Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 3

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2h artrnt mtts xta 0 thursday december 17 1825 the shiniest dime ono llttlo girl had flvo little dimes she had counted them over a good many times t and again and ugaln she ijad loft her play to plan how to spond them for christ mas day a for papa und mamma and baby boy and grandpa and grandma would all onjoy her llttlo sifts as much as a score of other presents that coat far more four of the dimes were dull and old but onawah shining and now im told and dnce the llttlo girl said to a friend this new is almost too pretty to spend 6 last tho christinas shopping was dono tho djmes were spent yes every one and annette seemed tho happiest lrl alive as she hurried homo with her parcels flvo she had a secret for mothers car i bought a nice present for papa dear and for grandpa and grandma fnd baby too but i spent tho shiniest dime for you exchange- the beginning of steam power a recent centonary that passed virtually without notice at least in this country sayb a writer in munseys magazine wag that of tho death of james watt the scottish inventor to whom the modern world owes so much of its wonderful material progress james watt set out from glasgow for london at the age of nineteen to seek his fortune and it is recorded that he traveled on- horseback and took a twelve days for a journey that now as a result of his invention can be ac complished in lees than eight hours of course he was not the first man to experiment with steam power- hero of alexandria did so about two thousand years ago but he was the first to build a real steam engine the best previous effort was tho ho called atmospheric engine of thomas newcomon that was used tnthe mid tile of the eighteenth century to pump water out of coal mines in 1764 watt was called on to repair ono of those primitive machines and- the improve ments that he invented took uhapet a year later in the earliest watt engine richard trevlthlck a cornish mln- ing engineer first used watts ideas to propel cars in 1804 trevlthlck had a steam locomotive probably tho first railway engine in a the world that ran on a cllllery tramway at pen-y- darran in wales the engine how ever was found not to be economical ly worth wntlo and the beginning of practical railroading had to wait near ly two decades for george stephen son tho steamboat developed more rapidly in 180g watt and his partner matthew boulton supplied robert fulton with an engine xor the clare- mont the charlotte dundas a small pleasure boat was already plying on the forth and clyde canal at a speed of seven miles an hour but the clarc- mon was the first passenger steam ship and her trip of one hundred and fiffcy miles between new york and al bany proved that she was reliable and useful for commerce we nave travelled a long way in engines slxydb watts day but it is in terestlng to remember that he wrote of his early triumphs the velocity violence magnitude and horrible noise of my engine give universal satisfac tion to all beholders the olq rvtim e circus these hero circuses we ace aint tho sort that used g be great big wonderful affairs keep us scattering our stares along the strungout rows of rings trying to see all tho things tin our rubberneoks get sore as a boll and every pore perspiring from head to feet from excitement and the heat and our eyes get tangled so seems theyre swapping places go rolling up and down tho tent sort of in bewilderment trying to see it all till they get right in each others way leave the tent plum certain we havent seen the half by gee all around tho town we sneak looking crosseyed for a week give us those oldfashioned shows with tho seats all piled in rows round a single dusty ring where you could see everythlng- in a bunch and we could sit watching all nor fret a bit thinking there was something we werent going to get to see that ringmaster used to bring his lordly- self into the ring dressed up in his gaudy clothes trimmed with gold from head to toes then hed crack his whip and in danced the clown with funny grin baying to us howdy folks v and wed laugh till tears would rlso then bod prack his undent jokes threatening to drown our eyes from the educated pig through the whole long whirligig clear to mile centipede on her bareback spotted steed jumping through a hoop of fire they would show and never tire any of us rubbernecks of the malo or female sex aint no ubo of talking those darn new style fivering shows btretohlng out in gorgeous style down the tent for half a mile when it comes to rattling sport of the satisfying sort just aint in the gome you know with the shows of long ago v seo tho circus remembcrti with ovoij moio fondness tho days when aa a countiy boy living alongside the ioaj ovor which vjthpao circuses travelled by wagon irom town to town over night ho bat up most of the night aatrlde tho top rail of tho zleznc fonco juot to seo and hear those clattering rattling circus wagons rumbling past him with an indistinct outline ylow of shuffling elephants camels wild oxen and the reat of tho monngerlo which used their own iower of locomotion from showplace to jshowplace in those eerie night hours most persons seem to think that the circus llko topsy just happened this in an inborn idea dating buck to childhood neaily all of us have within our earliest recollections the memory of a lot that was vacant savt for weeds und ompty tin cans at nightfall and bright and wonderful with the rnnvnw foliage of the fuir clroua by dawn it drops in on oui towna largo and small oernight and overnight it folds us tents llko tho arabs and aa silently steals awa it certainly is a trlbuto to the ef ficiency of the circus men atul their faithful attention to minute dolails that the massive tents can bo erected or taken down in such a short time and tho circus itself packed or un packed and put in shipshape so iuick- ty butevery piece orroijiriibed has sewen through its ends a pieco of dif ferentlycolored twino which desig nates its particular use and every pole atake section of canvas re served seat chair and plank is marked aa belonging to a certain wagon and this wagon arrives in its proper posi tion in tho new showplace exactly where it belongs every single ono of tho scores of wngons used to trans port the physical side of the show is stationed with the nicest of consid eration in relstlon to its contents thus at night whoh the different tents are taken down everywagon la found in a beeline with and the nhortest possible distance from that which half an hour later is to compose its con tents even the big contre poles when taken down always point to their wagons so no time la lost in turning around to tho right or left each plank or polo to bo carried by ihe employees has a rod streak paint ed in its oxact ccntro so as to im mediately show its true batanolng po sition when lifted and carried away to us location everybody uaed to go to the circus then and it is more than likely that any ahow in barrio nowaday oven with its much larger population hns hot as large an attendance as in these old times principally because thei entertainment were neither as fre quent nor as divers med hs now and therefore were more numerously taken advantago of when they wero avuil able from tho very first announcement of the coming of the circus through tho medium of immense bill boards hufrledly erected and covered with streaming pictures of gaudily dressed performers and of tho huge unknown and vicious animals and reptiles the ordinary barrio boy of thoeo times gave up most of his thoughts by day and his dreams by night to the com ing a couple of weeks later of that most wonderful of attractions the circus weekly fashion hint good advice i aee bo observed walking into the sanctum that you- noed tho sec vices of a leaderwriter on your paper that poaltlon has been oiled air won the reply re sighed i noticed also he went on that you adverlufe for a person to address envelope la that position still va cant j if ib then ill take it this conversation is chronicled in a comic weekly and la supposed to il lustrate the fall from tho aubllmo to tho ridiculous but it shows some thing else that the writer never oven thought of it shows the spirit of commonbcnse senator stanford onco remarked that he remembered the days of 49 r hi california when any man could make four dollars a day and yet them was a beggar on every corner their invariable excuse when they deigned to give any was that there was no work at their trade at the present day there are people in every coin- munlty who are on th way to starvu tion or the life of a tramp because what they con find to do does not suit them the boy with the right spirit and the boy with tho wrong spirit come intn rnmpfttltlnw nxrry rtqy ft mf- say i called at the foes pjikss of fice the other- day and 1found tho ol editor la whleh rnfhpr mirprlwfwl pnv news fromaoton england items of intorest to our readers from the town which gowk us our namo o sirens christmas coned t tho jcrsojc ietaryot the club elnco its inception accenting vogue xf color color is one of the most important features of tbe new mode ana it is accented in this frock of printed georgette- the nejc is square in front and oval in unci in back the model is dartfitted at the underarm scams in front the closing being ef fected at the left side taffeta crepe satin and the degrade or shaded silks are also ideal for the development of this smart french design medium size requires 4j yards 36inch ma terial altitudes of this locality you know that since last august his chair has been empty more often than its been occupied well i was glad to see him again we had quite an oldfashioned chat ho told me that he was feollng flrst- rite but lacked his usual energy and vim rather lost your- grit i said well he replied- i said that my self ono day to a leading citizen who usually vptes tory who was inquir ing how i felt and he said say is queer i always thought you wero grit clear through i- chant advertises for a boy to help on the booksr and gets him in comes another applicant and when informed that the vacancy is filled walks out with his chin in the air a third boy onreceiving the same answer applies for a place as errandboy ten to one he rets it and is soon promoted to a clerkship t in the early days or bismarck nofc the capftal of nprth dakota a city ordinance was passed requiring brick chimneys to be built and there was not a bricklayer in the place but the chimneys were buitt by two painters one plumber and a carpenter who would work at anything rather than beg thi is the right spirit the willing nosjrj 46 take anything rather than to he idle and do nothing success in life depends largjdly upon adaptability and it is almost an axiom that tho man who looks for something may not tmd it but the m who will do any v oldtjme circus during my visit the editor handed me a copy of the barrie examiner with the remark that it contained a pretty good writeup of the oldtime circus and said if i thought ft would bultmy column to use itany time- 1 liked i found the circus utory was writton by a man named grant who had llvcd in barrio fifty years ago but now resides in victoria b c i read it clear through and found that it took me back half a hundred years and reminded me about things i had long ago forgotten but which were much similar to my own experience when the oldtimo circuses used to drive through acton trom brampton or toronto to guolph this was in the old days when acton boys would got up at three or four oclock ip the morning or earlier and sit on the old fences waiting for the elephants and menagerie wagons to drive past be cause i think youll all enjoy the story and particularly you older chaps like myself i am giving you the benefit of mr grants remlnlsconces having recently noticed the simple statement in the examiner in con nection with the announcement of the coming appearance in toronto ofthe big barnumballoy and ring lng jteotho comb o j t well mr qrants circus story is spinning out bo long that i find i must cut it in two and give tho balance of his interesting recollections antl in- foiniullun next week our victoria friend is a trifle too sweeping when he says everybody used to go to the cirous then i think i can remember a few who did not because of conscientious scruples but i also can remember quite a few who possessed these conscientious scruples oven tho preachers who had no use for tho circus but felt thoy must and generally did go to the circus with iw chudron just bo they ruin id hi the animals acton over 900 teat higher than- torhto there is often heard the expression of opinion as jo tho altitude of ihe various familiar rjaoea of the com munity and frequently opinions dif fered widely for instance people of cton generally speak of going up to guelph when thoy pusioso visiting tho royal city or of going up to kitchener aa a matter of fact the location of acton 1j 1160 feet above the sea whereas guelph is 1052 feet or 108 feet lotferythnn tho altitude of acton kitchener la 1101 feet or 51 feet lower than acton qr- james whites dictionary of altitudes in canada js official and therefore reliable it waa prepared by the commission of conservation of canada tho following altitudes will be of in terest ft above sea level 1160 281 282 712 326 1129 1059 1275 1295 1262 875 828 tho following items wero clipped fi om tho last lauuo of tho acton oazctto which reached this offi fr overseas on monday j mrs d 10 stevcnaon the ashlhtant mlatrcbs of south acton girls school ias resigned dotseigt hector mucphorhon who has been engaged on speclnl duty at tho wembley exhibition rejoined tho acton police forco thin week on wednesday a pleasant ovenlng was spent in the steyncjiall on the occasion of a social hold by tho acton branch of tho y wca hurry j lucas of vulettaroad acton wua fined 20a at acton police court 6n wednesday for having an unjust weight in his posfsesslon for ubo for trado a n umbel- of acton residents were present atfhe annual atiipfer of the hounalow bowling club which took place recently at tho jjxtitl lion hotel hounslow to raise funds for its annual chll- acioi burlington bronte brampton campbellville corwhin r eden mills elora erin fergus oaljt ge turkey gravy pour liquid from roasting pan leav- ing i a good holfcup of fat mix thoroughly with this six level table- spoonfuls of flour pour ongirtclually three cups of giblet stock or tho liauld which was pourod from tho pun sea son with salt and pepper and boll from three to flvo minutes stirrlns contin uoubly if dehlrcd the giblets can be added nfter beting bohed till tender and finely chopped thtns can always find something not a tyrant m r 2t is truly annoying to a plain or dinary cltuen to have his indliput able rhyhu infringed upon by a treat prsone it is easy to understand thk state of mind of the hungry traveller confronted by pomp and power aa 1b related in this tcue atory tired and hungry a traveller whom rf wtjft4yoirifr snith entered a vii- j la inn and ordered a roast chicken xb vk at4 th fl knfl tok y c comfort in watching the fowl rbasjung upon the aplt and in thlnk- uv ojr rood it would be it an niattjy done when a atrangoiooklnh vrmdltidul entered the kitchen his v i casiteiff was eccentric mitjt waa un doubudly that of a great personage frrc inkeeper he said with ajn were to bef five rings and three plat form performances simultaneously going on has shifted the writers memory back to boyhood days forty and fifty years ago when that to us at- least wonderful onering circus used to awing each season into bar he r in the early morning hours nfter its allnight trek from orlllla new markst or colllngwood where it had given its performances the previous afternoon and evening i hope the following reminiscences of those old days may prove of aomo interest not only to othcra of our old boyhood gang now scattered pretty much all xver the continent and many even lo cated beyond its confines but also to those of a much later generation for old and young of tho past or present day always hold a high appreciation of that wonderfully interesting attrac tion the circus a circus is a olrcus the world over and to q the performance another print a little girl who had learned to read had this conversation with her mother mother was your name- pullman before you wero married no dear why do you irsk well i ust wondered i see that name on most of our towels glenwilllams j guelph hlllshurg hornby kelso xtlmehousc milton moffat norval orangevllle lie 913 1052 1419 652 904 1003 61 1048 737 1397 flfi trafalgar p o 1183 503 517 254 560 find a way or make it if i but had 1m opening sighs many ayoung man in these days of overcrowding professions and mujti- plying competitors for othco and place the world should- aee whart i can do if i but had an opening as t tho very seal of ability tho essential difference between that or genius an i dilettantism were n legal super iority to tho openings und oppor tunities which bo many asplrnnts to wealth or honor mnko it condition of success the successful man is tho ono who made a way when ho could not find one who made tho adverse circumstances over which others wero moaning the ministers and aids to his advancement instead of becoming their slave the difficulties which dis hearten them only stiffened his sin ews the blocks of granite which was an obstacle in their pathway became a steppingstone in his lodge of the r a ob held a con cert at the fox inn greonlane han well last week acton with its busy police court and if a constant curious happenings is a splendid training ground for oung detectives and several of them have recently received promotions from here according to old members the bohemian concert held at tho acton conservative club on monday night was tho most successful held thero up to date the roon was crowded joseph sullivan of clovellyroad chlswlck was fined g at the acton police court on wednesday week for driving a motor car dangerously at wlnchesterstroot acton the white lines t at the dangerous acton crossings have been renewed from- timo to time jind at certain bhnrp corners the word stop has been boldly stencilled jack tilbury a bricklayer of col vllleroad acton was fined 10a at the acton police court on tuesday for being drunk and incapable at park- road north acton on monday night shelters for tho btcntford g-uard- lans 86 pigs ore to bo hullt by tho staff the guardians also possesses 431 head of poultry and ouout 25 ducks the farm livestock is valued at 376 8a at acton police court on wednes day alphonsc p polllcote of avenue- crescent acton was fined je7 and frederick c genders ramllllcsroaa be ford park 5 for exceeding the motor car speed limit a concert party composed of pollco officers jiald acton a visit on wednes day in last week and entertained a large gathering of the local force and thefrjadios and frjonds in the concert room for driving his motor car at har low essex without a rear light e j a ford taxi driver valottaroad acton vale was fined 10s miss emily ravilloua 22 hlllcrest- road acton was ono of the successful candidates in the recent ion don ex amination for pltmnns shorthand teachers diploma tho mayor aldermen oaid council lors of acton will pay a state visit t6 tho acton brotherhood meeting in thn cnngrft fl on the nuspicos of tho acton liberal asso ciation on saturday morning tho mayor at tended a football match under the auspices of tho acton and chlswlck corinthian shield competition at hcathfleld lodga the rival teams wore composed of acton and wuich- jlcnjicioiltoys acton won roglnuld victor nappla of 15 all sain ta- road waa crossing tho bojlo bridgoioud on saturday afternoon when ho was knocked down by a light motor van ho was convoyed to the acton hosititnjwhero he wah detain ed in the chitdrpnfl ward to bo nursed for faolal injuries xhd shock a tragic sequel to a motor accident at chlswlck high road on tuesday tho 10th inst led to an inquiry by mr r kemp coroner for west mid dlesex at ealn lawn hall on tues day into llve death of james jeff rev njewton 52 laupdry manager of rubthalln venue acton who died at an ealing nursing homo last friday interesting features of the annuul dinner ofs tho acton park bowls club held at the klngshead on wednes day night were tho visit ofmr h thompson secretary of the middlesex bowling association and a presenta tion to mr f w bull honorary sec sixteen years aero found lying beside a watchmans fire in gunnersburylanc acton early on friday morning alfred everest a tailor was charged at acton police court on saturday with wandering without visible means of subsistence ho was bound over on condition that hewent to a home a great deal- of mischief has been a gloomy outlook either t way a whlto man wiut oat reigned hpforo a colorod justice of peace during tho reconstruction tlihch fpr killing a man and ateallng hlbmulu thj com parative enormity of such crimes varied with tho noils upon which they wero committed in th is chho tho deed was done inarlcunsiiit neai the texan bolder thoie was bomo rlvahy hetweon tho atatoh but tho coloud juitlco ti led to preset ve im lmilitial fiamu of mind woh got two icindf ob jaw in i1h yoto cot- ho wild toxus law and aikanani law which will you hub the prisoner thought a minute and thon said ho guessed he would tako arkanans law den i dlschaigc you fo stealing do mule an hnng you fo itlllin do man hold on judge called tho prison er i would rather have tho texas law all right undor the law ob texas i fine you- fo klllln do man an hang you fo stealth de flmle just a trifle previous your husband be all right now said an english doctor to a woman whoso husband was dangrerously ill wot dyer mean demanded tho wife you told mo o couldnt llvo a fortnight well im going to cur him after all aaid thejloctor surely youre glad z the woman wrinkled her brows it simple mixture makes stomach feel fine simple buchthoin bark glycerine etc ns mixed in adlertkn often helps stomach ti ouble in ten mlnutea by romuvlng gas btlngsout a hurpiis- intf amount of old waste matter you novet thought wuh in your system stops that full bloated fcellngi and makes you happy and cheerful ex cellent fot chronic constipation adlorika works quick and delight fully easy a t brown druggist i notice to creditors creditors of peter lorne masoles lato of the village of acton retires farmer who died an the- 20thday- ot novomber a d 1925 arc required on or bcfoi q the llth day of january 1926k to send ta tho undersigned solicitor for tho executors of tho last will and testament qf tho said de ceased their christian- and surnames addresses and descriptions and tho full particulars of their claims after the said llth day of january 1026 tho said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among tho parties lawfully en titled thereto and they will not be responsible for any claims of which they shall not thon have received no- m l wrought in eaat acton during tho lt me in u bit of an ole she said past few months by young hooligans i bin and sold all is clothes to pay afternoon of tho first sunday in tho now year one cannot help feeling that in his sermon to the mayor and corporatior the rector of st marys struck tho right note his pica for increasing facilities for tho cultivation of the literary and artistic aide of our na tures was jitjmely ono persistent publicity in- tho columns of the acton gazette including gun dry clerical limericks lias at last had some effect on the authorities concern ed for a serviceable footpath la in the courso of construction along one side of crownlane perhapb a lamp or two may follow on later on saturday tho members of tho acton scientific and liternry society visited one of londons disappearing landmark the foundling hospital and found much to interest them in this building which la soon to bo demolished mrs fletcher uridgmmiroa 1 acton green won the hrat prize of 250 and mr s hooton rroelund- road ealing common a retired civil servant won tho second prise of 150 in tho chlswlck empires wembley attendance forecast competition tho womens section of the acton baborpaity recently received a visit from mrh gosling of fnddlngton who spoke on the needfor women to work inside the labor movement and dealt with several mattors which effect- wo men socially and politically- only a few liberal slalwarts put in an nppearanco at the central haj1 priory schools acton on thursday evening in last week at the time fixed for a public meeting there under the some of these have now turned their attention to the public seats of tho district and one opposite the west emavenue hotel has been completely ruined by tbsem the police cannot- seo anything but it is to be hoped that someof these pestilent urchins mny bo caught and punished protected in recalling incldonts of internation al- courtesy when british and amerir cans have supported each other a writer in the boston transcript tells tho following story which came from an american sailor who had landed at a port in chile the men had gone ashore and be come somewhat hllardous and one of tho police officers instead of warning him not to make a noiao in the street drew jils sword and knocked htm down tho ameerlcan got up and promptly knocked tho policeman down in return he was arrested tried and condomncd to bo shot tto next morn ing mr lorlner tho american consul expostulated with the authorities saying that it would be monstrous to put a man to death for such an of fense but they paid no attention to him on the day specified- tho sailor was brought out and plnloned in readiness for exeohiiion tho- english consul preparing to hoist the union jack saw a crowd in tho field opposite and realized that the execution was about to take place ho rushed over to the- american con sul and cried lorlng youre not going to- let them shoot that man what can x do waa tho answer i have protested agalns it i can do no more give me your nagl of england with tho twoflags in his hand he ran to the field elbowed his way in through the crowd and soldiery and reached tho prisoner ho folded the american flag about him and laid the union jack over it ho stopped back and faced the officers and soldiery shoot if you dare he shouted through the- heart of england and am h tho man was not shot worth reprinting o horse you are a wonderful thing no buttons to push no horn to honk you start yourself no clutch to slip no spark to miss no gears to strip no liconsebuying every year with- plates to screw on front and rear no gas bills climbing up each day stcnling tho joys of life away no speed cops chugging in your rear yell ing summons in your ear your inner tubes arc all o kand thank tho lord they stay that way your spark plugs never miss or fuss your motor never makes us cuss your framo is good for many u mile your body never changes style you wants aro fow and easy met youve something on tho auto yet for la funeral edwards annual village of acton notice of registration of bylaw notlpe is hereby given that a by law was passed by the municipal council of the virago of acton on tho eighth day of december 1925 provid ing for the issuo of dbonturesto the amount of 24000 for tho purpose of defraying the cost of construction of cement sidowallcon the north-cnater- i side of wilbur street between tho residence of b g arnold and mill street and thatouch bylaw was reg istered in tho registry office in tho county of halton on tho 10th day of december 1925 any motion to qunah or set aside the same or any part thereof must be mado within thtee months after- tho first publication of this notice and cannot bo made thereafter dated the 17th day or docomber 1925 263 ii n farmer clerk dated this 10th day of december a d 1925 william howard masales robert james ramshaw executors by h n farmer acton ontario their solicitor 345 shooting match at tho farm of mr fred denny main street acton on satdect9uv geese and ducks for prizes for tho best shoot- ing with rifles and shotguns everybody welcome come and join the fun and get a duck or goose for christ mas murray bros internal and external are promptly relieved by d8 thomas eclectric ol l that it has been 8010 for nearly fiptvvcam and is tooay a greater seller than ever before is a testimonial that 8peak8 for its numerous curative qualities 1 j s4lts wivkl norval mils ono docs not need to go far this year to note that a more satisfied feeling prevails on tho farms than has been 4he case for some years tie farmer is coming back into his own bv way of satisfactory crops and good prices success is yours why wonder whether your cake la going to turn out good or had when you con inauro 1u success by uslns our special cake flour doesnt even have to bo sifted makes tho best cake in the world use it once and use it always made specially for pjlibttvsr w b browne cojj norval ont no val flour mills w b browne co prop norval kings choice bread flour national pastry norval bland bell 00 r 2 phones municipal 327 r 3 v im v1a1 w17a1 ml ml ml ml vi ml ml ml mm ml mi m would bo but tg repeat an old story and yet therearo some old stories that aro always new one is love another 1s the circus the lithe- limbed man who twists himself al most inside out the scantllyclothed women who fly through midair while you hold your breath the clowns who make ynu laugh in thp same old way that they made yoh laugh long years ago and all the rest of it who can resist tho glamor of it all it takes a country boy to know what it means to havo the olrcus come to town the city boys father can probably enlighten him for any boys father who does not remomber the good old days of the onering circus and what it used to mean to him then is a disgrace to his own boyhood but ono does not need to look back through the vista of years jo conju u the picture circus day and as it seemed to hungry th anybthe ama1terjnactsfii prelly wishing all a merry ghristrriasr low sleighs 50c 65c 75c 85c 125 high sleighs with steering bar 285 mens snowshoes 400 435 40 ladies fnowshoes 350 i skis muhogany zm up to 650 skis b qu 125 footballs 495 i11rij lit htinltxv an inaufforably haujhty uiy well wlluam will that chltkin be irtaatad soon wrrijiled mr smith sternly tho phloksfl that la roaming on that spit mmlne i ordered it boforo ymi- h wlat la that to me 7 bald the parsonage harshly y44wbat la that to you cried mr rsvi nilth taint with hunger and just- in- sffit- donation n then the intruder spoke again and 2cj f gently he aaid itfou see sir sjjl i want i the turnspit chain to com- k ploto my costume i tim golns to rep- raaont the blnek prlnco in an entcr- tninmont at the town hall this even- r k v leatheitankle supports pair 50c steel ankle supports pair 100 hockey gloves pair 550 hockey gloves pair 750 hockey sticks childs r- 20c boys hockey sticks 25c 50c75c 11 much aa it waa in the days of old except that there is vastly more of it nowadays and it now travels upon its own special railway strains irf- stend of by wagons from place to phico today tho circus employee soldom sees anything moro than the principal streets in the own where the circus exhibits for 4jis time is spent in tho tent or aboard the train many a veteran however remembors with fond tenderness tho old days whon ho iljlcd outdoors thh entire season ns he is shaken by the rumble and tho racket of the uiiiih on which lie now travels and man another veteran who merely vent and still goes to y c c m tube skates 500 c c m model d skates 700 c c a1- model c skates 600 c cfll ladies f skates 500 cc m ladies auto skates 350 i erc mm en s autoskatesrnnr 350 c c m mens yukon skates 1 135 c c m klondyke skates 90c bobskates childs z 75c ladies speeders nickleplated 550 mens speeders aluminum 500 shin guards 175 shin guards cane with felt 235 ml i it i vi a iv17a1 ml ml mj ml l vj m hwvm m m wmj m ml vi ml mi7m latlai vi ml i at m1 symon s hardware has many suitable gifts 325 aits thermos bottle special 69c thermos kits with bottle 198 boys good jackknife 25c boys good jackknife with chain 45c 8peciau babvl fords 50c nickle tea 4 ketue 198 aluminum tea kettle 198 aluminum tea pot 198 a dup slxej aluminuwtcoffee perculator 1 149 aluminum sauce pan set of three 99c aluminum potato pot with cover 149 awlnumpoiatoeoiwitllcoytr anrlspoul l98 electric bulbsguaranteed fvr nickle tea pot 229 8 up size special electric iron guaranteed electric curling iron 149 electric coffee perculator 695 electric toaster 79c electric toaster high type 298 electric toaster hotpoint 675 candlesticks old dutch style height 9 inches- 750 old dumh style lic 3 550 aluminum roaster oval large speclat t jzjz 229 all kinds of brassware we are clearing out our electric fixtures come in and get our prices jas symon acton phone40 inches we carry a complete line of silverware and cut glass vases old dutch style height 5 inches 500 hi dnicn style hetgh inches 400 b silver egg cup with spoon 85c iton ron dish 0q v wooden qlnd fork and spoop so den trftyo 5c mo 85g 16q pyrex pie plate set in silver 250 pyrex oval casserole set in silver 30 fancy teapots r 175 200 235 20 pocket ben watch guaranteed 200 alarm clocks big ben 450 westclox 200 aluminum dial 275 razors gillette 98c auto strop 98c hair clippers no 000- m9 carving sets 350 450 500 650 850 1250 coleman lamps ll50 lantern 1000 special gloves and mitts onefljngered t mitts of genuine horsehide 100 gloves with cuff genuine horsehide 150 mtmmmssmt 2 jlt

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