Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1925, p. 5

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4mveba thursday november 12 1925 a mischievou8 trio thieocliow jiupplea wet upatalra wins and wong and avang flint a cluttoi then a claah thtfuun awful bane thiue chow puppies camo downatalrd wimg and woifr unawing sat and smiled three joyful smiles holdas anything then we all wont up to aloe wantf und avioc and wong found a ruble fallen down floor littered with mali jong sofoly i dlbcipllnod tho ihrec wong and wing and wang with their molests vigorous loud thio welkin ning when we all cumo dpn again wong- and wane and wing sat and smiled three joyous smiles glad au anything ray h gross the sunday school lesson for sunday november 15 radium hot springs in the rockies twenty years ago from tho issuo of tho fro press of thursday november 16 1926 brick la being delivered for another tall chlmny at beardmoro coa tan nery tho school boja and girls enjoyed their flist ikatlng on corporation pond on tuesday thero waa a ldrgo attendance at the sons of scotland at home in the town hall last friday evening noblos now elevator is being sheeted with corrugated elevator iron mr w thomas haa the contract w h xonny has disposed of the house and lot onjlll street belong lng to john matthews toronto to prof e w lee for 800 it is rumored that a certain small shopkeeper in- ac tort makes a business of selling cigars to minora and often on sunday work is progressing favorably on the now skating rink on the power house lawn a canvass is being made for funds to ensure tho successful operation of tho scheme throughout tho season acton file brigade will hold their sixth annual ball and supper on do- comber l supper will be served nts midnight at tho dominion hotel last saturday afternoon a football match was played between a plckgd acton team and tho georgetown hlgn school team in tho georgetown nark acton won tho match by a score of 31 the trio of deer hunters who left acton a couple o weeks ago for mus- koka have been more than usually successful for men who wore out for their firat experience on tho deer runs f mr fred flank returned home on fri day brin with htm two flna s- yearold bucks ho reported ihat both percy wilson and fred tvllda had also boon succesarul in bagging ono doer each born nelles jn esciuoslng on thursday november d 1906 to mr and mrs goorgo nolles a daughter married hallscott at tho manse george town on wednesday november 1 1905 by rev r f cameron wnk hall of acton to birdie scott of llmeticruse a wholesome baked dinner most hqutsowlvescto not realize that pyen dishes require really less at tention boon those prepared on top of tho stove but those whp aro fortun ate enough to have selfbasting en ameled ware roasters know from ex perience tluit this is a raot the old- fashioned tray of bastlhg tho meat every ten minutes or so did keep one almost constantly on tho job if the meat was to bo wellflavored and woll- browned the enameled ware roaster which not only roagta but bastes as well has eliminated the attention and thought that the old method involved roasts are said to be much better for one than fried foods and an ad ditional advantage is that potatoes can bo roasted with the meat which saves considerable time white and bermuda nfons aro on 4ho market now and for a change from the usual boiled and creamed style of pceparinjr them try roaeting them with the beef and potatoes select a slxpound roast wipe with a damp clotn sprinkle with salt pep per and flour and cook in a very hot oven for twenty minutes then place arourjd the meat six or ebjht rxk pectnolattdeb- ghd tho n xhr tofce of tultsaytrig that fietwas a clu- peeled notattdes ffhd tho same number of medium sized onions season the potatoes and onions cover and cook at the sanao temperature for forty- five minutes easily pardoned impartiality is supposed to be ono of tho prime requisites of a good school teacher and indeed it is a quality which most of them possess but even the schoolmistress is human and as a story in tho christian register goes to show many measure out justice with a due regard for extenuating clr- eunistances a little cum bridge girl was discover ed whispering- in school and the teacher asked what were you say ing to the girl next to you when i caught you whispering the little culprit hung her head for n uns icsson we see amombnt and then renlled i wail mphshwrlinuisfer only telling ner now nice you looked in your new dress well that yes i know bat we must tho class in spelling will please stand up hard water do you realize how hard water is when a ibont sails through it at full speed water passing at fifty miles an hour is not the limpid stuff we are accustomed to bathe in if you put your aim overboard from a hydro plane running fifty miles an hour and strike a waive crest the probability is thut you will broav youra m wila striking it is like coming into con tact with so much metal if a swords- man frttouldenter one of the great hydraulic quarries where a stream of water under enormous head is used to wash down hillsides and attempt to out into one of those streams his sword would fly into pieces generous or dishonest 8ontcwlngpe6tnetiavear reputa tion for generosity when they are only dishonest boys and girls away at school will treat thdir friends with money that should be spent for school books often father and mother will have to do without something they need to foot tho bill for that piece of generpslty ssome young follows who are spoken of as easy spendes aro hard an rocks when the laundress tried l to get her money perhaps they cheat the tdllof altogether it raallvery well to be generous with your own money but to be generous with the money of others is plain dishonesty platitudes k a platltudo is often only the crystal ised common sense of mankind some young pdbnoo are always on the look out for soma new theory but the fact that such nnh never been heard of be fore js nothing in its favor the new ness of something should not prejudice us against it but on the other- hand it is no 4snecial recofri mentation tho platitude has in its favor the faith of ritt tab ni pauls altntst in jerusalem acts 21 2722 golden text if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ahamod 11 peter 4 1c tlmo a d g8 l plucc jerusalem tho text explained 1 paulmobbed 2731 pauls attempt at conciliation re suited not in peace tout more discoid und grave trouble but that does not prove that tho attempt was in itself unwise lncalcunblo cood came from it zt resulted in bringing paul to home where god wanted him and wheie he wanted to go and that with out expense to himself or to the church and under the moat favorable circum stances to gain a hearing it brought paul tho opportunity to tesfehy to tho ti uth of felix fcstus anaragrlppa and gave him access to the pretoriun guard phil 1 1311- v and to tho householdof the emperor it gave to thor church some of trio most precious epistles of the bfblc paul was grossly misrepresented verse 27 in regard to the charge 6f bringing greeks nto tho temple they supposed it was true verse 29 most of the charges that men eveii christians bring against ono another are of this character they see one thing and suppose an other and tell not what they see but what they suppose it was not a new experience r for paul to be mobbed chapter 16 2022 19r 29 the mad- uenqd jews laid heavy hands upon him and dragged him out of the temple r v it must have recalled tho treatment of stephon in which he him self had had a hand ex chapter 7 57 58 we are very lucely ourselves in due time to be treated in the same way that we treat others cf gal 6 7 it was tho intention of the jews to kill paul at once without a trial of any kind cf chapter 26 9 10 they fanclod that in doing this they were doing god a servico cf jno 16 2 we have hear a striking example of the folly and wickedness of mob law but pauls time had not yet come and all the mobs on eartri could not kill him until god saw lit to permit it his deliverance came by the hand of an unscrupulous heathen cf chapter 23 z7 2 paul rescued from the mob 32- 36 the murderous jews had a healthy respect for the roman soldiers mobs usually nave a deep respect for soldiers because mobs are cowardly things they had been beat lag paul just as he in the old times had beaten those who believed in jesus c chapter 22 19 at the first sight of tho soldiers they quit bu pauls troubles were not yet ofver the coipnetoftlifttroman regl ment now arrested him he took t for granted that if very one was against paul he must ho guilty of some great crime that is tho way wo often judge but we may bo wrong as this officer was paul was loaded with chains the prophecy of agabus was fulillled cf verse 11 after thus heaping indignities upon paul he in quired who he was and what he had done the mob themselves did not knowr there is nothing more senseless than a mob cf chapter 19 32 but whilo the mob did not know what he had done they did know that they wanted his bloocl they surged up around the soldiers until they were forced to lift paul above their heads and carry him paul bimsolf was the only calm ono in the vhole gathering cf is 26 3 a hoarse cry con tinually rent tho air away with him paul was following closely in the same path his master had trod cf jno 19 16 paul will hear that cry again cf chapter 22 22 3 paul longing for the salvation of his persecutors- 37- 4 o during all this tumult paul had but one thought how he might wit ness for his master and bring some of his blinded enemies to a saving know ledge of christ ho asks the privilege of speaking he makes this request very courteously paul was a tactful gentleman he united in himself the qualities that are seldom united he k how to bdoferentlal as well as the roman colonel was very brave surprised not onjy by the language in which paul made nils request but also in the tone and manner of it he had tukon paul to be a notorious in citer of insurrection and leader of the assassins paul declared his na tionality and his citizenship the of- tobacco has othpr uses than through the pipe cigar or cigarette as to- minlon entomologist arthur gibson and his assistant mr w a ross say in their bulletin on insects affecting greenhouse plants such insects as plant lice or aphis can bo controlled by fumigation with tobacco thero are various nicotine preparations that can be purchased but these should be used strictly according to directions for hero aro some plants such as the violet that are subject to injury by tobacco fumigation no general recom mendations can bo given as to the number of times houses sliould be thus fumigated this is a matter that the grower must decide for himself ac cording to the extent and persistence of the infestation in some houses says messrs gibson and rods it may be necessary to fumigate only two or three times during the winter while in other cases it may be necessary to perform the operation that number of times within a week zen of tarsus but paul will tell him again in due time cf chapter 22 25 29 pauls plea to speak is very ur gent i beseech thee the sight of that great crowd oc his unsaved countrymen was an appeal to pauls heart that he could not resist he must speak it mattered nothing to him that they had just naught to kill him he loved them just the same what an example of loyalty to christ love to manand eagerness to preach the gos pel anywhere and always paul got the reslre of his heart they let him down and standing on the stairs he beckons with his hand to the mob to be still her has mastered his audience in a mo ment there was made a great silence paul at once dfops his greek and be gins to speak in the language of the people would that all preacherswould learn wisdom from paul n this maltiei in this lesson we see loul as an an alertsoul winner a devouted pat riot a fearless follower of jesus christ a man of almost absolutely matchless calm and selfpossession and a vatvo absolutely controlled by ono absorbing passion that of glorifying god by bringing us many others as possible to a saving knowledge of jesus christ daily deadings for next wk monday paul journeys toward jer usalem acts 21 16 tuesday in the home of philip the evangelist acts 21 714 wednesday paul received at jeru salem acts 21 1625 thursday paul arrested in the friday pauls address from tho stairs acts 21 3740 saturday a citizen of home acts js2 2230 sunday jehovah guards his people ps 125 15 for a remote future mr green looked with a calm but not junklndly ga nt the slrnpjc-mlnd- ed young man from vermont wno aspired to be his soninlaw what preparations have you made for the future he asked gravely you know how my daughter has been brought up yes sir said the young man with equal gravity but up in our little town theres not so much difference between the orthduox and the metho dists as there is in some places and id be willing to go to tho orthodox t3hurchlf twduldnmkennyt im not what youd call narrow sir religion of united states presidents of tho twentynlno presidents of the united stntos before goolldge eight wero presbyterians eight were bplsco- italians our jwere unitarians three methodists two reformed dutch one baptist and one dihciji two were not indentitlod with any denomination jefferson and johnson although both were believers ifi tho christian faith president cool id go is the first mem- her of tho congregational churchy to 11 11 i 1 i i i i i iiiii i i l m high quality always salada the choice teas used exclusive ly ir salada yield richly of their delicious goodness say salada rgilwatime tables at acton cjoino wnt i no 29 l 809 om no 31 1045 am no 33 2 29 pm no 3g bodpan no 39 8 39 pm no 25 sunday 1041 am going east no 26 l 721am no 30 1108 am no 34 335 pm no 30 fl 17 pn no 38 fr13prn no 24 sunday 708 pjn radium hot springs near thft so- olair canyon on the banff-wlndsr- mero highway operated by the gov ernmont in connection with which a bungalow camp has boon erected by the canadian pacific railway inset and lower left radium swim ming pool oporatod by mr heap h61- isnd on tho government road from lake windermere to cranbrook it has a maximum temperature of 120 degrees and mr holland intends to xiio canadian pacific hallwayhad ob- make it an alt- year resort slxtyfour years ago when sir qooreosimpsonwastnakin g- the- first- overland lour around tho world he camo across some hot springs on tho western slopes of tho rocky moun tains which the local kootcnay indians frequented on account of theh cura tive properties as tho white settlers comein after tho wild horse creek gold rush these camo to be called tho fairmont hot springs and became a wellknown landmark on tho government road from lake windermere to cranbrook in 1012 an english rancher mr heap hollanfl purchased them and erected bnthinff facilities and two years ago mndo extensive improvements in con nection with his development of a bungalow camp the waters on an alysis proved to contain a higher per centage of radium in solution than any other springs on the american continent htehcr even than those at arkansas in addition to valuable cur ative deposits of magnesium and lime talnecl right of way through his prop erty in consideration of calling their station radium and these radium hot springs now attract many visit ors tho camp having a capacity of seventy persons a special bath is now being con structed by the indians under the superintendence of louis arbel the kootenay chief while the white folk have a spacious swimming pool sur rounded by scrupulously clean dress ing rooms theie is a tennis court and horses with guides aro available for riding tho neighboring trails whilo largo numbers of nutomobilists visit tho springs during the summer mr- heap holland has the making this an nilyear resort ua the waters frive tempers ture xt 120 de grees and never freezo the only fly in the ointment is that tho government operates rival hot springs on the banff- wind ermopo road which are also called radium hot springs this being tho post of flco address theso springa are also highly curative and have also a neigh boring bungalow camp which was erected by tho canadian pacific rail way and la operated very successfully by the misses armstrong tho gov ernment hot springs were for many years known as the sinclair hot sjprlngs being named after james sln- c an old ti p who is the first known whtto man to have crosject the sinclair pass in 1843 the virtues of these springs wero known not only to the indians but to the animals and it is credibly reported that in the old days bears used to bntho their paws in the waters to securo relief from rheumatism while there la a natural confusion through tho dupli cation of names both resorts are very rapidly increasing in popularity chief ly owing to the increase in automobile intention or traffic through the rockies r fumigation with tobacco partiality of the bible seems to be full strangelyput local allusions and pointed are they that even tho truly reverent person cannot always avoid calling attention to them near cheltenham england is a small village named chosen anot there one sunday in the little church a new vicar possibly in innocence or it may be 16 please the good village folk ho gave out ns his text the words and make all thy chosen people joyful before ho had time to begin his ser mon proper however a yeoman from a distant parish broke out to tho con sternation of the clergyman and tho amusement of the chosen people them selves and what about wo poor hucklccut folk worms feed upon the vun ren und endangerthclruvts a slmplo and effective remedy is mother graves worm jex terminator too wet an english globetrotter declares probably with injustice that japan hns weather but no climate and that the weather is most uncommonly bad i he quotes a foreign resident as say ing i have lived ten years in japan of which nine and threequarters have beep wot and concludes hfs unfavor able comments by dropping into poetry dirty days hath september april juno and november from february unto may tho rain it rnlncth every day all the rest havo thhtyone wit ho tit one blessed gleam of sun and lr any of em had jftwo-and- thlrty r f theyd be just as wet unqtwlco us dirty unnecessary precaution the woman member of the village board of health had led gradually up to her errand at old mr pettlman9 which was to ask him to whitewash hla pigsties inside and out they will look so much better she urgedt artfully and besides it hy glen lb healthy you know mr pot ti man smilingly raised horny- forefinger then- erttoked it youcome with mo he saldrand led tho way to tho sties there ho went on with n gracious gesture toward some enormous porkers sunk in tho mud dont you worry nbout my pigs mrs bolton theyie as healthy as they make them requisite on the farm every farm- nnd stock raiser should keep t hand not only ns a ready remedy for supply of dr thomas eeloctrlc oil on tho ills in the family but because u is a horsq and cattle medicine of grca potency as a substitute for sweet oil for horses and cattjo affected hy colio it far surpasses anything that can be auralnltftctcd l a girls room the girls of the household should have cheerful looms where they may entertain their girl friends and feel a pride in playing jhe hostosh such a room need npt be of alargo size but it should be daintily and neatly furnished there is no better way in which you can educate a girl to be neat and orderly than to givo her a properly furnished room and require her to take proper care of it in this way she receives the first les sons in thorough housekeeping and acnulreu habits of order and neatness the plensuro a girl takes from such room as this and the influence it exerts toward making her a womanly and domestic person should in them selves be strong enough arguments to induce a mother to sacrifice some of the showy fittings of her parlor in order to provide comfortable rooms for her giils it should above all things bo very neat sunny and cheerful and should be the girls private room and all the belonsltiss should bo her personal property it should be her dally duty to keep it in thorough order no surgical operation is necessary in removing corns if holloways corn remover bo used tru gallantry sir walter raleighs chivalrous ac tion of throwing his cloak on the ground for his queen to step on is recalled by tho story of a small boys generosity which is described in v c a uttle girl was standing one very cold morning in ono of tho poorer districts of edinburgh waiting among n crowd of other poor children to gain admlssloti to a hall where a meal was to be served to them it was bitterly cold and tho little girl shivered violently and tried in vain to keep her baro feet warm n a rugged little urchin who was standing near observed her and tak ing off his cap and laying it at her feet said here lassie stand on my cap mil tho door opens with due ceromqny the inaugura tion of the continentwido tvsptine service from alberta was colobrnted tho past week when governor brett of alberta conversed over the long distance tolephone with stato officials in the states of montana colorado and arizona and with chief justice anglin at ottawa ontario the in auguration of this servico by which alberta telephone subscribers will be able to converse with any point in the united states and with nany points in isastern and western canada and on the coast was mado posslblo through the coopei atlon of tho alberta government telephones repeaters have been installed at lcthbrldge cal gary and medicine hat and copper circuits set up from lethbrldgo to the boundary of montana linking up with copper circuits extended north from shoiby montana this has made pos sible the connection with the trans continental system in tho states in connection with tho historical btep taken last week by the alberta government telephones it is inter esting to note that long distance ser vice in the province has grown from 1000000 to 2500000 calls in the vml ten years and that in that time the revenue from long distance service has grown from 393300 per annum to over 1000000 per annum the first commercial call over the new universal system was given from edmonton when a resident of edmon ton conversed with a friend in minne apolis minnesota sweetness long drawn out a washington man declares that the average stenographor will not learn to bpell correctly until the millennium comes in support of hla opinion he relates his experience with a young woman whoso spelling as ho descrlbes- lt had an engaging originality but who- wns so amiable and even-tcm- pered that he seldom found heart to relmko her tnertfcayshimippbateabofovohtm with a neatly written letter foi a southern correspondent he hastily looked it over see her said he youve spellod sugar auggar tho young woman looked at u a moment critically and then her face brightened us sho replied so i have how careless of me i i dont sco how i cnmtf to leave out the h health cannot be looked for in thi child that is subject to worms be cause worms destroy health by creat ing internal disturbances that retard development and cause serious weak ness millers wornr powders expel woims and arc so beneficial jn their action that the systcm of the little sufferers nre restored to healthful n ess all tho discomforts and dangers of worm inf ar removed and sa isfactory growth is assurod wide phone service an oil that is famous though canad was not tho birthplace of dr thomas oil it is tho home of thnt famous compound from here its good name was spread to central and south america the west indies australia and new zealand that is far afield enough to attest its excel lence for in all theso countries it is on sale and in demand just in time when the bell in the parsonago rang the other evening the clergyman was in his study and his wlfo was busy so master harpld aged seven wont to tho door tho new york press says thnt on opening it he found a couple evidently from tho country both young and bashful after looking at tho boy for a mo ment tho young man asked is the pastor at home 7 yes said habpld do you want to get married thats just what were hero for replied thenxobpeotlvebridogroonx well come right in then said the boy usheilng them into the parlor 1 will tell papa and mamma too she will bo awful glad to see you for she gets all tho marriage money i heard her toll pa this morning that she hoped gome folks would come soon to get married cause alio wants to buy now hat bulling the market rie knew his jury the attorney for tho defendant had made a masterly pica wwon he con- eluded nearly everybody was weeplng- tho jury mndo up of hardheaded woatrier- beaten old countrymen on whoso ears oratory and sentiment fell like snowflukcs in a warm chlmnoy was unmoved the other attorney says writer in tho clovehind xeader took their measure at a glance gentlemen ho said coolly let ltbn understood to bcgln with that x baron monchuur the belgian minis- tor nt washington was riding rocontly near tho capitol and nuked a small bov to hold his horse while he telephoned to a suburban friend when he returned he found a small or but keenerlooking youngster hold lng tho animal hello said he you aro not the boy i hired no sir said the boy hut i srek- ihttcd i glvffthoothcrboytcncents for his chance what could i do after thatl asked the baron of a friend later it was bullying tho murket but i had to glvu him a quarter buy aticleat ontarfio apple is the one fruit everybody likes an3 which is good for everybody eat them at any time of day cook or bake them 200 different ways lay in a supply for winter now buy from a grower or dealer 4 the hon john s martin ba minister ontario department of agriculture canadian national electric railwav8 wwthnitnd dally except sunday 743 am dally 9 43 ojn daily 1143 am dally 143 pm daily 343 pm dally 6 43 pm dally 743 pm daily 9j3 p m dally 12 32 am eaatbound dally 743 nan dally except sunday 943 am dally 1148 am dally 143 pm- dally 343 p in dally 643 pm daily 743 pm dally 843 pjnv dally 1140 pm freight delivered by ipecui exrirom freight freight picked up at any ad- dreas in toronto tax notice- 1925 municepauty op acton the second instalment of taxes fnllu due an monday november 1g a change of place of payment has been made and taxes are payable in two instalments at tho town hall acton saturday on or before date of payment or at the collectors residence between and after date second instalment november 16 this second instalment uiust bo paid on or bcfoie that date failure to comply wth this arrangement entails epctra expenbo and trpublo an addition of five per cent will be made to every tax rate or assessment remaining unpaid fouitecn days after tho said lgth day of november for th second instalment and it will bo the duty of the collector immediately after the said several days appointed for pay ment to collect at once by dlati eas or otherwise under the piovisiona of tho statute in that behalf all such taxes or instalment of taxes plea8e take your tax notice with you when making payment w j reid collector j a smith insurance and beal e8tate agent for confederation ldfo as sociation xiondon lancashire fire insurance liondon lancashire guarantee and accldont dominion of canada guarantee and accldont insurance company farm and town property for balo prompt careful and courteous at tentlon given your bu8ines8 solicited t realdoncfe mill and wallace sts telephone 106 r 2 50j0 reward jf i fail to grow haiii oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grover grows hair on bald heads it must not be put where it is not wanted cures dandruff and all scalp troubles 175 per jar aoents wanted prof m a crosse 839 main st winnipeg man look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list we will do the rest no note or accqunt la considered too small too large too olrl or too far away we will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen 80und j m alkbn manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada qllldreri cryfor lf castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of wind colic drives asthma like mflio tho im mediate holi from dr j d kellogg aathma ilcmedy scorns like matflo novertliclohh it in only a natural rem edy used in a natural way tho smoke or vapor reaching the mont remote pasuagim at tho affected tubes brashes aside tho trouble aah opn a way for jresh air to bfltlfr it is sma bytffcj- oro ufrbwrodv tbtt land- constipation flatulency diarrhea to sweeten stomach regulate bowe aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness ret and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of btqtcn directions on ench package lest physicians everywhere recommend it typewriters remanufactured underwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed- same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 00 kino st west toronto 2 advertisers the free pre88 is anxious to ssrvs you and serve you well ws can fllvs your advsrtlis- msritbttter attention sndtlyro- fors make it mora attractive if the oopy la supplied o ua on monday or tuesday if oopy fails to reach ui until wednesday forsnoon thsrs la a rush to sat it up before the forms oloss and the rosult is likely to ba isss satisfactory send in your ads early free press job printing is always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can pleaseyou 1 savage co jewtslere guelph ontario ik x fc

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