Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1925, p. 5

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me man 3vet tyus thursday november 19 las little millionaires twenty lltflo millionaires playing in tho iun- millionaires v mother- love millionalics in fun mhllonnjt oh in leisure noma millionaires in joya mllllonnhci in hopes and plant are these girls ami boya millionalics in health me they and ih dancing blooit millionaiiej 1n shells and moms sticks and moss and muil mtlllomillch in cttleb in the air and woith quite a million times as much as castles on tho earth twenty little millionaires playing in tho sun oh how happy theyjnust be kverylheloonalj tiardly any years have thoy haitlly any caies but in eveiy loely thine multimilllonalich bthelwyn wetliiiald the sunday school lessor for sunday november 22 twenty years ago from the issuo of the freo pri of thursday november 23 1905 irici the georgetown hi raid is being en larged this week to the same siia as tllo fnfie pltes3 w p matthews is reducing his stock of harness etc at vory avttrac- tlvo prices mr james balluntyne of gcorgo- town is preparing to open newt coal yaidh in acton mr ed gamble will bo tho local manager messis w p and it w canaiibou of toronto have purchased the livery business of j w kee john street they have taken possession the messrs campbell are former residents of acton and will bo welcomed back by their numerous frlonds tho annual social evening held by tho employees of w h storey sou limited was hold on friday evening in the town hall and was a moat enjoyable evening the hall feeing tastefully decorated the programme i was vailed and congenial tho tea all that could be desired tho sportsmen who went- to mua- koka this fall brought back fine anl- mls ten being delivered here the third annual concert of the high school was given on monday ejrertlng in tho town hall itev g w baiker waa the chairman the first number on the programme was a wellrendered selection by the high school glee club after which mr h p moore secretary of tho board of education was called upon to present the diplomas to tho tjuoccssful students miss jessie tficltlin sang very sweetly the carn ival and time will bring you roses bandmaster mason ana bis twln hlajersmissoa lottie and hawlr played a cornet dmit with piano ac companiment the glee cnrbrendored a difficult round and patriotic cliofiis and misses nicklln holmes graham and mcklnnon sang a quartette en titled theres peace on tho deop miss laura gray accompanied them on the planp the chief feature of the evening however was the rocitale and chalk talk sketches byfr j v ben- gough americas cleverest cartoonist mr bongough depicted cartoon antf sketch n rapid sucaeaslon in every on of which the point was vividly apparent mrs j e- corry has disposed of her splendid residence on young street corry hall to miss jbelhi gordon who will take possession injx short urao married okavbnhilienbraki at the residence of tho brides parents on guelph street acton on tuesday morning november 21 by rev mat thew wilson b a james nathmniei grayblll of waterloo to louisa daughter of conrad hlldenbrand of acton brownstorky at the resldonco of the brides parents on wednes day november 22 by rev a blair b a richard nlrkltn brown to margaret ann storey daughter of robert storey nassagirwoya died mcmackon at the home qf his son at high gate qn november 19 1906 thomas mcmackon of acton in his ftn year cameron at seqaln fnlla ontario pn monday november 13 1905 thoa cameron r of acton in hia sixty- second yeap carroll at his home in acton on friday november 17 1905 william carroll in his 72nd year easton accldently shot at topcka kansas on saturday november 18 william e aston grandson of thos easton in his 24th year planning for the next time there is always some unpleasant person waiting for the unwary with one of those confusing catchy mathematical problems the solution of which oven seldom brings under- standing but the small boy evolved his own puzzle unaided father- and edward watched nc boys and girls swing the circle qn he merry-go- round father burning to comment on a mallsjuttd yqunfiater astride a huge tiger noticed a serious look qn hta heirs usually smiling face and uskcd- son what makes you look so very thoughtful lwaa juat wondering- replied ed ward who has just enjoyed a ride andr having a ticket for another wish ed to use it to the beat advantage whether i would got a longer ride than i had on tho horse in the inside clrclo if i rode on one of the uona on the outside row might have been worse paul before felix acta 24 1016 2225 golden text ilerein do i exercise iijself to have alwajs a conscience void of offence towai d god and toward ji men aqtt 21 116 time a d g8 or 5d place caeaarea tho lesson explained 1 nelthci can they prove the things wheieof they now accuse me 1013 here we hatc an illustration of the courtesy and tact of the apostle paul paul was in best sense a gentleman and a diplomat he would by all proper means win the favor of those whom he would gain for christ many fearless and valiant heralds of the whole truth of god and stalwart de fenders of tho faith for rail delivered to the saints injure the cause of the very faith which they are eager to gelt men to accept by the harsh over bearing discourteous irritating antag onizing way in which they defend it would that all advocates of a paulino theology would learn from paul pauline practice especially in the mat ter of courtesy kindness and tact in point of fact felix was u very bad man in his personal conduct and an un just man in his oulcial position yet paul found something to praise even in him paul never shrank from de claring tho whole truth of god ch20 27 no told felix himself before ho got through with him the whole truth with tho most fearless and unflinching plainness verse 26 but one can be frank and faithful without being at all brusque and boorish but tho combina tion of utter fidelity and delicate courtesy which we and in paul la ex ceedingly rare the same thing is seen again in pauls address before agrippa 26 2 and over and over again in his epistles he begins hja letters with considerable compliments but there are very plain and unsparing words before he closssr this spirit- given tact and winsomeness of address is as much needed by the one who would acceptably serve christ as is the spiritgiven boldness of utterance paul says make my defense but before he la finished it is really his lord he is defending or declaring and dwelling upon his favorite theme the great truth of tho resurrection verses 14 15 paul takes up the term of in dictment brought against him- verse 5 and meets them with a flat and un answerable denial paul exposes thq utter hollowness of the charges against him by saying neither can thoy prove to theo tho things whereof they now accuse me it is one thing to make accusations it is another to prove them this many men forget they fancy assertion is proof and there are jipta few in thja wo who aro ready to accept assertion for proof if tbp assertion is very positive v 2 how paulwor shipped what ho believed and what ho preached 1423 tho way men coll heresy is often the way that is according to what is written in tho word of god paul was a model preacher ho belioved all things which are written in the laws and in the prophets paul would be awfully gut of date if he were iwlng now just think of a preacher be lieving all things which aro according to the law and which are written in the prophets paul ought to have taken a course in some of our modern theological seminaries to have found out which part of the pentateuch and which part of the prophets to believe and which part not to believe yet poor paul was a pretty successful preacher after all and possibly his name may endure after somo of theso modern scholars who professing themselves to be- wise have become fools ro 1 22 are forgotten happy la the man who can say what paul says here can you say it jcsua could lu 24 27 44 jno 16 35 matt g is mk 7 13 as tho athlete keeps himself in rigid physical training no paul kept himself in rigid spiritual training v 16 cf 1 cqr 9 2427 the objec pf thia spiritual discipline was to have q conscience void of offense i e a conscience that did riftt stumble ngr cause others to stumble- ho sought diligently and disciplined himself carefully to have such conscience not only toward god but also toward man furthermore hejtqught to have it not only most of the time but all the time it was to bring alms that paul had come to jerusalem it was obeying the law not denouncing it they found him in always by to the average person a railroad shop is perhaps the most uninteresting institution one could think of it sug gests to ones mind everything that is cold and inanimate dry grimy even the fenco surrounding threat stolid premise looks forbidding like a prison wall but dui ing tho great canadian grain rush from west to east there are few places more interesting than tho weston shops of the canadian pa cific railway at winnipeg where 500 cars a day are snatched in off the main line repaired and shot out the next day to resume theli place in the big rolling movement of thq worlds grain caravan this institution quietly situated on the western outskirts of winnipeg ranks among the big industrial organi sations of the west it onqployes eighteen hundred men the year round and has a monthly payroll of 230000 weston shops which last year repair ed 39518 cars 200 coaches and 494 engines and manufactured a million and a half dollars worth of material gives one the impression of being a j selfcontained corporation instead of a minor part of a big railroad system under works manager h b bowen there aro 815 men working here who i have held their jobs for more than j ten years and there are another 100 men who have been in the service for twenty years and over weston shbpa cover 23 acres of land fenced in and guarded at each en trance bjy an attendant inside the fence is u separate railroad yard con tainlng 40 miles of truckage one thousand cars are being shifted about continuously by three shift engines every day in the week from 400 to goo cars are repaired and shunted opt of us gates into the regular yards these shop use up 300000 worth of material annually and they burn 120 tons of coal each day nil wesern cunadlun coal one of the moat interesting tjorta of this institution is an apprentice school where 140 boys ntteml school in the companys time receiving reg ular wages they nre learning the technical side of railroading they study arithmetic geometrical and me chanical drawing and enter regularly into the practical dblde of shop life a unique part pfth shops is the section where all the scrap iron and j metal wastage from fort william j to calgary is gathered and shipped in to bo remade into iron castings the companysavea 36000 a year from j this reclaimed metal from these erstwhile wastage the hp manu- 1 facturer all bolts and iron casting parts for the entire western lines of the company each month 100000 tons of cast iron is manufactured here it is interesting togo through these shops and sec some of the llggrcat engines in the service being stripped right down to their wheels and com pletely rebuilt an engine can be re built here in about eighteen days there is up engine that went into ttc rockslide in the rockies just tvro months ago said the foreman ail one can seo of fftsenglne is its frame just steel bars on wheels it is toe ing remade boiler and everything passenger and freight car wheels for western lines uie also made here th wheels must be ground while both of the wheels are on the axle and both must be made exact in size wltliin a hundredth of an inch for if as the foreman explained one wheel is an eighth of an inch larger than the one on the other side of the axle tiiat larger wheel will want to travel an eighth of an inch xarther every tlmo the other one turns over thus wear ing down the flange and spoiling tho track and causing danger to the en tire train annually 16000 pairs of new wheels are made here and onthese wheels roll tho worlds grain caravan green tea the little leaves and tips from high mountain tea gardens that are used insalada are much liner in flavor than any gunpowder or japan try it railway time at acton imml talivs j awe s only one kraft cheese kraft is not a land bf cheese made by differ ent firms it is the cheese originated by the krafts made in canada by the kraft company with the original patented kraft process you can identify it by this trade mark national apple week on t form with no reward excopt the temple it was for the truth of ithat of their own virtue two old friends of the irish race met unexpectedly in tho street they shook hands and fell to talklns of old times its a longtime slnc6 i saw you bald ogrady lotsuaf things have happened since then inaeodasaio clancy lagcntvo wmchie wtelntrrst myself now im married wri th resurrection or tho dead both of the ust and the unjust thate stood and for which he was called in ques tion if paul had adopted the theo- logy of the ilodcrnists which de nies or omits the resurrection of the body he would have saved himself all this trouble from men but he would have got in trouble with god 3 felix terrified 2426 there were few who sorely needed preaching to than this same man and this same woman follx and qrnsllla felix bad a mere speculative curiosity in tho matter verse 24 hut pau gave a very practical and personal turn to his exposition of he faith in christ re showed felix k was not some far away thing in the region of meta physics and speculation hut something closehsme to his own misconduct paul always adapted his preaching to his audience but not in the way some modern preachers adapt their preach ing to offend he went right after the conscience of the people before him righteousness and selfcontrol wero just whero felix and drusllla were offenders paul had an influential audience pf high social standing but ho preached that some would have us believe is only adapted for the slums felix was terrified well he might be he was conducting himself in just tle way that makes tho judg ment of god a terror terrifying preffching is greatly needed today indeed just as much in our fashionable churches where there is many a modern felix as in our mission halls 1 what a fool felix was he had seen the blackpess of his sin he had seen the certainty and the awfulnesa otth in an address in connection with national apple week held in canada this month g e mcintosh canadian government kruit commissioner said in part the outstanding commercial fruit in canada is tho appje which has se cured high honors in many interna tional competitions at the imperial apple show in england 192234 the canadian- apples won 49 flrjl prizes and in 1923 and 1924 tho canadian- grown jsicintosh ked was judged the heat dessert apple in the british em- pire- adequate and accesslblo suppdlcs in fruit are essential to the wellbeing of the community fruit growing lu be- coming one of the chief industries in canada and tho most important kind of fruit grown 4s the apple which by common consent is known as the king of fruits this is due no doubt to the fact that canada produced tho- best flavored most highly colored and the longest keeping apples in tie world the apple may be grown successfully in commercial quantities oyer an tm- menao area of canada so great in fact that if it wero planted to apple trees the product would bo sulqcloint to sup ply tho markets of the world the crop of apples to be harvested this year is estimated at approximately 12000000 boxes and tho extent of tho industry may be gathered from the following facta 1 over 200000 acres of land are de voted to tho production of apples 2- over 20000 railway cars aro re quired annually to market tho com mercial crop 3 an estimated valuo of 120- 000000 is placed on canadas apple orchards 4 the annual crop contributed dl rectly and indirectly approximately 93- g0mo0 to tho railway earnings of can ada 5 thin years crap of apples in os tlmatod s llablo ttt return to tho growers 7000000 bacteria for farmers bacteria the very word has an ominous sound every one instinc tively wishes to keep away from tho bacteria as things of fear but there are good bacteria as well tad ones benevolent bacteria that auk nothing better than to work and if the farmer is wise 4e will take as many of them as he can get and sot them to work in his fields aa soon as possible those industrious and reserving microbes may be pretty will described by calling them nitrogen- fixing bac teria or in more cumbrous phrase bacteria of the root nodules of tho leguminous plants airy boy who lives on a farm soon learns that to restore the fertility of wornout fields clover or its cousins inust be sown cowpeas vetches or alfalfa are all good forthls purpose in thte rotation of crops to keep land from being wornout clover or its equivalent must come round everv fourth year or so tho farmer does not know why bu he knows the fact the scientist does know- why it is because clover is a nitrogenproducing crop down in its roots are multitudes of tiny nodules and in these nodules aro bacteria which havethe power tbtnko innitro- gen flomchowfrom tho nlr and slvo it tothuljsoii then the corn and wheal crop take this nitrogen up nnd ex haust it and the field must go to clovor or its related crops again just so it is ono of the prime secrets of hap piness to recognise ones natural limi tations but philosophy of this kind is perhaps hardly to bo expected in chil dren a little ctrl had pent back her plate for turkey two or three times nnd had beon helped bountifully to all the suiii- grand thanksgiving dinner finally w ob l dis- consolately at her unfinished dlbh of icecream whats the matter ethel asked uncle john you look mournful thats just the matter said ethel i am moron full and then she wondered why every body laughed her weight in silver in hawthornes fascinating account of samuel se walls first courtship this sentence occurs the mlntmast- er was especially pleased with his new soninlaw because hat had courted miss betsey out of pure love and had said nothing at all about her portion the father bad replied to the ardent youths suit no a bluff parent weil enough might take her but youll find her a heavy enough burden yet when the wedding ceremony waa over according to tho tale of tho great american romancer tho bridegroom received a surprise which made him rejoice indeed that tho now ilrs sew- all was a plump young woman captain hull whispered a word or two to his men servants who im mediately went out and soon returned lugging in a large pair of scales they were such a pair as wholesale mer chants use for weighing bulky com modities and quite a bulky com modity was now to be weighed in them daughter betsy said the mint- master get into one side of those scales miss betsy or mrs sewall as we must now calf her did as was bid like a dutiful daughter without ques tion to the why and wherefore and now said honest john hull to the servants bring that box hither the box to which tho mintmaeter pointed was a huge ironbound oaken chest captain hull took a key from his girdle unlocked the cheat and lift ed its ponderous lid behold it was full to the brim with bright pinetree shillings fresh from the mint then the servants at captain hulls com mand heaped double handfuls of the shillings into the one side of the scales while betsey remained in the other there son sewall cried the honest mlntmaster when the weights ban anoed take these shillings far my daughters portion use here well and thank heaven for her it is not every wife that is worth her weight in sil ver as a vermicide an excellent prepara tion is mother graves worm exter minator it has saved tho lives of countless children an ungrateful servant the entire sampson family were thrifty and as they boasted fore handed in all the matters of the world they were eminently sane and practical and had small understanding of the natures of people who as they said gave way to sentiment has our old jane actually left us after all these years said graham sampson repeating the words of an old friend who had come to pay a visit yen shes gone to a flighty young couple over in nashua t think perhaps she was getting- too oldfor our work but i did think shed stay after the inducement i offered her i said to her one day when she complained of feeling tired jane if you stay with us until i die i will leave orders that when you go you are to b put in our family plot and if you die first i will see to it myself ff youll believe me jane began to cry and the next day she told charlies wife that it made her feel so lonesome to look at me she couldnt stand it there is no poisonous ingredient in holloways corn ftemover and it can be used without danger or injury duplicate there is a class of superrefined young ladies if common report is to be trusted who think it a mark of superior cultivation to hsive small and dainty appetites a pennsylvania ex change has heard of one do you think you could eat a hit of tho turkey said a gentlernan to his cousin a yountf woman front the city why yes but just a small piece please s answered he started to trim off a delicate m and a an pa you especially like oh no im not particular and she looked demurely at her knife and fork just give me a wing and a lea and a few slices off the breast with a por tion of the glxzard and a spoonful of dressing i can reach the yege- iables myself gems of thought the friendship of the good is tho only good friendship which slander cannot prejudice for it is a very difficult matter to believe a man who speaks to the prejudice of him whose character we have thoroughly tested for many years aristotle friendship cannot be permanent un less it becomes spiritual there must be fellowship in the deepest things of the soul community in tho highest thoughts sympathy with tho best en deavors rev hugh black dd justice and truth aro absolutely es sential to the highest friendship wo respect a frlendoll tho moro becauaa he is just and true even when ho hurts our pride and mortifios us most o s marden society ia the atmosphere of souls and we necessarily imbibe from it something which is either infectious or salubrious r j there 4s no verb to have in heaven only ttie verb to be all we have la gone all wo are stands revealed truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sun beam milton he is a freeman whom the truth makes free and all nre slaves be sides- cowper ussful in camp explorers hut- veyors prospectors and hunters will find dr thomas eclectrlo oh very useful in camp when the feet and legs are wet and cold u is well to rub them freely with the oil and the reault will be the preventing of pains in tie muscles and should a out or contusion or sprain be sustained nothing could bo bettor aa a dressing or lotion not afraid charlie walls father had gone out just at dusk of a winter afternoon to do the nightly chores in duo tlmo mrs wall asked charlie to run to tho barn which was at some distance and tell bis father that supper was ready the boy opened the door but as be saw how dark it was he started back i dont want to go mamma ho said let kate go katie who was nearly two years older than her brother at once crlod out oh charlies afraid of the dark charlies afraid of tho dark no i aint afraid of the dark at all said the little fellow stoutly but if i get out into it im afraid i shall be nothing aa good for asthmsv asthma remedies come and go but every year the sales of tho original dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy grows greater and greater no further evidence could bo asked of its re markable merit it relieves it la al ways of tho same unvarying quality which the sufferer front asthma learns to know do not suffer another at tack but get this splendid remedy to day an ob8curing feature yes i have a pretty big mouth said the candid man as reported by the detroit freo press but i have learned to keep it shut i got my les son when i was a amauboy i was born and brought up on a farm and i had the habit of going around with ray mouth wide open especially if there was anything un usual going on one day an uncle whom i had not seen for years paid us a visit hullo uncle said i looking up at him with my mouth opened like a barn door he looked at me for a moment without answering nnd then said hjlosctrout month sonny sa i can see who you are j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday dec 7th anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight- specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 m m till 4 p m is your child thin and weak cod livar extract in sugar coated tablata puts on flesh- and builds them up in just a few days quicker than you ever dreamed of theso wonderful health building flesh creating tablets called mccoys cod liver extract tablets will start to help any thin underweight little one- after sickness and whero rickets are suspected thoy are especially valu able most people know that from tho livers of the lowly codfish vltamlnes of the first class are extracted tho kind that help all foeble underweight men women and children try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail puny child dont greatly benefit get your money back a very sickly child ago 9 gained 12 pounds in 7 months ask any druggist for mccoys cod liver extract tabletsas easy to take as candy and 60 tablets 60 cents if you have a thing to sell let the free press tell the people about lt- in the surrogate court of the county pf halton notice to creditors of robert lane deceased the ci editors of robert lane late of the village of llmehouse in tho county of halton laborer deceased who died at umehouao on tho 23rd day of octobeia d 1925 and all others having claims against hia estate aro lequlred on or before tho fifth day ofi december 1925 to sond by post prepaid i or otherwise deliver to harold nash farmeior the village of acton bar rister at law tho solicitor for thfi j executors of the last will and testament of tho aald deceased their christian and surnames addresses and descrip tions the full particulars of their claims and tho nature of tho securi ties it any held by them and this notice being given in pur suance of r s o chapter 121 sec gg and nmemuug acts notice is here by further gjveft that on and after the kald fifth da of december a d 1925 the said executors will proceed to dis tribute the ussctb of tho said deceased among the pnrtloi legally entitled thereto and they will not be respon sible for any claims of which they have not received notice at tho time of such distribution dated at a tnl 5tn day of nov ember a i 1u25 catharine lane john wesley lane executors by h nfarmer thoir solicitor 103 look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 yerg experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send ua your list we will do tho rest no note or account is considered too small too largo too old or too for away wo will tackle any honest debt t kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen 80uno j m aiken manager jots j kelly manager referonco sterling bonk of canada golna wart no 2d tfo 31 no 33 no 35 nd 39 no 2b sunday going eat no 36 no 30 no 34 no 36 no 38 no 24 bunday 809 anu 10 15 am gopm 8 39 p m 1041 an 721 a m 1108 am 3 35 p m 1117 pjm 813 pun 708 pm canadian national electric railway8 westbound dally except sunday 7 43 am sally 143 am daily 4 r 1143 am daily 143 pm dally 3 43 pm dally g 43fp m dally 743ttn pally f 7 143 pm dally 1382 am easibound dally 743 nxa dally excopt sunday 143 am dally lf43 am dally 143 pm dally 343 puoa dally 543 pan dally 7 43 p jn dally 943 pm pally 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress jta toronto 1 ti j a smith in8urance and real estate agent for confederation life as sociation london lancasbire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dppilnlon of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and town property for salo prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited residence mill and wnllaco sts telephone 105 r 2 5000 reward if r fail tctgrow ha oriental hair root hair grower worlds greatest hair grower grows hair on bald heads it must not be put where it is not wanted cures dandruff and all scalptroubles 175 per jar agents wanted prof m s crosse 839 main st winnipeg wan j1 typewriters remanufactured underwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 99 kino st west toronto 2 advertisers the free ress la anxious to aarva you and aarva you wall wo can give your advarilsa- mant batter attention and thire fore make it mora attractive if tha oopy la supp 1 usonr monday or tuesday if eopy faila to reach ua until wedneeday forenoon there it a rush to set it jp before tha forma olose and tha result is likely to be lata aatiafaotory send in your ad8 early does youir watch keep ttou dont tell mej rfave ybu tjiy- ttilng to show for it faith and i nave said clancy ive a fine healthy boy and all tho neighbors say hos just the picture of his father ogrady looked at his friend slsnlfl- cantly oh welk said 4ie whats the har- rum as jong as the child is heafthy an awful moment it happened in a little town where the motive power for the organ comes from the strong arms of an industrious irishman atti recent service the choir got into trouble and while confusion reigned the organ suddenly stopped the situation was not relieved when a horse wl-ipr- came from behind the organ and floated dut into the cpidl torlum it said sing like tundor do belle ra h busted only one wise thing to do turn from aln and accept christ and only one time to do it at once but ho waited for a convenient season which never came it never does for thiose who wait for it with many it is now or never repent today or be lost etern ally in a few days all that felix was thinking about was how he could make money out of the man who bad oponcd to him the gate of heaven daily ftoadinga for next weak monday paul before the council acts 33 111 tuesday a plot to kill paul acts 2 1224 wednesday the letter to fell actif 23 2536 thursdayspaul aeousad before felix acta 24 19 friday pauls defenco before felix act 24 1021 saturday tho decision of felix acts 24 2227 sunday faith and prayer in time of trouble ps 86 1117 an unfair attack the penalty wa8 remitted doctoring doctors i say doctor did you over doctor mother doctor y oh yes well tell me this does ft doctor doctor a doctor tho way the doctored doctor wants to bo doctored or doos the doctor douiff tho doctoruiff dtitftur tho other doctor in hia cfwn wavf nation wida fa ma there la scarce ly a corner of this great domlrilon where the merits dr thomas ec lectrlo oh have not been tried and proved it la one of the worlds moat indent remedies for core throat lame back and many other ailments arising from inflammation rubbed on tho skip its healing powor la readily absorhctj and it bun aleobo taken in ternuily a regular patron had had bis watoh cleaned at a jewellers when tie re ceived it and asked for the bill the jeweller told blm it was one dollar and flevontyflve cents this tho pat ron knew was leas than the usual charge r havent you charged me two dol lars heretofore i think i have tvliy do i get it choaper tlals time the jeweller hesitated well ho said it can do no harm to tell you now do you remember bringing this watch to me a month ago to nak me what was the matter with itt tea aftor you had gone away i iound there was nothing tho mat tor with it you had forgotten to wind it i wan ufruid to tell you so for i once lost a good cuatonlor by telling him of u similar oversight so i wound it up nnd charged you a trlflo for doing it and thlfl 1st tho first chancb i havt had to malu it up to ytm an untentionab pun the difflcuftios of learning and using a new language are many and the un fortunate norwegian in thin atory from the frank tort kansas hevlew must have felt that his own efforts were particularly unsuccessful a druggist waa obliged tq be abaeht from hia store one day and hia wife took hia place a large norwegian who apotte english with difficulty en tered apd said hi nwe de arm fifty cents very well replied the druggists wife juat pay jt to me and it will be all right hi owe de firm fifty centa yea i understand if you ore afraid i will give you a receipt for it- 7 the man looked at her in aatonlsh- ment and walked out without a word pretty soon he returned with a fellow countryman whose command pf eng lish wns a little better and who in terpreted his friends remarka try ex plaining he wants fifty tfaauv wvtrfcb at sbwdap when foreign war vessels flrsc went into chlneso waters it waa found that the chinese had built forts facing tho direction in which tin attack was ex pected to come and had left their rear exposed when the english flret appeared bo fore the island of hongkong they found a formidable fortress frowning from the rocka and garrisoned toy aoveral th chinese soldiers the english commander began to look around for the besvptnce of attack while the chinese were sleeping the khglleh circled the island and at dawn suddenly came upon the chihoso from the rear tho orientals wero thrown into wild consternationand ono officer who could speak somejqng- ilah ran out waving his arms no blong ploperl he shouted no can come this aide must come other aide must go back come ploper side time many children die from tho assaultn of worms and the first care of mother should be to neo- that their infanta aro free from these pests a vermifuge that can be depended on is millers worm powders they will not only expel worms from the system but act as a healthgtving medicine aftd i remedy for many of tho allmontn that bckct infants enfccbuntf tht5m anil en- castora mother fletcher castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach i diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness best and natural sleep without opiates p l- to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cclsu proveft nn each package physicians everywhere recotnmand it get your job printing at the free press i try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you th savage co jewellers guelph ontario

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