Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1925, p. 3

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lv attmx jf m ris thursday november 19 1926 in explanation i n exl 1m lgiown tori my v cruelty unit ualnfc my rfaeracity 1 vo built a reputation on tho fuct 1 vo founds untruths uro perilous und bo lm never rurruloua regarding things i have to retract tho truth some people iilay with it and neatly trot away with it their falrj tales aro clever an can be thoy dodge about olualvcly but i have learned conclusively tiiat honeatya the policy for me a fib haa such complexities the per- aon who directs it 1b cpmpellcd to be intensively alert to cover up all weaknesses with plans iblo uquonesscs and bq forever watchful to avert with answers smooth though spur ious tho questions of the curious and satisfy the folks who muatbe shown a he to bo effectual needs cenlua intellectual wlitsn ordinary mortals seldom own on truthfulness i plume- myself and publicly assume myself to be n man of probity in sooth because of that high quality ol scorn ing all frivolity in dealing with the subject of tho truth f yet if rahould express to you tho facts i must confess to you that all my early falsehoods went jawry and so with pertinacity i cling to the strict veracity because i am not smart enougtito lie berton braley homelike news from over 8ea8 gleaned from an issue of th acton express rceatvad this watk j the following items of news from acton england will be scanned with interest the mayor aid miss smee will open tho new headquarters of the 1st acton boy scouts highstreet on the afternoon of saturday november 7 the bev w sandberg vicar of st mellltus hanwell will preach at air saints south acton on sunday even ing in connection with the patronal festival at the suhday afternoon chapter of tho j m p boys brotherhood st thomass acton vale a thoughtful paper wa prta by bro cyril powdltch on some peoples religion at tho monthly service for young people at the acton congregational church on sunday evening tho rev r g davles dealt with the subject 0 pom o mil roliglon as oppoased to religion by proxy the tender of messrs ferris bros of acton amounting to 15623 for the erection of the proposed additions and a to tjesouthollcounty sceool has been accepted by the mld- dlesexeducauon committee at acton police court on wednesday week william j townsend of hans- buryroad acton was fined 5s for using obscene language defendant denied the allegations at the west jlondon police court on thursday in last week george bollom of essexroad acton fmi fined 40s for driving a motor car dangerously bypassing on the wrong side of a refuge at walaam green frank e webber laborer of barlsmeadroad kenaal rise was charged with stealing and receiving from the leamington publichouse on willeadenlaiie a cycle value b the property of arthur hart a barman he was fined 2 john wejlond a yardman of steyne- road was charged at acton police court last week with stealing on the 14th inal three pint bottles of milk value is 7d the property of his em ploy era the express dairy co ltd mr philip smith gave an interest ing address on the ministry of hum or at tho acton brotherhood meeting on sunday and drew some fine pic tures of gloomy and cheerful christ ians the acton branch of the national citizens frnion is prepared to issue a challenge to the acton town council to show cause in public debate- at the acton baths why gunnersbury park should be purchased by baling and acton tiftebulfjrntniracton ladles swimming clubs 25 yards scratch race swum on thursday in last week were as follows i roy 1 h letley 2 v bowes and d menle tied 3 the homemade baseball one day last summer i was walking up mill street for a quiet stroll and when i came opposite jlmmle symons store two of the boys of fifty years ago were standing in front of the window in which there was displayed all sorts of sporting goods there yrew several boxes full of baseballs which ranged from a quarter to 2 50 and of course therowere bats galore and mttts and masks and other paraphrenalln our young fellows have too much of their fun made for them now said one of the old boys who was gaxlng at the display v look at those baseballs every one machine made i doubt if the boy of today has as good a time as i did ever make a baseball hundreds of cm hundreds of cm do you remember how wo used to watch for old rubber boots so we could use the heels and the big springs of rubber which used to fall oft tho frelghrcars of the old g t r along the track indeed yes real rubber ihey wero then too made a fine core if you didnt start with a good core the other fellows ball would bounce much higher a fellow was pretty poor stuff that couldnt bounce his ball over the bhed and mother used to give us the yarn that never seemed extrava gant to her although maybe sjio oh jected if wo spent a nlckle for candy i used to get enough yarn to mako a ball from my old aunt emma as pay for holding five skeins while she wound them into knitting balls did you ever put hard twine or small fishline on the outside before you put on tho cover yes jine hard twinoor fishline that was a little more ex pensive but well it made great balls so did i my brother taught mo to cut the cover from old boot tops or from scraps of leather from- storeys glove factory which fred used to give us quarters you know pieces that wero shaped like pieces of orange peel yes ive made em that way uoov- but sometimes we cut leather in two dumbbellshaped pieces like those balls in the window there then we sewed em with waxed thread say im going to teach that boy of mine to make a baseball there are some things absolutely necessary to a liberal education goodbye goodbye i suppose i shall seo you at the meeting of acton chamber of commerce tonight tom then went on and joe and 1 walked down street together peeping into the windows as we went along as i suppose the storekeepers intended we should as wo passed tho co operative joe noticed a box of brown sugar marked maple sugar i wonder jf the card tells tho truth he said looks more as if it were made in some toronto candy factory than out in the sugar bush it brought back to us both the days when real maple sugar was mado on many of the farms about acton and then wo talked about the old method of making maple sugar the days and nights in the woods the boiling down of the flap all this hearty good story has been told many times before and there is nothing to add but we enjoyed the memory of those old days but there arq two a yellow gourd for mending tattered hose dull with disuse u pali of tiny shoes worn more by fondling than by baby toes and lust of all the steicoscoplc vlows no modern uit c in pulnt such won irotih scones mo reiovlngpluturo phantasy can cope by aid of rnuna moatinti icato- ma chines with tho laro chut nt of that old htcrooscope spring in tho woods theio me bo forests now nol any scusqiri liko thoso springs of old uchiuo still waters epic- of tho plough a day of rest when wintri winds blow cold a country road inie vista or the x nast traversed by stage by pllgilm footsteps pressed byway to dreamland highway to tho 4 vast inviting emplro of the golden wes tho village street modest and calm and clean us suilelcsa shops with simple w res arrayed where honest baiter held its sway serene unmoved by boomb by panics un dismayed and in the distance loma tho village church solemn nnd stately with its godly spiro religions finger stern that bade men search beyond eurths treasures for tho hearts desire tho village church and through tho stereoscope tho olden glamour wavei s onct again and steams tho halo of that peace and hopo that clothed the villago us u mantle then ah vista of the village of iokt outh deserted save by fancys phantom t host n a city street today where men for sooth grope vainly for the faith forever lost grandmothers keepsakes gently put them by there are no feet to fit tho tiny shoes kor any scenes liko those beneath tho sky put by the tearstained stereoscopic views east and william ellis of actonlone acton each summoned the other for assault william ellis was also sum moned for assaulting annie burgln as miss jiary cobb whitehall- gardens acton was crossing tjx- brldgeroad near twyford- avenue at 8 10 a m was knocked by a two- seater motor cor golhg in the direction of ealing and injured on monday the assembly hall gunnersbury- lane acton was the scene of a re union of past and pres ent members of the acton wesleyan lawn tennis club held to celebrate the clubs coming of age members of the 8th acton troop of boy scouts have built by their own unaided efforts a commodious and wrtifnrnhhrrt hut 60 feet long and 10 feet broad to serve as their head quarters the hut is known as the hamilton hut a collision occurred in wlllesden acton on friday afternoon between a motorvan and a bicycle ridden by miss c turner blrkbeckroad acton whoso legs were greeted but who de clined medical aid the rev g b el lot who has been assistant priest at all saints south acton since september 1920 has ac cepted tho offer of the metropolitan of india to go out to calcutta and to undertake the supervision of st thomas church in that city at the invitation of alderman w h champness who is port producer a number of axtonians witnessed the first night nf cnpt bruno bntrns- 4iil aspects of the difference between the a p0li co wcdnesda old sugar and the new which are not week thomas burgin of park-road- ao generally known s aa mt tattc 1711 a m 1 u in tho old days maplesugar was not simply an abundant luxury it was a necessity and strange as it seems to us the luxury was caesugar such as wo now buy for a few cents a pound before the timo of modern manu facture and cheap freights storo sugar was expensive many an old settler about here grew up without any sugar except that which was manufactured in his own maple bush maplesugar was then to the canadian a necessity like potatoes and ham it was only when white sugar became a common commodity the world over that the making of maplesugar be came a sort of special industry to supply a confection for city markets and a part of tbe stock of that man ufactured commodltywaa sold in bot tles as maplesyrup another change took place in tho manufacture of real maplesugar which no doubt has robbed it of some of its old flavor instead of the wooden spiles driven into tho trees to convey the sap iron ones- are now used and instead of a hollowed halflog to catch the sap the modern maple-sugar- maker uses a tin pair this may seem like an improvement and the samo old sap of course flows into these modern receptacles u it may be that maple sap like other delicate fluids takes part of us flavor from tho- vessel that holds if in boning down the sap sheetiron pans are used in place of the old gen erous sugar kettle and there is a complex gas pipe apparatus through whjchlhcfmp jiaflftei f rom thaatorjufr fathers new musical playrevue en titled carry on sergeant at the new oxford tcjitrerrrwecmesaay the guardian of the 1st acton com pany of boy scouts gives a good ac count of their bible class7whlch is well attended and is regarded as a vital and integral part of the com panys work the acton clumber of commerce conversazion to he held in the can- ral hall on thursday november l5 will be shot open by lady brit tain at spni and the mayor and corpora tlon will hold a reception at 7 p m a supplementary estimate of the acton higher education committee for the provision of a sports pavilion at the osterley playing fields at a coit of 200 for the acton county school and ch is wick polytechnic was ap proved by- ihe middlesex education committee that he had been oat or work for a long time and wat trying to make a little money was stated by thomas blake a laborer of manuel road acton who was fined 10 at acton police court on saturday for loiter ing for betting purposes at church hold road when george griffiths a wiredraw er of stanleyroad acton wan charged on remand at acton police court on wednesday with assaulting w c mlnguard of bololane acton by striking him with a knife on the left shoulder at boloians acton he was bound ore mr j s c has sent me another batch of his interesting acton mlnlsccnccs the old man of the big ft clock tower dear sir even relatives of my own sometimes ask me to write plainer in my letters so it is not to be wondered at that in my hurriedly thrown together who can iteraemper elections letter pub- liahed last week there was aridicu- aauflqrnerfrnph ludicrouarror in speaking of the national policy propaganda of 1878 which brought sir john a macdonald back to power i am made to soy that protecting in dustries by a lighter duty would re shit in giving employment etc the word lighter of course should have been nlgraer and i take the blame for a printer in a hurry might easily so take a poorly written word thavo hseen reading about an hour ago of tho great swoop or is it scoop mr melghenhas made and mr kings overthrow well i believe canadian politics wo after all a re plica of what they are sometimes said to bo out here in or out and poli cies do not change much after all i well remember when mr king came into prominence as far as acton was concerned 1 suppose it was in the 1012 election a m smith brought the stout chubbyfpced young man to tho acton meeting up from milton where he had already spoken ho entcrtajned him at their beautiful homo fairvlew place over night and took him on to berlin in the morning jubt about that time when the elec tion was close at hand fred storeys auto was burned beside the glove shop while a lot of us were viewing tho bones in tho morning bob scott deplored the fact that a m smiths car would bo the only one in town to carry vot now tiaupposeeven ronald sinclair had not his car yet said mac secord they wont nesd it outbink theyniwaik laughed frank kennedy yes tney will doesnt it beat all the way old folks wul raunblo on and call up stuff you know in tho great and glorious day of dispensation tbe young men shall sea visions and the old men dream dreams and what a groat thing for the times and for tho world if these visions are for pure and high and noble attainment i am glad in my diligent reading of current acton rccods of the many excellen cies of the youth of my old home there is so much ahead to be ob tained and attained to let none be lacking rin the effort a man of ono of the pacific slopo states is said to have recently come into a legacy of i think three million dollars in his ninetyninth ycarand the question has been raised which is the richer a man in his circum stances or a young man of twenty with nothing and lifes glorious op portunltles open yours j s goldman stevens point wis october 31 1925 my venerable friend is remarkable has always been for his exactitude respecting the dates of events and oc- crrences and conversations he used to be known when a resident of acton os a walking cyclopnedla of local historical dates and data why not try it oiij cold winter day 1 saw a bis crowd collected on a very busy street in u jnurhot dlitilct i rrowded up front und saw a line big mtiist hitch ed to u wagon tlio dilvei wis tiylng q atait by coaxing and hipping tho horse but nil to no im jmbo tratllr wusbadlj held ui a finelydressed gentleman stepped off tho w ilk and asked tho driver if he would liko to have him ntai t the horse lie said yen go us far is you like the gentleman took off his glove gavo the hot sc u pat and a kind word and took out jila watch he took up one forward foot und hold it up just five minutes then he told the diiver to let the hoisc go when ho said the word but not to strike him or apeak to him whin the time wan up ho give the hoi so i put and said now go and tjio horse went the traffic resumed at onco und the crowd melted awa it was a good lesson tor nro and may have been for others 1 have owned hundreds of horses in my fifty yiais of business lift and ncvci found whipping zt contnry horse of any use j a p a protective duty the whistling hoy has been cele brated in sentimental poetry it i e- malned for a new jersey farmer to clinch sentiment with a sound prln- he wanted a boy to pick his grapes and went imong his neighbors look ing for one who whistled ho found such a boy without difficulty and sent him up a ladder v ith tho order not to cease whlstlinguntll the list grap was packed any one who tried to whistle and eat grapes at the same time knows how little of tho farmers harvest was deflected into 4he hoy s stomach but the tale recalls that older one of the boy whose father cent him down cellar to draw u pitcher of cider and ordered him to whistle while he was doing it the whistle ceased for a time how ever and thenwent on again when the boy reappeared he was asked why he had stopped only to wet my whistle ho said about hair the hnlrn of jour head aro hum beted mi uaimuh wilson is uuthoi- ity for lhehtuturent that tho average hi ud contains about 110000 a normal white womans huh if not cut averr agls fiom twonty to thirty inchon in itntth about ilftj ycuia ago un eng linn ductal tiuincd beddoes oxu mined tho huii of 737 women ho found that 3c7 of tlicm wetc fuu nnd 370 of them duik ho calculated that thirty- two pet tent of the fuh haired ladles wore ninglo wlillonly twenty one per cent pf tho diuk beauties were in the samo fctatc p w k not shady amont the tiuc and graceful say lugs credited to the lute bishop biooks is one which is especial well worth lemimliiilng a ft lend was speaking to tho bishop of tl gtftnun whoso congregation had begun to icel that it would bo advisable for them to have a youngei m in in the pulpit oh well its the way of the worl said this xierbon in reply to an in dlgnant remonstrance on tho port of the bishop you see hes on tho shady side of slxtyflve the shady aide echoed the bishop quickli you mean the sunny side its the bide nearest glory you know tho sot t of peoplo who when you aro rejoicing over tho beau tiful fall weathir say lugubriously thut they aro ufiaid it means a haid winter if the day la beautiful they think it will git around to lain by to morrow this attitude gets to bo an obsession they aro all tho timo dis counting tho present good by nntlci- pitlng ttoublo ahead tho sensiblo way is to enjoy what ever la at hund oven if it is not petm- anont a i ajso will not last forovcr but enjoy it without thinking how noon its petals will bo scattered on the giuss do not spoil a beuutiful duy for yourself because of tho probability of rain tomoirow or tho next got tho fun out ofltfo as it comes lnatcail f discounting all that is good and beuutiful by the tippi ohenslon of com ing less the queens gold spoon a curious story is told by lady mtddleton of how ono of queen vic torias jim a lie st gold spoons was lost and found a lady attended a state ball in a dress tho skirt of which was arranged in perpendicular pleats in fiont and stitched at intervals and unknown to her a gold teaspoon got lodged at sup per in one of these receptacles of course there was ono bpoon missing aftei tho bill and the fact caused gie it perturbation to tho official in charge of the gold plate tho next hpringthe lady went to a drawing room in tftedress she had worn at tho state ball and as she bent low before her majesty the pleats of her skirt expanded and the gold spoon fell at tho queens feet discounting the present good no longer on the map what makes you so late asked tims father who in tho boys absence had had to see to the evening chores himself teachei kept mo in a what for scause i couldnt and moscow an tho map couldnt find moscow and id liko to know who could then why i remember hearing tell o moscow be ing burnod when i was a boy its an outrage to put such nonsensical ques tions to chlldi en whats there to learn something useful 1 11 look into that and lot ye r teacher know i nlnt been elected to the school board for nothing bashful a young woman called at a post office in a small town and inquh cd bashfully if there was a letter for her business or lovo letter nsked the clerk jokingly i business was tho blushing reply as no letter could be found she took her departure but at the door she turned and came back would you mind looking among tho lovo let ters she asked correct diagnosis an lhigllult pnpet tolls a story sug gesting tin moial that ono lomedy in as good b anothet according to lioid dundtciiy it not bettor not long ago an iinlous mothci igjok lici ditughtei to see- an eminent jjfoc toi nothing beemed to bo tho m ittei with the ghl but aht was pale and listless nnd did not cute about doing anything the doctoi after one con sultation ptekulbol lot hot a glass of clntot thieo union a d ly with hei meals tho motltei wis somewhat diaf but uppmently slit hiuid all hi said and bote off liei daubhtu deter mined to cany out tho piescilption to the veiy lettei in ten days they wen back again und the ghl looked il dlffiient preature she was the plctuio of health rosy und bmlling nnd the doctor congratu lated himself oh his keenness of in sight i am glad to seo that yout daughter la so much better said ho 1 yes exclaimed tho excited and giuteful mother thanks to you doc toi she has had just what you or dered she has eaten carrots three times a d ly and sometimes oftcner once oi twice uncooked and now look at her lucid directions the directions that mi nutomoblllst got on long ialuml when he asked a small boy tho way to oyster bay are almost worthy of a place beside tha famous i eply that luuncelot gobbo made to his father when tho old man inqulicd of him the way to master jews the boy lookd thoughtful and thon replied go stialght up there and youll pasa where th6 watermelon field was three years ago then go on straight and youll pass whore tho corn was two years ago turn to your left and turn to youi light aftci that and then turn to your right again and you pass tho placo where a man was kill ed by an automobile inst year if you will go along about a mile youll come to where it jones lived before he moved ovei to poi t washington then turn to your left and youll seo oyster ba weekly fashion hint cpiijtorirtl i267r s eor clothesclever women women who art clothesclever know that they make the safest fn- vesunents when they buyclothes that are simple and smart this dress il composed of two materials and may be made within a few hours the hem and lauds on the sleeve are of plain silk the dress itself betas of pruned crepe medium size requires 24 nrds 36inch figured and yard 36 jncii olajn material barred owing to corn borr tho province of ontario and ten states have been barred from sending ear corn to tho international stock show in chicago november 28 to de cember 6 by an order issued by state diicctor stannatd of the department of agrlcultuie owing to the prevalence of tho destructive corn borer 8000 in cash prizesfree a wonderful opportunity for every wideawake man woman and child answer this puzzle win a big cash prize for christmas ateyoirwideawsfke to your own interests areycu determined to geraheadln the world it so enfeflhls greaf puzzle competition the mail and empire will give away 100 cash prizes totalling over 800000 to men women and children who send in the best answers to tbe cword picture puzzle the mail and umpire has already paid thousands of dollars to successful prize winners in recent puzzle games the cash prizes offered m connection with this new puzzle game will be forwarded to the lucky winners on december 23rd and reach tfaem before christmas how many objects beginning with the letter c can you find in this picture the picture bo low contains a number ec objects and articles beginning with tho letter c you will and all aorta of things that begin with the letter c uke covc camera coubaffo cplf crois etc see how many you can and th1 in not triok puzzle nothing is hidden and you dont have to turn tho picture upside down or oldovtayn wo nre phlng you thlev largo picture eo that all objectti nnd artlclea starting with tho letter c will ke eaiiy for you to se ono hundred cosh prlzen will be jgl on for the 100 beat ustatbf words submitted in cnawer to this puzzle the annwer nfcng the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects and articles in the picture that utart with the letter 0 will be awarded first prize second best second prlae oto your answer to till cword puzzle must be mailed not later than wednesday december 9th tank to tho warmingpan tho syrup of today made in tho wholesale fashion othii mordern foodt production la light in color thin and clear and has not that emell and taste of the woods whloh belonged to that made in tho cruder way to us older folks the old way still seems best t felt liko having a chat with some old res ot the e rtny hern pn monday and i dropped in at the homo of one of our esteemed grandmothers who has been here for dver eighty years and we had a real nice old fashioned visit of course it was old- fashioned because we talked of the old days and oldfashioned things i found thin dear old indy looking over things of past days and of courso they mado a good text for our chat our talk nnd the things she showed mi induced tho muse to get busy and i give you in rhyme the outcome of my visit over a willow basket brown she bends where regies of tho good old times repose grandmothers keepsakes little oddh and ends of things whoso worth or use she only knows v it in a quaint collection hided scraps of wedding gowns of baby frocks ho loose quilt pieces sho declares ah yea perhaps but far too precious now for mortal use the rainy day had come when mr baacomb had un tho weekly nospaner and spread it out on his lenoe he made an exclamation of dellt mother ho said genially to mrs bascomb who was at work on some extraordinary darning on the garments of her fifth nnd youngest son theres going to be tho biggest fair for ten years over at conterby with an ex hibition of plowing contrivances that it really seems i ought to see wheres that couple of dollars berry money that you mentioned youd laid away against a rainy day the riiiny day came last monday said mrs bascontb contentedly and that two dollars went for an umbrella and three pairs of rubbers and two car fares big brother raids sisters soap it done often tbe tempting cake ol btbya own soap la snitched from uter it is tempting ell right bot r brother why not rnn ontnndbny r cake for yourself lta only 10c and ao nice i your greatest opportunity for pleasure and profit during spare timestart yourlistof c- words today the 8000 prize list wlnnhur answers wul receive the one hundred gash prises according to the table below t vui may never in your lifetime bo given another opportunity uuch as we are offering you in our puxtle game to play nnd feariy while earning a big caohi prizo you cant help enjoy nff the hunt for cwords in this picture puzzle all you need la arj pbsorvlng eye lets all join in and have a jolly food timo no matter what our ago if you ilka to orvo puzzles try your hand nt this one it really is not a puzzle nt nil for alltte objects in tho bis picture hie seen made perfectly plain with no nttmpt to disguise or hide them gt a pencil and paper and see how many- c- words you can find when you have made up your lint of cwotds send it in along with one two or tlner early subscriptions to the mall and tmplre at f5 00 per yeai whlch will qualify your answer for the br cash prizes to bo awarded on deceanbrr jsrd to thoso bending in tho 1qq best anawera you cay win a ha cash pltl prut tmab blartyour la of o- words today loo cash prizes loo how prize will be awarded the cwoiid picture puula qumo a campaign to increase the popularity of the mall and umpire jt coats nothing to tjik part and you do not hae to end in a sub scription to win a drlte if your lint of cworda la uwnrded rtrat prlae by the judges you w 11 win j30 00 but if you would like to win more than 930 we uro making tho fullowlnk special offer whornbj ypu can win greater cash prlzch ty flomllng in one r two or three j curly buhscriptlons tu tho mall and empire r hebes how the bi pk1zl8 w1m lib awarded kpno 00 matead of 130 will be awarded to tho answer ouwvvv inng p prll0 u one j subscription to the mnt and btnplro at 5 00 by mat bis been sent in second prlie 1400 00 third prise 1300 00 and so forth seo socond column ot figures in prlso list asl ooo oil ilu of jj0 will be awarded to the answer xvuuivv winning first prlso if two new or renewal yearly subacrlptlons to tho mall and empire nro sent in secondprlie iioo 00 thlrdmrlse 600 00 and so forth seo third column of figures in irlse list 9000 oh instead or iso will ba awarded to tho answer tpwvww winning first prise provided thrlb new or renewal yearly aubscrlptlpna to the mall and empire aro sent in second prize 11600 00 third prise 11250 cio and so forth see fourth column of figures in prize list iqnt thin tho most remarkable and liberal offer ou have ever bad presented to you 7 and thats not nil we will give extra amount on all prizes in the same innnner if your answer la qualified by three yearly subscriptions nnd you rriaelf lo rrlse if irlse if nu t oae tflgg sebscrfp- hobaerlp sobecrlp- bebscripj- tfoas uotm are are 8wt hrnt are hftt rent 1st prim sooo 500 00 11000 oo laooo oo and prlxe 25 00 400 oo 80100 400000 3rd prie to 00 soooo 000 oo 1250 00 4th prize i8o0 150 00 300 00 000 00 bth prize leoo loooo 300 oo 4oo0o ath prtsio moo 50 00 100 oo 200 00 7th prise 1200 30 00 00 oo iso 00 8th prize 10 00 20 00 40 oo too 00 bill prize 80o 16 00 0 oo 60 o0 loui prize 60o 10 00 20 oo so 00 11th io 50th frhm lncl 4 00 700 14 00 so 00 list to iooi prise lncl sod 00 12 oo 20 00 slat to loolli s prises lncl aoo aoo 10 oo lfloo in time evnt of a tic for any prize offered tbo full amount of nnrti prize will bo paid to eacti tied prtlcpadt subscription ratei payable in aavajtpe tlw mall and kiuplieanjwliere in tanarla by majl aooo per year tcllerrd by carrlcrboy in hamilton 600 nor year easy rules 1 jny mn jrornaxn or child who lives in cimiu 4 not rekldent or toronto avfid who il rd la to arm- ploy of th kali a bmplraj nuy dtrtnlt n mtmww t thar wianur in nrmet- rietar paul oavcaas duettd br the stall kwpitv win m or nh aro not eilatbl io aartlclimtte in thl faasl 1 all fcnaiwflra muit be nullad by wdndy cumber lti x9u and addraaaed to c ausila m mall- rmplr uontvorrory all hut of namea ahould b rltten on oa aid a papur only and numb red conaccullvaly i t x wrltyour full nra and ad drew in th upper tlgtxt uppar i anything aaa jn i only melt wmla aa appaar jn wbtrjpjoupnanr uuur vorda of tba aama pelllna can ba used only oaca will be counted obotftf word sulawt- cinnot ba counted and ti- la uaad the naanlar tleslirnato different objeota or article can be bamed only one rl or art object may aleo be nun- pi ui eo veraa i worda of th eren though uaed rtlolea an object or ilowirer anyytilbu pai a 7 the answer having the lercvat and nearwt correct ilia of namea of visible objrcta- in the picture that begin willi tre letter c will bo award d itlrat prlaa tc neatdeat- style or handwriting hava 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