Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1925, p. 4

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i 6 jul the home or ljf artmt 3tor prwa member canadian wcckl newspaper association 1 member selected town weeklies ol ontario the acton free press is published ejl thursday morning at the 1 rcc press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is fcico per ear in advance postirc la thargcu additional to oftites in the united states the juc to vehnh subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates trinslcnt advertise tncnts 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise racms for 50 inches or more per annum 8 cents per inch each insertion adtertiscment with out specific directions mil be inserted till forbid and charged accordincl hp moore rresidentand editor g a d1ll manager and assistant editor telephones- editortal and business orhcc residence of president residence of manager j energetic immigration policy only an energetic immigration policy carried out on scientific lines will help to reduce taxation in tins country while at the samotime aiding in tho solution of- our railway problem as was said at winnipeg the other day at present our population is stretched like a thin line from the atlantic to the pacific one of our problems is to give depth as well as length to our area of settlement canada has received some unenviable publicity from certain poli ticians which muirltave kept j tne natural flow of immigration fnom great britain but some en lightened englishmen ho visited us to see for themselves our possibilities have brought back bet ter reports there is therefore no reason why a tide of immigrants should not find their way here once they are convinced that canada offers them home education for their children comfortable cefldijions ajxd n sornewhat freer outlook on life thqftipf en joyed in the country of their birth the young mans only chance the party platfbrms in ejlecuaft parties exist only to carry out cetaai purposes in government at least that was the original jnten- tion when the party system of governmentwns formulated in some countries indeed in most tjie determination that those purposes shall be is left more o7 less to the acknowledged leaders lord salisbury for example on the one side and mr thursday morning november 26 1925 editorial death of good queen alexandra the announcement of the death of the queen- mother alexandra on friday last cast a gloom over great britain and the sorrouj which prevailed in the old land is shared throughout the overseas do minions the hope of her recovery from the severe heart attack from which she suffered on thursday proved delusive despite the opinions of her doctors her great age no doubt contributing to defeat the efforts to prolong her life in the death of the con sort of king edward vii the world bids farewell to one whose career was one long devotion to duty and who among the notable persons who graced the past halfceprury had perhaps the firmest hoistonthe af fections of the people throughout the british empire gladstone on the other not only led a body of fol lowers in carrying through a policy but each con ceived the plan or policy to be executed in the united states a party draws up a statement of its principles and purposes and this statement adopt ed by a convention representing the party is termed its platform in canada as seen in the recent feder al elections the platform of- each party was very largely that of the respective leader and unfortunate ly these leaders were more or less vacilating in their adherence to their own platform or policy as they traversed the broad dominion territorially they adapted themselves too largely to the conditions pre vailing where they were addressing the electorseach party should have a definite policy and the leader courage enough to announce it and adhere to it let purpose or courage be lacking and the country suffers if a party or its leaders have no serious and honest convictions upon public questions the only object in the election is manifestly to get the offices of government that is not a sufficient reason for- the existence of a party in politics as in other re lations of life candor and honesty deserve respect evasion and prevarication deserve contempt combating tuberculosis the national campaign to eliminate all forms of tuberculosis in canada has been launched under the auspices of the national research of canada and while it will not increase so much the amount of scientific work now being done there will be certain new policies and the general work will becorelated plans for the campaign have been carefully mads aftef six months carefulpreparationr datatiaitbeen collected on all branches of tuberculosis inquiry and last october a meeting was held in ottawa by prom inent men who are doing work in connection with men animals and fowl the council has been pro vided with a sum of 30000 and work will begin at once the research is of great importance to the counfry and its value cannot be estimated in money as a consequence results will be followed with great interest in every part of the dominion if ono wero to choose a atlnarlo word ly whloh to characterise the proeant ego that word ejniotit inevitably would bo praotloal iniai la by no moans tho name aa saylnc that ulo watoliword of uio day is materialism the really practical is seldom wholly materialistic- it include ntuoh thut lis spit ltual sontlmontal and idoalflstlo but practical tho ago certainly in and itmong piactlcul subjeota there oro nono moro vital than work aind wave flilvlnga and tho soourlty of incomo in old ugo thoeo ato tssoiithttly questions for oung mon xor niodorn mothodn of industry and modorn tendencies ai u making this a young mans age old men nnd it moro and mora difficult to iioouro or hold profitable positions evon those who know that thla in no woro atartlod when one of the treat stool companion recently oslaibllehod an age limit of thirtyfive years u dewd lino it in aptly allied for tho employmont of now men argument in of little avail in matters of this sort protests aro of 119 uso it la the old men who have to tear tho burdon but young men roust moot tho emergency rtnd mcot it while tniy aio young by thrift tho probutoio period ot their working life la shortened therefore threy must raako it ytel creator result must save more andj lay autdo moro for old age itorls probnblo that few younar anen have cotihldciod how much they jsnouti have- in 01 dor to make the fpfurc se cure a now york insunutfs actuary liaa lately mado an intortsallnt atudy of ijilsjiimternmlsoncludesuitauleaat onesixth of tho incomo oho id be set aatde for insurance if a piurricd man with children is to make the future of himself secure in any contingency uut what wo desire to emphasize is not so much the need of saving a upeclllo amount or of lnvestlnj it in apoclflo wny as tho necesilty df establishing tho habit of thrift in early life young mon should adopt us a motto to work while it is day and re member that the night cometh when no man can work jew8 from the homeland doings in acton england ihar first vvmk of this month tapping or the pane getting- somewhere prom time o time reports appear m tne press ghoying the number of accidents reported to the workmens compensation board and referring to the large sums of money awarded for compensation it is interesting to compare the first ten months of 1924 and 1925 from january to october inclusive 1924 there were 49635 accidents reported to the compensation board by all employers under compen sation in ontario including 322 deathjaseg in the same ten months of 1925 there were 49743 accidents reported including 284 fatalities the decrease in death cases is most encouraging and means much to the whole province a comparison of compensa tion awarded is most illuminating in the first ten months of 1924 the board awarded 528290829 and for the same time in 1925 the awards totalled 4- 592236 85 or a decrease pf approximately seven hundred thousand dollars this decrease in deatn cases and the decrease in accident costs is part of the general evidence that the more severe more cost ly type of accident is being slowly reduced in num ber and that the accident prevention movement is getting somewhere the financial value of tourists to ontario it i corrservnfively estimatetttliat an addition of 40000000 has been spent m ontario by tourists from outside the province this new found money goes into every possible channel from food products ostly souvenirs switzerland florida and cali fornia arc outstanding examples of how tourist traf fic effects development ontarios revenue has been the result of an open door policy and advertising by railway companies and district organizations it can easily be imagined that a provincewide movement to sell ontario to particularly our wealthy neighbors to the south ofus will have the effect of increasing this amount annually through provincial organiza tions in quebec nova scotia new brunswick and a rumutjcabie results in the develop- ment of tourist traffic have been achieved during tho past year the tourist association ot ontario has been formed and at the first annual meeting to be p be taken to advertise the holidaying possibilities of the province of ontario our natural heritage of sceiiic beauty a climate tempered by the great lakes ashing and hunting in close proximity to the most thickly populated areas in the united states tend to make ontario the meccn for holiday seekers here tofore our natural possessions as an attraction for tourists have been taken little advantage of whereas by judicious selling they can be made a source of revenue second to none experience has shcywn that the tourist of today is the settler of to-morrow- and with unbounded possibilities for the development of our natur rgspvisggijt can easily jp imagined that capital will find its way to ontario by this first hand knowledge by the tourist in every way an economi cal provincewide movement for the development of vfoilrist traffic to our province should be encouraged 9 ne of the greatest channelslnrough which all fxtt- arf what makes a town here is a short editorial clipped from an exchange which all of us in acton might well read and having read ponder over and act upon what makes a town anyway is it the wealth evidenced by the homes and splendid store buildings these may at test the stability and the thrift of certain people but they offer jio great inducement to commercial and moral progress is it the spirit of good order and law observance that is a factor only the sleep- iestold hamlets that dot the country may have this spirit in rank abundance is it the schools and the churches may their number increase but they dont make a town they only culture it is it the geographical location of tne country surrounding the shipping facilities the natural advantages none of these are essential well what is it that makes a town anyway just one thing the unity of the people the existence of a common bond which causes business and social enemies to prut aside all differ ences when it comes-to- boosting thetowij notown ever made- real progress in the way of substantial success without the gettogether spirit unanimously adopted it has rejuvenated old hulks of towns that were yawning their way into endless sleep it has infused new life blood into the heart of commercial life and made thriving cities out of paralytic villages natural advantages count for much and prosperity cannot be built upon shifting sands but any town with half a chance can be made to expand and thrive when its citizens join with one accord in the boost- ing programme editorial notes revenue derived from tourist traffic to the do minion exceeded the value of pulp and paper ex ported from canada to other countries and in twenty- five leading products exported was only exceeded in value by one that of grain and its products tho consumption of beer in great britain for the last fiscal year was half a barrel for every man woman and child in the country- in addition to this there was an average consumption of over three gallons of wine per person is it any wonder there isso muchwont inthe land economy with efficiency progress with order are the new mayors watchwords for the ensuing municipal year and very good watchwards they aret too most people will say that they have heard them before but they cannot be heard or better still practised too often acton england express 7 sir thomas white formerly finance minister of canada who addressing the dominion wide con ference of boards of trade and chambers of com merce in winnipeg last week stresied the need for national goodwill and voiced confidence in canadas abllltyto soivetier present economic problems a newspaper editor from new south wales who travelled through canada from east lo west dur held in toronto on no 27dflnitel-actionw-ill- jngthhe pastsummernionthsrsaysi canada is not nbouvinvotor h dweritjerrtrnrver i view of unqciiiatorrrreotrtthotp a country but a continent boundless in rich re sources and richer still in the indefatigable energy of a people whose most conspicuous social character istic is their devotion to education and research in wise foresight of the future c some peoeple in small towns complain that the big cities draw all the business from rural com munities this is a mistaken idea all over the country there are shining examples to prove that manufacturer p w merchantsttiiilf operators and numerous other productive enterprises are established thrive and distribute their products more economically from a small town than from a populous centre t iwany successful businesses today are manifest in tptli towii ti in rural districts the small town which will analyze its possibilities and then go after the puainesi can build itself up alpnrntanu1nallamntft dam j el websters childhood the childhood of daniel wbter did not show tho man ho was a orylner baby and a palo weak alckly boy tho allrnst child in tho family but at majihcod he had a laro stately frame the chancre had been effected by work ing on hie fathers farm indulslncr in outdoor sports and living- a frugal and temperate life so robustand large was his body and no fmprebbve was his walk tllat tho coal hea vera of london pausod in their work to a tare at him an he paao ed them sydney smith likened him to i jneamontfino in trousers adding- ho js a living lie because no man on earth could be aa great aa ho looked carlylo called him a parliamentary hercules whom ono would incline at flight to back against tho world perhaps the greatest physical com pllraont he ever received was that paid to ills mountain of a head when thorwaldsen tho danish sculptor saw websters bust in powers studio in itomt he exclaimed oh a design for jupttftr i see i with difficulty he was made to be lieve that it was the head of on ameri can wjeiis tors early life contradicted the jtopular notion that man is the crea ture of circumstances he on tho con trary made circumstances ills crea tures one of his friends wriun of him after his death said hi school time was much inter rupted and from his own lips i learn ed that websters struggle for an edu cation was continued from his early childhood to his thirtieth year jevery step in advance was contested by ob stacles which he met with a hon heart and with a lions courage overthrew hib books were few ut this time there were a copy of wouhyronih a cheap pamphigt copyf popes es say on man and the bible from which ho first learned to read together with an occasional almanac he used to say that ot tho age oif ouriefija ho c0uldreclte the whole of the essay on 2can h entered dartmouth collejro ip 1797- but was desperately poor a friend oent a recipe while at college for greasing his boots he wrote back and thanked him politely but he added my boots need other doctor- inff or they not only admit water but ovon poos and gravel atones what he had lost a nauuraltat who is both an ardent student- in ills branch of science and abaentminded to a degree which keeps his family on the alert recently cele brated his silver wedding many guests were invited for the occasion and the house was made ready for the recep tion of the company just as tho first guest arrived one of the- daughters was sent to summons the father who had not come from his study care had been taken that ho should be reminded to dress in time so ho was all ready and at the sum mons f the daughter he came to the parlor when they reached the room the daughter noticed that her father car ried in hds hand a small wooden box and as he shook hands with tho near est guest she saw him drop i if be cover rolled off but she gav a sigh 6c relief whon she saw that tho box was apparently empty down on his hands and kness in an attempt to gather up something havo you spilled anything father v she asked spilled anything ho echoed in evident indignation at her oalm tone i have lost fifty fleas that i havo just received from egypt the effect of ihls intelligence on the family was nothing in comparison to the effect the catastrophe had upon tho company before the evening was over and the only thing that tho natural ist said to his friends in answer to their congratulations upon bis hap py married 41fe so his daughters de clared after all was over was- to ask that if they carried away any of his egyptian fleas they would return tho insects to him got beyond that one of the principle stockholders in u pronvliung goldmine was expiating on its merits to a capitalist and pro hi which tho miners wero working showed jilm specimens of the ore and bached up his statements with tho written opinions pf exnerts well admitted the capitalist it looks ft if it might be a good invest ment as my old uncle hiram would say it haa pints pints t exclaimed the stockholder carried away perhaps by his over- anxiety why sir were ln quart right now the hedgehog variety tfpme one has designated a certain sort of forgiveness as the hedgehog variety and most of them understand tho itteanl n a implied without any ex- planatlon same people take satisfac tion in accepting an apology in a way lo make the giver as uncomfortable as possible they make little inalnuat tlons and reservations till their for- glvenesa instead of falling- like balm on some sore heart in a prickly un- comfortable affair that stings and whimdikdb ntft ffbttuh the oivlnlty dt iwirotaqhiv on bundny tho pi uuuhn n a a ton baptist chuioh will bo hi a undrwood uiio f tho foicmont uaptliit noholuir of tho iluy mr v 1 umltfiwoiml vluim-nl- tlont of the aoton itiotlui liond 1 u li nk id over il lurito audio hm in all balms pftrhjli unit hulith auloil on wednesday ovoiiiiik st peteim aoton dicon lollnutod 10 be and u at ilia huvii mi hliihluy ootubui id in um of tlti iill- vcislty mission inquiries me holpk mado imwj tlio alleged obstruction of acton tmtiiiitlh by temporary otoctlonh lritioiu of tlio greeugrocois shops hloanur ohllheintoniu inuirlcil of rotersneldioud acton wns lined h una cd ut acton lullco couit on mon day for using limultliitf wuuih and bn- havlour tit ijcriymcndgardcnh aoton on saturday the aoton mule volco clioli con- triuted to tho musical imit of uo nor- vice in tho bating palladium on dun- day ovoning mrs ii aimltngo hus boon thanked by tho acton town council for her services in making a wall curtain dok and altar table covers nnd providing flowers each week for tho aoton com etery chnpols a choquo for 300 has boon drawn in favor of the town cleric to defray tho coatof tho munlclpul elections on sunday ut st peters alton oreon the annuul solemn rcqulonm for the souls of those who kuvo their lives in the war will bo said it is cut muted that in addition to any grants jcop wll bo required for maternity and child wclfuro worlc in acton durlns 19207 the finance committee of tho acton hospital council ronort that a lofirncy of 200 for general purposes has boon recolved from tho exocutors of miss u o hunt smells caused by tho manufacture of artificial shellac in stirling and ojl- villoroadh acton woro tho subject of complaints lo tho acton board of public health inst week the acton town council will borrow 10478 from tho newcastle savings bank 10000 from tho blackburn savings bank and 2gpoo from tho hull savings hank ull nt 5 per cent since tho second sunday in apill weekly openair meetings havo been held week by week through tho hum mer months in acton by tho london city mission under tho direction of tho new miesioner mi h atack mrs cartmelkoblnson st mlchaolfwenton and all angels viearago bedford park asks us to appeal to tho public not to purchase popples on armistice xay unless thoy havo earl hals name attached tho sum of 2350 is stnted to bo tho approximate cost to bo added to tho original contract price if tho btttlnj extension building is sot back jvhero necessary to conform with the building linos on saturday evening- tho annual general meeting of the acton congre gatlonal church institute took place in the lounge and was accompanied by supper at which over 50 members and friends wero present comprehensive arrangements for tho sale of inlanders poppies in acton next wednesday armistice day havo beep made by the mayor and her help ers and tho town will then bo well covered with sellers m margaret hyde aged 10 years wait walking along the road on friday evening when she was bitten on the face by a black and white lurcher doe which was inside a motor cor standing opposite the osborne castlo a brave display is mado on the end wall of the reading room at the acton public library by the mounted antlers recently presented to tho town through the agency of the mayor by miss er- topping of tho avenue bedford rali mr stanley mence only son 6f aid and mrs mence leaves for tho british guiana on the 14th inst to tako up the position of ass epg tnidornhrlthvnrguiana government in connection with the georgetown im provement scheme lady brlttaln paid a visit to tho acton hospital yesterday week to see mr a dawson the policeman who had been critically injured while on duty lnth valo mir dawson who expressed great pleasure at the visit waa ahlo to say a fow words to his sympathetic visitor number of aoton friends of aid w h champness visited tho rfew ox ford theatre on wednesday evening in last week on the occasion of the first night of capt bruco bal fathers now musical show carry- on sergeant s the rev j cartmelkoblnson vicar of st michaels bodford park held a little round table conference in the vlcerage last week to consider what steps should bo taken to commemorate the centenary of william blake the christian mystic and poet which takes place during 1927 tho mayor of actotn presided at tho sunday afternoon meeting- of the acton brotherhood whon an add res was delivered by mr a brltton who took for his subject is england doomed mr hnrry wyatt was the soloist and miss e odoil accom panied mr f markham acton baths at tendant has been officially commended by tho west london central sports association and by iho acton baths commltteo for his conduct on tho oc- 11 in mh only whon th imam dutond i upon slrongth of nt in uiuuutoy ot ft i in that the hnlp of nuolfiur limy rriim all ttn iltffernikff hotwiuifi vlufoiy mid infwltt thniti aro fifililmlnl roiilllmi itnrirwn by litnif ny in vlt h ir t mill only bn ah n did fit tlm mklitwn- iii ill tllo miijhi l irf nn im1mmimjiic ami nyminthlrlin ttt tin n thf hcalci in favft ot i luil an flltimtiatlufi fif mi of tin oil vut v inckintly it an aiiilfn mo initio f suit om of the t nt tnmut vlilrli nlvmi homo lhilaiiuo from tho ticnr ti wan ot miplntl by a iiiotlioi with imr iinly son a pat tlduluily mikih tiltinly yourirntm who ilulinod indlt cm nitvofi ymiih on a ceitaln tiny ttho lurid ft jin tmy nt luiith now llortney 1 dont witnl you to go down to thf hoach tlili nftoi noun but just to play ahout tlm mivii until 1 come out and then we will go foi a wulk i tod n cy mndo no profoht although his fuco foil and after 1iln inothor had lotlred to her room ho wont out 011 the lawn to urmiao hlnikulf it wat a very hot aftornoon ho had no com panions and tho time soon ljgun to linng heavy on 1i1h bunds now and then some of bin ilayinntoi would pass on their way to tho beach and shout come ftloihr kodnoy were going to wudel but ho shook hu head y ho could see tho gllfltonlng ocean from tho veranda nnd it novor soomi d moro attrnctivo nor the coluigo moro utterly dull presently ho walked slowly down to tho guto and buffun to toy with tho latch then wlti firm not tips and handn clasped tightly behind him ho as slowly returned to tho veranda again yloldlng to temp tut i on ho went to the gate thin tlmo heoponed it a little but instead of pausing out toward tho beach he ciohcii it nharply and onco moro mado bin way back to tho veranda how hot and lonely and htupld it was there and what a merry time tho other chlldron wero having on the cool moist sand at the edge of jho j frothing wavelets i ho boro it ns lon as ho could and then running- bwlftly j down tho gravel path ho operncd tho gate and scampered off to join hit playmates j it was teatime when he returned and his mother met him with uplifted j finger and reproving look i ah rodney bodnoy she said you havo disobeyed me you havo been at tho beach in spite of what i told you rodneys flaming cheeks and down cast eyes and silent tongue constituted a suftl clcn t confession and his mother an exact equivalent vura 111 o iniuiy inutuitos of go- tliitf ovfin wlili li uio at onco just and uiiktndiutiu and u i though wo may iimllif nt tho rt tui n thru fit wo can hmdly avoid a twlnu of dlnapprovnl ovi 1 the bud minim 111 involved in- j ml it hi n will uftjituri fact that 11 o man nn j nut of uln wity to nock wll ly 1 ovkng w ii in nt lowi 1 lug his own dignity i ho now vdil tribune kivom tliti 1 use 1m polui toiirhliifc whistler the iijiihl ii waa xnavukiuilly fond jf a iyijhi poodlr and onrn when the dog hud inrn lumm with uh throar in nt foi hjr momj lnikf nin thogrett npnr lallfit y markunlo wna not iuimod but pro- mrlbed for oh dor nnd took a partial revenko by rhaiklru big fif tho ncxt day hni tor whlfttlcr in great hnnto fnul th artiat feeling that lie hnif b n minirnonrd on some tnatlei tonntn it d with ine piodl dropped bin work and hhtened t mnckeiizhis hoimr how do yon do mi whistler said tho surgeon giavdy i wanted to mo you about painting my front door business directory mbdical f dr j a aicniven v pnyajolan and surgeon office and residence cornor bow avenuo and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelson fkbdeitlcic strkist aoton onitritf lkqal ikeatings kill um hmty in 1 rab isto aog at tofcul uce and vermin the naturalist however uttered enaatououthb recent fatality and his ryxbmbsradlmlftbur wffr watcht which wafl ron tharbc en si on is to bo replaced aid snolllnvg a sldeman of st al- bans acton greon has been appoint ed by the parish council for tho third time in succession to present tho parochial selfdenial offerings for the diocesan church l at the special service to be held by tho bishop of london in st paufs cathedral the putronal festival of ah saints south acton was held on sunday an thoso who have known tho church dur ing the past fow years agroo that its observance was the best for a long time over 300 mado their communion and the church was crowded at the sung- eucharlst in a way that is only expected at ens tor a at the last meeting f tho commltteo of the acton champfr of frnmhinrrja the question of reducing the con gestion of traffic in highstreet was considered arid it was decided to oak the town council to provide illumin ated signs near tho fjro station the mount winches terureet biuit acton- bin c qntl 01dqajcqtnmontnnn ties next year it p fortunate that acton has dosed tho fhst half of us current fiscal year in exceptionally favorable circumstances expenditures have been kept more than well wjthln the estimates a fact which suggests that of tho various coonmitteea of tho town council have maintained a care ful watch over their outglng8 for which they deserve credit fi6h travel long distance the department of marino and fish eries hus marked a considerable num ber of atlantic salmon by attaching sliver tags to their dorsal fins for the purpose of tracing the movements of these ash a salmon that was marked nnd liberated off burns point port maltland yarmouth county nova scotia on june 11 of this yeai wns kuled in tho molslo river quebec in the early part of july if thin fish took tho most direct route it travel 1 oil about 800 miles but if it followed tho in r re r indentations of tho sliurellno k firtftlttftfu tfvvr llfot mile now i want to tell you rodney that 1 was watching you tho wholj time i saw you go to tho gate twice nnd come back and then go through it the third time kodnoy suddenly lourrtl his tongue nnd looking up at his mothet with a world of meaning in his big brown eyes said you were watching me the whole time yes answered his mother wonder ing what was in the little mind and you saw me go down to tho gate and como back again he con tinued i did was the response still more perplexed jthen mother ho asked briivel although his little lips ti emblcd why didnt you tap on the window and help a follow oh tho infinite inexpressible pathos of it tho baby conscience struggling for right and only needing the quiet tap of the mothers finger upon the windowpane to nervo u for victory mncdonald oxley kindred vices the rev justus forward settled in blechertown massachusetts a hun dred years ago once reproved a work man for swearing while ho was en gaged at plowing a new fleld swear eald the man i gues3 youd swear mr forward took the plow and hur- rled after jtindifinantly denying tho charge then as the fleld becamo more impassible he began panting i never did see the like i novei did eeo tho llko when he had gone once round the field he stopped nji out of breath and said there you see i didnt and it necessary to swear no drawled the other man but youve told moron fifty lies you said you nevcr did so tho llko andl you saw it all the time i was plowln wifely concession advice is often too good to be taken but a very agreeable variety was onco glvon by james russell lowell to a young- woman about to be married always give your husband your own way bonds stocks and grain private wires to new yortc chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan phcrm 574 gucslph prions no 22 p o box ml harold nash farmer m a bmrrlmtmr bollaliaf notary pubtlo convyiwr eto perryman block acton out monet lent on mof1toaoes hour j0 iu lo 6 pro saturdays 12 0 oclock dental dr j m bell d d 7ldrsr tuntlt honor graduate otjtoronto tjnlvssv ally the latest asiathetlc used if fealrad i ofllco at residence corner of icoj and frederick streets dr f g gollop d d s lda dental 8ur0eon office otrer bank of nora boottav hours 810 to 6 jo evenings by appointment miscellaneous ho use 3alkiw6j roa sorescots burns soots etcbalmosalvecait b4t beit mighty gooohxjcolbs- too pnec 25 at wur txrocaisr ffttwnedonlv by vftieas sotmtolarotonto francis nunan bookbinder account books of all minds made tm order periodicals of every description carefully bound bulink neatly and promptly done wjmdhnm street over williams quelpn oof store r j kekr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience balmo salve the great healer antlaepllc nonjiojaonoua for soro- cuth burns chapped hands etc for sjile at our druglat or mulled postpa id upon receipt of price 2c try a box today and bo convinced veritas supply co 23 dunloo rd toronto 6 a graat help for teachers in tho sunday school peloubets selectnotes tho international sunday 8choot lossons 1926 the message of tho eoapel ac cording to john rirat quarter messages ft om genesis sec ond quarter barly leaders of israel from moses to samuel third and foui th quarters many illustrations and map the united publishing house queen and john streets toronto 2 the name red rose has been a guarantee of quality for 30 years rlprose tmris good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it i 3js5s 0pusicffiakest5kitffliildkcod happier and its wise to have them start their piano lessons early its also important their ear should be properly trained from the beginning by the use of a piano of purest tone- j if for no other reason their first instrument should be a mason risch the piano with a soul masonbjsch list your property with me acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guavantsa bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my cafe will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton sbrmmonosrvrtor tfrsnro onatha business is good attru3 busy business college this week wo were umalio to supply two business arms with clerical help no graduates to send young people get into training at guelph business college there la a good salaried position t you start on monday special proposition for the drat ten registering before december 1 a 1 bouck principal and proprietor owe syiinpton of eye strain a person rlsofl in tho morning feellne nt and ready for any thing ho starts to work with enthusiasm but in two or throe hours begins to lose his onerffv this is particularly true ot thoso that use their oyca for closo work if jour eyea aro a lnmii- cap to you first wo coulil con- vinco you of tho fact uion ro- hovo you optometrist and mfg optician rlbht at the post ofllco savaga building quelph the old and reliable granite and marble works guelph branch lq5wyndhamsfc otvv sy t- jcs wo aro manufacturers ajiov dlrarjt importers of all kinds of monumental and headstono work wo boll dhofit to our customers at wholesale piteen thus aavlnff our customer 40 per cont- t7o have the best appuancefl and thfl only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pnoumatlo tools properly we can blvo references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others hare to have law suits in order to colleot wo have the larreat and best stock of qranito in the dominion or more than any three dealers in tho west we losrftl- mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or peit customer by sending out ignorant stents sollolt- inf orders m employ only mochanlcat aisdtlafy oomnatltion pamnton ssr sons aublph ont j sasr 7 j i

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