Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1925, p. 4

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member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton frlee press is publiihed every thursday raoriiing it the free fresi building- mil street acton ontario the iubscription price is 200 per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions ire paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise menu 10 cents per line tkitr measure for firflt insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific direction 9 will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h v moore president and editor c a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office tiw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 there will be rejoicing the wail and empire is growing quite philosophi cnl it says the nepd for on early meeting of tflenew house of commons to ascertain on which party side of it lies the balance of political power is urgent there will be great rejoicing in the camp of the liberals if the king government is found to have d majority in the house and no less rejoicing in the conservative camp if the government is de feated on division jn elections asin contests of all kinds whether of sport or of industry the winners naturally and allowably exult canadian wheat and flour in demand a report of the department of trade and com merce draws attention to the rapidly increasing con sumption of canadian wheat- and jlour which has been a fenturcof the trade with china during recent months by the end of september it was reported that over 150000 tons of canadian wheat had been booked to arrive in that country before the end of the year while canadian flour transactions are said to total over 3000000 sacks last year canadian wheat flour to the value of 6226006 was supplied to the british west india islands neighborhood news- town and country georgetown thu morning december 10 1925 editorial use and abuse the prediction has been offered that the automo bile horn will be abolished within five years jthe prediction is based pn the contention that the horn is no longer- used as a warning but as a demand for the right of way the idea seems to be that the automobile djriver imagines he relieves himself of all- responsibility by sounding his horn to tell people to get out of his way and that if he had no horn he would be compelled to pay attention to the traffic there may be some truth in the claim un doubtedly the horn is abused but the problem of safety will never be completely solved until some means is found of eliminating incompetent drivers stratford beaconherald we do some funny things speaking of how municipal activities are often carried on the kincardine reviewreporter says last spring we paid a lot of money and put nice gravel on our main streets then we paid a lot more money to put nice oicon the same streets to keep the gravel down thenwe pay mpney to engineers to tell us how nice our streets would look if they were- paved and what good business it would be and then when the fall comes we chase the engineers out and pay a whole lot more money to have the oil and gravel scraped off our roads and carted away and in just exactly that same space of time we might have had our streets paved and used all that good money to make- the first years payment on the new streets- on again off again and nothing to show for it finnigan r editorial tfotes compulsory lights on all vehicles those county councils which have refused to pass bylaws making the carrying of lights on all vehicles compulsory are quite justified in their action if jegal compulsion is to be applied in this case it must trie price of wheat be by provincial enactment it would be absurd to ah a v o go withour7ligrnsirrhollatld the provincial ym c a is about to launch a campaign against cigarette smoking by boys this is a worthy endeavor and should receive the sup port of every thinking man or woman ontario also lias a few swamps wonder if the natives of florida would invest in them theres a grim significance to those good deep lots that- cdn be bought in florida nowadays deep is right daily star a now jnop or tho world is- to bo secured for the public school iteove molntyre recommended u flro alarm system for the town at thi nomination nivetinr tho members of tho sohool board tor 1920 will be tho same u lost year with the exception of one member mr j b mackenzie who retired and mrs j c russoll takea hie place mr j m moore was ejected hydro commlsiloner for the ifext term miss brown charles street who recently underwent a severe operation la able to be out again mr rttlt and miss pettit leavo town on saturday tor florida where they will spend the winter mr w t bvana entertained his class of young men from the udttod church at hla home last tuesday evening- mr e1 varey of aeoorgetown is the champion apple picker of ontario on november 8 mr varey picked 80 barrels in 94 hours on the farm of mr walter borland smith on the highway he picked 104 barrels in days the beautiful home of dr and mrs william drake weatervelt in hono- liiluby the sea was the scene of the niiptlnle of dr lymanhood and miss margaret kvans daughter of the late john and janet evans formerly of georgetown and alater of mr w t bvana on monday evening october 5th at 8 oclock one hundred and fifty persona at tended the annual banquet of halton golf and country club held in the arena laat thursday evening after the delicious repast president j b wallace announced the programme for the evening the years prizes were presented mrs wllloughby present ed the ladles arid mr wllloughby the mens as follows dub bhiem mrs p jb colin runner up mrs u ir dale second flight mrs- fc b shorty runner up mrs o t mc kay third flight miss m matthews runner up miss campbell mens club championship r t wemyss mens club shield l b shorey father and 8n competitions r t and angus wemyss father and daughter competition mackenxlo cup d tjt and freda herbert herald the staet of an overseas empire considering canadas proflrroaa dur- them nff tho past forty yoara thoro la no i forty yenrs ago canada had a pop- room fur pessimism and if can- illation of 6000000 as coippared to 9- adiana face their problomn sauaroly go0000 at preaent it is a remarkable and attack thorn with courage it fact that the canadian pacific rail- would be very difficult to forfleo tho vvay company opont 70000000 of umlta to- canadas futuro pronperlty said b w boatty kc president of the canadian pacific railway on november 7th last on tho ocouslon of the fortieth anniversary of tho completion of tho canadian pacific hallway mr boatty made known to tho world hla bellof that tho present problems wore no more difficult than those of forty years ago arid can adians not loss ablo to cope with tholr own money in bringing settlers to the dominion and just as tho building of canada was a gallant fight against great forces so did tho con struction of tho canadian pacific rxlllwny constitute a historic battlu against overwhelming odds tho mon who led in its creation faced ruin often today as tho result of tho courage tho farsightedness and the optimism of tho bulldors of tho canadian pa cific tho reliability of tho company has como to bo an accepted fact tho world over and has boon- recognized abroad an the tangible evidence of canadas position an a nation just forty years aao november 7 188g mr boatty recalled tho rails mot at cralgollachlo in tho eagle pans in b0 whon a tense group of men watched donald a smith later lord strathcona drive the lost spike home others in tho- grov picture above ln elude sir william van home sir sandford fleming major rogers the finder of rogers pasw george r har rls and james ross business directory medical dr j a mcniven physician and surgson office and residence corner bon avenue and elgin street phone 81 1r erj nelson etledeitlck street aoton ontario legal phone no it p o box m harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary publle conveyancer eto perryman block acton out money lent on mortgages hoars 930 am to 5 pm iftluyaays 1200 oclock milton oakville it looks as if canada may send large quantities of wheat to japan representatives from toicio were at winnipeg last week contracting for 5000000 bushels this new market should- appreciably en- landing and then to fine the owner of the vehicle jrfor failing to provide tfiumination when in brad ford farmers sun yes but isnt it a fair pre sumption that if county councils generally vote in favor of this muchneeded law that provincial enact ment would very promptly follow no vehicle with- out lights is safe now on provincial highways county road or township line serious observation by a leading judge in addressing the grand jury at the general ses sions at toronto- judge emerson coatsworth re marked that there had been a great deal of talk about- the ontario temperance act there have been persistent statements going about be said that young men goinjg to social functions carry flasks in their pockets it is hard to conceive that any gentleman would insult his hostess by going to home with a flask or to a social function in a public place thus supplied however we cannot close our eyes to this there are lawmakers and lawbreakers the lawbreakers include besides the murderers burglars and thieves those who violate the o ta if the leaflers in our social business and professional life go deliberately into the law- breaking class it is a most unfortunate thing for oar country i the early municipal elections the elections for the council of this municipalitj are now concluded and our citizens business men and others are through with the oldtime election turmoil and are free to devote themselves to their christmas business and the usual pursuits of the seaaonfora number of years acton has followed rtrptaitoviard by thrpfovrncfal legislaturetina fpji provep eminently satisfactory if municipal feftlps generally throughput the province could realize ki the comfort and satisfaction of having their elec- g over aad settled by the first week in december ihey would undoubtedly adopt the new method pj acton and georgetown of the nine municipalities in ii3thi8 county have completed their annual elections fehave no worry by candidates or ejectrtfacrng them k dnrlng the christmasan3 new year holidays and 0will be ready to commence the administration of rltheir municipal affairs promptly at the beginning ol fe the new year parente duty to their chllriron the lack of parental authority and restraint over fc their children is unfartunately showing results these 5jdays which are to be deplored mr j j kelso the jsup of neglected children fox jqatflrio ffiiiilakes this significant comment 1 is 4d f itji parentg g falling down in their duty to their mfhilldren fathers and mothers throughout ontario fohould seriously consider their responsibilities and ygitirn over a new leaf in dealing with children they sfahould exercise closer supervision of their childs j habits and companions combine kindness and flrnn- sness require obedience aot reipect and spend woro ahquld avoid dispute in the jrescncef the child and rayin a jiyidbtlpolitf i fortunate that this condition prevails in all pirn of ontario children oe allowed the liberry of kplng kbutat night without reitraljit attendmg blic c dances without being chaperoned of bmnginftlie pjecimpaiiy rfr other young pjeppre whose j ctii w ptty olanileitine acquainwncvtaeltwti ptorable- a the anthracite ownerasay the door is not closed to an agreement with the men but it does not ap pear to be sufficient negotiation the fuel situa tion looks rather serious for canadian users so far as hard coal is concerned the irish boundry trouble has been settled by a new ag between t british gove and the government of ulster and the free state theboundarywiltremain as it is both ulster and the free state appear to be satisfied the return to twocents letter postage is again under- discussion at ottawa postmastergeneral murphysays hes ready to restore it as soon as the parliament decides its sources of revenue will war rant the change penny postage was always popular the deputation to ottawa from the dominion boards of trade which urged economy in expendi ture and at the same time presented proposals for spending three or four hundred millions of dollars must have realized the difficulties which beset any government jvail and empire the upward trend of business activity has says the december circular of the royal band of canadda continuedduring the past month and be come more widespread with the effective increase in agricultural purchasing power its the old story when the farmer prospers all the other people also prosper a tax on betting which heretofore has not been received with official favorrmayyet be resorted to by- ipovfemimenthopesr toease the financial standing of the country such action if taken will not elevite them6ifai status of the country it really puts a premium on gambling on tario knows it too the high cost of producing local newspapers is the reason given for the amalgamation of the gan- anoque journal with the reporter mr bo brit- ton of the reporter will continue to conduct the amalgamated reporterjournal he will have as sociated with him mr l a guild formerly of the kingston whig ll in flinwef t reports nf thw riignatinn nf v torneygeneral nickle minister vibf agriculture martin and minister of lands lyons- and a june electiitwith government control of liquor sales as the jioaue premrerlferpison declares thej rumor is too silly to discuss there isnt aj tittle of founda tion of any kind forit that covers everything fourteen days at hard tabor for fourteen cruel blows leaving their marks on a pig was a recenf english punishment a months imprisonment waa given by a massachusetts judge last month for similar treatment of a cow there is everywhere too of their time in getting acquainted above all heytj ihuch thoughtless cruelty to animals it is will for the public generally to realize that canadian law vi- t- 4 j- p since the free sale of vodka was restored in russia drunkenness has become so prevalent and dis orders sodtrequent that is has been found necessary tppa a piy law dealing with inebriety a law jyoi0ul4ypbient manufacture of the liquor wwii spilwy f dealing with the dlf- llrled iionldjiy k be the easiest way mfftig 4jltiltres in thtscanda mrjharry ryrle4ellverod a- very interestins address xo the rotorlons on monday nlht 6nalipie growlnf mrs william wallls knox church manse dtindos street received at her home on tuesday afternoon for the flrst time since coming to oakvlue the first near tnuredy of the sea son occurred last sunday morning when frederick collier late of jjon- don england broke through the thin ice on the creek rebelvlng if nothing else a slight shock and a decided drenchlnr principal archibald gave a gratify ing and very satisfactory report of the progress made in the night school work at a meeting of the industrial and advisory committee last evening the opening attendance of 119 bos been increased to 127 after a long and eomewhat tur- bulent session lost monday evening the towiv council adjourned at mld- nlght to meet again on wednesday evemnr to maluta nnoi stand and de- clslon regarding the future and wel fare of the oakvlue band a representative gathering of the kirk club neld a social evening on monday night at the borne of mr j xiee mccrnneys crossing discarding the more conventional mode of travel the club drove out in hay racks andwagons the musical comedy kathleen wweh is- to b pt at th gregory theatre on thursday and friday of next week dece 10 and -hi- u ti alree o mleul relchert of the john b rogers pro- dualng company for the lions club of oakvlue promises to f the best home talent production ever staged in oakvlue many of our cltlsens have read the account of the new china clay and coal discoveries reported in the north this announcement is of special in terest to the people of -oakvlle- be cause the local law firm of douglas douglas 8c robinson hold control of these remarkable discoveries mayor robinsons senior partner mr wm douglas will be the president of the new company which has just been fofmed to place- the- products on the market for the use of the public- record miss elisabeth scott oldest daugh ter of mr and mrs w n scott has bailed from new york on tho em press of scotland for a trip- round the world and expects to return by the end of april mrs frodd dewar as recording secretary attendod tho mooting of tho execulye committee of the ontario womens liberal association held at tho prince georgo hotel toronto mayor irvlngircounclllora b syera and t colo and bandmaster dolling mojored tho other day to port credit hamilton and stpnoy creek to inspect tho monuments erected thero to fallen soldiers as milton next summer intends to proceed with the erocuon of one here they appeared to iiko tha one at stoney creek a good many municipalities in on tario now hold their municipal elec tions a month earlier than usual so as to get them out of tho way before christmas holidays acton and georgetown in our own county are doing it and it seems to work out al right wondor if it wouldnt be a good thing for milton to follow suit the regular monthly meeting of the halton county childrens aid society xill beheld at t c home-on- thursday evening december 10 nt 8 oclock fred watson of milton who holds tho class bv checker championship of canada and has just returned from his trip through the western pro vinces is moving to hamilton where he intends to reside roformer thcpr epitaph8 in england there are two epitaphs near the village of leamington in a flmall- churchyard stands a tomb on wltlch is this inscription horo lies a miser who lived for him- self and cared for nothing but glthorlng polf now where he is or how he foels nobody knows and nobody caros in marked contrust to this one may read on a plain sarcophagus in st pauls cathedral london these word- in tribute to a life of humility and aorvlce sacred to tho memory of general charles georgo london who at all times and everywhere gave hls strength to tho weak his substanco to tho poor hla sympathy to the suf fering his heart to god erin moneymaking usefulness burlington mr anit mrs walter currle re turned home lost week from florida mr currle having accepted a posi tion in hamilton the bishop of niagara dr d t owen will preach at st lukes church on sunday evening december 13 this will be the bishops flrst visit tobt- lukes since his consecra tion mr j o rychman at st peters burg florida writes that the party arrived safely at st petersburg after eight and a half days journey they had no car trouble and had good- roads at except a few miles on friday aft astjt depu tation composed of reeve brace french clerk john avery and mem bers of the counclt from caledonia paid a visit to the town to witness a demonstration of the new pumper recently purchased from the blckle wre engine company on thursday evening- at the arm- ories at brunt park the burlington company of the halton rifles under the command of mejor loxler were inspected by the brlgadeer and his staff for mill district the brlgadeer complimented the omcors and men on their most comfortable quarters and also on the work of the company the friendly class or the trinity united church held a venison supper in the school room on thursday even ing last jths venison being donated by mrs h sneath one of the mem- bers of the class the surlper was fallowed by a programme of speeches readings and songs and a most en joyable social time was spent by all present another vote may be taken at bur lington f o desired the ontario property commission today ruled holding that the vote by which church union favored by 10 to 90 was invalid evidence was given that there were objections to the use of the signed ballot at the congregational meeting at which it was decided to require ballots to be signed but there was no evidence that anyone had refrained from voting on that ac count nor that the result of the vote was affected thereby oasette fuddles by mayflower what kind of a hen lays longest a dead one- how far does a tox go into a bush until it areui to the middle vhere were the first doughnuts made ingreece grease 1 little green house inside that is a htue white house inside that js a tittle red house inside that are little bltbktnd white men what la swv the boys who went to tho west on the harvest bxcurslonifrom this po ure returning humo one py 6rt6- the path acrose- tho hill lsthe title of the play now being prepared to be put on in the town hall hllls- burg on thursday ovenlng december 10th under tho auspices of the junior womens institute the new rink at hillsdurg is ready for tho stool roof whicfh 16 being put on many helping hands have made this possible and by tho time two weeks roll by it should be finished a meeting of the local curling club was held in the waiting room at the link on monday evohlng whon the following officers were elected for the ensuing year h matthews presi dent t j bush vicepresident a c momlllan secretary committee dr gear and g t scott tjie womens auxiliary of all saints church will hold their annual bajtaar at mcmillans hall erin on friday ovenlng december 11th keep the date open during noon hour on friday last the fire bell rang obt its alarming message this time flro hod- broken out in russell grundys bake shop and had quite a start bofonritxwta noticed the bakery and lts contents including a quantity of flour and considerable biead was completely ruined and a portion of the upper part of tho back wall of the main building was badly damaged as well as the whole build ing being soaked with water the loss was covered by insurance and a satisfactory settlement has been made radvocate tho young man who putb raonoy- maklner art tho head of his list of ambitions shuts hlmselfl out ot the onmnnnlonfihln of the moit useful persons in tho world ralph waldo jeraerson whoso writings have inspir ed multitudes for well on to a cen tury never made more than a few hundred dollars a year while people in other linos who nover inspired anybody boast on annual income running- into hundreds of thousands charles evans- hughes for four years secretary of stato rocelvod from tho government a yearly oalary of twelve thousand dollars 5iu some basobalf players get moro than ho received for all th tlmn he wn n mwiilir nf purity in soap women and children must havest pure soap one which will cleanse syifbout irritating iijabys own soap has been used in thousands of canadian homes for five gen- erations its pleasant aroma add to its value babys own soap laaidnalcartas 10c trywfccn betf lor uou and baby too rheumatic pains go swollen joints vanish twlbtod swollen unsightly joints dr j m bell d d s l d gy7entist honor gradaate of toronto univer sity thfc latest anesthetic used u desired office at residence corner of mm and freaertefcftreetj dr p g gollop dds lda oflntal surgeon ofllee over bank of nova sootm hotjrs j0 to sso evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan oekblnoer account books of all kinds made order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly ana promptly done wjmdham street ctaelph out over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 tears experience xjst to0r property with mb acton ortahio tho cabinet tho young american who sots his heart on being a million aire hua aimed too low aspire to somethijiff moro than juot raonoy- canadian and united 8tate8 cheese why does canadian cheese demand higher price ih the united states than the homo production it la an american writer that puts tho ques tion ho seeks to imply that it la hot aa mlffht be aupposed on account of transportation expenses a but because of ita greater uniformity and sound neaa to canadians thla is pleaaant newa and a sure encouragement to maintain quality ao that tho demand by consumers may increase despite the allghtly higher price after all people wlllpayfor quality eapoclallyj auatalhed quality the writer of tho article was in a pullman dining ear wbenhepropouiidod the reply of t waiter waa that many trotvsllani ppofar canadian cheese even at allghtly higher price not be cause it is alwave better but becauao iljujalually la thla aeema to imply that it la more dependable it la a fair insta of wh e from persistent offort to produce bomelhlng better than- thfe othor fellow and to meet the demand not only of the gon- eral market but also of the consumer the aatlsfactlon of the latter being after all ttfo real key to the situation what ailed the clock j j jr jtrs bonsons clook nftor havlnn kept excellent time for eevcral years suddenly ntopped after trying for some tlmo to mnko it ffo she re moved it from ita shelf and sent it to a clock rialrer madam lsaldr aftw inspoctlnii is this kept in a damp room 7 no she replied wo keop it in the driest rooth in the houso h it ever hnd a fall into a tub of water or anything of that sort never well i cant understand it its works are as rusty a if it had been left unused in a cellar for n year i cant see how that can be said mrs benson we are so enroful of that clock that wo alvays used to keen our vlals of muriatic and stll- phjirto acfd inside of it whore we hstttfelfitar tayrte tmw then npj jwrnlr bmrnmnn b0nd stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannlgan titb rapldty freed from potn ana brought back to normal with rheuma inline people walk without aid sleep comes to those who have been unable to he in bed handa that were holploss because of terrible rheuma tism are now- able- to do their share for the bupport of tho family rheuma la a wonderful remedy for rheumatism gout neuritis lumbago and neuroglia it is ft wonderworker it over cal tera nqver kivoh nn until overy vestltre of poison ig expelled from the body rheuma acts on stomach liver kid- rioyg a bladde all at once anj quickly brings long prayed for com fort to distressed sufferers e j hiw- sard and all good druggists sell it with tho guarantee of monoy back if it isnt satisfactory clearing auction sale to wind up estate of farm 8tock implements furniture etc in gas makes people nervous and restless goa pressure in the abdomen- causes a reatless nervous feeling and pro- yonta sleep adlerlka removes gas in tent minutes and brings out purprla- iriff alaoiints of old waste matter you never thought was in your system tlila excellent intestinal cvacuant is wonderful- for constipation or allied stomach trouble dont waste timd with pllla or tablets but get real adlerlka action a t brown drug- hwhinton prom toronto jewellar watch and clockmakar mill street actoh main st georgetown christmas 8pecial8 v special fine large atock of christmas gifts now on sale at low market prices now la tho ti fn chn your chrlatmaa gifts pay a deposit and we will iuju nu an j hi tide sliup aaib to avoid cuiflh- at chrlatmaa as our store is too small for such a largo business which wo alwaya do at christmas diamond and ruby dreas ttng n heavy ongrayjrl signet rings birthday and childrens ringa brogohea bracelets necklets links scarf pine pearls and beads 3jino watchea 15 jewel rect angular wrist lfr jewel round tonneau and octagon shapoa ladles gents nioklc goldflllod and solid gold wrist watchea u60 to 2600 pnrkcr wutermpn dlnkle and aromno fountain pens and bvoraharit ponclls and rofllla guaranteed quality fine frenck chlnufuncy cups and saucers dlahea tea sota pintos salad and servers cut qlaaa dlahea water sots shorbots comports goblets witio glaaaea fanoy leather good bags purses wallota clfti caaoa score pads card casos handkerchief and qlovo cnicb collar boxes bronao vhbob lampa ash traya jan tllnoroa candleatleka eto find kronen ivory clooka vaaea larapm manlcuro and toilet placna and acta tambour mantle l clouka 91000 eaoh toys of the bent quality dt all klndo fine btntloniry boxes bhop early filmail pronta quick rrtmrf our mmtb the undesigned has received structions from the executors ofthe estate of the late mrs e j kingsbury to soil by public auction at lot 32 con 6 nassagaweya pn tho provincial highway botweon acton and rock- wood flvo minutes walk from stop 90 on radial on wednesday december 16 at twelvethirty oclock sharp tho fol lowing horses1 rog clyde mare 5 yeara old 1 black mare 6 years old general purpose 1 brown mare 9 years old x road mare 12 years old 1 aged hgree cattle 1 red cow duo april 9 1 jersey cow duo juno 3 1 roan cow due juno 9 1 gray cow duo juno 27 1 black cow duo jan 20 1 jersey heifer due march 1 1 gray heifer duo march 6 r red heifer duo april 2 1 red cow milking well 3 heifers 2 years old 1 atoor 2 yoarold fat cat tle 3 ycarllrigst 2 spring calves voal calf pigs lyork bred oct 28 1 young york sow bred october 24 9 s boats fowl guild bredtolay strain 20 rock hoita about 40 pullots about sir cockerels if not previously 3ld implbmentsl deering binder massey harris rake peter hamilton mower massey harris hoe drill massey harris disc massey harris born cultivator 2 row massey harris manure spreader steel drum roller cultivator set horrowa 2 fleury plows turnip drill chatham fanning mill set scales 2000 lbs wagon 2 inch tire wfth box complete wagon 3 inoh tiro i set bench sleighs 1 sot light sleighs 1 gravel box flat rack hay rack stock ruck massey harris engine 2 horse power 3 top buggies- rubber tiroa 2 rohntt huguv rtm mtn 2 cuttej melotto cream separator pulpcr b fatflf hammatt euttnik mu hand or power 2 wheelbarrows grind atone car act slings hay fork 126 ft 1 lneh rope good as new trip rope 2 sugar kettles set of pans about 100 palls and spilos for making mojilo syrup a quantity of lumber haquar ofbhittglci cord atove wood dry 20 foot ladder 2 ahbrt ladddki forks shovels hoes logging chainh 3 set double trees canthook crowbars other articles too numerous to mention grain and hay 400 bus oata 200 bus mixed grain 10 bus wheat 10 bus peas 2bus black barley a quantity of food turnips and mangels 12 ton of hay clover ahd timothy 10 feet corn in silo harness sot double harness with breechings not plough harness 3 not slnglo harness odd collars household furnityre mc- clarya range cook stovo box atovo dining- tabic 6 dining chain vorl kitchen chairs 3 tables fall leaf table 3 bedsteads 3 spring 2 mat treases cradle 2 couches 2 oup boards barrel churn better bowl and ladle 1 lb print oredm oapj wash stand harref goo4 older vina gar btralnor pall soma milk 4tll apples and potatobskbw rela spya barrel cooklnk applajt ii bnga potatoes v tprjmi positively no rtrw4a5ttaritv terms hbfcw-rtsal- tie furnh unr a e nicklin insurance agent ufa fire auto accident 3 health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plata glass insuranc trustse for emtmt cotlactiow business entrusted to my care will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rats and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave- acton tan-jupa-jaa- mrkwuohosrwfcir tfronto ginaoi business is good at the busy business college this week wo were unable to supply two business- arms with clerical help no graduates to send young people get into training at guelph business college there is a good salaried position for you start on monday special proposition for tho flrst ten registering before december 1 a l botjck principal and proprietor one sympton of eye strain a person risos in tho morning feeling fit and ready for any thing ho starts to work with enthusiasm but in two or threo hours begins to lose his energy this la particularly true of those that use their eyos for close work if your oyes are a handi cap to you first wo could con vince you of the faot then ro- liovo you std savage optomstrlst and mfg optloian right at the post office savaa buildlna guelph wi the old mid rdiable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and dlreot importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell dlreot to our oustomers at wholesale prices thus saylng our customer 40 per cent we have the best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who to puem properly we oan bive referenoes torn hundreds of our oustbtnsrs in toronto and other tlaees where others hive to have law ntta in order to oolleot we have the unrest and beat stock of granite in thjomlnlon or more than any- three in the west we are lerltl- u dealer and employ no agents pr peat ouatomkn t acenta sollolt- wy onlymeofiantoe assfis it zwpyy- 2

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