Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1925, p. 6

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jq bjrtha marrlaffci and deaths arc now charged far at too following rate births 50c marriagei 50 dcatiie 50c memorial cards 50c 10c per line extra for poem a died masaxes at liia rotjldenco main st acton on friday novcmbor 20 1925 potor lloyd musnlch in his cjjth your blain in uruniptoh on friday november ohuttio junicu boloved wife of sonutor richard blaln in her bixtjffourth yar 1 binnie at horliomo ut balllnafad on friday novensber 20 102g mar- karet mcenery widow of tho lato cico binnie in her 77th year lowryat the homo of his daugh ter mih f mcarthur wollington place guelph on monday 23rd of novomber 1025 dr w h jjowry aged 78 year wp artmt 3fe phs obituary thursday no vkilber 26 1926 brief local items chrlatmns coming got ready fiome turnips are atlll comlngln it looks llko skating on tho pond again soonr cold lingers for carpontors and builders theso days next monday will month of novomber peter ll01d masales an drosult of tlio lnjurlos uuutulno through tho kick of a horoo referred to in last issue mr potor maialea- succumbed on friday evening inters nal injurioh were more borloua than at llrat busptctod mr musalca spont his llfo of slxtyoleht yeiiin in acton and vicinity ho was the oldest son the lato jacob masnles and was born in nassosawiyn latoktlio family 10- moved to tho farm nowowned by mr charles mckeown lot 2 con 3 erin mr masalos murijetl miss hannah rnmshaw daughter 6r the luto wil son bamshaw about forty years ago thero wore- four bonn and three daughters in tlio family mrs masaleu dlcdnlno years nbo next february a son nnd daughter died in infancy nnd herbert passed away during tho influenza epidemic in 1018 mr masalos was for years a member of tho slloam methodist church dur ing hii rosldenco in acton ho lias boon an adlffircnt of knox church ho was a man of quiet disposition and loved his home above any other place the funeral on saturday afternoon was conducted by kov a c stewart and rev r h zimmerman intorment was mado at churchill comotory neighborhood news- jnews of local import town and country ospringe d s mctavlsb will bo itoturnlnn oihcer liuro at tho townshli election and will hi in mackenzie will act an poll clerk ashgrove complete tho- the fowl hupper and entertainment at tho church reopening on tuoh- day nlpht was largely attended iiiui proved a lit tine climax to a memor able event the chicken- supper was a real one with real chicken and an abundance of other good jlhlnija that caused moro than ono person prosent to seriously tax their capacity it wis a-dellelous- rpftst tticj programme by tho brampton male quartette was good and tho speeches by revs truox dickie hamilton und caldwell were appropriate and enjoyable ballinafad nov wo may naturally look for frequent falls of snow good mprrifng have yourenew- ed your fxieq piiess subscription tho deer hunters from thi3 sec- tionreport good sport this season tho ijroweddlng showers con tinue with somowhat trying regularity masons knitting mills and the shoo factory aro both running over time to overtake their orders tho baptist church has erected a very attractive bulletin board an nouncing the church services canvassers for tho adam beck fund are calling upon citi zens for their contributions this week it is not too early to think of christmas seating cards select your design today when the assortment is largo ono of tho most comfortable seo tlons of highway in ontario is the road botweon main street acton and rockwood sto and lot tho train goviy it only takes a minute your car will start again intact and better still youre in it maybo fergua will have its soldier memorial ready to unveil at tho con- otnary celebration in 1033 fergus newsrecord four of the seven members cont- prjslng the shelbunie public library board have left that town during the jmet ten months the town hall flog was promptly flowifat half mast as soon as tho news of the passing away of tho que on 7 mother was received in town basil johns ion will be the re turning officer at leslies school for tho erin township elections and jas mclean will act as poll clerk cheerfulness may be a small vir tue but it sheds a brightness around us that neither tho dark clouds or the rain can dispel its happy influence an observant bu man in the tvest writes listen you mothers of canadian homes an ounce of mother is worth a ton of clergy in your chlldd life human beings are not tho only erratic things says a moloncthon mtuu look at tho way potato prices wobble around- econo mist a deputation of hamilton mer chants waited upon tho board of con trol on monday to complain that rum mage sales aro a detriment to regmlar buelnoss at the ripe age of 00 years agnca jano true widow of the late john stokes passed away at tho home of her son john stokes at terra cotta last week thecglt of the united churqh is increasing in numbers weekly mrs rev r e zimmerman tho superin tendent is making tho meetings very interesting w bro d mctavish master of walker lodge a f a m and 11 delegation of the brethren attended the funeral of the lato bro harry austin at erin on saturday filling stations are so numerous and popular with motorists that soma of tho restaurants and ice cream par lors are stealing the idea of their dr w h lowry guolph in the death of dr w h lpwry of guelph there haa passed away one who for many years was a resident of acton and who hatf ahvays been held in highest esteom dr lowry had reach od the ripe old ago of seventy- eight years and bocataso of an en- foeblod heart his death avob not un expected ho retired from tho practice of his profession several years ago and in company wltfe mrs lowry spent a year or moro with a daughter and son which ho greatly onjoyod since their return from vancouver dr nnd mrs lowry htivo been re siding on norfolk strqpt guelph but at tho time of his death they were at the homo of their daughter mrs frank mcarthur weillrifiton place guelph dr lowry was a nolive of bally- mora county antrim ireland and camo to canada wfcl his parents when a child they settled in era- moaa township whero ills father was a school teacher for years when a young man dr lowry cltao ti actoti whero ho worked as a cooper for the mooro brothers and lived with mr and mrs edward moore on church and frederick street with tho ambl- tlpn to take an active place in th af fairs of life he went to medical col lege and in 1874 graduated with hon ors taking tho gold medal for the year in 1875 the dr commenced his practice in actonr he lived with dr and mrs mcgarvfn in tho homo on mill street whero dr shook actons flrst doctor resided when practiced here while living thero this resi- denco was destroyed by llro tand tho dr lost his gold modal his parch ments and his instruments fifty years ago dr lowry and ann jane hill oldest daughter of tho lato charles t hill were joined in holy wedlock fifty years of happy wedd ed llfo they spent togethor t mrs- lowry was a member of the teaching staff of acton public school prior co her marriogo and had as fellow- teachers- onthe staff utssesmary thurtell and hattie i speight who later were mrs alex ht brown and mrs h p moore the ir bought the cant- burns residence there until his removal to guelph after disposing of his practice and property to dr t a mckcague now of winnipeg a littlo over thirty years ago dr lowry was a man of sterling character always friondly interested in local affairs and anxious for tho betterment of tho community he was an active workor in knox church and an ardent prohibitionist and was iden- tiftod with all moral and patriotic ac- mr and mra c a downos and fam ily have removed to guelph mr and mrs peter ferguson spent sunday with kitchener friends messrs f blnnlo and m campbell attended the royal winter fair last friday mr and mrs rickotts and daughter of owen sound spent sunday with mrs rlcketts mother mrs w j shortill a number of people from this vicin ity attended the funeral of the lato mr h austin of- erin last saturday tho young people of the united church have organized a society und purpose holding meetings each week during the winter mi and mrs mcenery and family visited friends at fergus over the woekend mr and mrs w h colo and son vernon of georgetown spent sunday with mrs colos father mr jos h swlndlehurst william swlndlehurst will be the returning- officer hew for tho erin township elections joe swlndlehurst will be his poll clerk the funeral was held on monday afternoon ofmrs gqorge binnie who had lived in this vicinity from the time of her birth severityseven years ago mrstbinnlo had been in poor health for some months she passed- peacefully away on friday evening rov n wnddoll bd conducted tho funeral which was- largely attended mrs binnie was the daughter of the late william mcenery her husband the lato oeorge binnie predeceased her forty years ago ono son peter binnie erin township and two daugh ters mrs d h young acton and mrs robert kirkwood erin survive thero are also six grandchildren of tho family of six brothers and sisters only david who recently removed to acton survives mrsl blnnlo was a woman who enjoyed the highest esteem of the community shot his foot thftrv drove to guolph alex beattie dgod 21 who vctiiden in guelph with part r his right foot shot away drove his car from tho doufjitih sorby farm three miles out of guelph tothe city to obtain niedi cal attontlpn at tho time the ac cident occurred lloattlc who was out hunting slipped from a lot on which he was standing ills gun was acci dentally discharged and a portion of bin foot was blown a way after his wound had boon attended to tiis ib physician the injured inan was taken to st josephs hospital threshing in woatio ovor it will bo a matter- of satisfaction to frlondu throughout eastern canada to learn that threshing is now prac- tlcally concluded in all three provinces the weather throughout thvlost woek was ideal for winding u thla import ant work outside of the long delay in october there has been no aerioua loss- gonerally wheat out in tho fields lost a grado from bleaching and mucli of this lalethreshed grain is tough some of p it damp arid needing im mediate treatment but its a wholo tho crop of 1925 is regurded as very satisfactory musical committees fine programme the musical committee under the directionof miss loitio itfdson gave an interesting programme at tho meeting of the young peoploa league on monday evening six lino musical numbers were given all of which wore encored miss stella mclam in a fifteenminute story gave most vividly tho salient featured of ten nysons enoch afden painting in graphic word pictures tho salient features of the pathetic tale miss bennett the president had charge of tho routine businesb there was an attendance of over a hundred to or a ani xo short courses meetings for the purpono of ar ranging for short courses in agricul tural for young men and boys and coursos in domestic science sewing home nursing or millinery for girls and others interested will bo held in the township hall nassagaweya on wednesday november 26th at eight pm and the town aftlj acton on thupsday eiglrt- p m all clubs womens institutes out of order an oxeuho no absurd as to put an entire court room in uood humor was given not long ago before an english magistrate a name wan called by the usher a voice answered erol and a man with a lamo log htumpod up to tho table and mild tho defendant could no appear why asked tho magistrate well your worship hes ill lies werry bad indeed sir whats the matter wllh him hes got a worry bad leg sir whats the matter with it well yer worship its like this ere its got wrong in tho jinta sir has he got rheumatism well air taint that zackly its a cork leg and the spring in the jint as gono wrong j tho magistrate himself could not jhelp joining in tho laughter which fill ed the court at the absurdity of one man with a disjointed leg pleading tho caso of- a similarly ahllctcd frloijd and at tho doleful tone in which ho added i do assure yer worship that its werry worry bad sir and lib- cant walk the summons was held over until tho broken spring could bo repaired and tho advocate stumped out of the court with a smile on his faco and making a solid sound which proved that all his own jlnts were in good working order the prisoners advantage tho man up for larconcy had admit ted hts guilt whon apprehended but at tho trial the green bag says his youthful counsel defended him with great obstinacy and unnecessary bril liancy gentleman said tho judge re garding tho jury with a benevolent smile tho prisoner says ho is guilty his counsel says ho is not you must decide between them then after an effective pause the judge added there is ono thing to re member gentlemen tho prisoner was thero and his counsel wasnt leads way today oakville tlvltlea 6rtho for years ho was a member of the municipal council and of the board of educa tion and was honored with election of reeve of the one and chairman of tho other three eons and two daugh ters blessed thohotho charles lowry is in welland dr w h lowry jr is an eminent specialist in toronto edwin in vancouver mrs f mc arthur guolph and mrs farm in in vancouver dr lowry was a good man his name will always he rever ed in acton and community he was a- past master of walker- lodge a f a m acton and since residing in guelph took a lively in tcrest in the activities of waverly lodge of which he became a member dr lowry also was an active member of the old st patricks society in the days when that organization flourish ed and in the field ofspiort devoted most of his sjiare time to the game of lawn bowling in which ho was an adept the funeral was hold yesterday afternoon from his daughters resi dence wellington placo guolph the oakvlhe band committee re ported to the council at last meeting a balance of 11801 in the treasury some thirty grimsby oddfellows mqtorjjdejnmondaycvohlngjvltli their degreo team and conducted an initiation in fine form mr and mrs e p lunau and family have vacated their summer home in trafalgar and taken a house in town for tho winter months magaret jane shaln wife of the late william secord passed away at her oakvillo residence monday night in her 91st year last thursday evening thero was a mens banquet in lusk hall when ico gathered around long tables and par took of a delightful supper served by ho church ladles the subject of jflfllntfinnnc and kx of the- the warm bath signs filling- statlorilb-ratheivap- ouse proprfate tho gray days of novembor no plaint from meahall win i shut the fog nnd mist all out and shut tho flrc- ahino in i draw my chair the closer to whero its warm glow cheers and dreaming in the firelight dream back across tho years knox church plpo organ will bo ready for opening on sunday decern ben 13 a public opening entertain menfe will be given on tuesday de cember 15th fuller announccmt will be made later smythes mistake which la descrbed in an english contemporary must have been disconcerting to say th9 least youll find your bath in tho out- united church was discussed vlceprosldent hungerford tt the cnr wrote tho council last week that lmmcdlato stops would bo taken oimnrovo the morning train service to toronto this was in response to numerous representations made to the railway motoring to florida appears to bo the favorite winter occupation for oak- vllllans this week mr and mrs c w moneilly and e a and mrs mordcn started tho journey they will go quietly from place to place along- the route 1 the vocational training classes were organised most successfully on tuosday evening at the high ischool when no fower than 120 students en rolled their names and immediately entered upon their studies eacn class was allotted a room and placed in charge of a capable instructor the degree team of the oakvillo robekah lodge motored to hamilton thursday afternoon to put on a dem onstration at the school of instruction at the oddfellows tomple this de gree team has become recognized as one of tho best in the district and- the ladles have- been- showered with com pliments star and local organizations and all rural and urban people interested kindly attend a programme of moving pic tures will be given halton educational association the annual meeting of the halton educational association will be held 1n thecourtrhdusermlhon tliist thursday afternoon when matters of importance to education in halton will bo discussed one- topic will bo the placing of the management of all township schools under one township school board instead of having trus tees f6r each school aectior this pro posal has aroused some opposition among ratepayers while most educa tional authorities emioiae it both sides should bo heard at this confer ence among the speakers will be mrs charles dlltz of bronte inspec tor denyes george lush and rov w n morris secretary of tho onturib education associationr in spite of the fact that tho com pass has been known for so long it is today moro widely employed than over beforo it is tho surofiro path finder the cloud by day and tho pillar by night to the sailor afloat on the heaving ma the airman above tho hiding clouds- tho miner far under ground in the deepest shaft and ex plorers surveyors hunters trappers prospectors pioneers and travellers penetrating tho tackless forest the- jumbling mountains the virgin wilder- ness and the far north churchill i mr john graff has returned from his visit to friends at powotssen mr and mrs arthur swuckhamor and isabel spent tho wjeokend with friends in toronto miss carrie ryder of arkell visited friends here during the week tho threshing season is about over mr fred smith who has been en gineer for walter lamberts outfit during tho season is homo now a job for you 5 to 10 daily co men wanted no previous experience necessary write for 40- pago free bookwhlch explains how you can earn while learning to work in city or town shops as auto me chanic engineer electrical batr tery or welding expert chauffeur salesman otc also bricklaying plastering mechanical dentistry and barbering dont die a laborer write now which job ad dress hemphill government chart ered trade schools free employ ment service 163 king st w toronto grewson8c0rwers the executors of the ejrtato of the lato mrs edward kliiebury have disposed of the homostoud on th highway ono concession west of the corner to air john armstrong of guelph township a dispersion snle of the stock arid implements will bo hld in december mr and mrs william dennis are moving this week to their new home in rockwood wedding bells will peal this week and a bride much beloved by her friends willcome to this community to rosidc rockwood a delightful trosaeau tea was hold by miss laura i macdonald church stroot one of our soontobobrtdes on taeaday the elderly ladtea at- rondea in the afternoon and tho young ladies in the evening halton educational association will meet in the court housemuton today thursday at 130 oclock mrs dllta bronte wljl give a report of oea- township school boards will be the main topic jfor discussion which will bo led by george lusk w m morris secrotnry of o e a- will be present and address tho moot ing when that old familiar hymn for those in peril on tho sea was sung in ono of the town churches the other evening ono of tho hearers re marked that there should be a revised version for those in peril on the road quite right as thero are more perils today on the road than on tho sea and far more fatallmosj watford guide thus ho had been directed tho night before at the littlo inn where ho was stopping and that is why he was now in his dressing gown punning open tho door of the outhouse it wns dark but there was the tub and it would do he hopped in in the niiddle of hie- ablu tions tho redfaced landlord thrust his head inatrthe door fin thedlhi light ho failed to see the man in tho tub water quite nicely warm thanks observed smytne but its a triflo muddy muddy be anged roarecjtlic land lord bursting in suddenly your tub is in the- next place get out of it you blitherin idiot not a word of this in the ouae mind not a word of this in tlo ouse thats my omobrewed ale youro washln in belonged elsewhere x 1- fv guelph 60ns of enftlsnd visit acton a fow members of the royal city adult lodge guetlh paid a surprise visit to woodgreon lodge acton last friday night there was a candidate for entrance given tho initiatory de- grtlo president bro astlnn was ask ed to take the chair for tho ceremony special praise was given by bro smith on tho manner in which tho work wan done bro taylor spoke briefly on tho juvenilo lodge tho acton brethren expecting to start one in about two weeks tlnic at the clone of tho meet ing refreshments wvra mftmftl unti cnw ttwnea ptaytfll that it is possible to have too good an appetite seems to bo ono of the morals of a story tow by a friend am very fond pf lrojuttejl firrfl jat corn said ho and 1 oatlt whenever i can get it some time age while i was in a restaurant in texas the waiter put a plateful on tho table and i helped myself whon i had consumed tho third ear i noticed that a man ncross the table was eyftlng me most curiously i took a look at him and told him that i considered roasted corn one of the most nutritious and palntablo things a man could eat then i helped myself to a fourth ear and devoured it with relish when i reached my hand into tho dish for the fifth the follow across the tablo coujd statu it no longer say pard said he monh you think you could savo about a dollar and a uuarter a day if youwosto board atil llvcrystablo nassagaweya at a meeting of the church property commission at waterloo last week the jasoof the rockwood appeal was con aldored7tno continuing ivcsbytctlj were advlsod to accept tho offer of tho united church hero to sell the metho dist church to the minority congrega tion for jg00 tho cstlmatod value of tho proporty is 2000 tho simpson womens institute of tho continuing presbyterians held thelt thankoffbrlng tneetlng intho friends church last tucsduy evening 17th inst the meeting opened with singing a hymn then prayer byjtev mr simpson they had a splendid servlco and- tho work done by tho so ciety since re- organising has been very encouraging mrs mclean of toronto addressed ttio meeting and spoke of the work done in northern ontario her ro marks wore tin in spiration to all present and the pres- pytorlan women of canada fleet never mr and mrs hesekioh nightingale of toronto spent a few days with relatives and friends at knatchbull this week tho young people who left these parts for ithe west during the harvest have all returned to their old homes tho farmers have got their roots and buckwheat in their barns in this district there is quite a lot of fall ploughing to be finished yet or will have to be done in tho apring- chlcken thlovcs have been operat ing agafn in this district mr r j anderson near darby villo had his chicken house raided a short time ago and a number of his bcsl fowl taken we hopo the culprits may be caught and a stop put to tho chicken stealing h w hinton from toronto jowollor watch and clockmakor mill street acton main st georgetown christmas specials special fine largo stock of christmas gifts now on sale at low market prices now is tho time to choose your cbri3tmns gifts pay a deposit and wo will reserve any article shop early to avoid crush at christmas as our storo is too small for such a largo business which wo always do at christmas diamond and ruby dress rings extra heavy engraved signet rings birthday and childrens rings brooches bracelets necklets links scarf pins pearls and beads fine watches 15 jewel rect angular wrist 15 jewel round tonnouii and octagon shapes ladles gents nlckle goldnilod nnd solid gold wrist watches 450 to j25o0 parker waterman dlnklo and aromnc fountain pons and evershurp pencils and refills guaranteed quality fine french chinafanoy cups and saucers dishos tea sets plates salad bowls and servors cut glass dishes water sets sherbets comports goblets wlno glasses fancy lcnthor goods bags purses wallets cigar canes score pads card cases handkerchief and glove cases collar boxes brorizo vases lamps ash trays jar- dlncres candlesticks etc fine french ivory clocks vases lamps manicure and toilet pieces nnd sets tambour mantle clocks 1500 each toys of tho best quality of all kinds fino stationery boxes shop early small profits quick hetumsl our motto sale dates friday november 20 clear tog auc tion sale for herbert scott on his premises lot 32 con 5 kramoiuu saturday november 21 furniture sale at rockwood property of the lato mrs samuel congdon wednesday nowmoor jib cjearlng auouon sale of farm stock tul im- plewnts of frank rhtr osrlnge fear for the master of tho vineyard has work for all to do his fields nro teeming white to tho harvest and tho laborors are few not only in foreign lands but right at home thoy have their shurc of the work to be done along the missionary line miss douglob rcadtho bible lesson nnd masters jack lavoriy and donald grey two of tho mission band boys sang tell me tho stories of jesus a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mrs mclean fori her uddrcss rev mr simpson also spoke brfofly in be half of the- mooting mrs august young sang a solo only remember ed by what we have done a col lection was taken up and up tp sun day some 4400 had been secured for thank offerings- the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by tho presi dent mrs ri patterson mr sherlock of guelph who is ex ecutor fur tho estate of mrs s cong don deceased had a sale of house hold effects at her into home last sat urday uoy hind ley wleldod the hammer in hts tlsututnahrter and quhte a number were present messrs robert henderson and johnstone llewat of siincoe were home for tho wreckend mrs milne ami daughter were visit ors in the village on sunday we are pleased to know that stew art royoe in progressing as well an possible since ills return from the hospital time to get busyfor christmas a few subeeeuons atarhped articles wktch with a littlo work make attractive christmas gifts buffet 8etspillow ca8e8 bed 8pread8 in factory cotton and krlnkic crciio guest bedroom and bath towel8 vurloue sorte and sizes centres cushion tops and in white nnd nntural llnori table runners flannelette nainsook and crepe gowns reesors novelty and dry goods announce u clearing sale of all ready- towear includ ing ladies dresses and coats mens trousers suits overcoats fine shirts and a ew large size overalls at prices within tho reach of everyone in need of ready- towear as this is an honest to goodness sale come in and make an offer we are endeavoring to sell a line of dry goods hosiery underwear and novelties that will give you real value ot from 5c tol note a few of our prices be low house dresses womens gingham house dresses to sell qft at siockiiig8 womens pure silk stockings the fortunate purchase direct from the manufacturer enablesus to sell 3135 stock ings for 98c theyre in the popular shades of medium weight and firmly woven sizes y to 10 qft boys- wool amnjirls sflk and wool stockings theres a substantial sav ing on each pair as we pur chased the quantity at a re duction that will be a real saving to or customers buy several pairs for school wear as well as for best at from 59c to 85c per pair mens shirts mens deacon and yale shirts with separate collars to match these shirjts will be put up in a holly wreath christmas box for you if de sired and will make excellent christmas gifts reg 375 for a00 reg 350 for 275ano feg 275 for 2 handkerchiefs a big shipment has just arrived hundreds of dainty handkerchiefs in attractive gift boxes are on display someare snow white some colored others plain or with dainty touches of embroid ery or with lace edges a wonderful selection of 3 in a box- for giftgiving we also have single handker- chiefs at from 5c to 75c toys dolls books christmas tree decorations an d games aplenty in our big christ mas display come in and look these over and ipring the children tea cloths with matching serviettes and numeroub other dainty articles wools wools wools wo stock jsffliylrch pown in all the newest i and moat popular shades au jilvpjtylsl shetland kloss saxony anuulusian and white heather an will pg jfij beavler wools electric lamps tipless ajax tungsten fcamp 10w and60w w i i5v lamps for each these are all firsts no seconds phone 12 geo soper acton lome school chrlatmns concert ukmm4f4ii iswrmsv ihflu be hold ai the nchonlliouse nn wi bbtuvbti au tuxftufr mftmnr dwwmlar 22 every step in itho baking of a line cako will prove a success if the- start lie tlib ufluoxnourfromahackl or our national flour anil tlio result will bo a branil triumph no matter how ordinary a baker yoii havo boon heretofore it may seem hard to bellovo tlmt national ilour would iiihuiv so much bettor rcnullb well try it and youll havo to bellovo it ndrval flour mills w r browne a c6r i nortval ont phono bell s0r2 ask your groeor municipal 327r3 dishes we have two dinner sets of which you may purchase one piece ai a time if pre ferred until you have the complete dinner set we also lave a number of dishes in the glover leaf design clover leaf cup and 1 j sucer ioc also a large number of hand painted china dis su liable tor cliflstrnattgtfts mclean co friday and saturday specials for this week t boys overcoats se overcoatsjyou cannot bi they are cheap good value at 750 special this week when you see these overcoatsjyou cannot but say d pa boys pullover sweaters sizes 28 30 and 32 this is a good sweater for boys going to school we have sold regular at 150 to clear d1 aa special this week at 1 vlu boys gaps good heavy tweed caps with lined ear laps l aa speciql 1uu boys fleecelined underwear two pieces shirts ancl drawers and combinations tiger brand two pieces at 75c 85c and 100 combinations at 125 140 150 and 175 mens cottonade work pants mens stripe cottonade tweedijwork pants sizes 34 36 38 40 42 and 44 every pair guaranteed special at per tfo ctk pair pae9 carliartt overalls black and blue with bib the best overall made in canada today the maker guarantees every pair when you buy a pair of overalls btjy the best try carhartts mclean co mill street acton ont store closes wednesday at 1z30 stop look and come grand concert auspices s albans church wednesday dec 2nd 1925 in thd town hall acton sk noted artists including the three arts of radio famo miss maude beverioge elocutionist miss may lewis contralto all ot hamilton and our own famous cornetist mr amos mason leader of acton citizens band a full evenings delightful programme ia all seats 35c children 20c dont miss this trea for a real overcoat in our oneprice cleanup all overcoats at regular prices up to 3000 tfjoo ca all coats are of the best workmanship and material we do not handle any cheap or poor grades ofanythlng select his xriias gift now a small deposit will hold any articlccuntir wantedr- mckeon powell gents furnishers acton ont meet your friends at reesors novelty and dry qooos acton phone mm cuts par excellence full lines of the very choicest of meats we always have the cuts you want and can supply your every need in the line of meats cooked meats ppf pork y fajyi3 h sausage veal watch our window for friday and saturday specials w j patterson coikrmill and main streets acton ont iv i 0smmmmm feyk

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