Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1925, p. 4

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sty tttm3tm jjmw member canadian weekly newspaper association mczubcrsdcctltowdwcekiittif ontario- the acton free press ia publiuhed every thursday monuos at the jpree frean building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is xoo per jear in advance postage ia charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid ts indicated on the address- label advertising ratstrim stent advertise menu ia cents per hoc agate measure or first insertion and cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments or 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion adjfertuemcnts with out specific direction will be inserted till forbid nd charged accord in cly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editonal and business office residence of president residence of manager provincial deficits increasing the announcement comes from the provincial trfasuryttltar the aeyflcit torontirlo which was 3000000 last yenr is about 6000000 this year one cause of the deficit is the fact that the estimated revenues from 4 4 beer and othersoft beverages of 2200000 has been only 250000 the tax on gaso line is also about 300000 lower than the estimate neighborhood news- tmviimirrqotiiafirf tszts ilw appreciative of the local paper the village of norwood in the county of peter- boro is one where business people and citizens gen erally recognize the- value of the weekly newspaper and appreciate its worth to the community which was demonstrated when the register published by messrs j f keefer son suffered the loss of their plant by fire the fire occurred at an early hour on a sunday morning the libr rnnrrf met thpsamc day and offered messrs keefer the free useof the basement of the library building the town council met on monday morning and volunteered the base ment of the town- hall on monday afternoon a committee of business men waited on the publishers and offered their services in any way within their power the farmers club thad a meeting and they sent similar offers of assistance these and other public- recognitions to say nothing of many individ ual indications of deep feeling and warm friendship must have helped wonderfully to give the proprietors fresh courage to carry on collmgwood bulletin milton r the tender of c h burgess co of toronto or 10308 for the s11b0o or high school debentures has been accepted by tho council not before it was badly needed tho cement wnlk atohg the front ot the post oino has been put in toetter uhupe thun it has been for tho past few years tho annua meeting of the halton educational association will be hold on thursday november 26th at 130 p m in the court house milton a very interesting programme has been prepared the annual bosaar of the john mil ton chapter i o dk will be held in the school room of st put church on friday november is at j pra accidental death was the veralot re turned by a coroners jury which la- quired into the death ot two brothers jpasqualo ana qlndo qardinl who were struck and killed on october it by n c p k freight train while walking on the track coroner h a mcooll con ducted the inquest- mrs m oorrell announces the ir basement of her daughter qllvo thorns to plrle saunders son of mr- and mrs a 10 saunders hornby the inuiiuo to take place november 14 reformer h0i8tinq mazie thursday morning november 12 192s editorial effective in curbing ihe rum runners aided by an airplane patrol united states cus toms officers along the manitoba boundary are wag ing a vigorous war at tho present time jmjiquor runners and persons seeking to evade the immigra tion laws the border patrol is very effective and it is declared has cut rumrunning to a minimum ontario and the united states will unite in a similar campaign against rumrunners at points such as port coibome and windsor where evasion of the law has become so notorious the duty of premier king in any case the duty of mr king is perfectly clear that duty is tobnng on the first session of the new parliament at the earliest possible date to outline the course fie proposes to follow and then submit himself to the judgment of the house of commons if lie is supported on the ensuing vote he can deal with such matters as demand immediate attention following that there should be another and early appeal to the people since an attempt to continue foi four years would mean a prolonged period of un certainty and unrest that would involve untold in jury at a time when settled government is essential to recoveryfront the evils war has left in its train farmers sun reading aloud the season of the shortest days and the longest evenings has come and the leisure hours which arc always given so largely to outdoor recreation during the summer will now be devoted more to indoor reading the occasion seems a fitting one to say a word on behalf of a practise never so popular as it ought to be and perhaps somewhat less followed how than in former times the practise of reading aloud the habit like mercy blesses him that gives and him that takes to read to ones self is often to be satis- fled with a knowledge of words as they sound there is nothing which will so surely correct mispronuncia tion nearly every reader will recall words which he has long known by sight but with which he has never taken the trouble to acquire- a speaking ac quaintance while he reads only to himself he can slur them over or give them some makeshift pro nunciation which serves to identify them and saves the trouble of consulting a dictionary but let him adapt the practise of jtading aloud and sooner or later some of these old verbal acquaintances wjll meet him face to facer torproachhinrwithhis gleet and shame him with his ignorance of thei names in the cultivation of the voice lies a further recommendation the practise of reading aloud will bnngjncreased vocal power and tends to establish the habit of an agreeable inflection and a distinct enunciation lastly it makes the other members of the family partners in the pleasure of mental stimu lus it is not alone the reader who is enriched the tired mother busy with her mending is borne into far strange lands the stirring scenes of history or fiction march before her and while she works she is also uplifted and refreshed erin fdjtoiual notes interest in civic affatn the ottawa journal recently published aji article dealing with municipal elections in which it pointed ot that in great britain where tbe people pat local affairs in the very forefront of importance munici pal administration has long been a model for the world the beet citizens is ffeehot3ier country in tercat rtirmwiit in tbe civic administration and vie fftr fmcoittas m local board- as jm raamrjjtftaay be maxswatd this ike first pfltyic ttejj takm fey tbe jstyfee f jfcwpmanre after jttnrjung to england when lus tcsso tot govetdprgenenj of catmas had expired seas e snnteat a vacancy on a county council against as wtmxttte man jflany centres in jjiis untrv could fm zsogiiriatjii wain yrojft and take a dtaqper itmerest an matters itirtrninirral indifference in tflfe jgojpcct js a handicap to atujstacrpaf progress it smnfc a burner she calibre f gmniriful represent- tfhtfls satos it an a sarge measure responsible for she eaettsxagxbbe too freeneedy found in our civic gmkbtotaofi 1t fsaeetf y journal will be sfcmftf as gfsntfjs fetterest in use bringing out of good uianlujutidf as a tty of these candidates and their f as anbstiaj soon oetiitc pronouncement jbsqc hot tuimt aspirants for office and in r more wifcjpresa cm of tbe franchise tahrprtfof oihm satt ike tooogbtfol person who looks about him must by for number o agencies at w for 1 le betterment ot mankind there is the church oldest of all there are schools libraries societies for the promotion of this and the suppression of that clubs for local improvement material and social charities with a score of ends in view organized ef forts without number all bent on making human life a happier state of existence the wonder of it is that this incorrigible jld world of ours remains for ao many men and women a place of bitterness arid sorrow whose fault is it it isoot often the fault for forty years the milton reformer has been published for the benefit and edification of milton and community and incidentally for the support of the editor arfd his family for fortyyears richard white has without interruption been the publisher u fthe comfortable ci busy ashe should be with i and hejiaflanccessfully accomplished the objects aim earning a living for himself andtis familyrsut con- tent to leave the work of thewvdrioua agencies for i good in the few hands that have been guiding them boea the thoughtful person always understand that some part of this good work for mankind belongs specifically to him if he thinks long and hard x enough he will realize how fortunate it is that the b good work of the world has so many subdivisions jfrom the very nature of each man and his sur- l roundinga there must he activities in whlche can- not take a congenial and therefore an effective part vet it must tje a strange being in a strange place who t ycannot find already in existence or waiting to be k created some piece of work not for humaelf to which v he can heartily give some portion of his tiw and lolfijrt- itis a good maxim which tells theperion ut fish to cut bats as moreoi us grasp and f a upon the fact that some small part of the worlbfi kgood work belongs to each one of ua the outgrown idea of life as a vale of tears will be thrust still farther into the past to stand aloof andbaythj kk vp business of mine is onfy tto do harm t evade 1 reajperspnal duties to lose opportttnftle jpr service others and fair to onjy the eyeracpmpanviing iiju ijrataj m j ih- ajs i jj it cost two million dollars to run the recent elec tion and considering the result anyone will agree that it wasnt worth it and none of ns want to see another like it in the near future chancellor luther reiterates assurance that the german people will endorse the locaroq security pacts whyshould they not ttjey have as much to gain by them as any other of tbe powers if indeed they have not more giobe mrs ijr reynolds or picton has been visiting- at the home of mr ajid mrs francis frank brln auxin- week messrs harry harmswofth peter cooley and jim smith have returned home from tho west messrs w c austin harry dear and dnn gray left last week with the caledon hunt cjub for muskoka for their annual deen amnt workmen havesoitalled a new post for the electric bell at the op b crossina hliiibucri to replace the one blown down by the windstorm a week ago the anniversary services of the presbyterian church will be held on sunday november is special music is being- provided for the occasion mr and mr ross matthews of erin village moved last week to their new heme in auelp hev john lindsay has accepted a call to st andrews church whitby the stipend is to lie 1800 a year and a manse he will commence his new duuesjn the near future the next meeting of hulsbura wo mens institute will be held at the home of mrs william barbour on thursday november 2s mrs cha mcmurchy wm speak on the woman as a school trustee do we need herf c in the lawsui between mr j orumly of dsprlnge and mciaery bros of krln in which a decision traa given in favor ot mr grundy and waa appealed by messrs mcknery has been dismissed with costs on all erin township taxes not paid by december 16 there will be charred a rate of one per cent for the half month to december 31 ims after that date a rate of one per cent per month will be charged unul paid-r- advocate wthttootcnrursi la acl- oion try ing fortunate la she who has a sense of humor which will stand tlio attain of circumstance many a hrd iltuatlon is relieved by tho ability to see tho funny aide of it a young nurse tolls this story of her udventuroa in tho slums i climbed tho dark atalicdso and rapped at the door it hs thrown open but the cordial greeting that tho nurse by experience has learned to ex pect was not forthcoming oooa land shrieked tho portion at the door ocod land clara come hsre and see what thoyve sent uu for nurse there was no animosity in tier tone only contempt and i felt the objection to me was merely one of inches and pounds i know that i wag small and pale hut i felt capable of more than was apparent on the surface bo i calmly walked in you might as well go back in sisted the woman vou cant do noth lng here i think it will be all right said i am able to accomplish anything that is required but you aint seen masle tou couldht budge masle no moron if you was a baby i made my way into the inn or bed room which seetned filled with women in thkjied lay malic i hrnl expected grssft deal but masle far outdid my most generous imagination sho was the liukhest creature i ever saw she seemed like a sick elephant ai she lay there helpless with paralysis i confess to a little consternation as t viewed the mountain i told you you couldnt do any thing with masle remarked the door opener with triumph l approached the patient and made a hasty survey of what was to be done the poor thing- had evidently not been attended to for some days my flrst duty was to give her a bath and set her into clean clothes the au est ion of movlnr the sick woman ii not much a matter of muscle as of elciu and i soon had mails over on her sido a longdrawn breath ot admira tion went out from my audience well now did you ever erclettaed clara then raising her voice to tome one in the outer room lucy lucy she has hoisted maxle i had intended to coll upon the numerous relatives and friends for as sistance but the situation wair tco much for my vanity not for worlds would i have accepted help usually x turn all mere spectators out of a aiokroom but i would not have parted with one of my onlookers all through the performance t played straight to the gallery and never did i feel so efficient as under that admiring fgaze when maxle was at last clean and comfortable clara drew a ong algh of relief 1 wouldnt have believed lt she said and she no blggern a peanut edwin tarrlsse both whimsical tho wayfaring man of whom thi tale is told although orabubly not industrious was by no moann u fool tho olty man was lounglnf at u little station on tho intoruiban line along camo a seedy pllgiim walking up thu track my frlond said tho clly roan do you expect to hoof it to tho next sta tion sure how far is it bout six miles whats tho fnre from hero thro fifteen conts x reckon car coming soon yep well just to gratify a whim sup- poso you lot mo lend you money to pay your fare to- that station thatll w all right boot i havent the change heros a quarter thanks now boss said thojfjeedy wayfarer jua to gratify a whlrti im going to keep on hoofing it good- by from a 8afc the convonioolch of modern sclontt render it possible to communicate dln- agreoable nown with safety to the sond- or tho new yurie sun tells this story of a nlnoycaroid boy whose mother thought that hu wan entirely lacklnic in gtiile perhaps iiih father wus not so surer of it one day the hoy was pia using mc olnnity curvo when tho bojll wont through a forgo pane of coloreil glasif in the library ilia mother discovered it and aslcccl in lior storncfii tones who did that t i did but i dj in t moan to do it tho ball slipped woji what do- you suppose your father will say wlion ho known it ho knows it now i tolithlrn you told lilm- do you mean to say that when yon saw what you had done you wont right down to hl of fice and told him- xo i didnt go to thrj ortjro i call- edhlm up on tipe telephone business directory the value of laughter one of tho foremost americans said recently that he would rather laugh than be president as a flatter of fact laughter never hinders anyone from getting ahead of course the sort of humor which manifests itself in prac tical jokes and in telling tunny atones when the mind should be focusing- it self on work is a handicap lint per haps even that is better than preter natural solemnity laughter is a tonic for tho body people who laugh easily and often di gest their food better and sleep more soundly than those who are sloomy and disgruntled laughter ii relaxa tion of the mind you can dto nxoro work and do it better it you reazby a good laugh now and then k food for invalid8 something on which count to silence is not always 8afe oeorqetown hon p c larkin canidiam high commissioner stated in an interview in canada that canada is prob ably the most prosperous country in the world not excepting the united statei- this fact stated often enough wilfsoon turn the tide of immigration to the dominion tbe leader of the danish temperance group and member of parliament a lawyer named heilesen pro poses a plebiscite for denmark regarding prohibition tbe plebiscite will take place of 30000 voters should decide in favor of it if there it a majority for pro hibition the government a year aftef- the plebiscite will place a proposal before parliament to mske pen- mark dry the orana valley tar and vidette which has been conducted by mr w login craig for twenty- eight years has been sold to mr james l lands- b who has bee connected with the sherburne economist for a number of years mr craig was an experienced newspaper man and ably represented his community in the columns o his paper mr lands- borough will make a very worthy successor ed at the reformer has won auccessand its editprjs well qualified physically and mentally to wield his facile pen for another decade at least the british overseas settlement department will shortly be asked to consider a scheme to divert a large part of the huge suid now being paid in doles to the training of unemployed men over there fof colonization in communities in canada and presum- ably elsewhere in tbe empire such a plan would seem tobe very comtnendible it would certainty have less of the pauperizing effect which attends the direct distribution of doles as at present in vogue u tfelsiri ayrrsvorls has prevailed her tor a number of years through the corhmendihle tpttnwajif the internal co- iperation of acton jcitiaeo ndland generous- imftmrl elsmmih haotrll inf vtfliamajmmj mt and mm w c dickie of de- trolt visited with dr and mr dickie and family over the weekend mr and mrs a o wrlgslesworth and family have removed to toronto the annua report of the haiton golf clubandcountryclubwiubehld in the arena on thursday evening november 2 fit georges womens auxiliary an nounce church carnival to be held in the arena on friday november d company haltonv ri0es at tended armistice service at st georges church on sunday evening mrs h p lawson ha returned from wellealey hospital toronto and is recovering nicely from her recent operation mis agnes mcleod left last week tor toronto where she will visit tor some time at the home of her brother mr normnumelbe4 gen its 1 msn agerof fhe stinkard bank of canada mrs j a aberdeen who ha been spending somo week at mr b mo casnah has returned to her home in florida mr and mrs w j mckecknl and daughter eleanor of toledo art spending few day with relatives at ilm georgetown the man brotherhood will hold a octal and banquet this thursday evening in the united church the men will serve supper and a good pro gramme i assured a concert under the auspices of the womens aid society will be held in th baptist church on monday even ing november nth the programno wm be given by mr howard jermyn baritone and the following- quartette of chalmers churoh toronto mill marjorie peurkln soprano mi mar goret ut contralto mr r wilkin son baritone and mr ernest a war ren tenor herald th h o y formerly small boy had tho possi bility of becoming president of the united states held up to them oj the anal of their ambition luckily we are letting over that folly and are oemlng to realise that the young poople jtoulil strive not to be president not to moke millions nor to oooftpy other conspicuous places but to be the bead of their kind the world has a more count need of carpenters than o congressmen the farmer is the tn- indlaujenslble worker the farmer la the rllna to set out of our clues we should be striving to aft to the top of it sonie of our president are runkoil as failures for although exalted to that hlih iiosltlon they did not meuauro up to us responsibilities wjillo a bricklayer who does his work bettor then unyone else is an outstanding sucoew to be the beat of your kind i to succeed bu mr and mrs jsme alma left last week- for florida where they will spend the winter comm and hi m are getting tbe leaves cleaned up and the town looks quite tidy the high school commencement ex ercises which were announced for no vember loth have been postponed m- dennitely a benefit concert will be held under the auspice of the newly organised cltutens band in the town hall on thursday this evening the trinity united church sunday school wlu present the pageant the light of the world in th church on tbe evening of december is mr end mrs j ryckntuut and mrs- harry ghent left last week for florida where theywiltrsmmln for thewlnter- a highclass concert wlltl be glrsn in the township han nelson on wed nesday december jnd under th auspices of th ladim am of ut pauls presbyterian churoh mr and mrs fred w taylor and daughter francis arrived horn on tuesday lost from a two weeks visit with his parent ut lntffonvlll north carolina mr hy walker norman walks blule flatt austin tuffard 401111 walker george flchnabsl and fred wells left on tuesday morning- for a hunting trip near parry heuns messrs chos jnivis and brlieal benner arrived horns on tusasay from a hunting trip on th morrisen ftlvsr about twenty nils from whits hlvsr they shot two tine moose and will have the head mounted on wednesday evanlnt last blreh cliffs lodge toronto paid he annual following the degree work in th ledaa room which was put on by th hrn aline officers the members went to the lo o jf hall where a banqust waa enjoyed the annual masquerade party and dsoo held under the aonplos of th student of the high 0obo6 on fri day evening last waa decided uo- eees and a bauusnt sttolr trow svery ataaeiidmnb lrsl winr msfsjmstl tvttgsatsv j a wise man is credited with the statement that he has never been hurt by anything ha has not saldv but what ever may be true ot him this ls not true of everybody many of ue are hurrjulte as much by what wo do not say aa by what we do say some of us acknowledge that it- la hard for us to apologize even when we are sorry and fall to do so cur alienee harms us many of us are lax in expressing appreciation we ac cept kindnesses and sacrifices as a matter of course the appreciation whtich is not spoken when it ahoull be harm the one who withholds it as well ns the one who vainly waits to hear it sosie people are silent when thr hear the principles in which they be lieve attacked they hear their own frlenda critielaefl and censured without apeajjlng a word in their defense this cowardly silence rot the very soul a lie is no more demoralising than silence of this sort do not flatter yourself that jou can not be harmed by what you do not say silence is not always safe the out spoken word like the unspoken has infinite possibilities both of good and of evil why dont you get an automobile a man of wealth and leisure was ailced i should never feel safe in one he replied and added that he could not even feel as safe as if be were driving vteam of horses why not ive known of horses taking fright at an automobile and running away but i never heard of an automobue getting scaled at a team of horses maybe not but suppose a man who is driving an automobile gets rattled hes a goner he hasnt any sense and the machine haint any in an emergency there is nothing- lileo a little sense and having it at the head of the procession- no slander on the diet of the ktsl- wart german racct in intended by thik story which tho argonaut print hut the sentiment of tho tale might have come from the lips of mr dooleyv friend schwartzmolster or notno or his brethren of iron digestion a german was dlscunsinft tho high price of cnbbngc i dell you deses cappages is wav up high dis year me nil my vire puts up six or seffon or eight parrels of sauerkraut effery year yes but ve cand ho ut dis year no der cap- pages dey cost too much but you put up some sauerkraut dont you chris asked a friend oh no yes ve put up nome two or tttree pnrrols shunt to haf in der house in case of sickness yes medical dr j a mcniven physician end 8 u ration office and itesldonce corner bower avenue and elgla street phonb sa or e j nelson fredenifk street aeten ontario j tawst phone no o box its harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary publie conveyancer ete perrvman block acton ont money lknt on moittraoe hour 30 am to 5 pjn tfaturrtays 12 o0 orlok dental utwiiiro77 accurate delay many stories are told of the lack of punctuality upon southern railroad ia is saidthat when a new england man found bis train advertliadt to keating kills- dr j m bell d d s l d s oentrs honor graduate of toronto onlw slty the latest anesthetlr used if oeslred office at residence and frederick streets corner of mill dr p g gollop dds lda dental surgein office over bank ot novs hours 9 30 to- 5ss renins by appointment btjkn ittokt1j z mosqpitdes amd fues ieavetlevenctorfsrti5gat ex actly that hour he complimented the conductor just on time i see he said fenui- ly all this talk ive beard at the lateness of your trains is without foundation i have no doubt the conductor smiled at him gently this train sir he said without a trace of embarrassment is not to days eleven oclock train air it la yesterdays eleven oclock train to days- will probablynet gethere ttom iway down until tomorrow sir optimists and others the young people who- expect no be provided for without doing their part who anticipate good rortune that they have not earned and taut about rhelr shlps coming in when they have seot none out should not be thought or asop but as simpletons optim ism is not unreasonable nor senseless the optimist takes it tor granted that if he does his best he will succeed that good fortune la in store for him because be has worked and planned for it that some day his ship wilt come in with a rich cargo because ho has sent it out freighted with caitit and effort bonds stocks amd gram private win to 1st mortgage real estate t j hanntcam sstc 1 roberts s syrup eftteawctgdnmrbm s for coughscotos j b d bronchitis g mi8culaneous jsesfmpg rmg pramc1s nunan bmnmftder accoant books of all kinds made order ferfoiicals ot crvrf descnptlew atrefony bound ruiirfy neatly and promptly done- wmdhsun street ooerph over wlubub atonl ooa r j kerr a andbeal eetau 20 tears rjdbt yodr p with me ctom omtario aeiwckliw insurance aoedlr uta fl a i ll in isis rtiisi miss itiisiis t burglary amt pjmtm glass inauraosesr rl entrrrsttt to my cssnr wul be carefully tooked after creaued conrldentlauy mhney to loan on fr trropezty favorable and temts tor- re- bqz bowee ave actoit do tod skex atnomobjxes when the sal l0t iaottg dls- itj donh wait jays- menry ford we ik uupaont i hum a pr o masanscnosrvsar tsjiokro cnaoa ainbitious young people tt jask tvaincd hlpdr frocn th quelph business college that iiilej in jjcauv a u ofliv- in our i01ji1 tu3 vve-ea- thtr ia 1 iav ojt you ta ii gjst iolr traincvg stvrt ox moaixvy at gueipfe business college individual instructjqn jc u suul prsnojpat nd propritor okie sympton of eyestrun a person tlsea u the maa u feeling at und ready fr jioj- thlrur he urt to work enthusiasn but in tvro cur tv hours begins to loso his eirsv this is partkularb true of tbw- that use their ia fwr o os work if your es are a handi cap to flret weoould n vlnce you of the fact then re lievo you a d savage optemetrist and mfg optician right at the post office savage building quelph pdh 107 veara the bank of montreal hai maintained offices in the itavinct of ontario ready to accept monks upon deposit and loan thue atinds to farmers merchants mtmuiacturtni and butlneas men genefsllf upon terma eoluitttnt with sound banking and the proper rutodyofita depositors fundi 1 ftulm th otm office wal tawuhd ui ifllfl at torohto the bank has spread througliout th rvwnlnm until today ii has ajo ontoat in ontario with hasdjuuutats at toronto reaoty jajljjwtumjuidjb4m swiawwms j wlwmaid a outhmtmr sf the bank hlr til tha advantage rttulting from a provincial otnnutatione isthwiutl willi ill llrtn facilities of a runonwld btnlcing institution havtaa wofliwaii tenithuaiu 1 t lwsikofmontre hfmiquiirtm n 4 walling stmt btsfej 1 m is- y jp- tne old and reliable granlta and marble works we are manufacturera and direct importers of all kinds of monumental jh ltasdstone work we sell direct to our customers t wholesale prtoes thu savins our otntomer 40 per cent wi have tbe best appliance and th owtr mechanic in the dominion who osut operat pneumatlo tool properly we can gtre refarenoe from hundred ox our oustomer in toronto and other ptaea irtev otters save to have law wtaln order to oolieot we have the est and best stock of granite la otakwob ot- mote than aay three instil west 1 w are egtu no 5 wtjnf j peat enatomsra oot lgnerant furernta aouolt- ejnpwy- dnly mebbaate kr

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