Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1925, p. 1

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fifty-first- year nov 22 thursday morning november 26 1925 acton ontarior canada thursday albrning november 26 1025 single copies five ceritt the acton united church of canada ministenrrev r e zimmorrpan b a paraonntre willow streot 1100 nm rpy ii g forbt ma of wcllnna subject tho work amoiib korilsncllbirspeiikliiklvoples of wellund mo li in hev 1 1 ci iorstor m a subject riice anil rnce itolutlonx the way 6ut k younc peoples vihuh georgetown on monday icaviiikiit 743 pm anfl returning by upeelur ear at 10i5 p m pniyer unci pralke service on thurs day at 730 p in presbyterian knox church acton ministor rev a c stoyfurt m a r manso willow street most important news from guelphs big store concerns christmas readiness and 1100 a mtho minister subject tho folly of sin 3q0 p ro sabbath school and blblo piasaea 700 p m the minister subject gods well doric monday s p m young peoples guild a musical entertainment with mrs wibbs of the cabbage patch on the screen admlrsion 25c strangers leaving nddresa with th ushers will- lie called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 1100 a m tlev v a gunton evangelist subject what does a man actually own or how to get rich madame gjunton soprano soloist 300 p m sunday school 700 p m the gunton party evan gelists meetings every night this week- at 800 p m including saturday att welcome substantial economies on winter needables enlargement of school premises the board of education requests coiwideiatlotrljythe news of local import council special notices advertisements in thi colum a cents per word minimum charkc73jc per insertion for rent brick stable with three stalls for rent apply otteereeebfcston for sale or rent red brick house s rooms and bath collar full size furnace apply box 582 acton for sale 1 double set of general purpose har ness in good repair phono 102 w d h young- main st north wanted good store location reasonable rent write giving full particulars to box 820 brantford ont grain wanted llljffheat oats barley buckwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tt phono 3273 norval agents wanted agents to sell hosiery for the family from mill to consumer wrlto for our new pall ami winter catalogue jubt out steimnottosiery mills m4 toronto 4 farms for sale 100 acres conveniently situated new house and barn soil best 5800 130 acres acton 1 mile bank barn- and a good house great land a bargain for v sa r j kerr bargains in farms r 125 acres near tho now highway 3h miles from acton 70 acres under cul tivation 30 ncrcs of timber enough to pixy for farm splendid brick house large bank barn and stabling 0a acres of fall wheat 10 acres for hay possession at once prico 5500 cash 11600 balance at 0 other farms at prices that will surprise you for valuo get our list j a smith telephone 105 acton real estate agt winter battery storage we are now equipped to look after the storageotyour car battervdurfng the winter monthatrd keep them charg- ijnd in good condition give us a trial west end garage a picturoot comedy and pathos about a littlo irish or phan pliiycd by jaeklo coogan comedy sneezing breezes krnzy kat cartoon 8aturday november 28 strathmore by ouidfl with an all star cast comedy domo doctor wlli larry semon toon fox news felix car- tuesday december 1 shock punch starring richard dlx chap ter 5 of the circus mystery eily h ltt comjng fdiok turning vyith tom iyx r l 6hvgonr son iih 600 clever dolls ready to delight childish hearts- they walk and they talk and play patapat with their hands and call for mama in the most appealing way andthey dont go broke when they fall ah smartly dressed too 298 5250 198 98c a new shipment of english leather goods at jobbers prices those in the know will realize that buying at that advantage makes possible much lower- than usual prices cases for all purposes in real leather suitable for both mens and womens gifts prices rang ing upfrom 35c a host of practical giftthings around 50c and 75c youll be surprised at the variety and the values a new counter of toiletries will be found among recent changes in this big store mens overcoats at 1995 among the biggest sensa tions just now great big english ulsters handsome andgenrmanly and colddefying bought atsuch a price concession that we can offer them at 1500 less than regular same with boys overcoats at 95 985 and 1045 womens furtrimmed coats in a special sale 15 2375 2975 35 420 substantial savings womens fur coats all at special sale reductions womens dresses one hundred and fifty at lower than regular prices millinery hosiery underwear yard goods mens ties and socks among the value sensations worth coming many miles to have a share in guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m for some tlmo tho board of educa tion hnh had under consideration tho securing of property adjacent to the school erounds in view of tho in creasing population and consequent increne in enrollment of pupils the property is now available at reason able prices which it la felt should ho secured- tho council hesitates about taking action tho people of tho town who ate interested in educa tional advantages of tho community are quite outspoken in favor of pres- ont action being taken to secure the propcruch desired at trie regular meeting of the couhx3ll held this week on monday evening councillors thctford mason and atkinson were present ind the reeve in tho chair the twentybocond report of tho flnanco committee recommended the payment of the following accounts general acoount georgretown lumber co supplies r j county kate acton free passs advertis ing e p bowman surveying f c cleaves labor j wataon labor horticultural society care soldiers memorial plot io d e monthly meeting the regular monthly meeting of the i o d e will be held at tho homo of mrs a con w ay g h u eeh 7s t reel a on tuesday evening december 1st at eight oclock j 4 48 6814 86 4 00 18 90 3 50 b 25 id 00 waterworks account municipality of esqueslng- taxeu a li leltch repairs at tho pump hoube dominion wheel- ant foun dry co i 866 09 dont miss special gospel meetings atthe actok baptistehureh- r every night this week at 800 p m including saturday r subjects thursday nioht inlldela in tho pulplta friday iight how were people saved before christ came saturday night service subject a peculiar courtship rev w a gunton evangelist madame gunton soprano soloist all welcome big reductions in winter hats a range ofnet and velvet hats from 275 to 500 tf yq special at 4 tri smart and uptodate velvet anctsilk hats regular q c 500 to 800 at o0 pattern hats at greatly reduced prices all kinds of fancy work for your chrtstmas gift8 miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods phone 109 seasonable footwear at lowest prices for wens womens boys and girls wear earth factory and school boots at less than city prices how tlo we do it because ourcxpenses are very much lower first quality guaranteed rubbers to fit alf niakes and sizes of shoes also heavy rubbers of au jcinds at prices that will compel you to boy h harry harris0nthe shoe man we ciflp wednesday afternoons all the year round with the exception of december v mtiwmiim 586599 thte leportrwns adopted johnstone co presented their ac count or the burial of hugh ryder amounting to 75 q0 payment of this was deferred uptll the law governing such cusea was looked into the buggeatlon was made that mrs ojaylor be given 100 per day lnateai of tirovidlhg provisions as at present action on this was deferred ilra conway jftegent of tho- knox church guild monday evening was devoted to a musical btudy on the jifo and music of beethoven ijia tnuslcal composi tions wore llluhtrated in song and piano numbers also with the use of tho yictrola twenty fifth annual supper acton fire brigade will hold their twontyflfth twmutri ball and supper jjo the town hall acton onfriday evening december a- a fivepiece orchestra from guelph will provide the music such visitors not wanted threb young men from guelph es- earnest messages of yospel truth rev mr gunton 4ddresses atten tive audiences at the tist services social and personal mr hall of trafalgar acton ffriends hist wcch mr angus kennedy of guolph was l o de requested a refund of hall rent a the society had had a deficit of 5000 en tho dance held on novem ber 12 the council decided that tho full amount must be pnid and a grant of 500 would be made to their charity enterprises the clerk reported that another 100 huid been received to be deposit ed in the- cemetery perpetual care fund mr robert shaw paid this amount for tho care oftho plot and grave of john shaw mr 11 r fleming plstrlct agri cultural representative requested tho use pr the town hair for a free lec ture on thursday night as the lec- turo was of an educational nature and no admission foe would charged peormibsion was granted secretary r m mcdonald of the school board reported proceedings of tho school board in reference tothe purchase of properties for bchool pur poses the school board had niado an offer of 125000 for tho portion of land tfcrlred from tho sidney smltn estate the board requeatedthat an option be secured on the bell property adjoining- the proposition was dis cussed for an hour or ho and the mat ter waa laid ov for futu consl hiori quite a discussion arose over the payment of the ave per cent added to the taxes when default of payment on the due dates was made a case had arlnen- in which the payment of this penalty was considered a hardship the council however took tho atti tude thnt no precedent could be estab lished in not collecting the penalty from all council adjqineq af 11 pm news of tdcaj import dalh of gmtwiptontftnt kldd hugji kidd who wont to brampton asaprt timo ago to tojto charge of the farm of the peelhalton house of k vrlu be present to tell some mission services at st josephs a mission was opened on sunday at st josephs church and services are being held each evening during the week rev father bnglert di rector of tho hgly name society of the hamilton diqceae has charge of the mission rov father weldman of freolton is assisting rev father traynor and rev father doyle form er pastors at st josephs church arc also expected to bo present during the week the mission services will con clude this thursday evening to morrow a fortyhours devotion will commence and will concludo on sun day this will be under the direction of rev dean cassidy of st patricks cathedral hamilton rev father mcreavy p p of st josephs la much interested in the mission short courses for acton mr r r fleming agricultural rep resentative for tho county was in town on monday in the interests of short courses and other matters he spoke in glowing terms of the success of the county softball players at the vlnter fair guelph and made special refer ence to the splendid work of the four lad ypla y e ra f vorit ac t on mx flem ing is very anxious to organize short courses in agricultural for young men and boys and courses in domestic welence sewing homo nurslrtg and milllnery for young women and glrle a meeting for organization will bo held in the town hall this thursday evening young women and girls are invited and farmers bona and young men lp teres ted in farming are especial ly requested to iqo present tho ad vantages of- hose epiirses rre many interacting missions on the home field tho services at the united church on sunday next wju be of unique in terest when rev h g forator of refuge died very suddenly on sun djiy of heart trouble following an ill ness of loss than three days mr kidd was resting in bed but was not judged seriously ill when he suddenly coliapued he was born in chesley anil was in charge of the farm at the anjieninh boys home georgetown for some time before going to bramp ton ho 1s survived by his widow 4000 for an oakvillo bulldog our oajcvlllo dog fanciers tmd resi dents generally will bo interested lit learning that heifty argo champion buliaohas recently boen sold by his owner- to a wealthy pennsylvania dog- fancier for the handsome sum of 4- 250 this champion dog was bought as a puppy by j a meadow- formerly of oalcvlllo for 40 he waw exhibited by mr meadows and vori the pham- plonahjj mr meadows later bold lm to his recent toronto qwner for 700 oakvlho star tourijuto ontario ontarios provincewide campaign will take the initial stop at the first annual meeting of the tourist as- soda t cn to be held in toronto on fri day november 27th th ontario government during the past few years has carried out a considerable amount of publicity -work- nndthc cooperation of the government to the activities of tho newlyformed public organization win ijft3fpiflinftrt af xjtt meeting by the hon geo s henry minister of public works and highways v bo yars of wddact lfa with about fifty relatives and friends present mr and mrs robert punbar 100 stuart street guelph on saturday night celebrated their wedding day this couple who have lived in guelph for tno past half century received many congratulatory messages a pleasant feature of the occasion wah the presentatlqn of an illumnaieii ttd- dress in poetry and a piirseof goiaj joseph hewitt triado the bfeseiitarfovi ohlehnlf e therelatiyos vwd j r it macpherson read thw address t8 f wytpjllfn acton- rcccintiy wo liive heard much of ho acton ontario bm thera p u an acton in austral the australian actyii n iy uhurt of capberra the pew fcftwil cflpiijal und of course sir harry ilrlttalp whtvvery oapeful tp ymy it tv visit during his stay in the com- moitjvfah nn the organ uor of the im perial press conference and travelling mlhhlonnry of kmplre his guide was the lit- ilpn w n hughes the prime minister of australia during the war and tliey were photographed together oatnlde the act on post office- which is apparently a wtollequlpped estab- llshmwet avfttjn knfelaim exilrcw sayed to attend the orange ball in the town hall on friday evening while under the influence of liquor as soon as their condition was observed by tho officers they were promptly ojected from the hull summonses have been issued requiring them to appear in police court here on saturday brampton band coming here arrangements avc finally been completed by acton citizens band to have the hranijiton band appear in acton brampton band won the first prize for three years as the best band in t hell- class at toronto kxhfbitlon and- their appearance in acton on de cember 9 will bo looked forward to with keen interest by music lovers- venison distributed to- friends dr h a coxo returned from his deer hunting trip up north on friday conditions were favorable and tho doctor had an enjoyable outing he brought homo a fine young buck throughhis generquahearted nature a large number of his friends enjoye prime roasts of venison the editor is numbered among tho doctors friends and the family at moorecroft greatly enjoyed tho juicy roast re ceived the special evangelistic services in progress lnthnbaptlht church have been wellrattendcd rev mr gunton the evangelist has been presenting earnest gospel tnekitcm night af ter night arid there has been a growing interest the services commenced on tuesday and have continued- each evening on friday tho service was devpted especially to tjie young people it was bright nnd interesting and mr gun- tons presentation of truth was listen ed to with keen interest church union as- ijaptists ace it was the subject announced for satur day evening- inasmuch as tho baptist homo over the weekendt mrs xroy r- e zimmerman visit ed friends in london last week mp enrl cooper of guelph snent the weekend at the parental home mr laird mcdonald of branlforu spent tho weekend at his home here mr chester plank visited his aunt mrs john stephenson toronto last week mrs jr laird of noryal visited her brother mr r h wansbrpugh last week mrs j w barberree spent a counlc important work for council of 1926 municipal matters demanding the carefutconsheration of next council there aro several important mat tors which should recelvo careful consider ation and as far as possible definite action by tho council selected for ad ministration of tho municipal affairs of acton during the coming year sonic of these are comparatively new proposals others are matters which have been overlooked neglected or deferred for some reason year after year 1 proper drainage of the roadways on mill and main street should be effected as they aro at present tho surface water mies on tho sides after of days this week with friends jn every ruin storm and tho macadam toronto s q gjavt have bocomo disintegrated rfcv mil gunton the evangelist- thing of his work among the non- english speaking people of the wol- land and port colborno area mr forster began work among theso foreigners in a small way whllo serv ing as pastor on a country circuit near welland the work grew so rapidly that it was decided at last by the conference to set mr forster apart for this wofk and for tho past few years ho lias been giving his whole time as a missionary of the church to these people he will have an inter esting story to tell about his work on sunday morning and t tlic evening service he will speak- on iitaco and- race relations the way put how theydo it in shelburne a few weeks ago mr jas l lands- borough qr years editor and manager of the sheltjurno free press pur chased the prancl valley staividetto the economist says that last thurs day mr and mrs landnborough motored to shelburne to a wedding anniversary dlnnor with mr and mrs a- h qalbraith the two couple being married on tho same day when the dinner was concluded mr lands- borough was summoned to the town hall and here was confronted with the citizens band of which he was for years a useful member and a number of citizens police magistrate falconer wnrlntheohair and called up mir j w hamilton who read a very compli mentary address at the close of which mf mano ha th g valley editor a list of 100 new sub scribers to his paper to which was at tached a purse containing cash to cover a year in advanco for- each this evidence of goodwill was greatly ap preciated by the recipient manager langevin resigns mr ej j langevin who came fjrom johnston city v- two and a hli years ago to superintend the a shoe factory for messrs hewjtsoh co resigned bis paljlctn last vcak n rcurhed tq the united states- mr ingeyin lp 4ho manufneiutpe of slices ya an expeft and hud the sa4- lafclfln fl seeing the output grow considerably during his term as the manager mrs langevin who has made many friends in aeton ac companied her husband on saturday to their former home in tho stale since the removal of mr langovln a reurganlzntlnn in the manage ment of the shoe factory ban been effected mr joseph barry of van couver an experienced business mnn has been upiiolntcd superintendent and mr v e mccteary who has boen accountant since the establish ment of the business here will be the general manager and assistant super in tend ont tiiih new arrange ment will bo of considerable advan- talbto in thvi tfiwrtftto tfftho fawwty church is not considering the question of church union the introduction of tills subject was considered by many to be some what ina it hbwevorj tha matter was skillfully handled and naturally the speaker concluded that the course of- the baptist church of kindly intercourse with other christian bodies and cooperation upon the great moral issues of the day was the preferable course on sunday afternoon at four oclock wonderland theatre was crowded to hear rev mr gunton on his topic murder will out this rather sen sational announcement appealed to the curiosity of many the plain forc ible story of the events in connection with naboths vineyard formed the setting for an impresmva address on right living good conduct and upright character the sunday services were of special interest updwere well attended a feature of much- interest in all the services has been the singing of mrs mrs gunton the sweet singer gunton she is sournno soloist of power and her rendering of gospel songs and hymnsi have been greatly enjoyed rev mr boyd takes part in all the services hi- is hopeful of permanent results from the meetings the h nee tings will continue each even ing during the week and rev mr gunton will conclude his nilsslon with next sundays services police court news in police court nt guelph on friday edward lang of boboayeoon was sen tenced to a twelvemonths term in tho ontario reformatory when- ho pleaded guilty to the theft of a motor car in guolph the property of robert j gross toronto convicted of receiving ate en goods thomas hlu a maryborough town ship farmer has heen sentenced by judgo spotton to a term of six months in the ontario reformatory the goods in question were stolen from the store of o b henry drayton and were located in hills brn orby herrlngton georgetown drove his truck at a speed dnngcrous to the public chler jackson bplcd him an laid a charge tho cane came before police magistrate moore on thurs day and a fine of 1000 and- costs was imposed a caya of kitchonor was charged in police court hcrej onfviday hy chief mepherson wltl driving on ljlll street at aapeedojf betwoen it and 40 miles per hourr ho plcatled guilty and was lined 1000 awl costs on friday allan m german of port colborne was- chnrged before police magistrate moore by chldf mepherson with driving in acton in a maniier dangerous to the public the accused pleaded guilty and was fined 1000 and costs a tota1 of 51560 george gill whowe farm in on the outskirts of oukvilie nppeared before magistrate shleldh at oauvlllc on monday afternoon ehnrfired with hav ing kept liquor in a place other than a private dwelling hn was convicted and was fined 200 mtil costs this was oills fourth conviction for o t a broaches a concur t will bo held in the uallinafad hall under tlio atisplces of tho sunday school and voting pooplos socluty on tutsay tfvoning dee t mr and mrs t n wansbrough of fergus visited at r h wansbrpiighs ast week mrs e f collier and misb annis spent the weekend with friends in georgetown miss jessie m young of everton spent the weekend with mr and mrs w a murray mr harold wansbrough of the do minion bank toronto spent the week end with his parents mr and mrs e y barraclough of glenwllllams visited mr and mrs t p watkina on saturday mrs rev j c wilson of toronto was the guest of mr and mrs m mclean over the weekend mr and mrs leslie and mr and mrs sunlie of guelph visited at mr and mrgl h awreys last week mr and mrs melvln soper and babe of guelph visited at the homo of mr george soper over the weekend mrs r j kerr returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks with friends in toronto mrs clarence wlnfleld spent the weekend at the home of her narents mr and mrs thomas p watklnt mr wal of acton was a guost over the weekend with mr and mrs- noah gingrtck of montrose flora express mrs enrl vincent came from chat ham last week to visit her mother mrs harry mcdonald who has beon seriously ill mrs hugh logan is recovering nice ly from her recent operation at guelph hospital and is expected to return home in the near future mr william ramsay of lauder man visited chief mepherson last week he is a near neighbor of mr william mepherson in manitoba the mother of mr james dnum- mond formerly of acton now of clarc- mont died at the home of her daugh ter mrs g h mllno on friday 13th inst mr itni1 alexander who sientt couple of weeks in the north re turned home last week with a fine buck lilt- friends profited from hli success m hartley- harrlsonrmhou inger d mctayish g a dills and mrs armstrong attended the funeral of tho late h c austin at erin on saturday mr john s coleman is- attending the methodist mens council at st paul minn this week as representa tive of the brotherhood of stevens point wis mr j p scarrow left on monday evening to attend the veterans unity conference at winnipeg mr scarrow is one of the provincial delegates to thin conference miss bertha brown and mr roy brown of toronto were weekend visitors at the homo of their mother anil sister mrs john brown and mibs fern church street mr and mrs william schnapp of troy n y were here last week on a honeymoon trip and were the guests of mr and mrs e j langevin bower avenue mrs langevin is an aunt of tho bride mr charles s balley guelph was in town on monday ho intended leaving on u motor trip to florida yesterday his brother mr l w bailey of toronto will accompany him on his trjptqthosouth i inntnany places if proper levels are taken and drains made or 4 tiles laid to- existing drains this undesirable condition can be obviated 2 some system should be devised or the present system bo studied until properly understood so that when re- imlrs pr extensions to waterworks mains are to be made the whole system of the town is not cut off this method is annoying tp all wator- uaera and dangerous to those using water fronts and heating systems in upy event until tho system is so ad ministered as to avoid the- mofhod of cdtting off water for hours at a time due notico should be given all citizens when it is proposed to cut off the water supply if the waterworks system was operated by a competent commission the experience of hree weeks ago when the water was cut off for some three hours would certainly huo been obviated 3 the adaption of some satisfac tory system of fire alarm so that citi zens may know if a are really exists ano if it does what section of tho town it i3 situated 4 the adoption of tho perpetual plan for tho care of fair view cem etery with a caretaker giving suf ficient tlmo to the work to keep it in a condition which it tdeseryes and which is so generally desired a fund for perpetual core has already been openedj through the bequests of some and- the payments of others but no- definite plan for care and admin ira- tlon lias been prepared a cemetery commission or committee would readily accomplish that which not yet been attempted 5 cooperation with the board of education to securethe muchneeded and very desirable addition to the public and high school grounds ample additional territory is now available at reasonable cost this may not bo the case in ten or cvetii five years hence 6 improvements to our splendid 14- acre park which will make it more really a park for our citizens and more satisfactorily a tourists park for the thousands of tourists motoring through on- tho provincial highway every tourjst who stays even u night leaves money for- various supplies amongst our merchants- and business men muny towns ore finding subr utantlal profit in catering to the tour ist traffic acton had a share last ncason these observant visitors were complimentary in thoir remarks re specting the she and natural beauty of the park and its environments but the accommodations provided by tho town ure rattier meagre now park en on par a an k mr graham lindsay of toronto was in town on monday visiting his uncle mr john c hill mr lind say leaves with a toronto orchestra at the end of the week fbr england where they are engaged to give a scries of concerts the contract covers all expenses iand liberal re- numerntlon for the players a activities at the high school the monthly meeting of tha litarary society had special featuraa the second meeting of the acton high- school literary society last fri day afternoon showed that the worthy talent of the a c s was coming a tho tore presid6nt george mason was in the chair and ably conducted ha meet ing the programme wio instructive as wejl a entertaining tho first item was the singing of the school song a nev institution in the school program- me i breathes the spirit of loyalty and viotory and is intended to en courage a zealous patriotism a piano solo by miss margaret grin- dell was enjoyed by all a dialogue glvcji by mabel konyon and addlo hurst entitled enjoying the ttihv phone showed the advantages and disadvantages of a telephone rov mr gunton addressed the school with insplhn words the thought of which ws aim high ho gave numerous examples of how- success was achieved the girls quartette gave a chorus which was enthusiastically encored itev a c stewart olllciated as critic and tactfully performed the duties of giving inalsc and encouragement to the students ho complimented the president and those who had taken pari in the programme he remarked particularly 011 the courteous conduct of the pupils end the merits of the literary soclety tho singing of tho national anthem brought a meeting of considerable lit erary merit tu a close arohlto ktfrr rblwrtvr 1 avenue will greatly enhance tho ap pearance of the park 7 the recoatirig of the sections nf the provincial highway passing through the town should be consider ed the roadway on young mill and atoin streets may all be materially improved 1 8 a matter which has been deferred for years is the collecting- and con- solldatlng of th6 effective bylaws of the corporation which govern tho conduct and preserve the property and person these are administered by the police court and should be avail able to all concerned tho fact that tho police court has yielded revenues of between 700 and 800 this year for fines removes any criticism as to the cost of the preparation and pub lishing of these bylaws indeed tho fact of their being available in coni crete form would rtot only facilitate the work of clerks constables and magistrates but would make freo of access and interpretation bylawa which are now violated with more or less impugnlty but would naturally increase the amount received in fines resulting in their enforcement this may seem 8 largo programme but there is not an item in tho eight suggestions which can not e satis factorily put into effect by a compe tent and observant council 7 lights on all vehicles halton county counoil favorable but prefer provincial law regarding tho proposal of compell ing- all vehicles to carry lights at night the county council in session last week expressed itself as favoring pro vincial legislation rather than placing tho onus of putting sucn a bylaw into effect on county councils a- resolution expressing tho opinion that the passing of such a law should rest with tho provincial government and not with individual counties was passed fvr the moat part tho members were in sympathy with- 410 movement to have vehicles carry lights but it was felt that difficulties would arlso be tween counties unless the measure was bebwux girl succeeds father a8 the mayor of dunstable miss lucy dales has been elected mayor of dunstable england her father cast the only vote against her he has been mayor forpn yoaxpndi jiib daughter performed all the duties of the job but ho opposed her taking oftlco on her own account asked if ho wantod tho job again himself he replied v oh n6 i have had enough and would not bo mayor again oh any ac- count and i oppose my daughters elec tion out of sympathy for her the eightypound lamb suits the market at a recently held lamb fair organ iiod by a county agriculturist and car ried out with the cooperation of the federal live stock branch in tho pro vince of quebec out of 250 lambs 187 were rated as first quality bringing tho top prices of tho day these lambs consisting of owes and wethers ranged between 700 and 100 pounds averaging 85 pounds per head tho remainder of tio stock wore small and unfinished ranging around co pounds per hood and sold at from onb to two cent iftjr pound lysv money

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