Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1925, p. 3

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2ihr acton 3xw iba tiiuitsday november 12 102g a happv philosopher 1 like the weu trier ruining an i liko the wouihcr dry i like tnu wurldan iiko thu plun tho ituier runs h by theres mob bo drouthy seasons 1 bomo fair and furmin spot whllo 41 streak tf too wet weather blights another uko us not but 1 bo love earths rosea that tho little thorns dont hurt an llfo to mo is something more than drudgery an dht god tuned my taste toswoetness bo i shun tho bitter lees an llnd so much of honey im a- robblu or tho hoes ive found that cornflold stunted till they wouldnt pay to- shock will yield in buskin season lots o nubbins for tho stock an tho shrivelled whe that rusted ono o natures weather tricks will do a sight toward fecdln all tho hungry hons an cnicks so wimls tho ulhq o whlnln if the run a things dont auit you got to smell tho blossoms though nome inbocf takes tho fruit t i rockon lifes so happy i can wander w 1 please an llnd so much of honey im robbln of tho bees a happy lifes dependent not on sump tlon or on erit but jea the plain philosophy of mako thqbostofitl a of course i alnr4juenyta sorrows uuukin through the land but her sister joy is with her an aholdin of her hand f write mo down ag happy in the summer- spring or fall an oven storms o winter doesnt ice the blosboma all so i jos keep on ahuntin in tho fragrance or tho froezc an i llnd so much of honoy im a robbln of tho boes- womans hope- of happine88 every normal jgirilobk forward through tho years of education and work in the business world or tho pro fessions to tho goal of her dreams homcmaklng and motherhood that hopo is d beautiful and indispensable part of a young eirls life but there la danger in looking to its fulfillment as her sole mcana of happiness r the average girls preparation for mooting the problems of the life is onesided her experience and the very books she reads train her for happi ness she expects happiness she is qualified to take her place among the happy women o the world but coin she as readily adapt herself to the circum stances of those whose hopes have been denied and from whom joy has turned its face tho girl may observe that love lnupuhed other women by but in her efcort la the irrefragable be lief that fato will play v no such un kind trick upon her and so she goes on with confident eyes fixed on the shining goal- what la the- rosult likely to bo jf aho nover reaches tho goal if she dls- covers at last that she herself is to be one of the lonely women that her longings are never to be satisfied if her training has made no provision for thd possible shattering of her dreams if education and experience have not s fortified her with the- courage to mect disappointment tho girl who con- sidered happiness her rightful duo is likely to find her laturilfe embittered and her spirit weighted with a resent ful sense of unfair dealing we have seen the wisdom of teach ing pur girls some marketable skill of hand or brafn so that to the demand of possiblo necessity they can reply with the ability to earn their own way in tho worlu should we not readily acknowledge the need of teaohlng them to look fairly and squarely upon both sides of womans life tfto gray as well as the gold the hungry as well us tho satisfied the solitary as well as tho companioned and while normally seeking the onecto bo broadminded and clear- eyed enough to face the thought of tho other should we nottcacttthem that o-nvo- mans happiness is not so largely do- pendent upon the fruition of her dear est hopes ad upon tho extent to which she makes herself worthy of tho bloss- lnge of love and motherhood even it they are denied there 1b beauty and worth ih the perfect yvebse even though it be destined never to hold the clearest and sweetest waters of life v in an old homestead- good elder htipwells mellow face still gazes from its oval frame tho banjo clock hangs- in its plape tho landscape paper is tho same and nil tho chajrs correctly stand in quaint precision as they were when mothor hu idas tidy hand guided the household under her the flrodoga keop their gaithful guard upon the hearth as years ago tho haircloth sofa htlff and hard tho little windows deep and low tho china plates the pewter ware tho man tot she if tho chimney nook aro treasured with exceeding care and look justus they used to look here amos hap well brought hla bride one new years day a recor toll herocarea begun and multiplied yot here was paradise as well within this room love dally found the helping hand tho cheering word and with its deepening ufo tho sound of childrens merriment was heard then came tho heavier toll and strain through later days of hope and doubt hero- faith held company with pain when glow of health had faded out and when at last the girls and boys into tho world had gone their way a shcntfo took tlienlace ofnolse and all the weefcnr5s sabbath day the elder read from holy writ by candlelight with huldah near before tho hearth fhey used to sit knowing tho lord would soon ap pear and by and by they fell on sleep beyond their threescore years and ton and to this day- their children keep the vacant room as it was then stephen tracy livingston changing the calendar one of the possible improvements of the near future is a modification of the calendar which wouldrender -obsolete- the rhymo so many generations have memorized thirty days hutth september april june and november t those who urjro a change in tho calendar are not entirely agreed as to the best way to improve it how ever some approve a year made up of thirteen months each with twenty- eight days so that the month will al ways begin with the- earn o day new years day will not belong to any month another plan is to divide the year into quarters each consisting of three months or ninetyone days with new years day as in the other system standing by itself iuw proposed change in the cal endar is brought about it will simplify business and social life it will not be necessary to consult a calendar to find out wh tho fourteenth of may comes on sunday or not though it is only a question of dlvld ing time conveniently you will have no more days in the year under the new system than under the old and no more hours in a day not dangerous a clergyman who was one of the guests at a beautiful seashore homo was asked to supply the pulpit on sunday ho had clone so the year be fore during hla visit and the congre gation had been large on saturday ajctcraooxi as ho sat in m room ho heard two of thj grooms talking as they returned to t tho stable after having delivered two riding horses at the front door i dont knov but ill go to ear im at tho haftornoon sorvlce said one of them therd i knew youd come around sold the other in a tone of approval hes a wollrileamlnflr man and as i told you ive heard him twice and what harm has it clone mo a former resident who was a boy in acton fifty years and more ago has sent mo rather an interesting story of his early days and schoolboy ex periences here which ho terms look ing back at boyhood i pity thoso youne folks who pass their early years without having any homo knowledge of gardens and orchards and meadows and hillsides of walks through the woods and along the banks of trout streams and tho maplo bush and the berry patched city schools and city pavements aro all very well but i think if my child ish feet had not known of every day tramping through the homo garden at acton of walks through tho woods of climbing in hay mows or among ap pie boughs when the fruit begins to ripen half of tho joys of my boyhood as i look baok at them would be plucked away so it happens that when i am asked for eomo reminiscences of those early days gone forhalf a pontury and more the great trees that sheltered my first home stir thoir branches again again i see tho showers- of dancing petals from tho may bloom of apple and pear trees strewing the grass or tho rich brown garden mould with a littlo of that exultation of xeollngf which is al most as good as a prayer ih way of thanksgiving i think i could find my way now amid all the onvoloments of now buildings and now plantings about the garden and orchard to the spot where the wild sugar plunib grew and where the black cherry tree stood in the fence corner and whero tho groongage loaded wlth fruit in tho harvest time and tho delightful whltobloomlng crab lifting its odors into tho un- stairs window of tiler boys room then there was a curiously mis shapen appletree at tho back or the orchard with tho trunk almost prone against tho ground as if providence had- designed it for boys and girls to clamber on what a tree it was to climb therd many a time we young sters used to sit pondering on our futuro when the young robins in the nest overhead would bo fully fledged catching gllmpsds too before the leaves were out of tho windows of the study whero my father who was a clergyman wrought his sermons i can conjure up a dim image of him as ho strodo up tho hill after being at the post office down town or having visited some member of his congrega- tlon who was 111 catching up tho youngest of us with a joyous proud laugh as ho reached tho garden gate he led the littlo group in arollick- some procession to the doorway where t recall gratefully our acquaintance with the basketmakers children who scutched tho caurlage wheels und lazy lawrenco and eton montem at what precino ago i wont to my first school i cannot say it may have been six or soven years i do not ro- meinbcr howovor that i wore a run about bluo jackot with bcjl buttons and i was a proud hid wliou l trudgen passed our neighbors houses vtho school mistress was an excel lentwoman everybody auld wltha red ruler and rather strict discipline a tap from that ruler was a summons every morning to listen to her read ing in quiet monotones of a chapter from tho bible and then in a mur murous reverent way sho said a short prayer after awhile 1 got into tho masterh room i will nover forget itobert littlo ho was ono of my fathers best friends stern bospeckled a disciplinarian oc tho first type ho was a teacher of u very practical turn of mind while ho taught asaidioubly tho three rs he did not lot thcao cover hla curriculum ho was perhaps first of all a teacher of tho bible and biblo history always had a place oh tho dally time tabic but geography history algebra ani latin hoots wcro given a strong place he was great on correct spelling we had field days for that wo were marshalled ty companies toelng- lino on tho floor what an admiring gazo i lifted upon tho tall follows weekly fashion hint of the clabs who went with a wondrous jgllbness through the intricacies of words such as lmpracticabll1ty the muster had his own curious methods of punishment and ho very thoroughly believed in the old adage spare the rod and spoil tho boy i dimly remember how an absire- perous boy was once shut into tho big desk oil the masters platform and the key turned in the lock not for very long i suspect but tho recollection of it and the wall or protest of tho boy gave a very lively emphasis to my reading years after ot rogers story the mistletoo bough in which an italian bride ginerva closed the lid of a veteran chest upon herscdf in mirth hiding whu her ukel and her yellow laces wcro found years afterwards by accident of associates on tho school benches of those early day3 i remember with most distinctness a quiet talllsh boy my senior by two years or so who be friended mo in many skirmishes de coyed mo often into the leafy door- yard ot his homo half way to my own home where luscious cherries grow and by a hundred kindly ways during succeeding years cementod a friend ship of which i have always been very proud thoso wcro great days and tho recollection of them is ever with me i could stretch the screed further but the types forbid tho homo with a glimpse of which i began this remlri- lscence was finally left for a new field to which my- father was called but during all the years of mywander- ings no other homo ever left such sacred impressions and no schools ever touched so deeply rny hearts real feel ings as my first school in tho old school at acton an acton boy op the sixties well thats u pretty good story of the faraway days i am sure tho old folks will read it with zest 7 tla t wedding eccentricities invention has to be taxed in order to provide something entirely new for wedding festivities if one really de sires to be original but- that there aro minds adapted to that task may bo guessed from the following real oc currence a couple in one of the new ens land states had recently an ambition to begin their married llfo under dec orativo circumstances tho ordinary devices were- tooold- v so instead of a floral bell there was to bo seen above the happy couple the borrowed legend united we stand the quotation has not yet been finished still later comes another anecdote equally true which seeihs to embody spirit two happy young people whoso names were perhaps harriet corson and john eames stood up to be mar ried above her head was an elaborate floral device with her name in electric lights above the bridegroom appear ed a similar decoration save that it was his name which sparkled there all through the ceremony tho lights burnedvbrllllantlybut at the words i pronounce you man and wife har riet corson was turned off distinctive and charming this frock is developed in sheer silk crepe the front round neck and short sleeves being lightly touched with lace that reflects the color of the crepe the pastel shades may be used or if preferred one may turn j to the new greens that paris is sponsoring the dress is fashioned upon straight lines with the panels in circular effect medium size re- quires a yards 36inch material news from acton england the overseas acton paper of october 25th had the following items making troubles last troubles are as temporary as rain clouds yet some of us seem deter mined to embalm ours and keep them always with us an old lady went to call on a neighbor and when aho re turned some one asked did you have a pleasant visit t the old lady replied with feeling not what i call pleasant hetty raked up all the deathbeds in the family f6r thcrlast fifty years no wonder people think llfo hard when thoy mako thcur troubles so much longer than was intended most troubles ore meant to be passing like a shower and it is wo ourselves who give to thorn the quality of permanence by refusing to tttop talking about them a question of clothing original originality in a dim cult attainment or perhaps we should bay a rare gift and often a ntin hlmwftlf nnnnnt hn sure whether ho is inventing or re- peat lag i a writer r6ports that a manufacture ing firm offered a- prtao for jhebest original 1 mottfor a pen aiv iowa manprdmplly serfttriom tfie pen is mightier than the 8 word with a r6- quest that they would forward tho prise by the next mall the head of tjie bouse wrote a humorous reply asking the claimant if ho could prove himself the author of the saying the lown man evidently an honest soul at onco responded x cant say for pertain whethor i read it or jusl thought it ive- road mcguffeya render and kldde elocu tion and the proverbs in the bible if it isnt in those books it la original and you will please send mo tho money right away a more dlatlnct yet less homcllko picture of this preach or- father mine i havo in mind us he lcanod over the pulpit in tho ora church on sun- day with a solemnity of manner that put me in awe and with an earnest ness of speech that made the blblo passages he expounded seem very real but tho sermons of thoso days were very long for young folks it must havoboen usually about the middle of the discourse that i went foraging about the family pew with its straight back and hinged door at tho aisle i generally sidled up to my aunt who almost always had peppermint lozen- gers in her dolman pocket or lack ing hhis diversion i would build fortf- flcifettons with tho bibles and hymnals in tho pew tho lesser westminster catechism also with which wo had weokly wrest lings was somewhat heavy and in tellectually difficult but it was pleasantly tem the play of the sitting room fixe or th benignly ap proving smiles of mothor when an- swerjngs were prompt in summer time tho tong of thro catbird or of a brown thrasher in tho near mountains- ash tree chased away all the tedium or iho westminster questions ana an awers or perhaps lifted them into i celestial atmosphere the bible stories though as they l wn mr jones was very fond of a kind oi noued pudding his wlfo made so suvs london answers when she had gono away for an afternoon and even ing she promised that she would leave ono of his favorlto puddings in the saucepan for his ovenirig meali wellshe said on her return and how did the pudding go down soopremo said tom smacking his lips at the recollection twas ns good a pudding as you have over made thats good was tho gratified re sponse of mrs jones im glad you enjoyed it what did you do with the cloth for a moment mr jones solemnly surveyed her hptho sald did it have a cloth on the magic carpet there- were six cases of encephalitis letharglca resulting in three deaths in acton during 1924 a great army of builders is being engaged for the erection of- houses on the new gunncrsbury park- garden estate record congregations and record collections characterized the harvest festival at st gabriels church on sunday and monday acton headteachers are to use their dlscrctlon in allowing their puphs to toko part in an essay competition promoted by the royal- colonial in stitute large n congregations attended the services held at the acton congrega tional church on hc second sunday in this month in connection with tho pas tors anniversary at acton police court on wednes day charlie groom a laborer was charged on remand with loitering for betting purposes in bollolone he was fined 25 a town criers competition will be a novel feature amongst many novel- tics at the conversazione and pleasure fair of thoajcton chamber of com merce to bo held on november 12 joseph f- sullivan clovellyroad acton was fined 2ds at ealmg police court for driving a motor along the uxbrldgeroad ealing at a speed of over thirty milesan hour mux j ewart of addison road bed ford park was fined 40s at acton police court on wednesday week far not having regulation lights on his motor car in the highroad chlswlck at acton police court on wednes day in last week stephen weymouth and mr weymouth son of stlrllng- road acton were summoned for threatening william barter of boss- lynroad acton at court on tuesday arthur sil vester acton was charged with being drunk and disorderly using obscene language and assaulting the police at the british empire exhibition wem bley on october 16 he was fined 20s tomortrow mn and mrs william joseph french 72 strafford- road south acton of which thoy are old and esteemed residents will celebrate their golden wedding with aid j kent as toastmasterv the social success of the first of this seasons acton priory constitutional club dinners was assured held pn wednesday night it attracted a com pany of sixtyfour miss ruby m ayrcs the wellknown novelist will open st peters acton green bazaar on wednesdayjnovrlsr on the following day mr otho nichol son m p for westminster will give an address mr and mrs t h baker bedford park celebrato their golden wedding to-day- the marriage took place at st barnabas church addlsohroad kensington on october 23 1875 the rev dr francis hessey officiating at acton police court on wednes day in last week daniel mayo of bollo bridgeroad acton was bound over for assaulting matilda mayo of the same address wo regret to have to record the death of mr f m ames of the county of middlesex independent the brentfordnewspaper which took place on monday evening at brentford cottage hospital following a serious operation with reference to tho complaint that some of tho gardens on the bast acton housing estate aro neglected east ac ton ian says that if this is so in many eases it is c hv tha ito mentod for their successful endeavor to stimuiuto public interest in tho questions of tho day eighteen houses are to bo erected at ong drive tluht acton b mr j a pcrlss 2g willcottroad acton w j tho situation fa within six minutes walk of the uwr station horn- lune and only 8 minutes from east acton tube iitalion i each houso will liuve a frtmtugo of 20 font and a depth of about lao fcot which will enable purchasbru to erect a garage if re quired there was a good gathering at sun days anniversary meeting of tho acton brotherhood iiro b fair- brass one of tho vktcprealdcnts who presided gave an interesting account of tho wprk of- the society from its commencement and tho rev h iinchard delivered an address on tho ideal brotherhood tho acton male voice choir provided tho musical part of the service a visit was paid to acton on sunday by tho salvation armys lewlahanr band under bandmaster bamford the local band was assembled outside the public library at d16 a m and played two or three hymn tunes- while waiting the visitors who arrived about 940 both bundh formed in proces sion xewlsham in front and marched along tho highstreet to heir openair mtchestgwiahmn n at dont slump pon habit moro than anything olso some young people whem they get into thoir everyday clothes olump thoy strtilghen up again when they dress up to go to a party butlt does not take prophet to foretell that thoy will be roundshouldered and stooping at forty you let yourself slump men tally when hero is ho special in- centlve to be interesting and by tlio time you reach middle life you wllr be regarded as a bore refuse to elump either physically or mentally keep alert keep alive dullness is not 8 much a naturii handicap as a habit which has been indulged in so long that it has be come fixed perha you are using good tea we think rcd rose extragobcl wont you try it work avenue and acton hand at king ed wards gardens after cornpletlngitti programme tho acton band played hymn tunes to tho patients in tho acton hospital is your job too big for you sometimes you may havo seen a littlo boy in a suit of clothes handed down to him from an older brother twice his sine his feet almost lost in shoes far too big for him and a hat down over his ears it elves him a grotes que appearance to be decked out to this way but that is not so ridiculous as to be occupying a position he can not fill sometime through the in fluence of friends ygjing poople aro gi yla in which they are uiv equal and they present u most absurd appearance with their big responsibili ties hanging loosely on their diminu tive abilities if your job is too big for you set yourself and grow up to it that you may not appear ridiculous for just as it is apparent to the onlooker that the boy in the suit muoh too big for him islwearing clothes that realty be long to soma tine else so it is plain that one whose responsibilities are too big for him has by some mistake either his own or anothers usurped a job some other man should be fill ing tenderhearted judge q who onco presided over a criminal court dowrn east was famous as ono of the most compassion ate men who ever sat upon tho bench his softness of heart however did not prevent him from doing his duty a3 a judge v a man who had been convicted of stealing a small amount of- money was brought before- him for sentence he looked very sad and hopeless and the court wa much moved by his con trite appearance have you ever lieen sentenced to imprisonment tho judge asked never nover exclaimed the man bursting into tears dont cry dont cry said tho judge consolingly youre going to bo now one thin woman gained 10 pounds in twemty days skinny men cam do the same all weak men and women all nervous men and women all skinny men and women can- grow stronger healthier and more vigorous add take on solid need ed flesh in 30 days just by taking mc coys cod liver extract tablets four times a day sugar coated arid easy to take as candy ami what a hit these flesh produc ing tablets have made one druggist tripled his sales in one week everybody knows that from the livers of the humble codfish comes firstclass vltamlne that is a wonder ful vitalizes flesh producer and health creator millions of mccoyft cqd liver ex tract tablets are sold every week and thousands of frail rundown under weight people aro being helped a box of 60 tablets for 60 cents and if any skinny man or woman doesnt gain nt least 5 pounds in 30 days-r- money back ask any druggist any where in america be suro ond- got ajccoysr the orig inal and genuine anddont forget there is nothing on earth po good to mako backward listless underweight chil dren grow strong and robust if you are poor work if you are rich contlnuo to work if you are burdened with seemingly unfair responsibilities work if you ore happy keep right on working idleness gives room tor doubts and fears if disappointments comowork if sorrow overwhelmea you and loved ones seem not true work whert faith falters and reason fails just work when dreams arc shattered and hope seems dead work work as if your life were in peril it really is whatever happens work work falthfullywork with faith work is the greatest material rem edy available work will cure both mental and physical afflictions the silent part ner te jl good tea the same good tea for 30 years m j cadesky oftoronto eyesight specialist will 3e afcal t bhojpnf drug stohb actdk monda d 7t anyono suffering from eye strain defocuve vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist- appoint ments may be mad with mr a t brown druggist conbuxtation free office hours 0 am till 4 p m notice to creditors always delightful i thought then and still think even though t am now a grandfather that her ways of religious teaching were by many odds better than that of tho w muvstcr divines ancf there were some of her rundlnga fronvthc hymnal and the psalms that tlnglf rn my ears to day that compulsory bible read ing chapter nftor chanter day by day ua common in wellregulated families of those tlmos has for mo now many grateful memories thoush often in my childhood i felt it rather tiresome of qthor early readings i remember with distinctness that groat budget of travol and adventure good for week days or sundays the pilgrims pro gress mercy and grenthoart and christian and olnnt dospair ton were once upon a time in the mystic land of persia there was found among- the treasures of a king wonderful car pet one had only to sit on it wish to be somewhere and away tho carpet would fly till the wlshcdfor place was reached for hundreds of years it carried kings and princes upon the most amaxlng adventures no ono knows what anally became of it but it may be that its last threads wont into tho makeup of the first youths com panlon for like the magic carpet the companion for 3026 carries you to land e yum h fa d u i lh a health ciommvtiee down into the malno woods with the lumbermen out on the western plains where tho warlike navaho indians live the- gold regions ofalaskn and away on t s seas in search treasures and lost islands all you nood for sueh extraordinary ad ventures is a youne heart and a youths companion dont lose time in getting started subset i bo now and receiver 1 the youths companion g2 issues in 1926 ana 2 the remninlng issues of 1925 all for 2 3 qr include mccnllfi magazine tho mbnthly authority on fashions both publications only 850 thh youths companion sn dopt boston mass for our family not cn i couve to subscriptions rtftfelvtfcl at this office tructlon wrought by tho largo number pf uncontrolled dogs in the district i was held up at acton owing to the traffic and road repairs and was trying to make up for lost time was tho ex cuse of charles h bennett of lewis trustbulldlngs walham green who was fined 4os at ealing police court last wcek onwfidnesday night the acton post men showed that they wero not second to the acton police in their abhity to arrange a good dance for themselves nnd their friends and to fill the grand hall of the baths with happy dancers a large and appreciative congrega tion at st dunstans east acton listened after evensong on sunday to an organ recital by mr h griffiths f r c o organist of tho acton con gregational church and tho stolj pic ture theatre at actdn police court on friday in last week george griffiths a wire drawer of stanleyroad acton was charged with maliciously wounding william c minguard of acton by stabbing him on the left shoulder on sunday tho rev w cot troll vicar will- preach two special ser mons at st thomass church acton vale on the two subjects which are just how fcfeelving mucht general at tention vis myjrcliglonand where shall i go after death councillor j j wade chairman of in the- matter of tho eitate of mary o kingsbury late of the townahip of nassagaweya in the county of hal- ton widow deceased notice is hereby glvon pursuant to tho statuto in that behalf that all c having claims against tho- estatoof the said deceased who died on or about tho 32nd lay of september a d 1925 at the township of nassa gaweya in iho county of halton are required on or before the 6th day of december a d 1925 to send to the undersigneds solicitors for andrew j murray nnd robert k kingsbury the executors of the estate of the said deceased full particulars of their claims after the said last mentioned date executors will distribute the assets of the deceased among tho par ties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which thoy shall then have notice dated at guelph this 3rd day of not vember a d 192f dunbar goetz dunbar 3poublrn- stropt gualph t 193 solicitors for the executors and dr j thomas m o h had a good trme ih edinburgh towards the end of the summer in the sense that thoy iupt thoruwlvesstrictly-lto- tho autlngnof tbe congxessaftho sanir tnry institute where they represented the mayor and corporation of acton tho acton wesley nn lawn tan n is club will hold a supper nnd re- union next monday in celebration of its comtngofage more than 120 past and present members and frlonds in cluding a number of original members have signified their intention of be ing presjent o great argument was heard and ob viously onjoyod by a largo nudienco in the acton baths v tuesday night under the joint auspices of the acton branch of tho n c u and the acton in the surrogate court of the county of halton notice to creditors of robert lane deceased tho creditors of robart lane late of the village of llmohouso in tho county of halton laborer deceased who died at llmohouso on the 23rd day of october a d 1026 and all others having claims against his estate ore required on or before the fifth day of december 1925 to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to harold nash funnel of ulu village of acton bar rister at law the soiicltorforjhe executors of the inst will and testament of tho said deceased thoir chrlntlnh andisurnames addresses and descrip tions the full particulars of their claims and uionaluroct thoflccuri ties if any held by them and this notlco being given lit pur suance of r 9 0 chapter 121 sec 6ft and amending acta notice is here by further given that on and after tho said fifth day of december a d 1925 the said executors will proceed to dis tribute the assets of tho said deceased among the parties legally entitled thereto arid they will- not be respon sible for aty claims of which they have not received notico at the time of such distribution dated- at acton this 6th day of nov ember a d 1025 catharine tanb john weslevtjajnje executors the christmas cards are here maybe you think it is a trifle early to be considering christmas yet but it is only a few weeks away now that novem ber is here and the first orders will receive the best selection this year the range of cards we have stocked for you to choose from is the finest afid largest we have ever had they are entirely different and the designs are labor party who ar ttfch to he atmny h n farm thoir suww limited m eacn s so that me ea coin ers will be the ones to receive the best choice many of the designs have hand some lined envelopes the prices are very reasonable con sidering the quality and range from 175 per dozeirto 280 per dozen with plenty to choose from at all prices we invite your inspection of these cards of course the prices include your name address etc printed in engravers script or a type suitable to the design of the card the acton free press 4t artistic printers ti t jtjtcsii

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