Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 17, 1925, p. 6

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mjhwwjrjwvw c ulrthi marriagea and deatha are now charged or at ttie following rmtci blrtbi spc manlagea jo deatha soc memorial carda soc 10c per una extra lor poema married campbeliskbiton uvt toronto on sunday november 22nd 192j5 by tho rev a f mnckonrlo of the united chuich of ciinndn marsaro lillian only daughter of mr ami mrs j m skeltdn toronto to mr fi edei ick lewis cnmpbell second son of mr and mrs james camp bell balllmifad died coulson at lowville on friday docomboi 4 1926 john coulson in hie 83rdyear hunter in georgetown on tues day docomber 8 1926 wm vjnhcr hunter aged 08 years 12 days whetham- in burlington on tuea- x day docomber 8 1926 jamoa thomas whothlmm in his 83id year leslie at his home lot 6 concea- blon 2 erin township on aunday evening docomber 13 1926 dn hla 87th year watson at klllarney man monday novembor slst 1926 mary ann clark widow of the loito jas watson aged 70 yours allison at the family rosldoco lot 16 concession 2 nassagaweya on thursday december 10 1926 josoiih parker allison in his 77th year moore at tho home of his daugh ter mrs a g ed woodstock on thursday december 10th 1925 thojnas moore in his 86th year in memoriam orr in loving memory of our dear brother adara who departed this hfo december 20 1923 we little thought when he loft homo ho would no more return that he so soon in death would flee and leave us hero to mourn sisters and brother united church mens banquet ablo presentation of opportunities and responsibilities before the church h artrnt 3fa flraid thursday december 17 1926 brief local items 7spell it christmas every time chris tmas matters have righ t ot way these days there ie nothing more industrious than an idte rumor many a man who talks tf his lost opportunities never made one to lose it looks as if turkeys will be a luxury for christmas prices aro soaring- much of the business done this month in all the stores relates to christmas just two more numbers of tho fuss press this year have you re newed for 1928 pity the youngster who doesnt look forward with pleasant thoughts of santa claus coming visit kincardine town council decided last week to submit a bylaw for the abroonro now comes the time lo renew your subscription for the acton fuse pjucss use the blank enclosed christmas links our human joys to a heavenly hope it adds enormously to thoworlds stockof good will your lack of money may be the fault of circumstances but your lack of friends is certainly your own hornby united church sunday school intend holding a concert and christmas tree on monday december 21 christmas cakes and christmas puddings ore receiving attention by tho home makers theso flne winter tho mona banquet of tho united church last thursday evening was a function abounding in pleusurublo followwhlpcund icplete with informa tion in which personal and united rcftponelbiuuea wero sot forth and in spiration abounded tho ladies of the congregation pro- vldod an unusually exoollent menu the tables wero very artistically ar- xanscfl and the eighty men of tho church who sat down enjoyed to uiu full the splondid provision made for tlioir oifjoyment the committee wua fortunate in deed in speukeiu chosen to clucldato tlio purposo of the maintenance and extension fund of tho now united chuich of canadaiind tho lofty aims which it is hoptd will bo realized rev a lloyd smith b a assistant sec retary of the homo missions of tho former methodist church and judge elliot of milton addressed the com pany in very impressive speeches rev mr smith who spent soveral years of his early life in acton and who acknowledged in very kindly terms the helpful influence of the actorr church and its organizations on hla life when a rosldent here gavo u yry comprehensive and informa tional address on conditions in parts of canada where missionary work has boon very effectivo and where vast opportunities are now open for ag gressive educational and spiritual work ho showed how tho future of canada would bo influenced for good if tho church now made provision to embrace the opportunity for the spread of the gospel in the numerous dlbtrlcts in the great west where it ia now lacking children of british columbia are growing up without any christian privileges and people of foreign nationalities are settling there who are not yet being reached with tho cospel and being taught canadian ideals the great foreign mission ft elds of the three uniting churchos and the enlarged opportunities created by thee union were vividly portrayed it was a btrlking fact be said that the 364 missionaries engaged in the work of the three churches only 14 had failed to declare for the united church judge elliot in his quiet carefully thought out and emphatic manner lutllcdly set forth the manifest duty of tho united church of canada to provide the means by which thoso in sparsely settled communities of can ada and the people in the missionary territory where the churchs mission fields have been established maybe given the gospel of our lord an 4 saviour jesus christ he elucidated tho great need fovthe maintenance and extension fund and the duty and privilege of the numbers of tho church of majdng it effective by earnestly en deavoring to do their part individually to reach tho object ivo of 4000000 encouraging words were sjiokenf and information- given of how milton had gone over their objective of 4000 and georeotowil of 3000 und tie was quite confident acton would go over tho top of its objective of 2300 these addresses wero both very greatly enjoyed by tho audlonco and words of hearty appreciation were spoken by rev mr zimmerman tho minister who also added further worda of comment and information a cordial vote of thanks was pro posed to tho ladles for their shareln making tho event a success by messrs a t brown and john r kennedy the sunday school orchestra gavo very agreeable- assistance with their selections during the banquet refer ence was made to their excellent music by both of the visiting neighborhood news town and country nassagaweya in the death of parker alubon tho postmaster of moffat lust thurndaj this township lost a highly esteemed and useful rcaldont mr allison watt most ot ills life a resident of nossa- gawoya and ho will always bo re membered for hla upright life und sterling character churchill mr john nelson of tho- third 11m was taken to tho ouelph hospital foi treatment last wcok quito a number ft om this occlon attended tho holmos ac son sale 1 acton on saturday there havo been pretty rough roads the past two weeks the motor cars have found it pretty bumpy going mr luther cornoll was a guest ut tho i itons banquet in tho un ted church acton last thursday even ing he enjoyed tho ovenjng very much ospr1nge om burg is busy these days with our local citizens coming to tho store to do their christmas shopping an j from prospects tho children of this community will bo well favored by their friend santa claus- many of our farmers are busy in tho wood lots cutting their seasons supply of flrowood the citizens of this community ex tend their sympathy to mr david douglas of hlllsburg who was so seriously injured in his mill last week a big sunday school entertainment will bo held friday evening december 18th in the church here the young people of the community are busy pre paring a splendid progiamme your correspondent wishes the editor und staff and many readers u nmerry christmas dublin on saturday last the ladles of dublin section met to organize a wo mens institute for that community owing to the illness of mrs george agnew of acton the district secre tary and organiser miss elizabeth appelbe of esqueslng provincial vice president took charge she was assisted by mrs jamies dobble mrs e j gamble and mrsj w reld of tho acton institute the officers elected were as follows preeldent mrs wm bracken 1st vicepros mrs john robert son 2nd vicepres mrs john ruddlck sectreas mrs d mcdougall directors mrs john stewart mrs donald waldio mrs h s webster convenor of programme commit tee hiss alice elliott neifrs of local import successful bazaar at omagh tho ladloa aid and womens allaslonary socloty of omagh presby terlan church held a very successful bazaar at the home of mrs cocll k jarvls last thuiaday the collection of useful articles looked very ntco the wuy they wcio- arranged in tho spu- cious drainroni proceeds totalled 100 prisoners board 14jj conta per day tho total numbers of prisoners con fined in brampton jail this year was 56 52 being males the smallest jail population at ono time was 1 the hlghesl 7 tho principal charges asaingt tho prisoners were violation of tho ontario temperance act and theft the cost of tho rations per prisoner- per diem was very nearly 14 cents rockwood fair pays 50c on i1q0 tho prise winners at the rockwood fall fair havo received notice from the directors that they will receive only 50 cents on tho dollar for their prizes for this year the reason given is the fact that the wot unpleasant dy on which the show was held ma terially reduced the attendanco and consequently the rdcelpts the result is as disappointing to tho officers as it is jo tho exhibitors as long- as the cool strike lasts there yn be no pennsylvania anthracite to be purchased wo ai o offorlng us a substitute to our customers stovo slue kentucky coal while this coal iiuh more gas and smoko thou pennsylvania anthracite it is just as hard and has as many heal units per ton our price- for thh kentucky stove coal is 12x0 domestic american coke 1400 off tio cur 1450 qut of the shed egg biro pocanontati for furnacos 1400 j b mackenzie norman mcleod mana phone 48 ballinafad aiwmkeia jtrdcc btttot said 1w uad to play the fiddle himself and ho therefore had a gqod idoa of good music when ho heard il the men of the congregation are now in engaged in making a can- vasa of tho membership in tho scriptural method of two going to gether they wo meeting with en couraging response rev n waddell attended tho pres bytery in quolph lost week mr ed oldham is spending- somo holidays nt his homo in brantford the sunday school and public school of balllnafad are holding an ntortalnmontand christmas treeon friday evening the 18th in tho com munity hall miss b young is visiting with her mother mrs james young mrs james shortlll is going on an extended visit to her sisters mrs p o vannatter of athens georgia and mrs w s walters of new orleans la mr donald mclean jr had tho mufnrhmo of hrfnttn it mnu hon jthe wardens dinner ttnldrr6w evening jnvitatlons have been issued for tho annual dinner ot the warden jf tho county of halton at tho mitchell inn milton on friday evening mcr don- nld mblntyro reeve of georgetown who has occupied the honored posi tion of warden tho past year with grace jind dignity will be the host of the members of tho county council officials and personal frlonde escorts armed with swords toronto streets have becotne rather notorious lately because of tho mo lesting of young ladles by unprincipled rascals- who accost them some of tht yountr men of toronto university havo evidently determined to protect young ladles registered there the othor evening as a couple of acton youngr lady undergraduates were about to cross the campus to tho uni versity library two youn men ol their acquaintance appeared at their quarters to escort them each of whom was armed with a rusty sword the young likgjlles were safe that time remembering their missionary the members of the young peoples league on monday evening remem bered their missionary mlsa ruth neluon and her school of indian boys at bardls b- c with christmas to kens a generous offering supplied funds for a suitable present for miss nelson and a present of a book a necktie or some other desirable article wdl contributed by the members for each indian lad tho meeting was in the hands of tho literary committee with mis3 mhxguertte sjrmon the convenor in charge miss muriel mc- comb read the ecripturo lesson mrs zimmerman then gave an interesting christmas gifts galore at saving prices s washable capo gloves regular 5 00 for 34s0 cape gloves regular s50 for wf beaded bags in pretty color combinations at each 150 fancy chintz trimmed aprons regular 110 for 75c guest towels hand embroidered in italian cut work each f 140 in fancy g4ft boxen each 150 girls hand knitted toques various colors regular 200 for 175 1 only teacloth hand embroidered with irish crochet edge 450 1 only buffet set natural linen hand embroidered 500 gift boxes various shapes and sires 8c 10c 15c special values in christmas candies nuts and fruits rhone 12 geo soper acton and helpful talk on tho poet words worth and mrs a t browne read one of ayonlswortha bcsjovcd poems a very enjoyable programme comprised piano solos by mrs overholl und miss pearl smith and a vocal solo by miss lauretta moore next monday even ins the sunday school and league are uniting and having a christmas tree for the scholars acton continuation school pre8cnts hurry hurry hurry a comedy in three acta town hall acton wednesday december 23rd cast of characters jack crafcdajjl cowboy author charles klrknesa mr hooker business ilan arthur henderson stephen hookeit college freshman george mason ted stone football hero frank coolc axosius bartholomew colleen professor novlllo harrop floy brown vlvaclouh dcbutanto addle hurst letitia brown lltcrojy dilettante marjome ijiwson mrs hooker modern mother mabel kenyon rita pert housemaid u mary chalmers act itilvlnb room of hooker man4pn in a biff american city present time latqafternoon a few duyitberore christmas act ii sumo as act r evening- act iii same ai act ii just before midnight curtain at 815 sharp your patronage is solicited admission 25c mclean col mill street acton j you will jtind the good listed here make suitable christmas gifts mens initialed handkerchiefs at 25c and 50c mens suspenders ann bands caff links mens gloves wool knit fioc 100 and 125 mens work mitts at 50c 75c 100 and 125 mens ties at 50c 75c aflp100 ladies silk hose ladies silk and wool hose ladies- gloves chamois and wool gloves ladies broadcloth bloomers at 100 toques for boys wnd girls towels all sizes and prices in stock today runners pillow covers etc ma a good useful present measure up the room where your wife wants the floor covered with linoleum and call and see the new patterns 4 yards wide make her a good useful christmas present tiis year we will cut the length you want and keep till christmas mclean co mill street acton ont store open all day wednesday christmas gifts before choosing your christmas gifts have a look at our stock i we are carryine a range of silk lingerie a large display of handkerchiefs alvrnyn suitable for christmas all kinds of stamped and embroidered goods and a fine assortment of novelties the window display always abounds with suggestions 4hss j galbraith millineryandfancy goods jlioii-m- reesors novelty dry goods mmm interesting christmas gifts ht2trtar 7 days tho services in the churches will have a distinctly christmas aspect the choirs will render christmas music dont got into tho usual christ mas rush take things more quietly and enjoy tho great festival holiday niore fjlly glcnwllllams united church chrlstmns entertainment and supper will ho held on tvednesday evening december 23 it should bo remembered during tho holidays that theres one thing you cannot ropalr if you onco wear it out your welcome the spring assizes for halton will bo hold at milton on monday march 20th the chief jiistlco of common pleas will preside i hate to say it just because it sounds so mean nnd shocking but naturo beat you santa claus at till ing pegge stocking remember your minister at tho christmas time evon a christmas cord remembrance causes pleasure and fecmngs of gratitude though we may tiro of some old- time ways theso traditions remain sublime so we observe on tho best of days all the old customs of christmas time miss bertie speight treasurer of the hydro commission is treasurer of the adam beck memorial fund all subscriptions not paid should he hand ed to her the report of the farmers hun submitted to tho shareholders last week showed a deficit of 1 600 on the years publication costs- tho capital is now seriously injured sholburno high school students year book has already been issued it klvos nn interesting survey of tho do ings of the high school and has many interesting features the i board of education at wlar- ton have had a toboggan slide erect ed on the public school gtoundsaiid they also intnd having an open air rink for tho scholars this winter mr j o amies of esqueslng bred eight of the toulouse geese that wero winners at tho winter fair held at toronto recenfly mr gillies ojso sold over 100 worth of geese at tno fair mike nlckoluk who was so ter ribly injured in the tannery several weeks a by which he lost both of ills music by a famous band arms is making good progress toward recovery now at st josephs hospital guelph christmas trees in tho home bring joy in tho sunday school brings roal pleasure in the community bring con cord and good will wocan safely bo- llovo in christmas trees ns a vital elo- montln bringing chrlstmns pleasures one mnn in town said to another the other dny what aro you going to glvo your wife for a christmas present i dont know yet return ed the othor she put it away in n drawer ucforo i had a chance to seo it james a thompson who is re tiring from tho editorship of the dan- amogue journal was presented with n mahogany mantle clock by members of tho town council two ofllnlaln press and a few frlendst mayor w j wilson made tho presentation invitations havo beon sent out to triq parents 6f tho pupils graduates of tho throe past years anfl ajl gradu ates in town of the acton continua tion school to attend the annual at homo in the town hall on tuesday evening december 22 nt 8 oclock tllo spirit of fraternity among tho bands of neighboring towns and that of acton citizens band seems to be widening and a real musical treat was provided by tho acton band when thoy brought tho brampton citizens bajid hero for the concert in tho town holl loot wednesday evening and that actons citizens are back of their bond in loyal support was manifested by lite crowd that filled the half to the doors tho brampton band hnb three limes won tho first prize nt the can adlan national exhibition as tho boat town hand and last year won second place in the contest the programme they played in acton showed that bandmaster- w e downs wanted to give tho vory best the band had in its repertoire and acton certainly appreciated it ow ing- to sickness several of the num bers announced had to be changed the best band numbers were the ovet ture golden dragon which was the test piece at the exhibition con test last year nnd the selection at- hla both numbers were exceptional ly woll rendered and brought in woll- balanccd harmony and technique and many tine parts that are accomplished by this famous band the cornet solos by mr james algie and tho saxa phono duet by messrs e harmeworth andl i hnrmsworth wero numbers that wore greatly appreciated and called forth hearty encores tho band programme comprised the following numbers march flan ders tone picture apple blos soms overture qolden dragon march by request rolling home ty beat old england intermezzo forest whispers cornet solo flhuberts serenade and song that reached my heart fantasia even ing idyls snxaphone duet tran quility march spirit of mlnstrol- y truly tho brampton band will lie sratofully remembered for the flne piokfumme they provided hero master john mcgcchlo was the headllner of tho assisting artists this little scottish lad seems in h1 in his log recently ho is progress ing favorably jroovo sinclair attended county councilirx otxclph lastweek tho young people held a successful dance in the community hull hoe friday litght cumpbclls orchestra of campbell cross supplied the music mr henry cole of toronto is visit ing balllnafad friends tho ladies who were appointed by the united church hore to canvass for tho maintenance and extension fund report u very liberal lesponso and it is expected will meet their ob jective rockwood m- a rumor is afloat tha the tor ohtoduolph division of the canadian national electric railway is consider ing discontinuing operation it u very generally hoped there 1a no foun dation for the rumor the rural sec tions of the road would be grjty in oonvehlenoed aancitt hla way into tho heart of aoton audiences and his performance nt this function was truly up to the mnrk and his national dances and clogs dronr forth vociforious encores but jack now has a rival for his lit tle sister who is just a wee tot of four years certainly niado nn impres sion in her flist nppoarnnce on tho siiibto in tho sword dunce with jack mrs byrna was tho uccoinpnnlot for the dancing william wallace a local artist in irdgcrdomaln was selected to ontor- taln with slight of hand numbers dur ing tho intermission ho kept the nudlonco guessing for a half hour by hl tricks of disappearance and pr3- duclng nrtlclesfrom nowhere this la mr wallaces first appearance here nnd 11 wos a vory creditable perform once for ono who lnys no claim i profenaionnl standing rev ii ci l baugh was the chair man if the prooeedlngs and kopt the programme moving along in a flno way at the close the acton band tender ed iio visitors with sandwiches and coffee and a social halt hour was spent by tho bandsmen pf brampton and acton i new provlnolal constable provincial condtable fewtroll has beon stationed at brampton with jurisdiction for the counties of halton and toel mrewtnllwaan resi dent or aoton for a year or two and enjrethe esteem of thsar whjv j mejliljtu jwnwji wwleta rerva him faerou an old one thefrlcnda of mih s r peart will bo pleuaed to know that she ih im proving binco her operation last sat urday morning robert hendeihon mr and mrs wm uridgor nnd johnstono i lew at wero homo for tho weekend mr3 bridger remmined over sunday re turning monday morning last wednesday evening- a largo congregation of the presbyterians mot in friends church for tho induction of william swans ton to tho eldership on account of tho aovcro accident ho met with some two or three month h ago he was unable to be present whon tho other members wero inducted rev mr k stewart and a fow others from acton 9 wero present also tint elders of eden mills qongregatlon and their wives after ttfio induction rev mr stewart addressed the gatheriner op sunday evening bev mr simp son conducted thb baptismal cere mony for uio infant child ofmr and mrs douglas mcnubb m p barry and co have been mak ing alternations in tho old livery stable at tiho c n r station tor their turnip business now siding has txtm put on which adds to the appearance as well as making tho building more weatherproof for tho turnips in cold weather x on sunday evening some party conrlng up from valley road turned tho comer at friends church too- short and went over the end of the culvert into tho ditch and against the fence doing aom6 damage to tho iron pldteta and nplhterlng some of the wooit work cor drivers had bet ter oxorciso more care especially when it comes r to making a short ttir and up grade at the same time herb dyer wired tho chopping mill recently purchased by w h hortop this wi blvtf i and enable them to wait on their customers during tho short dull days of early winter mr and lrs f o kensyard and swell to great sub swell to qreat post omac slnco disposing 0 the hardware business thp yljlaye is consldeiably quieter at prenent as several have left for work elsewhere we regret that ralph rlcburdson is disponing- of his business he iras always been very obliging to thoso who patronized him both he ani mrs riilinrdflon and kranoos will 00 missed oft tlioy havo endeared thoni- flolvca tn tho largo number of friend rt in rockwofnd and vicinity while in business foi themselves in the old atoro wliore tho iato robert pasmore was for many year postmaster an john and charles pasmore conducted the general store in tho eighties that c season complexion the fresh rosy complexion that belongs to the christmas season ia imparted by campanns italian balm that most alluringr of all complexion lotions it has a con sistence like rich fresh cream and sl most alluring odor all drug gists and departmental stores sail it a special sample bottle nailed on recoipt of bel campanas italian balm c g west a co 80 georgo st toronto flowers for christmas pot plants cyclamen primroses ciner aria beffonias fusliins and geraniums ferns fwd cut flowers orders delivered g l martin florist phone 68 bay i with flowerat have received a large shipment of aluminum goods to sell at a surprising price tea kettles covered rpasting pans double boilers 1 oc at each ltd preserving kettles covered potato kettles covered l aa sauce pans and frying pans at each vtaw pudding dishes per set 90c large sauce pans at each 80c boks sweater coats these are the same kind of coats that we sold formerly for 98c this new shipment all go at the same price qo each fo- flannel work shirts up to 200 at each other work shirts at each b8e to w35 some of these include trie famous deacon shirts which retails nt l75 mens fine shirts boxed for christmas gifts reg 375- for 300 reg 350 for 275 and reg 275 for 200 shop early the toys handerchiefs and dishes are going fast parker and waterman fens and pencils separately or in sets 250 to 1100 wahl eiexsharp pencils 100 to 500 beautifully boxed fine stationery french ivory and tortoise shell toilet wares perfumes and toilet requisites we will be pleased to show you our stock 125 a t brown meet your friend8 at reesbrs acton phone 69 sadly in need of paint tmb lit the verdict often pusacd upon numerouh houses nnd barns when driving- through the country nt thta season of the year when the trees ore bare thrf ialntui and cleanu alovan might well be taken to heart by many at tho places whore the houses and outbuildings are painted the value of the property la greatly enhanced in the eywof those who rtf by a house that la bare of paint and dpy qt oil is all ho time folng backward htfla by reaeon of the assaulta of the weather ajyj fne tul hi oot of bull din a new 40019 i hwhiriton jeweller watch e8 clocks christmas gifts b 1 the christmas gift store famcy goods toys sta tionery china mt have u flno assortment of jnew 3oods for christmas jpres- melnnnlcul toys 16c iff 4125 mu ma ullb 89c to 1380 tin het 20c to 4125 doll furiiuurp 26c to im gameh 16c to 125 doll cnrrlnkos and flulkua wikons xlnrsrs lllorkh childrens hooks 10c lo 8sc new qramophofto jttfeorda r 50c and 65c- t rr wrist wntonw 450 to 2600 clocks 150 to 1boo silverware knives forks una spoons wm hoscrs commun ity and tudor plato pyrex casseroles plo plates trnyi etc china tea cunn nnd saucers 25c to 150 cnko plates 80c io 200 bowls 50c to 100 ton sots dinner sel s750 to 3750 vnhcs candlostlcks book ends etc polychromo and bronve lamps and buffet set acton and georgetown a merry chrlstmaa and proa- parpua 4wi yaar to all just a few of our many items ihpt will fnpke an appropriate and pleasingas well as a useful gift for him shirts english broadcloths in all the new patterns and col ors 25 and 295 pyjamas flannel in many pleasing patterns at 275 mercerized pongee wa tches- for christmas gifts any person intending to give wrist watches gents pocket watch or a clock for a christmas gift and want to feci thftt they are giving a reliable movement should call and see me there are at present just 2500 different kinds of wrist watches on the market many of which are of no value at- though the cases look nice watch and clock repairing open nights aptpn 9t james k gardiner watch maicpff sweaters j a large variety of colors ji pullovers and coats toques to njatclj gloves lined kid wool and un- hjjed in jbuck kiel and sitcic ve jiave a range that will plee te rnom fastidious taste at very reasonable prices plain colors at z50 scarves flannel 195 275 and 350 silk prcpes 3j50 polka tot silk 20 sox wool both fancy and plain silc in novelty patterns and plain colors rajsoilb at4 wool- infedkvrear we have a most complete and pleasing range of this most popular gift hun dreds to choose from mr man this is your chance to be dressed for the ho youll and all the jnew patterns and materials in our suits and overcoats at easy prices mill street mcreon powell acton ont the bird for christmas should e ordered right away if you want to be sure of getting the choicest one and most everyone does want the best at that time we are securing the best procurable arid when you buy 53 a fubieys geese ihjcks or chicken at pattersons you rnay be sure of securing the kind you il wnt for the christmas dinner but lot 6 impress it once more rper it now w j patterson corner hill and main streets acton ont t aknrm

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