Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1925, p. 5

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tz stye arfim xtt tbb thursday november 5 1035 thanksgiving rub ltd of apples yellow pumpklnb gold silvorfrotitcd chestnuts eliciting in the cold wheat and barley garnered brown coin in 11 heap jsnch thanksgiving day that comeh is easier to keep every kind of bleahinr-r- health and hope and love soft old earth beneath me sweet old sky above homo a tent around me good friends falling never every new thanksgiving im thankfuller thnn ever nancy byrd turner a thanksgiving acrostic the sunday school lesson for 8undy november 8 thfor the tut koy ho toothsome and good li is for holiday well understood aa for the apples which make ijnuce and pie nb tor the noise of chlldi en knee- high kh for the kitchen whoi e good things aro made s is for apires and nweot marmalade gs for the gamou vhlch we play until night ls for the icch uo cold and so white vs for the lnes which enchcle each latc ls for the illness which comes to uh late ns for the nut and the raisins you know ga for tho gratitude wo all should show c b jordan twenty years ago from tho issue qf tho free press of thursday november 9 1905 j j holland has disposed of the albion hotel to samuel laahy for the consideration of 6300 mr laaby takes possession next week the private telephone system con necting the reeves office the munici pal ofllcerh residence and the power house has been finally installed and is proving a great convenience tho railings on the main street bridge have renewed the book committee is in toronto today selecting a generous addition of books for tho reo library at a meeting of those interested in the new rink on wednesday the fol lowing officers were elected hon president a o beardmore presi dent w a storey 1st vicepresi dent w r roache 2nd vicepresi dent a j lehman sectreaaurer c r mcintosh executive committee r m mcdonald a o t beardmore i francis c r mcintosh h t sherman rink committee n mc- nabb w hurlbert g hawthorne r hynds o cook w pearson p brown new market overseas tho ontario honey producers co operative has accomplished several important things not only for its members but for the beekeepers at large in the fall of 1923 a g- hal- stead general manager visited grait britain and northern europe and suc ceeded in opening new markets that nre taking an increasing quantity of surplus ontario honey great britain holland and germany aro today im portant consumers of ontario honey with smaller shipments going to byancoj3clgium and tho scndxtfa vhtn countries another step forward has been the establishment of de finite grades for honey and the adoption of a dis tinctive container that is giving tho ontario honey a widespread reputa tion with consumers and with the trade of the world the fact that honey shown at the london dairy show by tho ontario 4rtoney producers co operative has wan first place in com petition with the empire every year since the cooperative started is some indication of the unusual quality of thl natural canadian food canadians themselves do not yet appreciate what nature is offering them for honey consumption- in the clwes is only half what it is on tho farms when they do there is no doubt that far less money will leave the country for im- j ported table luxuries and for tropical fruits that do not excel honey olther in palatabllity or in health value the ontario honey producers co operative is just closing its third seasonal- pool and will hold its an nual meeting of members in toronto today november 5 forming good habits the more one thinks about education the more ho realizes that it is prin cipally a matter of character forma tion wo know very well that char acter is made up of a number of habits this being sb it 4s important that the parents begin early to cultivate and to form correct habits in their children there are it is true a great number of habits and it would be difficult to mention them all but here are a number of suggestions which may at some time prove helpful to parents v children should be taught to have a real love for god to know and practice the command ments of god to love his fellowroan as he loves himself to be kind and helpful to every hu- man being patjis farewell at miletus acts 20- 2538 golden text ye ought to buppoct oiolp the weak and to remember tho words of the loid jesus liow ho said it is more blessed to slvo than to leccivo- acts 20 35 time a d g8 place miletus the lesson explained l i am pure fronrtho bbood of all mop 2527 it is a great thing when a servant of jesus christ can say what paul says hole i am pure from tho blood of all men unless ono has donchte full duty in lovingly warning others and in earnest prayer for their salva tion ho cannot say it the reason why paul could say it was tliat he hat not held back from dadoring unto them not only tho counsel of god but the whole counsel ofcod there is great temptation in thcae- days to hold back part of gods truth for the sake of unity or tor some other reason z take heed watch trust god and his woid 2832 paul had appealed to his own faith fulness as an incentive to fauhfui- nesh on tho par of theso epheslun elders or bishops first of all they must take heed to themselves only the one who takes heed to himself is in a position to take heed to others hero is where niany of us foil today wo are so occupied with our work that wo neglect our own spiritual life comp 1 tim 4 16 but while wo should ilrst take heed to ourselves we should go on and tako heed of our hock our hock may bo a church or a sunday school claw or a family or something else but we alf have ono and lot us never forget that it is tho holy ghost who has mado us over seers over it this verso brings out beautifully tho glory of the church lit is the church of god 2 he purchased it with his own blood 3 tho holy ghobt presides in its government the verso also brings out the purpose for which the holy ghost appoints bishops and ciders to feed te church see prov lo 21 mat 24 45 paul proceeds to utter some solemn words of warning after my departing grevlous wolvear ahull enter 1n among you etc these ducks words of warning came true 2 tim 2 17 18 1 tim 1 19 20 thoy arc also true of every flock today grievous wolves false teachers come sooner or later to every church and community but tho most dangerous part of it was that some of these grievous wolves were to arise from among your own selves the great danger today is not from outside woivcb but from the wolves that arise from among the ministry ono skeptio or false teacher who writes rev before his name or d d after it 1s immeasurably more dangerous to the flock than the wolf that is outside tho fence paul bids them to be on the watch remember ing that by the space of three years i ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears what a moving and inspiring spectacle this great man loaded with many labors and cares going up and down the streets of ephesus and from house to house night and day with burning tears warning those he met and keeping this up for three years what a whole some commotion a paul would make lnany community now tliatrhtrwaff to leave them he points then to god and the word paul was to do- part but goti and tho word were to stay gods servants are over pass ing away but god himself and his word always abide paul points to the word as the great safeguard against error he does the same thing at a later day in writing to a bishop of this same church 2 tim 3 1315 nothing makes one proof against the false doctrines like the persistent study of the word it is the woeful ne glect or tho study of tho word on tho port of the churches today that makes them so easp prey to the devils pretentious and smooth talkers the- osophy and spiritualism and christ ian science and unitarian ism an unlversallsm and higher criticism and the whole brood of false doctrines make little headway among those who are real students of tho word this verse tells us two other things the word has power to do 1 build up 2 give an inheritance among the sanctified bible study evidently pays 3 pauls unselfishness 3335 paul was a mighty preacher by word but he was a mightier preacher by example verse 35 ho had not work ed for personal gain of any kind ho desired to get for his own use nothing that belonged to any other man 1 sum 12 3 it was mens bu1b not their money and clothes that he was after he had worked hard with his own hands to make a living for him self and his co workers ccf chapter 18 3 1 cor 4 12 ltnesg 2 3 2 thess 3 8 he sought not luxuries but necessities in all things he set an example for those to whom he preached to follow verse 35 r v two lessons in particular he desired them to learn from his example 1 to help the weak cf ito 15 1 z to give to others rather than te tke in from others jesus himself had said it la more blessed to ffly ttaftn to receive get as much w yqu can canadian pacific president and directors make tour of western canada to coast the fresh flavpr railway time tables of delicious salada green tea is preserved in tke airtight 5alada packet finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada at acton anadjan naiiqnalflailways going w n6 2 809 am no 31 104 am 229 pjp now no 36 no no 609 tun 39 839 p i 26 sunday 1041am going emit no 26 721 no 30 1108 un no 34 335 pan no 3 i 817 pm no 38 81spjn no 24 sunday 708 pan every woman deserves one the smp roaster is a fine time saver you put the roost or fowl in the oven the roaster does the res bastes roasts to perfection it roasts with very little ahnnkagethu saving dollars every year none pf the tasty meat juices are lost all the rich flavor is retained besides you can buy cheaper cuts for it makes cheap cuts taste like choice ones the dote fitting cover keeps all the cooking odors and tka crease insld uw rosstsr tbc smell of cooking doesnt all use house and the oven is kept sweet ndclean best of alt it deans oat i after the roasting these an canadian national electric railways west bound dally except sunday 743 ajn dally from laft to right f w motion col frank s moighen c m g sena tor boique kc lord shaughneasy e w beatty sir herbert holt ross m mcmastor w n tllley kc to labor for tho common good rather than for eelflsp motives to realize that religion helps them to bo a good citizen to have a proper respect forall rightly constituted authority to inspire others jty his good ex ample to be neat and clean going- v school i to know the correct posture for sitting or standing to avoid waste of any kind to tell the truth on every occasion to be honest in all his dealings to study diligently and persevering- ly t to grasp and assimilate everything that ho studies to think before he answers any quest ions to he polite and well mannered to be willing to learn from every body to have nn idea of responsibility a u8eful servant the time may come whert a certain class of people will havo their ser vants eat breathe and live for them x story told soberly in figaro of sin episode which was observed in the paris postoffice seems to show that there is no limit to tho service a vnlei may render to his master ar pretty and elegnntyoun eng lishwoman accompanied by her maid bought pome stamps at the window turning to her servant she paid put o you tongue t the maid obediently stretched out her loiigjue whereupon tier mistress nflrojtlytpftsaed ovor it the gummed surface of a fltnmp sbc times was this command given and obeyed with thesjame operation the crowd in the postofnee wro hugely tickled i this the inst cry of english i fashion asks figaro or do the epg- ush luspect the wholesomeness of the government gum 1 woris cause frstfqlnesa and rob the infant of rfeep fn great nourishes mather 3ravc worm exterminator will clear the stomaah ahd mtlnes anfl rttatoyb htfajtifoln to be the principle that governs many in tho church as well na those in tho world they make a great mistake it is blessed to get put it is more bless ed to give and the moro you slvo the greater tho blessing gods blessings to us comes in through the same door that our gifts go out to others ps 41 13 112 67 pro 10 it la 58 712 what a weo crack some of us riye opening for god to get into our hearts and lives through it was by exper ience that jesus knew that it was more blessed to give than to receive 2 cor 8 9 mat 20 2- tpauls parting from the ephestan eld era 4638 the parting scene is one of great tenderness if brings out a side bf pauls character that is often over looked we think of him a stern fearless and n warrior of the truth but he was a tender lover o men as well cf 1 thess 2 7 8 u 1720 and no he was loved in return- these strong men of ephesus utterly broke down when they heard that they should behold his face no more they all wept sore and fell on pauls necv and kissed him i am gad for once to see him showered wltri kisses dalting readinda for next week monday paul 1 epheaua acta 20 16 tuesday paul preaches at troa acts 20 712 wednesday paul returns to mile tus acts 20 1316 thursday pauls farewell at mile tus acts 20 1727 friday pauls charge to the elders acts 20 2838 saturday pauls prayer tor tho ephcsl a ns eph 3- 1421 sunday tears and victory ps 12b 16 egq8 customer are- your eggfl fresh f x grocer why madam if they were any fresher they would to impertl- nont t how is it thai an soon at eggargol to be sixty cents pof ween the hens retfrb frifm jaeast surrounding e w beatty chairman and president of tho canadian pacific railway artja number oftho dlrcctor3 of the system grouped on tho observa tion car of the train about to start for toronto from tho windsor station at montreal mr beatty spoke at the toronto exhibition on the occasion of transportation day and then went on an extended tour oc inspection over the c p r western lines his itiner ary was by way of winnipeg saskar toon edmonton and cnlgaiy to tho rocky mountains and on to the coast and vancouver island where a trip wan made over tho egnulmalt ond nanaimo railway to port albcrnl flnd great central lake tho tormlnnl of a now stretch of that railroad which has just been built to open up important lum bering centres speaking of general conditions on his return from tho trip mr bedtty httld a very marked improvement wus evident as comjwued with that which had existed since ho lait went across the country the spirit of the people was much moro optlmlatlo and he said he thought with a very good reason the movement of grain had gone for ward extremely well- the railways were never in better shape to handle thocrop and canadian raclflo ship ments from winnipeg to the headi of tho lakcs had created a record there was mr beatty added notice able throughout tho country a sus tained interest in tho important mat ter of immigration and a more gener al realization of the fact that therein lay the soundest remedy for most of canadas dimoultios the announce ment jnado at edmonton by president beatty of a fuller measure of coopetnr tion between the government and the railways looking to an ncaeleratton f tho movement of sqttlerti to canada had apparently been well received as an indication of roal progress in this direction and mr betvtty was hopeful that next yearh icsults would be much better than some years pas at the rocky mpuntlunji resorts and the coast mr- heittty stated that the tourist buslpesfl was assuming tre mendous proportion and the rookies were fust growing lt popularity with american and european travellers whllo tourist trafflo up and down the coast has ben heavy the two new tourist steamers princess kathleen and princess margaret added to the canadian pacific fleet havng been ex ceedingly well patronized improve- ments wore in hand at the banff springs hotel and chateau lauo louise foe the cntnink winter- throughout hp trip mr beatty was accompanied by flir herbert halkf w- molson ross be mcmaster direc tors of the company p e meredith director of canadian paojflo steam ships and by john w habbs direc tor of the imperial bank over eastern lines vtcoprcildont a d mue- tlor accompanied the party while d c coleman viceprealdent of western lines was present from for william west doily dally dally daily daily dally dally dally 048 am 1143 jxu 143 pm 343 pm 643 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1232 ajn eastbound 743 ora 943 am 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm 543 pan 743 pjn 943 pm 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up alany ad- trttm in toronto daily except sunday dally dally dally dally daily daily dally chicago stock show to set new records advance indications arc that all tho records will be smashed at the 26th anniversary session of tho internation al live stock show exposition which will be held in chicago novomber 28 to december 5 according to secretary- manager b hheldo ho leports that novef before in the long illus trious history of this show has there been so much enthusiasm shown by both exhibitors and prospective visit ors more than ten thousand of tho finest horses cattle sheep and swino will bo entered in the numerous contests for supreme honors at this acknowledged supreme- court of tho agricultural industry these animals include the champions of the stahe and sectional fairs and many others which will be shown at chicago for the first time and they represent tho highest at tain ments of the mas tor breeders of the tjnlted states and canada two noted foreign judges- will assist in making tho awards j eperton quest ed of kent england nervine in the steer and red polled classes and mr robert duncan of forfarshire scot land acting as judge of fho brooding shorthorns director g lvchrlstle of tho indiana agricultural experimental station who is the superintend enrofmhe inter national grain and hay show which is a department of tho exposition- expects over ave thousand samples of choico grains small seeds and hay to bo entered for world titles in these contests canadian entries have been especially strong this year a now fcaturo will be an exhibit of recently discovered varieties of crops contrib uted by the various experimental sta tions which will be under tho personal chargo of professor m o- spence of purdue university the united states department of agriculture and tho stnte agricultural colleges will stage educational displays doallng with a wide range of subjects twelve hundred cliampipn club members will attend tho fourth ra tional boys and girls club cpngrosa at the exposition they will compete in various icoptests exhibit tho pro ducts of their skill and givo domqn- st rations qf the project in which they have been engaged a meat display t und the auspices of tho national itkiii jt i llve fchclc and meat board will appeal d to housewife a brilliant evening entertainment each night purebred live etpek auc7 tlons association meetings and other activities will crowd the visitors pro gramme reduced ratca on all rail roads entering chicago ore expected to bring several hundred thousand guests to the metropolis to enjoy tho educational and entertainment feat ures of the worlds greatest agricul tural show in chicago the fli st week in december ectvai corns cripple the feclvand mako walklnga torture yctr such reh j the shapo of holloways corn re mover is within reach bf all for thekiddie8 supper children who take cold luncheons to school with them need hot and hearty food at night care however should be taken to see that the foodl is digestible as well as substantial one mother whose three thriving children shows her good care contributes- this hint try a vegetable soup made with milk cook carrots potatoes a littler onion all together in an enameled ware saucepan until all are vcjy soft rub through a colander put milk into an enameled ware double boiler heat just short tit tho boiling point and then stir in the purecft vegetables cook slowly in the milk until all is smooth the soup will not be decolored ff it is c in enameled ware served with toast or oyster c rack et s this soup makes a meal in itself it is very nourishing and will nover give even a delicate child tho night mare which can so easily bo acdulred from food too rich or heavy an oil that is prized every stiem dr thomas eclectrla oil ws put upon the market without any flourish over fifty years ago h was put up to meet tho wants df as small section but as soon as its nierlts become known it had a whole continent for n field and it in now known throughout gems of thought as the sword of tho heat tempered metal is tho most flexible so the truly generous are most pliant and courteous in their behaviour to their inferiors fuller to think and to feel constitute the two grand divisions of men and genius tho men of i easonlng and the men of imagination isaac disraeli nothing raises the price of a bless ing like its removal whereas jt was its continuance which m has taught us its value hannah horec it takes a consistent life to witness in the home circle sometimes we are dumb there because they know us tho raores the pity good manners said archbishop temple demand three things self- control selfdenial and selfrespect when thou prayeat raher let thy heart bo without words than thy words without heart bunyan trust him not with your secrets who when left alono in your room turns over your papers lavater had to stay inrnffllahnnhlnnn whoso enter- talnments are noticeably dull is nevertholess a man of much dry humor one evening ho wus leaning against a wall for a fow moments refresh ment and sui voylng tho throng of guests gathered at his wifes bidding with a speculative gaze when a vol uble young man stepped up to him pretty slow isnt it volunteered the lively stranger i wonder if tho parties lord and lady give aro any livelier than this never returnod th unrecognized host promptly then i shall muko ay bow and tako myself off nt once sold he young man lucky fellow sad loid with whimsical smllo im obliged to stay something in his tone enlightened the young man who turned crimson and began to atamnier apologies but the host waived all aucht attempts and held out his hand to hifl unwise guest you can go with a clear conscience said he pleasantly for youve given me the only amusement ive had this evening dust causes asthma kven a little speck too small to sco will lead to ag onies which no words can describe tho walls of tho breathing tubes con tract and it seems to the sufferer as if the very life must pass from this condition dr j- d kelloggs asthma remedy brings the user to perfect rest it reliovcs tho passages and normal breathing in firmly es tablished again hundreds of testi monials received annually prove ita effectiveness theres no success for the man who vacillates who is fninthearteu who shirks responsibility who nover dares to take risks who thinks fate la asalnat him who is discouraged by reverses vho doesnotbelive in- himself who expects nothing but failure who is always belittling himself who la always anticipating trouble- who waits for something to turn up who complains that he never had a chanco who is constantly grumbling about his work who never puts his heart into any thing he does who blames circumstances or other people for his failures who can do a poor days work with out a protest from his conscience who assumes tho attitude of a vic tim whom everybody is bent- on do ing who expects to eliminate from his work everything that is disagreeable or distasteful who is forever wishing that he were doing something elso instead of the thing he is doing who clings tenaciously to old ideas and old ways of doing and is a slave of precedent- who shuts himself wlthlnr nla own little life so completely that he cannot take interest in anything outside of it who thinks ttro t ai al out of joint and that he was not born at the right moment or in the right place an oil for all miv the sailor the soldier the fisherman the lumberman the outdoor laborer and all who are exposed to injury and tho elements will flnd in dr thoma eclectrlo oil a true and faithful friend- to ease pain relievo colds dress wounds subdue lumbago and ovorcome rheumatism it is excellent therefore it should have a place in all homo medicines and bo amongst those taken on a jour ney flax pr08pect8 encour aging the prospects of flax cultivation are promising in his report of 1924 untrustworthy a girl spending theevonlng with a friend had told her quite a long story of a formor olassmate and when she finished she remarked carnally dont speak this to anyone ethel bee made ine promise that i wouldnt mention t to a living soul her friend said quietly why did you toll mo then oh well of course i knew j you wouldnt speak bf it perhaps thats the way bee felt vvhat a tease you are ethel the visitor cried of course i know that wild horses couldnt drag that out of you somo of you aro surprised and dis- a when you discover that your needs do not confldo in you as they do in others but thoy keep their own counsel in matters of importance per haps some experience like the one quoted may explain their attitude an old timer anyway what is the oldest joke in the world no one knows exactly but one of the oldest is still a favorite king afchelaua of macedonia more thdn 200 years go summoned a barber how shall i cut your hair aire this continent there la ncuiin to the barber okcd ssutu in blutovc answered- uffe idife i of agriculture at ottawa mr h j hutchinson chief officer of tho fibre division of the experimental farms nays thai tho year was the moaten- couraglng for canadian flax growers since 1920 tho growing and retting conditions in western ontario where practically all the canadian flbre flax hi at ureaent produced were very fav orable with the result that an excep tionally high yield of flbro and beed were obtained 8om commercial areas produced as high xu 999 pounds of fibre and 16 bushels of millrun seed per acre not only woro 4he yields of fibre and seed hlnher than usual but the demand for them showed improve ment one grower in western ontario was offered 30 cents per pound for one lot of fibre moat octheeed was sold to the linseed oil mills at prices rang ing from 240 to 1sb per bushel mr hutchinson continuing says that the seed was suitable for seeding purposes and as there is evidence of a good de mand there woro prcipects of between 9 and 14 per busoiel being realised for the remainder lr the hands of the growers bf approximately 8000 bush- elb issued by the director of pub licity dominion department of agri culture ottawa for sale by james symon mill st acton tax notice1925 wunicffality of acton the second instalment of taxes fallh due on monday november 10 a change of place of payment has been made and taxes nro payable in two instalments at the town hall acton satuiday on or before date of payment or at tlje collectors residence between and nfter date second instalment -r- november 16 this second instalment must be paid on or before that date failure to comply with this arrangement entails extra expense and trouble an addition of five per cent will be made to every tax jrate or assessment remaining unpaid fourteen days after the said lgth day of nov for the second instalment and it will bo the duty of the collector immediately after tho said several days appointed for pay ment to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statute in that behalf all such taxes or instalment of tuxes please take your tax notice with you when making payment wj reid couector look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 years oxporionco at your disposal and assume all your collection troublos send us your list we will do tho rest no note or account i cons to amutoo largo too old or ton fnt- nwy wfrwiirtoclclo any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada correct profoasor yhat u ordinarily used as a conductor of electricity student all at seaj why-or- wire- correcll now tellmewhat is tho unit of electric power- the what elrt exactly the watt very good that will do if millers worn powders needed tho support of testimonials they could be got from mothers who know 0e great virtue of this excellent medicine buttho powders willsipcak for them selves i and in such a way that there can be no queallon tit them they act speedily and thoroughly anfl the child tor- whom they aro uamldutered wm bhbw imirrhvvinvnt firom the flrot dbs astoria j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation xjfo as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company wrra and town property for aalo prompt careful and courteous at- tention given your bu8ine8s solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 r 2 5000 reward if 1 fail to grow hair oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grower grows hair on bald heads it must not be put where it is not wanted cures dandruff and all scalp troubles 175 per jar aqents wanted prof m crosse 839 main st winnipeg man typewriters investigate our precisionbuilt fac re underwootos and you will buy no other 325000 enthusiastic lxsqp9 general typewriter co 99 king street west toronto 2 advertisers the free rres8 is anxious to sterve you and serve you well we oan give your advertise ment better attention and there- foro m it mnn e l the copy is eupplfed to us on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up before the forma close and the result is likely to be ess satisfactory beno in your ads early snnvv mother hetcherscastoriais a harmless substitute for castor oiiparcgoric7 teething drops luul soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomacfi diarrhea regulate bowels of foopromotmg cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates p f to avoid flirtations always look for the signature of csrfnu proven rlirrrtion m ach package prjylidaru everywhere recommend ft free press job printing is always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder- rfbl results and we know tve can please you savage co jewellers gublph ontario bmf mss i

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