Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1925, p. 2

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j y 1 1 hip artntt 3terwb thursday ducbmbur 24 1025 a me8saqe cold with its tho earth has giown burdon of cure but at phrlstmas it always in young the hcait of the jewel bums lustrous and fair and its soul full of music breaks forth on tho air when the none of the angels is sunsr it is coming old earth it is coming to night on fsnowflakes which covered the sod the foot of the christ- child tells out with delimit that mankind uro the children of god on the sad and lonely tho wrptched and poor the voice of the ohrlstchlld shall fall and to every blind wanderer opons the door of a hope which rip dared not to dream of before with a sunshine of welcome for all jtho feet of the humblest may walk in ho field where tho foot or tho hollos had trod this this is the marvel to mortals re vealed when tho silvery trumpet of christ mas havo pleaded that mankind are the children of god philip brooks pur jiijrtbtmue tat old davenants merry christmas by william dbysdale k christmas tho pivotal festival of tho nativity or our lord and saviour jesus christ onco again flings us banners of hope und comfort across tho human hori zon the manger of bethlehem is once more the shrine of ayorldb de votlon the old old story of the little babe of the lodging with the beasts of the going to the lowest levels of humanity to rise to the loftiest reach es of human idealism of tho new head of our race always comes with refreshing sweetness at the holy sea son what man might ho and can bo we begin to reallxe at chrlstxnabtlde at a step we enter the realm of the spiritual and and that heaven has come to comfort and encourage the sons of earth the awful power that made and disposes of us all is now the power of a littlo child to draw out love and sympathy from parents and beholders to mortal aire and par entage is committed tlte lord and the maker of all the eternal son of god then mortality was not so altogether gone from righteqyr and love as to be beyond redemption there was still strong ground for hope for our race or never would ft have been en trusted with the llfo of god mode manifest in the fleah what the raca could attain to that babe revealed in his after life what we may be some day we see in hta even though we may have been little higher than the beasts in our lives the comfort of ft all is that our saviour our salvation made himself so small and lowly that the very weakest and poorest of us could min ister love to him and take him to our heart he was poorer than any of us even today his cause his church his poor his afflicted can be reached by the meanest of us and in minister ing to them we are as really minis torlng to him oa if we pressed that wretched cattle shed at bethlehem to spread our offerings on the straw of his bed berore him that every reader ot the acton fbbe press may find something to do for him who did so hiuoh for ua at this time goes with our wish that each may enjoy a really merry christmas aos of gold burled in the cellar boss of ujold hidden in the at tic bag of gold in boxes under his bed bundles of banknotes in his desk that was what boardvllle foks sad about olfl davenant and wltb all this money they said he wns so moan trat he hilf starved his old teeeper and himself and oppressed tlfo poor and never gave a cent to any body this was a pretty character thoy gave old davenant but in a small pine like boardvllle whoro ev6rybody knows his neighbors af- fulrs o vei y body could not be mis taken it was not a fine houso that old davenant lived in that was dure buc nono of the board villo houses worn very fine for everybody was poor everybody btft old davenant and 1 was a gloomy place here it was christmas eve and the whole houso was in darkness except the onestory wing of a kitchen where there was faint light what did old davonuht care about christmas eve but if everything was gloomy inside there was one sign of mtith outside bucky crane was standing on old davenants sidewalk holding on to old davenants picketfence and ho was laughing so hard though quietly that the fence shook while bucky liood laughmg to him- self kit lawrence walked up tho other side of the street board vlllo folks bald that these two fourteen- yearold hoys were at the bottom of all the raischief in town they wero qhums at any rate and as soon as bucky saw kit he crossed tho street and walked on with him arm in arrr still laughing what are- you laughing at said kit im laughing at old davenant turkey aald bucky and the mentioi of it made him laugh more than ever turkey kit exclaimed contempt uously cold salt pork you mean i guess it wljl he a colder christmas than this when old davenant buys a turkey but he has bought one b re piled a fine big fat one hej opened his heart for once but he wont eat the one he bought hes got the wrong- turkey kit looked up and laughed youvo been putting up some trick on the od miser i hope you paid him well for driving us out of his orchard last fall what is it oh myl bucky roared i cant tell it for laughing this doesnt go any further you know but i must tell you when i was in the butcher shop awhile ago there were two turkeys hanging up with names on them you know how they stick a piece of paper on a turkey or a cut of meat as aoo a i s w the- chri8tma8 jingleta the turkey is a wise bird for he never makes a goose of himself traffic warnings to the christmas turkey dangerous carvd ahead the longest in the year to tho small boy yes christmas is coming it is near at hand if you aro going to do anything for anybody dont delay be patient with tho merchants and clerks during the holiday season and do not do your christmas shopping surly well rye certainly made a hash of things tho turkey remarked as he looked at what was going on tho day after christmas tho hard thing about christmas shopping wife is trying to buy gifts that are as useless as the ones you receive a practice that is much abhorred though many people do it is spending what you cant afford then after christmas rue it it is said that the eagle is able to soar higher than any other large bird but wo doubt if it ever soars any higher than christmas turkey the detroit news sees christmas coming on apace to remind us that we have never found out what santa claus looked iike when he was a boy and hy the way wjiore did the chrlstmaff girts come from in those days father by oriental custom the term father and mother are not limited to ones natural parents but may be applied to superiors in years in wisdom or in civil or ecclesiastical station this faqt was dm pressed on the mind of hev h clay trumbull hy an incident jrr his journey across the desert of flinal as he tells u in a rscent customers name on it yes i know said kit well bucky went on one of tho biggest fattest turkeys you ver saw had old davenants namo on it t could hardly believe it tho other was a poor little thin thing for the old widow sweeting whllo i was there bui towle loaded up his basket and started out to deliver the meat j ffai hea i t y i helped him carry it we hadnt gone far when he ran back to the shop after something and left mo to mind the haaket it was too good il chance to znlsa and while he was gone i changed the names on tho two tur tho ton days before christmas j skinny one to old davenant oh my what a time therell be ths best of it is the shops shut up now and to morrows sunday so tho old miser can notrchange it if ho rappnns to and it out tonight serves the old skinflint right said kit i wish wo could ho in the houaa when ho finds out hs gm the wron turkey you see if he cats the littlo ono he cant change it afterwards and if ho doesnt eat it he h is no christ mas turkey it serves him exactly right ive a ereat notion to ill toll you what ill do burky if you can come out after supper ill put ut some joke on tho old fellow too to help him enjoy his christina we owe him a grudge or two i know a trick to serve him if youlf help me 111 help you bucky was quick enough to answer but remember we must be careful i dont think i ever told you before but the old miser has a mortkge for 600 on our house and mother sayi shes afraid he wlt turn us out hes been after his in terest three or four times snd wi have not rot the money hes the meanest old fellow i know and well give him a merry christmas when the hoys met af supper bucky had lit head full ot and kit his hand full of boardb what are you going to do with t ij boards bucky asked cover tho old riist kltche i chimney said kit so ir wll amok him out tomorrow good bucky exclaimed ivo got something for him too look hero and he drew from his pocket sn en velope addrued in capitals to old davenant and showed kit a cai 1 inside on which wa- written old davenant the stingy miser well put that under his front door he continued and ve got something else to hang pn the door knob all was dark in old davenant h j th i through for on tho othe side sto no less a person than old iaenaiu haxnself watching pvery mnvo the made and listening to thiir nlk u had been out doing aorre christmas ove ertands an 1 hru ic turned whi the boys were at tho ac qf ud house climbing tho kitchen roof tho nolao attiactei his ittonmon and ht stepped into the hedge to listen in i moment he saw figure thon ano her on thejtop of tho kitchen roof clc irly outlined against jio bky ho siw tlio boards laid on and recognized tho two boyu kit lawrence and bucks crane he said to himso f but he mado no move let thrn play ther little pranks he thought it is only a j oho and certainly i havo the better of tho jofco lor i know tr m and my turn will come tomorrow laugh as mucll as you can boys foi tomorrrow yoj shall come horo and cry tho old man really soomed to en joy it he stood in tho deep sliudow rubbing his wrinkled hands together as though he were in tho beat of humors he know tho boys that was tho best of it and ho smiled as ho thought of the way they should ho punished for theli christmas evo fun he watched them shove the letter under the door and hang tho slfipn upon the knob he heard them call mm old davenant and old miser and mockingly wish litm a meriy christ mas but these things seemed only to pleaso him tho more it must havo been a terrible rovengo ho was con templatlng that opened his old face into a smile and made him rub hla handb with glee but he let tho boys go out without showing himself when bucky crane reached homo ho found his mother crying before tho are times were hard in the crane household and it was little3hrlstraas cheer that tho widow was able to pio vide birc sho was genoi ally happy i and bucky was distressed to sco her in tears mhat is it mother he asked what makes you cry jdavenant has been here ila mother answered and i am afraid it is all over with us he only loft a letter but i know what that moana it is a statement of our accounts he called it and if he will not glvo us time to pay him what we owe him we will have to leave our littlo home bucky oh it is cruel ciuel to do such a thing on christmas ove i have not had the courago to open the letter let us leave it till after to morrow bucky and try to enjoy ono more chrlstmus in tho poor old house and mrs crane began to cry again i think we had better know the worst mother bucky said puttlrg his urtti round her neck let tho old miser d the worst ho enn wn n haveach other i am getting pretty big now and if he turns us out of this horac it wjunoxbe long before i can earn another let us seo what old davenant says thus urged mrs crano toro open tho envelope und a thick folded paper fell to tho floor inside tho envelope was a small paper a letter which read as follows my dear mrs crane you will find volume my companions in travel were two young men neither of them a rela tive of mlne as my dragoman knew very well when however in mid- desert we met an old arab sheik through whose territory we were to pass my dragoman introduced me as the father of these youn men no tuey are not my sons t said to the dragoman but hla answer was fmua all right somebody must be father here and when i found that according to the arab idon every party of travell ers must have a lender and that the leader of the party wna called its father i saw that it would look bet ter for me to be called the father of the young men than for one ot them to be called my father still at iarqk jt- aformep coreoior of nir torlt wu td tor tbonulchwi of hi wit whlbh seldom left a dune for ra- pnrtee unappropriated an englishman who had en vwk -liig- different pact iff this ootsntrr spoke with special fervnt of a light he had seen in a vvmtern 41040 v i attended osundw awrtriootor the inmates of th state orison said he nnd i learned that of tie on- hun ired and seventy pnpni now-jooni- fined jthere 041 but four roluotaijljc at vend th relisfoue ssrrioetheld tnpu prtfbnthapel twice aunojkjvahji tot i awlwrwerrorwaj not yet eight oclock but boardvllle hours nro early nnd the old mnn an- his housokeepc- wero meat likely in bed to climb upon the piaxxa rail am climb from there with tho all of the grape arbor to the low kltcuen wai an easy matter for two active boy no danger they thought of their footsteps being heard for there wae no bedroom over the klchon the boards were noon laid ac oss the top of the chimney while boh boy wen half smothered with thel suppressed laughter as thoy thought of the smoking old davenant touid get i the morning very quiet y the climbed down and stle n ouni to tin front dopr tho lotter wns shoved underneath and buckv took from under hla overcoat n big cad mor than a foot long with a oop of cord in the top when this was hung t the knob kit read upon it in largo letters no christmas kept in this hous beware of the dog these ilttle preparations made for old bavtnimts merry christmas th boys starred forlfi fconr gate thn jnoott wi shining bright but in th ahiae q je vrubs th4t vimed th- path they felt safe ti rjlsqoverr wouldnt i k tp ft old ave- oantln the jacpmfnmt buoky said m enclosed tho mortgage i havo held on your house tho possession of this paper is a iccelpt in full for every thing you havo owed me it has lone boen dlatastefurt6me to accept tho interest on this bond knowing that circumstances made it dlfllccult for you to rwy it- but it is only within a fow weeks that my own affairs havo been 80 ordered that i could cancel tho obligation wtilch i now do with great pleasure vvlahing a morry christmas v yourself and bucky i am yours very trilly charles davenant tho folded paper that foil to tho floor was tho cancelled morgago tho httlo crano homestead was saved anil nil through old davenants llbornllty the old miser the skinflint as the boys had been calling him had made mrs crane a christinas present of 800 besides tho interest due which amounted to nearly 100 moi c buckys mother could not hold buck tho tenrs now but this time thoy were teara of joy she hugged bucky till he wns almost smothered and laugh ed and cried again and blamed her self for ever having hold so bad an opinion of old davenant bucky caught the infection and he laughed and cried in turns too but his feelings were somewhat compli cated what a return ho had given old davenant for all this klndneas almost stealing his turkey boards on his chimney and a scurrilous christ- mas card he longed for a chance to see kit lawrence and at length when the excitement subsided a little he got permission to run over to kits house just for a minute to tell lilm the good news klt door was opened by kit in person ouid the instant he aaw buckj he cried come in hero and kick me buck kick me hard not a bit of it said bucky you kick me pm tho ono to be kicked what should i kick yon for what for kit exolaimcd come into the sitting room till i snow you what for ho lot the way into the sitting- room whore his little sick sister at ptoppxfd up with pillows besido a bfg table that was covered with many beau thinga with handsome diuused dolls uhd boxes of candy and going to haver that thing off my mind bpfoio christmas fairly boglns then lm with you said kit tak ing bucky a hand ill bo ovoi after you between soven and eight and wo will go to mt davenants togethor good night kit said bucky a moriy christmas and no moio mean lui ks it wns eatly when tho boys reached mr davenant a in tho morning tho could see as they entered tho yard thut tho boards had been removed fi om the kltchpn chimney there was no card hanging from tho doorknob when thoy knocked the door was opened by tho aged housekeeper who showed them into ftlf davenants sit tingroom tho old gentleman did not keep them waiting long ho entered tho room with a goodnatured smllo upon his faco and shook hands with bucky list and then with kit they wero foi standing up and beginning nt onco with their unpleasant business but ho would not have that sit dowp sit down the old gentle man said luylng his hands on their shoulders you bee i had a nro built in here early for i expected you this morning you did bucky exclaimed in ustonishment yes tho old man went on with tho greatest good- nature when i saw you up on the kitchen roof last evening and playing youruttlo jokes about tho house you saw us cried kit wo dii not know you saw ua no i suppose not mr davenant laughed but i was standing behind tho hedge enjoying it all at first i thought of giving you a littlo fright but i enjoyed it all to much to spoil tho fun it wns such a capital joke on tho two boys who were going to so much trouble and the victim stand ing by and laughing at thorn you did my old heart good boys to makv me laugh so much im afraid if my housekeeper had seen me she would hayo thought i had gone crazy bucky and kit looked significantly at each other and buoky blurted out we came to ask your pardon mr davenant it was an awful thing to do and that christmas card under the door i did find an envelope under tho door tho old gentleman interrupted but i did not open it it occurred to me that perhaps there was something in it you had rather i should not see so i savej it for you without opening it horo it is and he handed tho envelope to bucky r who crammed it into his pocket but dont he went on talk of asking pardon for a few harmless tricks there is no harm done and i have enjoyedit all very much but you dont know all mr dave nant said bucky and ho explained how he had sent the fat turkey to the widow sweeting and left the poor one for the old man no i didnt know that to be sure suld mr davenant but that does no harm either if old mrs sweeting got tho better turkey i am sure i am glad of it there aro only two of us here to oat and a very small ono will he enough for us but how did you know that wo wore coming here to hoc you this morning mr davenant kit askoo oh i was sure you would bo here tho old man replied msald to m self hero aro two frolicsome boys playing their tric not bad boys untl christmas candles candles on lho tiec it is tlmo to lidlltr tho clnfstmuh candles light thorn yaii und you and lot tliom burn with a clc u joyous flu mo big candles and httlo colored candles and- plain let each bo blazing tho littlo candlos must give all ths light thoy can and tho big candles all tho light they will foi thoto can novo bo too much ra diance on clulstmus eve or christ mas morning bring out tho half- burned liiht yoars candles too even thougti tho memoiy of lust year calls tears into the eyos for this la tho day of sutcli joy as shall ouange sorrpw into pence bring out all the candles tho room may bo bare or sumptuous the gifts may have boon chosen with painful thought and paid for with hoard ed pennies oi tfiey may havo been purchased lavish lyand more fyon habit than love but never mind now they shall bo sacred and beautiful in the gleam of tho christmas candles has tho gospevstory flrat hcon read too impatient miltons ode on the nativity if so thon light tho cnndlesi thero is no other christmas troe aillte so fine as a flr balsam itself shaped like a tapering flame and icdolent as incense but any tree will servo or for that matter no treo at all for tho real christmas candles surely ore tho candles in the heart the candles in tho heart these aro glowing today for very joy each in the measure of its greatness liko tho wax candles which burn big and bright if thoy are big and little and bright if thoy aro little but aro all flaming heavenward in lapturo yes christmas 1h for ovexybdy to each of us a child was born and tho world that was ledoemcd is our world the moriy greetings of christmab morn ing aro but symbols of that redemp tion tho childrens happiness the neighborly good- will tho generous dcods are at onco memorials of thai pure dawn of long ngo and prophecies of a day moro perfect still indeed when we truly keep christmas in tho heart the heavens are so near tho earth that the angelic voices are ilka the voices of those wo love and tho faces of those wo love are like the faces of tho angels wo forget tho poor sift trre halffilled atoddnar the anxiety we- think only or the per fection that is so close ufter all to our imperfection to live but ono day in good will to all men is to antici pate tuid hasten that day when all men shall live in goodwill it is thus that the candles now- lighted in tho hcatt ah all also bo candlea of the world candles in tho world lt them shine clearly for tho earth would he dark without them and bravoly for theio wero novoi so many shining as thero nro today thero will yet bo peace on enrth in spite of the pride and anger that lurk in each human heart it will come selfishness and hatred delay it indeed for a while and the spirit of war haa boen stealing upon the preoccupledaouls of men liko a wild beast creeping toward tho camp when tho fire is tow but do not loso heart it is a good time io light all the- candles an to hold them high and steady do they soem to light but a littlo space that is because iews of local import take m walk in ths woods tho best timo to study the woods is when tho leaves are off tho ti ccs theio is often genuine pleasure in a walk through the woods in wlntoi time the trees huvo individuality thon and the range of vision is fur more comprehensive the trees staud out in relief against tho snowy back ground take a walk through ono of our neighboring groves on a btfght crisp winter morning and hoe f far yoursolf if it isnt worth while dont you do it dont top your paper if you dont entirely ugree with tho editor dont leave your church if tho minister says something that gives you a jolt think it over dent denounce and abuso ypur neighbor or friend becauso ho cant see his way to vote as you do tnmther of you may be ontlrey rteht try and learn the art of adaption live and let live is a good maxim the motto of the y m c a in things essential unity in things indifferent liberty in all things charity is probably the explanation of us long and amazingly successful history if no cant agree we all can at lea at agree to differ and let it gro at that buying from the homo dealers ono of our chaps the other day wandered into a gonta furnishing shop or haberdashers as they call it in jolly old england eh what i to get some sax hes a simonpure ad- vocate of patronizing nxadeathomo industry so naturally the first qu ca tion he put to the merchant was are these goods mado in canada now i consider that a perfectly fair question for him to ask as every one has a right to be acquainted with the nationality pf tho covering for his pedal extremities or anything else he uses it was showing the right canadian spirit to enquire if they were madeathome the thine i particu larly admired was his consideration of his own arm business today is so independent that even the slmplo sale of a couple of pairs of sax will eventually be felt by un for some of the money which in tho interim may havo passed through soveral hands will be returned to us later by the printer and lithographer it seems that in this -simple- reciprocal trading lies a lot of our future growth and prosperity he knew the effects the diy wit of a cci tuln london magistrate shows delightfully in mi nnocdote told in tho tatloi the magistrate vai talcing coffco in his club ono hummoi evening when a fol low membci renrarked that ht coffee was not a good summor drink you should tako cooling drinks lie added uptodate doesnt it strike you thats a qucn b1 iti pod harp that now womanangol ih lueglng around asked st petor with u peiplexcd fiown thut ihnt a huip thats a radio ht f unswcicd gabriel shee listen ing in on hex huhbunds howls from station hll j as long as the coal strike lasts there will be no pennsylvania anthracite to be purchased wo aro offering jih n substitute to our customers stove size kentucky coal while this coalftoas moro gas and smoke than pennsylvania anthraciu it is just as hard and has as many he- units per ton our price for thin kentucky 8tov coal it 160 domestic american coko 114 00 oft the car 14 so out of the sdiej egg sizo pocahontas for furnaces 114 00 x b mackenzie norman ncleod manager ph0nc 43 cautious mlrut you but full of m is ch let- when they have had time to think jt over it will worry them and thoy will come hei o in- the morning and tell me all about it liko two httlo mon something begun to trouble bucky in tho region pf his eyos and ho co ci cd them with his sleovc this started klj and in a moment both boys wero ciylng like good fellowb now just seo how well i understood yon hutli said tho old man very kindly i said to myself last night laugh nway boys tomorrow you shall como hero and cry and suro enough here you ne but this is christmas boys no more crying to day it was such a strango thing said kit drying his eyes that you should bo out making presents at our two houses when wo wore here playing tricks on you it would have been rather an odd coincidence said mr davenant if i had gono only to your two house whllo you wero both here but you see i went to a gieat many houses yours among others i wns out en joying my christmas eve just as you boys wore 1 was tho first tlmo foi many years that i had tho chance i wecaxi onmrgh vvetf onmni tlend whut a eooawifohe know tho old storlc3 about tnylffiv -donald- ing a housuful of gold and only wish thoy woio true but tho truth is that for many yeirh i have boon in tho deepest poverty sometimes wo havis hardly enough to eat and if i seemed mean it was from necessity not from choice it is only a fortnight since a longstanding and expensive lawsuit was decided in my favor and i have at last como into possession of my own so i had quite a little christmas celebration of my own dont say an other word about the httlo tricks thoy were nothing at jijl i wish you both a very merry christmas and i know you are glad that at last a merry christmas has come to old dave riant you never camped on a mountain aumm a the fogv untll at sunsot a breeze tossed tho folds of tho cloud aside ua ono draw t the curtains of a cheerful ropr and there in an instant wero tho golden valleys tho cities und the far shinlne hea it had been a fair and sunlit world below you an tho whllo wo know that our christmas vlaion of a wide world at pcuco is only a glimpse of a re illty that is to be bo- foio we can hvo in tho dally joy of it we must make brighter tho shadowy treacherous places horo where we aro camping mo must light all the candlos fi lends ami kqop them burn ing until it is full daylight- everj- where bliss perry a lively courtship a young scotsman kept company with his favorlto young lady for years without proposing to her ono sun day they went for a walk and after walklns foi an hour without saying a word ho suddenly said marget will yo hao mo ay i will donald man die re plied i was feared yo were never going to ask me they walked three miles without another- woid from donald and mar- tret shyly suid are yo not going to say dny more mr ellas nobbo was noted for the extreme caution of bis bpeech and hid manner seems if ellas expected his promises was goln to ketch him round tho neck when he want looklnv re marked one of his neighbors who had tried in vain to extract from him a definite agreement in regard to some farming work sometimes this remarkable pru dence of mr nobbs caused his fellow- townspeople considerable amusement had her mindklnd q runs on jexldus things though he added she was tellln today how that if i died fust bhed glvermea hurlalran hoped id do the same for her in case she was the first to go shes been a good wlfe to me added mr nobbs solemnly an i told her thai if sho died first an i was alive id sco that things was carried out to pleaso her bank of montreal established 1817 summary of assets and liabilities 31st october 1925 assets gold dominion not and sonr coin dapoiit wita central cold luaarra daposita mad with and balancaa dna roaa othar banks la viinta hsl dna- by banks and b cunas t pondajata alsawhara amu tn canada call and snort loans on bonds dabsntnras and stocks dominion and provincial goramnajnt sacsoi tl rauvmy- and othsr bonds dowbsraa and stocks ca municipal sacnriosa sad british foralyii and colonial pnbllo sacnrirjaa otiai- than canadian 30371171 notst anil ckaqun of othar banks ff tflff it m united stetaand forslcn t 607amr loan awl discounts and otiar aassts 760jttm bank prsmisas lamuvmow lulllitaai to cuttomars undar lattsra of otdit as par contra irr in 13 ms244m10 17o00o0o90 14041701 17wm0ua 134rlsotu0 ax3710m 34m1u1 tb14t700 ljbnjties to public notei in cjycut depotita lrtttra of credit outstanding othsr liabilities 4otglh4j0 63145441877 1389794r 44 10957b8 excess of assets over liabilities to public i 18932093mm 6193855038 i think wovo maybo said tooinuch ready anawcroddonald her finger8 came in too late 18 there a santa clau81 until in m w tbfli hdnstfa card drift i wanaat turkey and i flvaopr a workbojc nnd a world of toys and a bright littlo purso in which live silver dollars nestjed all from old davenant every one of them kit cried breathloss with juflt tills note merry christmas to a llttlolclc elrl from her friend c davenant thoy were here when i got home and to think yes to think bucky interrupted havent i aomethlns to think of too7 what uj i und whon i got homo ladjat old davenant mr davenant 1 mean stnt a letter to mother makr ing her a christmas present of the morterie he had on om houso 7 think of thatl eight hundred dollars noor- lj7nlno hundred with the interest i must so right homo for i left mothor atono 1 want to see you a minute at tho door kit bucky i never felt so mean in my life mttia cltwlien uisy were alone in th hoi i dont know what to do i ol just as mean as you do buoky replied but i know what 4 am groins- to do what is asked kit the only decent thins i can do nfter btlnur so moan bucky answor- od i am going right straight to mr covenant lit the morning to tell htm the wtidle thlrtk my share of it tlint is fl snail tell him how i changed his turkey and put boards on his chimney and left those christmas cards for him and oak his pardon those cards aro hwvorpl kit 1drlvo anything if wo adrtt left those wretchod cards but invrolnieto own i up to the wholo ihlni ora im polng early before bw he doesnt know who it was kit suggested ihrjwo but wo know said bucky mitttivorsa tnan ii he know im did you ever have a small boy or girt to say to you is there a santa claus there isnt is there what did you reply or did you laugh perhaps the kiddle who asked was iirotty wise maybo scornful but the point is that he did ask no matter how fictional ho thought tho santa cinus idea to be the point is that ho bhowod pretty plainly that he would hke to believe in santa claus for he remembered how jolly it was when ho did believe it would bo a pity if there were no santa claus that is to say if tho flpirrt pf suntu c am nbt e that is really what makes christ mas bright for tho little ones tho santa claus spirit havent you observed that bome men and women even after they have outgrown the believing in santa claun stage still hang up their stockings they laugh in sheepish upology for the sentiment but that stocking iapa sort of holds a warm spot in theli heaits they likedlts sentiment its christmas spirit nearly very small boy and small girl feels that way about it jnk them and see 4 maybo your youngsters havo reach ed that wise- ago and you no longer get the chance to play santacaus you know you miss tho thrill of it why dont you awaken that santa claus lrlt youve got loft and go out and got some fun out of it7 oo out and liretond you aro santa claus take along some gifts to fill some strange kiddles stockings mnybo they stlh believe in santa claus with a starved yearning belief that too often has meant disappointment oliver wendell holmcn enjoyed nothing- ftcf much ar a clovor retort even if ii happened to ho at itlfl own expense om dny nt an entertain ment lio was aeatcd near the lefresh- mont tahle and observed a littlo girl looking- with longing oyes at tlio sood things with his invariably fondness for children ho said kindly aro you hungry littlo girl yes fllr was tlio reply then why dont you tnko a sand wich because i havent any folk tingrers wero mado before forks said the doctor smilingly the little girl looked up at him and replied to his dollght not my fingers a case for an allemist at a concert in london doclaros a british contemporarya girl oncp sans a song that asked in tho flrflt line of tho chorus iwondol if hell miss mo she sang it with more force than expression or sweetnoas in fact sho was slightly off the koy as she finished the first stanza there was u icstless uhuffllng of feet and a sub dued buai of voices tlio econd stanza did not ndd to the intercut but it increased the noise when sho reached the chorus in safe ty howevef and once moro noisily in quired i wondor if hell miss me a man in tho gallery called out if he docs he never ought to be trusted with il gun again here and there a new u8e fora useful book a man wlp enternd fa post offloo hurriedly to find an address in a tolo- nkfano directory say tho portland telegram found a indy studying tlio liufticwlth grout intentnesn he wait cd patiently for a while but sho seem ed to get no nearoi the object of hoi search and anally ho ventured to sny i if you are in nb great hurry rmulnm would you bo so kind ns to allow mo to glance in that book for jnst a rriomont 3h certainly replied the lady i van just looking it over to find a pretty name for my baby t a chrlfltnias goose tho turkey that thought it was safo becauso it eflcaped death nt thanksgiving timo the turkey is n gilded bird with juicy flesh and tender no luxury as we have hoard for purses somewhat slonuer- we know a girl whos fipne to work for the telephone company nnd her initials fiio l b 3ho is juat natural ly cut out for her job as that stands for lines busy tho world has too many cranlts and not enough solfstarters snfc lief laaivkmto covohi colm aho ch1tis whw with tht im too busy a friend of mine was worn out shop ping around trying to buy a particular 3methingorother hours had heen spent also strength and temper and the desired articles had riot been found i asked if she had read the advertise ments to see where it could be found be fore wasting hours in fruitless search the answer was no i never have time to read advertisements fm too busy yet in the first newspaper we picked up the article she wanted was advertised its price and merit told also where to get it reading advertisements is a -time- saver its a good safe investment in in formation concerning the best things the market offers you and where to get them robesh svrup take time to read th advertisements in the free press youll save time and money in buying the kind of product you want sj krtf 3m r afa t v toi

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