Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 2

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m ij tsljg jcfam iffrrr fflregfl thursday decls 17 1925 grandmothers shawl fe t- it is laid away in lavender tho aliavvl you used to wear with your pretty flowing- crinoline and smoothly parted hair oh grandma 1 can sco you in your bonnot und your fall vhilst wiajiped around your shouldprs io joui brandnew paisley shawl you woio it at j our nodding tyvaa tho fashion then you soo each damsel had a paisley plaid in eighteen lifty- three and if jou hadnt such a thine lou were no good at all f for no one dreacht of getting wed without a paisley shawl i jiko to wear it now and then that shawl of byegonc days its folds nro full of memorlea that like a fragranco stays and though long- since grandmother dear you answered loves lost call the ghosts of all your little dreams still haunt your palslpy shawl leslie elliott ujvi lvt7v v1m vi m ml a ml i hr mve n0 glynrt ionj a postgraduate degree by j mervin hull ilmwiaitml t was a modest sigh to stir up so much commotion in river- dale it waa fiistened beneath a window on tho principal street and on it in silt letters just large enough to bo seen from tho street was tho patne amy fariand whats the time tirao is a perenially interesting sub ject before tho chronometer in the jewellers window a procession la con- f atantly passing thp hanker pulls out his sevcp hundred dollar repeater compares it with the chronometer and moves on tho office boy with just ns much dignity consul ta the dollar timepiece that bulges his little waist coat both ore equally under tho spell of time as most persons know england supplies the world with that valuable but impaiablo commodity that purely arbltary thing- wo call time the meridian of the royal observatory at greenwich is the point from which the day of the civilised world is reckon ed but in america tho united states naval observatory in washington de termines greenwick time and dis tributes it by telegraph in the end tho watch of the man in the street is set by the stars out of the vast number in the heavens there are some six hundred visible either to the eye or the camera which are known to be practically invariable the astronomer selects one at them through the transit instrument a telescope pointed at the meridian he watches telegraphic key in hund on the lens of the telescope ore eleven hair lines the centre one marks the meridian ah the star crosses each of these lines tbo operator presses his key the- wires of which connect with an aucoraatic recording clock called a chronograph this shows atwbftt time the star crossed the meridan astronomical tables show at which it should have crossed comparison of the standard clock with these tables shows whother or not tho clock is right the time la distributed at noon three minutes before twelve oclock thousands of telegraph operators sit jn silence waiting for the click of the key which shall tell them that the master clock in washington has begun to speak at one minute before twelve it begins beating every second until the flftyofth then after the pause comes a single beat which mark exact noon and f or another day the world knows that it has the cor r time to tho traotlono a a d beauty by housework a writer whose useful mission is to tell women how they con moke the most of themselves physically has been counting up the development ex ercises that one does or might take wlle busy with her housework for example she enlarges her chest and a u s sh strengthens her hock and broadens the blades of her shoulders by making the beds and improve the shape of her wrists and hands by kneading dough she might round her hips and per fect her waistline by using her feet instead of her hands as opportunity offers as when hutting the oven door ironing tends to make her arms round and ann but that end would be more surely attained if occasionally while waiting for the iron o cool she would strafghtflhhertmcfcand hold theiron nevertheless within an hour aftei the sign appealed it was known throughout tho village that amy far- land as grandma barton expressed it had sot up doctor among tho first to read the sign were samantha gale and arabella lockneld who had como to tho village from the ryland district to do their woekly shopping samantha stopped for a moment and then approached the picket fence i never saw a sign hung out here before she said what does it say belle amy fariand wd samantha gated in openmouthed astonishment for conscience sake she exclaimed what does tho child mean shrhdont apeak so loud whis pered arabella nervously iets walk along amy isnt exactly a child now she continued and you know she has been away studying for four or ave years and you neednt toll me arabella lock neld said samantha with a toss of her head why amy fariand was born in the ryland district before you moved in thero in tho very house where hiram boynton lives now many a time ivo carried her in my arms and when she was a little girl she was forever llxin up a sick lamb or something of that kind around the farm why we had an old shanghai rooster that got his leg broken and amy fixed up the leg and he went stumpln around for i dont know how long and now here she hangs out this sign with- m o on it just tho same as doctor flrmley but samantha protested arabella she wouldnt dare to do it unless she had been through tho regular course and taken the degree just like other doctors arabella had herself once wished to do something do you mean to tell me began samantha slowly that amy fariand young as she was trent to hospitals and lecturesand saw all the dreadful things rfterc just as the men do no doubt of it said arabella de cidedly she never could havo taken her degree without it then that makes it all tho worse said samantha with conviction 1 dont tbjlnk a woman ever ought to see i such things here comes doctor firm- ley now he doesnt approve of such notions you may bo sure good morn ing doctor she hailed him good mornlngt said the doctor as he stopped his horse at the side tvalk how ia the rheumatism these days ioh fa t m ttnrfflvesmoa hard twinge once in a whllo dont know as i shall employ you any longer i see there is a new w t down here what do you think of that so i understand sajd the doc tor gravely without answering the question well i must drive along go on nell of distracted women who were trylrn to mix some mustard paste glngci tea and various other household remedies in a low chair sat a palp and trembling mothei holding in hei lap u little girl about two years ol1 the childs lips were tightly closed and her eyes were staring as jf in fright at the commotion round her but sho lay perfectly quiet and show ed no slums of pain oi suffering can you tell me what happcnel to the child asked amy gently the womans lips were so dry that sho could hardly speak wo cant get her to toko a single thing she whispered she keeps her mouth shut just like thot and we cant got it open in dcapntfr of receiving any answer to her question amy knelt by the chair and began to examine the little girl moro closely in a moment bhe discovered some grains of greenish powder on the childs neck and dress poison paris green said amy as she roso aulckly and found herself confronting a big man whose sleeves were rolled up above his elbows gieat drops of sweat stood out on his fore head and his strong features were quivering in agony yes miss said hiram boynton f was out in the field putting paris greeji on tho potatoes and alice fol lowed me into the fleld which she never would have thought of doln if her mother bad been jiome but 1- never knew it till i turned xound and there sho was eatin out of the can how long ago it cant bo fifteen minutes he said i picked her up and ran homo with her- as quick as icould thats in our favor amy said now mr boynton bring me as quickly as you can some pieces of rusty iron old nails hinges or any old irorv provided it rusty and also jbrlng me a piece of lime orifyou havent got any knock some plaster ing from tjhc wall hiram hurried from tho room and i amy turned to tho women i want some clean basins she said some molasses and a little j powdered alum perhaps some of you neighbors can get these for me i dont know of any alum in tho house said one ive got plenty of it at home doctor sold arabella lockfleld qulcfr- 1 ill be back in just a minute sho had hardly go no when hiram boynton canao rushing into the room llko a whirlwind heres tho iron and lime miss ho cried breathlessly amy instantly solected tho most rubty bits of old iron and put them in a basin sho poured warm water upon thorn and stirred them very thoroughly while sho added bits of the lime i i uuu- gii 1 you know- that but i want to say that sho htih done it in u way that 1 might not havo thought of if i hud been without my medicine- ease thm ho tui nod to amy and said doctor i have aovprnl ciiticil cases waiting for nio in tho village nnd i must hurry hack if if you wish i will look i with pu und ice mrs jackson in tho morning thnnk ydu doctor was nil amv could say i the fright frightened but when tho old doctor really saw the little sign he bit his lip iwandervhtttrprofebaor andrews would say to this mess she thought it is certainly one of the emergency caseb that be was so fond of talking about and the essential ingredient are here even if it isnt pure ses- quloxld she poured a uafct of tho liquid into a tumbler and turned toward the wo a certain woman ofjioblo presence nnd fine attractive faoe spends her leisure from home dutlen in advocat ing a cause ono dear to all wo manly motherly women it would bo hard to estimate tho goad that this woman has done througrh hoi clear sincere eloquent utuo talks to wo men a hci audiences nro drawn to her be- foic she speaks her appeal unce is so winning once when she was com plimented upon tho exqulalto taste ex hibited in her dress she laughed und told a story years ago when i hrat gave talks she said i was filled with impassion ed xeal for this reform to tho exclu sion of everything elao i was once entertained in a small city by tho prosldent of the iocal womens club which i was to address tho following day arriving- in the evening i met my hostess an intelllgoia chat mlng young woman and her hukhand nnd then retired ns it was late next morning i was down early eager to talk over tho work with my hostess she had excused herself to superintend breakfast and as i sat alone i saw something white flash jn at tho door and disappear behind a big armchair presently a rosy little face peered cautiously out from behind the chair the child appeared tt he excessively timid but gathering courage sho emerged and remarked t isnt a bit afwaldl of course not dcnryl i said smiling and holding out my hand but the child kept at a safe distance j and next to my astonishment said earnestly oo neednt twy to scorer me i i wouldnt for the world you darling j said really troubled for i love children dearly why do you think of such a thing my mimn told myjiapn said tho little creature gravely oo is a per fect bright but riont a bit fwlght- ened at the first opportunity i went to my room and sought the mirror and when j saw really saw my illfitting gown of most unbooomlner color my careless neck dressing my hair hast ily nnd thoughtlessly pinned up any how well i was twightened i took the lesson delivered through the mouth of the child to heart and foallzed then and there that a womens dress isoone mode of ex pression of herself within and as such welf worth its share of thoughtful at tention his price in cei t tin t eal -mad- clothing titoiih the niiirit valtiahlo haltumtin ih not tho um who inn null a coat to a man who whipm to luij but tho one who an hell a con t to the man whey does not wish to buy a wltnu m who waa on tho utunil in a southern coin t mu nt have been a jialehman of that hort ho was testifying aguinhl a tioj who hnd htolen n iali of pantaloons from his storo how much nro tho punta woith usked judgo thompson well judgo lesponded tho wit ness it depends on tho man who wants to buy tlicnt i sell thorn to one man foi six dpllm a to another fot five dollars but you can have them for four doll ma rt y sh i esponded ills honoj in u disgusted tone i mnt you to 4h mo what those pants nro woith ah judge said tho iraollte take em for throe dollars jf four dollais dont suit you look licie thundered the judgo if you ilont toll mo tho oxact valuo of thoso pants i will send you to jull for contempt of court well then judge pleaded the ob tuse witness in u most insinuating tone tnko omfoi two dollais it jjj giving them away almost but you can have em for two dollars y by this timp tho spectators weie convulsed with laughter and tho old judgo himself was obliged to forget hlu disgust and jain hcnrtlly in tho laugh he did not buy tho pants howover public school honorjroll for nov the three pupils in enph class who won places on he honor roll a fair arrangement it is often said that the powci of human sympathy to lighter tin sor rows and trlaht of this life cannot well be overestimated this opinion was evidently held by undo zero a colored man who lived in a small connecticut town ho had borrowed money from two business men in tho place and sc himself up in the carpentering bust ness and his venture had proved so unsuccessful that before long he deemed it wise to givo up tho tiatla apd return to what he called odd- jobbln round he sold lils carpenters tools and with a little money out of his old leather purse ivas nblo to make out a sum sufficient to dlschargo his debt to ono of his two creditors but surely you havent money enough left to pay mr arnold too have you undo zero asked this gentleman referring to tho other creditor aint got but jest enough t lib on till i ken urn some more remarked uncle ero well what are you going to do about it asked the gentleman j ill toll yo what i jest thought id better do replied uncle zero i pay yol yoh money aah an i sympthlze with massa arnold an datll about fix it up eben tho following ih the itoil of thf uuiihlliig of the pupil in the vailoui loointi or tho public hclol senior fourth annlo hinith 100 marjotlo garden 147 ihabol lantr 112 total coo junior fourth lot ha mrcomb 425 allan marliall 118 helen ohtuindui 40f total coo m 7i llcnuutt 1rlncjjml 8enlpr third hcjmycilpps 477 john donahlhn 4w donuld mann 427 bill wal6r- house 427 total 050 d bolster tcncher junior third doris hcclcstone 440 ilmmle i huutd 428 laujti halv 17 totah 5g0 m it mooie tnchor second class maigniet chalmers 4j3 may clris- hojm 121 wllma watson 409 total 500 i amlorsun teacher first cla prank jones 307 herbert price 3j0 rolilo anderson 321 total 400 second class toddy hansen 302 harvey hns- sard 352 claire garden 330 totil 400 a mcdonald teacher junior first lois cilpps 231 margaret arnold 228 lorraine jocque 200 total 250 senior primary afarian nicol 182 kathleen huaid 17q harvey mccutcheon 174 total 250 n anderson teacher primary class a wilmer davidson 10 burt pat- rick 10 william hall 10 bella ronzell 10 total 10 b hazel wilson 10 frederick turner 9rvera coxe 8 total 10 c morley allan 10 dorothy dunn 9 john chlsholm 9 total 10 b gardiner teachei quite another thing perhaps one of tho most delicate and tactful remarks ever made was that of a frenchman who had not found a life on tho ocean wave quite all that could be expected he was sinking palo and dish eve 11- ed into hie steamerchair when pasnenger asked cheerfully ah good morning monsleui havo you breakfasted no monsieur answeied the pallid frenchman i havo not breakfasted i on tho contrary i whcnttjaiahtwhhintma r at arms length using ft asa duml bell a proper carriage of the body is desirable ajiyway and few kinds of work really necessitate postures that invite cramped lungs and rounded shoulders the hardest work that which mokeb one breathe heavily brings its special henefh provided one breathes pure air but to supplement all such physical means of grace says our adviser a woman should rest ab solutely rest for fifteen minutes a day loosen her garments and stretch herself at full length that in the treatmen that fends off wrinkles what of the occasions when a wo man must wield her broom or bend over a washtub or over a fryingpan upon the kitchen range these are toils that tax her strength and seem co make little direct return of physical good yet they may be carried on under hygienic conditions the comforting fact rtrmina that old horse jogged along it may be all right but im too old to see it this giving the full m d to a woman means masculine airs and talk and feminine collapse in an emergency comes just at tho time too when i should be glad to givo up a part of my practice to a young man wish her name was amos instead of amy for id like to help a son of david fariand so- it was not fltnungo that- the new doctors practice was small at first and increased ver alowly there were hewever a few families who employed her regularly amys pa tients the village people called them but amy fariand was not to be easily discouraged she attended faithfully to the work she had to do and tried to make atui prepara- lions for the work she expected to do one morning in june mrs fariand was sitting by the open window when amy came in from her little round of cans in spite of tho freshness of the morning amys step waa slow and listless she took off her hat and laid it on the table with a elgh something troubles you amy said her mother what is it tears which did not qulto fall dim med the girls eye for a moment mother dear she said slowly if it wasnt for you i feel as if i should give it all up and go away tell me what hashappened dear said mrs farlana gontiy man who was holding the child you cant get her mouth open its most work a housekeeper does in- j v plrmiey fefused-to-con- voives just such exercises as a teacher mo on m jacksons case ofphysfcal culture or a beauty doc tor would prescribe for her there is no reason why nho should not be more beautiful as well as more useful than the idlers of her sex she gener -ally-isr- a chance to escape when the senator was a younger man than he is now he waa elected to tho state assembly from his district the day before the sessions began je went to the state capital he wore his best clothes the philadelphia pub lic ledger says and carried so much luggage that its possession should have established his respectability be yond question he went to a good hotel and registered as he stood in the offlce talking with the proprietor a porter took up ana af his boxs u go roughly- that the amy answered mrs fariand looked rather relieved than otherwise at her daughters statement and asked at once is mrs jac dangerously sick j um t she is palringly miss lockneld will you help roe said amy to arabella who had jut returned with the alum til try take thfs tumbler for me please and bo ready to pour when i tell you the room was perfectly sent now except for tho ticking of the tall plock every one was watching amy she took tho little child gently in irer arms and placing one hand beneath tho chin gave a quick strong- pressuro at tho anglo of the jaw and the lit tle mouth flew open pour it dcrwn slowly miss lock neld said amy the child choked hut in a moment the act of swallowing began involun tarlly t dftrlnr flul fin1f fn a whisper tho doctor knowb what she is about i now said aroy mix up a little of the powdered alum in some molasses when this dose was given it acted as an eme and the poison was soon where anfy coujd examine it carefully neutrallxcd thoroughly she said even if the stomach isnt perfectly empty it cant do much harm then in a tone which carried assurance she said to them all i think the uttlo girl win soon be better now will some one please bring me a basin of warm water and a cloth 7k lid came open and the contents rolled out on the floor there were shirts and shoes and other personal belong ings and in addition queer eoetrjr- anco of ropes a block and tackle and a big steel hook which 1mm ed lately attracted the proprietors attention what have you there fee sk4 that replied the young as semblyman is a newly invented fire- escape i never travel without tt- in case of fire i let myself down from any hotel window rib matter how high it might be the landlord fmwxed our terms for apjests with fire- escapes sir are invariably cash in advance he said coldly and firmly a tramp qev8er everybody has heard of the famous really getting better but lt takes a long- time and they are frightened because tho doctor isnt a man but only amy fariand i suppose t they employed me only bo- cause they were such friends of yours and fathers amy began her mother earnestly try to meet this trouble as bravely as you have others dootor flrmley is on old man with strong prejudices but i think the fns wilt come when he will changes his apinif now take a vacation from your book ray it will do you good she said etuw fully ive got some things that ive been waiting a good whllo to end to old grand dodgev dont you want totnfco them to her 7 you remember how kind she used to be to us when we lived in the hyland district thats juat tho trip 1 want sho said quickly ill be reottlyn ten mlnutes and she trapped up tho stairs singing tha gale still whispering amy bathed the childs face and the big brown eyes aoon began to have their natural expression again it wa not long before the little patient stretched out her hand and called kittv ku tf ki this kp samantha picked up the jslttpn and brought it to itu child horob the kitty for alice good doctor make alice all well again and aay doctor hadnt we all better go out into 4he other room or outdoors perhaps sho will go to sleep and if you want anything doctor just speak and wo shalt hoar you amy smiled as tho women went out but as the door was not qulto closed and sumanthab voice was rather loud she overheard that fluent person say ing to a new rcbldent in tho ryland district 0h yes doctor fariand was born sn this rfify house and ivo carried the doctor nlpju n ane w a very wr v indeed and began eerly to he ffcojl bh 6 groat medical knock wp jwrw old shanghai rooater that got t4 lift broke and the doctor j hhh shut the doori said some the mountains tho mountains we greet l with a aong the long drive though tha pleas ant country and the vlt wltli an old friend did much to dupel amyfl do presslon when she started for home sho decided to stopat the house where she had lived as- a child ill just driye up to it and ask for a drink of water sho aaid to her self and that will give no a chance to look around why vtliatb going on down the rood people running out and there goes a team going pell- geyaera of the yellowstone region andknaii toward rlverdalel oo many know their peculiarities a guide waa showing one of the geysers to a party of travellers this he said 1 what wo call a tramp- geyser j why tramp geyser naked zrf if you should altar it a cake of soap returned the ruldje with a grini atnllp you will and out tire visitor followed the guides sug gestion atul found the point of the joke in tha violent ebullition which followed it is a peculiarity of ome of these geyiera that throwing a cake of soan into them cauaes them to burst at onco- into a fit of ungovern able fury an there tricksy why the trouble seems to be in our old house i and aa ah drove nearer samantha gale ran out of the house and waved her apron excitedly in the air v h one and amy heard no more for somo time while little alice slopt on her breast tb there was a rattling of wheels outside and samantha dale mot dr ptrmley at the dir glad to nee you dsctof she said but doctor farland happened to come along providential andt guess youll say shes done all right doctor flrmley hurried in and look ed at the quietly sleeping child what have you done he naked amy told him and he looked ut her with suoh a atrange expression that it brought the deep color to her cheeks i think well jnt try the stomach- pump as an additional precaution ho remarked but- aiter applying it ho said hardly anything- left in the fjrtomach anirtnepolson ta perfectly ittl come in here quick and nee it you can do anything to help what is it eamintha asked amy as she drove into the yard we just found it out samantha said yond nathan pollard has gone tj the village after doctor strmleyj but itlj be mora than an hour before frny dootor can gat here and than the poor dear child ww to dead amy entered tho familiar kitchen hiram boynton and the neighbors werenow all in tht room amy lifted the little girl and put her in hirams arms alice raised or little hand to lpejt hlrama cheelc axnd the big man eod holding her while the teara ran down his face dootor flrmley rose with delibera tion h had something to do and ho d jo do 4t thoroughly joynton tie began doctor i and made iefw uuvtiii iiffillsmreatxym of your any ford model may be purchased on easy payments from your local ftuthonzed ford dealer the niod- eate down payment entitles yoij to take immediate delivery ei u car and you can pay for ft at jour convenience during the year your local ford dealer will gladly show you the ford christmas qijj certificate which enables the giver of a forcj to announce the gift in lhe mast fitting manner delivery can also be arranged for any dg- iredtime on christmas mornlngt amwrvtiatt miuiji see your nearest authorized ford dealer vhmmtfeot 6fc v lijl

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