Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 20 thursday morning november 12 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 12 1925 single copies five centt the acton united churcf of canada mihlitei jrov r e zimmorman b a parsonage willow strcot first anniversary service6 sotli of tho oki church kev si d chown d d former gen eral superintendent of tho mothodiat church in canada will preach at 11 a m and 7 l in special music by an augmented choir at both services all aro welcome special ilosic7anthdlli how excellent is thy name soprano sob gods garden- mlh3 li smith an them pmise tho lord o jerusalem soprano solo the silent voice miss jcun konncdy anthem the day thou gafest sabbath school session jit 230 oclock young peoples lcagucy on monday at 8 m tho misnionary committee is in charge prayer and praise service on thurs day lit s li m presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a- c- stewart m a uanbowlilow stroot 1100 a m tho miilstor subject the influence of jvoman in the spiritual and national life 300 p m sabbath school and blblo classes 700 p m tho service withdraw- owingtoanniversary servlce-ln- the united church ttrangts leaving address with the ushers -will- be called upon by the pasto the baptist church acton jame8 w boyd pastor l0 am morning sorvico with drawn so that tho congregation may worship at tho united church 300 p fa sunday school blblo ojaseaf or nl 700 p m the pastor a helpful gospel message monday soo p m young peoples meeting special services commencing tues- day november 17 all welcome special notices advertisenenta in this column ceou per word minlnftq charge oc per insertion x horse for sale light horse suitable for driver ap ply to ai3c mcdonaiid main street pios for 8ale 2 york sows 1 with 7 pltrs and 1 with 0 pigs apply a j murray pbpnefc r 12 tot 31 second lino grain wanted wheat oats barley buckwheat highest prices paid- w bbrqwnb tit phono 327s nbxval agents wanted agents to soil hosiery for tho family from mill to- consumer write for our new fall and winter catalogue just out steuxlng hosiery miis 194 toronto auction sale miss myrtle cook will hold a clear ing auction salo of cattle barn build ing lots etc on main street on satur day november 21 no resorvo 202 r j kerr auctioneer fob sale 6 shrobhl ram jambs also 1 oxford ram lamb and a few ewe lambs all ellglbtfor-roblstration- a n stark lot-12- 5th liner esmiesing qcorgbtowtl r r no 3 for sale to cl08e e8tate thaeatflcutorfloftliejn mary o kingsbury offer for salo lot 32 coij cession 6 in tho township of nasaag w th farm c hundred 100 acrea of excellent land seventy tehtcreclea and thbbalanco bush and pasture tho farm la well watered usual buildings including silo all of which aro in good condition tho fall slowing is completed and there is a small field of yl wheat the farm la situated three 3 miles from acton on a provincial highway and is closo to tho radial railway apply to- a j murray r r no 1 acton ontario orr h kingsbury r r no z robkwood ontario elxecutors or to- pndargoot dunbar 32 douglas street guolph ontario their sollcl- v ob for you to 10 daily 60 men wanted no previous experience necessary write for 40- gage free book which explains how in olty or town shops as auto me chanic engineer electrical -bat- efy or welding expert chauffeur dalesman etc also bricklaying plastering mechanical dentistry and bartering dont die a laborer wbitb now which job ad- droashejnphul government chart ered trade schools free employ ment service 163 king st w toronto i m wonderlajnfd frtlay november 13 broken laws a colossal drama of mother loveund the law starring mrs wallace reid and percy mar- mont comedy tho plumber felix cartoon 8atubday november- 14 the troumea of a bride starring robert agnow- com- icdy call a cop felix car- onfclljr in the gold rush icoxnews v tuesday november it a tlieoast of folly t btnfrtng 1 gloria swanson ehapler o jysery- comedy after u kpputjttlqnv f bqmino tftehagr man with jackie coogan bktarpin with toim mix lts- two hundred and fifty overcoats iii the biggest valuegiving event ever staged by ouj mens clothing store goats which when bought through regular channels would be marked for retail selling it burly big winter ulsters that will defy the coldest blasts that winter can bring in heavy english checkback over coatings built with quilted linings and styled with setin sleeves convertible collars belts and without belts heath ers light and very dark grays browns and olive shades unusu buying h mad this offer possihle ofcourse we cahhardly expect you to believe the thirtyfive dollar quality of tbese overcoats we are featuring at 1905 until you come to town and see them for yourself but a man- needs ortlyvto finger their thick warm woollens slip one on and note the smart style to realize that helias fallen into good iuckaltogether out of the ordinary that these are coats that therev small chance of getting again at such a small price worth travelling a few miles to guelph if that fifteen dollar saving is genuine you will admit dont believe it just you come and see guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 53q p mecepting wednesday at 1230 noon an saturday at 930 p m news of local import st albans tea and 8howor the womans auxiliary of st al bans church will holdutea and ix shower of articles suitable fpr inolr coming bazaar in tho parish hall on thursday aftgrnfl9 tli from three to live oclock tour dona tion will be the price of admission come and bring your- friends interesting address on tha poets at the meeting of knox churoh guild on monday evening prt- j d farmer gave an interesting address on the poets in his interesting ro marks the ir recited poems of bis own composition on spencer doldsmjth and whlttler misa martha orr gave a timely reading- oh thanksgiving i od e armistice dano invltutlune have been issued the past week for the annual armistice danco of tho duko of devonshire chapter ot tho i o d b the harmony orches tra of brampton has been engaged to supply the music and dancing will commence at 9 p m and continuountll a m it wil bo held in tho town holl this thursday evening preparing for the pipe organ tho carpenters aro making neces sary changes to tho choir gallery anj pulpit platform at knox church for lnntii lln ofthonewplpeorgan when the work is completed the pulpit will be placed several feet forward and the organ consol will be in front of the choir and immediately at the rear of the pulpit platform canadian apples win at the imperial fruit show recently held at the crystal palace london england apples from british columbia won the nrst second and third prlxeb for dessert apples arid apples from ontario won fourth and fifth prlxet nominations to be held on 30th inst i a changein the election of the councillors is under consideration 110 90 for cooking apples the ontario frultfioatlon should bo provided in tho orowers association won the nrae prize andthejaslaiod fruit gro wers of british columdla second and third prizes xadfodyne the voice of the nation model wc15 a 5 tube set with two tuning controls and yet possessing selectivity and considerably morevolume than the average 5 tube set price unequipped 55 complete with loud speaker and all accessbries110 we will be glad to demonstrate the ahove or any other setsyou may wish to hear a t brown viiitlng at tho old farm tiiankugivlne visitors were in many homes in town artd country there were numerous happy gatherings under tho family rooftree nowhere were these homecomings more fully enjoyed than on the farm this waa the poetlo fancy of some many weary years have passed since iaaw the old place last but memory still steals oer me like a charm every old familiar place every kind and loving face in my boyhoods happy hours down on the farm yw a thankoffering service an interesting- service associated with the younff womens auxiliary of knox church was held last sun day evening rev mr stewart preach ed a very appropriate and helpful ser mon on the theme christs challenge lojqu c themusical at tlio rcgujar session of tho coun cil on tuesday evening councillors thctford atkinson and holmes wore present and roeve barber in tho chair generalaccount acton fuss prtcssr printing fred cooper rent of dumping ground wi itdld excisq stamps at b crlpps cartage etc j symon supnjles brown bros supplies wood h nil mckay re charity a h bishop labor bowman nunn teaming n forbes sidewalks acton hydroelectric comm town hall lighting acton hydroeloctric comm street lighting boll telephone co services waterworks account a e cripps cartage 3rancls hankin cou supplies jdueller co ltd supplies a h bishop labor w r e blair supplies etc acton hydroelectric comm power at spring acton hydroelectric comm repairs acton hydro- electric comm power ut pump boll telephone coservlces 35 00 6 oh 12 74 1 si 18 80 3 30 17 00 13 50 200 00 4 82 170 00 6 15 490 52 1 63 70 88 8 18 6 30 10 04 thanksgiving visitors were numorpue in town andcouhtry- side with many happy reunions 4fl -73- 10 00 18 75 4 31 183 32 a letter from police magistrate aloore showed that over 400 in flues lina been paid at tho beginning of tho month ho suggested that constable preclouh tfhould have somo aultable baclbo showing his authority as an ofilcer ulao that moro humane accom- colla abylaw iirovldlng tor the munici pal elections and setting apart polling pice and returning ohlcera waa paaa- od by tb9 council tho nomination day will bo mon day november 30 and election day if a 1h1 is necessary will b emonday december 7 the clerk was inetruoted to secure iat regarding a ohange in the coun ell so as to- have two councillors elec- ed for two yeara and two for one year a bylaw will in an probability be submitted to tho electors at the com- lff election permission was granted the bell telephone co to erect polos as re quested under rhe supervision of the munlclparofilcer superintendent held waa instructed to get a stovp and other needed repairs a4 the pump house service- was- opecrai tho bera of pie church were augmented with tho young ladlosof the auxiliary and an anthem was exceedingly well rendered misses jessie morton ynft jessie anderson aung a duett and mrs moore mrs near mrs stewart and hiss isabel- anderson gave quartette good seasonable footwear at lowest prices ilfor mens womens boys and girls wear farm fflct6ry and school boots at less fhan rity priceshowdowe doit i9ujiens rryhjq 1 r j first quality guaranteed rwbbeljs to flt all makes and sizes of shoes also heavy rubbers of all kinds at prices that will compel you to buy here harry harrisonjhe shoe mas t31o wednesday afternoons all m year bouikj with the exception of december playsd havoo with the qarage on sunday- afternoon ir john llttlejohn went out for a drlvo in his dodge touring car returning a little before four oclock he turned slowly untoi the roadway leading irttq his garage at mr mccombn residence on church street as he approached the garage ho found ho was unable to shut otltho powororstopthoir as a result he crashed through the closed doors continued through the garage and forced out the end of tho build ing continuing through into the gar den stopping in the soft garden soli the car was not damaged but the garage was badly wrecked and jmr -iittlejohns- feelings of ctojrrtnwee very manifest united churoh anniversary the first anniversary of the united church of canada acton next sunday will jnark the eightieth anniversary of tho founding of the former church horo bcv s d chown d d late general superintendent of the metho dist church will preach both morn ing and ovenlng dr chown is- a preacher of power and is always popu lar it is several years since lie has preached in acton and the people of this community will greatly enjoy the messages of this eminent divine again tho choir will provide special music for tho praise sorvices tho congre gation of tho baptist church will at tend in the morning and that at knox church in the evening the ilrstrogular meeting of the acton high school literary society wm held last friday afternoon no- vmber 0th- twoweek ag t p decided upon their cxecutivo for this yenr by ballot according to parlia mentary procedure the various of ficers were installed on friday after noon as follows honorary president miss craig president george mason viceprosidontgwen maddock ltecordlhg secretary frank cook corresponding secretary olive cooper treasurer muriel crossman editor neville harfop assistant editor marjorle laweon jleporterfor thefre paras archie kerr auditor mary chalmers censor mlss nephew form t representative ivan klrk- nees poraiir freovy form in representatvrireno diinn sergeant at arms charles bell the president george mason pre sided and spoke briefly or the value of the literary socloty in tho sohool the programme was of a literary and muulciil nature mist olive cooper delighted all with her selections on the piano particular mention should bo mde of the tecltawon entitled the song my paddle sings by merle qrlndcll miss craig gave the critics report and complimented the president on his efficiency sho spoke of the value- of a school song a school motto and a school shield as anencourage- ment and esprit do corps the meeting decided that these should be instituted after a fow words on tho meaning ot thanksgiving- tho meeting was brought to a close bv singing the national an them nereas in building oasratlens canadala experiencing gratifying activity in- building construction an lncreajse of 408 per cent in total awards for new canadian construction and building was- shown in october of this year as compared witlra corres ponding period a year ago according to maelcan building reports limited awards in october of this yea tho report shows amounted to 129647800 as compared with 21066800 last oc tober the total estimated value of new building and construction in can ada for the first ten months of 1925 the report states amounted to f 3s8- 324000 as compared with 222779100 over the same period a year ago on in- ct-asb- ortp6rcefesramtar6iilla ings accounted for 298 per cent of the october building amounting to 828700 business building amounted to 16314900 or 18 per cent industrial building 7636860 or 264- per cent and public works and utilities s 7970- 100 or 268 per cent a mean thaft dsteetesl one night about the end of septem ber three verundati rockers were stolen from mrs george ifcbalni house on quelph sjreeit chlt jc- plierspn wa riformept pip the itieft and had been ontho lookout or them last weak he jl8covtrd that afatthew ifawa had committed he theftknd learnod tv when jiusplolon rested upon him he npd hi brother percy had deliberately smashed the chairs into fire- wood warrants were issued and on saturday morning the chief arrested the brothers when at their worsat the sole leather tannery they were lodged in the cells until two oclock when they came before police magistrate moore for trial when chargod by tho officers with the offence of which they were alleged to bo gunty both prisoners ac knowledged their guilt they wr nasemed 600 for the stolen chairs and 1510 each tor eosbs seii- tence was suspended duflnggood be haviour these young men came from a neighboring town to actbn mbdut three- month ogo ori is a mavrle mwlt a bauy bit ooiri ev high school ltosrary society pffieara j5loctad and objects outlined for -the- new yeai misa allle brown was hero from aborfoylev j miss jean kennedy was homo from toronto university mrs r b nolson of toronto was hero with relatives r mra j l watten of toronto visit- ed aoton relatives mr joseph hynds of windsor was a weekend visitor mr and mra george sopor were in guelph on monday mr arid- mrs n forboh visited in toronto last week mr morgan crowson of waterloo visited acton- friends mr earl cooper of guelph was homo over the holiday mr robert scott of watorloo was homo for the holiday mr jack lewis left last tuesday for his homo in england mr and mrs c h moore of dumlas visited actom relatives mr and mra g h brown spent the weekend in kitchener miss graqo hood spent the holiday at her home in guelph mrs alfred storey of toronto visit ed at the parental home misberthabrow torontowas home over the weekend miss helen johnstono of london visited her grandparents mr donald mcdougall of sutton was home for tho holiday mr howard statham of toronto was homo for tho holiday mr l m mcdonald- of brantford was home for the holiday miss maimie malnprize of toronto was home for the holidays mr and mrs r j kerr- visited rela tives in toronto last week- mr j m mc tonuldwas on a trip to bracebrldge during- the week misses jessie and agnes mann were in toronto for the weekend r harold brlcker was at his home in kitchener over theholldny mr and mrs a jcannawln spon thanksgiving day in hnmllton miss margaret jmaedoniild oftorr nto was homo over the holiday mr angus kennedy of guelph- was a holiday visitor at his homo here mrs and miss bennett wont to erln- dalo for the weekend and holiday misses jeart and anna lindsay were home from toronto for the holiday mo8sr8roy and ernest brown of toronto were home for the holiday mr r m mcdonald visited detroit relatives and friends on tho holiday mr telford ks nnoy of waterloo spent thanksgiving at his home here mr chnrles mann of port col- borne spent the holiday at his home here t mraannettabarnea of toronto aclslted oton relatives during the- week bri coxg and mr- ross alexahdor left lost week on a hunting trip up- north session passing accounts november- 8esaon of tho nassaoaweya council dovotod to billa for road improvement death op prominent journalist t h preston of the brantford ex- poajtor dies after a few days illness y cne uf canadas bestknown nows- poper men mr t h preston of the brantford expositor passed away on saturday after a few- days illness from anglnajwctorls mr preston was son of the late james preston who wan tho minister ot tho- mothodiat church milton back in tire eighties he was in his seventyfirst year ho cqvnmenced his nowspapor caroeras a l w a me uf hit oluul muf in toronto and in the egress gallery at ottawa for some time ho was-pub- ljshor of the winnipeg sun and lnlb0 he purchased tu brantford expositor which for thlrtyflvo years he success fully conducted sir preston was more than a news paper man he was a loyal cltlien of cunada and intereutcd in her success he served as public school truateotyas prenldent of the board of trado in 189406 pnd was plocto to the ontario legislature in 1899 as a liberal be- r in 1902 and 1804 he r- tlrei in 1908 after setting a record for constructive legislation algng social reform lines including jeouplng a commission of inquiry into child- labor then when the ontario parole board was named he was appointed a mem ber by- a conservative government and by his fellowmembers named vlce- chlrmnn latterly having been acting chairman in- 1804 he waa president bf the canadian press association x h preston was a conelstont chtlntlnn business man und lived up to ills principles ho was an active worker intho brant avenue methodist church ajirt was particularly interest ed in helping his fellowmen mrs preilon and one son w b preston- busilness manager of the expositor and three diiighters mrs a- j wood of montreal mrs h b christie brant ford ana- mrs gordon a buticao of hsanlucn survive mf and- mrs pt- tow afebrat8d ibelf- ajyvwiwlia donflnwil- tloii mr stanley russell and master jack of oakvllle visited mi- and mrs d c rhsaell mx and mraj john mcpherson of toronto spent tho day with acton friends mrs gulnn of hamilton visited at tho homo of her slater mrs o h swltzer isr and mrs samuel reid and fanf- ily spent thanksgiving with friends in waterloo s miss mcdonald of hastings visited friends in t o home during the weok miss beamish of hastings visited her aunt mrs alex mcdonald during the week rev q w barker of toronto visit- edactoh friends 00 mondayen-rouc- to guelph mr carlos williams of sault ste marie was at tho parontal home over the holiday mr frank day of rockwood spent the fay at tho home of mr r h wensbrough misses etuo and myrtle dills of toronto wore visitors at their home hero over the holiday mr and mrs horley brlgnell of toronto were with mr and mrs jaa h reid over the holiday mr and mrs a holland and little daughter spent the holiday at the formers homo in preston mr edmund dunn of toronto visit ed at the homo of his brother mr john j dunn on the holiday miss violet hall of kitchener spent tho holiday with her uncle and aunt mr and mrs w j hall alias ma w thanksgiving week with relatives at melancthon maple valley miss edna henderson and her brother mr ralph honderson wero homo from toronto university misses irene gibbons and mary dunn of quolph visited friends in actbn on sunday and tlio holiday mr and mrs edwin maddock of toronto spent- the weekend at tho home of mr chester j matthews mr edwin barnes mrs john mosslp and miss c mcdonald of toronto bpent the day with acton friends mr and mrs chas t mclam of toronto visited at tho home of mrs and miss garvin during ttln week armistice day splendidly observed the memorial services largely attended and fine community spirit evinced another plondld evidence of the community spirit for which acton coming to be so strongly noted waa given in th tlfunksglvlngarhiistlce memorlavaervlce on the hbllday-morri- 1 ng one aoos mahy memorials through tho country but infrequently hears of similar happy attomptsto make tho spirit of tho memorial livo and to keep to tho front tho high ideals which were inspired during tho great war period tho fact thnt the assembly room of the town hall waslllled tocopactty by citizens and visitors for the first section- of trio mornings programme was in itsolf an- evidence of the popu lar interest tho programme in the hall waa carried- out quite according to announcement with tho clorgy and representatives of tho council ana tho patriotic societies with the united sunday school orchestra on the plat form particularly enthusiastic was tho singing jn tho hall and through the proceeding thororan n approprl- ato spirit of thanksgiving for the presentday blessings ns well as for the sacrifices rnado during tho war period rev father mcreavy em- phaslzed thkhna few wordsraa he- announced that grand old hymn 6 god our help- in ages past rev r e zimmerman in his address very appropriately used a sentence or two from thei fajnous lincoln gettys burg address vlt is for us the living to so live and act tfcat thoy shall not have died in vain this should be a toxt for ouv lives said tho speaker we should ao practice the virtue of good- will brotherly love kindliness and of tho spirit of christ- that war ahall forover hey eliminated in the world so as we seek to do honorl to thoao who fought ahall wo not dedi cate our uvea to making tnla a bettor world tho procession from the town hall to tho soulera memorial with acton citlzcnb band the local clergy the veterans tho boy scouts tho womens organi an citizens following wasimrlrebslve many a tear dropped at the monu ment- tib after tho placing of the wroatha of flowers tho reading of the names of our soldier heroes by rev h g l baugrh a prayer by rev j w boyd an impressive two minutes of alienee just as the town clock struck eleven was followed by the- sounding of tho last post by bandmaster mason the procession followed the same order to the cemetery where after the various graves wore- decorated the company gathered at the veterans monument- here flowers and flags were deposited and prayer and the benediction by tho rev a c stewart m a closed tho ceremony two features stood oat- notably dur ing the mornings proceedings first the splendid community spirit ob re- jttotitioxrmcaufti5uropondin news of local import loafing on the street corners tho elora express says the ques tion of people loafing on side walks on sunday nights was raised and the chief of police was instructed to seo that this bo discontinued or tho by- law relating to sumo would- have to bo applied there aro others mail presents early to old country- the british post offlco has isaued 0- warnlng that all persons who desire to send obrlstmas presents to the old country should mall them long in ad- vance of the holiday the warning la for the purpose of avoiding delay of packages similar to that which oc- cured last yoar owing to tho great congestion inthe mail visiting the masonic lodges these tire buay days ford dg m barraclough nearly bvory night late ly he has hcen onegod in visiting masonic lodges throughout tho dis trict during the past week ho has been at elmlru kltchonor gait and guelph ho la receiving very cordtol- recoptldn by tho lodges ho visits his uddi eases aro invurlably helpful and encouraging a 250 hallowoen prank the forgub newsrecord aaya service rendered by the band which aa much as anything olso malccasuch oyents popular and possible floraljlecoratlons were deposited at jh9unicntby the gwva acton citizens bund duko ot devon shire chapter i o d e the junior i o d b tii womens institute and tho boy scouts mr dordbn brown of toronto visit ed ut the home of mrs john brown church street on thunksgrvlng day mr john p dunn of bt jerornos college kitchener visited at his home hero over the weekend and tho holi day r miss dora worden of acton spent a fow days last week with mi and mrs 8 b worden georgetown herald mrs david ross and two sons james and russell of toronto were visitors with acton frlonds over the holiday mrs fred lawn mr clarence and miss mabl of toronto were at mr jumea snyders over tho woekrend and holiday jaaster bdwlu brown ot st thomas visited at the- home i of his grand mother mrs jhh browh oyer the hohdny mr frod brown of st thomas was a visiter here at the homo of his mother mrs john brown over the holiday misa eva wlndeid who has been training for a nurse in whitby hosplt- tal is transferring to guelph general hospital r- v misses dorothy hampson of well- and and margaret j mcdonald 6t tor onto spent the weekemd t tho tat ters home here v i superintendent charles whnbh of hydroelectric cprftmlssloji has btton ijptfrj ms sewas sawwtol a vulnwl attack oficuaoi kassagawoya council met lost week in usual november sosslon tlio mem bers were all present accounts rfro iiassed as follows- milton foundry co repairs 8 2 82 j g ford repairs jj 10 jos mltcholl repalrq to cul vert 2 75 g w harris cul otc 23 75 14880 21 25 s4 st 67 91 4 00 3 so 20 70 112 00 49 20 6 25 18 50 5 00 9 20 9 88 30 14 500 00 10 00 14 00 3 00 the hydro commission aro far from pleased at the vnton destruction of largo transformer on halloween night it was on the ground tied to post and was thrown over by tho van dals losing the oil and ruining the container it will cost the town 1260 to replace it a reward will doubt less bo offcrod and tho guilty parties brought to justice earlier closing bf the stbrea acton merchants keep their stores open about sixty four hours per week the most of the employees of our fac tories feel that they havo put in a full week when thoy work fiftyfour hours if a little- compromise wero made and the stores close at seven on auirday bycnlngs such a plan should be gen erally satisfactory the merchants and their clerks would still bo putting in 00 hours to tho factory peoples 54 -i- haltonwollington baseuall lcbus a meeting ot the haltonwelllngton baseball league waa held in dwyers- hotel hlllsburg last week george town and rockwood did not put in- an appearance acton and hlllsburg rep resentatives conducting tho necessary buslneaa the president dr reynolds occupied the chair the following were the officers elected for the season of 192s president- r a richardson rock wood 1st vicepresident george hynds acton 2nd vlcoprcsldent e mcwhirter georgetown 3rd vice- president pr reynolds hlllsburg rev dr tovslls 80th birthday e frjcker spreading gravel wm mclnronbravoi q e bousfleldplahk r c monslos repairs j w weir repairs metallic roofing co culvert v g w harris superintendence gw harris tilling washout l davenport cutting brush t b wallace- grading n anderson winter work thos kilty gravel etc t e thomas vfinter work r j anderson ditching r j andorson eomont bridge e robinson brolcon plow n anderson suioep kiliod c kltching sheen inspection j marshall revising voters lisu d clark fonceviewing m z carton bhoop killed d irving shoep inspection jaqjojjphi rtvertlalng 15 50 2 00 12 00 9 00 contrnct record advertising 2 80 a bylawi wo pasaod moklpg pro vision for tha municipal olottlon council adjourned to meet again oh december lgth- johw mahshall clerk mrs ross alexander and babe are spending tho week jn campbellville while mr alexander is lri tho north on a hunting trip mrs j e gardiner of dundalk ar rived last weok to join her husband who commenced business in acton several months ago mrs jennie ellis aiid irs clara e huinberstono of kltchonor spent a day last week with friends in their girlhood nome ticre r dr and mrs w horr and little daughter of hlora spont thanks giving at the homo of mr w k graham knox avonue miss vera sutcllffev fchosley misa clara lants and miss dorothy mc- illennu ot toronto were holiday visit ors attho home of mr g h lahts w ond frabavld williamson mr arid mrs john williamson and jtjavfd and mr and mrs w a murray spent thanksgiving with toronto friends mr und mrs lloyd nlghswanuer miss beryl unci messrs howard and qulncy of toronto spcnj thanks giving at- tho homl of mr und mrs j grant mrs ada ostriiiidei- was at hamilton last week attending tho annual con vention of the ontario sunday school association ub a dclegato from tho acton united church school thiotfrlflridij 1vv tins community ot mr nnd mrs wuhor e millar will sympathise with them in tho death of their eldest daughter at tholr new homo utkaitsukqbliig on october 30 mr and mrs ell dolson of chelt enham announce the engagement of their jaughtcr janet elisabeth bes sie to mr wjlllam manclark of cheltenham the fonrrlage to take place this mcinth miss bertie smith attended the an niversary services ot port colbbrno and sang with much accoptoapla thb ruttloyvletoi durtno br ijfav tt wotuo kubi w 10 v tsd3iil m mover at tb jfvrtvuhtee morning rev dr isaac tovell celebrated his eightieth birth- day by preilching a thanksgiving ser mon in trinity united church tpor- onto of which ho has been tho assist- ant paotorf or fifteen years dr tovell ytub born in eramosa about ton miles from acton and as a probationer for the ministry was assistant minister at acton and georgetown about fifty- flyo years ago the dr is still en joying good health and saye that the trinity church people will not permit him to grow old- apples frozen on the- frees last weeka frost destroyed thous- ands of horrela of apples still unpick ed leading orohardlsts estimate that onothlrd bttbe entire winder cropln this district was ao injured as to mako it worthless golden russets sufforod tho least- between 4000 and 5000 barrels in three neighboring orchards mr w h gibsons mr- d j gibsons 4mdrhenribownsare stiloil the trees and now rosemblo baked ap- ples and lnnearly all other ofchards there is tho same proportion varying only in individual cases bowmanvlllo statesman thanksgiving and armistice day- monday was a clear sunshiny autumn day with a bracing atmob- phere motorists were out in forco but most people really onjbyod the home fireside better there woremany hap- py family rounlon tho momorial services- and docoration oftho soldiers monument and tholr gravos in fair- view cemetery gayo tho community an opportunity for outdoor interest in the morning which hundreds- em braced the thanksgiving spirit and tho aimlatico day memorial tompored the thoughtsof most pcoplb to that of quiet reflection nmld the family joys of fellowship vc3 tho womens institute mooting the acton womons instltuto meet- injr lost friday evening- was hold ot the home or mfh margaret stowart brock avepue mrs jamea dobblo president occuplod the chair it was decided to send fruit to the gordon home money or childrens story books will also be acceptable contributions the contributed articles may be loft at tho home of mrs wm suyors not later than tho 20th mat mra w j reid was appointed uh doloffato to the- convention in toronto tho 17th 18th and 10th inst mrs dr mcnlvoti gavo a helpful talk on the value of intro- duclng d irferftnt books at tho ni alons tfio line of our flag poetry etc ho as to form eventually a yard li brary sho also bpokoof tho splopdld work that jjad boon ono by tho wo mans institute mrs blow gavo an instrumental and mrs held sang- a solo both of vhlch wore enjoyed a social hour was spent wlysn lqnch was served fftlh lwmfl fr ftwrr7nt vr i vr efficient firo drill at school j one day last wtfok chief moppnald decided to test tho cltlclency of the flro drill at tlio public school tho result was eminently satisfactory there worp 23jl puplla in tho main iwhool of whom 00 woro uptslalra and 148 on tho first floor those uatalrs left tholr plucea descended tho- stairs in excellent order and wero outtof- ddors in g5 second a thoso down stairs woro otitflldo tho building from ono roo in 2bt s and jetlthqther tn 38 seconds tho alarm uoundod by the chief waa slven without tho know ledge of the teachers tho pupils marched out in straight linos without confusion and away from tho build ings at- the torn ma rid of tho teachers they marched back again to tholr re spective rooms tho whole tlmo takon for obeying tho alarm and returning to their rooms bolng within two min utes throughout tho school from tho 8r prlmarv to iv class all thp teach ers manifested ability in hanallng the puplliin tho rre drill bxceuotit dlrfetbllnvwtf mricreimju tbjpwihhtftrt trtthtdw towavv havwbsi fenu wold woro proven tdorfnte the drli ii 41

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