Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1925, p. 4

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s vtri the homef jjjrjvrtonjtoprai alcrobcr canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario tjie acton frfie press is published every thursday morning at the free press building mill- street actbaonlrio the subscription price is fjloo per- year in advance postage is chanted additional to offices in the united states r to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label ft advertising katestranslent advertise- meats 10cents pcx line agate measure for first iniertton and s cents per line for each subie- qucnt insertion contract display advertise meats for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch cncli insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor u tc dhls manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president jtj residence ol manager r 1j another liability off a municipality judge ward of northumberland county has giv en judgment in the case of nesbitt and wade vs the village of brightonin which the plaintiffs sued the corporation in division court for 8100 damages caused by the breaking of a plartgiass window in a store owned by the plaintiffs in brighton by the throwing of a stone against the window by fl pass ing automobile the plaintiffs claimed the defend ants in mnkig repairs to the road had not exercised proper care in the selection of the material and in not raking off the larger stones which larger stones judge ward considered were a menace to the public he considered that the defendant corporation was liable for damages and awarded the plaintiffs 8100 with costs while the glass is to be removed by the plaintiffs and awarded to the defendants this is the first case of this kind tried tin any court in on tario and will be a precedent no doubt for other cases whereby municipalities wilkbe considered re sponsible for damages in such cases neighborhood news- town and country georgetown t thursday morning november 19 1925 editorial our war obligations the financial post of toronto has been siting canadas financial condition and calls for the form ulation bf some definite plan to take care of the war debt during the nexr twenty years victorybiid war loan issues to a total of approximately 2000 000000 will become due and payable it is unthlnk- able that tins debt can be wiped out by a young country like canada within the period stated yet it is seven years since the armistice was- signed and nothing has been done to make plans to take care of this situation a venerable statesman advocates coalition citing the precedent of cartier and dorion who in preconfederation days withdrew temporarily in order that the contending elements in canada might become unified on the basis of a truly national policy and applying this to the political situation of the presenrffayrtttespect to both mr king and mr meighen senator- 1 o david one of canadas elder statesmen advocates a compromise between the par ties in his appeal for fusion the aged parliamen tarian returns to his suggestion of a body comprising elements of all parties and develops the idea so far as to embrace that of a national committee having enough ability and patriotism to study the means of effecting an alliance and of giving to the country the energetic and truly national policy of which it stands ximuch ifflieed a needed convenience supplied by fergus council the fergus newsrecord says the womens rest room is now completed in the new municipal building and is one of the best investments the town has ever made for the convenience of women coming to town here is a convenient waiting roam comfortably heated at all times and with chairs and conveniences oftf this is a washroom with a basin and running water to the right of this interior roomagain is a toilet these rooms are open all day long and the women from the country are invited to use them whenever desired they are absolutely free the rooms are also electric lighted and make a very convenient place for meeting friends by ap pointment or waiting while others do shopping or other business the council is to be congratulated upon their enterprise qnd foresight in placing such rooms at the disposal of the public who will doubt less appreciate them this is a convenience much needed for acton for the comfort of the women of the farmers families who- come to town to do their shopping the acton chamber of commerce took the rhafter lip some months ago appointed a com mittee to consider and report but so far the pro- posal has not materialized mr john wordon of fergus spent the holiday at the homo of his brother mr vs wordon tlie choir of knox church fiold aso cial evening lp the school room on tuqaday evening tlie womans auxiliary of st pauls church will hold a baiaar at the roc- tory norval un friday afternoo0fcjtlri vomber 27 f mrs w a wtlaoti wga called to chntsworth on monday awing to tho sucldon illnobs of her brother mr al len afccullough mr and mrs e beswlok of acton were visitors at mr ira b vamttters ort sunday v all men of the- united church in town aro requested to reaervo mcnday evontnsr noyember 23rd for tho pur pose of attending tho mens banquet mr j w bessey sold his haokney horee last week for a handsome sum the horeo was a beauty and was raised by sir mark olvenfl of umohouse herald burlington milton editorial notes the winter fair ended on thursday having main tained its good record even if the time has been considerably shortened the provincial g and the city council should get together to make it greater than ever guelph mercury completed reports prepared by the federal high ways commissioner for canada show that during the past year there was expended on the roads of can ada a total of 31413097 of which 23000000 was for new construction and about 7000000 for main tenance there are now 422942 miles of road open for travel in the dominion it is roportcd that milton will havo two rootl hockey teams this winter intermediate and junior y mjas elsie mcluhan of winnipeg ono of canadas leading elocutionists will give a recital in st pauls church oh tuesday november 24 mr- and mrs o e saunders of hornby will leave next- tuesday to spend another winter at fort tjauder- dale florida v misses dorothy and marlon gwynne of toronto spent the holiday here with their grandparents mr and mrs h campbell x mrs john syer of toronto formerly of milton spent a few days in town last week the guest of her brother mr r b galbralth the wilton minstrels numbering thirty made their debut lost tuesday evening at tho rprthfieeo theatr under the auspices of the lawn bowl ing club and put on a splondid show good singing and no end of- fun doing groat credit to themselves and their conductor prof harry holgato organ ist and- choirmaster of caalihera church ouelph mr and mrs w a emery and mr and mrs iv a kerr loft by motor for florida on friday whoro thoy win spend tho wlntor mr nnd mrs job lnmbnhoad and family roturncd home on hyiday even ing from pownssan whero thoy spent tho summer tho burlmston string orchestra motorod to froellon on thanksgiving night where thoy- played for the fowl buppor in tho united church there a wiook oceurrod on the c k r near tho water street ciosslnr nbout nve oclock on tuesday morning whon a rear collision took placebetweon two frolsht trains with the result that sevoralj cars were damaged an a result of a decision made by the fire and light committee of the town council the fire trucks will not bo allowed to go out of town to any are- unlets tho sum of 5000 is guaran teed by the party sending in the call m w c ros anckfamlly will teiurn t6phglincl about the middle of the month whoro they wlir lake up residence mr harry blesslhgor left ioif week on q hunting trip nt tho french bivo- wherohis joined the glover pnrry mr and mrs a b coleman and erin a student in thoacontlnuatton- school had tho misfortune to have a test tube of hydrogen explode in her band the other day several painful cuts and burns were received on the neck face and hands v the annual meeting of north erin dfonnd uf wo will be held at the home of mr and mrs m sax- gent on friday evening mrttjrcotntsy delightful human experiences the reciprocal loyalty ot parents and children form omc of the most delightful of all human ex- tbcrierrces tjouritless pages of literature are adorned by examples- of it making my father and my mother and my child among the beautiful phrases ot our language i wouldrktherjbe aspoor asl am remarked a tired and unfortunate man and have my children than to be as rich as- the man i work for- and have to take the trouble which his boys give him every one agreed that he was right even those who were striving to rival the ficli e5f ployer rather than to make heavy investments in domestic affection parents- are occasionally too severe with their children just as there are grown sons and daughters who remain forgetful of their obligations to an aged parent but these are for tunately the exceptions the chinese make a mis take in ancestor worship many a canadian family makej a mhstahu in child worship it is the middle course that is fall of delight as well as safety the mouve behind the vote three weeks ago 2750000 canadian men and women cast theif votes for she variotls candidates for membership in the house of commons all augu- hnentaddre8edtothem ceasedltheday4eforfr they polled their votes there were probably more than half million boys and girls not quite old enough to vote who looked on with somewhat of envy on their elders it is not too early for them to think about what the right of suffrage signifies when looked at aright tho eyercise of that right is rather serious business what else does vox popui vox dei mean than that the freemans will is the will of qod the youjh whose ideals qre still in the plastic state may well give some thought to this before he or she casts tho first vote it ts not enough that a boy should yoteas his fatlfer does if is ujifairwliena politic a a y p t j v in the majority iittlieriding where he lives simply because it is the majority party it is unfortunately true that in many centres young merf occasionally attach themselves to the majority party for aelllsh reasons but such men never rise high the great mm lrtvp- or great quently thereby transformed minorities into niajor- ities the motiye behind the vite is what counts in the long run it is of vital importance that young men arid young women who are to rule this country a generation hence those who were too young to ir vote this year should understand that mere success at the polls fs not the chief thing for which anaelec- t6f should wpric whefi such success means merely the triumph of a shifty opportunism a gfoupf pohtfclahs may profit by the offices won but the na tion will inevitably sufffcr- s tho patriotic voter itvriot a the one who shouts about the flag when an election is on but it is the one who looks beyond- the present and supjpoits those policies which after careful con- sideratioh lie believes will be for the greatest good of thewholt country the arealreaayiousjindtj s of such tjatriotic voters but there mifaijbt iki free gojaemtwjll owiiiiib the renfrew mercury ft surprised at the defeat of the king geyernment in view of jhe fact that no charge of corruption was brought against them but the same- was true in the previous election when mr meighen was defeated canadians generally will hope that both talk of scandal and the occasion for it have permanently disappeared from our poli tical contestsjorillia packet mrs maude mlllroy her store adjoin ins the property owned by mr conley and leased by mr w c weddell there was a steady rush of turnips to hlllsburs last week with the splendid price of 30 cents a bushel some ten cars havo been shipped thls- sptst week in the early hours on friday morn ing last are of an unknown origin completely destroyed a small barn and contents the property of mr alex ander mcdonald of thin vniage one ot our prosperous younsfarmr ers mr ueslte mckinnon second line east caledon has 2100 bogs of pota toes 1000 of which he will sell to seed merchants on tuenddy evenlna last the cbn- grofiratlona of burns and osprinsre proabyteridn church assembled at burns church to spend a social even ing- and to present their pastor with a tokon of the estoem in which he is held before his departure to- his new fleld of- labor in whitby sev mr lindsay was presented with awell-flll- ed purse a larse number of invited guests met- atthe borne of mr and mrs t smith fifth lino to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their wedding day last week after the company had assem bled they were ushered into the spa- tor homo at palm harbor florida during the hcayy wind and rain storm en saturday evening last d largo oak tree was blown down in st lukes church yard whllo the oak wnsln cloao proximity to tho church fortunately it fell without doine any damage to the- church or graves rovfi o bland ma r d one otcanadie foremost and outstanding preachers is- conducting special ser vices in trinity united church each evening the general theme pf tho service la the spirit of jcaus and our prosont social order on thursday evening november 24 the lions club will hold a bonont oon- cert lp the town hall here whtiri the hamilton uarmpnio choir of 60 voices which made such a hit here on the field day will furnish the entire pro gramme the proceeds will be de voted to cauipment for the childrens plnygrputnil which tho lions will iti- augunltenext spring and for tho pur chase of a pulmotor tho town council sold 2129383 of debentures at par last week to alocal investor qasette thrice ble8t old judge aoodwln familiarly kndwn to his neighbors as squlro goodwin was a gentleman of tho old bohool dlgninod und ypt arrablo eivonto hospitality and jiunctllioub in the observance- of form3 monlcs ho always put on his broud- oloth coat when ho sat down at tlve dinnertable and tlio long and solomxi grace with which ho prefaced ovorry meal was quite a dlfteront matter from tho few hurried words which so often do duty on such occasions as the old gontleman advanced in years ho was often troublod with an irritation of tho throat and partly for this reason ho taught his grandson george a boy of twelve to say graco in his stead which tho boy did with zx solemnity that delighted his grand fathers heart an opldemlc of measles visited the neighborhood and george was ono of tho victims- his recovery was rapid jiutnshaipcns nbtjnfreauentiiuici dlseaso temporafliy deranged his hear ing for several days- ho was as deaf as the proverbial post he was still in thui condition when several strangers in attendance upon a- convention lii the town wera in vited to dinner at his urgontro a gastronomic feat in a llttlo sohoolhouso in the north ot scotland tho schoolznaaiter koopa rila boys grinding stoadlly at their losko but gtvoh thom permission says tltblts to nlbblo from their lunch- bankets sometimes as thcrywork one dny while tho master wui in- ntructing a clnas in tho rule of throe rao noticed that ono of his pupils was laying more attention to a small tart uion tbhis losson tom bain said tho mooter listen to tho lossonwlll yo im listening sir said tho boy listening aro yo7 exclaimed tho master then yqro listening wl one ear an oatlng plo wi tho other business directory medical dr j a alcniven 1hyalclan and surneon oqico and residence corner bov avenue and biffin street aw eta8tic statement farallylcft qnthursday for their wmjjurt george though still an invalid t waa permlttednto come 19 the tabic all sat down and as the guests were clergymen the judge turned with his usual buavlttr and requested oho of them to oak a blessing but vidofitly the invitation was not addressed with sufficient clearness forafterah had bowed their heads there was a long pauso and then two of the strangers began to offer graco at the same mo ment after a few wordb both abrupt ly stopped and then after another pause btill more protracted than the first both started again as both of them dreaded another awkward pause and each evidently thought the other would immediately etop cthey ooth kept bravely on in the meantime george hearing not a word and finding on glancing up that very head was bowed concluded that all were wajjtlng for him and so just as the two visitors had- reaohod their amens tho dutiful grandson be gan tho long form of grace which his grandfather had taught him abating not one jot or tittle of it but repeat- lng it with more than his accustomed i in the interest of 8cience when ones friend is a scientist and given to experiments a jitue caution may not be out of place beforo con- sejitlnk to do him a fpvor t h everdid hot occur to a certain well- known public man whose experiorrco is related in an australian papcv ho wont to tho laboratory of ah old schoolmate a molbourno professor of chemistry to 4xake a frlondly call the professor was studying a dark brown sdbstance spread out on a sheet of paper tho new reporter in his story of the wedding wrote tho floral display stretched from tho chancel rail to tho doors of the church the city editor in n m vnnm- as la the custom or city editors wltn new reporters said couiotnt you havo used a better tvora thnn stretched say the floral display nodded or twined or oome- fhlns like that somo word more sug gestive of flowers istrotched is all right- in thlb case replied tho now reporter with tho-stub- bbrn courage of a realist tho decor ations consisted of six rubber plants and they had to strotchtd cover the distance bonds stocks and grain j private wires to new york chlcag winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan ll s74 cuclfh phond 88 dr e j nelson frederick strteet aetortr ontario legal phone no 12 p o box tm harold nash farmer m a barr oollo t w conveyancer ete perryman block acton ont money lenton mortoages hourai 9sq arn to t pim saturday 120d ooloce dental deliberation and in a tone of voice suited to his own deaf condition j when he had finally finished all slowly raised tfiolr heads but none dared look at his neighbor t- think said tho judge with a gravity acquired from many years iow safely venture upon the dinner jf not bread why not cake an amusing anecdote is told of lord cardigan a british general who foueht in the crimean war when a coalition of england france turkey and sar ijsay ho cried when greetings halt aihiaotrghtrtrs8iarcatdiganwasa great britain will figure in a great historic event next monday the british government has issued invitations to all those connected with tht locafno- m j g- conference both ministers and officials to assemble in london on december i for the signing of the pact the invitation also incl the wives of officials con cerned as it is understood that king george is to give a banquet at buckingham palace in honor of the occasion mr cameron mc1nwshedittr ofthhenorth battlef ord news who led a sort ot forlorn hope at north battleford as liberal candidate was elected with a majority of about 800 ho will have the best wishes of his fellow newspapermen throiighqut the dominion mr mcintosh was a member of the press party- which visited great britain andthe continent last year he was one of the ablest speakers of the party and excelled himself in a stirring address at glasgow ch adde n to h tmrvlmot an- imr whtlu the m monday evening one of the largest crowds ever assembled lo the village at such an occasion enjoyed the fowl supper after which the programme was proceeded with advocate harry j barber a former alton boy was the suv cesaful conservative candidate in the fraservnuey riding in british columbia in the recent general elec tions mr barber who has been three times mayor of the town of chilliwack carried his riding by a ma- jcoftfroorthe tfewtneinobtis a sonof mr jv barber and a brother of mrs j m dods alton his many friends in the home community are delighted at his success and are satisfied that he will make a useful and progressive member of the house of cojn- mons the markham economist has commenced the seventysecond year of publication for all these years ft hits been conducted by one family it was established by the father of mr r j corson the pre3errtpubk9fierr of over threescore yjears and ten the economist has ablyand loyally represented markham and the com munity the influence wielded by the paper has al ways been salutary and the business has been a sue- 1 cess jthetree press joth itsfifty years i like a junior beside the economist but its wishes for the continuedsuassdll4tslvau cordial and sincere 7 antmber of newspapers went6ttt their wjiy to explanw to wir iatjefsi fa 5iihpqiogetic tone why they accepted advertising frord- opposite poktical party in the recent election surely such an explanation is unnecessary in this enlightened dar any editor whd is runhlng niaper not a ardfttiywihii adverusents aresimply tjiesa sented i itnbroijid son why pby8hthen and makeafew ing of an objmtionab nature tho am usetj in thiveaoipghyjitd managers and ciridldarw recegnitev m6r tftan vj beforo effecttire am provided by the- hostess and all hero enjoyed themselves to ote utmost a delightfal evening was spent the thanksgiving- services held in tho church were very larcely attended when the pastor hv b r hall b a conducted both servlees in whloh oeratona highly suitable to the occasion were enjoyed by the jorge congregations special music by the oakvilue humors point to a contest for all municipal offlcos at the coming civic olcctlon a special meetinsr of the council was held on saturday afternoon at three oclock to meeta delegation of com muters with a view of influencing the c n r to efvo an irnproved train ser- vicb lo toronto tholocai qfllce of the bell telephone company holtbeen notified that estim ates have been approved wtdch pro vide for additional central ofllee equip ment for the oakviue excbaiure a sum ol approximately jj0o is to be eendea ilttsfovidlng oji addluon to the anltchboard taking care ot some 200 merft lines s doris lltohfteld little daughter of mr and mrs ross utchtteld who has been critically 111 for some time in tho cottage hospital wellesley street toronto lias so tar recovered as to bo removed to her homo here in oak- vllle mr john t andrew left oajcvule on monday morning for florida where he purposes carrying on his trade of plasterer c edmund chamberlain and charles freestone left on tuesday for a two weeks hunting venture in the nelgh- boruoed oavicitibinount the fire brigade was called to ft m o flro o c b east early on monday morning con siderable damage was done to the in terior before extlnbtulshed the car 0 ford shuv 1 owned by howard cook of trafalgar the loss waaai covered by insurance the purchase prioi of the baillle form recently boauiht byjmj orrofclarlubntta repo to be somewhat over 60oft0 implements feed and stock to the value of- 11000 are included in the quotation the little daughter of w h decker was knocked down at the corner of dunn and colborno streets last week by a irtick owned by w mt buckle butcher the fender- of the car struck the child with sufficient force to throw her to the pavement bruising her con siderably and making a jamail cut on the forehead fifty purebred wyandotte- wore stolen from a man named pllgrlrh in trafalgar township on tuesday rrtht the low ie coiwldermble as the flock was of exceptional quality a momorlnl servtoe xnm held in st georges square on monday morn ing rev cannon woodcock of tor onto and all the local clergy took part veternns the oakviue band boy soouta and olrl guides were in attendance record btotvjtht pedetrlni say you just minted iafef- rtft tfotoriattt wml xaua tl0 ana een oxch tinged would you kindly lot me place a bit of this on your tongue my tasto has bocqmo vitiated f by try- lnsrall sorts of thlnffb certainly responded tho accom- modatlne- friend and ho promptly opened hla mouth jthe profoflor took some of the sub stance uxdpr analysis and put it on his friends tdnerue the man worked it around in his mouth for oily a min ute tasting it much as ho mlcht have tasted a choice confection noto any jcflfect asked the pro of as pr no none it doeaat paralyze or prick your tonipue lot thati can detect i thought not thoro are no ol- kalolda in it then how does it taste bitter as gall hemmtn all rlffht by this time the visitors curiosity was n roused but what is it juiy- how ho onqulrod i dont know thats what im try ing to flrd out some ono has been poisoning horses with it mrs barrows was worried that fact was evident to her husband although she tried very hard to maintain her usual cheerful manner but beforo the evening was over she imparted to him the cause of her anxietyv will said she i am very much afraid that ray bank is in a bad way how foolish mabel i dont let the superintendent of the national t that cause you moments worry zoological park tells of an amusing why its one or tho strongest flijnnclal act of apparent politeness on tho part i institutions in the state what over of a monkey that had a moat pecttliex got that idea into your head 8avcd by his manners qholerlc- old general whose bursts of temper were a constant dread of all his subordinates in the army it once happened that provisions for the troops ran very short in fact the army almost faced a famine ono morning when tho general appeared at breakfast tho cook came beforo him and said in a troubled tone pardon me your lordship i havo set the table in the dining tent as visual but thoro isnt any bread no bread roared tho general why didnt you buy some there isnt anyt to be had tho stores are all run out replied the cook 3 j well dont stand there like a bloom lng idiot why under tho sun dont you- get me some toast toe talkiwor rul 90resctt3 ournslscmoft ctcbalmo salve camt 8c beat mighty good pmodtosl too ratcc 25 at wor 0000a 1st pnw only p veritas 5wth3k obj dr j m bell d d s u d a bniut honor araduato of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if aealred office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g collop ddslda dental urgeon office over bank of nova spotta hours 9a0 to 610 evonliiffb by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done balmo salve the great heajeb antiseptic nonpoisonous for sores cuts burns chappd hands otc s atyour drti mailed postpaid -upon- jmjeelptoft price 25c try a box today and be convinced veritas supply co 23 duntoe rd toronio 5 wyndhazn street over williams guelph ont store rxkerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience ligtypuljgeqprrty 0 aoton ontario not the bank effect upon a dog belonging to the superintendent the official in question says that one- doy while he was walking flown the avenue accompanied by his favor ite i toxerfier7 an italjan street plahb- player with a trained monkey pulled up at a crossstreet and began to the monkey was attired in tho regu lation jacket and cap arid seemed to be on unusually bright little fel- the music tho monkey hopped down from the pltxno whero he had been sitting this waa enough for the foxterrier ho immediately vmade a dash for tho monkey which dwalted the onslaught with- such equanimity that tho dog halted within a few feet of him evi dently to reconslddr both animals gused ions and steadily ateach other then with suddep movement the monkey raised- his paw and gracofully saluted the enemy by raising bis cap tho effect woo magical the dogs head and tall drop pod and he retired in confusion well its very atrango replied mrs- barrows buu unconvinced theyve just returned a check of mine for 40 marked no funds notice tocreditois in tho matt or of tho estate of mary o kin as bury late of tho township of hlassaqaweya in t ha county of hal- ton- widow deceased notlco is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf- that all creditors having clalmt against the eatate of tho said deceased who died on or about tho 22nd day of september a d 132g at the township of lassa- iaveyu in the county of hal ton are rgqulrcd on or before thow 6th day of december a d 1925 to aendl to tho undersigned solicitors for andrew x itlurray nnd robert h klnssbury the executors of the estato of the sold cceased full particulars of their claims after the said last mentioned date the executors will distribute the nbsets of the deceased apionc the par ties on titled thereto having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice dattjtl at ouelph this 3rd day of no- venfiber a d 1925 dxjmbar qoetz dtxnbar 32 douglas stroet quel ph 193 solicitors for the executors if youd like a little tetter tea than you are usinjjs pl try red b te ais good tea the same good tea for 30 years try it r die province of ontario the bank of montreal has a complete orga with headquarters at toronto ipectally organized to give careful attention and prompt service to banking requirements of the people of this province there- are 250 branches of the bank of montreal in this province the offices being located at every important centre in old and new ontario behind this provincial organization are the resources cf a- nationwide institu tion having a combined capital and reserve tund of over 6ooocsooo and total assets exceeding 700000000 omijooo stmboltfm of the bank nsue in ontario rank of montreal pal assets in excess of i700ooatooo headquarters for ontario 4 wellington street bauttoronto aenicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guarantee bands btfiflraryaid plate glics insurance trustee for estates collections buslneas entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton axcwuof met brraimowdsrwar tjorontoganaqa ambitious tdiinjbreibple it waav trained helper from the guelph business qollege that fltled iho vacancy in an office in your locality this week there is a place for you in tho business world get your training start on monday at cuelph business college individual instruction a l bouck prinaipsi and proprietor okie sympton of eye strain a person rises in the morning feollnsr nt and ready for any thing he starts to work with enthusiasm but in two or threo b ours boffins to loso his onorgy this is oartlcularly true of thoso that use their eyos for close work if your eyes are a handi cap to you first we could con vince you of tho fact thon re- ilfiyqjfflu 1 a d savage 1 optomairiat and mfg optician risht st the post office savage building guelph the old ami reliable granite and marble works we are ijaanufacturera and direct importers pf all kinds of monumental and beadstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale prlcea thus saying our customer 40 per cent we have tho beat appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate jmoumatlo tools properly wa can vivo references from hundreds of our gubtonaere in toronto and other places where others have to have- law sulta in order to collect wo have the largest and best stock of granite in the dominion or more than any three dealers in the west we are letxhl- ntatet deal era and employ no agents and do not annoy or peat customer byaanalns out ignorant agents solicit ing ordara- vre employ only mechanics and defy competition auilph ont i t- a7r- vnicr jiyrrrrr

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