Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1925, p. 6

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j- 4441 blrtha marrlacea and deatha an now charged tor at the following ratea birthi 50c martianca s dcatha soc memorial uirda sdc 10c per line extra for poema born hardy in erin township on tuob- uay november 24 1925 to mr nnd mxa george b hardy a daurhtei johnston jn krln township on wednesday november 11 1925 to mr and mia luchnrd johnbton a nan siiobtilli in el in township on thurfidny november 19 1925 to mr and mi richard shortlll a daugh ter anes lillian dihjmmond in georaotown on novcmbei 15 1925 to mr and mrs j s drummond of claromont ont a daughter martha ruth married dbnnismacdonaiaj at 48 glas gow street auelpti on saturday november 28 1925 by rev james a mackenzie pastor of clialmcra united church laura isabolle daushter of mr and mrs alexander macdonald acton to john clark- son dennis son of mr and mrs william dennis rockwood died bastedo on sunday november 29 1925 at his residence bracebridge david edgar bastedo aged 65 years garrett at tho general hospital guolph on thursday november 2 1925 elltaboth hamilton beloved wife of hugh garrett in her 68th year stephenson at her home 50 appleton avenue toronto on thursday november 86 1925 mary a mokeown widow of lato john stephenson tt news of local import ilh artmt wte rm thursday december 3 1925 brief local items ita december again shop early and mail early twill be christmas in 22 days christmas shopping is now on in earnest send the fnco pnxss your items of news and personals does your prkb pnsss subscrlp- tloir expire this month there la an outbreak off mild typo of smallpox in kitchener prices for hoars have increased to quite taney figures during the past week the work of installation of she new plpo organ for knox church is in proffresstwstt7aekr the choir of the united church 1b preparing a fine christmas cantata the light of tho world better be deciding what to give your wife for chxistmaa so she can change your mind in time peel county council last week re jected the request of peel uemorial hospital for a grant of 3000 the work on tho two new houses at the corner off church street and victoria la be p for knox church choir under the di rection off mr fred salt la busy re- hearsing special music for christmas a christmas- entertainment will be given in milton heights public school on friday evening december 18 a little chap the other day teflned a friend an a feller whu kiiuws all about you and likes you just the same poet county warden bftnquotted vurdon h pallet t of the county of poel was tho guest of honor at a banquet tondorod by tho county coun cil last friday night nt brampton members officials and tholi wives were present in addition to col t l kennedy w it 1 pinker and k a orr fotmei win den itobeit smith of bolton was tpaoruuastor 36 head of holitoim sold thirtysix head of holateins in cluding 27 females 4 maloa and 5 calvea reallaod approximately 3375 at tho wellington county breeders consignment sale ot registered hoi st o in- lylesan cattle nt guolph on tri- day tho top prlco nt tho sale 230 was paid by g a lowo cheltenham for pauline rayne poach a four-year- old cow tlio averugo for males was 10 and for females 108 county clerk sixty years mujor william panton of mmton has tho distinction of being tho senior county clerk in ontario by many years ho was appointed county clerk for halton on- october 31 1865 to succeed his father who died ho la also one of miltons oldest rcsl- tonts and for many years has beon editor of the milton champion major fan tons father was coujwtyclerjc for nrteen or twenty yearff soldier believed dead t alive pte john m wroo of georgetown was officially reported killed in ac tion during the war and his name was placed on the towns monument to heroes which was erected last year but it has been ascertained that wroe ia still allvo and well in england on receipt of the news tho town sent wroo a gold watch similar to thoso presented to all its returned soldiers and also arranged to have hla nanio removed from the memorial death roll discontinue small cards and envelopes tho post office department is ad vising that the pubac refuso to pur chaso small cards ahd envelopes for sending through the mails no card or envelopes smaller than 3x4 inches should be mailed as tho cancellation stamps often obliterate part of t he address and they may be misdeliver ed or delayed these small cards and envelopes nre apt toftrfl outof the bundles in which they aro tied with larerer envelopes and be mislaid obituary james qo0batlt wpodstock a ill h patch from wdodstock savn ono of tho citys oldest und bost- known resident jamea goodall die 1 toduy in lila 82nd joui t3oin in eng land dcccaicd cumo to canada 5 1 years ago foi ovoi thiityflvo yeais ho was an einployee of the cunadlati paciilc railway surviving him lira one won and four daughteis mr goodntl for many ycifra was a rt nr dent of acton several mombei s of his family haa acton for their birth place during theli i ealdtnco liei e mr und mrs goodall und family were active members of st albans church paying th6 amusement tax tho arrival in town of the govern nient amusement tax inspector caused quite a flutter and surprise among the secretaries of ho several organisations and clubs when the said official demanded that they had over the amount of the amusement tax ow ing the government fqr baseball soft- ball dances and other entertainments held during tho past two or three years an averago for each game danco or entertainment was struck and was paid in one case it cost an organisation 60 milton reformer gregory theatre birthday cake this fine pew playhouse was open cfl to the public on the evening of uftvembcr 26tht 123 and two- years of successful operation has fully dem onatrated the wisdom of the invest ment and the becond anniversary was observed that day iby careful selec tion of pictures mr gregory had won the confidence of the public and the best productions are often shown here at much lower prices than in the city the patrons at the tuesday matinee ach received a slice of a monster brthdav cako which had been speclal- mrs john stephenson there was burled oiv saturday afternoon in tho family plot in fair- vlow cemetery bosido hei lute hus band and baby daughlci mrs john stephonaon who for the past twelve oi fourteen yours hud resided in tor onto mrs stephenson was so- ed with heart trouble a couple of weeks ago this developed into a stioko from whleh she never rallied mi 4 stephenson was a woman of quo char acter friendly and helpful in tho community but was much attached to he home mrs stephenson was a daughter of the sturdy old faimcr father mckeown who resided on lot 5 first concession erin and enjoyed during his long lifetime tho esteem of tho community rortyjsix years ago mury mckeown and john stephenson were joined in holy wed lock and for neaily thirty yeara they lived very happily together after a painful illness mr stephenson pass ed away leaving his devoted wlfo and josle surviving miss stephenson is now left alone and the sympathy of this community ia extended tocher in ner great sorrow mrs stephenson was an active member of tho metho dist ctauxch- during her long residence in acton as a sunday school teacher- she was a marked success miss stephenson is a member of the stuff off the missionary society of the united church ot canada at toronto a very feeling funeral service was held in tho united church on sutur- day when rev it e zimmerman b a the ministor spoke tender words from the text precious in tho sight of the lord is the dearth of his saints f 116 15 there was a large gathering off friends at tho funeral to pay their last respects to ono whom they esteroed very highly among the friends from a distance who ac companied miss josie on her sorrow ful journey were mr percy wilson of hamilton mr andrew bates toronto neighborhood news- town and country leslies school tho school report foi fa s no x ei in foi november la us follows si ite loyola iortstcll viol i allan aldo crlpps kathleen mc keown hector mcaithui ji iv lulu mccutcheon willie johnston gordon leslie calvin aitken joseph korea tell thrya stone si iii mary mccalg annie aitken equal tommy coole bessie forestell si ii evelyn penren lois fores- tell james mccalg lloyd mckeown elslcr nelson eveline lambert jr 1 marjorlo mccalg orval stone robbie allan john foi est ell primer joan mannn- joan burt marlon leslie elsie maude lawson mccutcheon marlon mcdonald archio modoncfld m mcdonuld teach ei conversation is teamwork na8saqaweya kindl farewell spoken and- tokens of goodwill presented to mr john mclntyre mother and daughter last friday ovening a largo num ber of the neighbors pf mr john mclntyre his mother and daughter assembled at their home in erin to spend a social evening with them prior to their removal to acton and present them with evidence of the esteem and goodwill in which they are held the following address was read by mr alvln fisher and a purso present eaonbehalfott company by arthur thompson to mr mclntyre mrs mclntyre and violetta dear friends knowing that your connection wit the affairs of this neighborhood and the relations with the people of this community ore about to end we youi friends and neighbors have gathered here that we might exnreas in some campbell lodge no 603 ak am hold a ladles night on tues day evening of laat weok there waa a largo attendance of brethren and ladles st clair lodge no 135 mil ton was well represented several of tho brethren accompanied by their wives being present tho ladles of camnbollville provided a splendid fowl supper in tho lodges spacious ban quet room after which with w bro duncan campbell in the chair there was a programme ot toasts and speeches ana vocal solos by some of hamiltons best talent r w bro mackenzie of milton replied to the toast tho king and tho craft w bro rev t n lowo also spoke ebcnezcr united church will hold an oldtime tea meeting next wed nesday evening 3th inst under the auspices of tho ladles aid there will be tea frojn 6 to 8 oclock and a full programmo to follow this will be given by tho bennett brothers or chestra of carlisle roy hlndley elo cutionist rock wood united choir mlalo quartette mr and miss euioz in duets and solos rev mr donald son rockwood will give an address and rev mr harsh will be the chair man crew80n8 corners the sale off the effects of tho estate of the late mrs e j kingsbury will be hold on wednesday 16th insl there is general sympathy her for mrs william plank in tho death last week of her slater mrs john stcfphen- son toronto mrs stephenson who wuum mo mokeown opont hoy gh lhood days in this community slnco the first set in of snow tho patrol of the highway with tho road way ding mas been discontinued mr w miller who has been doing this work during the season has given a very faithful seasons work it is tho hope of all in this section that ar- langements will bo made to keep tho road open and continuously passable during the winter months- wo welcomo very cordially tho now brldo who is to grace this community with her presence the best wishes of all go out to mr and mrs john dennis may abundant happiness and prosperity attend them oakville the court of revision of tho oak- vllle municipal voters list will bo held by judge elliot on thursday decern ber 10th dr r h miller returned at the weekend after a honeymoon trip through new york state bringing with- him his bride who was mibs homo ooung jieoilo make liaid work of talking because they demand too much of themseues they aro am bitious to shine converhutlbnaliy ta bay things that will startle peopo by ihelr oilglnality impress them by their wit oilglnality profundity andwlt ate mio in general conversation in deed you may meet very celebrated people and hear them talk at some longth without overhcarlne a tdnlu remark thut could bo listed under any of these three heads tho young people who ore- am bitious to mnkohiiiillant remarks are not thinking about tho other fellow they do not wish to bo profound n oi dor to lighten his ignorance nor witty for the sake of dispelling his gloom ahdthe iesult is that generally they add little to tho life of any gath ering tho next time you arc one of a company stop thinking about your self drop tho idea of making an im- prcsslrti join forces with the others to keep the occasion a pleasant ono und keep tho conversational- ball roll ing so few people aro brilliant in conversation that you need not worry if your name is not on that very bhort list try not to shino but to help out conversation more than almost any thing else that can bo named is team work 2l j a smith real estate and insurance get our list of farms and town property before buying we may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london lancashire fire insurance london lanca shire quarantco and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace- sts telephone 106 acton edna m of syra y h w hinton from toronto jeweller watch and c toe k make r mill street acton main st georgetown christmas specials special fine largo stock of clirlstmas gifts now on sale at low market prices now la tho timo to chooso your christmas gifts pay a deposit and vo will reserve any ai tide shop early to avoid crush at christmas as our store is too iinmil fur iwuh largo business which wo always do at christmas diamond and rujy dross rings extra heavy engraved signet rings birthday and childrens rings brooches bracelets necklets links scarf pins pearls and beads fine watches 15 jowejljot- angular wrist 15 jewel round tonneau and octagon shapes ladles gents nicklo gold alio 3 and solid gold wrist watches 4 go to 25 00 parker waterman dinklo and aromac fountain pens and eversharp pencils and refills guaranteed quality flnefrenchehinatpancy42ups and saucers dishes tea sets salad bow and servers cut glass dishes water sets sherbets comports goblets wine glasses fancy licather goods bags purses wallets cigar cases scare pads card cases handkerchief and qlovp casob collar boxes sronite vases lamps ash trays jar- dlnerei candlesticks etc fine french ivory clockh vasos reesors novelty and dry goods announce a clearing sale ot all readytowear includ ing ladies dresses and coats mens trousers suits overcoats fine shirts and a few large size overalls at prices within the reach of everyone in need of ready- towear as this is an honest to goodness sale come in and iflake an offer too much hockey ruined donalds health it la oftoa aii hint tcanr are just step removed from jojr poor donald known that at tho ago or 16 he was attending high school playing on a hockey team bolng to parties and do ing all the thlma that a redblooded youth vrlll do when joy waa at ita height gloom xnido ita appearanco la tho shape of consumption there waq nothing to do the doctor aid but drop overythlnir and go to tho muakokn hospital for a thorough reat and akilful constant treatraoat donald haa now forgotten his resent ment at fato in hla happiness over the news that he la soon to be sent home better contrtbutltjnsi may be sent to hon w a charlton president 223 col lege street toronto 2 ontario a job for you 5 to 10 daily 50 men wantfd no previous oxpoilcnco nccosktr writo for 40- imgo rrcb book wjilcii explains how you can cum wulia learning to work in iclty or town shops as auto me chanic knfflncer electrical bat tery or wolillnt- expert chauffeur salesman etc also brlcklaylha flustering moctiinlcnl dentistry and barborlnff dont die a laborer write now which job ad dress ilomphill government chart ered trado schoolh tree employ ment service 163 king st w toronto we bre endeavoring to sell a line of dry goods hosiery underwear and novelties that will give you real value at from 5c to 1 note a few of our prices be low house dresses womens gingham house dresses to sell qftf stockings womens pure silk stockings the fommate purchase direct from the manufacturer enables us to sell 135 stock ings for 98c theyre in the popular shades of medium weight and firmly woven sizes s to 10 qrp boys wool and girls silk and wool stockings theres a substantialsav ing on each pair as we pur chased the quantity at a re duction that will be a real saving to our customers buy several pairs for school wear as well as for bet at from e9c to 85c per pair mclean co friday and saturday specials for this w h boys overcoats when you see these overcoats you cannot but say ca they are cheap goodvalue at 750- special this week pv3u boys pullover sweaters sizes 28 30 and 32 this is a good sweater for boys going to school we have sold regular at 1 50 to clear 1 aa special this week at vlu lmt boys caps good heavy tweed caps with lined ear laps special m boys fleecelined underwear c two pieces shirts and drawers and combinations tiger brand two pieces at 75c 85c and 100 combinations at 125 140 150 and 175 mens ix onade work pants mens stripe cottohade ll work pants sizes 3 36 38 40 42 and 44 every pair guarviteed special at per 0 ja pair pwu carjfartt overalls black and blue with bib the best overall made in canada today the maker guarantees every pair when you buy a pair of overalls buy the best try carhartts mclean co mill street store closes wednesday at 12j0 acton ont christmas fruits etc fresh fifilts for the christmas baking are now in stock they include y manufactured for the occasion by the waumsloy bakery oakvlllo star tuesday morniner with its newlyf fallon anow on the trees and on the ground presented a very christmassy aspect mr alex mann sans tho baritone solo the city foursquare very ac ceptably in knox church last sunday evening tho young people are having a sood time bleating- now theres good ice on corporation pond and in places on fairy lake ono thing- at least in natures plan doth merit honest praae and tis that every mortal man hath seen some good old days mr e b bastedo of bracebridge for several years publisher of the georgetown herald died at his real dence on sunday aged 6 years a cynical fellow jys that no sensible man js likely ever to give up the cigarette habit for the reason that no sensible man is likely over to acquire it t half of our human ills have v color rosy winter brings the chills but its fires are coxy lot the winds of winter blow there are daisies neath the snow vwhat gifts well give in the holi day time save the pennies to build the dimes were making ready as sure as slow save the dimes and tho dollars will grow an- enjoyable evening was sitont last friday by a gathering of young folks from acton ami vicinity with mr and mrs clarence win field at their home at union a meeting of the guelph presby tery of the united church of canada will bo held next tuesday december 8th at 9 30 in the forenoon in chal mers cburcn quelph christmas day will be a public holiday for the post office staff as well as the rest of us moll your fc wvu w luc icui ui tut anuui your n cbrlrtb 1ft early you 7 susij them to reach your friends mr bcclestone has taken a altua- tlon in toronto and the family will shortly move to the city a sale o household furniture and effects will be held on saturday afternoon urimady town countll hue paoreir a motion to the effect that no more sas pump permits will be given for curb or sidewalk stations any fur ther pumps must be placed on prtvalo property w out of tho bosom of the air out of tho cloudfolds of her garment shaken over the woodlands brown anil bare over the harvest fields forsaken silent and soft and slow descends the december snow recommendations for another voto for n the burlington presbyterian church are made by all three mem bers of the ontario church property commission the reason is that all thtbsdlots were signed wimcjrorkjng in the loft of hi 4 barn w hr blmp6h of trafalgar township slipped and fell 910 feet to the cement floor breaking several ribs and sustaining a tad scalp wound and other injuries on day last week nurobora of young people snb some old ones too get into dlffloultlei with their christmas ju by buying one or two glr that evpa ly appeal to themujuad tfleti joeing tite realisation that their money kjtiearly gone and that many relfttrm ftnd friends remain to be remetnberil jgt makg a budg utfw smb fl tow tttvstlntuitatttnvi i i railway men din at stratford as guests of the stratford rotary club twentytwo old- timers in tho employ of the canadian national kail ways both pensioners and those atlll on active service from the strat- xord division were entertained last thursday night in that city the combined years of service ot those pregont at the gathering waa well over 1000 years addresses were delivered by senator dr j p- rankin c r iloore general superintendent of transportation for the central re gion c n r duncan ferguson and war tin barry of the guelph rotary club mr h s holmes the veteran ngentt3f tho railway here was one of the guests maionlo activities in aeton at the meeting of walker dodge a p a m on monday evening the following oftlccrs were elected for the coming year l p m d n mctavish w m j a fceslie b- w cbos w wilson j w w h hortop chaplain w m cooper treasurer w j reid secretary r m mcdonald br deacon n h black jr deacon a r whitney qw r e blair d o c rt h cook organ is tjl g king br steward sims mclean jr stewardshartley harrison tyler jamea- jdoblo installation will take place on the anniversary of st jahn the bvange- litit monday december 28 on mon day everting the 14th inst the present masonic hall will be officially dedl- cated officers and ieprcsentatlves of tib grand lodge will bo present at tho conclusion of the lodge proceed ings a banquet will be held in the town hall tangible form tho esteem in which you are held by the people of this neighborhood although during the pose lew years tnera has bdtnr many comings and goings in this commun ity we cannot get accustomed to them and grieve very much at tho loss of still another old neighbor ou have spent your ontlro lifo amongst us ami as you are about to leave tho old homo and farm we have come to spend one more pleasant evening to say fare well and to express our deep sorrow at losing you you have always takon a keen in terest in the affairs of our community you mr molntyrc have filled many positions of trust in our neighbor hood last year you represented us in the township council and by your shrewdness and common sense helped conduct the townships business crcd ltably tho truo highland spirit you possess not only gave you tho will to do but also endowed you with the ability to render honest and faithful service in every undertaking unitedly we wish you every success and happiness in your new home may gods richest blessing which adds no borrowt attend you all may your path of life be full of peace and sun shine which may fnll on you from day to day wo auk you to accept this gift uj a slight token of the goodwill ami respect li which you are held in thlu community as you use ft may youi thoughts turn towards your many friends here signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors hiram fisher robt warne arthur thompson mr mclntyre expressed his appre ciation of the very kind words spoken and of the valuable gift he had spent his lifetime in the community and was glad that the new home of himself and family would not be far away an enjoyable hour iof social inter course was spent and the ladles pro vided refreshments which all the com pany appreciated overn appleo from the woodlands or chards merlon were awarded two nrmy una unu aoiuua pmu ut thtr years royal winter fair a record of ave first prjrctf in as many years at tho canadian national exhllbtlon and winter tair for woodlands wealth apples and three first prizes in three consecutive ycar for northern spies at the winter rfli a public mooting of interest to tho parents v children will bo hold in the high school assembly room on wednesday evening december 8th dr mcclenahan district health of ficer wll give a talk on prevention and cure of diphtheria illustrated by moving pictures a deputation waited pn the high way department at toronto on fcyiday asking that thp frontage tax along he toronto hamilton highway be as sumed by the province as this road is now virtually a provincial highway the deputation was composod of reeve morden of trafalgar roovo foster of nelson and reevo pallett of toronto township fivo new ciders havo been elected to the session of knox church the choice of the people to this exalte 1 position uro alex buchanan e n it 1 her george macdonald wm h mcneill and james smith the or dination and induction service will be held at the morning sorvice on sun day december 6th star lamps manicure and toilet pieces and sots tambour mantle clocks 15 00 each toys ottho ueut iiuu stationery boxes shop early small ptoilta quick returns our motto clearing auction sale to wind up estate farm stock implements furniture etc rockwood police court news charged by goorge buok deputy game warden with violation of tho gnme laws by setting traps within five feet of a mubkrats house bind with having traps out on sunday tho defendant pleaded guilty h tb fined 5 00 and costs on the flrit cbnrge ahd sentence was suspendod t the othen rm yn m milton police magistrate moore pne idlng for selling liquor at homings mill a toronto bootlegger was fined 200 ajnd coats last week convicted of keeping llnuor for sale at his homo at 2ftlt alice street ouelnh joo duronto an italian was fuied 1200 and cobtn by magistrate watt at thursday mornings session ot tho eollco court and in addition was sentonced to a term of three months lnl the county jail in tho event that tho flno is not paid enir onto will serve another three months betrtnd the bars at n session of police court on sat urday the three young men from guelph charged with being intoxi cated afig with i improper conduct at the orange dance in the town hall here or the 10th of november came up tor trial oblef mcpherson and awwmrd tyler ho was appointed by the oommlttee to preserye order teetl im jbath- three the price of potatoes a toronto dealer had a car this wee at 210 a toronto potato dealer says of the potato situation tho embargo stopped tho sale to the united states and we wpro caught for b soon as ozport stopped prices dropped t have a car of potatoes on the v mornin i bought from a fanner at 210 i offered him i ou itibafbre leaving tot awlyfroc lmg aaftjflill when the price was 125 and the dc mand began to be felt next i offered him 175 then 2 50 and after that 3 00 as tho price moved up ho re fused all those offers eaylng ha would hold out for 4 00 now he sells to mo nt 2 10 i cant soil tho potatoes i bought at 3 00 tjil tho prloo goes up ngaln as it may in the new year this la always a flat time and there is nothing moving it ift perfectly ridiculous h ay to say that tefh million bags of po tatoes wero exported from canada to the states this fall there arc 400 bags of potatoes to a car this would mean doo car toads of tiorawes- you see tho absurdity of it last friday evening the pupils of miss annlo jolltfe music teacher had a successful piano recital in the town hall before they dispersed for their homes miss jolirfe was presented with a bouquet of chrysanthemums in rcc ognlflon of ther iminstaking abilities as a teacher of music these redtali cannot help but bring teacher and pupllh into closer acquaintance with each othei as they go x their way in life with their mission of musical tal ents oach one contributing to the wel fare of ethers true it is that music hath charm mrs s r peart who ha8 been quite ill recently is reported to be omo- what improved over the weakend mrs horry peach has also been qalte poorly she is making some progress toward rccovory mrs joseph croft was not so well last week miss cella kelly is still looking after her and attending her neods mrs a j mcaliar returned home last week from toronto whevo she was visiting hw daughters mr mc- ife to the states lor some give music this christmas our pecembor sale is the greatest we ever had pianos and phono graphs violins guitars ukuleles of fered at real savings used pianos as low as 150 our factory is working nights we put tho nunllty into tlio ptanos und sell them direct to you wrlta for outaldgno suva the middle prfltjad get n piano playcrplann phonograph that will last a life- ifatjon a whc1h factory alear has go time tho younfr peots society of tho united church had a lint social at tho homo of mr and mrs lorno j guild on monday evening the frosty weather of last week put the rlvci inlgood shapo for iknt- ing and no doubt the young people were glad to get out nnd onjoy them selves once mere- on sunday some wore venturesome enough to try tho lco down along tho valley jiflnt to tho woollen mills it takes some good floaty weather to make the ice safe for tho average person as thcro is some deep water thoro and any one whoinlgnl hufpirto brealtthrsugh would have some difficulty getting out beware of thin ice any time on deep straams rockwood la so far very fortunato to have no drowning accidents duo to skating though a few havo had n oold dip occasionally iv ralph b- richardson is making preparations for disposing of his stock prior to moving to vlneland shortly where ho intends carrying on busu nesb wo are sorry to learn of his depnrtura from our midst but wish him and mrs richardson who has bien a good help to him in tho store success jn their now surrounulngv ftfr boat wwhttt gto with vttera tho undesigned has lecclved in structions fr6m the executor8 ofthee8tate of the late mrs e j kingsbury to svll by public auction at lot 32 con 6 nuflsagaweya on tho provincial highway between acton and roc3- wopd fivo minutes walk from sto do on radial on wepneqday december 16 at twelyftthlrf oclock ahurj the fol lowing horses 1 leg clyjo nuiie 0 yeais old 1 black nuiie cars old general purpose 1 in own piare 9 years old 1 load marc 1- yoars old 1 aged horse cattld 1 red cow due apiil 9 1 jersey cow duo june 3 1 roan cow due juno 0 1 gray cow due juno 27 lblack cow duo jan 20 1 jorsoy helf or due march 1 1 gray belter due march 6 1 rod heifer due april s 1 red cow milking well 3 bolters 2 years old 1 steer 2 yearold fat cat tle 3 yearlings 2 spring calves 1 veal calf pigs 1 york sow bred oct 2 1 young york sow bred octptoer 24 0 shoats fowl guild brcdto lay strain 0 r6ck hens about 40 pullets about 50 cookorels it not previously sold implements 1 decrlne binder mnssey harris rake peter hamilton mower massoy harrib ho drill massay harris disc mnssey harris corn cultlvato- f0w massey harris manure spreader step ifurn roller cultivator set hairowsi si 7eury plows turnip drill chatham fanning mil set scales 2 000 lbs wagon 2h inch tile with box complote wagon 3 inch tire i set bench bletgfca 1 set light sleighs 1 gravel boa flat ck hay rak stock ruck mnssey harflh engine 2 horae power 2 top buggies rubber lives 2 robes buggy steel tiro 2 cutter mclotte cream separator pulper seuffier tcter hamilton cutting box hand or powor 2 wheelbarrow arlnd stone car set slings hay twk 135 ft l inch rope good as raew trip rope 2 sugar kettles sot of pana uuuul 1 pulls and spi f mnklrtg is mens deacon and yale shirts with separate collars to match these shirts will be put up in a holly wreath christmas box or you if de sired and will make excellent christmas gifts reg 375 for 300 reg 350 for 275 and reg 275 for 2 dates figs prunes currants sbedebrseebtessandvafcencwraislns lemon orange and citron peel shelled walnuts and almonds wetheys mincemeat christmas gift boxes a full range of fancy christmas boxes n assorted shapes and sizes phone 12 geo soper acton tostt pite maplo syrup a quantity of lumber 8s4 squnre or ahinglos fenco posts 8 cord atovo wood dry 20 foot ladder 2 shoit ladders forks shovola hoes logging chains 3 set double trees canthook crowbars other articles too nhkoiin to mention okaiw afd hay 400 bun oats 200 bus mixed grain 10 bun wheat 10 bus peas 2 bun ttlailc barlcy a quantity of focd turnips and styajjffc 12 ton of hay clover and timothy 10 feet corn in silo ha11nbss sot doublo harness with breochlngs sot plough harness 3 set aiuglo harness odd collars jiouatsnqijf furnituhe mc- cluiys rango cook htovp bo atovo dining tnblo 6 dtrilng choirs taycral kltchon chairs 3 tables fahileaf table 3 bcdstcadh 3 springs 2 niatr- trcsseb tiimllu j couches i cup- boardb barrel churn butter bou1 and ladle 1 lb print crewn can wash stand barrel good ciaof vine gar strainer pall some milk iali apptm8 and potatoes 5 bar rels 8pys barrel cooking apples 15 bags potatoes positively no reserve as the farm ia 8old tbiims hay grain fowl fat cat tle furniture nnd sunm of 410 and under caoh over thnt amount 10 m on approved joint notes 6 rfcr cent oft for caeni h j kerr atttntcnitw i handkerchiefs a big shipment has just arrived hundreds of dainty handkerchiefs in attractive gift boxes are on display gome are snow white some fdloreft others plain or wjth dainty touches of embrac ery or with lftce edgeg a wonderful election of 3 ip a box for giftgiving yfe also have single handker chiefs at from 5c to 75c toys dolls books christmas tree decorations and games aplenty in our big christ mas display come in and look these over and bring the children baking day is a real pleasure instead ot a dny of probable dla- appointment to the woman whn knows what kind of flour to uso for tipr bread and cake making pet read jl for your net baking day and order a bag of flour pow norval flour mill w p browfig f ee- porvat nf phono ball 90rk aak your grocef murakipaj 327f- electric lamps tiplcss ajax tungsten lamps 40w and 6pw oc i i5v larops for each mpc these areall firsts pot seconds dishes wejiave two dinner sets of which you may purchase one pieco at a time if pre ferred until you have the complete dinner set we also have a number of dishes in th clover leaf design clover leaf cup and saucer ioc also a lurge number of hand paintcdr china dishes suitable for gfiristma gijfv meet your prienp8 at reesors novelty and dry qoodb acton phone 69 i a cuts par excellence full lines of the very choicest of meats we always have the cuts you want and can supply your every need in the line of meats cooked meats beef pork lam homemade salfsapg veal watcjh ouf wjpdcny fpr friday arid saturday specials vrv j pattejrsqn cooremiix acton owt iamtmeimm w 1 1 mt

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