Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1925, p. 6

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fesfr birth a maniaores and dctthi are now charged tor at the following rates slrtlis soc marriages 50 deathi 50c memorui cards 50c- oc per line extra for poems c died teeter in belfountuin on tues day novombfcr 24 1026 wm teotor in hlh 87th year secoru in guolpli on friday po- cembor 4 19u5 t k m socord too- lovea huhbnnd of fanny powell ugod 80 years fpwlerin nell a on township n wednesday november 2g 192g oarolino pontney widow of the lata goorge fowler in her 80th year bastonyiii guelpli on sunday do- cembor c 1925 hannah widow ot tho into thomas en a ton of acton in hor olat year fbatherston in trafalgar townahlp on sunday november 29 102g lavina lord widow ot tho lato erank feathers ton in hbr 62nd ybar neighborhood news- town and country lorne school report tho followlnc ib lor no school rer port fir november sr rv leslie swiicltlmmcr leona wallor g cargo gmftv jr iv barbara quthrlo teddiu harrop crlsfllo swackhamer j sr ill corinnotvlcdonald v tholnia graff harry murray sr ii laura johnaton vallaco swackhamer isr 1 cettii swackhamer douglas guthrlo graco araff prjmer beatrice gruff elwood johnston dora denny 7 inftbolo anderson teacher news of local import wolf shot in eramoan a imilo wolf an almost toothleau old marauder who has been citativiir hxvoc unions lun ruostt of ecnmoaii township for several weclcu wan shot in a awani on the j tit llhe of lira- mosu ono tiny last wedk by arthn parkinson who wurhl brother john andvjt smith and william hodfi klhflotvlof rockwood wero out jto huntinff whcii they ran tho allon to earth school no 8 era m os a j somervillej at tho family home lot 24 concession 7 naesaffawoya on monday morning decembor 7th fyfo somervule in his 8gth 1 yoar robertson on tuesday novem ber 24th nt the residence of her daughter 596 bathurst street torj onto margaret robertson dearly bolovod mother of margarol wills formerly of acton in her 90th year in memoriam bennett in loving memory of robert bennett who pas sod away docemberls 1924 sadly mlesed by wife and famht in artott 3tfr jjrmb ii i 1 thursday december 10 1925 brief local items tho roport of school aoction no 8 eramosa for november la as follows sr iv lloyd macphall qeorso day earl macplmil gordon nolaon harvoy bayne russell patterson tom troup eddie maude jr pv marlon millor doris wat son sr iii marlon day fanby troup jr iii duncan mcphedran mar- jorlo miller charlie macnabb colin miller margaret lonfosty n vcrna lenfesty ray day gertie crbwaon tom maude i 17 mary tono isabel watson primer nell sillier edni maude stella lenfesty mary c masaies teacher dlxonfeatherqtone nuptials in lntercnting wedding was solomn- izod at the parsonago of the united church hornby qn wednobdnyj no vember 25 whon ohvo daughter of tho lato franklin fentljcrjjtono ym- falsa r was united in marrlago to georgo h tlxon of nolson they woro accompanied by miss birdie feathorstono and mr lorno dixon sister nnd brother respectively of thii contracting parties while rov j w kitchlng conducted tho service notice to creditors creditors of potor lorno mnwilpw latoof tho village of actfm retire farm or who died on tho 20th tiny of november a d 19u5 are requlrod on or before the lith day of january ltto to send to tho undersigned solicitor for tho executors jf tho last will arid testament of tho said de ceased their christian and surnames addresses nnd descriptions nnd tho full particulars of their clainis after tho nald 11 ui day of january 1326 t ho said executors will proceed to distribute tho asaot r tho said estate among tho parties lawfully en titled thereto and thoy will not ho rcapohslblo for any claims of which they shall jiot thon have received no tice i dated thia lothday of december art id 125 wrlliam howard masales robert james ramshaw i exequtora by tl n farmer acton ontario tholr solicitor 343 churchill sleighing for christmas is hoped for tho tightwad cent for christmas never cores a learning to skate causes many a persons downfall watch yoar step while tho ice is on tho pavements sleighing for christmas sleigh bolls preferred to motor smells christmas trees are now being se lected by the fathers and big brothers the mild weather of lost week 1st replaced by good stiff winter weather now good morning this is the month for renewal of fkes press subscrip tions december 4s giving us both brlfiht and dull weather sunshine and snow storms mr and mrs fred ryder of arkcu formerly of this community cele brated their sliver wedding anniver sary last thursday tholr brothers and sisters from hero attended tho family gathering in tho afternoon and tho young folks and friends wero there for tho evening a- very enjoy able time was spent and numerous tokens of esteem and good wlshea were bestowed upon the happy bride and groom mr morden kaiser of edmeston new- york state baa been hero during thiweek renewing acquaintances with his former neighbors mrs coke housekeeper for mr j mclean fourth lino happened with xn accident a couplo of weeks ago when she fell down the cellar stairs and suffered painful bruises and a aevero shaking- up she is able to be about again now quebec district for prohibition it is very evident thttt the people ifj quebec are not all onuntorod wltl tho government control law of the province last week majorities in favor of abboluto prohibition remiltej in each of the roferondums held in stanstwd qup and rock island que to lecido whether or not system of liquor licenses shoultl bo inaugurated and qucboc liquor m mission stores opened na8sagaweya on wednesday decern b or 2nd the ebenexer tcomens missionary society and ladies aid met at- mr ruasell elsloys home- moffat there was a full attendance of 50 mo forty mem bers in all and a meeting of much j interest was held airs rev a p marshgav a talk on prayer which may best give the kiddies a good time at christmas tho flne new pipe organ being in stalled in knoxchurph will be open ed next sunday belleville council has to foot of 2286 as a result of its old boya celebration last summer christmas has got the habit and i have got one too each year will flxu me wishing a happy time to you if you ore worried just think f tho money you save this seaso by os worthy of much thought and which should not soon bo fprgotten by tier bearers the radies aid and tho womens missionary society com bined ore v preparing to sew for the armenian boys home georgetown and for the childrens aid milton the latter are very much in need having suffered loss of clothing from are very recently mr g kingsbury la quite ill suf fering from a complication of troubles find threatened pneumonia fr 7sfa7wherrles being out of season if there is any lack of christmas spirit it will not bo- for want of beauty and enterprise in the shop windows mr morley pet tit georgetown was elected president of the provin cial association of beekeepers at tor onto lost week milton georgetown and oakvllle pnlted ghiirnhm hnwv nlrnify p the diacovery of helium gas the richest in quality in the british em- pjre at ingrlcwood was announced over the weekend by premier fergu son who at tho same time declared that the province had taken over the on y wednesday evening mr and i a rights on the properties for a mr mcphajl entertained a few of consideration of 10 the wells union churorim meetlno objectivet great credit is duo tho unite churches of- fergus for the hundsome way in which tho members responded during the past wco their great drive for the maintenance and exten sion fund of tho church tho allot ments for both wesley and molville churches vircro 2600 each the drive started by a banouet jn wcbiov church tho collectors all report be ing well received and each congrega tion went over tho top showing they arc energetic believers in thoreapon- slbillties undertaken by the united church of canada hockey pictorial book a copy of the hockey pictorial 102 edition has been received tho book represents years of offort typographi cally and plctorlally from cover to cover it is embellished- with group pic- tures of chaunpionshlp teams from tho year 1888 to 1925 in fact tho history of canadas- great national winter sport is told in pictures pldtimers wlil be interested in the halftones of the teams wht were prominent a gen eration ago while tho younger en- j thuslasta will enjoy the reproductions of the more recent winnors the hook is published by george king 84 vic toria street toronto a wellknown sportsman 0 rich helium gas fields a job for you 5 to 10 daily go men wanted no previous experience necessary wrlto for 40- page free book which explains how you can earn while learning to work ln city or town shops as auto me chanic engineer electrical rnt tory or welding expert chauffeur salesman etc aibo bricklaying plaetoring moohantonl don t is try anil bar boring dont die 6 laborer write nqw which job ad- droaa hemphill government chart ered trade schools free employ ment service jos- king- qt w toronto a thermometer 1 dependable and guarnntood doc tors model thermometer in hand some dalmclta fountainpen caso sold regularly- at i1g0 and 200 free special offer of one dozen aspirin tablets bayers genuine froo with every order no home should be without a tlicr- momotervpull instructions for using send for complete outfit 1 agents wanted send for particulars ntionl health publishtna co box 1736 montreal que a 1jw suggestions op p gifts tnkt are s to please uadie8 gloves in chdmoiu- ottc hlllc cnio iott rdl woollen 0auntlet8 for women jincl chlhlron chittsren mitts anil aioviii t embroidered bath tow els rowoln ot luincl om- liroldolqd itroliui out work in fancy fflu boxch z handkerchief8 of and tillk orepo phono 12 rc mt geo soper purchased by the provincial govern ment at ingtawood mm 1 over their objectives for the main tenanco and extension fund chrls wnosr make some frrefia happy by sending them the fob pjuws for a year the homo paper la like a real letter from home every week the garden city press a book publishing concern contemplates re moving its plant from quebec to oak vdlo the town will give a fixed as s kevt albert vmoorftd of toronto worshipped in the church ot hla boyhood last sunday morning andl assisted rev mr zimmerman in the opening service st- johns church sunday school will hold their annual christmas tree supper and entertainment in the township bfoil stewarttown op toes- day evening december 22 rad the christmas advertise ments in our columns youll be pro fit ted our home stores have many attractive articles at prices below the fignreff quoted in outoftown stores the weathers here the weathers there the weathers every single where in places gay and sad and yet i tnjnk its strange the way weiel- i dom think of it all day unless its bad i jlrs cdr mcniven gave an im- preavive address on purity to the clrhs of the junior auxiliary of knox cbnrcb at the home of mr and mrs t a morton church street on mon- tlrelrtrieitds prior to their leavlngpur community for campbellvillo we are sorry to see them arc mr john a ramsey and mrs a allison are going on a trip to india to visit tholr brother mr g ramsey rockvvood mrs sr peart- was taken to the hospital in guejpn last saturday day nlgrht f nm p with i fa w keepadlebtyof pepper shakers they stock is- the man whose crops will stand drought the heat it takes a dry yew to show ihei benefits de rived from liberal applications of stable manure it is a pleasure to have a chat with farmers this season and noo the very satisfied feeling which pre vails on the farms the farmers are coming hack to their own by way of satisfactory crops and good prices this h different from former years vljoe the free library board ex ercise no supervision ovsr the chll- areri who go to the library for books now said a prominent citizen to th vnm pjuesb on monday it wnn like bfidlum in the corridor in th w ah wlll fta the beat care and attention wo hope to see her back at on early date mr a mrs h h 3edmmdfldtrare8fayins with jir st h peart and children for the time being william burgees met with an un fortunate accident last friday while assisting in loadlnc turnips at tho c n r station when a bag of them fell on his leg breakups it due to the shunting on the aldlfe this is the ont a l ewoiidmubapehaahinlesbhan two years when tffc auatalnfldlanlnj the cation of jury to an arm during highway work between rockwoodand guelph harvey bayne met with a serious nalshap at school one day last week when in some manner ho broke one of bis arms his schoolmates hope to see him able to be around ae usual soon the many friends of j r watson of toronto will be aunry to learn of bis serious illness with pneumonia e g kenward has disposed of his hardware business to mr elsley of the many friends and acquaint- ancesof two of our young men who were married last month wish them ronpy years of wedded bliss and happiness stanley ilummer or binicoe and miss olive watts of the some place were united in marriage on november 21 in the presbyterian church rev mr horirard pastor of the bride officiating on tho follow irr thursday oven inn stanleys fuowemployees from the rockwood woollep mills and those in the de partment he worhs in niflttpgcther have been turned over to the trnivt slty of toronto for furtherresearch while comrnerco and industry is not expected to receive immediate bene fit from so important a discovery tho explanation is forthcoming from prof jf c mclennan of tho university ot toronto thatscientiflc research work at tho unlvcralty will bo immensely benefitted along certain lines pre viously the university authorities have shooting match at tho farm ot mr fred denny alain street acton on sat dec 19th geese and ducks for prises for tho beat shoot ing with rifles and shotguns everybody welcome come and join the fun and get a duck or goose for christ mas t a christmas hint to the ladies no man ever has too many shirts i yu will be doubly sure to please him if you give the guar anteed forsyth shirt the kind he would buy for himself we are now featuring guaran teed forsyth shirts for christmas giving wm cooper acton 6mtar10 christmas is just around the corner headquarters in acton for cmstmas f18ewf black imperial duchess sglk or waists and dresses makes a very useful present rich satin finish 1 04 all pure silk regular 225 yard special for 9 ov mens winter overcoats at reduced prices a fj overcoats worth 2500 special for lfr 9 boys overcoats get the boy a good overcoat for christ inas we are shoving a good range and have ail sizes in stock 6u50 7m and 5fc r doemeu themselves furtunutu to bo- able to get helium in small quantltioa from alberta t i t p einruradlate benv fits to industry are linked up with tho electrical development field power generation is said to be facillated to such an extent toy the use of helium that existing- plans may automatical ly have their power output increase 30 per cent heliums discovery in ontario is also of importance in tho the location of tfie helium and is on iota 4 cajedoh townshlpr one mile north of xnglewood the gas la believed to exist all around the i neighborhood but tboso farms upon which the ontario government has purchased helium belong to j t mc- cannoii barry fudge john kldd archie mccoll georare henry w t bulmpr j p crovham thoa graham frank mcdonajd and w t foster uniting of the veterans delagates from eatt and west meat at winnipeg and dec ida for union spirit of christmas dmirsic are kindfgd fob men mens wool scarfs mens ties mens mitts and gloves mens socks underwear for ladies ladies silk scarfs ladies jose and gloves ladies handkerchiefs fott boys boys gloves and mitts boys ties and belts boys shirts and hose for gutts girls toques girls gloves and mitts girls sweater coats girls how towels runners gowns etc special purer linen tabfe damask 72 inches j aa wide rich border regular 250 for 9m1rv v do yodb shopping early mclean co max street store open all day wednesday f christmas gifts i before choosing tour christmas gifts hive a look at oar stock christmas without music wouldnt be christ jmhjmcdominating- influenceis the mas tofrn hallon saturday and anoat ah- vw uiiu vuiubl an- iimlilb ui uwmuiu who jlre io get in for books bjs ft- jl0 bokn in turnip car laat thursday while engaged in bafrglng- turnlpa for wood bros in a car 011 the siding at the canadian na tional railway station mr wiliiom surges of rockwood had hla lev fractured without notice a train was shunting car on this siding- ami the car wits backed trainat the rc- frijeratjor car in which they wero working tho impact knocked down a pile of bags of turnips they fell on burgeas with painful results he was taken to the hospital in guelph to have the fracture reduced vnn ji jiim tukqtnor airdprcaetitea iiim with a clock and hl bride wit o pair of ally tjspner shakers they were quite taken by surprise but managed to respond and thank tho glvors for- their gifts and best wishes tor a long and happy wedded life on- november 28 at guelph john c dermis was united la niarrloke to 3iiss 3lanrd macdonald of acton tho 31ev j a mackenzie of chalmers united church omclatinfir mr and ilrs william dennis and daughter ore welcome to our midert waero they have purchased a house on harrjs st robt henderson elwyn and mar- boret locker and miss jean torrance of film ceo were homo for tte week end ceturnlnbt sunday evening the friends of mra wm bfldger vmuvhe sorry to learn of tho mishap that befel her in tho slmcoo woollen ailtla lost saturday anornlngy when tho convention of tho veterans which assembled at winnipeg on thu 25th of november to debate on thd uniting of all veterans of canada under one executive head took an important step forward to accomplish this desired objective slxtythrijo delegates representing very organ- ixed hody of veterans from coast to coast attended general fflr it turner v c pifa- ifaft had o o imt fiug ibjurtifl u the loom while it wan in motion she was taken to tho hospital to have the injury attended to preparations are in ovldence for christmas the stores are showing tholr various lines of goods for choj holiday trade and sunday schools getting ready for entortatnments in tlie yriends church a platfbrm la be ing put in place for the convenience of the choir tho services lately have betti an inspiration and the attend ance pretty good rev mr simpson continues todo all hi con for tio wel- fsuoof theerigregauon sided a reaoiuttlon on unity was pro poae bv dr s of bramnton and carried ttio various conlmlttees then settled to the business in hand while til e coifferincaxllscubsed many matters affectinv the welfare of re turned soldiers the delegates were entertained by the various soldier bodies of wlnajpoh- to a banquet at the marlborough hotel the first even ing of the convention which all en joyed tho conference was in session for four days the draft constitution with sonucamendmenta being finally adopt ed the various soldier orgaalxaitonb i through tholr official heads gave signed statements in favor of enter ing the new body except in two cases where a slight resorvatjon was made a strong executive waa elected headed by sir torcy lake v c of l enjoyment of christinas is what makes the gift of a musical instrument always so appropriate mason riscis the piano with a soul it has justified that expression through long years of unexcelled qualities of tone pure and beautiful the tone of the mason risch has endured to the lasting satisfaction of its owners vi ourshowroomb play any mason fusdtlhaao andjiearjiterichlmt mony that will respond to your tpucij encased in the choicest walnut or mahogany every mason risch bears evidence of master craftmanship as a christmas gift it will bring the a reward- of endless gratitude wo ar carrying a range of silk lingerie a large display ot handkerchiefs always suitable for christmas all kind of stamped and brnroldeved goods and a fine assortment of novelties the window display always abound with suggestions piss i galbkatth millineiy and fancy goods r t v i ji jij watches for christmas gifts any person intending to gjve wrist watches gents pocket watch or a clock for a christmas gift and want to feel that they are giving a reliable movement should call and see me there ar at present just 2500 different kinds of wrist watches on the market many of which are of ho value al- though the cases look nice watcfj and clock repairing open nights james k gardiner lalaifm effctlvly 10rmatlid- vimohday riufftf faeeunl of the untied church youne people ijeague wa in charae of the christian bndoavor commlltee a fairly larca audience wns in attendance and- the number wore briy aiftrrcliited- the musical aide or the liroramme took the form of a piano duett by mr- oatrondcr and mrs harrfepn m h feitqre of th evenlni ttbli aorlpfure leison of tho talent which w dramatued by member of- thi lutu in connection with tthwr zimtneriiiiin gav ehort addftwa ant ti i toti do not mlsft the plpo organ re cital and proatamnie on tuesday evening- t eight oclock in knox cburch everybody wolcorile mm scnr mm ps phone 09 htl1 bfcsk t i j m wgnjf reinceentahva victoria urn from every provlie and ovgry as sociation with official charters power was slven them lo act until tho noxt dominion convention mr j p bcorrenr acton was- tho delegate from this district the honor roll for dublin for nov ember is as follow jrli howard wcbator jr ui wllmer fryer iiwronoe wehster billy mcphedran rachel kelly wilfrid woldte stowart rud- dlok henry kolly jr ii hasel waldler slgna web ster annt6 sinok v jr i vllola jhobertson beatrice kelly uts par exctuenczl ull liije of te very choicest of meats ye always hav the outs you wpnt bnd can supplj your every needinfc ljil of mefttj iave ie pork lamb hoiheimade sausage vfiivt- r atymfsay and c saturday specials mi0a

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