Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1925, p. 5

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ujr artriti 3frrr praia thlgday jdllc 10 1025 2 a schemer htft a famous toy sho p wont uttlo jo mid i tho ehap qhrli tonus weather to aeo wlmt wo could spy it wan a place of wonder a teal cncliunled ground whoi o cvciytulrig that heui t could wish might cottulnly bo found theio woie swings and locking homes and sleds foi buh and gh ls- and guinea and ijuukh and puzzles and dolls wltlillaxen oui le now find out u hut hhe most wishes it popped into my head and get it hui for chi iatraaa and ho 1 spoke nnd said if you could have but one thine of alt the thlugn ou see now tell i ne little daughter what that one thing snould he the little muiriorf answered scanning the tuusuies oci if i could have lint ime hug i fink id take the httft e litlgm l wai ren the sunday school lesson for sunday december 13 twenty years ago from the leaue of the free press of thursday december 14 1905 chi istmaa business is hummmg overywheio tho cluik house in its new dieas has been leiuuncil hy mi itoach tho acton tho iftt stock show and wintei fair aro in niofiiesa tins week at guelph acton in sending a huge contingent turnips aro still being delivered in largo quantities the price is llic contractor ban io lias already shipped over ln0 cars this season mias pettlgiow toucher of the first department of the public school has resigned her position to take a situa tion in a school near her horn at glen morris mr john s coleman and family en tertained tho methodist sunday school orchestia at an oyster siippor lost filday evening on friday tafternoon tho- christ mas examinations at the public school will be hold tho public are cordially invited to bo present in tho after noon tho local committee is arranging for a public meeting in the interests of local option to be held in tho town hull f rov j c pidgeon presbyter- ian minister and mr rcany larr la ter both of toronto ore expected to bo the speakers the veto will be taken on new years day among other items taken up at the meeting of tho municipal council on monday evening was the matter of signs naming tho various streets in town it was decided to tako the matter up sorloualy next year the necessity of a new map of the municl pality was also referred to and was also laid over for next year paul in mislita and home acts 28 6im 3031 r goulfii ttxt i am not ashamod of tho gonpel of chi 1st for it is tho powoi of odd unto salvation to every ono that bclleveth romans 1 16 time a d tilgj place rome tho losaon explained 1 paul cuiih thu ltiuinitj jews to him 1c- paul h nt home tut lust and is thoie to pi each the gospel as he had longed to do ko l 1416 paul loved his people no matter how bitterly they hated lilm lie got them together as soon aa he could that he might preach jesus to tluni he seeks to concilato jesus to them he seeks to conciliate them lie lias no chuige to bi ins up bound wittx a chum but it is a great piivilcko and honor to bo bound with a chain in a good cause it was thiough jtvlhh malice that paul was now in chain but strangely enougn it was because of loyalty to the great liopo of httjcwish nation that he ha l incuricil jeulah enmity the hope of lainol was twofoki the hope of a lesuuectlon acts lij 0 21 15 2k x 68 and the hope of a messiah in whom they and all the nations of the eaith should be blessed acts 3 ji21 lukol ct7u7j ko 16 8 gal 1 14 1q18j in pauls preaching the two hopes weio blended because tve messiah he pi cached was a messiah risen ftom mo dead tile urst xi uits and guarantee of tiio rosunection acts 1j ji u 18 if theio is no i esurijjion of the body but only an immortality of the soul as tho modernists teach then jesus was not raised and lie ia not the messiah and our faith la in vain and the wholo christian system is a fraud cf 1 cor 15 139 what poor logicians these scholarly modern ists are wo desire to hear what thou tthinkeat that was certainly a hopeful sign the last part of the answer pf the jews had an ominous sound to many weak and superficial minds if anything is quite generally slioken against that proves it is- all wrong in pauls day christianity was overywheio spoken against yet it was to conquer tho world and savo it from moral ruin jesus was himself a sign which was spoken again luke 2 7 mans judgments aie not gods and tho sect that is everywhere spok en against may be the sect god has chosen any body of people who are loyal to god and his word are quite likely to bo spoken against by a god- hating world ono ib 182124 2 paul preaching tho kingdom of god and persuading men concerning jesus 2331 how all tho schemes of tho enemies of paul and christ had turned out to its a great life say titled english farmers according to conscience ono of tho witnesses at a loyal commission appointed to inquire in- tpo enso of alleged bribery in an ofcctlon siatod that ho had i ecolvod 926 to voto conservative nnd hi crossexamination it was elicited that ho had also received 25 to voto llbci- al my justice matthew in amazement repeated vou say i you leeeived 2 to voto corihcrvativo ves my loi d and you also received 25 to voto ldbeial yjcn n lord and for whom did you vote at the finish asked the astonished judge j throwing himself back in the chair aid the witness with injuicd dig nity in eveiy lino of his face answer ed with great oarnestnesb 1 voted my lord according to my conscience jo wsexatkinor ior bobeucuts burns ccuds etcbalmosalve cant i beat mighty good rjrcoios price 2w atvtxjrdrudalst pfitmbeo only by veritas somrombrontol balmo salve the great healer antlsoptlc nonpolsonoub for oroi cuts burns chapped hands etc for salo at your druggist 6y maled postpaid upon receipt or price 25c try a box today and be convinced verita8 supply co 23 dunloo rd toronto 5 railway time tables at acton nadian natidnaijkailways sometime why not this time bad business that is a very instructive incident which mr j b hourrispn relates in n lotter to the century on votebuying in new hampshire a certain man not a poor mnnaoldiiifl vote for 25 in cash not long after ho needed a business loan and applied offering good secur ity to tho hank the president of which happened to be tho local leader of the party which had bought his vote the loan was promptly refused no aald tho bank president he sold us his voto trio other day he can have no accommodation at thia bank did tho bank president contrlbuto any of the money that bought tho voto if so what of him when the willingn tolb uy vot ruins tho reputation of a party of its leaders and of tho contributors to bribery funds then will come the era of purity in pollrtlcs so often laughed at by shallow thinkers- who enjoy the spirit of the game and hold that in rolltics as in love and war every thing is fair a famous political leader who onca had command of his party in a na tional campaign usjed to say in business commit everything ito writ ing in politics nothing when the business of the country is conducted on the same principles and with tho same ideas of morality as ia the private business we shall no longer find is openly asserted that in many of the provinces from ten to thirty- five per cent of tho votes may be bought and are bought one last fond word tho jt happened last summer in adlrondacks all aboard shouted the conduc tor tho young couple who had been standing a little apart started itll sure bo lonesome hero with out you he observed and 11 miss you too sho told hlra this has been the bebt vaca tion i over had and all because i met you yesterday but just think of all the days wo might have been together he walled all aboard tho conductor inblst- ed oh dear ive got to go j she ex- clulmoa on tho verge of tears he kissed her goodbye quite ignor ing the persons who looked on with mild amusement youll write she called from tho platform every day he promised as the tram began to move and then he suldenly dashed afer the train wait a mlnutel he yelled des pairingly what did you say your name was undesirable acquaintance there is a curtent loport that a certain very scrupulous lady refused to be resoued from drowning because sho had not made tho acquaintance of her wouldhf xr- t h in- venilonai manner i and her property seems only- ono alei in advance of that lltustratod by the following an ecdote front llfa a lady went to got a check cashed at a bank where alio was entirely un known t it wilj be impohhlblq for me to give you the money madam said the tell er pblttoly unless you can tndentlfy yourself in aojue way but inm miss c antd the lady certainly but it will be nocesf bttfy for some one whom wo know to give you an introduction to us j ijhe drew back and regarded him huughtlly but sir she eajd in at has been called a tone of spurn i do not wlshto know you i sentence sermons no day is long enough for tho man who is v procrndtina- tor for the itrnh xhose work is a labor of love to provide time foi ono moment of jealousy to make room for the spirit of re venge for the cynlp to it oil all about the things that aro wrong with the world to spend any f vt hunting for fluwfl in saints to listen to all the reasons why it cant uto ubnb t the futheranee of tho gospel cf phil 1 12 they had brought paul to rome at tho expense of the state they had given paul a great audienco of leading jews but further than thia they had given pauj an audience of roman soldiers these soldiers would never have come to a sojrvice conduct ed by a jew but as they had to guard paul thoy had to listen to what he had to say many were thus con verted phil 1 13 r v and as the -roman- roldler went every they became mostvelllcient missionaries in gaul germany t and olso- whore paul opened to the jews tho old testament scriptures concci nlng the death and resurrection and ascen sion and coming again and reign of the chrlat comp ch 17 2 3 26 22 23 showing how all this was ful filled in jesus he gave witness to the kingdom of god this is to the reign of god on earth i t coming messianic kingdom atlthis cxposl- tion and testimony centered on jesus it was no abstract reign o g in an upper lott lore to nou lora through their acos on tholr rich and visit the rodney farm any daydur- ontaoue lord rhnw iu- fertile fai m overlooking the broad ing the farming hcatmn and you will montague lord rodnoy and son john lady rodnoy farm instructor and john stanley lower left lord montague agn of tho duke of manchester foedlno tho hags upper- right lord rodney and his ranch house at cottesmore farm lower right lady rodnoy and hor son john scions of british nobility aro learn ing faimlng under the most ideal conditions in alberta and by ideal conditions is meant piactlcal condi tions where every choio on the farm is handled at some time or other by men born under some of the most famous titles in britain thoy are doing this on cottesmore faim 25 miles east of tho city of etl monton in the rich fort saskatche wan district cottesmore arm is owned and operated- by one georgo bridges hnrley guest who happens to be tho eighth baron rodney de scendant of tho famous admiral rod noy whose vlctot y over tho fronch fleet in 1782 saved the empire of the britons from the j3ourbons baron rodney himself and lady rodney have gone thiough the throes of life as hired help on an alberta farm and are now putting others tejl good tea 63 the orange pekoe is extra good try it qolno wat no 20 800 am no 31 104c anx jo 83 229 pjn no 06 g00 pjn no 30 830 pm no 25 sunday 1041 ajn going east no 2g j 721 am no 30 f 1108 am no j4 336 pm no 36 617 pm no 38 813 pjn no 24 sunday 708 pm saskatchewan luver believing that in this day and generation agricultural life in weatevn cnnnfla is a proper pursuit for those of noble blood they are leading these young aristocrats along therigrit path by putting them through ociy known jbb on a well- run farm thoy havo with them thi3 year which i tho second year they have operated this school in farming montague son of lady farquhar the duke de nemours descendant of the very bourbons whom rodneys il lustrious onceator helped to defeat and others everybody works on the rodney farm lord and lady rodney them selves superintend tho farm operations and actively participate in them they know how they have beon through tho mill when they first came to al- bei ta they hired out flirough the gov ernment employment bureau and took a real job on a real farm later they bought cottesxnoro farm the original holding of which belonged to judge flset of quebec they farm 1000 acres of the finest land in central al berta and their farm homestead stands on the brow of a high bank overlooking tho saskatchewan pro viding ono of tho most beautiful viewi ono could wish to see find tho eighth baron rodney here there and everywhere doing any one of the tasks that come to tho way of a man who superintends operations oilj a 1000 acre farm you will and lady rodney in the kitchen doing her cook ing or out at tho dairy barn where sho takes an active par in the opera tions of the dairy end of the busi ness or out in tho garden where she works herself you will find the youn lord montague feeding the hogs or stocking grain and young farquhar and stanley and the others driving teams or pitching sheaves or herdinp cattle under the supervision of the instructor who is there to show them tho right way to do things it is a case of everyone to his task and sticking on it at the rodnoy farm it must bo that way on a farm which supplies from its herd of 40 grade shorthorns all tho milk and cream necessary for tho big university hos pital at edmonton where there are several hundred acres in crop and a bunch of flno hogs to nurse it is real farm run by real people and the scions of british nobility llko it they soy it is tho life they seem to care for no other they are going to make good farmers improved state of society but a defin- ite reign in a definite person jesus his preaching of the kingdom was aa far as possible different from what in these days ia heralded as a preach ing of the kingdom of god which is really a kingdom of god with the king left out and ovolutlonized man exalted to gods place paul proved his points both from the law of moaes and from tho prophets from morning till evening if pnul had been like many modern socalled bible teachois he would have spent the day discussing whether or no the law was really moslac and whether the portions of isaiah expounded weio by isaiah himself or tho deutero- isalah or some other isaiah if he had been fool enough to waste his time in that way instead of its being written some of them bolioved it would have been wilttcn none of them be lieved when ho got through tho method paul employed going through the flcripturo and showing jesus everywhere tho master himself fol lowed- this was the kind of preach ing that people are willing to listen to from morning till evening even apostolic preaching will not convert anybody but under true preaching of tho word of god in the power of tho holy spirit some will believe tho preaching of tho gospel has always ca di those who are or dained to eternal life believe and the rest aro rojected thoso who believo are saved thoao who believo not are lost mark 16 157 10 but tno un belief of some docs not make tho faithfulness of god of no effect paul was not at all shaken in nls own faith because bo many including scholarly ones hnd not believed no rather he was confirmed in his belief of the j faith for wns not this a fulfillment of a projihecy but note how plainly paul spoke to those rejecters of the truth of god and we ought to uso equal plainness of speech paul told i them that what lay at the roots of i their unbelief was gross hearts dull ears closed eyes their eyes were closed t because they themselves had closed them the awful result was they should be neither converted nor healed but everlastingly lost comp- 2 thess 1 79 though they refus ed the salvation it wns none the less of god if thoy would not have it others would verse 28 tho lejoit tawm fnonnt tto o tho g by th salvation for uh ro 11 11 paul haj two yearn of uninterrupted sorvico in rpme olid here the story closes daily readings for next wok f monday powlin melita acts- 28 110 tuesday paul in rome acts 28 1116 wednesday paul pi enches jn rome actfl 28 1723 l- thursday rpaul wins converts to christ actfi 28 2431 friday paul writes to tho ramans komanfi 1 112 saturday lovo tho fulfilling of the bftw romans 13 814 sunday solf dedication not self- conceit romans 12 18 a scout- 18 courteous tho scoutmaster off a certain troop was lspeotlng tho cleanliness and tho tutnout of his scouts walking round he stopped beforo one of tho more lecontly enrolled scouts after looking lilm up and down for a minute or two he until to hlm jonos your face is very flirty what would you say if i woro to come out on a troop night with a face like that please air said jones a scout js courteous and i should be too polite to niontlon it altogether different thoro was a time awhen charles yuramcib was voted a vulgar fanatic in boston because he had offended cer tain prominent persons by his need lessly cutting remarks on their re spectabilities one day mr samuel hooper who represented boston in tho national house tind who was an intlmato friend of summer was asked by a wealthy commeiclal acquaintance how ho managed to got along with that follow summer ohrvery t the i meet him very often ho appears to bo invited to every party given in wo 00111 go anywhere without seeing him you dont say he is considered a gentleman you dont say that he is a man one would ask now to dlno at your table or mine no replied mr hooper with tho dry humor which was peculiai ly his own i dont think it would become you to invite him to your house but boclety in washington is mixed up of elements such as we never find in boston there are you knowix lot of ambassadors fiom the various countries of europe dukes earls barons knights and others porsons with titlees prefixed to theh names summers seems to be their favorite guoat but i would not of couise ad vise you to invite him to dinner in boston wo aro natuially cautious in washington wo can bo less discrim inating and the best part of the joke was that the victim of this satire rc- malnetl aulte unaware that ho had been bo effectually snubbed unpleasantly funny iiere 1h a story of an adventure which bofoll a young amateur ventril oquist and magician ho is very clever nnd audacious and naturally a company is much sought after by tho people of his own set ono day ho received n note from a friend begging him to como over to her house the next evening tho chlldien weio to have a party and it would be a great favor if he would come ovei and en tertain thom on his way uptown tho next afternoon theretoi ethe bdughl n mask of a huge donkeys head tfta big jaw lof which was so ai ranged that tho pulling of itt string caused it to utter a llfcllko and horrible bray that evening an hour or so after the time appointed jio went to the house thi ew off his overcoat in tho hall and riin upstairs putting on his musk us ho went through the eye holes he could see dimly thnt a good crowd of people were assembled in tho room at the head of the stab way with a terrible hehaw he threw himself on his hands and knees and burst into the room an unexpected hush and a sound of staitlcd exclama tions sent a chill to his bone some thing vae wrongs ho pulled off the mask- and scrambled to his feet horrors of horrors ho wan sur- loundcd by entiic stiangcrs who nntui ally looked upon him as if ho had taken leave of his senses a tit ter ran round tho i oom and a pretty young woman evidently the mistress of tho house stepped forward to re ceive tho intruders explanations he had mistaken the house which was ojio of a blqck of houses all ahkethoh servant who liftd let him n had taken it for granted that ho was an invited guest and thoio ho was ho mado a hasty ckit with a sound of suppiessed laughter in his ears and though he went to the house where he was expected he had no heart to puf on again the donkey mask ths oil for tha athl iu blng down tho athloto will find dr thomas kclectiic oh an excellent article it renders tho muscles and slnowa pliable takes the soreness out of them and strengthens them for tho strains that f may bo put upon tliem it standn pi eeminrnt for this pur pose and athletes who for yearb have been using it can testify th its value as a lubricant team work in the town it aint the guns nor aimament nor funds that thoy oan pay but thj close cooporutl6n that makes thom win tho day u aint tho individual nor the army aa a wholo hut tho everlasting ttfunvwurli at overy bloumin soul ilonally himself r witty many anecdotes are told lllustrat- ing the wit and eccentricity of row land hill tho celebrated london preacher a dissenting minister once complained to hlrn or tho dealing he hart received from an ecclestlastlcal board and concluded fdr my part i dont see the dif ference between a board and a bench meaning that the rule of his board wns as strict a that of tho bishops pardon me friend said mr hill i will shdiv you an essential dlf- forence botween the two a board is a bench that has no legs to stand on a man was ono day calling upon him and sotting foith somo very pe culiar religion views do you hold tho ten command ments to lje tho rule of lifo for alj christians asked mr hill cortalnly not was tho reply tho minister rang the bell and when the servant appeared he said quietly to him john show this gentleman o the door and keei your eyo on him until jte isbeyond the reach of every bit of wourlng apparel in the hall one sunday aoveral persons entered his chapel to avoid tho falling rain many persona are to be blamed for making their religion a coupe said mr hill but i do not think those are much bettei who make it an umbrel la again when he had received many anonymous letter from some of his congregation he said if you wish mo to read your an onymous letters you must enclose a fivepound note in them for somo charity on another occasion ho said i do not want tho walls of separation be tween tho different aiders of christ ians to be destroyed i only want them lowered that we may shake hands a little easier over them a safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is mother groves worm exterminator in the bosom of your- family one of our humorists in a recent article declared himself a goodnatur ed man except in the bosoih of his own family a great many of us arc goodnatured except in the relations that mean most to us many a girl is popular in school who is a wet blanket at homo many a young man 4s jyery friendly anrt oblfjglnjr wlthhls busi ness associates who eats his break fast as if he wore a deaf muto and assumes an in juried attitude if he la asked to do some trifling errand the good nature thatshlnes llko tho sun away from home and goes into eclipse as soon as w6 cross our own thresholds is a poor makeshift if you aro really amiable kindly cheerful the home people know it y t unri th out world by clever camouflage but tho bosom of your family you aro known for that which you are aatnmsi can bs cured its suf fering is as needless as it is terrlblo to endure after ita many years of re lief of the moat stubborn cos oh no sufferer can clout t the perfect effec tiveness of ir j 15 kelloggs as thma remedy- comfort of body and peace df mind return- with its uso and nights of sound sleep come back for good ask your druggist ho can sup ply you the value of time he may lie in beol a few minutes later in tho morning ho may dwadle bver hlhbrcnkfnut or his dressing ho may have a littlo extra gossip when ho ar rives at hlhwork but of ono thing you may bo autre he never does any thing of tho allghtest value with the nix minutes all he does with it is to contribute to the long list of motor accidents tliat rolls up every year all he does with it is to contribute to help kill innocent persons and octd- more witty than helpful inallu ding to the gen oral d iscu s- slon now being waged what kind of fertilizer to use for tho production of many crops the hartford current tolls the story of the man who many years ago applied to horace greely for advice on the matter at the time mr greely conducted a column in the tribune devoted to what ho termed scientific agriculture thousands of farmers and wouldbe farmers sent in their questions to him asking for light on doubtful points and usually they received illuminating answers n oc- cabslonally howev mr qreeleyq sense of humor or his bent toward sarcasm got tho better of him about the time when guano and ar tificial fertilizers were attracting the attention of farmers a man in con necticut wrote to tho editor as fol lows mr grocley would you recommend putting guano on potatoes for men who drink rum chew to bacco and have other vile and naus eating hadits replied mr greely i suppose that guano is as good as any of tho fertilizers to put on their po tatoes personally i prefer good ham gravy always ready and reliable prac tically all pains arising from inflam mation can bo removed with dr thomas eclectrlc oh simply rub it on the sore spot and it is quickly ab sorbed by the skin its healing powers is conveyed to the inflamed tissue which is quickly soothed this fine old remedy is also a specific for all manner of cuts scratches bruises and sprains keep a bottle handy al ways canadas fruit4noustry canadas fruit industry is worth fiftyseven million dollars in annual production this year on the whole tho yield has been generally satis factory small fruits have done well in every province except british col umbia where tho unusually low tern- perature had a bad effect on straw berries- and raspberries prices- have oibo been helpful to the grower with strawberries running from 8c to 14c per quart compared with 4 to 8 cents in 1324 apples however owing to their exportablllty and their possibil ity of storage arc our main crop and of them in the total there has beeaj a yield lather above tho average due to tho abundance in ontario where an increase of half a million barrels for the year is reported in nova scotia unfortunately there appears to be adecreaso of half the quantity such in brief is tho testimony given by the dominion fruit commissioner mr g b mcintosh before tho pomologlcal society of quebec a handy question what r does tho average reckless motorist do with the six minutes he saves is hla time so valuable that every mlnuto counts ask hip wife or his employer or some friend any ono of thom will laugh at the question that crowd and the only thing to do joseph chamberlain was delivering a political speech in birmingham england the hall was so packed that not another human being could have crowded in the enthusiasm wns tre mendous but suddenly says the now york herald a scowling man arose in the middle of the crowd what did mr gladstone say in 1872 he howled shnme put him out yelled the crowd three sturdy men hurled the in ten upter a few yards arid others helped him to the street ah he was picking himself up an1 brushing off tho dust he grinned pleasantly at a man who had followed him from tho hall and who askeil what did mr gladstone say in 1872 7 i dont know he replied and i dont care i had a terrible toothache and i couldnt butt my way through was to get thrown out millers worm powders work bo ef fective that no trace of worms can be found tho peats pass away in the stools without being perceptible they make an entire and clean sweep of tho intestines and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when those powders are in operation nothing could bo more thorough or aosuable than their atrtltfru t i sell by long distance to points soo miles away and never see the customers writes a hardware merchant xjphy take a week to sell customers vho can be sold in a morning by long distance t canadian national electric railways waatbqund dally except sunday 743 am dally 943 am dolly 1143 oita i dally 143 pm dally 111pm dally 4 1 p m dally l pnt dally i 43 p m dally 1232 am eastbound dally u 743 am dolly except sunday 9 am dolly j 143 am dally 143 pm dally 3 43 p m dally t r43pm dally 7 13 pm dally i n n p m dally 1 1 10 pm frclkht i t minn- frelkht i i j ji theres only r kraft cheese for your protection we put our trade mark on all kraft cheese it is our guarantee of quality flavor purity and cleanliness please always look tor the krart trade marft j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday jan 4th anyone suffering from bye- strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation frbb offiio hours 9 a m till 4 p m j a smith real estate and insurance get our list of farms and town property before buying wo may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london lancashire fire insurance london lanca shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sta telephone 105 acton re-union- after years of separation some ten or eleven ycn ago mr h cherished fine plsui for her xamllr future her four girls re mil bnsjrht clever children who seemed free to trfevel through life without insjle handtcp but that vbi years tfo in the meantime mrs h developed consump tion n died following quickly xn this disaster the eldest girl wed signs of weak lung and was promptly sent away to the muskolca zopitai for consumptive in two ytmrm she returned cured bat that was not the end the other sisters except the ymwjresi also fell in the way of tubercnieaia they are now at muikoka snd mak ing the same progress that their sis ter made the father the eldest girl and youngest girl are now at ho twparinirorrteeomliy union contributions may be sent to hon w a charlton president 323 col lege street toronto 2 ontario remanufactured tojderwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 09 kino st west toronto 2 advertisers th free pre8s ia anxioua to sarvo you and servo you well w oan fllya your adverttae ment batter attention and there fore mako it- mora attractive if the oopy le euppllod to us on monday or tuesday if oopy faile to reaoh us until wedneeday forenoon there ia a rush to oet it up bafore the forma close and the jreault ie likely to be leu satisfactory send in your ads early does your watch keep time get your job printing at the free press try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario c- t hi m ixjtetmiiiizlr 2l t-

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