Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 1

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ft 4 fiftyfirst yearno7 thursday morning december 31 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning december 31 1925 single coplesrfive cents the acton united church op canada miniator rev r ezimmerman b a parsonage willow stroot 1100 i ni the miniator subject thd second ileit v 2 10 p m saul ith school 7 00 d m the minister subject the chuich md htr resouices week or prayer next week scrvlco on monday evening in the united church rev mr boyd will preach pbesbytebian knox church acton miniator rova c stowart m a mango willow street 1100 j 1 m communion service tho call to service 3 00 p m sabbath school and v classes 7 00 p m tlio minister subject the chuich mil her resources strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo callod upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 11 00 n m tho pihtoi a helpful now yoirs mcssiro first commun ion rorvlce of the new year all members aro requested to bo on hand 3 00 p m sunday school classes for all 7 qo p m tho pastor subject reaching forth unto those things whlcjmare before mowhay 8 00 n m young peoples meeting thursday 730 p m prayer and praise meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in trua column a cent per word mjnj cha oc per insertion wood for sale good green hardwood 910 00 per cord also dry hardwood in cordwood lengths j g 253 henderson box 142 auction 8ale in rockwood on saturday january 2 at 1 oclock horses hogscuttcr3 buggies wagons harness furniture hay etc 12 months credit august young proprietor p j kerb auctioneer card of thanks joel b and amy leslie dcslro to ex press slnoeri shrinks for tho sympathy and kindnesses bestowed by so many frdandslon thf nrmslon oxour grcat borrow wlun our beloved father passed away wo also appreciate the floral tokens that wcro sent ion horticultural society notice the annual meeting of the above society will bo held in tho council chamber on wednesday january 13th 1926 at jpm business piosentntlon of tho annual re port election of ofllcerb and directors for tho ensuing year and such other business as may bo brought before it all interested are cordially invit ed and a good attendance is parti cularly requested frank 8cnvon e t thetfordf president sectreas wanted a man who would llko to earn more wages next year tuero is no excu3o for any man to stay in tho old rut or say i never had a chance there are over 270000 motor cars in on tario ijebldes hundredb of- thous ands of gas engines the steam boats und railways ere installing internal combustion erurlnes and automotive and gas engineers are panted everywhere our froo bm- pjpyment depaitment will assist you jo secure work yhon you finish your cpurse wo have a plan whereby you can earn while learn ing in our big shops wo also teao the barber trado in our big light sanitary barber schools giving you full instructions and a worts of experience and- practice paying you 0 pcreeptago on evory dollar vou take in this helps you consider ably bartering la a nice clean pleasant inside trade the wages are good und there is a big demand for barbers- io not hestitnto we also tench mechanical dentistry by experts in our laboratory whloh is managed by a competent licensed dentist owing to the great de mand for builders wo have instal led a bricklaying and plastering sahoof where you can learn these trados in a short time jobs aro waiting at jiooo to jib 00 per day mako your application today naming tho trade ou would llko to learn hemphill trade schools 183 king st w toronto wonderland new yeap8 day matinee at 3 p m the iron horse one of tho hlg pictures that played 52 weoks on broadway n y starring george obrien and madge bellamy a drama i nf hi ij a notion comedy air tight felix cartoon prices matinee 15o and 25e night 25c and 36c saturdayjanoary the signal toyei melodrama starring virginia valli and wallace beery com edy every man for himsolf krozy knt cartoon fox news tuesday january 6 leattdng to love oomedy drama starring con- stance talcnodgo the last chapter of tho great circus jkiystery foonjedy too mupfi motherinlaw watch for tlio new serial the fighting rnng- er coming the keeper of the bees by geno slxarprj fortor r l gregory son 1926 the old year of nineteentwentyfive is passing the new year of nineteentwentysix is upon us a new year of business lies just ahead now if ever is the moment when all of us are taking stock of ourselves and of our friends looking backward even as we look ahead in order that we may draw from our experiences of the old year whatever profit they may hold to guide us in the new into your thoughts now must come thoughts of us d e macdonald bros limited even as into our thoughts and plans you come and so largely this then is a frankjtatement between ourselves of thoughts that the new year brings a little informal perhaps but sincere it is our earnest hope that during this closing year you our customers have found improvement in this stores ser vice as we have endeavored to supply your daily needs and our promise on this new years eve is to leave no stone un turned in making that service still better before another year has closed immeoate changes are being planned for instance to take place in the arrangement of our first floor depart ments and as the year progresses other improvements may be instituted as we discover new ways and means of making this your store all that you want it to be macdonalds for better values this will be our slogan through the ooming year as we search the markets for the best possible qualities at the low est possible prices and endeavor to rriakeft easy for folks to get the things they want at prices they want to pay for that is sorekeeping the service closest to the people and there fore when rendered with that fine enthusiasm which good salesmen always have for things in which they believe thej best business in all the world with this ideal of storekeeping we shall enjoy doing our part to make yours a happy and successful new year d e macd bros ltd guelpffs leading and largest store we thank you for your patronage during 1925 and wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year harry harrison jhe shoe man townsmr or esquesing municipal election electors of esquesing ladies and gentlernem wm gowdy invites the favor of your vote and influence as councillor for 1926 the record of my service in the council in past years is before yoq 1 haje earn estly endeavored to conserve n your best interests and will continue to do so 460400 for salaries 16875 wire bonuses enqueuing township councils windirigup session for 1925 at the last meeting of esquesing council orders on the treasurer were passed as follows aowdyljeslie that the treasurer make the following refunds d mo- gibbon error in school rate 9go wm sharp glenwilliams error in tax bill 1 15 wm davidson glenwuitams faxes for olectrlc light in error 184 frank kendley norval no dog 200 f rogers co paid and albo per formed in 1924 wm logan dlv 14 0o pay mrs mary bailey making curtains for council chamber 9126- carried cartonleslie that the following pay sheet of j a mcclure townbhlp comm from nov 10 to dec 15 bo paid road dlv no 1 11279 dlv no 2 10908 division no 3 823777 dlv ha 4 289 25 div no 5 22610 carried lesliecarton that tho treasurer refund to john barnes 1890 be hav ing beon twice assessed for 4500 in s s no 4 also pay m guy wilson the sum of 1496 he having been assessed in s s no 7 instead of s s no 4 carried cartonleslie that treasurer pay bell telephone account 9911 for no vember and december 393 pay roy f 8nalth engineers services on roods 101o mrs a b tracy vault rent to december 3j 1925 2250 e c thompson costs of court cose 1520 john h smith wood 300 carried o that trea re tund to ratepayers in s s no 20 ow ing to error in requisition the follow ing amounts m j brown r r norval 780 j e edwards streeta- vllle j1144 henry may norval r p 3016 edgar w mayr hornby 3172 howard may norval r r 2964 jos c swltxer noyval 2080 geo woods norval 1144 robt whaley streetsviue 1820 total 116120 carried lesliecarton that the treasurer pay elmer thompson georgetown premium on 2000 insurance munici pal building stewaruown 2300 0 loslie postage and excise 4600 carried gowdycarton that treasurer re fund to ratepayers in s s no a the following amounts owing to error in requisition for 1925 j l clark nor vol station 1497 r goo faulkner norval station 1435 ed greens ward norval station 943 t l leslie norval station 2911 mrs 1 watkins norval station 1415 a morris norval station 246 sidney jmorrla norval station 144 total 8591 carried cartonleblie that the -treasurer- pay the following wire fence bonus p w hugging georgetown 28 rods 700 jg henderqnacton20rods 5 00 m proat milton 65 rods 1375 jus sprowl acton 40 rods 10jo wm sco 16 r 375 russell hepburn georgetown 60 rods 1500 h l johnston 26 rods 660 jos qlbbcns acton 2350 jaa thef- man olen williams 12 rods 00 a blackburn georgetown 26 rods 650 frank thompson georgetown rr no 2 15 rods 875 fred c thomps son olenwllllams 40 rods 1000 h t3arvrjirx3iehwmioms70 rodspiiooot w w brownrldge georgetown 77 rods 11925 george leslie 10 rods 250 thos mckerr 40 rods 1000 robt joyce 40 rods 1000 john moore is rods 460 norman dever- eaux 30 rods 760 m campbell boll- inafad 56 rods 1375 carried lesllocarton that- treasurer pay ho following accounts passed by tho board of health j h smith disin fecting and placarding to december 16 600 n marcollus inspecting the schools etc 11250 d j matthews formaldehyde 790 g o brown supplies for indigent and removing the same 375 weston sanltorlum ro gllllnshani oct 1 to nqvomber 30 9150 e y bnrraclough re moody for december 2000 guelph general hospital balance of account t no vember lsre mrs kennpdy 16950 carried lesllocarton thm tho treasurer pay the following account recom mended y board of health meeting and mileage b y barraclough meet ing 600 mileage 160 total 740 w g aiiplebe incottneii 600 mileage 40o total 640 dr t n marcellus moctlng 600 mileage 80c total 680 g o brown meeting 600 mllcagt nil totar 600 carried the following sums were passed for allowances to members tor attending council and committee meetings vf o apiilbe 14380 g o brown 98 20 t l leslie 12100 w gowdy 121- 00 m j carton 12100 carried a bylaw to provide for holding of municipal elections for the year 1926 was passed cartonaowdy that the reeve do now vacato the chair and that it be taken by mr leslie carried losllegow t the thanks of this council are hereby tendered the roeve for the fair courteous and im partial manner in which he has pre sided over this council during the past yean news of local import iod e meotino- tho regular meeting of the duke of jdovtmshtro chapter of the i o d e will be held at tho homo of mrs n- forbes on tuesday evening january 5th at 8 oclock a watchnight service tonight insteud of the usual weeknight prayer and praise service a -watch- night servlco wjlt be held in the united church this evening the ser vice will commence at j115 pm rev ft ex zimmerman the nlnlster will have charge with prayer and praise tho old year will pass out and tho new yeir will be ushered in knox s entkrtadrent a christmas treat with pun ami frolic and a good programme happy new year to all the annual christmas entertain mont of knox sunday school on tuesday pvenliur proved a very en joyable affair for tooth juniors and elders it wm held in the town hall and there wdui a caiuiclty audience the mogratnmft wn giwp hy th olftr diioussipn of township trustee board le0bpbelrmeettn6 tttohat toni trustee and ratepayers associa tion will be held in muton on wednce- dlay january 6 at 1 30 oclock in the courthouse to further discuss the xownshlp school boards and elect of ficers for 1926 all trustees and rate payers are invited to to present heavy traffic on electric road toronto papers suy the new ter minal of the toronto guelph line of tho canadian national electric rail way at keele street and saint clair avenue was the scono of large crowds tor the christmas holidays officials of tho line stated that extra service was necessary to accommodate tho holiday era who travelled to guelph and intermediate points it was stat ed that the holiday truffle more than doubled that of civic holiday which was the record day alnco the inception of the line t installation of walkor lodge the officers of walker lodge afri a- ml were ln9tollev4ntlieirrespec tlve positions by installing master dr j a- mcnlven at tho meeting of the lodge monday evening- a number of visiting brethren and past masters wore present froni credit lodge xffjetpwn jind thc ylflilink jpst masters and past moatcrs of walker 7lodffe assisted w brortjeniven lathe ceremony at the conclusion of the meeting lunch was served and a social hxour was spent around the banquet table speeches were made by tho newly installed officers and visitors otn old- songs were sung sweot music for ttia shutins reeveelect mason choirmaster and twentyfive members of the united church choir with thoughtful kind ness visited a number of the members of tho congregation who are shutin tfirongti illness on sunday afternoon and sang for them the cantata the light of the world which they gave with such gqsttl effect ut the evening stervlce on sunday their first visit was to moore croft where miss lottie speight for many years organist of the choir has been 111 for a iqtig timo and unable to attend church service tho entire cantata with tu aoloe duets said full choir was rendered tho oholr also visited the homos of mrs nanoy somervhie and mn william williams ouid sfng forthoju mr charles- maaon of kltohoner accompanied miaa fern brown tho organist on bis cello tho music was greatly enjoyed and the great kindness of the cliolr members was much appreciated by those whom tlwy vlolted x th iron horse coming to wonder land theatre r l gregory and son have secured this picture which has just completed av four wocka run art the regent theatre toronto and it will be shown at wonderland theatre on new years day there will be a special matinee at 3 pm in addition to the usual evening performance xh the iron horse mr fox has pictured in a very- effective way one of thavery greatest events in american history the story or the building of the first transcontinental railway la only to be roatohed peace timo exploits by tho voyage wjolunibus the lunalng- of- the pilgrims and the building of the panama canal it this thought is kept in mind it is easy to get the true per spectlve of this production the iron horse breathes the spirit of one over whelming gigantic achievement it is the romantic dramatic story histori cally accurate to the inst degree of the strange life which began with and alccompanled the building- of our first transcontinental highway theae men were the soldiers of civilization open ing a way for peace and prosperity news of local import marriage in scotch block at tho homo of the brides parents mr and mrs ernest h scott esques ing their youngest daughter annie may became the fcride of john gould gillies oldest son of the late neil and mrs guilcs also of esciueslng rev w g hose of brechin officiated mr and mrs gillies will reside at tern- dale knrm cutting off the trains a number of passenger trains on the canadian national railway will be discontinued for the winter in a few days the branch lines will suffer most the only tialn reported to oe cut off on the through line passing acton is the 82d p m going west one of the evening fliois is likely to stop here it was a marry christmas christmas 1025 will lonjg be rem em toered because qf ajl ha seasonable scholars and comprised the followlnx i choruses away in a manger and why do bells for chrlatmu rlngr 2 mouth organ selection w timer davidson 3 becltatlon haxel waldle 4 duet betty and dorothy ridge 5 selection memo rawqon soiotonnld mcoougalt 7 chorus the first noel 8 kecitatlon helen mainprise grace stewart and dorothy clarrtdge t duettommy and john nlcol 10 iteoltatlonmerle qrlndeu ii dancing 8ong clap your honow 12 nee tat i onail een clarrldge 13 hofusua ding dong und dear old santa claus thre was a handsome christmas tree and eldor cooper made a fine rep resentation ot st wchplae there were dandies and oranges for all the aoholars and the minister and his wife were handsomely remembered hov mr stewart received a pur so of gold and mrs stewart was presented with a ahcaf of roses a feature of the programme was a iierl en of games and singing contests which caused much merriment a sumptuous w with all sorts of chrlhtmna good things was served a christmas shopper a christmas woman shopper is re ported to have approached one of the tired post office clerkat the stamp window on thursday i would llko to look ttt your thjeecent stamps she said tho clerk obligingly brought out a sheet of 100 of tho stamps the lady pointed to ono of the stamps in tho centre of the sheet said sweetly til take that one new minister at knox church erin a large and enthusiastic meeting of erin and ospringe presbyterian con gregations was held in burns church erin on friday at which a unanimous call was extended to thtrrcv john davey b d of creemore mr daveys name was tho only one placed- before thejneeting and was accosted without a alnffle dissenting voice this charge was rendered vacant by tho trans lation of the rovt john lindsay to whitby tho rev james keidic of hllls was inter immodgralor dur- inr the vacancy and busy life ho was craxy with joy and he telegraphed his wife got one weighs seven pounds- and it is a beauty the following was the answer he got so have i weighs ten pounds not a beauty looks like you come home i twenty degrees below zero the first cold dip of the winter was a real one of the white river brand saturday evening was intensely cold and by sunday morning the mercury had reached twenty below zero sel dom indeed does tho temperature fall so low in december the efficiency of the hcatfng appliances in the homes nnd church were pretty well testel in the effort to secure comfort on the inst sund of the year the week of prayer thenartionalwcekof prayerwill be observed in acton next weolc with union uervices as follows monday evcntngtnthe united church speaker rev x w boyd tuesday evening in tho presbyterian church speaker rev h g l baugh b d wednes day evening in st albans church speaker rev a c stewart ma and thursday evening in the baptist church speaker rov r e zixnmer- roan ba this affords a llnoop portunlty for commencing tho year under finespiritual environment our citizens generally will no doubt us usual attend in largo numbers fund going over thb top tho prospect is that the objective of 4000000 for the maintenance apd ex tension fund of tho united church of canada will be more than met re ports to this effect are coming in from all parts of the dominion the ob jective for tho church in acton is 2300 rev mr zimmerman re ported on sunday that while the canvass was not yet completed some thing over 2200 had already been subscribed and the prospects are that acton like a number 6t other places in tho presbytery will go over the top the fruhscrlptlon are to be paid by march 31 conducting tour to europe prof james jbfucaonald ma b c l late piinclpal of acton high school and mrs macdonald are ar ranging to conduct a personally or ganized summer tour to europe leav ing montreal june 26 the tour in cludes visits to france switzerland belgium holland england and scot land fifty days will bo occupied in jthe trip and the cost for steamship railways hotels etc is 84900 the trip over will bo made on the cunard now twinscrew steamship ascanla a personally conducted continental tour by such experienced travellers as mr and mrs macdonald should be highly satisfactory and very pleasant a fine cantata well rendered the c cantata light of tlio wflrtovonbyhecllrof tho united church on sunday evening was an impressive and worshipful service- of praise it was eminently suited to th christmas season and emphasized tho birth and praise of the nowborn king mr amos mason choirmaster had tho members well trained nnd the cantata throughout was exceedingly welt rendered the solos and quar tettes were taken by misses bcrtio smith miss jean kennedy mrs gardiner miss nellie reesor and miss hazel mason and mr mocomb mr bert wason basso of kingston as- hjoted- there wn a largo congrega tion itev mr zimmerman conducted the openlntf and closing services that splendid production the iron horse will be shown at won- derhxtid theatre on new years day environments bright erlgp wintry weather tl vhue christmas a merry henr maketh a cheerful count enance thus it is written in tho old testament and so it was written on the faces pfy young and old on christmas day in utre twinkling eyes and hftnny smilea of tho folks every where on tho street and in the homes and the cheery greoting a merry christ mnn yiu fulflliueiil of the christmas message xcace on earth soad will to men was eislly read and understood yes it wai readily real ized that the good wishes came from merry hearts that held no mart ice hearts that sent forth happiness and the warmth of love ano best wishes to all it was glad to live and let live finding untold joys in giving with a generous heart minding not the coat but feeling well repaid if only with a smile finding happiness in muklng cithers happy verify the spirit of christmas abounded and from cot tage window and the snore pretentious homes there beamed urthor evidence iit the joyous season holly wreaths and bright polnsettas herb and there jaiiy brimmed henrthslde christmas trees with their sparkling ornaments otdn tlnsol nnd other decorations nnd laden with chriatnms ftult for tho members of the household and visit ing friends it was all enchanting and added to this the sunshlnv christmas duy with its bracing winter atmosphere and tho iure white snow everywhere it wn a real old fashlontid christmas news of local import the 1926 license plates automobilo license plates for ld2fi havo been issued earlier this year than last and are now on sale tho new plate 1ms black numbers on a light grny background making it more con spicuous than last years for law en forcement a sample of tho new filate may be seen in the frkb press show window thanks to the chairman at the last meoting of the george town board of education a vot x appreciation was tendered to mr j b mackenzie upon tho occasion of his retirement from the board for his faithful attendance to duties pertain ing to the school during his term of office and for the courteous manner 4nwhicli he-discharged-the- duties of chairman for three consecutive years looks like tit for tst it is said that a georgetown man was fishing in a muskoka lake last summer ho ciukht a big flah tho the municipal electionsr196 nominations last monday in hal- ton and adjoining counties the nominations in tlioie towns and townships which have not yet taken advantage of the privilege of holding nominations and elections a month prior to tho christmas holidays wore heuv monday as follows v esquesing township reeve w o appelebe acclama tion deputy reeve t leslie accl councillors w gowdy m j car ton t bird w luivflon g currle and r cleaver nassagaweya township reeve e agnew accl councillors donald campbell w t near w v dredge frank mc nlven accl nelson township rreove h t foster accl deputy reeve g h mcarthur accl councillors h m pettit e m read head g l peer and j f guntay trafalar townshrp reeve w h morden accl deputy deevc a a galbralth councillors j waldbrook a buck v hall e henderson w ford and j elliott i 1 m arm- biggest ho hnd over landed in his jons e nixon t cox r b galbraltb a danatiqna to the uittl folks tho childrens aid society of the county of- hitltoii throughphellrln nneotor- av w- ji stewart deslro to thank tho following acton people for their very generous donatlona of money toys and clothlntr to brink christmnh cheer to the little children in the got don home milton icnox proflbytorlan young peoples guild tho junior i o t e the united church c g i x class and misses macdonald nnd gardiners public school- classes jind uiepjrtbbvlarjn victoria mission band chrittmas comforts distributed there wero no known tiomea in acton and vicinity devoid of christ mas cheer tnla yenr tho various so cieties wero uctlve nnd numerous sen- erou8hcnrteil individuals sought out all tho places where circumstanced gavo evldenco that help would be ac ceptable numerous busketa of xood and christmaa good things and parcels of warm clothing were distributed tho aim was to nee that everybody had a merry christmas lions club erect signs tho lions club of this town tiave shown enterprise in erecting signs on the highway at tho cast and west ends of tho town onlhe onrrswoia-twel- come to oakvlllo and tho time vaten tho lions meet on the other ale visible to departing motorists are ho words como aenln tho signs aro nuho largo and will attract- tho at tention of nearly all tho host of motorists who pass along tho high way oakvllle star miltons memorial next ysr the erection of miltons memorial to hor men who foil in the great war lias hoen long delnved on nocount of disagreement to its form at last things aro moving a goodly bum of money has been subscribed a com mittee is canvassing for more and the memorial which will bo a monument will be erected next year tho delay has been disappointing bnt there is consolation trices for monumonts ore much lower tliin tlioy were a low years ago champion pretty wadding at milton a pretty wedding was solcmoued saturday afternoon at the homo or the brides mother main street milton when mcrlo ellenc eldest daughter 3f mrs mary hill and tho late aeorgre w hill anil for a number of years on tho post ofllco staff here was united in marrlago to mr v a aj- brolth eldest son of mr ond mrs h t galbrultli of drumbo tho bride who was given away by her brother mr o clifford hill looked oharmlnjj in hor weddlnr gown of creojfn georgette trimmed with gold laco she wuiu a baud o p a pretty christmss wadding at six oclock on saturday evonlng december 26th ac 632 victoria avo st lambert quo tho homo oftho brides parents tho marxlago of evelyn alice daughter of mr and mrs l p snyder to mr ernest clifford marr of toronto son of mr and mrs david m mtarr of shcddon onu was sol omnlxod rov goorgodouroy st- andrews united church wcstmount performed the ceremony asslatod bv rov w a hamilton of tho united church of canada st lambert tho bride was attended by her sinter miss dolay mc l snyder while hei two nieces mary ann wlnnifrcd thornton of kimlersley sauk aotod as flower girls the gioom was nupportcd by mr joseph mccullcy of st thomas ont as boat man the woddlnsr march wna renderod by miss dorothy cross of t on tho piano and by miss dorothy o mount of montreal on the violin during tho signing of tho register miss lois hallnaan of montreal formerly of kltchenor san among tho outoftown guests wore tho brides nlstor mrs w p thorn ton of klndeisley saak muss e al berta snyder of toronto miss carol snydr and mr horace h snyder of north bay miss holen bcott of frod- erlcton n u and wi ernest a moure of winnipeg mr and mis marr are spending their honeymoon in tho luiurontlans after which thoy will reside in toronto tho father of tho brldo had his blrthplaco in acton utility commissioner strong accl eramosa township reov arch mcnab accl council w 8w h e alton jos rutherford frank day accl milton mayor john irving accl for flftn term reeve j w blaln accl for flfth term councillors j maxtcd e syer m l macnab w atkinson a l cham bers g dawson h london oakvllle at tho municipal nominations mayor wilson n roblnbon and reovo choj h cross wero declared elected by ac clamation for 1926 william nlcol ward 1 and d h melkle ward 3 were also given an aoclomatlon for the office of school xrusteo tho com plete list of nominations follows mayor wilson nelson robinson barrister accl reeve charles honry cross manu facturer accl deputy reeve william anderson engineer herbert a ashbury miller thomas bain chauffeur philip w chambers clerk george head gentle man james hewaori grocer allan kemiv blacksmith james b moat gentleman walter l smith superin tendent six to bo elected guelph in tho city of guelph seven good men and true are willing to bacrlflce ilimr tim min tal fo tho h of being chief mnlstrute us follows r h brydon sam carter frank howarht alex jaffray j w oakes r u robson dr h wing campballvlll council w d stowart w moore j ware acch hydrocommissioner g d m accl eritttowrvahip heeve david sinclair deputy reeve george bryan councillors james mcklnnon wm barber and james r cree farewell and presen tation mil dalian gibbons leaves acton to take a course in nursing a social evening in the form of a farewell party was spent at tho home or mr and mrs thomas gibbons main street last wednesday evening prior to their daughter miss dellene entering st michouilb hospital tor onto as a nnrsn-in- training the membera of st- josephs choir to which miss albbonahbelongod and rev father mcreavy met there to show their appreciation for her help in tho choir a silver nurses natch was present ed to her by mlsajrono mulholiand and tho following address was read by miss madcllcno gibbons dear dellene we tho mombers of st josephs choir aro assembled to show our respect and esteem for you you- may be suro that it was with feol- ings of sadness and regret that we learned of your intended departure from our midst although wo fain would- havo you with us neverthe less wo are glad to learn that you havo chosen tho profession of nursing as your vocation in life as a member of st josephs church you were always both aible and willing glad and choor- ful to do your part if need bo in trhjo w z- miss annie galbralth sister ot the groom was bridesmaid while gk c hill bi other of tho brido supported tho groom tho ceremony was con ducted by rov n argyle hurlbut tho pastor ot st pauls church milton mr and mrs oalbvalth left on the evening train for toronto montreal nnd other eastern cities on an extend ed wedding tou r reformer tho canadian fox industry flourishing last yenr was a successful one for tlio fox industry in canada accord ing to tho latest annual report of hon w r mothorwoll minister of agri culture prince edward island alono exported 6000 foxes mostef thorn go- fiigto- tho united statos and the in- dustrymaije consldorablo progress jn ibe other provinces tho keen deraann for live foxes hnd agood effect on th pelt trade the prlco obtained tielng higher than in tho previous year of lato yenrs there has been an increased demand for furs wnlch with tho diminishing auply in tho wllda makes tlio farming of furbearing animals remunerative undertaking the allver fox pelt still continues to be the high est priced nnd tho most popular the intel oat takon elsewhere in tho can adian fox ihdunti y is shown by tlio largo number of enquiries as to where good breeding mock can be obtained received by th dominion live stack branch from tho united state and many countries of europe eve thai p u -the- welfare of- tho church you could always bo relied on as a sacrist- an your work was alwnys most commcndible as a social workor none surpassed you however it is in the choir that we bhall miss you tho most god gavo you an excellent volco and you were ever ready to uao it in singing his praises wo felt thon delleno that we would indeed bo very ungrateful if wo did not in some tnnglblo form shofor our lovo and esteem tor you so we ask you to accept this littlo token of our appreciation for you and wo hopo that it will ovor be n bbnd ot good fellowship and happy memories between the past and tne future signed on behalf of st josephs choir irenb mullholland madeliene gibbons after this a social ovening was spent and a dainty lunch was served by mrs qlbbons and good roads for 8lighing j 1 rarefy if over tieforo has christ maa afforded tho dual pleasure so xar as country roads aro concerned of ex cellent roads for sleighing and motor ing tho roada everywhere werelji commission and tlio cutters with thetir- jingling sleigh boils seemed to have the preference they really were tho more tlmoly and enjoyable for chrlst- v death of halton man john ezard for many years a resi dent ot muton died in toronto lost wednesday ho had boen for 25 years a resident of toronto at 206 papo avu the deceased was born at cooksvllle and carried on business aa a builder in milton woodstock and toronto he had been in ill health for somo time he wasv momher of the r6yal tcmlst lars of temperance und of simpson avenuo methodist church ho leaves a widow and two daughters mrs wm church of toronto and miss ina of winnipeg tho funeral was hold on thursday to evergreen comotory milton i

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