Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1925, p. 5

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quir arintt 3frrr tbb thursday november 26 1025 twoshdes avlicn souro buy busy working in your tonao industrious way docs it cheer you if a noiffhbor conioa to interrupt your laboi jut to pass tho time away just to push tho tlmo of day ixocb it cheer you is he welcome do you love him fondl say then when ho in busy 0orklntr in ma tenae lilduatrloun way why tihould you atop aboit the lubor of your brisk lnduatiious neighbor just to xass tho time away just to pass tho time of duy will he welcome your intrusion will ho love ou fondly say twenty years ago the sunday school lesson for sunday november 29 dont you hear the east acalling fronn the issue of the froo press of thursday november 30 1905 the m ocecda of tho high school conceit aggiebated 77 20 contiactor mckenzle is completing tle flrat eight houtos cor messrs jjcirdniot q v co and has four moro under way ihitzon plnce being offered for sale dr a h horc has decided to- make his quarters in tho- porpyman bkjok permanently notwithstanding tho reputed short- aero in the applo crop adam cook has packed and whipped nearl 3000 bar rels this season jir n forbes has boughtfrom the j b pearson estate the vacant lot on church stieet in iear of john stone cos hardware and undertak ing store 2ieasrs johnbtone ac co purchased yesteida- hlltzen place that fine old proiwfrtynm mill and frederick streets and bower avenue from dr mcgarvin for 2000 mr johnstone will make it his family residence mr r j gurney who has been in exeter for the pasti two years has accepted a position in one of tho load ing stores in calgary ilra clarrfdge sr of spring ci eek dairy farm made maple sugar this week fiom sap gathered from maple trees tapped on november 26 following is a grocery list advertised by it b scott at tho busy store 21 ills granulated sugar 1 2j lbs light blown sugar 1 4 cans corn peas or tomatoes 25c 4 rtis aesh ginger snaps 25c 6 lts broken crackers 26c 3 itb raisins or ourranta 25c 2 cans good red salmon 25c 3 jtjh i ejh fancy cakes 25c maprtha soap each 5c 2 itjb pure kettleu lard 25c 3 its large fresh prunes 25c born tucker in actonon saturday no vember 18 1905 to mr and mrs w h trucker a son piuiu before agrippa acts 26 1932 i golden text i was not disobedient unto tho heavenly vision acta 2g 19 time a d 60 oi j1 place caesaiea tho losson explained 1 not disobedient onto rticrheaven- ly vision 19 23 verso 19 contains tho koy to pauls life and success christ apoko pan 1 hearkened and obeyed cf is 50 5 how paul obeyed appeal a in gal 1 15 10 the substance of pauls mea- sago to jews and gentiles was re pent and turn to god and do work worthy of repentance comp ch 20 2 to icpent 1b to radically change ones mind toclmngoonos mind about god about sin and especially about christ to change from a mind thai loves to a mind that hat- from a mind that spurns god to a mind that joyfully yields to god from a mind that rejects christ to a mind that accepts him as saviour and as lord to turn to god is to turn tfur faces which are avay from god la feai and dislike and disobedience un to gou-lnhruat-nd-loved-ojbedionoe- tho man who preaches tho plain un varnished truth of god is bound to suffer ba this godhating and truth- hating world jno 15 19 20 2 tib 3 12 but wo can stand it if paul did and josus did yes and rejoice in it too there is a great utterance in verso 22 angry blood seeking jews against him a loving sustaining god lor him that was pauls position- so he dtood so can we all we need is tho help which is from god and that is at our disposal paul was now standing before a governor a princess and a king but he never foigot the little ones of earth his testimony was to small as well as tof great noto what is was ho wlthesssed the christ on the cross christ risen again christ the llghlgiver in a little thou persuadest me to make a christian 24-28- festus was unwilling loyieiu so ne eggs of today and yester day every householder must recognizo the value of the grading of eggs willie in bygono times a certain per centage of every dozen bought for the family consumption would probably bo a bit tainted or stale the housewife of today can know exactly what she is buying whether specials extras firsts or seconds an v eightpage parnprilot just issued by the dominion department of agrlculturethat can no had freely or asking from tho publi cations branch ottawa goes into the value of egg3 for food tells what is be ing done to ensure ihelr purity gives particulars of the different grades and furnishes recipes of various uses to whjch eggs can be put it also con tains interesting facts of which the following area few the wise consumer in buying will insist on graded eggs ejbks are the breakfast food of the nation and havo great food value eggs contain all the necessary ele ments for the growth and proper de- volopmentof tho youngand the- re placing of waste tissue in the adult eggs being a perishable product care should be taken in their keeping t keep eggs in a cool dry place and away from anything smelly such as fish onions cheese or kerosene xliero ore np substitutes for eggs eggs enrich the blood and keep it in proper solution eggrs are invaluable and indlspcns- able in health and in sickness the absence of- eggs in tho diet is hurtful imothers should consider now much 6ksa foster tho growth and devolop- mejitflfthbir offspring an egg at least a day is a practical neccsaity two or more aro better issued by tho director of publicity dominion department of arglculture ottawtu insured the old story of the man who said accident insurance was a humbug be cause the day after he took out a policy ho fell downstairs is capped by an incident related tn smiths weekly it concerns a woman who entered a london shop and displaying a very prosperous- looking pockctbook said i want a good planny for me daugh ter 1 what style of instrument do you prefor aked the salesman leading the wny to an upright nivor a happorthdo i care about shtyle so long as its a strong case havo yea anny wid iron ooaoa no maam but all our cases are made extra strong how much is this planny on the hire system tho price of this piano is forty pounds answered the clerk tho in stalment would be a pound a month i insure the planny und ill toko it well really maam tho purchaser usually insures the instrument but to close the bargain well insure this piano and agree to take all risks ye see bet wane me and you the purchaser explained as she deposited the receipt for tho first instalment in her pocket im glad to be alsy about the insurance becazo i want to get the betthor of me outd man he said that if x brought a planny into the l s w auax mu faith hes tho byto da it the measure of man lv k our voices arc probably not so strong as those of our ancestor a but a person living in boston cas talk with a friend in san francluco and bo dis- n hea judgingfroin the gtccir statutes wo havo made no advanco phyalcully but science has given us appliances which aro equivalent to tho super- humus faculties with tho tele scope we can see stars invincible to the eyes of the eagle thanks to the motor car we can leavo tho lleetest runner far behind thanks to tho alr- plutne we climb above tho coujs and look down on the earth hprend out like a map r the great mlstako of tho twenties century young- people is that they can do things their grandfathers would not havo believed possible they jthlnk they uro on that uccount superior- to their forebears on the contrary they may bo inferldr physically mentally a rid morally though our physical sennas may bo given superhuman -cn- ifackiea through scientific invention the meaauio of a man la not tho dia- tnruo hlsvulce cas carry jior tho dis tance he can see great incus de- poniloi on character his kindliness and loyalty tho atrongth of his puf- posiv and his capacity for self control decide bin placo in the tttalb df liu- tbmlft have you tasted salada green tea those mtiio have used japem young hyson or gunpowder tea will mxpfw- citethe superiority cf this delicious blend olwnysso pure and rich try it the immemorial east has from the beginning of time exercised its fascina tion on the west color movement mystery strange cieeds andstranger keeftt tho orad of o i mo with called the preacher a crank the devil has cheated many a man out of eternal life in that way we must expect to be called crazy if wo get our message from god that is what they called jesus jno 8 4852 many a preacher has been frightened by this treatment and has turned away into saying the nice thing that festus will applaud poor fool but ho said i am not crazy nobhvfestua noto pauls un failing courtesy many a man is loyal to tho truth afid is called mad for it and then goes to scoring his tra- ducers but in paul unflinching fidel ity wont hand in hand with unfauv lng courtesy let us learn a lesaon paul was not declaring the illusions of a mad man or the deliriums of sun stroke but speaking forth worda of truth and soberness rather sound sense ho was declaring indisput able facts happy tho man who ac cepts his testimony paul now turns directly to agrlppa with a tremendous startling and soulawakcnlng question king agrlppa bclievest thou the prophets it was a master stroke it is a good question to put to the un converted jew today it is a good question to put also to unconverted gentiles and then show them how wonderfully the prophecies havobcen fulfilled the argument from prophecy is unanswerable many of the high er critics are trying to break its force but they have failed utterly they have succeeded in turning tho eyes of some foolish people from the contents of the prophecies to ques tions of authorship but if anyone will study tho prophecies themselves in stead of wasting tlmo in the endless jangle of words about their authorship and sources he will soon find that god is the real author that the posi tion of the destructive critics cannot berue and that jesus is the christ theson of god7 agr i ppa answer is full of suggestion almost thou persuadest me to be a chrlsuon while the authorized version is not a literary translation of tho original it seems to come far nearer to being a literal translation than the revised version tho literal translation is in a little thou persuadest me to make a christian it is said that agrlppa said th4a in sarcasm perhaps so but like many another tho attempted jest reveals the real state of the heart agrlppa was deeply moved he saw the cost of further consideration of the claims of christy ho wasiinwillingtv paythecostt ho tries to put his con viction aside first by jest then by turning to other things with forced composure verses 3032 thus king agrjppas soul was lost and agrlppa was within one step of eternal life 3 i would to goa that thou wert both in little and in great end as i am 2932 paul took agrlppas word seriously he was wise in doing so ho said i would to god that not only thou but all that hear me this day were both almost and altogether rather might become both in little and in great such as i am how pauls heart longed that agrlppa and every one jn the company might be come- in everything in little things and in great things thorough believers in and utterly surrendered servants to his lord jesus there was ono thing in which ho had no desire that they should be like him ho would have them escape the chains and bondage though they wero responsible for his what a glimpse we got hero into his lovlag heart he was willing and glad to suffer anything for christ jesus hli lord 2 cor 12 10 but he would spare every one else paul felt in spite of his bonds that his position was higher and better than that of the king to whom he spoke and he was dify readings for next wk monday paul summoned jbefore festus acts 25 i12 tuesday festus confers with agrlppa acts 25 1322 wednesday pauls defense before agrlppn acts- 28 111 thursday pauls defense before actb 1213 mighty monuments of the past to at test their real ability customs that aro bo old that they seem new costumes that look as thought their wearers had stepped out of some masquerade and even no costumes at all immense mul titudes speaking strange- languages the whole making up into a picture that is no alluring so utterly different so incomprehensible to the westerner that it seems m lfjie had been trans ported into another planet whore only tho stais tho sun moon and sky re mind him that he is still standing on mother earth add to all this the fact that the north temperate zone f america is let thousands of mites be hind and you step into the land of eternal summer where you have the widest range of emotional and climatio friday agrlpia declares paul in- npcent acts 26 2432 saturday pilate deolares jesus in nocent luke 23 1323 sunday a prayer for deliverance ps 43 15 jrooadvanoedrfofrfrm in chicago there is a pi inclplo of one of the public schools who in his college days was considered something of a- shark at latin and at many other studies besides what he did not know about physiology was hardly worth knowing ho was a grind and a scholarship man his little girl aged six is now a pupil of the experimental school at tho university where she learns many things out of the order of publicschool education recently she foil and hurt herself her father found her crying whats tho matter noroew he asked u i feu and hurt my patella she re plied kemembcr this was in chicago and not boston papa tfas sympathetic poor llttto glrll he said and proceeded with the best intentions to examine hor elbow noreen broko away in disgust huh i she snorted havent you nevor learned anything i said mv patella tbat isnt my elbow my al low is my great sesamoid papa went fdra latin tfietiaaary change thnt this world has to offer this shedding of evcryday usago and spectacle is provided by he round the world cruise on tho can adian pacific liner empress of scot land which sails from new york on december 3rd for the following 128 days there is a nover ending and ever shifting panorama of utterly new things presented to the passenger of this cruise what ho or she hna be fore only rend of in booka and seen in illustrations unrolhj itself before the astonished oye thoroughly compe tent guides tell of the wonders of each plnce visited and conduct to every point of interest there is no letup in the continually changlnb novelties presented and the passenger stores up- in the short period of four months ejnoughnomorles jo last a llfe time somo few of these aro presented in tho abovo illustration the good ship bmpress of scotland is shown as she is just btartlng on her long voyage then comes that jewel in stone the taj- mahal bathed in sunshine the concrete proof of a mighty conquest and of il civilization that has passed yet intact today as when it wag- flrat completed hundreds of years ngotet another scene is the buzuar of a small indian city where the elephant that typifies india la seen kneeling to re ceive his master who la atthed as n eajfth these aio but a few high lights in a voyage that is crammed with new de lights each jay if one weio to under take this voyage on his own initiative it would costs thousands of dollars and it is not at all likely that he could take in all that is offered on the em press cruise in double tho time and ifm ther he would certainly lose the atmosphere- of luxury efficiency and bonhomlo which are the special char- netcrlstlcs of a voyage taken in com mon with men nnd women of his own class jlitd outlook on life a memorial cemetery- jit one of the approaches to vlmy ridge not far from hospital corner was a german cemetery carefully fenced and well cared for amid the surrounding solitude in front of tho entrance gates was the sign this cem was fixed ujiandnut i oid by the 51st london battalion for give us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us so it stood a monmuent to the thoughtful courtesy of the london in fantry when the canadians took over that area nine years ago it bald moi e clearly than speech could express it that the solidarity of man is not a fiction god hath mad 3 of ono blood all nations of men for to dwejl on tho face of the whole earth the salutation of the 51st london uuttalionto tho inviolable asylum of their opp is t soldiers com mon recognition of this it is a light to disperse our fog a clarion that even the dead in heart flhall hear a reveille calling us to life it is lie politicians if any who arc bound hand and foot with tho grave clothes wrong and dissensions may provoke men to fiercest angor but all men aro brothi en after all you cannot break the family tie let ua have peace real peace all that is iiromlsed by tho locarno compact all thnt is necessary to reetoro confidence and courage in tho worldsathatmonmay go about their business as they did before tho war heralded tho conflict of currencies and the manocuvilng of politicians peace founded on mutual forgive ness mutual hopes und a great desire to mako humanity ono united band pledged to advance a mutual welfare embracing all humanity the family herald and weekly star no matter how deoprooted the corn may be it must yield to holloways corn remover if used as dlroctcd needed another barrel when van blumer came up from tho collar he told his wife ho wanted her to do him a favor i want you to give tho cook a message for mo be added what inquired his wife atrlflo anxiously tell her ask her i mean said van blumer not to put tho broken china into tho ash- barrel i really must have some plnoe to put tho nshes simple and sure dr thomns ec- lectrlc oil is so simple in application that a chll can understand the in- nt ructions used as a liniment the only direction is to rub nnd when used us- a dressing to apply the di rections are no plain and unmistakable that they aro readily understood by the young and the old c v he studied his pupils dt edward taring next to arnold of rugby was considered to be the mnut wiffymwful tfftrhov nf bny in ft l of england the duller tho lad tho moro eager was doctor thrlng to tuko a hand nnd develop him on one occasion a despairing father brought his son to him john must do everything his own ffay said he opposes his teach- jshls schoolfellow me in every thing he will not take it forgrahtod that twice two aro four until he has counted for himself john is in a moro hopeful condition than the amlabteboy who i always goes with tjie crxiwdf said tho shrowd teacher provided her hns common sense enough to find out some time that he is not infallible after two years the father called went to doctor thring what miracle have you worked on john ho asked he is happy affectionate and sensible i taught himhow to load and sjaf- fered hlro to bo a leader wn the reply boys aro like sheep ono finds a path the others follow tho masterful htrong hoy can be trained into a wise captain it in the weak lad who always copies irik fellows that is not worth drilling tho theory of this famous teacher is moro worthy tof attention because education too orton treats boys and girls in tho massuoglcctlng individual development doctor thrlng by care ful attention to boys of particular character has given to the england of tattay somo of its must useful mbn a mother8 in the schoolroom it always does me good to have you make a visit to the school mrs john son said the teacher of mrs john sons two daughters that i am very sorry to say 1b not generally true df mothers undoubtedly the school maamjlin questlon expressed tho opinion held by most teachers in regnrd to most par ents the mother or father who comes to the school comes usually to com plain that mary lias too much home study or that john is not taught good manner- or to demand not to re quest that gwendolen shoull be ex cused from competition or that jane shall leave school an hour early for her music lesson in these ways and in a score of others tho mothers wishes run counter to the expert opinion of the teacher and increase needlessly tho difficulty of education so annoying is this friction that it comes to take too large ii place in the teachors mtnd for one mother who cornea to tho school and makes trouble there aro ten who do their best to further the plans of tho skilled edut cator tho households in which tho needs of the children are ignored for tho pleasure of their elders are not nearly so many as thoso in which caro- ful consideration is given to the habits and the occupations of the boys and girls perhaps the thoughtful and unselfish mother stays a little too much in the background ho far as tho school is concerned it would bo well for her to express aatlsfactfon with her chil drens education otherwlao than by hor silence and absence upon tho teachers ears so used to tho voice of peevish complaint and un reasonable request thero would often fall with cheer the hopeful word my mary is making such progress in her school work that thought i should like to come to tell you about it peevish pale restless and sickly children owe their condition to worm mother graves worm exterminator will relievo them and restore health paying your bills there is nothing mforo plaanant than paying xour bill than payinfi- your bills whon theyre due it uenda through your heart most enjoyable thrills to know theres nothing charged up- against you youre making the wheels of your village go round youre giv ing the workers the beat kind of aid when you dig from your wallet tho shilling and pound and pay up youc bills in the palace of trade youre filling tho soul of the merchant with glee youro bidding the banker to weep no more you aro hanging new wreaths on yourfamlly tree whon you pay up your bill at the dofunny store that man is a hindrance nnd hurt to his own town a brake on the wheels of his own neighborhood who views the collector with withering frowns who doesnt pay up when tho paying is good i too highpriced for him a tall rawboned individual who did not need a giasshopper peeping out of his pocket to show that he was just in from the wheatfields wandor- eh into a soattlo restaurant and sat down at a table near the door he removed a battle adinedfclthat ranged himself carefully picked up tho bill of faro and began to read for nearly half an hour he sat there studying it and figuring with a pencil while a waiter occasionally interrupt ed him to ask for his order at last he picked up his hat ioso and started for the door with a sigh whats the matter sir asked the waiter isnt there anything you want its trfb steep for me young feller said tho tall man ive got monoy but i cant pay twentyeight dollars and aoventyflvo centaforono meal the waiter picked u t bil o faro on which the figuring had been done tho mnn with inonoy had ad ded tho pi ices of all the items on tho bill together choapeat of all oils considering the qualities of dr thomas ecloctrlc oh it is the cheapest of all prepara tions offered to the public it is to be found in overy drug store in canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for hale so be ing fnaily proem able and extremely moderate in price no one should be without a bottlo of it just different apples baked in most localities apples are abun dant at practically all seasons bat thoy are inclined to be bettor at this particular time of tho year perhaps no one fruit lends itself to serving in more varied ways and a baked applo doesnt necessarily mean the usual kind that is served at breakfast baked apples filled with jtempting dainties nover fail to make an appeal as dessert select six large firm tart apples core and pare them about onothlrd of the way down from tho stem end place them wlthi tho peeled surface upward in a deep enameled ware dish the vitreous porcelalnllkc surface of which makes it perfect for this use make a syrup of one cupful of sugar tend ono and onehalf cupfuls of water boiled together for six minutes then squeeze some lemon jufco over the peeled part of the applet pour tha syrup over thorn and bake in a moder ate oven for ten minutes then re move them from tho oven and till in the cavities with a mixturo niado of chopped dates and raisins which have been mixed with cinnamon and marsh- mallow return to tho oven for thirty- five minutes and baste occasionally a motto worth adopting skinny men run down men nervous men dont miss this youro behind tho times utyou dont know that cod liver oil extract id ono of the greatest flesh producers in tho world because it contains more vitalizing vltamlnen than any food you can get youll be glad to know that mc coys cod liver extract tablets come in sugar coatod form now so if you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid healthy flesh on your bones and feel well and strong and have a com plexion that people will admire ask relieves asthma at once if you any druggist for a box of mccoys cod 1 could read the thousands of unsollclt henry van dyke has a motto do not expect too much from asybody but expect something from everybody a good many of us bieak both rules we ar inclined to expect too much of 5uy n lends wu tkp grant that they re abovo mistakes and potti- ness tho greatest danger of expect ing too much of friends is that when we aro disappointed in a pet sou wo are only too ready to throw him ovor wo do sot recognizo hla weakness but we discount whnt 1b good in him do not expect too much of people no ono is- perfect the second part of tho motto la junt ns important as the lit st expoct a little fiom everybody most of us aro too inclined to estimate certain people as worthless wo cannot be lieve in thcg6od inlcntlonh of some blunderers of our arquaintasco we find it impossible to believe that under the surfaco of somo seemingly super ficial and frothy people theio is an honest aspiration jtobody is hq con stantly folcd as the poison who itf un able to seo good in everybody if tho best have weakness to master thes the worst havo something in their natures whtciriirrrgrouna of hapo there is only one kraft cheese the style and package of kraft cheese are imitated bat the uniform quality and distinctive flavor of kraft cheese cannot be duplicated please always look f or this trade mark when buying calling up prospects by long distance is the best way to advertise our business mjthe toughest prospects yield to long distance selling tvritesa shoe merchant v j cadesky of toronto eesightspecialist will be at a t browns drug stojib acton monday pec 7th anvonc suffering from eye strain dofectlvo vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint mon is may be mado with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hour 9 a m till 4 p m look money take notice that we will handle your trouliiesonie notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo placo 34 years experience at your disposal nnd assume all your collection troubles send us your list wo will do tho rest no nofqor account is considered too small too laree too old or too far away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors ora1sgeville owen sound m aiken manager jos j kelta manager reference sterling bank of canada qllldren cry for xjlver ext i act tjabota only 60 cents for 60 tablet and if you dont gain five pounds n 80 days your druggist is authorised to hand you back the monoy you paid for them it isnt anything uniisuat for a per sqn to gain 10 pounds in so days and for old people with ffienlcoiexs ovot- taking ttffim thoy irtfrlt wtftotyrb ed letters received by tho makers from grateful usoru you two would realize tho lomaikablo powers of dr j t kellogra asthma ncincdy all- cases incipient and chronic are benefited by this great family prepaiation why muffoj oi ijjpferlment with worthless preparations whon the tfonjulne kol- ibfl wn k liurcliuaml exerywheye x castor i a ii mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil faregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind- colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sfeep without opiates 7 to avoid imitationsi always look for the signature of cx- proven directions or meh pnekngf physicians everywhere recommend it railway time tables at acton going wt no 29 8qajn nq 31 v 1046 am no 83 228 pin no 85 bos pjn no 30 839 pm no 25 sunday 1041am going eat no no no no no no 26 30 38 24 sunday 721 am 11 os am jh5 pnx 017 pm- 813 pm 708 pm canadian national electric railways weitbound dally excapt sunday 743 am dally 043 om dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 p m dally 5 43 pm dally 7i 743 pm dally 943 p m dally 1232 am eastbound dally 743 am dally except sunday 043 am dally 1143 om dally 143 pm dally 343 p m dally 643 pm dally 743 pm dally 943 pm dally n40 pm freight delivered hv nperlal oxprea freight frelrht plrked up at any ad dress in tontnto j a smith insurance and real estate agrent for confederation life as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and town property for snlo prompt careful and courteous at tention given your bu8ine88 solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 10s r- 2 he earned a bonus but it didnt pay ho- had a job with a blr tranancrrt company driving a team and utlxt dllnr biff taaea in all kinds of moatli- er his mother was a widow and ther were ave to be fed i mul6 917co a week and a bonus of fgoo a for extra loads i used to rt wt throufh but if i didnt sticlc it i didnt et the bonus one day t fell oft my load and they said i bad fainted and tbe doctor said my chest was weak i hid to ffo to work in tho morn in er when my suit wouldnt be dry a tovr wreelts more of work and i cot another spall and they sent me up here in the muskoka hospital for con sumptive herb is finding rest car and rood food beyond anything b tor experienced tho doctors ind nurses like this quiet helpful chap and have hopes- that health tnd strenrth will come back to him be fore ion ir contributions may be sent to hon w a charlton president 223 col- lre street toronto 2 ontario typewriters remanufactured imderwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewrite appliance co 99 king st west toronto 2 advertisers tha free pre88 la anxiou to aarva you and oarva you well wa on glva your advtrtiaa- mant battar attntionnd thara fora maka it mora attractlva if tha oopy la auppliad to u on monday or tuesday if copy fails to raaoh ui until wadnasday forenoon there la a ruah to aet it up before tli forma close and the result it likely to ba leas satisfactory send in your ad8 early free press job printing is always neatly done xoes your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario i i

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