Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 1

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wht ttss 4 fiftyfirst year no b5 thursday morning december17 1925- acton ontario canada thursday morning december 17 1925 single copies five cent the acton united church of canada minister rov r e zimmerman b a parsonage willow stroot chihsima sdrviccs 1100 u m iho minister subject tho bluphcidt mil the vmhg men 2 30 p m suiul iy school eosslon 7 00 p m iicm vin dyko a story tho othei wiso m in tin choii v hi mnjr parts of laat your a chrli twins cantata nt each aer vice younp peoplo sic luo v 111 entei tain thl slholiih of tho s ibbath school on imomlio it s p m prnyu and riaiso borvlco on thurs day at 7 io i m presbyterian knox church acton mimstor rev a c stewart m a manso willow street 1100 n m tho minister subject a chiistmua mossngo ordination of elders 3 00 p m sabbath school and bible classes 7 00 p m the mini iter subject peace on tarth goodwill among men special chiihtmits music monday livening guild meoting withdrawn t strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 11 00 tho pastor subject jesus emmanuel text behold a virgin shall bring forth a son and they shall c ill his name emmanuel which being interpreted is god with us matt 1 3 3 00 sunday school classes for all sunday school chiistmua enter tainment friday deccmbor 18 at 8 oclock public invited 7 00 p m tho pastor subject trom tho cradle to tho cross special chi istmai messages and music monday 8 00 dm b y ip v and prayer meeting united for special christmas service ail welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charge 30c per inicrtlon wanted bedroom and partial toard near acton box 10 tree press wood for sale qpod green hardwood 10 00 per cord also dry hardwood in cordwood lengths j g henderson box 1 gift dollars go a long way at guelphs big christmas store mw8 such bounties of gift merchandise and such generous values its worth coming a long way to do your christmas shopping in such a treasureland ot gifts something here to suit everybodys purpose and purse news of local import induction of tha naw elders the lnduqtlon of the new elders recently olected by the congregation of knox church will take place nt the morning service next sunday the induction service is impressive and in- toresmng zttr for salfc any person wishing to get beef by tho quarter 01 molasses by the barrel would get his requirements at john cuawshaw speslde apples for sale snows and tolman sweets hand picked and delivered 25 cents per bank o po 00 per bag phono 102 d h young main st north stfta strayed to my premises a black- faced owe imb owner may have same by proving propetty and paying lxpenues arthub farby lot 1 concession tt erin chickens for roasting crate fattened milk fed chickens for christmas weighing g7 ibajtresh eggs on hand r n brown phone 40 12 sunnydale tarm for sale young fresh cow and calf young jersey cow duo to calf jan 22 a pedigree short horn bull 19 months old dd atta r r no 3 acton p08tponed auction sale tho autclon sale of household effects of mrs ada eccolstone which was postponed owing to thei unsuitable weather will be held on saturday decembci 19 r j kerr auctioneer aptpn frep library bqard wanted o applicants for tho position of li braflan rendered vacant by the les-ig- nution of mlsa lottie scott appli cations will bo lecoived by the sedro tary up to 6 p pi on monday de- rh 3iht further partlcuuirft w furtopped gloves in dun lex hucdette the now pullon wtylcs wondei f ui tlf t value nt 1 39 petalled cuff glqves in fei rlns ch tmois auodette rt a christmas special at 59c chenille floor rugs fo- homo kifla two surpiiso vftlues tho list in size 27xg 1 inches t 195 tho second in slze inches nt 149 womens silk h06e christ mas hpcclal in tho populii colorings at 89c childrens silk and mer cerized hose two gift sppclals at 59c and 79c flannelette blankets absolute firsts in quality 60x72 inches worth writing in for if you c in t get to town at pel pair 190 wom ens bath robes in figured eiderdowns christ mas special at 5 75 childrens bath robes elder do n 2 to g yours at 30o 8 to 14 yeais at 3 5a silk knitted vests christ man specials in white potehj pink and orchid at 98c 8ilk knitted stepins in clever color combination christmas special at 1 98 silk knitted envelope step in combinations white pink peach orchid and a ilcet shades special at 269 mens gift ties boxed in italiun fin oil silks special at 50c mens silk knitted tie8 regular 7g cent and dollar kinds in a christmas special at three for 1 00 mens gloves mocha an j kid warmly lined sizes 7- to 10 sjicclal at 1 95 mens gift hose silk and wool special at 65o pair and two pairs for 125 mens house coats smok ing jackets lounging r0be8 values up to 15 00 in a chrlatmas special at 976 english leather goods ncludinb choices for men women and children 15c 25c 35c 90c 76c 1 00 160 up to 15 womens fur coats all re duced trench seal hudson seal persian lamb muakaf coon and alaska sable won derful opportunities for santa clbub womens dresses and pur trimmed coats in a pre- chrlstmas sae offering im mense savings guelphs leading and lajtgest store d e macdonald bros ltd christmas season closing q00 pm excepting saturdays at 930 p m iiiiimiiii niiminini clothing for childrens shelter the young people of knox church guild contributed a generous supply of dresses and other cloth ins for the children nt the gordon home milton on monday evening this christmas donation will be very acceptable bannoekburn concert bannockburn school will hold their annual christmas corcerton monday etenli december 2 at elgnt oclock the special feature being a play by the young people of the section on- titled aunt billy from texas ad- lnluslon 25 cents and 16 cents retiring from the farm mr william sprowl has disposed of his farm lot 19 concession 3 esques- ing stpek and implements to mr h burkholder of british columbia who tukes possession on february 1 mr and mrs sprowi will settle in acton they will be cordially welcomed story of the othar wis man next sunday the services at the united church will be of much in terest and will have the christinas spirit well impressed the choir will sins special christmas anthems and solos at both services in the even liig rev mr zimmerman the minis ter will recite henry vandykes capti vating story of the other wiso man wellington spent 30225qp jfloads according to a statement placed be fore the wellington county council by county treasurer george m fox at the meeting last week 9302 225 29 was expended by the county in 1925 on provincial suburban and county roads and bridges of this amount 96 563 87 went to tho provincial government for work done in 192324 on provincial highways far wait by the neighbors a largo farewell gathering was held at the homoof mr edward huffman eighth line eaquoalnff one evening laat week a complimentary address woe read and a beautiful tambour clock was presented short compli mentary speeohes followed from rev henry caldwell w a wilson h barnes n wrtgglesworth and m mcnabb christmas entsrtammsnt an excellent christmas entertain- masonic lodge room officially dedicated grand officers visit acton and perform impressive ceremony faithful fada the grand piano of the hadio world fada owners are satisfied owners a fada in ycjur home to day will quickly prove its right to stay drop in to bear one or better still we will demonstrate one in your own home we also have in stock the following makes stromberg carlson westinghousec de fqre8t cr08ley quotations from our satisfied owners of radio sets it has puld fui itself aire irty after 2 dnyn yvli would live in a city when yqu cm ii yo in tho country and have a iadii one can still enjoy all tht best things from tho otln mcuhic lectuies etc without hpendlm rjr fare nfl wcnrjng qu high school commancsmant exerfsas a cordial lnvltationjm extended to tho parents of the pqplls graduates and friends of the acton continuation school to be present t the com mencement exercises on friday de cember 18 in the town hall acton at eight oclock professor f e coombs of the college of education toronto will address the meeting graduates of last year are particularly usketl tobe preseir 8ix months for resisting arrast john campbell of toronto found fitullty of escaping from custody and remanded for one weok for medical examination was last wednesday sentenced by judge elliot at milton to six months in the ontario reform atory at guelph campbcjl was the driver of the car in wlilch r car- ruthere d igariln and q g oil in a of toronto wero riding wen arrested on the torqntqhamlupn highway three weeks np and who were sen tenced to six months each for resist ing arrest a motor piro truck an agent for a- motor are truck was hero on tuesday with a truck built for mount dennis but which that town considered too small pwing to their scattered territory it carries hoso a chemical tire engine and two-tanks-of- mont under the auspices of the sun day school and young people league will be given in the auditorium of the united church on monday evening- december 21 the program me is to consist of choruses piano solos and duets dialogues recitations and motion song special music by tho sunday school orchestra every body welcome silver collection very impressive and interesting ln- doed was the visit of grand lodge ofticera to walker lodge a t a m no 321 acton and tho cere mony of dedication of the now lodgo room conducted by them the event will be remembered in masonic circles in acton nndndaed throughout the district as hlhtwic tho attendance of members and of the visitors from other lodges taxed the capacity of the lodge room when the grand officer had been received and given the customary honors by the officers of the lodge w bro m- tavjsh and his staff vacated their posit unsound the grand officers took charge r w bro e y barraclough q d g m for wellington district took the wont of grand master with w bro s kirk as dlreotor of ceremon ies and they were assisted in the dedication by past district deputy grand masters and past masters from among the visiting- brethren ttye ceremony of delation was of great interest with the ornate fur niture of ho grand lodge the wort was especially attractive and inclu- cated new and importan lessons in mason ry which the brethren a-iirecj- ated verymuch rt wor bro s u wallace was otganist the attendance was larger than at any previous gathering of walker lodge in its history of over htilf a century nearly all the members of tho lodge were present and the fol lowing visitors registered credit lodge no 219 georgetown r w bro e y barraclough d d g m wellington district v w bro lachlun grant v w bro george ford district secretary wellington district w bio samuel kirk w bro w a wilson w bro hush dickie w bro w g gollop w bro arthur norrlnerton bro r w cun ningham bro h g pettigrow bro j g gillies bro s f greenwood bro william h long bro thomas scrimgeour bro l g marchment bro j t cameron campbell lodge no 603 campbell- vllle w bro duncan campbell bro j e ellen ton bro william blacklock bro r c menxles bro colin c mx- phail bro j a west bro r s elsley bro g r carbert bro w vansickje bro c w rowden bro t h snyder bro e j byerman bro win bell waverley lodge no 361 guelph w bro r s cull w bro alex jaffrey bro e j nelson speed lodge no 180 guolph bro j c goulden guolph lodge no 2g8 guelph w bro g b eagleton bro w w wil- loughby br6 h a hlgnelijbro r m social and personal of toronto was rinlay bro h campbell bro r- sim bro r f mcwilllams bro mack sinclair twin city lodge no 609 kitchen er w bro george deklelnhaus w bro j a ha ii man grand river lodge no 161 kitch ener w bro m scheldel waterloo lodge no 161 waterloo r w bro c o hemphju w- bro c g merritt iresion linage a zjtf presjton bro h bipker tyrone lodge no 494 tycona pa w bro daniel p ray northern light lodge no 266 staynev w bro k maclean mr e a brown homo over sunday mr jack wilderspln wan home from sudbury for tho weekend mr james ross of toronto was in town over the weekend juisscs emily skull und minnie blair spent the weekend with friends in toronto m mr thos porryman of brougham spent a day inst week with his slaters in town mr j c hill went to toronto yes torday to visit his sister mcrs bella lindsay mr henry cole of toronto hah been visiting friends in town during tho week mr and mrs charles mclarn of toronto visited acton relatives over the weekend mr and mrs georgo matthews of toronto spent saturday nt tho homo of mr alfred sopcr dr and mrs t j d farmer left on trldoy for buoxl miss where thev propose to spend the winter months mr and mrs cecil sopot of pres ton spent saturday visiting at tho home of the formers uncle mr alfred soper mr and mrs w h gurney and wallace of wlngham snoot a few days last week with mr and mrs george murray mrs chas e gamble of bpffalo n y was here lost week visiting her brotherinlaw mr taylor who was seriously injured in guelph a week or so ago mrs harry goldham bower ave who had been undergoing treitment at guelph hospital for several month has returned home and is slowly im proving mrs gprdon hayward toronto who was operated on last week in toronto hospital is making good pro gress her friends hope for her ul timate recovery mrs nell mcmillan arrived at the home of her father mr james scott from the northwest last week to spend the winter with the old gentle man who is in poor health mrs fred tunk of blnghampton n y arrived at the home of her mother mrs james moore on tues day evening for the holidays m- funk will come in timo xor the christmas gathering mr and mrs archibald campbel erin announce the engagement of their only daughter elsie bethla to mr wallace b young eldest eon of mrs w w young of erin the mar riage to take place in december mrs margaret currie of re sask visited mrs james moore and miss moore on saturday she has been spending a few weeks with some friends in the old home at georgetown but will return to the west before christmas mr and mrs samuel p mclean of trafalgar announce the engagement of their only daughter anna heta to mr victor j lawrence eldest eon q mr n r t o currie lodge no 1029 currie scot land bro george murray st john lodge no 114 cam lush- inn g scotland bro r b foulls s c lodge no 066 st andrews malta bro t g mousclle pythagorus lodge no 137 meaford bro td laeey canada lodge no 232 toronto r w bro j dun gavel bro george dobson transportation lodge no 683 tor onto bro h i brlgnall phoenix lodge jo 36 ranttull bro r e zlmmernian muskoka ladge n 360 brace bridge w bro p a smith at the conclusion of the dedication ceremonies the brethren adjourned t the town hall where a splendid ban quet awaited them bro c a wilson s w was in charge and hia efforts called forth very complimentary com ment the toast list was much enjoyed and brought out u number of excellent speeches relative to u tho craft thn proposed toasts were as follows the king and craft was proposed by w bro d mctuvjsh and respond ed by w bro j a mcnlven the grand master and grand boston moss last week to vialt her brother who was seriously 111 ar rived there just a day before his death she arranged for the funeral at fergus and returned on tuesday to make a brief visit with mr and mrs d c russell mr david williamson and mias jessie who recently return ad frrfma several months visit to tho old hom in scotland left last week to take up residence in quelph again mr wll llama ons son in guelph is seriously 111 it was his illness which hurried mr and miss williamson back from their visit abroad a letter from the west saya that mr and mrs thomas j edmlnston of kindersley alberta left tho first of tho month for a visit to new zealand and australia they sjtent a weekor so at vancouver and left yesterday for the antipodes they will spend n couple of weeks in honolulu thoy will visit mr joseph boyd at sldnoy australia another acton boy and ox- pect to return home by march 1st lodge uf cuiiuda in tho province of ontario proposed by w bro r m mcdonald and responded by itt war bro e y barraclough d d o m and rt wor bro b dargavel p d d g m of toronto canada and the emplro proposed by pro s mclean and replied to by bro h g l baqgh our visaing brethren proposed by rt war bra j r wallace p p d g m hpfl rcspapfled to by rt wor bra 0 fonfuld qnelh lit won bro george deklelnas kitchen er wor brfr humnn kitchener w bra alex jaffray quelph bro r b foulls cumberland scotland and rt wor bro hemphill pddom kitchener walker lodge was proposed ty v wor bro lochia n grant george town and was responded to by w bro a t brown the toasts were interspersed with community songs and recitations by bro greenwood of norvul wedding to take place month miss richardson who- went to dedication of the new pipe organ at knox church last sunday with fitting ceremonies sunday docemboi 13th 192n will long bo remembered by the members of knox church acton as the dat j when the line new pipe organ waus opened and formally dedicated to the worship of god tho congregations were large both morning and evening and the first impressions of the new organ were very favorable and satis factory to all concerned the dedication of tho organ was made on behalf of the congregation by tho minister rev a c stewart ma it was reverent and imprcs slve and the accompanying sermon was very timely and appropriate the new organ was manufactured and installed by the woodstock ripe organ builders limited it is a two manual and pedal organ and modern in ull details it has 20 stops includ ing couplers adjustable combination pistons balanced pedals and ia also equipped with clectrh motor and blower and has a generator for the electrjcal current for the organ the voicing of this lino new instru ment has received special attention of mi w potter who enjoys a wide reputation for his voicing ability the quality of tho tones is very fine and for richness and effectiveness is high ly pleasing tho reed sfpps are smooth in quality nnd embraco features characteristic in this make of organ it is equipped with a set of deagan tubular chimes of cathedral tone sweet and pleasing the console which is detached is or circular design with roll top and stop keys instead of the usualdraw stops it is of the newest typo and affords the organist the maximum control over the instrument with the mini mum of effort the usual necessary- pulling has been entirely eliminated another featmc la tho adjustable combination action which is gratlfy- ingly quiet in action the action itself is a fine piece of mechanical construction the case of the organ is of quarter cut oak chaste in design with three corbels the decorative pipes in the front are finished in plajn gold bronxe blending nicely with the scheme or decoration of the church executed couple of years ago the specifications of the organ are as follows compass of manucis cc to c 61 keys i obituary mrs james watson killarney man mrs james watson widow of the lute james watson and mother ot mayor wateon c killarney passed quietly away early monday morning november 31 after an illness of sever al weeks she had been in good health up to two years ago when alio suffer ed from a paralytic stroke ar mem bers of her family were by her bed side when the end came yshe was conscious to the last the funeral took place on tuesday from erskinp church to killarney cemetei y and was attended by u largo number of oldtime friends of the family many beautiful floral offerings were laid on the bier by members of tho family friends who attended from a distance were j p mcklbbln of cartwrlght and mr and mrs j w welsh and son of baldur all business houses in town were closed during the funeral hour mrs watson whoso maiden name was mary ann clark was born in esqucslng halton county ont in 1346 in 1868 she married james wat son of acton and lived in that vicin ity for nearly twenty years her hus band pre deceased her on november io 1910 tho family came to mani toba early in 1888 and settled in killarney where she has lived ever since three sons and three daugh ters survive her robert watson mayor of killarney j f watson of ernfold sask mrs geo thomas of killarney mrs wallace hill of bols- sevain and mrs j w moore of ern fold sask kllhuney guide de ceaseds husband was a brother of the late john and robert watson of aoton keys great organ open diapason 68 notes 8 feet melodta g8 notes 8 feet dulclana 12 notes from no 2 68 notes 8 feet principal 68 notes 4 feet chimes a to e 20 notes swell organys topped diapason 68 notes 8 feet vlnl d- onmyt rb n george leslie one of the grand old men of this f community passed peacefully away at his home lot 6 concession 2 erin on sunday evening when georgo leslie succumbed to the effects of the stroke of the monday before nbtwlthstand- ing that he had reached his eighty- seventh year mr leslie kas able to be about and enjoy life to within a week of his death the day before he was stricken he was out to his poultry yard three times and did chores about the place mr leslie was a son of the late james leslie of glen williams when a child of two years he went with his parents to lot 5 concession 2 where his brothei mr joel leslie now resides eightyfour years of his life were therefore spent on these two homesteads lots 5 and in 1868 he married miss amanda compass bf pedals ccc to f 3o- daughter of the late summer stafford of acton mrs leslie spent lirty years as his helpmeet and went to her reword seven years ago mr leslie was the father of five sons and five daughters all of whom survive him as follows miss amy who has beeh her fathers companion from her early maidenhood until sho closed his feet aeoline g8 notes 8 feet flaute tiaverso 68 notes 4 feet oboe 68 notes 8 feet tremolo pedal organ bourdon 30 notes 16 feet base flute 18 notes from oboe 30 notes 8 feet coupler swell to great unison sweel to gieat sub swell to groat super swell sub swell super great supei swell to pedal great to pedal adjustable combinations pistons to great pistons to swcll adjustable pedal pistons acting as complete or gan knox pipe organ recital large conaragation assemble tues day c to enjoy musical p reversible great to pedal balanced swell pedal crescendo pedal and all accessoiies of a modern electric organ this fine now has found favor with the managers and congregation generally mr salt the organist with persistent effort to master all details is making fine progress and is acquit anghlmsglfwlui much satisfaction tho installation of tho new organ necessitated rearrangement of pulpit platform and choir alcove in con nection with this change tho board of managers decided to provide a special room for tho choir 1 commodious new quarters are now given in an ad dition erected at tho northwest corner of the church with outside entrance and ingress to their position in tho church through tho organ the organ committee speak in high terms of the courtesy and obliging manner of the organ company eyes in death james of erin iva at home mrs wesley jessop of erin henry at eden mills joel on the homestead and harvey at orton mr leslie was a godly man and stood for the things that are right and true he was from boyhood a members of the methodist church and at his death was connected with the united church of canada acton for many years he was one of the trustees of blloam methodist church on the 2nd line he felt very keenly tho closing of the church when that course was found necessary some five y care ago here he had worshipped for over half a century and the old brick church had many hallowed memories for him the rune yesterday atternoon was largely attended a memorial ser vice- was held in the united church yesterday afternoon when mr leslies itastor rev r e zimmerman madea fitting address interment was made in the family plot in falrvlew cemetery t pouce court news found guilty of selling liquor il legally willie snpcrsteln a news agent on train 44 canadian national railways was flnod 500 and sen tenced to one month a imprisonment or a term of five months in lieu of tho fine by police magistrate clarke at pnllcfi court nn frlrlnythe oftenc thomas moore woodstock following an illness which extended over a number of months tho death occurred at tho home of his daughter mrs a g ede woodstock on wed nesday december 9 of thomas moore formerly well known in tho lumbering business of ontario mr moore was in his 86th year and was born in county antrim ireland he came t this country when he was olght years old settling at acton alter farming with his father on lot 1 concession l erin where mr andrew uurray now resides he went to colllngwood where ho entered the robert kirk co ltd later ho became superintendent of that company but resigned to estab lish his own sawmills at mooresburg in gray county his next move was to chesley where he established bash and door factory he renfol this factory to the arm of moore and wal lace and went to olinhant where he- invested in timber lands and a saw mill when he retired from busi ness a few years ago he handed tho business over to his son after liv ing in the west for a few years mrs moore who was a daughter of the late samuel cunningham j p of greenock passed away and he came to woodstock four years ago to live with his daughter h is survived by two sons t j moore ot wiarton and dr s e moore of reglna and two daughters mrs j a mclaughlin of reglna and mrs a a ede of woodstock mr moore was a member of the methodist church and also of the masonic order ho had a great love for his native land and some years ago he and mrs moore visited his boyhoods home and en joyed sev eral months vial ting various points of luster in investigating tho genealog ical tree of his anceatory mr moore satisfied himself thatjh rl of dragheda bo riven uppn request h n farmer secretary one bmt llotlif h a job for you j5 to 10 daily 50 men wanted no previous experience necessary write for 40- page free book which explains how you can earn while learning to work in city or town shops as auto me chanic engineer electrical bat tery or welding expert chauffeur salesman etc also bricklaying plastering mechanical dentistry and barberlng don t die a laborer write now whloh job ad dress hemphill government chart ered tracje schools tree employ ment service 163 king st w tflprfl a t brown wonderland friday december 18 ljght of western stars by siunc grey btarritib jnck i holt comedy south of tho n polo krzy cnt cartoon 8at0rday december 19 the white man starring alice jjoyco com eily rm ea peuio fox nowh tuesday tjecember 22 new toys slurring rloharil bartholmcnp chfcmor 8 ot tno crraiq myir tery comedy otllcur 13 pomincj the deadwood coach jvlfh turn tyl the iron horsy oirecu from tiirea weeks run at too flegflnt tpioiitg r l gregory son wo will 8vo you monay if you will let us presentstbo eve useful gifts- from santa claus christmas sale special prices slippers mens 85c 100 150 200 250 350 slippers all colors womens 100 125 135 150 175 2 slippersall colors childrens 75c 85c 100 150 175 bargain hockey boots eor wen 150 for 395 boyb 400 for 300 womens 3 spatsmens 125 and 250 womens u clear at 100 guaranteed overshoes mens 185 850 285 350 womens 295 3 50 3752 buckles and tome easenen misses and childs 225 and 1853 buckles holeproof hosiery for women 160 126 and f 176 oress shpesstreet shoes work shoes school shoes pouglit or cash fromlhe best makerg first quality guarantejsp rubbers ifo fit all rnajceg and sizes of shoca also heavy rubbers o all kinds at priflea that will compel you to buy hero harry harrisontke shoe man new lines of travelling bagi and suit cases gas for incipient fires it is claimed that the apparatus is as good as new having run less than 300 miles it is offered at a price onohalf the cost of a new outfit some of the council lors and all the firemen who have seen tho fire truck are anxious for it to stay in acton mount dennis has ordered one of larger capacity lot arm in fll btu while tempting to rempy a belt in ha grst ci llfahurg last wednesday whtte fye machinery was in motipn david douglas hafl hi left arm tprn off peyeen the alhqw and tho shqul4er necessitating amputa tion a the shoulder several ribs were ulao fractured his condition la very critical accidents of thla nutoro are so frequent that very positive warn ing against the practice of putting on or taking off beltawhilo the machinery irt in motion is necessary some per son m nearly every community has autfarfnifromthlafoojhardy praotlee- uniqua birthday party laat wednesday evening a rather unique but very njoynblo birthday party wns celebrated at the parsonage it the unteid church the coinci dence that dpctmber 9th is the birth day anniversary of mrs rev r b zimmerman the ministers wife of miss fernfirdwn tne ctfurch organ ist and of mr a t brown the super- hendent ox tbqday school was dtc6vered and ftjrs 2tmmrman de termined that a birthday frarty to gether would be a fitting way to cele brate the occasion it proved a de- ufihtful event and was enjoyed by the lr h fwflw i bftjontln librarian m meeting f the acton free u- prary hoard on monday the eeshjna- tlll pi mtsa tattle bcott who has for ft number uf year been the very ef- hel ont and courteous librarian was prevented reluctantly the iloord ac cepted the resignation to take effect at the first of the year application far the position are asked for other matters of interest to the library wero dlsetnsed at the meeting rev mr daucgh the chnnrmnn presided and rev a c stewart john cameron a b nlcklln harold farther and h p moore were present a compli mentary resolution of appreciation of her faithful services will be sent to i mjts scott by tne secretary tha best chriatmaa giving there la no surer way to belittle christmas than by ctrtlmatlnfr giving according to us money value a millionaire may give his son n fcoaly automobile and mi csngutcr a string of pearls but tie hns riot uejit christ mas any more trujty hn a mother who hiis fecoqnvlzed to buy her boi a pocket knlfa and little nellie the inexpensive doll for whloh she heks been longing piit thought and effec hon into what money you can afford and then hold your head as high as anybody you have given tho best that anyone can the bands enjoyable reciprocity brampton citizens band wont to acton on wednesday to glvo a con cert on behalf of the acton hand this arrangement was made when the acton bond played such nn interest ing part in the tattoo held here dut fall fall und our luoilfcand t keep ing the return engagement one of the very hest programmes in the re pertoire of the brampton band hat been arranged and brampton hand three times premier in the canadian national exhibition nad onco second in the same competition was heard with deep pleaauro by the musiclov ing people of actonrwho havfr no in- significant band themselves mr jin algle gave a cornet solo nnd the harmsworth brothers duets on the eaxapbonea the bramptonian the recital in connection with the fine new pipe organ at knox church on tuesday evening ws qoeardd u great reception by iv very large aud ience while the evening uma prim arily intended as a tryout by a pro fessional organist of experience to demonstrate the musical capabilities of tho new instrument the program me ajao included a fine selection of vocal numbers by the wellknown mixed quartette of knox ohurc quelph mr c h leeson the edlclent choirmaster and organist of knox church guelph gave a very excellent repertoire of organ numbers includ ing hymns voluntaries and accom paniments for choir and solo setting his mastery of tho organ was com plete and manifested with much sat isfaction the possibilities of trie new instrument in enhancing the service of praise and showed quite conclu sively that it lsso carefuuly adjusted ua to cni that it m well a i tea t slse and construction of tho curfh the vocal selections ctf ht ftvn programme provefl a real mimical trea pte wftllsas uf the evening miss bear morton soprano mrs jesslg reld contralto mr a sutton tenor and mr george old basso gavo ample evidence of careful training nnd valuable experiences their gen erous number of selection each of which was skillfully accompanied on the organ by mr looson and the ap preciation of the large ndulqnift wna very manifest u aaered numbers wee interspersed with selections of a lighter vein the series making a pro gramme at once versatile and enjoy able rev mr stewart who presided was very evidently deushtod wit tho whole proceed ngiand la nabiralh quite proud of the consummation of the longdeferred desire to have a pipe organ to accompany the service of praise of his church to his in- deratlgadle efforts muchcfeait irdue for the happy culmination of the worthy enterprise was committed on board a train in tho township of orlllla orlllla paeket lutgl brace 1 was sentenced bv magistrate shields thursday morn ing on a charge of selling liquor to 600 00 and costs nnd one month in jail or an alternative of six months imprisonment in case of nonpayment judge denton toronto declined to accept the argument of counsel os re gards discrepancies in the evidence and supported the magistrates who had believed the testimony of wit nesses dismissed three b o at ap peals jand affirmed tho convictions as follows hymle roy keeping for sale on spadlna ave fined 600 by magta- trute jones orthreo and one month lilly miller darcy st keep ing for eale sentonced by magistrate cohen 200 nnd casta or three months and one month james deluca keep ing for sale hy magistrate jones iftljn gnrt pftflfw nr thrrn months nl one month tom masclo the italian storekeeper at milton heights was charged by inspector reovely at the court house milton on saturday before police magistrate moore with havlnjg lqaot in an illegal place ltquvp was found by two provincial fflcrs in a garage adjoining masclo store in a bag and hlddei in bale of hay on december pete jpisceleancl appeared as a wit ness for masclo una claimed the liquor was his tho charge against masclo was therefore dismissed and piscoieancl was fined 60 00 and couts fr the and he therefore could adopt the earls coat of arms for bfs family crest not withstanding hla age mr moore spent several day in september in visiting toronto- exhibition and during hi stay in the city made a visit to his cousin h p moore then a patient in the general hospital burial took place at chesley on saturday after noon under tho auspices of forest lodge no 303 a f a uc 8wino judging competition at toronto a team of seven boys from halton county took part in the- uuodays educational course at toronto ten counties with n team of eeven boys each took part in the contest and uio buying for chrittmaitide getting around to the stores in good holiday season for the acquisition of holiday gifts has threo distinct merits one that tho selection of goods in more complete two that buying having been done in time the man or woman who has performed that act hoe a carefree mind and a prospect devoid of that awful last few days lsnio threo that such talcing time forole sateanotieinlhe who by just so much are relieved of the ohal personal qraetlng aftt fr christmas we have filled cttw of orders tor pereoua tracking cords samples showing u variety of attractive de signs are walling for your inspection prices moderate call at the trkb prsaa office and inspect th4m nnd graded hngs the results were as iojlotohiailag elghtlosaea a hv hog stanley chlsholm of mu late crowalngwe ton won with 400 points out of a pos slble 400 archie service milton stood eighth and trunk brown nor- val tenth judging dressed carcasses roy wilson milton was fifth and p o stark milton sixth this judging u ciodlhlti to tho team from halton county in ao far a there were some eighty in hw uompeution and five jf y svb winning aaonay liave now come close to the peak of tho holiday rush and the retail trade this year is apparently going to bo bigger than ever before come to woods do public school concert s s no 10 erin on decem ber 23rd at 8 o clock programme given by pupils and ox- pup us ad- qc and 15c sssuhiwv rux r wri b

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