Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1925, p. 5

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j ast gttff ftchm 3km fflrgiui v hluiisdav picembbr 24 102 stockings stout stockinga stout get thorn out tlioyll be needed now ho doubt v hang them so while tho wild winds blow suhul glaus is on tho track with his jolly 61 pa and packs stockingn stout get them out with a merry about took to ace if there bo any holes one two or three jtwould not do 1 j you would rue ir 11 gift slipped throukh any bizo or colors right tlireo or ten or black or white stoekinkb utout get them ovt with a merry snout chrtjtmaa night theres no sight quite so happy or so bright in a row stockingi so bulging top to toe teur kind santa may wo find gladness too from being kind that each day on lifes way secnrachrtbtmns day alice j cleator the sunday school lesson for 8unday december 27 twenty years ago from the issue of the free prss of thursday december 28 1905 vote for when you get your local option ballot on monday watch nl glit services will be held in st albans church the public and high schools raised 745 as n christmas offering to tfcie sick childrens hospital the salo of tho effects of tho lato thomas cameron last wednesday waa one of tho most successful ever held in this vicinity tho annual christmas entertain ment of st albans sunday school waa held last thursday evening in the town hall instead of a cantata the programme consisted of choruse3 dialogues ins solos musical pcrtormncq ana stereo oilcan views the methodist sunday school held their entertainment on chris trooj evening the programme comprised christmas choruses by the school christmas stories- told by mrs jv t brown misses olara e mooro and merle goodevo and mr h p moore music by tho sunday school orchestra annual reports presentation of the dliilomos to the primary graduates and the distributing of the usual christmas treat to the scholars the baptist sunday school enter tainment itnat friday evening was an unqualified success the programme consisted of solos duets choruses and recitations by the children at tho closo they were delighted as santa claust appeared and presented each with a gift from a prettily trimmed chrlsttmas tree knox sunday school is providing an enjoyable programme for new years fright their cantalo-jsanta- olaaa- u roe tings is tho leading feature there will be choruses solos duets fancy- drills etc keeping christmas it is a good thing to observe christ mas clay the mere marking of times and seasons when men agree to stop work and make merry together is a wise and wholesome custom it helps one to feel tho supremacy of tho com mon life over the individual life it romuads u man to sot his own uttlc watch now and then by thegrcat ctock pf humaptty jeiit there is a better thing than the observance of christmas day and that is keeping christmas are you willing to forgot what you navitapno fdrotherpeoplcanat6rc- tho rov angus maiasson a scot membor what other peoplo have done mnny yeara dut a tew words was for you to ignore what the world owes you and to think what you owe tho world to put your rights in the background and your duties in lhe middle distance and your chances to do a little more than your duty in the foreground to see that your fel low men ore just as real as you are and try to look behind their faces to their hearts hungry for joy to own that probably the only good reason for your oxlstcnce is not what you are going to get our of life but what you are going to give to life to close your book of complaints against the management of the universe and look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness are you wllf to do these- things even for a day then you can keep christ mas x are you willing to stoop o and consider tho needs and tho desires of little children to remember the weak ness and loneliness of people who are growing old to stop asking how much your friends love you and ask yourself whether you love them enough to bear in mind the things hat other people have to bear on their hearts to try to understand what those who live in the same houbg with you really want without waiting for thorn to tell you to trlfn your lampso that it wilt fall behind you to make a grave for your uglythoughts and a garden for your id nelly feelings with the gate open oro you willing to do these thinss even for aday then you can keep christmas are you willing to believe that lovo is the strongest thing in the world stronger than hate stronger than evil stronger than death rtnd that the blessed 11 fo which began in bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the im ago and brightness of the beternnl love then you can keep christmas and if you keep it for a day why riot always but you can never keep lt atone henry van twill never die the christmas festival of goodwill good fellowship- and peace has lost horft of its popularity in its paaaage through the nea nineteen hundred and twentyhvo flnflu uh welcoming il as h a did our ancestors a thousand years ago before railways telephones radios or automobuen were even dreamed about it awakens dormant feelings and rtsnirations which the clamor of worldly life stifles jirul dead en h itopans laopbprlngji of brotherhood- v love from whetico flow desire to bless with gifts and good wishes stage fright review fkom athens to home i golden text therefore being just ified by faith wo havo peace with god through our lord josua christ ro mans 5 1 the lessons of tho quarter extend over a period of sixteen years from a d 52 to a d 08 they ore all about paul hlslife andhia teachings tho itevlow should centre in paul his cbh duct his character and his teachings in lesson i wo have his tact ind wisdqrn in preaching tho risen christ and the need of repentance in lesson ii wo have his untiring activity in preaching christ in the midst of great discouragement and bitter opposition in less on iii we have his emphasis upoif love as tho supreme gift in lesson iv wo have his dauntless courage in lesson v wo have his realisation of the awfulness of tlio believers con flict and his confidence in the all con quering faith of the lord jesus in lesson vi we have his humility compassionate love and fearless dec laration of the whole counsel of god in lesson vii wo have his f orget- fulness of self and eagerness to preach tho gospel on every possible dppor tunity even when threatened by u wild and merciless mob in lesson viii we see his delicate courtesy and his shrewdness and readiness in seizing every possible op portunity for hia lord jesus in lesson ix we see his unhesltat ing belief in all the scriptures his wise uso of the scriptures and his alertness to seiso every opportunity to lead men to jesus christ in- lesson x wo s his faith in god and his cononess in danger coupled with common sense in lesson xi we aco his longing for human companionship and sympathy his love for israel and his faithful ness in declaringtho wholeworlof gsdt 7 in lesson xij we see paul near the close of his life able to say i havo fought the goodfight i hays finished the course i havo kept the faith daily rtadindfor next week monday paul on mars hill acts 17 2234 tuesday paul in corinth acts 18 1ll y wednesday pauls farewell to the elders of ephcsua acta 20 2838 thursday pauls voyage and ship wreck acts 27 3744 friday the itise men and the star matt 2 1112 saturday paul la rome acts 28 1123 sunday tho security of the right eous ps 91 1 2 916 when dreams come true bumper crops and good prices hllvc glvon western farmers an opportunity to visit scenes of boyhood days- the britishers who took up farming in the canudlan west are taking ad- vantago of tho good season to sail back home for a view of familiar but long hidden bights and faces- every cast- going train carries scores of happy men and women bound for the old country ohoreand there among tho surging passengers getting ready to chango from the train to the boat are the eager expectant faces of easily rccoir- nnhlg londoners theyare g he wa8 there some visitorsln vlrglnhyhlrod an old negro on a plantation to drive them to see the natural bridge so says the toronto saturday night on nearing tho bridge they asked tho colored man- its tielght ami width and 4f ho rcally4boiight u such- a wonder after all lls replies were so vague that ono of thena sulrt now sam confess you havo never been so near the- bridge boforo lordi sub he replied i mem ber coming here to help de day dey lay do cornerston but i aint tecfc notice bout how high do bridge was built nor how far cross twux of cosc i aln come heal much sence but djs nigger nover goln to forgh dat day his preference on a flying visit to tho jamlesons who had years ago been members of his congregation wull you take a cup o tea mr mg lasso n said the kindly mra jamieson no thanks no tea replied he a cup of coffee then no coffee willi- 1 makye cocoa no cocoa why tlion mr mglasson wull ye hae a glass o whuahy and soda r no soda he feared to presume l the american tourist is so firmly convinced that he is being cheated on all hands during his european travels that he constantly oversteps the bounds of prudence- what is the price of this pin asked a young man in a paris shop handing a small brooch of exquisite workmanship twenty franks monsieur said the clerk thats altogether too much said the young american tt us for a present to my sister m give you five franks forlt zen it would be i xat gave ze pres ent to your sister sold tho french man with a deprecatory shrug and i do pot know to young mademois elle a learned verger english cathedrals have an official called a verger whose ordinary busi ness is to take care of the inside of the edifice show it to visitors and as sign scats to the worshippers it sometimes happens that the ver ger through long service about the cathedral becomes a very important func especially in his own eyes as did tho old verger at st bidulphs to whom according to a london paper a new dean came who my good friend asked the dean toks the lead in the sunday school matters here- well i do sir was the reply you see there arent no other scholars but mo and sir john in the parish i larns tho children on sunday- arfter- n and what routine do you follow oh i fust reads na jsubs tracts out of the gospel then i gives em a little cataplasm and i generally winds up with a few interesting antidotes just to keep em from getting too restless but of coarse sir i always tellu em 4nxbibulous languagou hockey at georgetown i pfc hshh um very few perajns acquit themselves tnolrty in their first speech at a weo- diner feast recently sayrf a writer the ibrldejaroom was called upon as usual 4jd respond to the givomoast in spite or tho fact that he had previously pleaded- to bo excused lushing to the roots of his hhlr lie roioto his feet he intended to imply that ho ws unprepared for speecli- jtinklnf but he unfortunaely pluced his hsnd brides shbulder and looked down at her as he atani- mened put his bpenlnghnd concludinr twbrdln- this orthng has been forced upon me s v- corns ore cauaed by the iressure of tljlit boots but tio ono need imi frouble with them when ao slmrf- iareiwedy as hollo wayflt corn remover i available two teams will play under the o ha this 8on tho georgetown hockey club has re organ iced for tho coming season with the following officers elected hon presidents mr b rlgby dr marcellus and dr moandrew ivesldenf h cleaves vlcepres m v grant secretary c b buddy treasurer roy king exeoutiv ejdbenham mr a l squires w brcitnan n tuck j imanager of the interemdjnte team j mcglbbon manager of the junior team a duncan it was decided unanimously by the meeting that there should be two teams operating in the oha and the efflcers of the club lire doing their best to round up 4h strotigwit ifne- ups possible prospects point to ti decided improvement in both teams groupings will be onnounood later -v- k others irvere not sell- mig ty jlong instance yon might afford to use it less mchie weeks sales of flout 3000 85 sold ly long ihstance writes a flour salesman back after years of toll and hardship finally rewarded with substantial suc cess every one of these men carry a picture of london in their hearts every minute seems a day on the onu journey facross the atlantic but soon they w1irsee once movell5cgiy dlsht life of the strandv mlnglo with tho crowds rub elbows with their own countrymen join first night audiences at theatres tour the city in clanking taxis appease the gnawing soul- hunger with one more walk around piccadilly and a stroll through leicester square en christinas und mew year in lon don what vlfllona these exiled sons of efigland had conjured up in tho leng lean years before they wrested from the soil their means of return and now to bo there again of course it is only for a while but they are able to return to their respective places in the scheme of uffalrs in their adopted country and work with in creased enthusiasm to make tbetr lands yield the maximum they are better citizens for they will endeavor to make this connda the ataunchest and most prosperous li in the dtor- ihi british empire every prosperous farmer who re turns to great britain is the best ad vertisement that the dominion of canada could possibly have every cno these is a booster proving con clusively thnt -meir-withthe- mlnatloh to work can and do win out in the country every westerner is directly or indirectly a disciple of the creed that happiness mustbe earn ed travellers who intended to reach the old country for christmas came on tho imperial special from the west in time to board the canadian pacific liners motagama and vmellta at st john n b about two hundred and fifty passengers crossed in time to get tho ssmelita on december jo while three hundred and fifty can adians arrived in saint john for the s 8 metagarna saving on decem ber 11- in those group were passengers in tended for various parts of the british isles ono distinct family group b- mg mrs george patterson oit van couver vflth her four smiling can- n chtlihjbn s aboard- the first canadian pacific holiday special as the train passed through winnipeg mrs patterson said sho was paying a visit to her native heath in scotland nt road meotin carluke lanarkshire for the first time since e tho youngest member of tho party a little girl in a checked gown wanted to know what la was all about she confided in mother afterwards that sho liked photographers only thtey seemed too bos this indicates a fine career as a moving picture star look money take notice that we will handle jour troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we placo s4 years experience at your disposal and abstmle all your collection troubles send ub your hat wo will do the rest no noto or account is considered too small too laree too otdor too for away wo wjlltacklo any honest debt ke3xy aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound j m aiken manastr jos j khay manager refcrenco sterling bonk of canada 1 xt preachers corner a church ad in an exchange says morning sermon at 1030 prepare for tho worst the quartette will siriff a hearer describing the rambling sermons of his minister said if tho text had the smallpox his sermons would never catch it julnister at close of sermon wo will now -sing-hymn- number 38i operator housing from nai the lino la busy ah rae exclaimod he pious old lady our minister was a powerful preacher for the short time he min istered the word of god among ub he banged tho inards out of five bibles preacher i brought back the old secondhand car i bought from you last week tjca ler-t- wlmtb jtvrong27 cant y on run it treacher- not and stay in the ministry an old scoteh lady gavp a pointed reply to a minister who knew he had offended her and expressed surprise that she could come so regularly to hear him preach 3he said my quarrel is with you man not with the gospel a preacher who was not well ac quainted with the eiocutiohary art placed tho inflection on tho wronc word following tho literal italics in 1 kings 13 27 and read and he spake unto his sons and said sad dle mo the ass and they saddled him d r riddles which key is most in use at christ mas the turkey turkey why is christmas day weak because it cant help falling on de cember 25th what letter means life or death to a turkoy a because it changes roosting to roan ting why does mother nover s a square plum pudding because she wants it to go round which too nover suffers from corns mistletoe what is it that will not keep more than twentyfour hours christmas day all sirloin llolman f days plnetrtfe bal- laou- tolls in verso ii number of tories that actually happened down in the stivtef of maine and are romemhered there today by old narrators one relates to barney mcqadldrle a land lord pf that state at whose house famous men irked to stay that they might enjoy a merry joke barney was always loyal to hlu old friends at one time a new nieat dealer came to town and tried to ho cure the landlords trade hav alwajs bou uuiat of jtu fofskell said barney and 1 guess i wont change but said the other old fluukoll doesnt know hs business he dont oven know how to cut meat well drawled birney ive al ways found that ho knows enough to cut sirloin steak clear to the horn a lid thats good ertotrgrl fot mo helping his memory the cash valueof a man tho lmmdgration commissioner of a western railroad recently applied to an eastern trafllc- manager for special homea excurs rates to- enable farmers to go out anulook at his western lands i wont help you a cents worth said tho easterner emphatically every farmer you take oft our lines makes a dead loss to us of at least one thoqsand dollars a year r tho estimatemay bavebeen a jarge one in the west oaxh now settlor la expected to add tlireo hundred dollars a year to tho income of tho railway but it is of interest na illustrating tho fact that overy ono of us no matter how he may cateem his own worth to his community or to society in gen- oral has a value to his- fellows that can be figured in dollars and cents what he produces others consume and what he cpnauunes others pro duce prosperity la a mutual affair this is especially so as between tho farmer and the railroudor between tho rajl- roadaud every ouhcr man whateach new settler produces itho road must haul to market dud all his machinery all his clothing all his fuel and all that his own land does not give him the road must bring tho true science of transportation is based on the knowledge of mutual dependence and the problem the rate regulator must solve is that of enab ling the farmer oget tho most wares into the best- paying market main taining a profitable rate on the carri age and on the return haul of what his surplus buyhi a poem which has become a classic among succeeding generations of young canadians and americans is inefaraouti l night before ehristinais tjucro are arid have been children who do not know about saint nick and- his fleet of reindeer dasher dancer prancer comet and cupid and vixen donner and ulitzen and his wonderful sleigh packed full to tlie brlni with tovn for good litt ch dren his journey through the air down the chimneys to the fireplaces where stockingrs were filled by the jolly old saint then on again through the frost and snow to where other little sleepers nro dreaming of the morning joys to come the kiddles who did not learn this lovely rhyme have miss ed a great deal part of tho joys ef childhood the poem was written on december bs 1822 by a staid but celebrated oriental prbfessorcioineff clarke moore of new york whio nevertheless had several children et his own into whose games ho often entered with spirit ho waslorn in 1799 in chelsea a suburb of now york beyond what is now known as oreein- wlck village around this village wero a number of dutch settlers and from their children 3ioore as a child learnt the legend of sajnt nicholas short- encd by tho dutch children to santa claus he died in 1863 in newport r l many years after his celebrated poem waa written and published broadcast reduced by asthma the constant strain of asthma brings the patient to a dreadful state of hopeless exhaus tion early uso should by all means be made of the famous dr j kellogga astluna remedy which more than any other octt duickfyuntt surely on the air dajbsags and bring blessed comfort no homo where this dreaded affliction asthma is present in the least degree should bo without this great remedy throughout the vear earnest moral principle la tho bal ance wheel of character it regulates and keeps the whele man in order even the wisest are long in learn ing that there hano better work for them than tho bit god put into their hands r a better thing ihan hitching your wagon to a star la lo put your hand in tho hand that moves the star tho common opportunity cornea as tho dlvlncst opportunity in the whole history of the world come cradled in obscurity there are fow things impossible in themselves and tho application- neces sary to make then succeed is more often wanting than tho means kind looks kind words kind sets and warm hand sliakcs these are tho secondary means of grace when men aro in trouble aond fighting their un seen battles it is a perfectly safe proposition that without the thoughtful ness which is otherwise named tact no one can find the fullest measure of success and pleasure in lite he who walks through life with an owsn temper unci u gentle pntlonce patient with himself jwulent with others patient with difficulties and crosseaahe has no- evcryday great ness bfeyond that which is won in bat tle or chanted in cathedrals it is the httlo words you speak the little thoughtn you think the little things you do or leave tmdone the ittttoi m yuu ly the little ternptntlqns which vm k man in a western city once went to another port of tho country on busi ness on arriving at his destination he found he jiad forgotten the nnmb ot the firm he had come to see and had loft all enlightening memoranda in his desk w after wasting valuable time in use less effort to remember her telc- crfiphed home to his partner for the necessary in format ion ho got it and more your business itf- wth smith si jones his partners message ran tour name is brown for burns and 8pld drthonrtss eclectric oh will take the fire out- of a burn or scald it should boat han1 in every kitchen bo that it may bo available- v ny urns thoro is no prroratlon required sunt apply th oil to the burn or scald and fho pain yvlll fthatet and in a short time will ocose altogether v oi use w you yield to or overcome tjho little things of every day that are making or mar ring your future life selected twas the night before christmas for froir bites and chilblains- chilblains come from undue expoaor to slush and cold and frostbltofrom the ley winds ot winter in the treat ment of either an excellent prepara tion is dr thomas eclectric oil as it counteracts the inflammation and re lieves the pain the action of the ell is prompt ana its application la ex tremely simple run it by water a young lumberman of northern minnesota whose hublts of drlnkuur had given the blind staggers to his business reformed and ran his saw mill with profit wliilo in tho transi tion period he metcpm an old friend how are you asked tom pretty well thank you but i have just seen a doctor to have him ex amine my throat whats the matter well the doctor couldnt glvo me any encourokcmvent at least ho could not hhdwkatt want toflnd whnt did you expect him to fimx i asked him to- look down my throat for a sawmill and frmthat had gone down there in drink and did he bee anything of thena t no but he advised me if i ever got another mill to run it by water unless wornrti bo expelled from the system- no child can be hoaltny mother craveb worm exterminator is an excellent medicine to destroy worms j cadesky of toronto eyesight speciamst will be att a t browns drtjq store acton monday jan 4th anyone- suffering from bye- strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m ill 4 pm v aririaffnrjai waaj vvjmiavtmi knfrrosrtatr oijn0tttuta ffift m- m millers worm 3owdera will not only l expel worms from- tho system but will induce healthful conditions of tho on every christmas list there is some one who would appreciate a subscription for the acton free press such a giftjnformative entertaining and ebucativewill keep alive the christmas spirit the three hundred and sixtyfive days of the year it will bring to mind once every week the thought- fulness of the giver it is of equal interest to men and women young and old f no other giftyou can buy for 200 or 250 if for the united states will so completely reflect your fciiidly thought and at the same time pay so delicate a compli ment it is both a personal and an impersonal gift it can be sent to anyone it is always acceptable it meets ones needs and suits ones nyal und nr worni cm longer thrive worma keei a child in a colitttfual tto ot reatlossnpsa ana pnln ilnd there con bn no comfort for tho uttlo ono until tlio eauao of th auiycrlnfr ho rornoved which can bo onnlly done y tho uho of tlao powrtorn which- are very oltrcuvo v1llaqe of acton a change had com over him there aro some things in this world f0r which not oven the most pro found rural philosopher cap account to his own satisfaction t never saw ant animal move so slowly before in all my llfet- criol an exasperated traveller in a stage behind which the clplfds of a rlslnff storrn were growing blackei every moment cant you drive the hqjrse anyj faster you had an ex cellent oilo en yata ago when 1 used to upend thb lummer here thats the cutrous thing about it said the driver gating at his steed and then at the uneasy passenger in a mildly- speculatlv way this hoa is the very aam identical boss that i in tunkotsgot into mm he seems lo in tuhkets got into him he seems to have lost hla anlniation notice of lusgistratiortf of bylaw x notice is hereby given that a y- law waa- paxied by tho municipal council of the village of acton on tho eighth day or december 1926 provid ing for tho iaftue of debentures to tho amount ol 2o0 for tho purpose or defraylngthe oost of construction ot cement sidpwulk on tho northeaster ly side of wilbur streot hotwoon iho rosldence of b a arnold and mill stroet and tnt sueh bylaw was reg istered in the registry obco in the county of hnlton on the loth day of december 192s any motion to quash or sot asude thesame or any- part thereof nuntbo made within dhrreo months after h first publication of- this notloo noi cannot be matdo thereafter- v dated tha 17th day ofdeoorobor 25s h n parmer clerk- fancies i f many of our old subscribers will as they did last christmas give to their most cherished friends at a bailway time tables n at aoton qolnn west no 28 no si t no is no 35 no 30 809 am 104g am 229 prn 509 pm s39 pm no 25 sunday 1041 am qolnn east no 28 721am no 30 1108 am no 84 i 335 pm no 26 017 pjrj no 88 813 pm 708 rxm- no 24 sunday canadian national electric railways westbound daily except sunday dally dally dally daily dally dally daily 1 pally 743 am 943 ajn 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm 543 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1232 ajn vj m eaatbound dauy u dally except sunday dally r dally l dally dally u dally dally dally 743 anv 943 ajoa 1143 am 143 pm w 343 p m 643 pjn 743 pan 943 pm 1140 pjn toronto terminal keole 8treot and st clair avenue- prolght delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress- lrt toronto j a smith real estate and insurance get our list of farms and town property before buying wo may tievo jubt what y wa and aro- looklng for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life asiiochttlon london lancashire plro insurance london lanca shire guaranteo and accidents company of canada prompt arid courteous attention given your busines8 solicited residence mill and wallace st telephone 106 acton kitty diinced and now she pays she is tall and slender with co- quettlsn blue eyes and hair that is very definitely auburn bobbod of eoume for kitty is nothing if not uptodate yet hoc uptodateness didnt include the abaty to guard her health dances and parties cold and weak apells then more parties and more sick spalls brought on what her mother might have foreseen had she mves no you cant blame kitty her youth her prettinesq and her popu larity were false friends to her she u only ii another year in the kindly care of the ifuskoka hospital for cpnenmpttves hereexpert jnedtcat attention and nursing are hers will perhaps aee her restored to health and usefulness t a contributions may be sent to hon w a chariton president 22s col lege street toronto ontario typewriters remanufactured underwoods dbetect from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 09 kina st west toronto 2 advertisers thi free pres8 is anxious to aerva you and earvs yob wall ws esn pjyaypurjtdyartim- triarttdateaf attention and there for quke it mora attractive if tha oopy is auppliad to us on monday or tuesday if oapy fail to reaoh us until wadnaaday forenoon there is a rush to aat it up bafore the forme close and tha result is likely to be lass satisfactory send in your ads early distance a years subscription to the old home paper send the subscription on to us and we will mail you a gift-sub- scription card to enclose to your friend mmm- attf e artun 3frii jpreha does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellerb gtjelph ontario 13 vf isfsb skmiyais

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