Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1925, p. 6

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4 j i births marrlnrcb and deithvare now charged for at the following rates births c marriages 50 dethi 50c memorial ljne ejctri lor 1 arjs 50c loc per line ejctri poems married wtijsonniciceli at the manse gooregotown on monday nov x 1925 by rev kennoih mnclenn stnnlcy it wilson of eden mills to luoilh nlchehofiilmpttou3c macmillianroblkson at london wednesday november 4 1925 by tho rev j hillyard ektaol may daugh ter of mr anoiw tlioa robinson of erin to harry c aonof mr and mrs j w macmiuoxi quolph parkehiiansen at guelph on tuesdny november 10 1925 by rev amos tovell charles edmund parker of actonto lira olive isa bel hansen of acton daughter of mr and mrs p alexander crlppa of crewaona corners rowlesmcmullenat sarnia on thursday novembor 12 1825 by tho rov jas- j patcrson dd of st andrews church sarnia whda may second eldest daughter of mr and mrs a mcmullln of sarnia to john j only aon of 3jr and mra j bowles of acton ont news of local import death of mrs macbeth quelph the funeral of the lato mrs mac- both took placoon thursday to tho crown cemetery pusllnchfnnd wan largely attended tho services at tho lhouso and gravo wie conducted by the rev james a mackonslo jf chalmora trie pall uear era were three -mcmillan- died suddenly nt waterdown on thursday ptfovemfcr 5th 1925 in his 62nd year bell at the guelph general hosplt- al on friday november 13 1925 william joseph bell nt tho age of 62 years sockett oh saturday november h 192s at her late residence era- mosa township mrs john sockett mcgibbon in sarnia on saturday november 14 1925 isabella mc- glbbon daughter of the late fin- lay mcgribbon and margaret mc gibbon y sutherlani at niagara falls ont on friday november t3 1925 thomas duncan sutherland aged 65 years brother of- j sutherland guelph endicott at tho private patients pavilion tarontq general hospital on tuoaday november 17 1925 sarah diamond wife of rev james endicott d d edwards at beaverton on thurs day november 12 1925 jessie mjun- roe widow of the late thomas edwards and mother of george ed wards acton in her 77th year church brdthers jnmeh daniel and david mcnaughton malcolm macbcth n nephow george afonn of acton and william luidlaw guelph rmercury wat 3vrfam vt prphb thursday november 19 1926 brief local items the early advertiser catches the christmas trade one touch of snow seems to make tho whole world kin v a beautiful rainbow appeared 6n the western horizon on tuesday morn inc do you realize that juat live weeks remain in which to do your christmas shopping where weeds and tblstles thrive the soli will yield good crops with care and toll- turnip prices took a slump during the week and have been selling at the cars at 25c and 30c auctioneer kerr assisted a tho sale of thoroughbred shorthorns pf j j elliott at guelph on tuesday mr w h walker is making an addition and a new- veranda to his real dencoon mill and john streets x wm taylor nelson township is reported to have picked rjpo rasp- berries in his garden on alonday henry ford and roclcerfeller the richest men wo know one makes a little fliver and the other makes it go a real thanksgiving wishi in your heart all thankfulness in your home ailblcssednesff on your board all bounteousaess the canadian v national blectric road is honoring canaduin national railway special tickets in returning from tho winter fair at xoronto mr foster roney has opened his new bhoeand shoe repairing shop in the premises formerly occupied by thomas e gibbons on main street the 1926 anto markers for ontario will be pearl grey and block the price to the government is 8 cents per pair as compared to 10 cents last year x mr jobncrraffefrtm 18000 fire in trafalgar fire of unknown origin completely destroyed two larep barns -with- con tents belonging to samuel lovino on hia fiirm lot 9 concession 1 n d s- trafalgar townnhip about 11 oclock sunday night a tractor was tho only thing saved the icfc is 18000 partly covered by insurance the conflagra tion was so great that it llumlnntcd tho whole townahip thoflro being-eeen- ten miles away an opportunity and a privilege sir adam rpcks lost appeal tp the people of this province to tho people of ontario i entrust those poor suf ferers front tuberclilosls who in their affliction turn with anxious hearts to queen alexandra sanitorlurh god forbid that their poverty shall ever bar the door my course is ending curry on 50000 for tho tuberculosis ioor throughout ontario november 20 to 28 100 from each user of hydro current will accomplish the ob jective the home inctwapaper if there is anything in your town worth talking about ton chances to one your own newspaper had a hand in putting it there if anybody beyond the walls of your town over learns that there is such a place as st marys i it is likely through tho home paper every town geta ita monoys worth j through tho homo paper itshewag- on that carries your goods to market it ought to be kept in good running order it will pay to grease it paint it and keep it sheltered it is thq guard ian and defender of every interest the forerunner and pioneer of every movement and sturdy advocate of law and order st marys journal must bear postage starrips rural mall carriers are not allowed to make distributions of handbills notices of meetings or any othersuch matter while on their routes tho postal department at ottawa empha sized tuia last week in an advice to the local postmaster it was stated that notice had been brought to attention of ottawa that rural mall carriers y have been distributing advertising while on their rounds without necessary post age attached postmasters have been instructed to warn the carriers thnt lf is a violation of the postal regulations to accept anything for delivery which does not bear sufficient postage and comply with the postal laws neighborhood news- town and country limehousb on friday evening november gth about 1c0 friends and neighbors mot at theoidnickoll il onrcsteatr to pre sent luella nlckell ono of the fourth generation juat previous to her mar riage with a miscellaneous shower after theshowerspeecheawereniudoi lunch- served and tho remainder of the evening was spent in social inter- jicoursc- mrsrweaver keceiveffl505 awarded atosadudo hall against tho canadian national railway a5hgrove notwithstanding that the wcuthc was unpropitiious tho roonenlng ser vices of the united church hero on sunday wero well attended the whole cbuntrysido seemed to be i lit created in tho joxtcnslvo improvements effected and wuru uujlioub tu see thotransrur- matlons made as wcl as to partici pate in the interesting services of tho day tho sermons by rov r d hamil ton b d were greatly enjoyed and tho special mubfc by the choir was appreciated by all tho now pews tho now pulpit tho changesifin location of the choir the new entrance all contributed to tho improved aspect of the auditorium thp lino new schpbl room tho heating furnaces the class rooms tte culinary accopmodatlons in tho new basement werb all admired and- favorably com mented upon the workmen had not all completed their contracts but tho finishing touches will now bo put on in a few days the congregation is woll pleased with tho work accomplished and the building committee and rev mr cald well are receiving unstinted praise for their untiring efforts mra weaver widow of william weaver who wna killed when struck by a canadlaivnatlona4 hallway train at i ho third line crossing near dolly vumlen in august last haw betin awarded 1000 judgment against tho railway at osgoode hall r mr j m koarns of guelph j uppcur- cilj for the pjiunllft andelc cat tanuoh k c of the jkuliway j nuuwy ltulng over 8o00o0 will be offered for tho ooroncre jury at tho inquest at 1 nii it u tlio police court guelph hold in their verdict tliat tlio lailway employees were free front i blame in connection with the accident tho judgment for the plaintiff pur suant to settlement was for 1000 and coats tho money is to be paid into court and 200 to bo paid forthwith to the widow for maintenance and there after 75 cpiarterly practising medicine in babylon rockwood real publicity for auction sales a wellesley farmer remarked to the sun tho other day when in renewing his subscription am sure that it would pay formers holding auction sales to have the list of articles they are offering for sato appear in the sun where everyone can acan the adver tisement when by his own fireside it was not long ago ho continued that i wanted d certain article that was advertised by poster which i had not theropportunityoof seeing found afterwards that the article was sold at an indifferent price had i known of it being offered the purchaser would have had to raise his bids before ob taining it as i would have gone con- slderably higher to obtain it mllver- ton sun rev johnlittle occupied the pulpit of trinity united church guelph last sunday inplaco of rev g h knight on who conductedscrvicea in speed- side united church iast friday evening the two sunday school classes of mrs j a- little and miss bessie gardiner spent an enjoy able time at the now dominion hotel the occasion being a mother and daughter -banquet- after the usual toasts and replies were gone through the gathering was then addressed by mrs craw of fergus those who assisted mrs gardiner in waiting on the tables and looking after the welfare of jill who did full justice td the good things provided wero mrs tho physician or surgeon who charges little or nbthlng for his skill when ho treats a poor man and much when ho treats a rich ono has excellent authority for his practice tho newly discovered laws of ancient babylon mado it not only -proper- bnt obligatory tho flrst king of great babylon as it would be called today was ham murabi referred to sin tho fourteenth chapter of genesis as amraphcl he was noted for the justice of the laws he established in hfa kingdom a few years ago on abroken monument in the ruins of susa nearly tho whole code of hammurabi was found a translation of it has boon mado by a professor in tho university of chicago if a physician operate on a gentle man for a severe wound with a lancet reads ono section of these revised statutes of babylon and save the life of tho man or if he open an abscess in a gentlemans eyo and save the eye he shall receive ten sheklcs of silver if he operate on a freeman he shall recelvo ave sheklos but if it bo a mans slave he oper ate on reads tho next section tho owner of tho slavo shall give two shekles to tho physician p similarly graded were the physicians penalties for in thoso days doctoring was a glveandtake affair in which the unsuccessful practloner was made to pay for ids failures ii a physician operate on a gentle man and cause hia death said the law or destroy his eye they shall cut off the physicians fingers if he operate on the slave of a frec- manand cause hia death ho shall re- if ho braved the inclement weather andjhrfif his value b- a fine team of colts tor bus brother at powassen mr graff will probably spend a few weeks nmongr friends in the old home there four little brampton girls sur prised superintendent nora- kenney of the peel memorial hospltaj the other day with the gift of four pairs of bath towels for the hospital there will be a meeting of all the business men in acton in the town hall this thursday evening at eight oclock to organize for a cam paign toe the sir adam bode memorial fund j an observant citizen observed that scandal is like counterfeit moneyr many people who wouhr not tfilnk of being the first to clrculato it will pads it along when it comes into their hands trsjocisx services wero opened in the baptist church on tuesday even ing mr w a guriton la griylng what he terms short snappy talks and mrs gun ton is singing gospel sovnga at tho meetings already apples from the state oj washington are selling in acton stores at flvo cents each only a couple on thrco weeks agd the beat splev and kings were sold in the orchards in tnjs county at 100 per bag if youve skt some news that happy boll it down make it ahort and crjep and snappy boll it down mnke your meaning plain express it so well jnjfit jnexely guessit thenmend r ere you address it boil it 3onm judgment agai nit city of guelph magistrate watt ruled on thursday that the city of guelph was liable for the support of two young children who with their mother had come to guelph from halton county a short time ago the mother had previously resided in guelph until she was deserted by her husband she had then moved to the county of hal ton r where the children twins were born removing from her residence there she come back to guelph rev amoa tovel childrens aid society inspector was of the opinion that tho- two children were tho charges of halton and tho case was taken before the magistrate mr watt j held that the two children wero under one year of age and could not bo sold to have resided a sufficiently long time wore well repaid for tho evenings out ing the funeral of tho late airs james drummond- who passed away last fri day at the home of her daughter mrs g h milne took place monday after noon to greenwood cemetery george town rov mr donaldson conducted tho services the weather of tho past few days has been very backward making work in handling turnips disagreeable tho farmers are having their in nlngs with the weatherman to sonio disadvantages for some time pust and whon a short spell of fnvorable weather is available they are making the best of it on tho highway in the village com ing up towards iavertys erarage tho teams have all they want to pull when obliged to take to the ditch so us to get a good footing owing to tlio jmiooth condition of the road the funeral of the late ilra john sockett who died at the homestead in eramosa on saturday will be held this thursday af tern oon at 3 oclock to tho stono church cemetery pu060 in cash prizes to be given away tho mail and empire to inaugurato fifth picturo puzzle game the mall and eniplro toronto on tario publtflh tlila week in tho columns of tills nowitimplt un announcement of a cword picturo puzzle game tho picturo puzzlo contafna a number of objects and artlclchboglnnlng with tho letter c tho itloa of the game is to see vho can 1hid tho most ono hundred catfh prizes totalling some tho oho hundred best answers sub mitted according to tho rules of tlio puzzlo game dont fail to look for tho announce ment on imgo thrco and start right in making up your list of cwords and try for ono of tho big cash prizes george peaten mrs wm edwards j store a slave of equal value and mrs morgan some imty guests j desloy his eyo he shall pay in silver oakville pf a isi ti hawke toronto was flne yesterday by police maglatrate- moore lojq0 and coats for reckless driving on mill street his permit now beinrthe record of three convictions tor viola tion of the highway traffic act this year m t are ojjherthlngei todoon a fijrhi besides sowin and reiipln nothln growin and no thin gathered is the way most farmers look at no vember but if youiook bade at your wrong formln and plan to better it next year november can be mado to be tho best payin month in the year for you f your business is worth edvcrtls- ing if it is worth having a apace irl the fnsa pruess properly used is one of the best buslnessbrlngers you con use all successful business men know the value of persistent advertising this- is amply proven by even a cur sory glanco over business eratorprlsea in both- town and city pallty guelph mercury potato pricea drop ait guelph the sudden inflation in prices of potatoes in guelph which lifted the price on the market lost week to 3 a bag in some cases is at an end and they are now on the downward trend local dealers reported to- day that there had been a decrease in the past two days of 50 cents a bag and that potatoes were now selling tor 260 and in some cases 225 a tag tho largest local dealers predicted that in two weeks dime potatoes would be down to tho normal fleure of 160 a bag the sudden deflation of prices is attributed in alnrgp measure to the embargo r placed nlspuds entering the united states a visitor from hjilsburg slated today that jarmers in that district whose potow crops suffered to a certain extent through frostbite were off orlng their products for sale at 175 and 150 a bag mercury i actondale u f y p o organized thejtaf w o and u f o and families enjoyed the hospitality of mr and mrs hugh mccutcheon at their homo second line last friday evening the programme co rials ting of musical numbers recitations solos and u dia logue was given under tho auspices of of the youngpeople a huslness meet ing followed and the young people or ganised a club to which forty persons jolnod they elected their officials for tho ensuing year presllienu archie kerrricevchldctttrbtbioslor oy r secretary- treasurer iaura murray a dental clinic la talked of by the board of education for the schools tho 1925 voters list for tho town of oakvillo has been posted in tho clerks office the newly organized night school began its glasses tuesday evening ut 730 oclock the womens guild of st judea church will hold their annual christ mas gift shop on saturday november 28 dr dandeno agricultural inspector for ontario- paid his annual visit to the high school on tuesday of this weeek the bazaar and supper given at postville last week by tho ladles aid of knox c sa w oyery great success and a sum of over 200- 00 was thereby added to tho funvds mr and mrs james mcdonald of lashbourn bask aro visiting with mr and mrs george mcdonald for a few weeks on the twentieth of this months mr and mrs mcdonald will sail for scotland fred gross was sentenced by squire shields to six months imprisonment for theft from his bite employer earl albcrtson of sniders corners on wed nesday around tho memorial monument in georges square an impressive ser vice was hold on armistice day in remembrance of those of this coin- munlty who fell serving in the great war l o xi no 272 held their -an- 1 nual oyster supper last friday night in tho masonic tomple- the- supper was served in the bos em ont hall and was i attendedjor by tlio wives and daghterscbfthelnenniers oftfao order7 tho band and tho citizerib and council band committees hold a rhoetlng in the temperance hall on tuesday night tho citizens com mittee presented their flnanclul re port showing a favorable balance of over 40000 record if he sot a broken bono for a gentle man or cure his disease the gentleman shall pay five shekles if he be a freeman ho shall pay three aheklea of sliver jf he be a slave tho owner of the slave shall give tho physician two aheklea as there was no aseptic surgery iii those days the courage of a- physician in operating with a lancet was great indeed unskilled practioners probably got out of tiie profession as quickly as possible- so also tho swindling con tractor for the law read if a builder build a house for a man and do not make its construction firm and the house collapse and cause tho death of the owner the builder shall be put to death if it kill the son of the owner they shall- put the aon of tho builder to death n it it kills a slave of the owner the builder shall restore to him a slavo of equal value it it destroy property ho shall re store what it destroyed and- because he did not make tho house which he built firm and it collapsehi he shall rebuild it at his own expense such laws as theso engraved in last ing stone and bet up on frequented street corners might do something to discourage moderirjerrybulldlng a great hdp for teachers in tho sunday school pbloubets select notes tho international sunday school 1 lessons 1920 tho aleusato of the gospel ac cording to john first quarter messages from gcncals sec ond quarter early lenders of israel from moses to samuel third and fourth quarters many illustrations ond maps the united publishing flouse queon and john streets toronto 2 ask the toacherwho uses it tarbells teachers guide ierv for 1925 twentythird annual volume martha tarbell phd has been a- wonderful help to sundny school teachorh has fine maps of bible landm and plates showing persona and places the united church of canada queen and john streets toronto 2 sent by mail postpaid on receipts of price winter battery storage we are now equipped to look after thestorage of your car battery during the winter months and keep them charg ed and in good condition give us a trial west end garage walter j- kentner phone vl paddy was ready an irishman who waa working with a farmer in england was proceeding towards his employers realdenco to get his midday meal when he waa met by a cockney who had been on holidays at tho farm and who thought ho would take a rise out of tho repre sentative of erin tho londoner ad dressed him thus tell mc paddy did you meet a wagon along the way laden with mon keys no pal indeed i did not did you fall oft hw hinton from toronto joweuar watch and clockmaker ailll street acton main st georgetown christmas specials special fine largo stock of- clirlatmah gifts now on sale at low market jirlces now is the time to ciiooho your christmas- gifts- pay a deposit and wo will reserve any article shop early to avoid crush at christmas as our storo is too small for such a largo business which we always do at christmas diamond and ruby dress rings extra heavy engraved signet ring birthday and childrens jungs broocthes bracelets necklets links scarf pins pearls and beads fine watches 15 jewel rect angular wrist 15 jewel round tonneau and octagon shapes ladles oents nickle goldflllea and solid gold wrist watches 450 to 25o0 paikcr- waterman dlnkfo and aromac fountain pens and everahuri pencils und refills guaranteed quality fine french china fancy cups and saucers dishes tea seta plates salud bowls and servers cut giosb dishes water sets sherbets comports goblets wine dasaea fancy leather goods bags purses wallets cigar caaes score pada card coses handkerchief and glove caaes collar boxes bronze vases lamps ash trays jar- dinerea cundlesticks etc fine french ivory clocks vases lamps manicure and toilet pieces nnd sets tambour mahtlo clocks 1500 each toys of the best quality of all kinds fine stationery boxes shop early small profits qnmk returns our motto credit auction sale two in waiting a gentleman met a young woman who had formerly bedn employed in hia household woll mary he said are you married yet no sir waa the reply well i thought you would have beert married before now oh no air she sold but theres two waiting two you dont- mean to marry two do you no sir the two thats waitin is the minister and rac dear ducks mlss isisfe storey was anointed dele gate to the u f y p o convention to be hold in toronto next month the ladles tlien served a bountiful lunch and tho remainder of the even ing was spent in social intercourse the new society will be known as actondale v f y p 6 ilod and gun for december sale date8 friday november 20 clearing- auc tlori sale for herbert scott on hh premises lot 32 con 6 ehamosa i saturday novembor 21ryurnlture sole at rockwood property of thri lata mrs samuolcengdwk wedndffddyr sb slocurnsflr auction sale of farm stuck ndim- pltoments offrank millar oa a wealth of good sporting and hunt ing reodirtg matter leavened with ji good fiction story the way of a white man is contained in tho de cember issue of rod and gun the mngaslne of the canadian outdoors which has just been published in ad dition to regular features of the maga zine being in keeping with the period of year the other articles are very timely and m the snowshoe trail in w c motleys outdoor talk is particularly seasonable another rcr freshlngly humorous cartoon by james frise also appears i a significant note in tho matter of the protection of ganje is struck in the december editorial and the publi cation of the- syllabus of tho british columbia game pro toot i ve associa tion the development ofca dominion wide protective aaaocjation aeema to be becoming concrete published by w j taylor limited yoodetookont how vuiuvu lynn doylotho liumorous writer of ireland has added to hia hat of dto- ducuons u now volumo dear bucks s b balikruulon mr wildrldbo of the unnk and xobatcr salud received a cordial reeoptlon beeausefhctrctranrcrorlshbiiuinor dear ducks in funny theres real humor on every page u i nj ln i love my neighbor aa myaolf thla ingln summer day ifcol its eorloun iliiyefjsrjlfornnh o jt village of acton ny sunday automoblo ac- rttt jrtftfptla htttrylmr ttt interesting strain and portrays irish wlt and irish clraracter in a manner which is appealing it touches reali ties of life and character in a naive way and will appeal especlayto the irishmen of ulster who have left their native land its characters include tho professional man of the town and city tmh-gentryhtndho-fatmetrid-artan- of therural districts with hero and there a ghmpse of their homes and their families acnnadian reader would naturally offer thocriticlbmrthut there is too much drink in the stories but tho author is evidently aiming to ho true to existing conditions he has a bit of apology for this in his introduction j when in answer to the query or tx rural i irish friend he says there is still a good deal of drink in tho stories nnd the friend replies too much i suppose drjnks bad 7 knoy that and bad drinks worse but to tell you the truth mr doyle when i cast about to find a fow funny things about the country to tell i could nover find that many of them happened on butter milk former residents and descend ants of irishmen find it difficult to per suade uicmselvcs that the drink itahlt is stlut so prevalent in the emerald isle as dear ducks would indicate gerald duckworth co ltd of london bng are tho publishers tho price is 78 nel- take notice that j tho council of tho corporation of tho vjilnge of acton has constructed as a local improvement u concrete sldowalk on tho nertheastcrly aide of wilbur street between the residence of it a arnold and mill street the cost or the work is 24000 i of-which-l20oo- istorbopoldby tbt corporation tho special rate per foot frontago is 534151 cents the special ash hi to- pirh hi tw annual instalments 3- the estimated lifetime of the work is twenty years 4 a court of revision will be held on the eighth day of december 1925 at eight oclock p m at the town hall acton for the purpose of near- ling complaints ngnlnst the proposed assessment or tho accuracy of frontage mcastnemcntsndnotherrrannpainj which person a interested may desire to makeandwhlch is cognfxablo by the court dated this nineteenth day of no vember i92c h n farmer clerk tho undersigned has been instructed by albert anderson to sell by public auction at lot 6 con 7 nnasagaweyo on friday november 27th 1925 at 1 pm sharp the following horses 1 agricultural black pcrcheron maro 11- years 1660 lbs and 1 agricultural black jeorcheran mare g yeursilflbo lbs matched 1 agricultural dapple grey percheron marc 8 years 1600 lbs and 1 agri cultural dapple gray maro 7 yoars 1600 lbs matched prize winners and supposed to bo in foal to kodl 1 agricultural tlnpple grey mare 4 years 1600 lbs prize winner supposedxtto be in foal tokodj general purpose mare aged supposed to bo in foal to kodl general purpose perchorbn gelding 2 years prize winner these horses are guaranteed in all harness cattlis 2 black aberdeen angus cows fresh 1 black aberdeen angus cow duo in december 3 black aber deen angus heifers due in january 1 jersey cow duo in december 1 hol- steln cow duo in march 1 holsteln cow duo in april g aberdeen angus steers i yeari 3 aberdeen angus heifers 1 year 4 aberdeen angus heifer calves 2 veal calves 1 aber deen angus bull 4 years pigs and irowyork sow 4 years due 1st march 2 york sows 2 years duo 1st march- s york sows4 bacon type ready to breed 5 pigs 4 months 16 pigfl 3 months 5 ducks i drake implements 0oering binder 6 ft brant ford mower 5 ft seed drill ii hoes steel horo rake 10 ft 40 teeth- disc harrov need harrow stool land roller 2 cockshutt plows 1 fur row riding plow oliver foot rip 2- furrow riding plo cockshutt foot trip 2 fanning mill lumber wagon 3 in tire hay iack pleasure sleigh sloop sleigh 3seatert carriage pjeftp separator eaton and numerous oihe articles harness set hcityyshow harness brass mounted nev set heavy show harness brass mounted crotch straps extra et heavy harnesa nickel jijountcd crotch straps extra set alngjlo show hnrnesh brass mounted oxtra ijoiiyy 2 sots plow harness all cornplftte iiilf hlwh ton scotch business is good at the busy business college this week we wero unable to supplytwo buslnoss flrmswlth clerical help no graduates o send young people get into training at guelph business college thero la a good salarictt position for you 8tart on monday special proposition for the first ten registering before december 1 i a l bouck principal and proprietor wool underwear you can save money by buying good underwear we stock stanfields turnbuus pen angle and tiger brands four of the best makers in the trade stanfields ihjtwd pieces at 20 and 300 turnbulls combinations at 3j0 and 400 turnbulls scotch knit z pieces at 25 and 250 tiger brand wool and fleeced two pies and combin ations at l25 150 200 and 350 boys overcoats made up of short ends of mens r a overcoatings special price this week uv boys twefd bloomers made up of strong durable tweeds lined sizes 28 to 32 good value at 200 1 ja this week iou mens work shirts made of strong speckled flannel a good warm shirt for winter wear good value tff oc at i50 this week f boys shirts made up good and strong keep the boy warm special at will a 100 we stock good yabns factory scotchfingering and fancy yarns mclean co mill street store closes wednesday at 12j0 acton ont clearing auction sale in esuesing township of farm farm stock and implements tho undersigned has received in structions from david mcenery lot 31 sixth line esqueslng 4 miles north of acton and lmllo south of balllnafad to sell by public auction on tuesday november 24 at ono oclock sharp the following horses lperchqron filly 3 years 1 percheron gelding rising 2 years cattle 8 head of young cattle 2 steers rising 2 yearsi6 heifers ris ing 2 years 2 spring calves these cattle aro well bred and in good condi tion implementsnoxon seed drill steel land roller fanning mill hay ruck stock rack bain wagon truck wagon disc harrow 1 not iron har rows sulky rake ma saey- harris hay loader mass ey- harris mower noxon binder weigh flcalessiooa lbs rindj stone 1 riding plough no 21 fleury walking plow cutter buggy demo crat waggon 150 feet rope buggy polo whiff lotrees neokyokos coal oil tank with pump ensilago fork gang plow forks hoes shovels chains devices etc harnessset single harnesa sot doublo team harness set of double driving harness- hayanigrain 15 tons of hay 100 bushels patp fowl 9 geeno 2 dozen hens ters10 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes 6 per cent off for cash grain hay and fowl cnah t no reserve tho proprietor is giving up farming real estate tho farm will also bo offered fpr pale at the same time subject to a reservo bid if- contains 100 acres 80 acres suitable for crop g acres seoded with alfalfa 16 acres with red clover 16 acres of bush most ly ihardwood bonk burn 44x64 com fortable house of 7 rootfis nevcrfallr ing well good spring crook tho soil is firstclass and in a good state of cultivation terms and conditions mado known day of sale r j kerr auctioneer jnibnpbctpn dont miss soecial gosoel meetings at the acton baptist church every night at 800 p m except monday subject for saturday niginwchureh union hear what the baptists think about rt rev w a gunlort evangelist madame gnnton soprano soloist j everybody- welcome specials for this week smoked meats cottage roll whole qa- or half it ouc shahkless picnic ham oil whole tb atrc side bacon by piece 38c beef cuts steak roast per lb 20c- sirloin roast per oc porterhouse roast ier op- lb cdc lard 20 lb pails lard for 5lb for 3 lb for pails lard- pails of lard 1 tb for r bricks of lard i lb brick shortening for 420 70c 24c ldc wing lb roast per 22c mincemeat choice mincemfcat fla per tb zivc choice vegetables very choice lot of onions 6 lbs for choice cabbage each 25c 15c w j patterson corner mdx anu main streets acton ont ilpe colliusi lonelier faceu nciv 23 aijd 24 inch pnlr lilgrt top scotch pipe collars cloth faced 22 and 23 inch pair high tpp scotch pipe collars qiqui fnedd 21 and 2114 jncb nenrly new pair hlgb top bcatch collars clqth faced 20 and 21 inch pair open lop leather facodcollara poitively no reserve ei the proprie- zzrtorir bivlnaniir if nrfl ifi a the opening of a pjew gents furnishing store in acton in the new starlc- man building next isjymons hardware we will carry a complete stock of mens furnishings including tkhmis lfi nnd under cash ovor tha amount 11 months credit on ap proved joint no tea atralghj off for cash ducks anil vent calves cash betf petbfl auotlonoor fred robinson clerk the plowman liomewnrd plodw tils ry vry noimtirto hti alps by in a millineryt a all the latest shapes and sizes at moderate prices i now is tho time to think of christ mas gifts we have a large range of fancy work and novelties miss j galbbaith millinery and fanoy qoodi phono 109 i h i mckeon powell announce semireadytaijiored semiready overcoats shirts collars ties hats and caps workingmens clotbes underwear overalls 3ejtic in fact everything that would be required and expected in an uptqdatp mens store such w we arp conducting in acton new store new stock attractive prices mill st acton sc miilmi vy-

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