Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1925, p. 2

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hr addtt3te proa thtjr u0sch3mher 10 1925 the old village churchyard i that dear old vlllago churchyard there i see a fnoeay mound that is where my mothcrh sleeping in the cold and silent ground gently waves the weeping willow birds their warble elngnt duwn but my hear in nd ami lonely sinco my mothers dead and gone qjiorui in that dear old vlllupe churchyard oft 1 atrny with heart forlorn for theres no one left to cheer mo since my rtiothcra dead and gono i was young but i remember well tho night my mother died as i watched her spirit fading when she culled me to her aide saying darling i must leave you angel voices guide mo on pray that we may moot in heaven when your mothers dead and gone oft i wander to the churchyard flowers t6 plant with tender care on the grave of my dear mother- darkness finds me weeping there looking at the sky nbovo me wishing for the heavenly dawn there la no one left tojoye me since my mothers dead arid goner humane john chapman one of tho most unique philan thropists- recorded in history was mr john chapman affectionately called johnny appleseed by those who loved him and knew him beat his was a belt- imposed mission of planting applo trees in pennsylvania and ohio for the earliest settlers so that they might bo greeted by sonoo- thlng that hud been familiar to them in the homo lands they had left in 1801 he came among the settlers of penhsy 1 vanla carry rig a bag of apple seeds and outalde of the fact that ho was born in boston in 1776 little was known of him unarmed and unafraid he journeyed amidst tho perils of the wilderness in ad vane o of the early pioneers he be gan his mission in 1802 or 1803 and after leaving pennsylvania planted his first nursery at la orange ohio where lie lived in a littlo cabin for several years hut for forty years johnny appicseedv life was spent caring for hla beloved trees by day and sleeping under the stars at night he sowed various medicinal plams in the woods too and the indians looked upon him aa a great medicine but gentle johnny apploseed was more than a horticulturist he was a constant and faithful friend to all dumb beasts birdu reptiles and in- beets and it has been said that ho deserved to ho tho patron saint of the humane society of which ho was certainly an early forerunner he lived on fruit and vegetables believing- it to bo a sn to kill any living thing for food ho would buy on animal that he sow illtreated and any wornout horses turned out to starve and find homes for them whore they would be kindly treated or turned loose to end i their days in peace he never sold theso animals but gave them- away demanding in return a promise from tho recipient that tho poor dumb ani mal a should rocoive tho kindest of tresttmen tever afterward b ho was the friend of every living creature when the people of mans field ohio wero threatened with an indian raid it waa johnny applet seed who was willing to journey hr 3ree iriajbjhiirt taru the honorable retirement of constable nehemiah caxton by chakles 13 hawkes esmmmwiw m hen the clock struck three limes nehemiah caxton opened his eyes blinked at flu ghostly halflight outside his window and with a hhivcr put his baro feet on tho cold uncarpeted i floor ho pulled on hla big heavy hoots and took from its peg in the old ouken cupboard his ancient shotgun i he closed the shed door be- j hind him and swinging the gun ovejr his shoulder plunged into a wood road hla gray beard stuck out straight liko a fender under hla hooked nose l la blue e g balefuhy i may be an old man ho mutter ed but ilh show em guess theyvo forgot bout the time i went up arter jake bingham when after three hours arduous travelling nehemiah came to the lit tle spruce nubble above1th6 deep hole in abol he sat wearily down and leaned against tho roots jpf a big tree a fat red squirrel perched on j thirty miles through the forest to get help gladly too ho would give up a nights shelter in a hollow log be- causo his presence disturbed the little moth or flothrfrftl who ttnr hnnwed he- a lofty limb and chattered angrily at him an hour passed then another from his pocket nehemiah caxton drew three breadandbutter sand- wlchos presently ho slept for ho was a very aged man v nehemiah had- set forth on that gray september morning to catch jed mackey in tho act 6f dynamiting the big pool in abol hiram jeggs and elnathan griffin had said that such was jed mackeys intention they had implied moreover that for a long time jed mackey had been malicious ly breaking the game laws that he had shot a deer out of season trapped beaver and killed a cow moose nc hemlah failed to consider that jed mackey was fat and guileless and that hiram jeggs and elnathan grif fin were the most invoterato practical jokers in the town of sedgmore ho heard and believed one day the week before nchemtah had gone up the old wagon road to wriggler pond and laid in wait for jed mackey because nehemlahs eyes were blurred by time he had not seen aa ho lay half asleep in the hem locks the big broad figure that cross ed the dry clearing behind him stop ped suddenly on catching a glimpse of tho recumbent ofileer retraced its steps and lay down in tho pine thicket until nehemiah had gone but ne hemiah had found hi three different places indications that trout pools in abol had been dynamited had nehemiah seen tho big broad figure with the mop of yellow hair he would not have believed so readily that jed mackey was responsible for tho nefarious deeds of which he had found unmistakable algna and he might have been more cautious in ap proach of tho marauder there was something pathotlc in tho faithful old manrwornoutbythcion tr nnd- asleep at- his post possibly if the wellmeaning but thoughtless jokers of sedgmore could have seen him they would have felt contrition for j their heartlcssncas hiram jeggs and elnathan griffin did not know of the mute evidence that had made their wild yarn plausible to nehemiah at last tho sun began to wane and the shadows to lengthon nehemiah quite reach tho speckled sides but a littlo eddy was bringing them inch by inch closer to tho shore tho man waited breathlessly so intent on that coloasul trout that lie did not hiyir tho click of a boot heel behind him nehemiah caxton trying to hold his breath because he feared that the sound of it might stir the stranger to nflt of fury crept round the foot of tho little hill with his shotgun held tightly in both hands he peered over a clump of dwarf jjirches v two arms length from him squatted the huge fiercedfaced mnn whoso swell- ing munclep- rniim have- made short work of three or four old men like nehemiah caxton the constable shivered cold with fear by the great horn spoon ho said so faintly that he could bo heard i dasant shoot him sure as preaching theyd lock me up whatll i do as nehemiah h tared at tho fish that was slowly being wafted to the fingers of tho stranger his linger at this viol ation of the law incrcaaed four- fold he was an aged man and he was afraid but hla courago transcended fear he thought of the tnunts and aspersions cast at him by hiram jeggs and einathnh griffin of tho waning reputation of his valor in tho faraway town of sedgmore and of the monumental triumph that forty years before had crowned hfa entry into sedgmore with the notorious jake bingham jn his clutches he peeped over tho tops of the birches at the kneeling stranger and determination steeled his heart laylnghe shotgun on the ground nehemiah cast on crept with infinite caution round tho clump of birches and crouched like nn old gray cat at the very moment when the strangers fin gers closed round the colossal trout nehemiah sprang- suddenly forward and rushed oh the stranger with all his might and main nehemlahs bony right fist thumped on the strangers back aa with a startled yell tho stranger plunged off tho rock into the deep codd pool the clutching lingers of nehemlahs left hand caught his flying heel with an agility remark able in so old a man nehomlah grasped tho strangers feet one in each hand and soused him in-tho- icy waters of tho abol the stranger bellowed und writhed and twisted in futilo endeavor to get hold of his heartless captor but nehemiah duck ed him farther still tho atranger gasped and groaned and grunted but nehemiah whose bat had fallen off and whoae face waa terrible to look upon yelled in fury you would dynamito trout round here would you wal til lurn you by heck so you wont nover do it no more when the stranger breath canie family there ho was a welcome guest in any home and he always carried with him nn hi trnrnps f c tr and h he nover entered the cabin of a set tler without reading something from them often hdliore put a few leaves or a chapter and gave to each family leaving a tattered library in his wake in later journeys these would be all gathered up and other ports left in their places and even though johnny appleseeds parishioners were obliged to read hla books back wards or from- the middle to the end yet they were thankful living such a rough life his dress was necessarily peculiar ho went barefooted and often wore a coffee sack for a cloak he always carried a bundle of cooking utensils and part of the time wore hln mushpan for a hat at others times ho wore a card board hat with a wide brim but no weapon of any description was over carried by humane john ny appleseed he bad no need of these for neither savage nor animal would harm him he died in indiana in 1847 at the age of seventytwo and is burled somewhere near fort wayne his grave unmarked his name forgotten imposing monuments have been erected to the memory of men who did less for humanity than quaint- lovable i john chapman but bis good deeds live anew with ovary kind act shown to animals and in tho beauty and fragrance of the blossoms every springtime of the apple trees he loved rr tv well might these blossoms be call ed natures memorial to a humani tarian his fellowjnen forgot slept on but down from tho thloket scrub growth slunk a big man with blue eyes and yellow hair making his way carefully to tho brink of the leenpo hcuns ronrtr is a modern bank vault door the largest circular vault door and vestibule k is claimed ever construct ed is that built tu south bethlehem pennsylvania tho vcettlbule is 10 ft 8 inches in diameter the site of the door is 8 feet 8 inches outside dl- ameter and 7 feet s inches inside di ameter or clear entranco through the vestibule the door is 4gs4 inches thick and is ngntr qlled by 20 solid steel locking bolts t inches in ai- ameter which are in turn controlled by the latest design time lock hav ing four separate movements the oneraitlon nt any of- thea movements releases the machanuun which isii turn again checked by two of the larg est and most modern combination locks the adjusting of which will per mit the door to he swung open the door swings on a sevcntom en at steel crane hinge and is aovel balanced and adjusted that it can very easily be swung open by hand in closing the door it is forced to a watertight scat by means of heavy pressure mechanism thus preventing tho introduction of any liquid explo sive the main vestibule weighs 61- 000 pounds while the main door with the bolts and mechanism weighs 80- 000 pounds tho emergency vesti bule alono would weigh 40000 pounds the resistance one syould encounter by tryjmx to drill the nietal may be estimated nt about 2880000 pounds per linear foot i cornering content never try to get a corner on con tent it cannot be done happinos enjoyed selflshlyl u wu turntrou thautbftyellowhalrodroan had ing into something etoe the people who find life worth while are those 1 who share with somebody the satis j faction of every achievement whose joys are always big enough to divide with somebody ejpe x look dock oyer tho post month and see how many of your iloaures have made other peopjp hajrpy those whhihlhav jfaued tplprinr jax io pay ono jpsldas yoursolf ar the sort that crumble un ho ublng nu ieve no van memqrs wjtfflfl back and laid it carefully on a patch of cool green moss he looked very cautiously upstream and downstream and behind him then taking something from the pack ho attached a long white fuse to it and leaning over iowlsredit into deep water an end of the white fuse still remained above the surface tho man struck a match and bent for ward the pool was as smooth as glass it reflected every tree and shrub a small bird fluttered across the river and alighted in- the old pine under which nehemiah caxton lay asleep the man ran back from the pool crouched behind a big stone nnd wait ed a muffled boomr not unlike the thud of a ball on a catchers mitt broke tho silence the water in tho pool boiled and bubbled it was riled by sand and waterlogged sticks it rip pled against the banks in eddying waves i leaving the rock the man crouchedsat the outlet where he could watch the surface of the stream juat above him a fish with speckled sides and reddishgolden gills rose belly up tho man caught it in his hand and with a smile laid it high up on the mossy shorev another fish appeared and still another at the sound of tho duluthud ne hemiah- had stirred uneasily under the pine he opened his eyes and instead of thelowcolilnff of his bedroom he saw blue sky through tho lncy tufts of plnenoedles he blinked and winked as he gathered hls from the wutor iirthb7gar blcs nehemiah pulled limi up so that he could fill his lungs before going down again then soused him head and heels in the foaming river suddenly tho atranger twlatcd turn ed and clutched at nehemlahs legs a hard hand closed on the old mans ankles two blazing eyes shot glance of real hato into nehemlahs face the strangers grip was like the ridge he trudged with hlsprlsun- er they paused the ancient logging ya rd in wh ich luy rot ting logs and dry stumps they panned the north jirunch itdiul and came at- last to the old smochqs camp where a man was standing in tho underbrush the man was abort nnd fat ho had round rosy cheeka and a furry little moustache the man was jed mackey nehoininhm heart sank like a lijad- en plulnmej he had been anticipat ing ii triumphant arrival ut sedg more with this yellowhaired criminal the confusion of aeoffers tho retrieval of hn reputation for valor and a triumph like that of th a fw- gotton affair 61 jake bingham tho sudden appearance- of jed mackey mcnt the house of dream a tumbling down on nehemlahs gray head jed mackey eyed nehemiah and the atranger cktocly twitched hla feeble moustache rolled his ipale blue eyea and advanced toward the two with tho wabbling peculiar gait that dia- tingulahed jed from other men nehemiuli realized that ho was now under heavy odds that two young men were arrayed ngnlnst him and that rescue of the yellowhaired stranger waa imminent but he was no longer afraid the lighting spirit of his early youth had come back to him hla veined hand was thin and wrinkled hla arm feeble but his nerves were steady and hia head was cool lie watched jed mackey cross the old yard ho watched him upproacn through tho alders then stepping back oit o reach of the yellowhaired stranger ho turned the shotgun on jed and- shouted stop or ill shoot jed mackey staring into the bar rels of nehemlahs old shotgun turn ed pale with a yell he fled through the alders jed was short and fat and clumsy ho tripped over roots and crashed into loga until finally ho lay sprawling behind a huge pine trunk i in the nick of time nehemiah turn ed from the humorous spectacle of jed mackeys flight with bent shoulders and squared jaw the yeliow- halred man waa crouched cat like for a spring wchemiah whipped the muz zle of the shotgun into his faco vamoose yodurned varmint he crlpd nehemlahs finger was on tho trig ger and nehemlahs eyes blazed with fiery passion down the road tho man plodded behind him gun in hand trotted nehemiah jed mackey when ho had recover ed his wind rose from his jprostratc position behind the pine stump twitched his moustache and muttercd hoskina whod a thought it presently he emergpd from the al ders and started down the road after nehemiah he was frightened- but he did hits duty as ho saw it by hoskina he said to himself must bo nehemlahs addled his intellect i had better push al and see what 1 can do- a nehemiah did not look back at jed ho jogged down the valley of cedar brook over tho swamp and up tho long hill but as nehemiah and the stranger climbed the hill the strangers smile grew broader and tho un pleasant twinkle flashed brighter in hla eye over the tree tops appeared a alim white line of smoke the stranger thrust two fingers into his mouth and whistled shrilly nehemiah waa no fool stop ho cried then w t atra whistled aft or killing a cook and terrifying all the country by thilr evil deeds that very week nohemluh caxton hayingjdmrtil the reward with jed mackey gave public thanks at wcd- ncaday iiikiii prayer meeting und re signed hla olheowo rent after his loiir career a hanquot waa given to him by the town if hedgmoro nnd a silver turnlpl by tho fish and giuno com- mlsalun and lie la remembered asi bravo and clllcloiit officer of tlio law gems of thought if you do only what youre com- llltodo youre a slave and tho way to act yourself free ia to do what you are not cumolledto do if wo could nniilhllate evil we ahould annihilate hojle and hope is tho avenue of faith ilulwer o viae man wash your hunda of that frlenda who asboclateawith your enemlea saadl oecaalona do not make a man frail but they show what ho la thomas a knipis all evils natural nro moral goods all diaclplino indulgence on tho whole young v oft expectation falls nd most oft there where moat it promises shakespeare the vices and follies and ains wf men cost more than everything olse c simmons all solitary enjoyments quickly pall or become painful sharp to go forward is important to go straight is more important nothing ih so good as it seems bo- forehand george elliot a riddle in rhyme my first is in rabble but not in crowd my seconds in clamor but not in loud my third la in inkstand but not in pen my fourth is in poultry but not in hen my fifth is in question but not in tell my hlxth is in stumble but not in fell my sevenths in hasty but not in quick my eighth la in atonework but not in brick my ninth m in a hammer but not in nail my tenth is in paddle but notinsdil my elevenths in winner but not in lose f my twelfth la in elkdeer but not in moose my thirteenths in livery but not in bait my whole is an empire wide and great answer british empire when holloways corn remover is applied to a corn it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh the best of good wishes iriaelf otrt of- the water he arched his back ho wrenched- his whole body so that ne hemiah to save himself from pitching i th ilv l go uf um tuvlut the again nehomlah realized that he must act- gritting his teeth he lifted the butt of the old shotgun rose on his toes and with some caution but not too gen fly brought it down on the strangers head the auanger droppod in a limp heap but up the hillside came run ning swiftly a man who carried an aace nehemiah caught the grip of the old ahotgun and crooking hla fin- ger un t tr tried to cock it his thumb fumbled confusedly over tho breech his faco turned as gray aai his silvery hair ho had broken the slowly he remembered the taunta of ma ram jeggs the wickedness of jed mackoy hla duty as deputy game warden the purpose of that early morning start sighing aa he thought of tbjo futility of his great effort ho sat ul slowly suddenly he caught his breath and held his hand behind his ear kram tho deep pool came the sound of something splashing in- the water thinking uhat it might be a duck or some small animal nehemiah scram bled cautiously to his feet and pushed aside tho boughs that concealed him his heart leaped he felt strangely faint instead of a littlo wild beast he beheld a bigboned broadshould ered man with yellow hair and blue tiyilu t rplrtlrlrtfl- lp floh dynamited fish tho old man paused in an agony of doubt for never jn the history of sedgmore had nehemiah caxton faced an unknown outlaw by tho great horn spoon t he mut tered clutching at his gray beard he might ha shot mo then nehemiah regalned his self- control with infinitely painstaking care he crept back out of sight and down from the nubble he made his way nolnelcsaly to the shore of the bijf pool at that very moment an ast ou nd ing thing happened up from the depths of the water floated the grandfather of all trout to the pro truding bluo eyes of the lawless fish erman that trout doomed longer than any yardstick- its great girth stood for pounds and pounds of sheer dead weight it was a vast patriarchal trout it was barely stunned i its all moved slowly ub fins twitched spasmodically before long it would revive and eacape it was the largest ever seen and his blue eyes covetous ly measured its shining length running down to the rocky place in the stream tho man arosaod quickly his foot slipped and ho slunlped knee- deep in icy water but he did not hesi tate he fliced his eyas on that huge vstunved fbro and rlpaatralffht up tibnkntiv ho could almost reach ho prise tji fish flopped and turn ed nearly man wo afonaid stranger with a grin that showed his long yellow teeth a gloating grin that boded 111 for constable nehemiah cax ton tho stranger slowly drew him self up on the ledge a minute before nehemiah caxton had been afraid but now it seemed to him that the time of his fear had receded into an almost prehistoric past nehemiah looked r at the strangers big shoes his massive legs his broad shoulders with unnatural coolness nehemiah realized that if the stranger succeeded in efimblhg up the bank the office of town constable of sedgmore and assistant game war den of piscataquis county would bo vncant leaning over ho grabbed the strangers nose exerting all the strength of forearm that he had gain ed from milking two or more oowaj morning and evening every day for over sixty years nehemiah caxton squeezed the strangers nose between his thumb and foroflngeer the -stranger-s- face turned purple from wrath and lack of wind but he began to breath through his mouth and again clutched frantically nt tho old mans legs but ho still continued to climb nehommh who had intend ed to smother hln enemy into sub mission turned whlto at this evidence of the mans resourcefulness but as the stranger thrust out a knee to gain hold on the ledge and reached to ward his belt where t dangled anugly dirk nehemiah suddenly conceived a masterly coup still holding the mans nqne flrjnlytkithiiisrighthand his eyeballs h leaned over and filled his left hand with sand this he threw straight into the strangers open mouth the stranger choked gasped coughed lot go of nehemlahs tinkles clutched vainly at tho ledge and lighting des perately for air toppled off the rock anil landed in the water with a ter rific splash as tho stranger had reached fur the colossal trout so now nehemiah- cax ton reach for the stranger nehemlahs lean fingers twined in tho mans hair when liu impotent fury the dynamiter made a lost grab for his knife ne hemiah pushed him iilvii into the llmlpcd waters of abol bellows were converted into bubbles the knife sank to the bottom of the river for five minuet nvhfm caxton ducked the it la very much to be feared that the british tommy who wrote this letter did not read it over after he had wri u j he had h cou hardly have failed to notlco the very ambiguous character of his fond mes sage dear mother this comes hoping to find you aa it lcavea me at present i have a broken leg and a bullet in my arm your nffectlonate son- tom smith yellowhnlred man then he pulled him out considerably moro than halt- drowned now by the great norn spoon you dynamiting scoundrel said nehe miah in a cracked ijighpltchcd voice an he picked mp his gun grab your bag and trot on ahead of mell the stranger was weak and sick nnd loath to obey but he looked onco into the steely gray eyes under the bushy gray urows und turning with out a word trotted bedraggled und weak though the stranger was hla face could ne hemiah have seen it would sorely have alarmed that aged official the strangers lips were parted in a crafty grin nehemlnhs trouble was not yet over back over tho lung ridge they la bored up tho rough trail that wound between great boulders they cumbe1 through the spruces and the white birches to the very summit of the ridge i and there bconusc nehemiah was winded thoy stopped to rest when the stmngerglnnccd tmcknrj the swift silent river far down be yond the alders nehomlah caxton jihoved tho muzzle of the gun into his face and sharply ordered lilni- to turn around and mind his own business but the stranger turned nehomlah caught a ijeliiirlmimiofitvindlc- uvaaniilpj- -1- notr that the brief excitement of ithe tponfllct was pvor nhtfrnlph felt nummeri as the- newcomer came rapidly nearer nehemiah felt older and feeb- ler than ever before but then and there ho made up his mind to die fighting he threw the useless gun to his shoulder and squinted down the gray steel barrel stand wliar ye be he yelled or by the great horn spoon ill fill ye full of lead tho stranger laughed loudly he had very keen eyes and ho had seen nehemiah fumbling for tho broken hammer i nehemiah caxton stood astride his prisoner clubbed his gun and faced his foe as tho man closed in ne hemfah bwung his gun axo and shot gun crashed together the axe head flew through the air in a glittering arc and the riflo fell from nehemlahs numbed hands the newcomer wna largo and very powerful he umllcd as he reached forward id grapple with ntehemiah hla face was hard and cruel out of tho corner of his eye ne hemiah flaw another short fat com batant running up behind the grinning stranger and knew that the end was very near it was to bo a fight of one against three kneeling on his yel lowhaired prisoner nehemiah beat with clenched fists and grappled the strangers knees but the other forcod him back nehemiah felt great fln- s grip hlb throat hejstraggled bravely but ho could not breathe tho forest reeled in great circles the sun camo down from tho sky and scared enry free no one was attacking him he gasped hlb jrulscd throotanu sat up hla aauallant was writhing on thz grounft with purple ta tand pro truding tongue jed mackey bud thrown a belt round hla neck and was pulling tight hustle iehemluh and tie hla handa panted jed ive got him now but i dont know how long 1 can hold him nehemlnh nought no explanation without understanding in tho leu at he pulled out his- handcuffs forgotton until now pulled oft his auspendcrs to uae for cords and proceeded to tie the stranger with all haste you seo jed panted when the two prjflrtnesh jverfo revived and on their fmt 1 ttumffhr yjni nninr imyp gon crazy when you phied the gun at me nehsmlah chewed hjs tongue re flectively you didnt dynamise no fish ho naked f no sir not me exclaimed jpd- wal by the great horn spoon there do be some liars in ssugmore nehemiah asserted as he ran his fingers through his board bo that as it may you two critters trot every step of the seven miles to sedgmoreone or the other of tho two strangers felt the muzzlo of jed mac- keys revoltcr bumping against his back but nehemiah caxton carried the weapon at boftytcd the constable of sedgmore and assistant game war- den of plscwtaquls county in tho early evening the four marched into sedgmore straight to hiram jeggs store whoro were nssombled the tnalo citizens of sedgmore from hlramy jeggs to elnathan griffin wal aald nehemiah cheerfully i cotched em and it want jed mackey arter all but- j don fine tvurtr toslfitffi thedthebr of the lawj the citizens of sedgmore rose and htttfrcd in voiceless wonder and their silence wub itho truest tribute ever laid at the fcef of rfehbmlnh caxton nor wua their wonder leas whon three weeks later won cm la h caxton receiv ed from tho bunds of hiram jeggs in his capacity lot postmaster o huge of ficlnl envplope which contained lie should lose kv he leaned out as torn he hif i cw not tialght wovd rviil ttt dips bdyoud jvopie can be better than its crust iise puriiy fcour if your piccrust isnt always what you would like it to be dont blame the recipe or the oven chances are its the flour thatfs wrong purity flour milled- from the finest hard wheat silk sifted and oven tested is fully s worthy of your talent for baking with purity flour you can always make flaky goldenbrown delicious tasting piecrust ask your favorite retailer purity fcour jor all your baknfe get the purity cook book sen j 30c in stamps for tin purity flour 180 pagt cooaboot sent postpaid western canada flour llllxs coumked head offlcktorrtto brsnchei from nrt tosoaat 7 undermining selfcontrou we undermine selfcontrol by giv- ihgwttyinllttlethingo how often wc hear a girl eay as she helps her self to another v chocolate iouh not to cat another one but these are so delicious many a young fellow with hla favorite magazine in his hand looks ht the clook realizes that it is imiat bedtime and that ho will be tired and listless next day unless he gets his full qufota of sleep after facing the issue squarely ho ahruga his shoulders nnd goes on reading to some of you theao seem very little things and lnytf sense they are but the lack of selfcontrol ia not a little thing the young people who deliberately do something they know ihey should not do because their de sires ure stronger than their wills are unfitting themselves to win any big victories lh life your grocer sells salada green tea have you tried it tke tiny rtcfe- flavored leases and tips are sealed airtifht finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon 9alada easily pardoned tmpartialltyiasupio8ed to bo ono of the prime requisites of a goo3 school teacher and indeed it in a quality which most of them possess bat even the school mistress is hu man and as a story in the christian iteglster goes to show many measure out justice with duo rogard for ex tenuating circumstances a little cambridge girl wua dis covered whispering in school and the teacher asked what wero you say ing to the girl next to you when i caught you vhlsperlhg7 the little culprit hung her head for a moment and then replied i was only telling her how nice you looked in your new dress well tho yes i know but we must the class in spclhng will please standup look money take notice that wc will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 yctirs experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles bend us your list wo will do the rest no note or account is considered too small too largo too old or too far away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangevilue owen 80und j m aiken manaeer jos j icellt reference sterling bank of canada manager i mccoys cod liver extract tablets fine lor thin underdeveloped kids children lov them becauu the are 6ugr coated and as easy to take aa candy draft forjlvfeundrart douaihfor 1fto falnt and weak and old liu io darod hcapture of carl ciulndn uiwv olo aw i and hdnjitky riot real for long uown tho ion ita- your duty mother to fige ttlot tho frail peaked sickly youngster grows up to ho htrong in hotly keen in mind and robust in- health extrnct from tho livers of the lowly codfish ara the health wclghtjinjrjftig strength productnjr vltnmlnos that iro found in mccoys cod xlvor loxtract tablets which aro sold by pharmacists all over north and south amerolcn doctors know about them anil so dopa turmugfifirnnrt if your ehlrdrern need bulldlnp up nsk for theso tablets today if you want to give your lovod ones a good appctlto and put pounds of good healthy flesh on their honed but bo sure to got mccoys they are not exponslvc60 tablets 00 cents and if you aro not pleased with tho improvement afcr 30 dayu your money back a very sickly child aged 0 gabled 12 pounds in iscvonj months and in stronq dorson desperadoes who had jld to j ono skinny woman gaiiiod 9 pdunda alfdl tfdmptnil katieiity jumi rbkkw i z days n ayt j they would like lo remembe in s little way- at christmas time if it could be done in such a way that those friends would not feel obliged to start out on a fresh shopping tour to secure more or less- expensive presents to send in return private greeting cards with suitable greeting and your name and address printed thereon meet this need they are becoming increasingly pop ular with every fresh christinas season the free press has in stock a fine range to choose from and some have al- teadyplacedtheirorderg gotthathe might have first choice of the designs if we havent the particular design in stock that you wouldjukejnaybe we could secure it for you if you place your order early printed private greeting cards are rartrsuhl in lots of less thaiuohe dozen with each order envelopes to match the cards are included the prices run from 175 per dozen up if you are interested drop in arid see our samples we will not look upon you as a criminal if you fail to buy the acton free press t artistic printers f v i feitflsi illiisslsffimslitfi hw iitexmiijaj

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