Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 4

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tue home of member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free pres is published every thursday raoniinjf at the free press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 200 per year in advance postase u charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising iwtesbrtransient advertise ments fo cents per line a rate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise- rncpts for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted tul forbid and charged accordingly it p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial apd business office uw residence xf president nj llesidcnce of manager 131 the everpresent wage question in the early days in the history of this north american continent labor and wages were just as vexed questions as they are in ourday a page in the journal of governor winthrup written in no vember 1636 says the scarcity of workmen had caused them to raise wakes to an excessive rate so as a carpenter would have three shillings a day a laborer two shillings a day and sixpence etc and accordinglythose who had commodities to sell ad vanced their prices somewhat double to what they cost in england so as it grew to a general com plaint which the courts taking knowledge of as also of some further evils which were springing out of the excessive rate of wages they made an order tfitfpcarpenters masters etc should take but two shillings the day and laborers but eighteen pence and that no commodity should be sold at above fomvpence in the shilling more than it cost for ready money in england thursday morning december 17 1925 editorial the new councils municipal programme the memberselect of the council for 1926 are no doubt doing- some serious thinking these days 1 relative to the municipal activities of the coining year the members are all anxious to do their test for the town while exercising a due regard for an economical administration of the affairs of the municipality that a careful survey of the program- mer of needed improvements suggested in these columns a few weeks ago is being made is quite evident when conversation with the coming mem bers is had the effort will likely be made to carry into successful inauguration and intelligent advance ment the timely work outlined in fact members themselves are suggesting additional matters which fihsb demand action among these arethe repainting df the waterworks tower which 13 showing signs of encrustment of rust the repainting of the street hydrants the adoption of improved hydro street- lighting brackets for the portions of the streets in the business section and other minor improvements fe which mean much in the preservation and improve- ment of the towns properties the physical value of the electric lines the electric railways have- much to their credit idthese days of changing conditions as the electric trolleycar whizzes along the country roads on a summer evening its most obvious use is the giving ch and healthful pleasure to p w a canadas success at wembley the simcoe reformer reports a speech in which w g jackson of that town admits wembley was beyond fond expectations but while australia has a magnificent exhibit portraying life and living con ditions in that dominion and arranged for the ex- jjress purpose of attracting immigrants to their country the canadian display though carefully ar ranged did not emphasize the fact that settlers were neither wanted nor needed in this country in his opinion a grave mistake had- been made in over looking this point mr jacksons experiences at wembley were very manifestly different from those of the visitors to the canadian building and exhibits generally the writer found conditions exactly the reverse to that reported in the speech referred and to this the editor of the reformer can himself test ify the exhibit made by canada was studiously arranged to attract settlers of the better classes to our country the presentation of our great farm ing areas our fruitgrowing possibilities our forests and mines our manufacturing industries and our great resources generally were most vividly set forth the british artizans the farmers the mechanics and the public school and college stu dents visiting the great fair were all outspoken in their admiration of canada and canadas opportuni ties numbers from all these classes were overheard expressing their favorable opinions and uttir de termination sooner or later to make canada iheir home students land scholars were especially free in expressing hopes of coming to canada in the near future that is the country i am going to choose for my home was to be heard on all sides from the lips of these delighted visitors from british colleges and schools and they visited the canadian building and the exhibits it contained by tens of thousands neighborhood news town and country georgetown the auto accident on monday even ing romlnds u ohco sjtaln how dangerous it is for children riding in small wagons and sleighs on tho highway pavement for the soke ot the children ttiemsolves the town council has tusked the herald to re quest parents to warn their children of the danger ot such praotloe the disgraceful conduct und bias- phemy or 6im young man who camo to town laiqt thursday night necen- altated the calling ot chief jackson to john street about larnon friday morning we understand that the guilty parties mtout of sight before the chiefs arrival but they had bet ter go easy on the occasion of their next visit tojtowh mrs b c thompson and mrs d j matthew attended tho meeting ot the provincial council for womon held in toronto taat friday herald milton master john white aecond son of mr george white was operated upon inst week for appendicitis and la mak ing good progress toward rocovery mm it m momenta who waa oner ntcuuikm for appcntllcjttb in hetor- onto general hosjiltnl last fjlday 1 making good protrress toward recov ery we are pleased to stale the baaaar given by the womens auxiliary of grace church thursday waaweu attended tuere waa a great display of fancy aod useful articles with a brisk demand for them and the proceeds were close on 110 mr and mrs j r mills mill st wish to announce the engagement of their daughter clara bell to mr alexander grelg tarkot gait tho wedding to take place the end of the month mr w t laskey of oakvluo announces the engagement of tits second daughter gladys jean to mr joseph m baylla milton the mar riage to take place the- flrat of the new tear mr d- o cameron of oakvllle will give his talk wltb illustrated slides on the wild flowers of canada jn the sunday school room of knox preabyterlan church under auspices of the young peoples j society on monday evening the 31st- inst heformer- brin a school concert will bo lujld in tho dlnkhnhi school on monday cvonlna docember 21at a christmas concert will bo lislil in the connlosiby school no i hrln on thursday svtnlng december 17 mr it c mclean- of ht john nil is visiting with mr and mrs j 1 hush and elder friends mr lllllyard davidson of llouver lodge alberta arrived homo on tues day to enl the vacation with ills parents mr and mrs isaac bavldiion mrs huffman left last wook tor florida whire sho intends spendlnn the winter mrs j ii bmlth is vlsltlny her daughter lira curtis mouso at beamsvlllo a largo number of farmers uro en gaged jnaultlng christmas trees or buyers from toronto they ore do ing shipped to toronto via c p n mr net jblunrt left rocently to vllt with frloncli at llenmsvlllo iifior which he lntthd sailing for england where lie will spend the yuletldo with his parents and brother and sisters the anniversary services of burns presbyterian church were conductod both morning and evening on uundoy last by rev w hanna of klmvale when large congregations assembled and enjoyed the splendid services a slttlnsr of the court of revision of the towrulxtp of erin will be hold at hlllaburef on saturday hth of december at two oclock sm for the purpose of hearing complajnlh against the propoaed aaaesaments wallace itarbotrr of hlllabursr along with xwo other boys and girls attended the fourth nations boys and girls congress during tho inter national live stock exposition last week at chluaro wallace won his educational rlp offered by hlllsburr bchool board for excelling in agri cultureclubm advocate miiimuiniiumittmrinnmaimmat mm th0 ideal christmas gifts turkev stuffings nassaoaweya tired with the work of the day for they utilize it freely batthere is much elseto be set down to lcits credit jhore cheaply constructed than the steam lines and comparatively indifferent to grades the electric railroad finds its way to many small villages aqd through communities which were left to one ip side when the great steam railways were built- it k brings tbe summer rvisitbv it tepeoples rural sec- tions and it gives the farmer a chance to reach larger market statistics show a tendency toward at crowding population into cities this i becatise ev the city offers botli opportunities for e kriixrn ii j 3 f arid for social pleasure but the trolleycar draws city is i e i i tllbt- ff an j ifjjss j pleinto- the country and jf its extension con- cvtiiiue jt- will have an appreciable effect on the density of population in the country and in the small- er towns and villages ftural real estate where the trolleycar has already reached has risen in value v from tehto twenty jher cent this effect is j most apparent near the larger cities fifty years go pebptetwho did business in cities- had to jive th6re what are now closelybuilt suburbs were then s rural districts reached only after hours qf ridings by vprivate conveyance or a line of omnibuses the trolleycars have extended the suburbs to include fc large areas suitable for residence and will grow jjrort year to yrlto wider areas among the ad- vantages of mddern life we must give the trolley- car a conspicuous place fergus appoints acemetery commision v the fergus newsrecord says this week we leijike offering our hearty congratulations to a steele and the other members of the council for 1926 upbn their action at the resb p 4armeerlngonjvlonday night in placing the cjire j b cemetery under a commission the icfeaipjaithtsjrearhas dohe things of irnport ancbuj we feel that thir is the tiest thing that kfthey have4one si f ar ever tliough it has cost rotiiihgtoiiefforaolforvyeartlfe care of the cem- ifeetory has been leftentirelyto the enterprise of tin superintendent without assistance frbni those in authority while the funds derived from the sale of jplout gone into the general funds of the village indlliiye done a little to keep down taic rate r jlhunter editor of the kincardine review- reporter is prominently mentioned as likely to be the liberal candidate at the next provincial election in south bruce war pensioners have been notified at the be ginning of winter they can no longer receive extra relief grants in special cases this government economy dbes not appear to be very popular fcthbasis of organizationunder the comrriissioiri5 irfpllows the cemetery be tut in the hands of gittrcomniissjon i samjeftfbeappoirifed for a term ytfyfo years 2 commissioners to be three in num- bv rthe reeve to be one member- 5 that all jfnioney8 derived from sale of plots etc go into 0 iejjiirtel fund and all moneys paid intrust for per- j to go intpt a iilte fund14 that tlw carttakerb appointed yvary and paid out of said ttliimfc i5 that conirnissidn have all power to add itp aboye regulations the abovfc regulations jo be ioheccordii ho siitnte th ivfecisejy theplah thefiie8jpr5s has tlrgeti upon acton jc5ii6 years thexouncit fr 192py well ffiitow tile aiipiriiyfrjoin revtuily bther imnibipal rimrnfeiorf ud beadn st7w itbcwttothcrate iiti i- parente who fail to pass in our public schools the advanced pupils are eatneyehgaxedifftadyintrho lotted for the high school entrance examinations next june the same is true of the students in the high schools who have entrance to normal or ma triculation work to master for the deparhnejital examinations which come prior to the midsummer holidays next year when an entrance pupil or a high school student fails to pass his eyminsriint or drops behind in the routine work of his studies it is on him that his parents and his teachers usually place the blame to him it belongs in most cases but not all of it and perhaps in any case not all of it his parents too have a responsibility- and it is often they who have failed- to pass rather than the boy or girl a teacher telephoned to- the mpfheir of joneof jier pupils a few months ago jo suggest that he was hot putting time enough on his lessons why said the mother t expect you to attend to thav madam the teacher answered johnnie is only one of my pupils but he is all the onout provides opportiinitiea for l musrsee that the ciiild dses them do you mr blank point out to your toy the personal and the business value of an education do yoii help him to select the courses that will be most useful to him do you see that he bis a definite time for study and that during that time he is not interrupted do you provide a quiet place for bhn to attnrymror mustfte preparehis ieiais in the midst of ail the distractions of a family even ing when he has a hard problem to solve do you work it outior him or do you give him the judicious help that will enable him to work it out himself d you make him take daily exercises in the open air do you see that he has nine hours of sleep ever night so that he can go to school fresh and alert do you insist that he eat a good breakfast do you try to prevent him from scattering his mental nl physical energies by going to theaters pool roouij picture shows dances and club meetings or loafing about the street corners during the week j3o you know your childs teachers and do you ever go tp school to talk over with them his progress and to find pot what his- difficulties are if you will answer these questions honestly- you will know whether it is your childwho has failed to pass or you editorial notes the third session of tha present ontario legii- lativ a will op th last w of ja it promises to be an eventful session neorpbfation of thedity of glasgow recently banned the use of intoxicating liquors afcivic func- ijivvnmr1jhe crtyqf aberdeen has foiloweil oiasgbwse by declaring that at civic ceremonies ihwortfi irquov illfbe ifltspiy gallon a urrmont 2000000 in fivo j jiwr000o0ftv jweply doing a liv bread one auart of atolo broad crumbs molattmed in cold water arid then wjueeied dry add salt pepper a little finely chopped pmiiey two teaapoona of poultry aeoaonjnff one- half cup of meltedbuttor and two well beateit eggs rsaubaxe scale two cupa of atals bread in cold water press out all the water add tyto cupa of sauike meat one teaspoon of finely chopped para- ley one teo8jo6nfur of salt two well- beaten egga olila onequarter teaspoon of nntmes 4 a wlderttiiffe of shlrto in chrmnumi gilt boxta fomyuvs pyjamaa in neacvaoerm fancy sweatew suk and wool holeproof hosiery and outer um tie neck scarf and belts 84s of braces ann bands and garten in attractive boxes business directory medical rr j a alcniven phyaloun and surgion offlcs axid imisldonco corner bora atlnim anj elun btrast tilome 81 dr e j nelson htiedj3kick atkeei aotsn ontario leoal phna mo t2 p 6 box saf harold nash farmer m a bsrrlltsr solloilor notary publia cotivayancar etc a 200 family the oldtaahloned teamectlng in bbenexer united church last v wednes day evenins was iiir unquambed suc cess the oldfashioned tea waa true to its name lh so for as abundance suid quality- were concerned and the largo crowd present did ample juotlco to the selectable prvlslona and the proaramme was juat aa acood as the supper- it was comprehensive varied meritorious and enjoyable- the ben nett family orchestra of carlisle j eomprlslns elsfat members appeared more frequently than any of the other artlata and their aelectlona were re ceived with much favor encores were numerous and to aui itmy responded kenerously their xnualc waahbjhly entertaining the rockwood quar tette messrs elliott peel bain and little with air moore as accompan- lat rendered aereral numbera with ranchaccentanse jtrcrajrtorilot campbeuvule dellsratedu the audience with her piano number fibe also-ac- cbmpanled air and atrs elliott in their excellent duets sir boy bind ley lived up to his reputation aa ah elocutionist it is aulte apparant that his experience aa an auctioneer has siren him a arllbneasof speech and a grace of exnretaapn which ma terially assist in mat interpretation of the wellselected numbers he redted ker mr karan the minister nreald- ei with his usual hxnuy every one in our family la some kind of an auilmav aald jlmmle to the araosed preacher why you ahouldnt say that the good man excla well said jlmmle mothers darv the baby is rnothera little lamb im the kid and dads the ffoat ep worth herald oakville the court of ileviilon of the oafc- vlllo municipal voters list waa held mat thursday by jndre elliot of mutan ten appeals were sustained the general opinion prevalla that it may be dlflldult to nril snough oaodi- dattsto till muhtcrpal olftcea in next yeara council miss mariorle acheson teacher of central school waai forced to undergo an operation this week and will be unable to take up her duties until after the jhohday thronga of cltlsena crowded the aa- aembly hall of jhe bia mbchooi last wednesday afternoon on the opening afternoon of the elston art exhibit at the next meeting of the town qouncll the oakvuie business metr aaaocutlon will offer k donation to- wards lha removlna to town property of the st johns united church sheds which are being offered to the town by the church v the high school report aor pe- tnber gave anattenaancer of t boys arid u girls making a total of ms student the teaching staff is stated to have improved considerably over that of last year and the general or ganisation and discipline is com mendable the men of knox church gathered on tuesday night and listened to an excellent programme of music and speeches the occasion- was the first banquet of the season and the torm ina of a- liens association a flying burning matchhead caused brief but spectacular fire in the kyle drue atore window yesterday afternoon the window waa richly decorated with valuable christmas goods aorne or it of a vary inflam mable nature and before the are was extinguished an approximate loss ot tlvtoo was sustained record burlipaton the council has decided thatlt la too lata this year to consider the lqngtalkedof street elan proposition the trlntty rjnlted church sun day school are making arrangements to present the paaeanr ttlight of the wormc in ucuslureh on de cember la the burlington lawn powlers are amtng to put on a minstrel show next month about lot rods of wire fencing and so galvanised posts have mysteriously disappeared from a farm on the gnelph unewhlch was being used to fence the -property- slesan allen davidson paul fisher cecil miller and ron proscott left on thursday last on a motor trip to florida where they wfll spend ue next atii- months ahrttaeelrig lnthe sonny south on friday evealna a number of the members of the daujehtera of england surprised lira jocelyn on fier birth day by paying n urmxpeoted visit to her home and presentinc her with a beautiful boaquet of tiawtrm in honor of thesccaaion the poliotton of the bay waters with oh andlchemlcnla from hsmlhonijn41 dustrlea la ruining this locality for wild duck and the hunting game many of the wild docks areunable to fly when their wins become satur ated with oil and chemicals and are being captured in 4he rashes and along the shores where they tried to hide from the hujilerb- at trntt orovaj farm nelson trsrnahinon decentber t a charming weddingwas aolanrnlaed in thepres- aoe otv6 gneata wrnn vera nlchol- sorjkllbrlde was halted in raarrsk4 to kr rossell ctwrba bmbsjsi hmttm rsv r balkr carnsw offlciaxed mr and atrs raaberry left ay rriotor forllooharter and oljier jaierican rnts t3xete j- bonds stocks and grain private wires 0 new york hscaa wlrmltmg aasatasatica 1st mortgage real estate bonds tj annitaan 14 1 try a new lang shirt with the tabular cuff wm cooper corner mill main sts acton ont iwmwm perrvman block acton ont money lent on mortoaoes hours 0 ajn to g pm saturdays lioo oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d dentist honor aradoste of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if aestfsd office at residence corner of mm and frederlclc streeta warning to users of radio all radio receiving sets must be licensed penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding 5000 license fee 100 peb annum licenses valid to 31st march 1926 may be obtained from staff- post offices radio dealers radio inspectors or from radio bra department fjwarinejidjnsbesjottaa j ths proceeds from license fees are usad to control tit and to improve broadcast recaption conditjona i a johnston deputy minister of marine anal dr v g gollop dds lda dental surgeon office over bank of nova seotsa htjetrg 10 to im sreninvs by appointment miscellaneous franqsmunan sksasandsr aecoant books of all ichuts made t order periodicals of every deaerrpnasi earafally bound raunsr aaazr asst promptly done wrndhajn atreet sesthl oa coras- wmiannr 8tara rlxkerr aorinarer and beat estate 3d tearaf esperlence wiaii w acton ofltaiaa ae nickl1n insurance agent lift vw autov accident a hmmiox ifwtarmivca qmnnth bofrds buarglwry and plate gim hmar trusts far estates c bdsiixcss entrtxsted zq my cara woi be 1 cajrccrilly iooketi after and treated confldeatlally mouear to- vaan on cxrmbropertt- fmwmbla rutes and terma far re- pajrioent a box 4vi bower ave actoit b3raoaokdsrv3r itsrokto cfwlada it pays to 1 study business ambition alono will tako no body very far in busintss to becornc cltcctivo it must bo linked up with a sound know ledge of modern business prin ciples ana of the methods by which other enterprising men havo won success winter term from jan 4 at guelph business college maka your arrangements now a d boock prlnoipal- and proprietor to get your ghristiuas cards but we still have many fine rlcisigns to choose from it is only a week until christmas and yourojr4er mu8tne placed at once to insure your getting them in plenty of time the prices are reasonable consider ing tlje quality arid individuality afforded by using printed christmas greeting cards r 17 s per dozen upwards many pretty designs to choose from yet but pleasetplace your order now h- acton free one sympton of eyestrain a person rlaas in tho morning feellne flt and ready for any- thintr h8btarta to work with enthusiasm but in two or throo hours tjvottlns to lose his onergy thta ta particularly true of those thatt uflo tboir eyes for closo work if your eyes are a handi cap to you first we could con vince you of the fact then re lievo you arh3rvagfr optometrist and mfg optician itlgnt at the post omce 8avaae buildina guelph ate old and reliable granite and marble works w are manutaotnrera and direct importers ot all kinds of monumental- and headstone work we sell direct to out customers at wholesale prices thus savlnst oar customer 40 per cent wft hato t st adduances and the only mechsnlca in the dominion who can operate pmomatlo tools properly we can five retsrencea from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other plaoea when others have to have law raits in oroter to oolloot we have the ltbet ana beat slock of granite in the doeilnlcnj or more than any three dealara in the west we ans io1u- mate dosien and employ no aaenta and do not annoy or pest customers seoaiwbt isiwrtnt astenits souolt- only mechanlca srsons i j- b

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