Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1925, p. 4

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i wmm tin home ot 2ftp artott jte ftefi member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton fret press is published every thursday morning at the free press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price isftaoo per year- in advance postage is charged additional to olbces in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising ftatesrtransient aderts- mcntsf lo cents per line affate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion contract disptay advertise ments for 50 inches r more per annum t8 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions willbe inserted till forbid and charffed accordingly ii p moore president and editor o a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and ilusiness office residence of president residence of manager law i 31 evidence that disarmament is real it looks very much as if the locarno conference is bringing prompt and effective results sir samuel hoare head of- the british air ministry announced in n speech last week that great britain will post pone fulfillment of her present air defence program me in view of the clearer and more peaceful skies of europe resulting from the locarno agreements if other nations follow this example he said all the governments will be enabled to avoid in the years to come a race for armaments far more dis astrous than the world has ever endured neighborhood news- town and country thursday morning december 24 1925 editorial a matter worth considering ovef one hundred and fifty magazinesr published and printed in the united states are coming into canada these publications have a total circulation of approximately twentyfive million copies per an num they all contain articles and stories about the united states reflecting the opinions of its people directing the minds of readers along united states channels of thought and advertising goods ofjhal country to our own people it is estimated that twenty million poundsof paper come into canada annually- in the form of- united states magazines and that il these magazines were printed in canada ten million dollars would be added annually to thj printing and publishing trade c oxobley in in dustrial canada ballinafao tho friends oflr fred s near for many years a resident sherd ex- hoove of kaquesln township who is now hying retired in georgetown is convalescing following a severe 111- noxs and la ablo to be about the house again na88kqaweya a now mttsonlc lodgo was instituted inst week ut hamilton ilcach w bro rov t jh lowd p m of campbell lodso no 003 carnpboll- vllle was installed as w m w dro lowo took a hocn interest in tho in stitution of camiibell lodgo catechisvi4 your job limehou8e a reward tti offered for lnfbrmatlon which will lead to the oonvlotlon of thornartlea who broke- tho- windows in the llmehoyse school there will bo numerous happy homo comings here for the christmas sea- non milton christmas throughout the nor fhethhmkptteretlie days are now at their shortest and nature is at her low est ebb the old year from which we hoped so much is nearly spent we balance our books and f we are honest with ourselves look backuponmany disheartening failures and few successes yet sud denly in the midst of this depressing period we lay aside care and doubt and malice and begi to the closing- year t for over fifty years the acton free press has shared the lives and hopes the ambitions and the successes of the people of acton and of all those in the larger community of this mount of opportunity during half a century of years it has contributed to their prosperity has stood in defence of their interests and has aided in maintaining those ideals on which the higher life of the community depend the acton free perss extends itsappreciation to the thousands of loyal readers whose cooperation c hnnibrlff pnihlk this rwnrri nftervicetatheput lie looking forward it summons them to unite in making good the promise of thepresent- and pledges its continued leadership in developing the larger op portunities that lie ahead hr james houston has beers ap pointed as representative of the- wil- loughby farm agency at milton the milton worsted yarn spinning mills company lia bqtight tho larrest ot the brick faotory buildings oppo site the c p it station from i i robertson co and workmen are get ting- ltrood for the- liuta llntion of hinchlnery which will be here within a few weeks this is the tiftrth building to be occupied by this com pany the engagement is announced of merle elluno eldest daught r of the late sir george w hill and airs hui o milton to mr v a gnlbmlth eldest son of mr and mrs h d gal braltli of drumbo the morrlaare to take placo in december mrs mary e anderson widow of the late robert jj anderson wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter margaret cameron to ob wi4 c sturdy of port william ton of mr and mrs jos sturdy of hamil ton the marriage to take place early in january champion most of youi w are wage earners took along somebodys rocommomta- tlon when you atiptlod for a job u good word from your toacher yaur pastor or your last employer often before ho hlron you- your prospective employer wants tv know tho sort f work you can ua for him you for your- part should nnd our what yoins job can do for you demand rofor- ences from it csomo positions 4trt perilous to your health do not saay you nro strong and can stand anything for that in all nonsqnso do not take a position where you must work all day by arti ficial light your eyes uro worth more to you than any salary some jobs nro blind nlleyb tlioy start out well but lead nowhere ono crew8on8 corners thinlr how wecan make others happy we feel as at no other time- the real closeness of our relation ship to our fellows- and all because of something isbichhappenedthousajidsofmiles away and nine teen hundred years jgo christmas is a miracle business may have been dull and plans may have miscarried until we feel that we cannot afford to spend another dollar for christmas gifts what of it shall- we make- that an excuse for saddening the lives of those about us by regrets and com- eoitorial notes m the election of d m- kennedy progressive for the peace river constituency has been confirmed by the recount mr kennedy has a majority of 17 over james a collins conservative and about 25 over the liberal candidate ers than in the same period last year the demand plaints surely friendshipis not so cheajjtxjqyeaarskllledlabothas shown most impcovement sordid that eitner can be bought with a gift or lost or thelack 5tit tkesecret ofhe spirit is simple we are happier nt the christmas s season than at any other because then for a day or a few days we succeed in putting our own person alities in the background and our own desires under foot in seeking joy for others we find happiness for 6urselves why should we have this spirit bat for day or a season the spirit of love and kindness which came into the world with the babe who was ti gsfbofn in bethlehem is not for a day but for every fefe- day and -for- all eternity we wish youa merry fei christmas value of our factories to the town i acton has been fortunate for many years to have rji- located in her midst factories which continue to func tion year in and year out with rarely any lack of full j time for the hundreds of citizens employed this has gone on so uninterruptedly that there is danger jpfroj 1 niany failing to appreciate the value of these fac- pprtories to the community in places which have been unfortunate enough to lose manufacturing concerns uie- hsss is attended with unemployment reduction sifeisi general business depreciation of real estate values ltv atid discouraging depression one of the thriving places affected by discontinuance of manufacturing enterprizes isbracebridge there unfortunately ky both the beardmore tannery and the shaw tannery v have not been running for several years a week or so ago bracebridgo town council which is muciy interested had an interview with mr c o shaw whose company owns the tannery at brace- bridge and the one at huntsville also the gazette ff8ay8 mr shaw discussed tile tanning situation very rjtfraiikiy he discussed prevailing conditions affcct- ingj the tanning industry the gazette interjected the suggestion that there is 110 question whatever thata great many votes in the late election went ta ipidr mcgibbon because electors had been ted to be- klieve that somehow the king government had been wi ruining the tanning business thus closing brttce- tf bridge tanneries some were really convinced that a change of government would resurrect the brace- bridge tanneries nothingcouid be farther from kji the truth mr shaw put it very plainly he said there are too many tanneries there is not business for- them all he quoted place rafter place where tanneries are idle those places are chiefly in the united states he mentioned a very large tannery in michigan with- which he had been connected one k the best in the world that has been idle for some gjeij time i i on th m a fin a pur gj chaiaer he quoted a group of five- large tanneries in tlie states- that were for sale arid could- not be g sold for 10000 each he told us of a large ameri go can tannery connected with a packing house plant pw that lost three million doilars in a short period 1 htjjeae are not canadian tanneries they are united states tanneries there was no suggestion by mr ihaw that protection had anything to do with it i j mr shaw did not mince matters he says there arc fij far too many tanneries and a great many more would have to close before it would be possible to open the bralcebridge plant it dec i not matter whether the closirig takes place in canada or the states there arc gatiljtod many- now the markets of the world are glutted and factories are obliged to curtail acton 1 is fortunate indeed in being one of jhe places where jj the tanneries are kept in operatton and the em- ml payees given gteady work i tatjherjififia kst- aiahy other places in canada and the united states feare closed v -trit- vidence that canada has beqceatn doing for some years ijgv is seen ija the factrtliat inthwihom have gone out orrtriliji tlln llnnar ismjs uri- nlw nijwwa- isijlj ji il w ni o trreuie weiidlii urp inyriitnit- iaajgjj an improvement in the employment situation is indicated by reports of the employment service of canada for jast weekv showing fewerunplacedwork- the sunday school christmas en tertainment in the church hero wast held on tuesday evening of last we it was wel attenaed and the pro- gramoie given by the pupils and mem bers of the sunday school was very creditable mr charles w lamtmrt tho superintendent presided verna ianfesiy daughter of mm c lapfesty who was taken to st josephs hospital guelph over a week ago buffering from pneumonia is reported as recovering nicely ifctrvey rayne son ot mr and mr- aeprgebayne tell from a rafter whlle playlnsat school last weekvalid had his vrlst fractured auctioneer kerr of acton wielded the hammer at 4 very successful auo uon sale of- the chattels of the estate of tho late mrs edward kingsbury last wednesday there was a fine at tendance and prices were good mr wm murray of erin has been spending a couple of weeks with- tho mersars klngsbun a number from here attended tho pipes organ recital at knor churh acton on tuesday ot last week ofnhe most lmnortanttruthe to loarri about tho position you havo in pros pect rs whether it gives an opportun ity to go on and on or whether in a few years time you will hajve ex hausted its posulbultles can you enjoy the work you ore planning to do an afllrmatlvo an swer is necessary if you uro to matte a success of it a man may earn his tread and butter in work ho dotoita but he will never make his mack in work that does not interest him when you apply for u job your prospective employer puts you through a cuter chtsm to find what you can do and it is worth your while to catcchlre your job to satisfy yourself as to what it can do for you bu8iness training in the church 3 the panamerican union has invited canada to membership this with a view to promoting better relations between the three americas and to include really all of america it was also decided that the panamerican congress for 1927 would be held in canada atthemnnicipalelectiontn on december 7 amos mason defeated george barber by 153 votes mr barber had been reeve of acton for seven con secutive years and no doubt people thought it was time for a change mr mason sfiould make a good reeve milton reformer the halifax leader ays the united church of canada is a church created by canadian minds adapted to canadian needs expressing canadian ideals to solve canadian problems it is a church of canadians by canadians for canadians and be cause of this it is all the more catholic and chris tian a prominent british politician now predicts a united states of europe and asserts it is now gradu ally taking shape two years ago it looked hope less he said today there isevidence that the suicide of europe has been averted and as though all those countries which are united by geological position have turned their backs on old ways great britains drink bill last year was over 1- 500000000 of an increase of over 40000000 the board of trade estimates the increase was in beer for the continued high taxes on spirituous liquors kept the spirits consumption at a low figure nearly 26500000 barrels of beer were disposed of eng land spent 13 on beer for every 5 spent on milk nev prohibition regulations prohibiting the use of whiskey brandy or gin in medical preparations have been issued by assistant secretary of the treas ury andrews of -the- united states the rules are ef fective february 1 1920 and apply to all medicines toilet waters and flavoring extracts unfit for bever age purposes except in specific cases that hydroelectric utilities are sound from a financial standpoint is strongly asserted by the tor onto star no considerable portion of the people of ontario hold any other opinion it says high-au- thorities believe the hydro plants and franchises mnilri hf rlinrtiffrt of to private int for at least 75 million dollars more than the amount invested in it by the municipalities govermnentowned telephones appear t- be profitable when property managed manitobas tele phone and radio system have enjoyed a profitable year the telephone department reports a profit for the fiscal year ending november 30j 1025 of 121- 000 or only a trifle less than 7000 under the ac cumulated profits of the three previous years in stallation of telephones increased both in the city and country last year winnipeg now having more than 42000 in spite of the 20000 circulation the farmers sun the organ of the united farmers of ontario which has been supplied to sun readers triweekly 200 a year comes but again it with a deficit of 5000 its nop a profitable business supplying a newspaper jat less than cost as our farmer friends ovjdetly ihndingj this is what many news- nd this is what will happen to the sun boljre up byjtlo good dollars of its politi- twichfneyuhi v- sstsmotssuanijbar- j3ik ir t wsfllirr nfw t yi is mui erin mra tter alater in hoch eater n y tho sunday school sleighride sap- per and entertainment will be hold in the afternoon and evening of wednea day december 30th real estate in hiliaburk la chanx- ins hands mr wm gordon has sold his home to mr albert dyer aitti mr wm somervlue has sold hla new new house to mr chaa dyer mr ant mr archibald- caritpbell- our churches offer an ideal oppor tunity for one to perfect a busliiebs education by pittlnsjnto actuatlifac- tlcethe eillciencjt aiothoda learned in commercial pursuits both church and sunday school tvork offer a fertile place for trying out progressive buai nees methods th-e- isteirobntiertj especially fitted for tho secretarial work of any church orjjanleation and in auch opposition ts certain to cult vate business ability that may event ually prove to- bq tho stepping stone to some thine bigger- modern church organizations arc now conducted in most businesslike manner they enable one to becomre better informed to make and put into practice any new ideas or suggestions the young attorney la oltered excep tional opportunities in church work if his yearnings is to be a- business or corporation lawyer the different of fices in the church organizations en ables him to demonstrate- the rules of procedure- and parliamentary law likewise he has trto opportunity to further perfect hla speech- making nihility in the general discussions salesmanship is a dominant note as ft is largely through this science that prospective members are first inter ested flifcourlacriria churcb organization nnri y win nianna abundant opportunity to further develop your talents at the same time you will be do luff your shore in theservlpoofthemotflter trb f warning to users of radio all radio receiving sets must be licensed penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding 5000 license feb 100 per annum licenses valid to 31st march 1026 may be obtained from staff post offices radio dealers radio inspectors or from radio branch department of marine and fisheries ottawa thm proestdt from ifoanas fsss sra usod to control broadcasting and to improve broadcast rf caption conditions a johnston deputy minister of marine and fisheries business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolan and surgion office ana residence corner bower avanue and eldn street erin announce tbe enaaenrent ef their only daughter elsie belhla to mr wallace 13 young- eldest son ot mrs w w yonnn of erin the mar- rlagie to take place in december mr and mrs nell molxl who have been residents or the stonewall district mutiltoba since 1872 and who were residents of erin previous to that time died within a few hours or each other at stonewall manitoba on the th inst a double funeral was held on monday the 7th inst when the couple who had shared llfei journey together were laid at rest at the stonewall cemetery they are survived by one son and three daughters all living in western can ada advocate aeorqetown- mrs freure had the misfortune when in toronto last friday to fail on the ley pavement and break her right arm mr 8 h mcgibbon had a valuable horse severely injured when it was kicked by one of his other horses on monday the hf ty- third annual assembly of the georgetown fire brigade will be held in the town ball on new years eve december 31 miss dora worden of acton was a visitor at the homo of hertirofher mr- s worden last week r mrs mcdonald of disley sask paid a visit to mr and mrs bollontlne during the week the december meeting of halton chapter it a m has been nostponecs from december 18th to 2tli an agitation is on foot to have the erl a t r uelletn from oeorgetbwn to the city acceptedt by the c n r electric hallway on the return trip this would certainly be a great convenience to the travel ling public there were over 100 present at the young lateral club banquet in the town hall last tuesday evening when hon w e n sinclair kc was a guest of tneclub be save a highly interesting address herald taking the law with him tho french government has not been the- only ono to yield to a coup jdetat any smaller civil policy may cry small if attacked with suidclent vigor a certain justice of the peace says the ioulavuio herald lived in a little town of a remote district be jwaathoorilyrepubllean oftherejrionr and yet he happened by some trick of fortune to hold his office at lost at a tlmo ot great political excitement it was aetormincd toturn him out and put iii a democrat the ballot was about to be cost when tho squiro appeured upon the scone irellow citizens aald he i want to make you a short npeech be mounted a barrel and began fellow citizens ive been a1ooktng round here and i see nlaln enough whats going on ive been a jubtlco- o the peace hero going on twenty years and a good nanny times ive saved some of ye from going to the penitentiary now youre atrylng to put mo out of office sut i just want to tell you somethlner ive got tho constitution and the laws o this etate righthere lnmy pocket an just as sure as you turn rxo out of oflloe 111 burn em up and ou may all go to ruin together the speech carried the day the justice was reelected by a large ma- jonity burlington mrs mnrtyn b cole arrived from new itorlt on friday to be with her mother mrs b roderick who ii iii at her home on xjocust street at the flftynrst annual meeting or the orange held at the carisnite h t last w mr w k- w fisher was elected chaplain for the ensuing term the 0 w v a christmas tree for children of all exservice men will be held in the ctwva hall on wed- neiday ieeember 23rd tho treasurer has been authorised to register all the arrears of taxes on which judgment has been given in the division court early in january iks if not paid before that date an arrangement has been reached between the public school and high school boards to have hre escapes placed on the two wings of the public sohoolund it la expected the work wlllbe done during the christina holidays miss pthcl smith left on monday evenlnson a trip to vancouver and other points west mr it harris and family have ro turned from detroit and have again taken up residence in burlington the high school board has re ceived the sum of 136664 for tho wentworth county pupils attending the locumtleh school two vrlts have- been issued in the supreme court against the canadian national railways as tho result of tho dro which destroyed the brant inn on june b lost one was started by the brant inn limited and the otlief by alfred d coleman who was the own er of tho property at the time of the dro in each writ a spark from one of the companys locomotives is blam ed for the blaia oasette 24vlbi wwivm norvat hills success is yours sa xpnii wh wonder whether your lmlljllll ii v your cake is going to turn out good or bad when you can insure lta success byi using our special cajcojflpuxdoeflnt oven have lb be sifted makes th best cake in the world tjao it once and use it always v made sfeciaixy for amtwxy w b browne c co norval ont norval flour mills w b browne co prop norval kings choice bread rtlour natlbnal pastry norval bland bolt30 r 2 phonesmunlclnal 327 r 3 pkonb 8 dr e j nelson frederick btrbbt aoton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box tm harold nasm farmer m a arrlstsr saliorlor notary publls conveyanear bto pennvmtw block acton out momby lemt on moktdaoilb itoun jo son to 6 pn saturdays um oclock dkwtal dr m bell t t 5 l d ft osvrtfw ffonoir gfraiaalt of toronto xfrxfnr- slty the- latest anesthetic used is deafrad office af residence corner of mill and frederlejc streetsv dr f g oollop pds ids dental burgton offlc over bank ot norm booths w houi10 9aq to j0 eranlnsb by appointment t mibcellaueou8 bookbtndmr account books of all kinds made to order periodicals ot every description carefully bound ruling neatlynd promptly done wyndbam fitreot guelph ont ow wlulmms store 8entence sermons thirf will not be safe for demo crapy until democracy deserves lt a good place for airy of us to live until it is a gtoood placo for all a home of the brave until all men dare to defy their prejudices a land of liberty jutt because we have the right of free flpcech able to lower taxes until we are willing to live more simply save in the hands of any party that considers only the partys interests they both hadexperience a large motor car driven by a wo man says the motor isows had just run down a man on a street crossing tou know said the driver to tho injured man you must havo been walldng very carelessly i am a very careful driver i have been driving a car for seven years xady youve got nothing- on me replied tho man ive been walking for flftyfour years man sleeps like log eats anything after taking adlortlta i can cat a sl llk a l i liad gas on tho stomach and couldnt keep food down nor sloep signed r c kfiuer one spoonful of adlcrlka re moves qa8 and often firings surpris ing relief to tho btomach stops that full bloating feeling often brings out old waatermatter you nover tbousht wna in your system excel lent for chronic conittpntlon a t brown notice to creditors established 1817 summary of assets and liabilities 31st october 1925 assets gofld dominion notes and sflver coin deposit willi central gold ressirye daposits made frith and balances due from otlier banka ia canada balance doe by banks and banking corres pondents elsawhere than in canada caltand short lossna on bonda debentures and stocks dominion and provincial government secori- lias railway and other bonds debaabarw and stocks can municipal securities and british foreign and colonial public securities other than canadian notes and chaqutt of other banka united states and other foreign currencies loans and ducounta and other assets bank premises liabilities to ctutomara undar iettera of credit as par contra r s 8682940810 1700dsl00o0 140417o2 1790680518 13421860620 9654271088 3666616w 3993780171 r33829a860h 6909tb17 27a640wwm 1218000000 1389742j 76814767000 usabilities to public notaa in circulation i daposits a letters of credit outstanding other liabilities 9 4676l184so 6314s442877 138979424 109576989 69320932802 excess of ancte over liabilities to public 6193855038 credltora of peter lorno masalcs late of tho village ot acton retired parmer who died on ttis 20th day of november a d 126 isro required on or before the 11th day of january 1b2a to send to the undersigned solicitor for the executors of the last will and testament of tho said de- oeased their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions and the full particulars of their claims after the said 11th day of january lair the said executors will proceed to- distribute tho asttots of tho said ontate among tho parties lawfully en titled thereto nnd ihos will not be responblblo for any claims of which taey shall not then hawe received no tice dated this 10th day of december a- r 1m5 wlxxjaxl howaud masaxes robert jambs uamshaw executors by h n parmer aoton ontario their solicitor x j the christmas gift store just a few of our many items that will make an appropriate and pleasing as well as a useful gift for him shirts english broadcloths in all the new patterns and col ors 236 and 295 tt- sweaters a large variety of colors in pullovers and coats toques to match gloves lined kid wool and un titled in buck kid and suede we have a range that will please the most fastidious taste at very reasonable prices pyjaimas flannel in many pleasing patterns at 275 mercerized pongee plain colors scarves flannel 195 275 and silk crepes 30 polka dot silt250 sqx wool both fancy and plain silk in novelty patterns and plain colors also silk and wool neckwear r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list roob property with me acton ontario insurance agent life fire auto acoldnt a health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glasi inaumhce trutta for estates colleotiona suslnosa entrusted to my cure will bo carefully looked- after and treated confidentially mono to loan on form property favorable rates and terms for ro- aymont box 444 bower ave acton b3 richmond st wt trronti can aoa it pays to study business ambition alone will take no body very far in business to become effective it must be linked up with a sound know ledge of modem business prin ciples and of tho methods by which other enterprising men have won success winter term from jan 4 at guelph business college mako your arrangements now a l bouck principal and proprietor people shamefully neglect their eyes about tho inst thine the aver- ase person decides to attend to is nn examination ot tho oyoa somo foljts mlco to boast of tholr ability to do without rlaasos oven though thoy admit that they need thom no greater mistake coulcs bo made you do differently- i you only sus- pt tlmt your eyes are not aa f they aliuunt bo havo ua slvo tbem ft thorough going over a d savage optometrist and mffl optiolan itljlit at the post oqlca 8avaga building quelph a i j 24s we have a most complete i and pleasing range of this most popular gift hun dreds- to choose from mr man this is your chance to be dressed for the bdutf- youll find all the new patterns ind material tatp suits and0ercoate atjeasy prices mw- ziml mckeon pow the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and direct i lmportorsor sail kinds of monumental and hoadstone rork we sell dtraot to our oaitonurai at wholesale ptioaa thus aavlnr am enstomar 40 par oant wo have the baart appllanoaa and tha onljr meohuiloa la tha dominion who out operate pmtimatlo tools properly w own fir rifarwom from hundrada oxmr ouatonaam in toronto and othar tmmflxte cur havo to nava uw ahltrta 0nr ta otjimxjt w dt th imjnrt toa twt aoolt of grtuuta ta swlnttiwi iwfctu3i mrtimmtmi or p aurtomara vfent aollolt- isiiaisluwuoa ri tf- mill street mmsom ri- mzmmi

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