Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 5

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hr jvctmt 3ta press thursday llscem 17 1025 a candle tragedy a llult immo once cavne to iluue om happy home ihotikhi bv an artie traveler anon- the fiozcn foam on clnlatiuau ijve we dressed a tree as cvoi home should do willi toyn uiul unow and flittering thingn and candies red and blue tho room wna shut till christmas day when irftct dlnnci time all wore to dance around the tiec that suectuclq sublime but ah when father huiiled in tho llttlewlcks to light in vain the taper in his hand- no candle iiiot his sight hi there he cries what joko is this tho ctindlcs whetc are they andsultnho helped to dross tho treo gtood speechless with dismay tho candles there were fortyeight four dozen mother said and not a single fine is left a beam of light to shfl then spake the little usiswo mo sou what me done me veiy nunerjy in tho night me at them every one exchange twenty years ago from the issuo of tho free press of thursday december 21 1905 municipal nominations tomon ow three incendiary fires within a week is rather frequent foi this community there is room for detective work here the methodist sunday school orchestra go to gcoigetotvn thla even ing to play at the xjaptlst sunday school enteitainment mr h p moore went to toronto yesterday to attend the sessions of the union committee of tho presby terian methodist and congregational churches at a meeting of the board of edu cation on tuesday evening miss jes sie swltzer of palmers ton was en gaged as teacher of the entrance class of the public school piro on sunday night removed tho lost landmark of longago frpra the g t u station and grounds the old station building disappeared last july tho old dwelling where bag gageman laird lived for so long col lapsed when moved in the fall the old water tank was replaced by an 1m- monse new one and on sunday night elthedrlei-ooqvbtweqn- the sunday school lesson big game hunters paradise pauls summary of his lifk j 3 10 1l4 618 golden text i have fought a good ught 1 have llnluhed my couise 1 have kept the faith z tim 4- 7 time a 1 g76h place rome the lesson explained 1 j have fought the good fight i huve finished my course i have kept the faith 3 10 4 6 paul appeals to the tact that his own earthly ministry was so near ended to ath up timothy to ttarder eftoi t the fact thac the great work cis of the past ure fulling out of the iunks should stir up everyone of us to more earnest effort paul had poured us life out for christ and hla people so ho compared himself to a drink of ftrlns that is being pouied out r v mure xf phil 2 17 rv ho also compares his departure from thid world to a vessel loosing its moorings and putting out to sea ue was sail ing to a better port phil 1 23 rv in verse 8 hc christian life is com- imired to a fight a race and to a sacred trust of faith to be kept looking at the christian lifo in each aspect paul could say i have been faithful we live in a day when but few are willing to fight or run and when few can say i havo kept tho faith and many arc willing to give it up at the demand of the first plausible speaker who assures them that all the scholars havo now given up this old- fashioned doctrine cf jude 3 it v as tho christian life is a fight fight ing christians aro needed and the church should be a place to train warriors and not merely to amuse the young christians by running a com petitor to the vaudeville or movies as the christian life is n race the christian should lay aside all things that will impede his rapid and suc cessful progress heb 12 1 a3 the christian race is a faith to be kept the christian should study to find out exactly what the faith is and then hold on to it with all the tenacity making no compromises with anyone in verse 9 paul turns his eyes from the future from what he has done to what he should receive a crown that would more than compensate for all tho hard fighting and painful running the sidings for half a century went up in smoke nothing now remains but the old well and it has a new pump after an absence of a month from his pulpit with an attack of pleurisy rev g w barker will bo welcomed back next sunday last sunday rev r b howe of hamilton preached with much acceptance r b scotts special christmas grocery list contains tho following 4 lbs selected raisins 25c 4 lbs choice currants 25c 4 lbs new prunes 25c 3 quarts mixed pickles 25c 3 mclarens cheese 25c the real thackeray thackeray is misunderstood by many reader they place him among the satirists or the cynics who delight to ri th foibles and weak ofhuman nature it is true thattic was a satirist his love of sincerity made him hate hams these he keen ly pictured but gentleness was ex hibited even in his satire glimpses of the real thackeray ore given us in the introductions which hla daughter mrs ritchie has written for tho biographical edition of his writings here wo see him as he was playful affectionate benevolent the kindest of critics t t hearted of editors sending checks to writers less fortunate than he and feellngu a thorn in his pillow when as editor of the cornhlll magazine he had to return manuscript after his death this entry was found in his diary written just after he had mojred into a new house i pray almighty god that the words i writo in this house may be pure and honest that they may be dedicated by no personal spite un worthy motive or unjust greed for gain that they may tell the truth as far as i know it and tend to promote love and peaco among men for the sake of christ our lord when these words were written thackerays work though he could not know it was very nearly done the entry- is doted march 8 1862 and in december of the next year he died but tho words expressed not a new aspiration but the purpose which ho had kept steadily in view through his whole literary career this sense of moral responsibility deepens respect for the great novelist a general adop tion of his ideal would sweeten and elevate fiction crown at that day 1 e at his ap pearing cf mat- 16 27 that crown is for only one class of people them that lovo his appearing 2 denwa mark and alexander 915 paul needed timothy and timothy was to exert himself to get to him as quickly as possible demas is held up j for all succeeding- ages as a warning as ono who had forsaken his post of duty out of love for this present world there had been jt timo when demas had been a useful servant of the lord and had poined with paul in his greet ings to tho saints in colossc col 4 14 but the love of the world had taken him from his post of duty and demas tias come down for tho con tempt of the centuries what a warn ing to many today mark had onco been unfaithful and had lost his posi tion of opportunity in companionship with paul and barnabas and had led lioaoparfltlonj5itlupaujpndbarna- bas acts 16 3640 but mark had evidently repcnud and had been re stored hchncpfceen given a second chance and was now useful to paul for the work of ministering the very work in which he foiled the first time alexander the coppersmith acts 19 33 had shewed paul much evil but paul did not bother about that ho left him to the lord to render to him according to his reasonable a sturdy little german had stood in line without making it seemed much progress toward the ticket office which was tho goal of his ambition the place was un comfortably warm and at last ho- stepped out of the line having first bestowed searching glances on the j men directly in front and behind him j r to fix their faces in his memory j he was gonerabout twenty minutes and returned much refreshed by hin outing hewna evidently gratified to ee what progress had been made dui lng bis absence and with a beaming smile npproached his old plncejln the j line j the guardian of the peace stopped him h5lu onl ho said you cant go in there go down to the foot of tho i line but this is my blacc said tho lit tle german cant help it returned the pollc- man tou shouldnt have gono away youve lost it i say yqu hafe not right you hafe not tlghtl crlod tho foreigner li mlngled indignation and perplexit vhen a imln oes out and comes in i again does j- vent tvay unnece8sary expense among the many stories told of nantucket by old residents and fre quent visitors in one thatf wlnfo it seems almost improbable is neverthe less vouched for by unimpeachable authorities some years ago a man in nantucket was tred for petty larceny and was sentenced by the judge to three months in jail a few days dftr the trial the judge accompanied by the sheriff was on his way to the host on beat when they passed a nnn who was busily sawing wood r 5pl sawyer stopped his work 4 touched his hat pqlltely and said ficttdinoauiuj judge the judge igpkgd at him flflpiusuv a mflfn pained on a little way ard then turned to glance backward say lnoltahernr why isnt that the man 1 sen tenced tothree months in jail the ottier day to replied the sheriff with some hesitation yes thnt is the man but t you why you w seo judge we wo dont happen to have anybody else in jail just now mid wo thought twould be a sort of useless expense to hh o 1 somebody to keep the jail for three months just for this one man so i ave mm ho jail key and told him if he sleep there nights i guessed it t would bo all right upper on the lookout fora kill with a canoe full of trophies of moose and caribou the thompson brothers expect a grizzly before calling it a day lower lef getting big game- thompson brothers famous guides in the caribou district had a busy soa- on 4his summer conducting parties in their territory bull moose such as shown in the photograph were plenti ful and every member of the parties took home a trophy lowor right caught at lastj a giant grizzly nine and onehalf feet from claws to tip of nose was killed at bear river near barkerville bc here he is with his toes turned up lying at the feet of one of the thomp son brothtrs inset he doesnt want a ferry a canhou crossing from shore to shore coveted antlers up norman thompson and his brother jit barkeivlu biitish columbia are considered among the best hunting guides in tho canadian pacific rockies they took a banker hunt ing last fall and after winding their ww up amtfuhtdlncrekrnovm nsk- cdxhe banker ir he would like to find his way back not on your life said the man uf dollars and cents if i tried to follow the trail back i would get croaaeyed and fall out of the-enddle- the latter had what he called the most wonderful time in my life get ting lost away off in tho hills later he got what he went after a moose a caribou and u tricky grizzly two years ago norm showed a fellow three grizzlies and 61 caribou setting up camp only ibout nine mhes from town only some of those who have ex plored the canadian pacific rockies for game can convey to the uninitiat ed the joyous lust in the heart of tbo hunter the glorious monarch of the forest running freely head erect chest heaving nostrils dilated the next minute the mlcr of a wooded domain is prone and lifeless at the feet of sunrg stralghtrshootlnghnnter never wilt he roam the wilds again or breast the rolling waves and the streams and rivers no more will ho know the sweet fragrant odors of tho woods and forest his great heart broken tho bull moose is majestic even in death perhaps some few months later hla head will grace the llbiary of a mans home in a city then the captor may temember the thrill of the first hunt and captute of his first prize but in the meantime the hunteis go on ward the rockies are also the playground of caribou and grizzlies and tho visit ors arc plentifully supplied with trophies bcfoio they tuin back toward civilization works 3 paul deserted by men defended by the lord 1618 paul was one of the loneliest men that ever walked on earth like his mast he was deserted by all men in the hour of his deepest need cf matt 2fi 56 it was a cowardly act on tho part of his friends but paul forgave them do wo act in a similar magnanimous and solf-forget- tlng spirit toward those who forsake us in the hour of need such treat ment from men even from- christians is what we may expect jer 17 5 6 but we do not need to worry in the least about it if such treatment actual ly comes to ua for wc should re member that our lord received the same treatment but though deserted by men paul was not deserted the lord stood by him that was enough cf ro 8 31 so will the lord stand by lis if wc aro faithful to him and it matters not who among men may forsake us it is better to have all men forsake us arid the lqrd stand by us than to have all men with us and the lord forsake us the lord not only stood by paui but strengthened him the word translated strength ened is a suggestive word it means gave power in the thought being that the lord poured his power into the apostle paul when the lord does that wc can do anything phil 4 13 the lords purpose in pour ing strength into paul was that through him tho message might be fully proclaimed and that oil the gen tiles irnlght hear there arc not many to fully proclaim the message and if one does it he may be sure that the lord will stand by him and strength en him to keep on fully proclaim lng the message tho lord desired that all tho gentiles might hear and be cause of that desire preserved paul from danger paul was in danger of being thrown to tho lions literally but ihe lord delivered him out of the mouth of the lions- cf dan 6 20 22 since tho lord had already de livered him from perl in the past paul had every confidence that vool would deliver him in the future from every evil work gods deliverance in the past should free- us from nil an xiety in regard to the future but most of us arc no forgetful that when one deliverance ut prist the next time thnt a danger comes we are fllled with ap prehensions that wc shall not be de livered this time paul was confident that the lord would not only deliver him from every other evil work but better stil would nave him unto hla heavenly kingdom he had not the slightest fear of being ultimately lost with a heart full of gratitude he as cribed glory to god unto the ages of ages i e to nil eternity daily reading for next week monday pauls summary of his life 2 tim 3 10 11 4 618 tuesdaysau the persecutor acts 7 b4to 8 3 wednesday the convlcon of saul- acts 9 19 thursday u called of god to preach qal 1 112 friday preaching and teaching at antloch acts 11 13q saturday the apostle to the gen tiles acts 13 13 4jk2 i sunday th crown of righteous ness liff el l an unusually fine job from a boston paper comes che ih teres lng story of an old man named bill herndon whose pride in his son young bill flourished in the face of ever dlscouragjcment bills got a fine job now the old man announced to a jfelghbor ono morning a fine job heh saving a lot of money whats he doing asked the other man a j i hes 4trlrht printer bill svswer- ed oh a fine job ho works nights and saves his lodgln and then he sleeps all day and saves bis fopd the wayfarers i amonghe dangerous tendencies 6t the present age certain good people are now discovering i3 om travel mania the rich aro spending their lives wandering from place to place people of small incomes pinch tcn plan and save all winter for summer out ings at tho seashore or for hurried trips upon tho transatlantic ferry school teachers arc notorious travel lers and the story is even told of a poor having sa th hundred dollars by longcontinued and carefuleconomy went abroad and saw much of the continent including rome for six dollars a week tho lovo of travel is no new thing it is one or the great human inter eats the little nurserymaid who al ways wheeled her- charge to a hilltop where her wi3tful eyes could journey over the city roofs and aci oss the river to tho hills of dreams beyond was but answering the call of some wayfaring ancestor the wandering year of the appronctlces of the mid dle ages the strange pilgrimages of rich and old alike bore witness to the old deslro for tq admire and for to see curiously enough tho very people who depiecate tho mania for travel cordially advocate journeying at sepondhand by means of books andtecturcs perhaps after all the ma amounts to this that the joys an ad vantages of travel many as they are may be won at too great a price to sacr for instance ones love of home and the duty and privilege of home lclatlonshlps is to purchase tho pleasure at far too heavy a cost as j for the dangers attending the habit of travel because it is the thing one small piece of ddvlec if heedfully considered wlil reduce them to a minimum take your mind with you wherever you go the traveller so equipped no matter what his motive cannot fall to win treasure by the way for sprains and bruises there is nothing better for sprains and contus ions than dr thomas kclcctrlc oh it will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain will cool tho inflamed flesh and draw the pain it will take tho ache out of a bruise by counteracting tho inflammation a trial will con vince any who doubt it deserved a crack a philadelphia pews paper repoits the case of a pan ot that protected he owners home from but glars th2 thieves entered through one of the front parlor windows crept tin ough the hull past the bird and began to open the sideboard in which the silver was kept one of them had gathered up tho costly turkish rugs on the floor when polly spoke up is that you prank she asked the burglars stopped and polly ro- i quest in a l m more imperative kcj by this time the noise had awakened her master he grasped a revolver and made for the head of the stairs thet e ho pressed an electric uutlon tho wairt and ut the lights in tho hnll three men were just then opening the front door on getting downstairs he maaer of the house found the imrrot in her cage under tho piano the cago yas upset but the bird uninjured ho placed her cage right side up on mho piano when she lifted her frightened head from under her wing nnd asked again jts that yqu frank y ahappy afterthought the story of a proposal by tele phone is recorded by a writer in the public ledger pete a colored youth was vcrjr bashfuitrndhavingdecided first thnt he wanted miss johnson for his wife and second that he dared not nsk her id person he had recourse to the telephone ho inng her up at the houso of her employer and in quired is flat you mifh johnson yaas camo the ieply weir miss johnson 1segot a ntos impprtant question to ask you tnas 4 will you mairy iw miss john son t j yoas who is it pleaso issl he knew boys tho man who gets along well with boys is the roan who knows how to meet them halfway even when they do not behovq themselves properly the detroit free press tells of a clergyman who was dining wlh a parishioner at the table willie a boy of sudden and whlmaicaj pranks was not con ducting himself in a manner befitting a young american citizen wlllie bocii hhj mother phynanr pass doctor mackenzie a potato willie seized the potato between hlh thumb and finger and before his mother could uttet her remonstrance he had tossed it across tho table squarely into the clergymans hands which instinctively closed round it judgment cried willie one strike cried the minister al most involuntarily he sympathixed with boys and remembered the days when he played on a college nine willie leave tho table cried his mother my deal mrs hastings said tho minister with a twinkle do not judge him too harshly- he wont do such a thing again and besides see how beautifully he put tho sphere over tho plate prom that time there was no more regular attendnnt at sunday school than willie many people are almost crippled with corns but it is needless suffer ing which can be speednly ended with holloways coin remover private interview one may sometimes be made to see tho uselesnnoas of afoollsh habit by being made tbo victim of similar he lm vl our on the part of unother here is an example of being paid in ones own coin a landlord in u co v was busily employed at his desk when a farmer came to the door and asked to sco him t the man wan asked his errand but ho persisted that he must see the hotelkeeper alone tho latter step ped outside when the farmer motion ed him to follow and walked aiound to the rear of the hotel when they were well around the corner the farmer stated that he wished to buy a cow and had heard thnt tho landlord had ono to sell come on skid the other and led the way through the garden a patch of po tat oca and ufter climbing a high fence through u ruuddy barnyaid and into the hotel barn r when they were inside the landlord put hisj mouth near the ethers oar and whispered say neighbor ive- sold my cow certain mocaw- conditions must ex ist lq the stomach and intestines to encourage worms and they will exist as long as these morbid conditions permit them to to be rid of them nnd spare the child suffering 44 se millers worm powders they win correct tho digestive irregularities by destroying tho worms conditions favorable to worms will dlsappcai and the child win liavo no more qu fieri m form that cause v the best works a story ir told of he qldtlme pll luia of a now england church who held out firmly for a- iqng time against the innovation of an organ but when he finally yielded uhl so without re serve prom violent opposition he became the most fltrenuoua of all tho congre gation as to trie fineness of the instru ment to be purchased seems to rno you arent very con sistent sntd one economical brother reproachfully thero a month ago you couldnt spook harsh enough about organs nnd now you go to advocating extra expense mil getting the best that is to be had see here flaid the deacon grim ly if wertf going to worship the lord by maehlnciy i dont want tq juttr louiid with nuy hc eon d rate running- tear tw6 week8 away from time fourfifths of the civilized world live by a timetable tho clerk the student tho teacher the factory- worker the nurse the cook the doc tor obey the clock with precision tho year round for them procrastination is disaster great establishments with hundreds qf employees reduco punc tuality to a science and record by the timeclock every late arrival the schoolmistress who enforces prompt- with herself devotion to tho schedule is essential to our method of closely ordered life the waste not want not of our fore fathers applied to time but it 1b wearing to ordinary human weakness and it is no mark of moral incapacity to long to cscapo fiom it indeed ono of its worst effects is that its victim becomes addicted to it the tired saleswoman plans her vacation hour by hourwlth tho sense that only so can she taste the whole of dt the teacher constructs an itinerary for her european trip so exact that she can tell you where she will spend every night of the two months tet if the vacation is a short one it should be passed away from time the refreshment of freedom from the tyranny of hours and minutes is in calculable not to know the time of day save by the sun is to bo ones own master to be late for every thing that is the supreme vaca tion privilege the boll the gong and the steamwhishc should all be ban ished from tho real vacation and even tho ticking of the clock may be for gotten time marches forward only by shadows on tho grass or rosy fingers on the cloud thus for two weeks may the liberated spirit enjoy tho freedom of the whole solar system sores heal quickly have you a persistent sore that refuses to heal then tty dr thomas eclectrlcoii in the dressing it will stop sloughing cairy away all pioud hosh diaw out the pus nnd prepnre a clean way for themowskin- itis a recognized heal er among oils and numbers of people can certify that it healed where t was properly applied di8heartened it was a discouraging anmver that was m to tho doting parents of a cuntiy boy who had gono to new york under the jnitionugo of a pros perous grocer after he had been away for a fort night tho mother wrote to the boys employer saying that her son was no hand to write letters and she was anxious to know now he was getting on and do tell us where he sleeps nights i she pleaded earnestly at tho end of the letter to this the grocer made answoi within a few dnys- your hon hloepbln the store in the daytime i dont know where eo sleeps nights a freak of nature colonel cody better known na buffalo bill was relating to a pro fessor of ethnology some of his many and varied experiences among the indians during his early days tho ladgar tells of tho little joke which the scout played on the professor by the way asked colonel s cody abruptly did you ever see a red headed indian i never did and neverheard of such n freak colonel was the reply i saw one a cherokee down on tho fort scott trail hulctly answered mr cody the a he stopped wahtrg foj a rise it canie rather an unusual olgty that wasnt it 7 bather but you see this indian was bald one of the com mortem complaints of infants n worms nnd the most ef- fpoti- npnlrtin fur thorn is mother graves worm exterminator the terror of asthma comes llko i thlc in the night with its dreadful thiotoing robbing its victim of his bieath it seems beyond tho power ot human aid to relieve until one tral ir made 6f that rumarkabic preparation dr jj d kelloggs asthma remedy the relief comes with a rush life becomes worth living and if the rem edy be used persistently the disease is put perm rift en ty to i outs take no substitute if others were not sell ing by long distance you might afford to use it less xone weeks sales ofjlour 3000 85 sold by long distance rtimus a flout salesman railway time tables at acton going wmt no 29 soo 8 no 31 i 1045 am kot s3 229 pjll no 36 603 p jn no 30 8 39 pm no 2g sunday 1041am going et no 2s 721 dura no 30 a 1108 owm no 34 335 pm no 3s w 617 pm no 88 813 pun no 24 sunday c 708 pjll look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 years experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list we will do tbo rest no noto or 1b considered too small too largo too old or too tar away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen 80und j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank ot canada canadian national electric railways wmtbound lally bxcopt sunday 743 ara dolly m3 ajn sally jl 1143 ojn dally i43 pm doily 3 43 pm daily 1 43 pm daily 743 pm doily pm dolly n 3232 ojn eastbound j cadesky 0f toronto eyesight specialist wttj be at a t browns drug store acton monday jan 4th anyone buffering from bye- strain defective vision or bieadache should not mlsa the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 s m till 4 p m dally dolly except sunday dolly dolly dally daily dally dally dally 743 n m 943 am 3143 am 143 pjn 3 43 p m e43 pan 743 pan 143 pjn 1140 pm toronto terminal keale 8treet and 8t clair avonue freight delivered by speolal express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto 1 at m a1 mmt mt 1 ut mil i l at miaimi avi i af ml ml i aia an appropriate gujriattnab gift j a smith real estate and insurance get our list of forma ana town property bafore buying- wo may havo just wbjiluyou want auitl are looking tor at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation ilfo association lonuon lancashire fire insurance london xonca- ahire ouarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your bu8ine33 solicited eealdence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 acton kitty danced and noirshe paya she is tall and slender llh co quettish blue eyes and hair chat is very definitely auburn boulri of course for kitty is nothing if not uptodate tet her uptodatcno a dldntvinclude the ability to trurcrd her health dances and parties cold and weak spells then more parties and more tck spells brouffht on whtnt her mother mlfirht hare foreseen had nhr lived no you cmnt blame klltv her youth her prettlncas and hei pomi- larlty wore false friends to her ho is only 1 another year in bjltrrtiv m nrfcetduskoka hnmril f r consumptives where oxp rl rti i attention and nurslnr ana 1 11 perhaps see hor restored to 1 id usefulness contributions may bei- m iu vt a chariton president j co lose street toronto 3 ontur 1 lll k el vv m on every christmas list there is some one who would appreciate a subscription for the acton free prss such a giftinformative entertaining and educative will keep alive the christmapirit the three hundred and sixtyfive days of the year it will bring to mind once every week the thought- fulness of the giver it is of equal interest to men and women young and old no other gift you can buy for j200 or 250 if for the united states will so completely reflect your kindly thought and at the same time pay so delicate a compli ment it is both a personal and an impersonal gift it can be sent to anyone it is always acceptable it meets ones needs and suits ones fancies 1 lypewriters remanufactured underwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as nw but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 99 kino st west toronto 2 advertisers the free pre8s ia anxious to sarvs you and sarvo you wvtll wo can olva your advartiio- mant batter attention and there for maks it mors attractive if ths oopy is aupplrod to us- on monday or tuesday if oopy falls to rssoh ua until wednesday forenoon there it a rush to set it up before- the forma olose and ths resul is liksly to be leaa aatlafaotory 8end in your ads early many of our old subscribers will as they did last christmas give to their most cherished friends at a distance a years subscription to the old home paper send the subscription on to us and we will mail you a giftsub scription card to enclose to your friend w krtim 3tee rwjsr your rife time try our repair de partment we alte getting wonder ful results alfd we know we can please you savage r co guelph ontamo jkjimkiiic slkjjsslg6bllliixis rr wijtwitww iujl

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