Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 21 thursday morning november 19 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 12 1925 single copies five cent the acton united church op canada minister rev r e zimmerman b a- parsonage willow street 1100 am the minister subject maintenance anil our share 2 30 i m sibbath school 700 p m the minister subjrt to whom shall we go young peoples on monday at 8 p m meeting in chat go of musical com mittee prayer and ptalse service on thurs- diyat 730 p m presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a manae willow street 1100 a m the minister subject the divine demand 300 p m sabbath school and bible classes 700 p m tho minister subject god oor preserve monday oveiilpff 800 p m young peoples guild- an evening with the great musical composer ludwlg beet hoven strangora reaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tfie pastor more important news op the big 200000 sale in guelph wool dress goods at 98c regular up to 350 a yard and a host of other sensations as the shelves of our yard goods departments are being cleared out the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 1100 a m rev w a guntort evangelist subject what 1b love a doflnltlon madam qunton soprano soloist 300 rri sunday school 400 p m great mass meeting in the wonderland theatre t00 p m the qunton party evangelists aria overy night at 8 00 m except monday all welcome special notices advertisements iri this column a cent per word minimum charge 30c per insertion for sale 4 clttlo rising 2 years 5 yearlings 5 calves a m macpherson foft-8ale- art treasure heater and mcclary cook stove arthur hill limchouso card of thanks mr and mrs j e doble wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind regards during mrs doblos recent illness grain wanted wheat oats parley buckwheat hlgncstr prices paid w b browne rjf phono 3273 norval agents wanted asents to sell hosiery for the family from mill to consumer write for our npv fall and winter catalogue just sterling hosierjmills j84 toronto auction sale mian myrtle cook will hold a clear ing auction sale ot cattle barn bundl ing lots etc on main street on satur day novomber 21 no reserve 20s r j- kerr auctioneer bargains in farms 126 acres near the new highway 3 4 miles from acton 70 acres under cul tivation 30 acres of timber enough to pay for farm splendid brick house larb barn find stabling 9 acres of fall wheat 40 acres for hay possession at once price gg00 cash 1600 balance at 6 other farms at prices that will surprise you for value got our list j a smith teephonvro5xcfontleal estate agj for sale to clp8e estate tho executors of the lato mary o kingsbury offer f or salelot 32 con cession 6 in tho township of nossaga- weya this farm contains one hundred 100 acres of oxcellcnt land seventy 70 acres cleared and tho balance bush and pasture tho- farm is well watered usual buildings including alio all of which are in good condition tho fall plowing is completed and there is a email field of fall wheat tho farm is situated uirco 2 miles from acton on a provincial hghwa and is close to the radial railway apply to a j murray r r no 1 acton ontario or r h kingsbury r it no 2 rockwood ontario executors or to dunbar gootz dunbar 32 douglas street guelph ontario ther sollai- a job for you 5 to 10 daily 6smejj wanted no previous experience necessary write for 40 pass free book which explains how you can earn while learning to work in city or town shops as auto me chanic engineer electrical bat tery or welding export chauffeur salesman etc abio bricklaying plastering meohanlcal dentistry and bokrberlng dont dlo a laborer write now which job ad dress hemphill government chart ered trade schools free employ ment service 103 king st v toronto wonderland friday november 20 inez from hollywood starring anna q nilsaon mary aetor and lewis stone comedy first one hundred years krazy cat cartoon saturday november 1 fighting the flames with an all star cast qdy oh brjdgol toon oh itox news cqm- foiljc cor- tuesday november z4 fight- for honort melodrama chapter 4 of the circus mastery comedy rab- ing a wre coming the rag man with jackie coogdii dick turpin with topi mix tt l gregory son in the 98 cent clearaway woorcrepe serge armure lustre panama shepherds checks english chiffon homespuns satian venetian cloth merino twill cashmere resilda tricotine 1 broadcloth wool dress goods in an other sensational clearance lot including serge striped gran- lto cloth shephelds checks merino twill and self striped alpaca values up to 250 yd clearings away fqp english chiffon home spun jlne quality all wool 54 inchci wide 400 yards in the clearing 1 eg 3 00 qof yard for 7cjc wool crepes serge8 ar mure lustre 8hep- herd8 checks regular up to 200 clearing qqp armure wool crepes 52 inches navj blue taupe reln- tleer flimcr regulnr 300- yard clearing djl oq botany flannels all wool plain and checks regulnr 25q yard clearing d cq wool taffeta clo ln llropstltclt crossbars lanvin green brown rust navy blue black 40 inches wide regu lar 200 yard clear- b cq wool coatings including blanket velours furrow cloth plain apd chinchilla eiderdowns regular 250 and 300 yd clear- j oq corduroy velvet 32 in extra henvy navy and brown regular 275 yard dgl oq clearing at sozf velveteen plain and carded 22 to 27 v inches wide extra heavy weight cpinard green myrtl fcit grey sand black whlto and rose shades regu lnr jl5 and 160 yard aqp dealing at f7 chiffon- finished velvet 35 inches wide grey and sand shades regular 275- jjjl oq yard clearing at ip black satins clearing at tho following three low ilgures black duchess regular rjjt 139 black crepe satin regular h 279 black satinfaced crepe regular 450 b0 jq yard for 4fo pongee silk natural shade 32 inches on sale at cqf per yard t skinners satin lining8 all silk with cotton back rcg 400 and 450 jj0 oq yard clearing at v silks and satins including chaimeubc canton crepo roxana crepe duchess satin taleui and baronette satin reg 250 to 375 ffll oq yard clearing at qp- georgettes crepe oe chines crepe silks ninons plain and printed patterns regular 150 to 250 yard clearing vqp fancy figured linings regular 1100 yard fkqn clearing at ujl another kroup regular 125 to 1 b0 clearing pqr guelpbts leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon nntlsaturday at 930 p nt news of local import grand concert grand concert under tho auspices of st albans church on wednesday december 2 iy nix noted artists in cluding tho threo arts and two others from hamilton fuller parti culars inter another new business opened messrs mckcon powell pf guelph have leased the new store on mitt street juit completed by mr l stark man they have opened with a wel- nssorted stock of mens clothing nwt furnishings and propose conducting a modern mens store their windows tire nttrnctlvo and thb prices tempting still 8eixed in trafalgar liocnse inspector reovely 6f brnmp- ton chief kerr of onkvllle and con- stuble barnes of the local police force on saturday sdlxed a still mash and several gallons of moonshine 11 luor in a raid on the farm of george gill on the middle road about a mile north of onkville seriously injured by horses kick on tuesday of last week mr peter l masnles who resides with his son mr g w masnles of the jersey dairy was seriously kicked by a horse on the right side threo ribs were frac tured and internal injuries are feared mr masales is well up in years and naturally suffers much from tho in juries sustained fatally shot while dser hunting the sad news reached erin village on monday afternoon that harry aus tin proprietor of stanley park had been fatally shot by a member of tho erin hunting party who went to camp in the north about the first of the month this information came with a terrible shock to mrs austin who was prostrated with grief two daughters about ten and t a teftrfmherleas motor smashtip friday morning last eriday morning about two oclock after the i o d e- function in the town hall here two motor cara came into collision at the intersectlqn of mill and willow streets the car driven by an orangevllle man had th at nffso r broken a nd thcwa eloquent serinons by revsdchowndd hoisery specials at sopers all wool hose 2 and 1 rib colors brown black and putty regular 100 for per pair all wool h08e wide rib colors brown sand and black regular 110 for 8ilk and wool h08e wldcrlb colors band and white d beaver and white black and white reg 135 for lr- 8ilk and wool plain knit colors bund and whit qti beaver and white black and white retf 1 25 for p- silk h08e with fleeced wool lining colors snd groy and j black regular 125 for w- all wool hose lovut shade only narrow rib regular 100 for a number op remnants of floor oilcloth at reduced prices 79c 89c l10 llo l0q 79c phone 12 geosoper acton zs ajarujy good seasonable footwear at lowest prices for aen vornena boy and girls wr- farm factory and school boots at less than city prices how do we do it because our expenses pre very much lover first quality guaranteed rubbers to ifit all makes and sizes of shoes also heavy rubbers of all kinds at prices that will compel you to buy here harry harrison jhe shoe man we close- wednesday afternoons all the year round with the exception of december f front wheels dished the other car alleged to have been driven by a man from guelph drove on without stop ping chief mcpherson is investigat ing the matter pay your taxes or you dont vote guelphs assessor has advanced u proposal for the collection of taxes which if put into operation wilt be watched with wide interest he hay suggested the adoption of a bylaw to disfranchise delinquents a movo which this year it is said would deny the privilege of the ballot to 1400 voters if it is tried out and suoceeds it will have the double merit ot getting the money fn and putting a premium on the value of the ballot a provincial statute provides for such action horse kicked lantsrn over tho large ban of mr sphar located five miles south of harris ton was des troyed by fire last tuesday night to gether with considerable grain livb stock and implements the cause of the fire is attributed to the kicking over of a lantern by one of the horses half an hour of that farmers time would have provided safety fixtures for the stable lantern a cow kicked over a lantern in chicago soma years ago and the fire caused thereby entailed a loss or hundreds of millions of dollars and a number of lives creditable showing for judging team in the annual county judgbujrcon- tcst held at guelph tho halton team consisting of roy wilson frank brown and cameron k itching stood in 10th place roy wilson was second high man in horses for tho province this was a very credltalo showing for the team in so far as due to the busy sea son boys could not get out for train ing the same team represented the county of halton at the royal fair toronto and stood 15th with a total score of 2026 points qu of 3q00 ox ford winning with a score ot 311 the pounder of wlkr lodge mr hugh walker tho oldest free mason in guelph celebrated his 89th birthday last week when he received many beautiful and useful gifts from all his family and neighbors and con gratulations from glasgow scotland and nepawa man and other points ho was one of tho few whom the masonlcgrand lodge presented with a medal for being a wm for over 60 years it was hugh walker who in stituted walker lodge akam acton in 1874 fiftyono years flgo mr walker is the heaclof hugh walker- sons wholesale fruit dealers guelph barn burned monday evening about nlno oclock on monday even ing the fire alarm sounded and it was ascertallncd that tho barn at the cor ner of mill and george street was on fire the fire brigade promptly res- pftnded and although the fire had a good start before it was discovered it was promptly extinguished the frame and siding were however badly charred tho building belong to mr robert glbobns or toronto formerly of acton and was leased until rcoitly by mr r mmsuii thp origin of the fire is a mystery anfl la bolnjr inveatl- atl tho ipan-an-hatfdlmriwtt- matcd at 50000 and an contents the most of whlch- belonged to h 8 wil son who sublet space therein is 165000 acton municipal elections the municipal nominations for acton will fall on monday november 30th with the elections a week later ion monday december 7th th nom inations will be for heeve councillors school trustoea and- hydro com- mlaaiotert hirrcatjonirtqiniv top v curing good men always rests upon the cltfiena m functioning they al ways shduld do their utmost in hav ing men of responsibility secured for the offices men who have a stake in the town holding property and hav ing a place in civic activities these men if the citizens so- decided need not canvass nt all and should not be expected to the good sense of the rate payers securing their return and re- jololng that they have the opportunity of getflng men of character and ability to serve and the men asked to serve should have a keen appreciation of the work required and the fidelity with which it can be performed if men of good sense men of tho ftlgbest probity men who havo a conception of the municipalitys requirements with due regard to economy nre encouraged to stand wo are quite satisfied improve ments could be planned in civic ad ministration that would be a salutary benefit to all and a satisfaction to the ratepayers will the elevtora axt with thjs ifitfptmtt in vftrwr at the anniversary services of the united church last sunday the stoimy wenthor last sunday did not deter the attendance of largo con gregations at tho anniversary services in the united church last sunday several atuics contributed to the interest of the occasion it was the eightieth anniversary of tho founding lflf tho methodist church in acton with regular services by a settled pastor it was the first anniversary service of the united church in acton it afforded tin opportunity for the people of tho community to listen to fervent gospel nifsaages fiom the one who was the beloved general superintendent of the methodist churcli in canada up to the time of the consummattutrvor tho united church of canada rev dr chown who leturned last week from a somewhat strenuous of ficial visit to the churches in new foundland was full of his oldtime vigor and preached with a zeal and earnestness which commanded the rnt attention of the large congrega tions which assembled both morning and evening his theme in the morn ing was scriptural holiness and ha bnsed his very timely and inspiring dlncourse upon 1 peter 1 16 be yj holy for i am holy ood says to ud in effect it is my nature to ho holy wo instinctively fecl that being holy la nn awesome thing hut to be a real christian we must be holy this is nn oldfashioned subject for followers of john wealey the founder of the holy club of oxfotd it has not been preached from the pulpit as much late ly as in earlier times the material istic atmosphere htis had its influence holiness has been used by some as r cloak for unreasonable extravagance jesus said ye shall know them by uiejn fruits wo must consider and understand this command of god be halton girls win in the soft ball tournament at the guelph winter fair an interesting feature of the guolph winter fair programmo last weok wan tho soft ball tournaiucnt on thumduy tho halton girls won and the guelph mercury describes tho playing thus miss r tost ace twlrler for tho halton ladles softball team pitched her team to threo successive victories and a championship in tho afternoon and evening at tho provincial winter fojr the team alsovwlns tho mercury cup which was won at last years fair by the city of guelph team which waa this year eliminated from the race in tholr first game by tho lady cham pions miss tosts performance during the whole series was masterly and her battery mate miss thoima lamb waa an ablo partner errors lost tho first game of tho day in tho afternoon for guelph no losa than eight miscues being chalked ui against the local balltosscrs hits were about equally divided but on their allaround play tho halton squad deserved their 118 win the wellington county team wan swamped by the wcntworth ladles in tho first game in the evening losing 241 they jvere outclassed in all de partments and the greensville zim- merknlt outfit from hamilton which represented wentworth looked for a while like serious contenders for tho championship and the silverware hal ten handed the peel county ag gregation composed of the bolton ladles team a 139 trimming in tho 830 struggle which again reflected not a little credit on the slab artist mlsa tost whoso shoots completely baffled the pee representatives for some time miss doupe did mound duty for tho losers with miss boyce as her re ceiver halton and wentworth clash the classic oftho evening was tho final clash between the zlmmerknlt grecnsvllles and tho halton squad which halton won 147 miss iudgc ascended the hillock for the vent the beck memorial endowment drive y holy astam holy it is tho supreme natural law of the spiritual world johri in his vision saw the re deemed clothed in holiness god spake by the mouth of all hfs ljoly prophets we are cxhoitcd yield now your members thiough righteousness unto holiness we havo fallen below our privileges as christian but must get back to the to secure 500000 for the beck memorial endownment of the queen alexandra sanitorium social and personal spit it ooioiineas if we aro to accom pilau the whole of gods will holiness 1b as changeless and as binding as any natural law standing upon tho rock of ages wo arc held in the spirit of holiness if we conform our selves to the laws of clod- we shall have the experience of- holiness if we do not god comes to us as a flaming are i cannot find u hint anywhere in tho new testament that we are free from the duty of living unto holiness if this is so why is it so because god is holy because tho whole func tion of the church of god is to restore man to an experience of holiness be ye set apait to god so as to live the upward life it is not the dictate of justice but the uictato of divine iove it is gods planto make of us the very best that can be- made of man gods law is one of love not of fear like the sheep in tho fold gods love is not so much to conflno us but to protect us tho purpose of god is to protect the seed of divine love in our hearts row may wo win this life of holi ness 1 christ is our exumple of obedience to this law 2 slnco tho christian believes in christianity he should always be seeking after christ and ills ways 3 when he is con stantly seeking chi 1st ho has no time to eln 4 we are to become holy by studying jesus and his life on e he is the guide of life wo will he changed into the image ofchrrst by the power of the spirit of god we need momentarily to have holp we need continuous believing in christ god sends us the atmosphere of hea by his holy spirit taking as his text at the evening service tho appeal of the greeks to philip sir we would see jesus dr chown emphasized in his introduction that there never was a time in the worlds history when all classes were turning so wistfully to jesus as a solution to all tho problems of life tho recent conference at locarno was but one indication that there wna a new spirit abroad in the life of the world today and that was the spirit of the prince of peace wo would see jesus to know wh and what he really was his own claim being thnt ho was one with the father he that hath seen mo hath seen the father no other explanation is adequate to his life and character he was not only a teacher of truth but was truth itself he came not only to show a way of life but to life itself tho rationalist no matter how far he may go in the homage he pays to jesus as a perfect man leaves tho doepest- ln jllm unexplained it is only as wo see him as the one in whom dwelt all the fulness of the godhead bodily that we can find a soulsatisfying intor- pretatlbn of him we would see jesus t understand hla attitude in tho atmosphere and contacts of daily life he teaches that the only way to face life is in the spirit of service he camo not to be ministered unto but to minister tho only badge of honor that counts in hla eyes is the badge of service no mat ter how humble the sphere in which it is rendered selfsacrlflclng service evldoncea his spirit and enables us to understand hini we would see jcaus ai the suffer iflfs- servant to find ouri poaoe with god through his atoning work god wan in christ reconciling the worjd unto himself we can only realize that he is thepropltlatton for our alns as wo personally and individually seek to know him in an ills saving power tho doctor closed the sermon with a strong evangelistic appeal and grip ped and moved the hearts of all with a touching stoiy of the action of the prince of wales on a visit to- one of the hospit for maimed sold th sermon was one that will long bo re- memberod not only for its depth of thought but also for us warm personal appeal to the hearts f nil who were privileged to hear it the messages of this venerable man of god came with a force and inspira tion growing out of a long and suc- cesnful cxperlento in the ministry a rich personal nearness to god and k leadership among men frought with influence and power his discourses were greatly enjoyed by his hearers and were manifestly ftlt to he helpful and encouraging to a higher piano of christian life and service tho praise scrvlec was under tho leudernhlp of the oholr and was especially fitting to tho occasion tho anthems were of a high yinss with i volume harmony and technique which rendered them impressive tho solos by misses bertie smith and jean ken nedy and tho muets by choirmaster mnnon and minn hazel mason were greatly enjoyed tho floral doc6rntionu which sur- rytluwu tno inilplt ifiatfbvtn vaifo ar- wurlli crew wmit6miss tost again up held the haltons the hamilton squad threw no less than throe pitchers into jho fray in an attempt to check tho hardhitting champs but each waa ac corded a warm reception and her of ferings slammed heavily about the tan bark lot tho threo were mlhses ridge taylor and guyatt miss hop kins caught them all thefinal isth halton tlamb c r tost i4 g byerman lb l mason 3b v rumley rf h mason sa s eluley 2b m ryder if mlsa norton ss wentworth c guyatt c mlsa hopkins c miss bart miss george miss e taylor p miss kendrlckmisd harris miss begg miss taylor 15 guyatt miss ridge p umpires fred hamiltotf and joo spring both of tho ohler team tor onto in this tournament acton supplied four players out of tho nine who ro- presented halton as tho lineup shows and they covered thomselves with honors during the threo games hazel mason was tho babo ruth having two home i uns with runners on in each case which paved the way and started a rally which resulted in tho scoring of runs lottio mabon croated a good impression with the spectators and fans by her clean field ing and fast throwing out of a num ber of runners at first bnae who ap peared to have made the necssary hit to entitle them to the initial sack vi rumley fielded faultlessly nnd gathered in everything in sight mak ing shoestring catches of what were tagged as sure base hits and covered a lot of territory as only two out fields were used owing to- the limited width of the playing surface mar guerite ryder played a stellar game both in the field and at bat and ox- tclted in running the bases as the score book shows that once on she wa3 all the way around stealing the banes and doing so with the knowledge of base ball that would do credit to a veteran player defeating the greens ville girls was a great victory as they wore inb finals for the ontario championship and were only defeated by tho hlnde dauche girls of toronto after a third ggime was played four cases at brampton where convictions were made for tho violation of the ota police magistrate moore had quite a field day in the police court at bramp ton last wednesday robei t manso of coledon township waa charged by inspector reovoly with selling liquor nt his place on tho 30th of october manse waa convicted on the 4th of june 1024 for selling liquor at emn village this was therefore his second offence he pleaded guilty was fined 40000 and costs and four months in jail in default of the fine and costs an additional three months wabjidded to the sentence david graham ulso of caledon was charged with selling liquor at his farm on the same day 30th of october mr graham also pleaded guilty ho was fined 120000 and costs of 1560 and ono month in jail ho paid the fine and costs and went to jail for a month william core and bert henry of brampton were both charged with illegal purchase of liquor thiough their solicitor they pleaded gulty and wero fined 10000 and 1 1g0 costs each the fines land costs were paid in both cases l knitting mill destroyed the colllngwood mill of d graham a s of in burned at ten oclock on sunday morning tho knitting mill of d graham nnd sons of inglewood and a j brown co of colllngwood was totally de stroyed by fire involving a loss of about 50000 it is thought to have originated in tho shipping room but the origin is unexplalnablo as no fire had been used in the room for weeks the j plant employed 25 hands and was operating to capacity shipments werogoing outdnilyotid many ordorfr were unfilled tistlcally arranged chrysanthemums prevailed and they wero backed with nn abundance of greenery tho thank- offering for tho church and pnrsonage fund was gchqrous nnd worthy of the congregation the trustee board had fixed an objective of 70000 tho offerings of tho dny amounted to 70057 in actual cash local denominational courtesy which has prevailed so long in acton was observed ns usual rev mr bpyd and the congregation of tho baptist chinch attneded in the morning und rev a c stewart and the congregation of knox church in tho evening those ministers assisted in the order of ser vice rov mr zlmniprman tho mi n inter of ihe united church who smpei in tended tho services of tho day was much gratified wuh the success of hla first anniveisary scrvlco of tho united claitfto untl jih pifarat wre i the beatloved benefaction of tho late sir adam beck tho hydro knight wan tho queen alexandra sanatorium for tuberculosis patients nt london numerous suggestions have been made as to the most effective memorial by which the province of ontario could most effectively do honor to and per petuate tho memory of this great man who did ho much for ontario in pro viding electric energy for light heat and power at low cost- monuments were proposed to be erected at niagara falls at toronto and nt london other memorial schemes were suggested but it has finally been decided that a beck mem orial endowment for tho queen alex andra sanitorium at london was tho most desirable object upon which to centre the movement for a practical and worthy memorial to this great man sir adam beck was president and founder of jhls sanitorium which has treated since its doors were opened to tho unfortunate victims of canadas dreaded white plague 3833 patients these have come from every county and district in new and old ontario thirtysix per cent- more than ono in overy three of theso afflicted men women and children were the victims of both disease and poverty if com pelled to pay even tho bare coat of tieatment they would be left to the ravages of tuberculosis and to die not that alone but carriers of infec tion among unsuspecting people s these poo suffere 1 posjed upon tho sanitorium deficits of 10371607 theso deficits upon the basis of the present demands made u th sani nowaverage 25000 to 35000 annually it is to bi idge this yearly deficiency and to support provlncewfdo preventive work and scientific research that the beck memorial endowment is to be estab lished it is not the purpohc to expend tho funds now subscribed to meet any ac crued operating or capital expendi ture ratherhp fund twill winygflt mr j m donyes school inspector spent fildayin town mr donald jaquith of toronto was a guest at moorecroft on monday miss hazel mcdonald returned to her home at hastings on monday mjrs maudo mcbaln is spending a week or so with friends in toronto mr and mrs william mcnabh of toronto wero in town over the week end mrs robert j mcpherson and alias dorothy- visited toronto friends this week mr john s moore of dundas visit ed his tnotherrmrsrjame3 mooro on sunday mr and mrs g a dills and france spent the weekend wltlj friends in toronto mr samson glsby has returned front saskatchewan where he spent the summer mr james newman who went out west on tho harvesters excursion re turned home on tuesday miss grace armstrong of toronto visited at tho homo of mr thomas rumley over tho weekend mrs rov r e zimmerman ana children are visiting in london thla week at the home of her sister rev dr chown waa tho guest ot rev and mrs zimmerman at tho pnrsonage during his stay in town mrp e rowlings was in hamilton on monday attending the fall cere monial of 4he hindoo koosh grotto messrs robert and george russell of philadelphia were hero during 4he yehvisltingthejrbrother mr d- -c- russell mr and mrs georgo edwards were i n be last week attending t funeral of mr edwards mother mrs thos edwards ed and the income thus derived will sustain inpcrpctuity our share in on tarios fight against one of the most dreaded afflictions that besots man kind years after tho establishment of queen alexandra sanatorium received tho first intimation of tho causo that had enkindled in sir adalh and lady beck their ardent and self sacrificing zeal for all whose lives and homes had been touched by the appalling white plague the deed of gift convoying to the sanatorium the magnificent nurses homo they had consti ucted and equip ped revealed that it was given in gratitude xo god for the complete restoration to health or our daughter who was threatened with a serious ill ness have couiage is the institutions battle cry by the word of tho highest authorities in the field of medical science tuberculosis is curable the danger is neglect neglect not only by the person dcitendent by poverty but lather the neglect of the public at large to come to the nld of the sufferer queen alexandra sanatorium has thrown wide its doors from its in ception and to the whole of ontario has extended the most advanced treatment the world affords minister ing to all with the same fine diligence regardless of money race creed or social standing today as a result patients numbering high in the hun dreds have been restored to health men to again support their mothers wives and families wives to brighten jlesolnted homes and little children to face tho world with a fair opportunity to make their own way in life preventive work carried on through out the province early discovery through examination of contact cases of infection often unsuspected dis semination of educational propaganda an intelligent and friendly interest in hundreds of their homes and efficient sanatorium treatment havo wrought a magnlflcant humanitarian and econ omic gain in recent years the tuber culosis death rato per hundred thous and of population has been driven down from 130 to 83 in the pant de cade tho people in every community in the province are being given an op portunity of participating in this very worthy memorial a drive will bo made from november 20 to november 28 to attain the objective of tho mem orial 500000 provincial officers were here on monday and a local committee will ho organized at a meeting to be heldhn tho town hall this thursday even ing at 8 oclock acton certainly desires a share in this memorial as we hace all derived pecuniary social and community bene fits from the hydro accomplishment under tho wise foresight nnd direc tion of sir adam beck the objective for acton fa not high it can readily be reached if citizens generally will take un interest to you from failing hands i throw the torsh be yours to hold it high ontario potatoes win prizes 8 e griffin a son acton won first p ru in the face of considerable competi tion ontnrlo potato growers secured the leading prizes at the royal winter fair in the large rural yorker group s e griffin of acton secured both first prizes under certified and uncerti fied william nalsmlth of falkeoburg came second in both classes griffin also won the leading place tntne irish cobbler uncertified group but in the certified- group first prize went to-h- h olotz of bardsvllle griffin led both groups in green mountains in the basket classes griffin secured all firsts except in green mountains which went to t h bracken orangevllle first in field beans other than white went to william gladstone htghgate nnd other western ontario men won nil tho other prizes william darn- brough of laura sask won first in tho hmall white field bean class first in grand rapids lettuce went to f f reeves of humber bay in most of the garden crop classes the lumber bay growers won the bulk of the prizes thee wero three classes for celery j little of st catherines won first in paris golden george ayl- mer humber bay the same award in winter celery and brown brothers of tho sanin address in tho collection of foui vniietlos aylmer made almost a swoop of tho first prizes in the onion classes though j b guthrey port credit won one first und brown brothers two similar awards e h stork st v 11u in tho whke plckler mr c c henderson was at sarna his week attending the funeral of mrs mcgibbon mr d m hender son of gult accompanied him mesra gerard newman and androw sheppard who have spent tho sum mer on farms in this community left las tweekfor therhomei noklahonitt mrs george agnew district ieal- dent and mrs w j roid delegate for acton branch are attending the on tario womans institute convention in toronto this week mesnri it j- kerr wallace lashy r w lowrle a g clarrldgc a b mclean mr nnd mrs l b shorey havo been attending the winter fair nt toronto this week the engagement is announced of laura isabolle younger daughter of mr nnd mi a alexander macdonald to mr john clarkson dennis only son of mr and mrs william dennis rock- wood the marriage to take place the latter part of november mrs lavina e featherstono of hornby announces the engagement of her daughter olive alexandria to mt george h dixon son of mrs dixon and the late w a dixon of nelson the marriage to take place auletly the latter part of novembtyr mr and mrs w d frlck mr and mrs edward torrlo and mr robert gibbons of toronto spent saturday with acton friends mr salmon will leave for england ln few days to visit his parents avid other friends at bromley kent county he will return in february mrs e f heart 72 years of ago of frankvllto ont spent lost week with her niece mrs walter fryer of the second line mrs heart knit by hand 656 pairs of socks during tho war tor the red cross besides knlttlnff for four sons at the front and devotlnj two afternoons a week to other red cross work halton childrens au society interesting rport to the annual meeting by the officers the annual meeting of tho childrens aid society of halton county was held in tho gordon home afllton on no vember 2 the president j m denyes ib a inspector ot public schools in the chair tho meetinar wna opened with prayer led by the rev canon naftel in hla address the president refer red to the emclcncy of all who had to do with tho carrying on of the work and that everythihs was moving aloiur veryj3atlsfactorily i tho treasurer c h stuart present ed the financial report which was well received mrs gorham who for many years haa been interested in child welfare convener of the house committee gave an account of what had been accom plished referring to tho improvements made in tho gordon home and to tlio harmony which existed during tho lajt year w hr stewart tho local superin tendent gnvo a comprehensive sum mary of his activities ho referred to the fact that east york council had appointed a man to bo school attend ance officer and rerof offlcer and he thought that every municipality should appoint a kcllof officer to deal with cases of poverty and in some cased with unemployment during tho year the cordon homo sheltered 42 children inxaatlgalionsuwere madoliwlviris 16 children it was noteworthy that few applications oxo received for chil dren between tho ages of ave and ten years he called attention to tho help fulness of county officials and womens organisations in the work j j kelso provincial superinten dent sent his regrets at not being able to be present ofllceis woro elected for tho year 102526 hon prcs judgo eliot horn solicitor crown attorney w i dlckj president mj donyesrtjra tat vlceprcs k p earl 2nd vicepros j v little treasurer c h stuart secretary mrs t j brown eicon- tlve mesdamcs anderson gorhaxn sanderson ramshaw denycs poa- cock mcphall wlllnrott brown misses bews campbell blnln messrs maxted robertson shorey mockrldec little denycb dr qowland dr an derson m p rev canon naftel rov n a hurlbut dr watson george town mtjb pope burlington mrs george havill acton and mrs ingle hart oakvlllo gibbon old stand wo are now ready to tako in booth and shoes to repair on tho shortest notice we havo ono of tho latest improved electric bhoe repairing ma chines in tho country and you can have your work homo with you done by experienced men at prices that will bring you back womens boots half- soled and new rubber heels put on and made to look like now for 100 fpstjeir roney main btxoot aoton tki j r

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