper preparation to give best results too little attention is paid to its prepara tlon by the majority of growers and to thja may be attributed much of thed ttnculty- encountered in he- pro ductlon of healthy plants it coats very little more to prepare the soil properly than to follow the question able method of using the saune soil over and over again or obtaining soil without regard to its condition a clean piece of so should be se lected preferably of sandy loani soil cut and pile the sods carefully with alternate layers of manure xhe cut ting and piling should be done either in the autumn or in the month of june at any rate the pile should be left standing over the summer when the whole pile or the part required may be cut down and piled in a con- venlent place for the hotbed work the following spring this method of pre paration wlh provide a soil with ample flbro which is very essential and which oontalns sufficient plant food for ordinary work if the soil la not con sidered rich enough for special work more manure may be added or com mercial fertilizer used to supplement the manure already present in the soil t while the foregoing method da the most sallscactory it ihla procedure haa not been followed jt la often pos sible to obtuin sandy loam soil from the surface of a field that lias just produced a hoe crop in a three or four year rotation this soli should bo obtained in the fall pnd piled in a convonlen place and if not rich enough dn food plant commercial fertiliser may be added to suit the special re quirements as a rule however this not necessary because in a well planned rotation manure is used very liberally which should render the soil in f go condition for the pur- poso when it la not convenient to obtalji a sandy loam soil and heavier soil has to be used clean sand may to added until the proper consistency of soil haa beep obtained under normal conditions it is always possible to water but attention must be gtven to drainage or it will be difficult to keep thopo who have not been preparing their hotbed soil in advance should make a start now as it is a step to wards greater future prorttst f ritchie assistant in vegotaokv gar dening loves sacrifice the following which we are sure is an exceptional case is narrated of a certain mr and mrs cabin of no- whereinpartlcular j lira cablffa education in the art of cookery had been somewhat neglected but sho did her best and her husband struggled manfuilyjand- uncomplainx ingly with the tough steaks and sour bread she set before him dayaiter day one morning about three years after their wedding she said to him oliver you dont love your wife lllce you did once why do you pay thathe asked in surprise because you dont eat the things 1 cook for you any more i phllllda rejoined oliver with all the earnostness be could command i lovo you as fondly as ever but my di gestion is ruined a lawyerlike remedy a man whose sleep had been dis turbed nightly by the howling on his own back fence of his neighbors cat came at last in despair to a lawyer an exchange reports the interview there the cat sits every night op qv f ftnirt the miflfff nna frp j jfyowla and yowls and yowls now i dont want to get into any trouble with my neighbor but i would like to know if i am not justified hj putting a stop tow certainly replied the lawyer i am well within my right if i shoot tho cat then urn well i would hardly say that answered the lawyer the oat does not belong to you as 1 understand it no and the fence does re weir thep think may fely spy that ytfy haw n nvrtcct rlgwl ie fear dwrjsie fericev burlington prof c r marvin tolls in lip plncotts mngazlno tho story of an expodltlori from the university of pennsylvania that was sent to one of tho southern states some years ago toobaervo a solar- eclipse tho day before tho event aino of the profenuors said to an old colored man who was employed in th house hold where the astronomer was quar tered sam if you will watch your chick ens tomorrow morning you will find that moat of them will go to rbost at eleven oclock sam aa might be expected was very skeptical but at tho appointed hour tho hoavena were darkened and the chickens as foretold retired to their rooaf at this theold negrov amaze ment knew no bounds nnd he sought out the man of science perfeaaor said he how long ago did you know them chickens would go to roost about a year ago said the pro- feshor wjtth a faint smile well ef dat dont beat all was sams perplexed reply why per feaaor a year ago dem chickens want even hatched tho term indian summer is lb oho ly ami incorrectly used to designate any mild period of iho autumn after the flint frost h liuvo coniu and tho follugo of tho hurd wood trues tho maples especially has turiulfrmn green -to- purple gold mid crimson homo people itpeak of nucu a spell of 111 1 id sunny jven tmliny weather a indian tfiiitmifi the true indian surmrtcr railed by soim- writ era on indian life and cutitoiiis hiiuaw hum mer co in en lat jr and never earlier than november tho handbook of indians in canada imsuod by ho geographic uoimlif curuhla stateh that indian hummer in tho short season of pleahuut weather 11nually occurring about tho middle of no- vdnibcr corresjfovidlng to tho tfl martins suminer- of kuropo hi murtlnh iuy 01j maiilnmuh falls on november 11 and in knglaud hi martins summer usually occurs aftrr that date in eastern canada tho late autumn often brings u snowfall followed hy rather sovcre cold hulllcleiit to freeze over small ponds and sluggish streams then the sky becomes clear again tho sun shlncn brightly and with con siderable warmth tho snow dlsap- 1 pears and tho ice melts and usually j thef south wind brings up balmy air thfs is the indjiyi hummer it usual ly jficcurs about the middle of no- vcniber ami ltn duration varies with tho season sometimes it lusts only a few days at other seasons it extends over a wcelc or more business directory medical dr j a mcniven phytaolan end surgeon office and rosldonco corner bower avenue axid elgin strpet phonic 8b dr e j nelson frederick street aotorr ontario legal phone no 22 p o box s harold nash farmer m a 8arrltsr solicitor notary pub i is convysncr eto perrvmam block acton ont moner lent 61 mortgages houn 930 m to pm saturdays 1200 oclock dental pumpkin fortunes a b coleman who received 120000 in 1918 from the dominion govern ment for the hotel brant for military purposes is suing the government for a further sum of 395000 charles jatvia and ernest bonner left lost week anahuntingtriplin the vicinity of james bay through the efforts of the residents in the east end the radial railway commenced a service to tho guelph line last week mr and mrs mrtrtyn llndley return ed home on tuesday from a pleasant honeymoon trip to bermuda growers of potatoes in this district are- reapng a rich harvest these days three weeks ago potatoes could bo purchased as low as 100 per bag arid now the price has reached 250 mr and mrs john westley andlra b d cotter and son of jamaica british west indies were the guests of mr arid mrs w c kerns at oak bank last monday having left melbourne australia in march last and travelled via capo town to london eng and thence to new york captain walden and hie sister mla walden are at present staying with their nephew and niece mr and mrs hordon at burlington on their way to vancouver many residents- of the town and district called- at the parsonage of trinity -united- churchon friday afternoon and evening last when mrs e v tllton received for the first tlmo since coming to burlmgtbh- and many took the opportunity of welcoming rev nnd mrs tllton and family to the town gazette supply each guest at the halloween party with a largo piece of yellow cardboard from which they are to cut a goodsized pumpkin with a stem at tho top otiho pumpkin they print with green crayon the words myfprtuno below this heading the following topics should be hated five on each side 1 his initials v 2 his profession 3 his wedding gift to me l 4 my wedding costume 5 how we will go on our wedding trip 6 our home 7 the cause of our first quarrel 8 his hobby 9 our household pet 10 his favorite dish have ton boxes prepared which are numbered to correspond with tho list above from these boxes the girls will draw tholr answers consisting of pictures cut from magazines each lglrl pastes the pictures sho draws in their propor order on her pumpkin so that sho can read aloud her com- ploto fortune while the refreshments are beingserved why this distinction every one likes td be treated fairly and so every one wlil sympathize with a little girl yhose saying la reported in the post fiveyearold mary had fretted and made herself generally disagreeable and at nght her older slhtcr put her to bed with a feeling of relief there child she bald as sho kissed her goodnight i hope you wont bo ao cross tqmorrow mary hud cuddled down under tho blankets but at this hpeech she sat upright again t notice said she thntwhen lfa mo you say cross when its you you say nervous v five ways to cure acold 1 bathe tho fcotln hot wator and take a pint of hot lemonade then sponge with salt water and remain in u warm room bathe tho face in very hpt water every five minutes for an hour 3 snuff up the nostrils hot salt water every three hours 1 inhale ammonia or menthol 5 take four hours active exerclso in tho air a ton grain dose of quinine will uaualiy break up u cold in tho begin ning anything that will set tho blood in active circulation wljl do it whether it be drugs or the use of a buck saw dr j at bell d d s l d dentist honor graduate of toronto univsr- slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of and frederick streets mill dr f gg0llop dds lda dental surneon office over bonk of norm sootja hours 930 to 680 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bounds ruling neatly and promptly done wyndbua street guelph out over williams store oakville tho ladles aid of knox church will hold their annual christmas bazaar on thursday november 26 mr and mrs hg kelley and their daughter judith have returned to boston after spending the summer in onkvlllo albert strachan had the serious mis fortune to have his leg broken at practice prior to saturdays game with hamilton tech in commemoration of the 26th an niversary of their wedding mr and mw w w tnrlr him n qtittvt r at their homo on dunn street last saturday october 24 jos mccleary returned on monday from portage la prairie where he has been engaged in harvesting operations ho reports a months cotnpleto tieup of work owing to unfavorable weather conditions seventytwo applications have been received by ihe board of education for enrolment in the night school and it has been decided to organize the school u mr james ryrie after spending the summer months in his homo on the lake shore east has returned to tor- ontou5txiafter christmas wjien he wfil journey south to paas thje winter season in florida a fancy dress carnival was hold under the auspices of the oakvlllo band on halloween night a torch light procession was proceeded from the central school grounds to the rink at 780 oclock where the costumes wero judged and prizes awarded mr and mrs a flaxman and four children one little girl and three boys narrowly escaped death from suffoca tion early tuesday morning when fhe house in which they were sleeping op posite the jacobs jam factory caught fire the firemen confined the flames to the rear part of the house william hakdner giving his address as 668 college street was arrested tuesday afternoon ona chargo of driv ing a car while under the influence of an intoxicant hackaner met with grief 4n front of james ryrlea on tho h when hiscacfri hudson coach became unmanitgablewlthdls- astrous results to both car and driver he will appear before magistrate shields fiftyseven members of knox church kirk club attended the tor onto presbytery young peoples ral ly in cookes presbyterian church last monday night banners were awarded to the two churches with tho best rep resentation and were won by bonur church and oakvllle clubs becord ready to start a lecturer in a california town had in tils audience a lank young man who drank in every word with flattering avidity and whose eyes bulged with delight at tho pictures thrown on the screen- ab the evening wore on tho lecturer got into tho habit of looking at this entrancing listener and after a while had almost the feeling that the lecture wafl tntendcdfor him alone this evidently was the idea which possessed the lank young man ns well for when the lecturer said nd now i will ask you jto go with me two miles into tho jungle he sprang to his feet anywhere you say mister he shouted with kindling eyes if you can just hold on long enough for me to cut homo and get my gun not in her line one day mrrsmlth wont- tabuynj bushel of buckwheat for sowing the man who sold tho wheat was away but hlh wife undertook to wait on the customer she found a peck measure and thoy went to the granary she filled the measure twice and pouring tho contents into the bag be gan to tie it up but mrs lawtbn said tho man it takes four pecks to make a bushel oh does it replied the woman as she untied the bag well you sec i never had any experience in measuring grain before i married mr lnwton i always taught school someffiing elsetobe thanmul iini shoemish preserves shoes bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j phen 574 hannigan ouelh people who use red rose are usually those who like tea of extra good quality ki xea good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try boiy artel eat ontario apples 7 delicious healthful this yearlhey are better than ever lay in a supply of fall and winter varieties now both for cooking and eating buy from a grower or dealer r j kerr auctioneer and real estate experience 20 yearn list tfour property with me acton ontario aenicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health iniurance guaranteo bonds burfllary and plato glass insurance trusteo for estates collections business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton q3nichmohd5twc3t toronto canafla ambitious young people it wis a trained helper from the guelph business college that hied tho vacancy in an offlcq in your locality this week there is a place for you in tho business world- 1 get tour training start on monday at guelph business college individual instruction a l bouck principal and proprietor onesympton eye strain of a person rlsoa in tho morning feeling fit and ready for any thing lto starts to work with enthusiasm but in two or three hours begins to ioho his energy this is particularly true of those that uno their oyes for close work if your eyes aro a handi cap to you first wo could con vince you of tho fact then rc- ilcvfr you a d savage optometrist and mfg optioian right at tho post office 8avg building guelprt hie old and reliably granite and marble works tic hon john s martin ba minister ontario department of agriculture awl we ore manufacturers and direct importers or all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customor 40 per cent wo have the best appliances and the only median lea in the dominion who -cmxt- operate pneumajtlo toolaproperly we can kiye referencoa from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other placed wbore others have to have law suits in kder to collect we have the largest ajid best stock of granite in the dominion pr moro than any three dealers in the west we are legiti mate deader and employ no agents and do not annoy or peat customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders wo employ only mechanics and drfy competition hamilton sons qlftttph tfnt m 7

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