Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1925, p. 1

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ht 5 fiftyfirst year no 26 thursday morning december 24 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning december 24 1025 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada minister rov r ezimmerman b a parsonago willow stroot christmas services 1100 urn the minister subject land of beginning again 230 p m sabbath school whlto gift service 7 00 i m stlciccl cantata by the choir light of tho world watch night service onthursday december 31 at 1115 pm presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m- manso willow street 1100 a m tho minister subject wliat christ means to us 300 p rn sabbath school and hlblo classes i 700 p m tho minister subject tho kingdom of god in tho world monday evening tho guild with drawn christmas entertainment lift town hall on tuesday evejiing strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 1100 a m pastor a j fieldus of toronto 3c0 p m sunday school classes for- all 7c0 p m pastor a j fieldus mr felduh is a man with a message do not fait to hear him monday 800 p m young peoples meet inc thursday 730 p m prayer and praise meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion for sale pord tburinff car running order jjo apnly highway oarage electric washer for sale guaranteed in flratclaaa condition only 1 6000 acton hydro shop found a pair of black rimed glasses on knox ave owner may hnvo samo by applying at free press office and pay lng expenses for sale durlwinv s january 1 phono 38r12 john mclean r r no 2 acton wood for sale good green hardwood 1000 per cord also dry hardwood in cordwood lengths j g henderson 2g3 box 142 por sale send you christmas greetings it is with gratitude in our hearts for the generous patronage of our many friends throughout this part of the country during x the past year that we extend to all our readers our most sincere christmas greetings the gift we want most of allto give to you is the finest service and the best values that it is in the power of this big departmental store to give we trust that all christmas promises have been fulfilled and the satisfaction and confidence of our customers may be maintained throughout the entire year for it is to the patronage of satisfied customers that the growth of this store is due therefore in expressing our best wishes that all may enjoy a happy christ mas we do so in genuine appreciation of the confidence placed in us and the loyal support given to our enterprise e macdonald bros ltd tsueipbrs leading and largest store news of local import last day for christmas shopping just one day more tor christmas shopping merchants of acton have outdone them selves in securing stock that is new and most acceptable at this season of the year no effort lias been spared to provide attractive goods and they have been treasonably priced be patient with the tired sales people -f-v- i- real help to young people the young people ot the acton am nassagaweya communities should promptly send in their applications for the splendid short courses ar ranged for the next two months the opportunities offered for special ex pert instruction are well worth the embracing to those who jjoheart- lly into the courses chosen there will be real proqt and jielp for the future milton men but of work for some time there has been no employment problem in hilton but that happy state of affairs has come to an end for a time perhaps until next spring about two weeks ago the toronto ibrlck co ltd laid off a large number of hands the milton pressed brick co ltd- is doing so this week the loss of work by bo many men though temporary will be a serious matter for them and their families champion enjoyable christmas entertainment the acton baptist sunday school held their annual christmas enter tainment last friday evening sup per was served to the scholars of the sunday school afterwards a splen did programme put on by the school was enjoyed by the parents and scholars santa claus was heartily welcomed by the boys and girls and he rewarded ail of them with a gift of candy and fruit the evening was moat successful throughout induction of new elders impressive indeed was the address to the newlyelected elders at knox church last sunday morning the new elders whose induction took place are messrs alexander mcdonald alexander lees alexander mann alexander kannawln henry awroy j l moore and w k graham the character conduct and duties of an elder were forcefully emphasized by the nfirrister rev a c stewart ma and the ceremony of induction follow ed christmas cantata next sunday the evening service in the united church next sunday will be devoted to the christmas cantata the light of the world this splendid setting is very fitting for the christmas sea- o t c choir has been hbrrg jurrrg qjtriiitmay iblft se attft tip cjttttiil said the little christmas candle to the little christmas tree were both of us important but of course you must agree im twice as bright as you are and if it werent for me youd never make a hit at all in being christmas tree i said the tree then to the candle and his tone was most polite your gay illumination is particularly bright but allow me one small question which seems both fair and right can you not see youre merely meant to make me shine at nifeht the cancile softly twinkled and then at last said she i guess that i am here for you and you are here for me atcmiriatuutb working on it for some time and the rehearsals have manifested on un usually fine rendering the christmas choruses labt sunday were regarded as exceptionally meritorious in their harmony and the reverent spirit pre dominating but the cantata for next sunday evening promises to be a moat inspiring rendering of sacred song thf pifmor w u its the joy in every heart thats all transforming its the smiles and wondrous secrets maybe too its tho thlnkfhg of each other and tho kindness that somehow makes this old world seem like new its the eager solf forgetting the uplifting its comforting the weak tho old the small tf a the welcome and the door aswlnglng opon that glories the season for us all its the greetings and the meetings long remembered its the glowing fires and the holly berries gay i its the hymns of praise and bells a sweetly ringing that makes us love each blessed christmas day i- a happy christmas entertainment tfieonited sunday school enjoy christmas programme and tree mr a t brown tho superinten dent of the united sunday school and his energetic staff of workers are naturally pleased with the success of the christmas entertainment of the sunday school on monday evening the programme was a varied one it kuvu the hehomrs rein christinas joy in presenting it and it gave their parents and friends much pleasure la fleeing and hearing the various nupi- t0rs as they were presented it was a characteristic sunday school entertainment with choruses solos recitations dialogues etc and the members of the- various classes participating acquitted themselves with much credit the littlest tots had their pieces to say and the older scholars also took part in a variety of numbers for the success of this part of the program mo mrs ostrandor and mm hartley harrison were largely responsible for the training of weeks which culminated in the successful presentation of tho diversified list of numbers included thoy wero will ingly assisted by teachers and older scholars of course the excellent orohesra of tho school provided much pf the tnujsu cal feature and their selections were all enjpyed mr brpwh presided and tho pastor rev mr- zimmerman was a helpful associate a beautifully decorated chribtmaa tree occupied a conspicuous piano at the aide of the platform in the audu torium of the church its sparkling christmas decorations colored electric ilshtb and bags of christmas candy was naturally a big attraction for the kiddies all the scholars were sup plied with candles and oranges and the superintendent generously invited all other children present to como for ward and also receive the covet toil noodles x imr charles a wilson the cham pion santa cluus impersonator acted in that role and was greeted by tho kiddies with salvos of cheers and ap plause there was a large attendance a christmas entertainment is alwuys re garded as a place for parents autfl their children and they were present in families in full force the members of the young peoples league assisted the sunday school in the entertainment social and personal miss frankle mullln is from gnlt for tho holidays miss ruby clark of toronto is home for the holidays miss owen maddock la here from brant ford for the holidays miss vera harvey is here from tor imtnjfnr tho christmas hoi the h s commencement imphaiaiva address by prof ceombssf of faculty of educfctloh news of local import a home missionarys busy day on hlm annual trip up to doer lake in northern manitoba rev j w nld- drle of the united church of canada baptlzedj fifteen babies at tho morning service married four couples in the afternoon and administered commun ion to over 200 cree indians in the evening- survivors of first meeting of walker lodge probably tho only survivors of the recent feathering of brethren at the dedication of the new masonic hall acton were w bros hugh walkor of guelph after whom the lodge wan named and wm panton of milton at that time w m- of st clair lodge no 35 and v w bro lnchlan grant of georgetown who was installed as w m of credit lodgo a little later champion a new years community affair a suggestion has been made by several citizens that acton hold a community night on new years eve it is sucjgestfld that tho choirs of the various churches and the band co operate and sing and play christmas and new now years carols in the streets and lead cltlxens in community singing if the project is considered suitable those in charge will have the details in hand to make full announce ment of the planb next week free press printing pleases a prominent business man in tor onto ordered his christmas greeting cards from the fkek press this year that he was satisfied tho following note from him yesterday bears ample testimony cards arrived this morn ing booner than x expected or hoped and are splendidly doiie much more- satisfactory than those done by one of the largest toronto printing houses last yeor thanks another tor onto man in professional life writes respecting thechrlstmas careexecut ed for him cords are all satisfact ory in every way and will compare favorably with any from anywhere rev dr pringu in the far north rev john prlngle dd aged 73 years has gone up the north thomp son rivcr in british columbia to spend tho remainder of his effective days in bringing spiritual consolation to the settlers preaching once a day he would cover his field in one month he will caarve out new missions for the united church of canada having just left a pastorate in sydney nova scotia to undertake this work his earlier career was spent in tho yukon but thirty years ago he was pres byterian minister at georgetown he nr acton attended dldaye the high school commencement last friday evening was a very enjoy able function the students and the graduates of the high school always enjoy this getting together there is an admhable esprit do corps among theso young people and this is often more manifest on the part of thoso who graduated in tho early days of tho-choous- sunday school conventions hero dr pringle was moderator of tho general assembly of the presbyterian church several years ago hard worked civil servants acton post office has been one of the busiest places in the community during tho past ten days the people of tho dominion have evidently taken to l th uft i mali your christmas letters and parcels earlyy the malls havo been crowded with christmas matter and postmaster matthews and his deputy miss brown and their assistants have been indeed busy with the assorting and distributing of the numerous mails received dally the public have been jjommendibly patient and it this grace is observed over today christ mas will havo come with the pobt j office workers tired but goodhumor ed and the distribution of tho pre ponderating christmas mails accom pllshod with general satisfaction binquetted at milton agricultural rcpresontnlvo fleming arranged for a very enjoyable banquet jfor the members of the halton soft ball team at the milton inn last wed nesday evening warden mclntyre of georgetown was toastmnster and the usual toasts were honoredv mr flem ing in congratulatory words proposed a toast to tire halton team mrs ostrander responded and spoke of the pleasure tho team had during tho season and the pride they felt in gin ning the honors at tho winter fair for halton the following young lad lei attended the banquet from acton misses marguerite ryder haxel and lottie mo son and viola rumlcy mrs ostrander and mr arlle white a photoo t team was taken last week young people working for tho kiddles for bomo time the junior cglt class has been working under the superintendence of their leader mrs h b somerville in providing m dolls and toys for tho children n the gordon home at milton for christmas on monday afternoon theso indus trious young workers met 4n tho school room of the united church with the artcles they had made thero wore dolls dolls clothing cradles with c radio quilts and blankets beautiful woollen balls and numerous other ar ticles which the children will appre ciate at christmas time when the box was packed it made quite a formidable quantity or christmas presents if the children who rocelvo 2 sot heavy sloop sleighs 2 set three bench sleighs 1 sot two bench sleighs best condition george myers phono 25r44 lot fr con 6 brin pard op thank8 mr wlhfcl swnckhamer extends very sincere thanks to his many friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy with him in- his great sor row when bereft of his beloved part ner in life so suddenly ho also dc- sirea to express his high appreciation of tho numerous floral tributes to lay on the casket of his dear one wanted a man who would like to earn more wages next year there is no excuse for any man to stay in tho old rut or say i never had a chance there ore over 270000 motor cars in on jario besides hundreds of thous- ndb of gas engines the steam boats and railways aro installing internal combustion engines and automotive and gas engineers aro wanted everywhere our frao-bm- iiloyment topartment will assist ou to secure work when you finish voiic course we have a plan whereby yau can earn while icarn- jngf in our his shops we also each the barber trade lnowm light sanitary barber schools giving you full instructions and a world of experience and practice paying you a porcentngo on every dollar you tako in this helps you consider ably barber lng is a nice clean pleasant inside trade the wages are good and there is a big demand for barbers do not hestltate we also teach mechanical dentistry by 6xpert8inour laboratory which ia managed by a competent licensed dentist owing to tho great de mand for builders we havo instal led a bricklaying and plastering school where you can learn these trades in a short tlmd- jobs are waiting at 1000 to 1500 per day make your application today naming the trade you would like to learn hemphill trade schools 163 king st w- toronto fatnlft of junrto a dliriatmas hantata to be given at the evening service of the united church acton uttaan leurnittg serrmher ztt openfno chorus tho heavenly world bass solo and choir 7 starry tho night- mr lccoomb lullaby solo neath the stars miss bertie smith duet i oer bethlehem misses bertie smith and jean konnpdy i chohus break forth into joy mens chorus holy child of heaven duet pralbo the now born king miss hazel mason and mrs j qardlnor j womens chorus gift of tho fathers lovo soloajvd obligatc angels toll the precious story miss nellie recsor closing chorus thy light is como service commence8 at 7 p m promptly wrfehekcand christma8 oay matinee at 3 p m deadwood coach starring tom mux and jila wonder horse tony comorty just a good guy krazy kat cartoon saturday december 26 find your man stnrrlnir tho famous pollco dm rlntlntin comedy tho oloudhoppcr with larr se- mon hadgo podpo mylilcnl movies pox news tue8day december 29 the manicure girl starring bcbo panlels chap- tor 9 of the circus mystory comody educating bubter cominq january 1 the iron horse dlroct from n three wraka rtln at tho llekcnt toronto r jl gregory son wo will 8ve you money if you will let us useiul uitts from santa claus a christmas sale special prices slippers mens 86c 100 150 200 250 350 slippers all colors womens 100 125 135 150 175 2 slippers all colors childrens 75c 85c 100 150 175 bargain hockey boots fvr men 450 for 395 boys 400 f or 300 womens 3 spats mens 125 and 20 womens to dear ai 100 guaranteed overshoes mens 185 250 25 350 womens 295 350 3752 buckles and dome fasteners misses and childs 25 and 1853 buckles holeproof hosiery for women 100 125 and 175 dress shoes street shoes work shoes school shoes bought for cash from the best makers first quality guaranteed rubbers to if oil pimkesfand sizes of shoes also heavy rubbers of all kinds at prices that will compel you to buy here harry harrisonthe shoe man nw line of travailing baga and 8ult caaas t taawfataka upon enquiry lfcliab been ascertain ed that the rumor that the canadian national blectrlc road was content plating discontinuing operation la en 1 1 rely without fqimijutipn tfre road will continue to serve the communities through which is runs to thp best poo bible advantage it in possible that during the quiet winter months there may not be as many oars running but wttn the opening of business in the spring the usual activities will characterize the road this will be exceedingly good news to the patrons of the road spraintd hsr ankls badly miss craig the principal of the high school had the misfortune last thurs day morning to take a misstep by which she sustained a very painful sprain of her rlgtaj ankle several ligaments were torn and the injury proved very painful miss craig wna confined to her room for a few days and was obliged to discontinue her school duties and to cancel her en gagements in connection with the high school commencement on friday night and the play on tuesday she was able to proceed to her home at athens on tuesday and hopes to be able to return for the opening of the school on the 4th of january note quit true to pact the following item hasbeen float ing about the press for several weeks on a claim based on section 39 of tho magistrates act the county councils of halton and peel have been asked to pay the rent of an office in acton used by police magistrate h p moore both councils have objected to pay the bill and have appealed to attorneygeneral nlcklefor informa tion because of lack of information this statement la not in accordance with existing conditions the act re quiring county councils to pay tho rent of magistrates offices and the cost of necessary stationery was pass ed in 1922 in compliance with tho roaulremcnt referred to the county council of halton and peel paid all bills rendered during l22 1833 and 1924 and halton paid a bill in 1925 the bills for the past few months have been lhld over owing to a mis understanding the attornjcy-ifaener- s b j t have tho matter sauactprlly ad- the othar wise man this beautiful story of henry van dyke was very vividly told by rev r b zimmerman b a at the evening service of the united church last sunday its interesting recital in welltold and often eloquent para graphs formed a very fitting theme for thought on the eve of the nappy christmastlde from step o step he led the large congregation from place to place where the other wise mian who also saw the star of the east at ita rising and set out to follow it yet did not arrive with his brethren in the presence of the cbt jesus he told of the great desire of this fourth pilgrim and how it wun denied yet accomplished lti dental of bis riiany wanderings and the proba tions of his souv of the long way of bin seeking and the strange way of his finding the one whom he sought the finis of this wonderful story wn inspiring and the congregation enter ed very fully into the spirit of the theme when jhe ords qt thaglfted author canoluderi thfi peclta a aalfn rftfilanco of wonder and joy light ed the face of artaban like the first my of dawn on the snowy mountain ptrak a long- breath of relief exhaled gently from his lips his journey was ended- his treasures wefe ac cepted the other wise man had found the king itev urv fflmmec- hatns interpretation of this great christmas story was most effective and inafplting mrs watson tjie flew librarian five worthy apphoanh but mr watsons experience carried weight a meeting of the public library board was held at moorecroft on mon day evening to consider the applica tions received for tho position of librarian rendered vacant by tho re- ilgnntlon of miss lottie scott the members present were rev h g 1 baugh b x chairman h n former m a secretarytreasurer rev a c stewart m a john cam eron a b nioklfp j- p reeve bar ber and h p moore the secretary presented flvo apfjll- cutionh as follows mrs perry wat son mrs ada near miss anjile hen- demon miss muy wilhcm and ocoriio r agnew it was remarked that the excellen character of allftho uppllcnnta render ed it difficult to make a choice the voting was done by ballots and mrs watson wna chosen tt wan evident that the fat that mtawatson wl lislstan librarian for several year prior 10 tr marriage had weight with tha member- the salary was fixed at the snme amount as that pntd to bliss scott miss laura scott was continued ns afinlstant librarian hor falthfut ser vices in the punt were recognised by a htouii increase in salary the annual meeting of the board will be held on january 11 at 130 pm a sixth application was received tho day following tho meeting of tho uoavrd from miss martha 6rr mian florence holmes has been iii in stratford hospital the past week dr w g c kenncy of toronto university is home for tho holidays miss grace a r matrons of toronto is visiting frlcndtt in town this week mr and mrs c h moore of dun- das visited acton friends on satur day miss jean alexander of toronto visited her brothers home during the week v miss jean kennedy of toronto uni versity is here for the chriptmati holi days mr and mrs h h wanabrough of toronto are spending the holidays here misses dorothy and sabra nelson are home from their school for tho holidays mraichas hynds and master don- nld oftoronto visited acton friends last week miss edna and mr ralph hender son of toronto university aro homo for the holidays mr john dunn of st jeromes col lege kitchener is home for tho christmas holidays miss ellon snyder ofstoney creek spent a few days during the week with relatives here mrs chas e bailey of guelph was in town on tuesday visiting her friend mine lottie speight miss frances hurst of richards landing returned homo on wednes day for tho christmas holidays miss margaret bennett of trie tor onto teaching staff arrived home on friday evening for tho holidiyn mr w k jsfear yftunp street who has been in poor health far samo timo was reposed critically 111 yesterday mr- roy brown of toronto was a wpffkft vlattm at tr hwn o h mother mrs john brown church street miss clara lantx has been success ful in securing flratclastf honors in herr first year examinations at the college of pharmacy toronto mrs j a donnoy queen street who has been in toronto for several monthu taking treatment was able top attend church on sunday sho was greeted warmly by a host of friends mr d c russell in spending a very quiet chris tmastidc his heahth is htlll precarious ho has greatly en- joyed the calls of friends and the kind ly remembrances by flovycrs have given him many pleasant naantpnjs mr james graham the veiwablo and esteemed retired printer who ro- sldas with miss jruham hatl n slight stroke a cauplo af weeks ao he is gradually recovering mr graham is within a couple of months of tils 90th yt mr and mrs jacob colling of low- vllle announce the engagement of their daughter alma oeorglna to mr normnn clurk armstrong aonof mr and mrs john armstrong of guelpli the marring to take place enrly in january miss lottie b speight who has been an invalid for months has nut mado any appreciable improvement tluely she hus gtently appreciated thp kind visits from many frlonds and the flower a and christmas curds so lavishly bestowed rev a c stewart m a of the board of education presided and through his judicious handling of the programme a delightful evening wns spent a feature of tho evening was the presentation or tho certificates and diplomas won by the students at the department examinations of the year v the field day shield won at the field day contests qt milton was also pre sented a now feature was introduced which was of real value to tho students in the information given and tno inspira tion inculcated this was a very practical and eloquent address by prof coombes of the faculty of edu cation of toronto university the professor spoke words of encourage ment to the students and showed them very vividly how faithful work now meanesuccess for them in the future tho valedictory address by milton watson late president of the high school literary society was highly creditable both in its matter and man ner of delivery this young man has the ability for development as a public speaker of merit general regret was felt that miss craig t the principal was unable ow ing to her accident tho day before by which her anklo was painfully sprain ed to attend the agricultural short courses to be hld in nasaagaweyat and aeton in january and february of the special speakers for the school in agriculture at nassagaweyo during january the list is not complete hut the following speakers have already been engaged jan 6und 7 prof j a fiellson fruit and vegetables jan 8 c a cllno bsa agri culture lime its application and use jan 11 t h shields bsa an illustrated lecturo on bees jan 12 mr snyder b s a of tho o a c guelph poultry jan 14 a mclaren b8a community games programmes com- mnnlty w cte them ar a ha as the jan is prof h l hutt flor culture x jan 18 and 19 dominion live stock branch swine flra dinar car casses etc jan 2d dominion seedl branch noxious weeds etc jan 22 dr baker dlacaaas of the farm unlmnlu mrs ailklns income earnings on the farm special speakers for aofcm during tho month of february feb 2 and 3 prof netlson b s a fruit and vegetables feb 4ic a cune d s a use of limo in agriculture fob 8 mr snyder b s a poultry culling and dressing etc feb 0 dr baker on diseases of animals feb 11 a mclaren bsa com munlty games debates programmes etc feb 12 prof hutt illustrated lec turo on floriculture feblfl mr- shioldhlvs a an 11- lustrated lecture on bees feb 16 dominion seedl branch noxious weed act inspection of seed etc every farmer in the comununlty is invited to attend the courso all or part of the time and is especially in vited to attend the special lectures at either or both places in making them thoy will sure ly be a happy lot i- ttltjf 8he ouqhter papa i want to marry george ho is one man in a thousand why doi ypu fflve tho other a look oyer- before you getting mo nay a worth at christmas time much of tho business done in the month of december reiatea-to- christ mas clerks delivery mon postmen and express employees are worn out meeting the demands of tho christ mas trade thousands and thousands of dollars are expended tho toy sec tion of tho stores are crowded from early to late thero is hardly a house hold in the land whoso ordinary ao- tlviflcs aro not set aside moro or less in favor of tho special interests of christmas considering the vast out lay of money and effort it la wcllto nsk ourselves if we ore getting our moneys worth viewed purely from the monetary side it is a question whether christmas pays many of us if we took tlie money we spend on gifts for ethers and bought for our- ael w bettor satisfied than we are with our friends cholc there are however other phrases to be considered christmas adds great ly to tho worlds stock of good will somehow- it is hard to 1o bitter and resentful and critical as the twenty- fifth of december draws pear that hard saying about loving ones ene mies does not seem impossible at the christmas lierlod we may bo poor er in pocket because of christmas but we are richer iu good will if christmas did nothing moro for us than to demonstrate tho truth of the saying that it is fcioro bleasoti to give than to receive u would bowdrth all lb i

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