Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 2

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ctfp artmt 3ffrjoe flrwui thursday december 31 1925 the fading heat with silent step ana alow tho old yojir slides into tho shadowy past as till ships solemn go i out into oceans dosert drear and vast o with thin fading year would all unworthy thoughts might now depart perish each baaoborn fear and a elfish aim lord cleanse th awakened heart and with tho pew dawn stealing upon our household homes with nolaeleaa feet come- every generous feeling all heavenly influence mild sedate and sweet come with the growing day increase of wldsom bending from tho eky como with fresh aids of may glad hopes and grateful pulses bound- hip high como with the summer hours large- hearted love compassions full and froo with autumns fjtlllng flowers come holiest trust and peace and and charity and when the winter blast as some young year grown old is round us sweeping come angol death at last and waft us honco to gods otcrnat keeping salootod 3ip nt at fearo tury teddys new years choice by hbiien stirling neighborhood new- town and country georgetown w ruskins eccentricities tho late john ruskin the great english critic was a man of original quid quite independent ways sure of iifa own mo uvea he did what he wish fid when no one was to be harmed or incommoded by his action he had for diamonds and other gems a great fondness which had no connection whatever with decorative intention ho carried the gems loose in his pocket and took them out from time to time to play with as another man might have toyed with a watch cbadn hit one occasion while calltagon a friend he absent mindedly took some of these cosuyplaythings out of his pocket urioflit3rwaaohowtt bytacrbottlytbat no o no heard it and a queer tittle man slipped in and jumpr ed up beside teddy he bad a very large head on which 004 a pointed caj set about with little bells his oyea were very small and peered curiously through a pair of very largo glasses wlilch lay on tho top of his big red nose in his right hand ho hold a brass trumpet in his left hand was a a golden ball round hi a waist was belt with deep pockets his feet were only very small and hie clothes jvero a- glitter with gilt bnrseaied himself oh teddys pillow and looked at him sharply twisting and turning bus great head about setting- till the bells a- jingling he bobbed up and down poking his little feet under the clothes quite heedless of teddys dis comfort teddy was so much surtrrlsed that for a time he lay aulto still then eat up and watched the queer little fel lows antics at last however as ho bobbed his pointed cap right into ted dys face and tho boy found his voice andsaid yfho are you and what do you wantr some one present and ruskin there upon showed tho gems passing them ifrom hand to hand one of the most valuable of the collection fell to the floor during this process and with the apparent perversity of costly things it roiled into a corner out sight and could not be found the friend was s a terrible state of anxiety chairs were taken out i furniture removed and the carpet even taken up meanwhile kuskdn was beg- glng his host not to take any trouble it is gone now let it remain where it is he said and attempted to change the subject when at last it was found ruskin merely slipped it back into his pocket without inter rupting the remarks he was making on modern literature ruskin was practically a total ab stainer and the waiter at his hotel was consequently greatly astonished when one day he ordered half dozen bottles of champagno and large and deep bowl the waiter was ordered to empty a bottle of- wine very slowly into the dish and mr run kin watched the foaming effervescence until bubbles ceased to rise then the tsecondhottlo waseinptied and- soon until all tho wine was hi the dish now he said to the waiter i will- make uapremxlf that wine only i advise you not jo drink it all yourself mr crofton who telle this sto tiddsr ew yeans day hail come ted dy opened his eyes as the old earth rolled slowly into theflrstaya of hghu through tho shutters ho could see streaks of array dawn ho 11a toned no sound was to be heard but the crunching stepsol strangers passing by it was much too early to rise so lie settled himself down for a little morn ing think teddy was fond of these quiet thinks as ho called them in tho twilight and stillness he often thought over many things and decid ed to his own satisfaction many ques tions which still puszled older and wiser heads this morning teddy had something to think about- last night hand his mamma had talked about tho- good old year which had rolled away for over last year would never never lomo back but this year was just beginning his mamma had spoken to him seriously about- tho ntew year the old year had gone back to god with its story of all his thoughts and words and actions some were good many wore bad but they could not now be changed but the new year was like a now scribbler each day a blank page on which he must write should his now book bo filled with ugly blots and careless writing or should it bo kept thus clean arid white he would try very hard to keep this year free from blots but his mamma had sold litst night- that it all depended on the choice he made what did she mean the light was growing clearer and teddy was wondering what time it was when the door opene soft ly and unhappily going upstairs the littlo man close behind him his reiothir said toddy doarr i am so gladyou hivo com in i have been wishing for some one to take this basket to tht- smea tons i am afraidthey will not have a very good new years din ner as mrs smea ton has been too ill to work ipwso yourself please yoursetf i ani tho man to mnko you haiiy please yourself shouted the little man in teddys car j oh mother said teddy sharply i am so tlredind besides i was go ing to do something olsq cant you got someone else no dear said mrs troop who was the only one hi tho house who had seen teddys companion j am afraid not but i will not ask you to go if you are tired teddy passed on to the sittingroom as he passed his mother he again caught a glimpse of the lovoly maiden gazing at him with eyes full of tears and holding towards him the basket of fruit and flowers but the little mans bells were ajfngllng as ho hur rled teddy away teddy took some hooks out of th3 bookcase and stretched himself on the sofa jhe was very unhappy and kicked at the wall with his heels mak ing a great noise between the kicks he heard the front door open anil then quickly close and he was just jump ing up to run after his mother when the littlo man hopped up dh tho sofa ami equalled hjmflelf on teddy tho womens instltuto sent buskota for christmas to the needy famllfeb in fown dr walter lang try of fort wayno ind was a guest at the homo of his nephew wr elmer c thompson dur ing tho week there was a good attendance nt the armenian boys concert in thfitown hall last evening they put on an excellent programme which was much enjoyed mrs william itfoblo of vancouver was a guest of mr and mrs 0 c camptidtl tast wk r mr and mrsg t coo 4aft last week to spend the holidays with friends in montreal on frida even knox church held its annual christmas entertain ment iiitho school room of the church after a bountiful tea had been served a very varied concert was given by the members of the sunday school all of whom performed their parts efficient ly mr caste 1 has been asked by the school board tp give ono hour and a half more time per week to musical instruction in the school and hie salary ieto bo increased to 17500 per annum beginning jan 4 1026 herald m jt being a boy oakv1lle the we man st himself arid shook hnrireaa then he put his trumpet to his mouth and shouted t theone rto make xike the famous painter who sat all day throwing pebbles into the water and marking the ripples that they made on the surface ruskin had been taking ah art lesson from the ef fervescence of the champagne at all this expense of tmie and money ydu happy i can please can please youl please you please you im the man to moko you hanpyl and he t the3affirtknrupih caught it on the endoffita nose then he shook his head again and set all the bells arlnglng what do you want sold teddy ogajn hi want to stay with you to- stay ho was now almost as big ns tho boy himself and teddy could scarcely move for tho weight upon his chest lie still lie still he shouted al ways please yourself please your self im the man to make you happy happy please yourself always please yourself i bay and ho turned a somersault on the floor ln his glee- as the dinner bell rang mrs troop came in and putting away the empty basket hurried to lay off her wraps when she took her seat at the table teddy thought he had never before seen her look fo tired and again he caught a glimpse of the utile maiden but the tingle of the bells was still in his ears and the glitter of gilt in his eyes after dinner came the games but teddy was not happy unless he was the blind man or tho one to hide the thimble tho ono to guess or the one to bo guessed at lost ijls father caned him quietly to his side and said qulotly that no one but toddy could hear i am sorry my little nrnn is un- happy but ho tbounpleaal ant you had better go to yourroomj for to nighryott are spoiling ithn pleasure of everyone good night ieddjiuietlyjefttheaqpniojjt- tlo man shouting in his car please yourself please yourself re was so knr wjshing to co wr t ho rhythm of artificial music and t of itatruie7igagedabafiadr musicians from london at a great expense and made themplay on the beach at folkestone on a windy day when the burf was rolling in after christmas jests 1 if the small boy started early for tho pantry it wasnt to avoid tho jam fofurkey now we do not care and to our deop disgrace we would not if wo met one dare to look it in the face gobble gobble gobble if the turkey would only have varied his monstrous remarks perhaps we would not have been jrojendy to do h says mi turkeys who have escaped the christmas slaughter should not put on too many airs about it just yet as a good many people like turkey on new years day turkeys which the public refused to buy at inflated christmas prices seem to be feeling bad about it in the butcher shop nearly all of them seem to be hanging their beads in shame n maybe thats whats wrong with the leftover christmas beef too it does look dreadfully cut up these are moving day no soon er does a man get his christmas and new years bills paid than he begins saving for his summer vocation and as soon a he getonji8jetaftcr ving under th be clo so for i uiavnothihg but the tip of his pointed cap could be seen vxo stay with me saidjcfiddyi- but the little man answticpd not a word ho lay very quiet under the blankets toddy also sat quite stul and was wondering what to do next when up bobbed thostranee little visitor shook his head and shouted xes to live with you to live with you to live with you to live with mo said teddy oh yes yesryea i and tho man to make you happy fleaso yourself ill always say you shall always please yourself while i am here ho shouted through his brass trumpet as he perched himself on the foot of the bed and looked at teddy through his g glasses teddy was now b9 busy with hib own thoughts that he silil not noiccithe jit tie maiden clse by him following him along thehiill and 7upto- his little room n threw himself on tho bed and although he was qulto a big and brave boy too he did not jrlv away fhe tears or sobs as he lay there he thought no one l m they all hato mo w s da vies has disposed of the late col whlium jhondrlos stock farm of 200 acres nearburlngton to mr qeo southjof brampton including the en tire stock and implements jr the municipal rink was opened to its patrons last week for tho first time this year quite a number availed themselves of tho skating opportunity the- ontario gazette announces that captain james andrews shipyard has been incorporated as the oakville yacht building co ixd capitalized at 60000 dr r n mcbaln of chlcagoia spending christmas with his parents attheparsonages messrs arthur thomas and howard carson left yesterday morning motor ing for lakelands florida a splendid oneact play entitled on account of the lobster was ren dered by naenvbers of tho ay p a in tho st judos parish hail 4n monday evening last rt rev d t owen dd bishop of niagara and- mrs owen were- the guests at the rectory last sunday evening the bishop preached to a crowded church at the evening service and afterwards held an informal re ception in the memorial hall tho brantwood school closing day entertainment was held- on friday afternoon in tho kindergarten primary room over one hundred people in cluding the parents and friends of the children were present and were de lighted with the unusual skill- and grace with which they entertained under tbo guidance and direction of the teachers record tho aomona of a typical small boy arc not tb bo accounted fr although they may bj studied arid described in the morning ho uppears at the door of his home brlghtfuced arid happy he- has no particular reason for opening the door and standing on the stop ex cept that he is alive and wants to be moving about he is almost burst ing with desire to do something and must get some of it out of him before bedtime or he will not bo fit to go to sleep ho docs not kinbw this wllh his head but his muscles know it and after all a boys muscles do 1 good deal of thinking for him ho stands on the step and whisth h and looks up and down the street he does not know what ho is looking for in fact horeotllyla hot -looking- for anything but just hoping something will appear that will give him some thing to do then he jumps down the steps two at nt time- climbs up on the gate hangs on it for a moment and makes bomo noises such as only a boy can make and no one else would if he could they do not mean anything he mirtte3 them well just because he is a boy and does not know what else to do meanwhile he looks intently up and down the street and listens fpr a possible response 10 his signals he is hoping that jim or bob ot link is in hearing but there is no reply then aq if a sudden inspiration hadome to him ho bongs the gate wide open and rushes down the mid dle of the street yelling like young indian of course np inspiration not even a coherent thought did come to him ho only did that because ho had nothing else to do and simply must do something he picks up a stone and throws it at a dog and then winces and feels sorry when it hit the markhe did not mean to hit the dog in fact he is very fond of it he threw the stone bo cause ho and tho dog happened to bo thero together and it seemed a handy thing jto do for a few seajmds he stands and looks up into a tree at nothing then he breaks into a run again and sud denly sits down smiling on the curb stone as if he had accomplished what hesetout to-do- andwahcantonl the showbills on the shed not unreasonable after all erin i hooked out a flf teenfoot bass- jche lust meetiirf oferincouncirtvttopersl3ti the tall man7atnt they were sitting in the corner grocery store exchanging the confi dences of the nsfllng season and as the it conversation progressed the btories increased in size at lasttne tall lank man on the crackerbarrel pulled himself together and began i went down to the river this morn ing and although the water was nigh almost to a flood i took a tenfoot pike p v stop there exclaimed the fat man with the corncob pipe tell us you took hn eight pound trout and tu sit idly by but a tenfoot pike never i took a tenfoot pikepole con tinued the unruffled man on the bar rel and in less than ave minutes i hooked out a fifteenfoot bass see here see here shouted the owner of the grocery store youll have to go away from here to finish that story i haven any lightning- rods on this store yet host any rural doings for me bad a passing charm whn i a- roughandready lad liv ed on my grandads farm an auction sale the district fair tho dance and ploughing bee in boyhood days were great event and all attracted mo but the event of all events which served to turn my head was when the circus bills were posted on the roadside shed i never could pronounce the words they printed on the bills and of ten wondered what they meant im ignorant of that still the gaudy colored pictures though would fill mo with delight and with tho joyous expectation i couldnt sleep at night- so at the first gray streak of dawn id hurry from my bed and run and feast my eyes upon tho showbills onthoshed 1 dressed and wiggling into their clothes ns thoy hurried along in those days the- circuit did nottraveltytrain for tho wagons were air drawn by biorhc from one show pluoo to tho next on vnd part of tho showytho monafiorio j sideshows otcwas mi- its way to the next stopping- place while the circus night performance was still going on und in enso of uccident or dolay by washout broken bridge or bad roads it was an impatient bunch of boys roosting upon tho top of some rail fence wixltlng for thu straggling par ado to come into view there was usually elephants in tho lead of tliatlong4broceasion of wag ons ono tf whlcltowould always test tho strength of any weak appearing culvert or bridge before tho heavy wagons were sent over everyone must havo noticed that an elephant is always careful where it stops even walking along u pavod street and tiverloscb its footing upon ono place of security until another lsiglned- and invariably refuses to cross brldgfi or culvert without thumping it with its trunk or testing it with its extended foot tb assure itself of safoty and in case of any doubtit will re trace its steps and scramble down tho side of tho bank wade tho stream and climb the other side to the solid road way again th whaky bridge on bradford street at breena pump works was usually held in suspicion by those elephants who had to cross itjon these passages there was always an elephant or two at the rear also those wlilch had been used in the oircus performance and had left with the last section to be used to push out of the ruck any wagon which had become stuck or could not be moved by the attached horses ajid it surely was an un wield ly load that would not move when the bhr square head and massive body of several tons of elephant hefted it business directory medica l dr j a iwcnivbn physician and qurgmn offlceand resldezicecorner bowit avenuo and elgin street phonb dr ej kelson frederick btrekt aetotv ontario jeqal i was going to ask you how much you think i can get for it origin of ljickle voxutflonrhe has to begin shopping early all in a name the difficulty of pronouncing suc cessive syllables having a similar sound is well known add a little em barrassment and publicity and the difficulty may became the foundation of ah amusing incident it was ah a meeting bf the local womens suffrage association of an inland city mrs carrie chapman catt a prominent officer of he na tional woman suffrage association was to speak the local president uruss to introduce h and sold companion at the foot of the bed the breakfastbell just then rang the little man hopped to the door and peeped out uieh shouted oh its cold its cold and popped into bed and under the blankets and was be side teddy in a thrice its t op cold to get up he whispered teddy was about to speak when ho heard the softest sweetest whisper teddy teddy do as mother wishes please others andjooklnat round he saw by his side the sweetest little maiden dressed in puro white he had only time to notice her beautiful gplden hair lovely large blue eyes and a bosket of flowers and fruit which she held in her hand when the little man popped up and shouted in his ear im the onto to make you happy ha please yourself please ypur- bol und ugalu im jingling lie still its cold so cold and teddy huddled further under the blankets again the soft sweet whisper oh i teddy i keep still will you said teddy as lie turned to the little man now it is very strange but true that the time teddy looked nt the little man and listened to him he the little man grew bigger the bells jingled more loudly and the trumpet each time was shriller and i dont care its all thelrfautt ycsy yesryes shouted the little man who htad perched himself on teddys head and was making ugly grimaces at trie little maiden who was standing close by i am the mart to make you haiipy happy huppy al ways please yourself please go away cried toddy its all your faul- ga awuy iv want my mother nowttddy had not had his head burled in the pillow ho would have seen a very strange sight tho little man suddenly grew smaller and the littlo maiden grow large and more beautiful she stopped fro ho close to teddy and whispered softly oh teddy i iovo you so wont you lot mo stay with you seo tho beautiful flowers and fruit i give tb you for those- you love jindjtcddy yotcd i2600os a grant to the fall fair miss ella andx mary mcquarrie spent last week with friends in acton inujefltorjrj the local school last week and found everything in order aji were pleased to see the colonel looking so weir and able 0jonhiade thcjrjitubnciasaryw a t tend fits donebtznfter ft n in n ess oftn f niimin i w the annual slaughter resultant from the british shooting season hai long flu rati on tho regular nieptjng pfthe conlngs- by womens institute and v- fow111 be held at the hornp pf mr andmrsr jas mcklnnon this thursday pvp- ing december 31 a collection wllf be lakcnforth h c ho ginning to feettiototbohp creptdown4t up w i bytho now among the blankets and watched his beautiful face he saw bending over him on her headwns a crown set with ho most precious stones dia mond and rubles sapphires and ame thysts which sparkled like the frost in the sun from her ears hung car rings of pearl about her waist a girdle of pure gold in her right hand sho held a basket of roses and fruit in her lefta crown of puro gold while hfcr face beamed as tho brightest softest moonlight toddly suddenly threw his arms about her and sobbed stay with me stay with me oh please stay with moand as she fold ed teddy in her arms the littlo man slowly vanished tike bells giving the lastjlngle as he faded from sight when teddys mmma crepr softly upstairs she found a sad but loving little boy waiting for her as she sat beside him her hand clasping his ho told her the story mt hismorningviflitj ors and waarsotnowtrttl surprised when she told him that she had seen them and that quite often they came to ber and that her little mnnwlth his trumpet hells and gifts gave her a great deal of trouble he came bo often and shouted so loudly that sometimes she could scarcely catch the whispers of tho beautiful maiden will tho little man ever come buck to roe asked teddy yes my dear said mrs troop giant self cornea very often to every if foe finds that love i expenses of tho township board of health for tho year wero as follows dr ec reynolds medical hoalth pincer inspecting j5 schools disin fecting placarding and for formaline 143 86 expenses of members of tlo 13oard j1340 expenses of three meet- ings 3420 sending two indigent ft- tlotits to poor jiouso j2g0 after many months of delay tho situation for tho united church hv hlllsburg haui at last culminated in a way that iwomlsos well for tho future tho congrcgationls now united por- mantly and winsoon have a place of worship improvement of as t hur mcconnell and david douglas is reported after their severe injuries bath arc doing ns well os can be expected under tho circums a means of eliminating loss and waste to rural britain the third sunday in novemhcr long known as salting sunday inbygono days tho saltings along the essex coast were valuable properties fpr soli being then obtained by eyaporaflijn prriy t de ffofnl thironprittbrs yjjap aejryear i nipunted emial quantify year affep year- tp jho salf4 p farmers in tnglr big lumber wagons benr on exchanging their surplus live stock for the necessary preservative at tho tien current rate of qno sheep for two bushels of salt it can bo un derstood frpnti this how the splfllng of salt canio tnbp rtrarded with super stitious feelings and to be doomed un- luoky another old snyjng i hftv a red in pickle for you- also origin at 04 about this time- children in those days were sternly dealt with and a bundlo of twigs was quite often kept in flank ing in tlieianiily brlnotub n order to render it sunplo for weeks before the show id be so awful kind and good id keep the garden frco from weeds and split the kindling wood id start a little private bank and id finance it wih care and had i practised it till now id bo a millionaire 1 often wish some guiding star had lured me on ahead with hopeful expectations as those showbills on tho shed id saddle up tho old black marc and strive to learn tho knack of turning somersaults and such while standing on her back one day she ran away with me and nearly broke my neck she jumped the bars and i fell off a bruised and bleeding wreak this dampened my ambitions but i nursed my wounds and said some day ill be a rid or and have my picture on tho sheet when show day came id rob my bank of all its hoarded tin and bright and early reach the field to see tho show come in id dlbslpatenlc i u710 trustees of the erin school have accepted the- resignation of miss gregg the- principal of the school and have engaged miss myrtle mckinney the daughter of mr and mrs john mc kinney to tnlo charge of iho work after the christmas vacation a large crowd gathered at the home of mr and mrs j r hamilton in the form of a surprise party to bid faro- well to miss c a shaw hef ore de parting from slsbone as teacher after presenting her wltfi a mantel clock and a cut gloss salad dish and server anil thenccompanylng address a pleasant ovenlng was spent socially advocate a3 good as he 8ent milton ladles and gentlemen i have the honor this evening to introduce to you mrs chnrrie capmdn catt i mean mrs carrie capman chatt i mean mrs carrie chatman cnj ladles and genii 01- desperately you will now be addressed by mrs charrlc cnpmanj seat it was not the first time mrs catts name had been used in a play either tho matter good humored i y a creed for tre new year i believe in boys and girls the men anij women of a great tomorrow that whatsoever the boy soweth the man shall roan i believe in the curse of ignorance in the efficacy of schools in the dignity of teaching and in the joy of serving 0 therm r believe in wisdom as revealed in human lives as welf as in the pages of a written book in lessons taught not so much by mre j cept as by oxample in ability to work with tho hands as well as to think with tho head in pvery thing that makes life largv and jovelyi believe in beauty in the sahoolroom in the home in daily life and in out of ooorm i belleye in laughter in faith in all ideals and distant hopes that lure us on i believe that every hour of every day wo ffscalve a just re ward jor alliwa are and all wo do i heijovo it thvprpmntaad in its ji povlanlties in ute future and lt promisos and in tho dlhaajjoyn fy livv one of ua lf 2 1 llvln wth h0 turn nwav when w turn love away can ho entor bur homes nr our hw i father very soberly wished him a hap py new year but added you have b dub lnugljij in his room he took his seat sulkily and put out his hand for tho cream jag jujit then he caught a glimpse of white and gold felt a soft touch on his band and a whisper made him think of his mother he looked toward her but was attracted by a hand on his drnvanjd a loud whisper in hlfl ear oh no lib please yourself please yourself rmthe man to make you happyj- happyltpappyl takelt alt all all please yourself pleftae yourseu andnn chair qpite close to hint ws the little mahv bohblng his hmandwlnwng his little eyes all day long ho keiit close 16-ted- dy at tlms the boy woufl catch uie perfume bf sweet flowers- and fruit and foel the cling clasp ufti soft hand bnif he tck hlnisolf frw and iho sort whliper genua tquch the leam of olcl tiria thporfunie of flowws gf ew wraiiiiw bomft ofhoakey te jvm46rmhjli and said he doesnt look very hap py at which teddy said under his breath shut up his sisters sald teddy has slept too- long weve been up ever so long but his mother put her arm about him as she said happy new year jfceddy i rh sor ry you are late teddy gave his lm other a very cold kiss for lie could thing of nothing but tho queer littlo mv mnmt t mvm man who had come to uwwhji linijwrjc6holdhlnhrbandsrftndtjio llvewhero love is will the maiden stay with me a long as we listen tder sllghtiist whlspe and gaze into her loving eyes sho will never leave us but if we turn from her and look to giant self she cannot stay when you hear tbe tingling bells l turn quickly to tove and ask her to slnglto you tliat you may not hear thuftrumpet or the bells gaxe at her at tho roses and crown glitter of tho man lbk very poor keep lovo jn your heartland el- nshnesfl cannot enter the first dav of tne rew year has come and gone and with it haa gone the giant self- the reign of loyo begins you have crowned the little maiden your queen and sho now- holds a crown for yon jteddy folded hlfl hands and with hts mothers hand on his fair young brow- together they repeated t the ixird blees and keep thep the lord makes his faco to sblno upon tlioe and bo giaolous unto thee tho lord lift up rho light of his counten- aoeupon thee and givethee peace vavaho benv pvor him o glvo him his long good night kiss teddy no- tlcedjotnhor brow a crown and as- ho nut bis arms about jtaer neck a ronn fropped from his hand upon her breast- and nestled there god is vhlspored teddy- as he fell asleep an extra staff- was on duty at tho post office to handle tho christmas mall which this year was unusually heavy i messrs george and robert allen of detroit are spending the holidays at their honw bore- mrs nfiflllt of toronto formerly of milton and moth op of mrs a i chamberayfell recently and brpko bar hip and arm nocossitatlog her re moval to the hosrpltal the annual christmas tree was given the children at the gordon home at 1030 on christmas morning a number of cltliens interested in tho children were at the home on this oc caslon f dr and mrs f w pearce of state college penn whor have been visits ing mr nnrt aim y wi y that tfic request discourteous ta very likely to bo followed by a dis courteous reply la tho moral of tho following little htory mr l was touring with his family through ono of the eastern states at a crossroad some miles from boston he became uncertain of his route an aged country woman with a basket was the only person in sight he stopped his car and called out to her i say hey you i jhe old woman put down her has ket and stood at indignant attention we want to go to boston he cried i- with every evidence of resentment sbe picked up her basket and scream ed back well whos ablndenin ye walked on crisp and sweet and watch the grand procession as it passed along the street with golden vansand playingrbands and steeds with sprightly tread to me hwould bo- far- grander- than tho posters on tho shed though from the show way i havo strayed and- chosen- another track yet in my musings oft find myself go winding back and though to big and proud perhaps to tag the circus band yet memprics of that happy time are still nt my coinroand a chlldiq3ffjoy possesses me though youthful days ha fled pin hui wlreirtsee the showbill on the- wayside shed and the difference i mothevft ijave reason to blenii hsr graves worm exterminator iereiviitne hue tfnea of htreet have gxne to ottawa tovlslt pr and mrs george hume the elections for the mock parlia ment at the young peoples leiigue on monday evening was the source of great amusement and the speeches by the fourteen candidates asking for the support of the electorate w very clove the contest was a close ono but resulted in jhe election of the mc- nabb party the results were as fol lows trcmlerrtigffiraon ilcnabb secretary of states mr c mceach- ern minister of homo affairs h fay- minister of foreign affairs m stewart minister of health elsie stewart minister of finance miss m fiejd dflnlster of justlcermr m white 1 the commundty christmas tree and i festivities was held last- wednesday evening from 7 t 8 oclock the tree was located at he northwest corner of dr gowlnnds residence and was brilliantly illuminated- with electric lights kindly installed for- the occasion by tho nydroeltctrlo commission all tho kiddles in town who presented themselves wore each handed a bag of candy by santa claus comniunlty singing was a feature of the program me the band also bolng present play ing some fine selections in their usual good style as a stnrcr miltons first community chhntmnh tree was a success reformer one day a bishop chanced into a shop of a druggist who was very fond of a joke- on somebody else the drug gist wishing to have a joke at the ex pense of the bishop said bishop can you tell me tho dif ference between ah ass and a bishop the bishop could hot well raid the druggist smiling all oyer an dss carries its cirbss burden upon its back but tho bjshop carries his cross pf gold on his breast very gopd replied tho bishop and you fll tho dlffereneo between an aaa then continued now my friend can and a druggist after some hesitation tm druggist nnetwered- no sirl canx neither can ii retorted the bishop as he walked out hardboiled kids wantcdthree or hrioro furnished rooms for hght housekeeping have two indestructible children jbtbccnusetrrorrmnlaa widow is no sign shes green igrtjyso the oidrtime circus two weeks ago i gavo purt of a so- yearold story written by mr white of victoria bc for ihomjarrle ex- arnlner on memories of circus days in hia boyhood here follows the rest of ho reminiscences it will be remembered tlint gaudy show bills were not ns common then oj now for every movie announce ment frpm mtttpn sills tle sea hawk or jjoug falpbanks the three musketeers doiyn o the les ser important attrwctlqnp ltvo dis plays that would have beep of the greatest interest to tjiqsp oldtimors when a halfsheet auctiop op horn2 xaatobjux- wn the limit therefore the genuine excitement among old nnrj young when those flaring bills were pasted up all over town in more than one way havo the movies robbed especially country people of- their simplicity shall we say of tho old days those lavishly illustrated represen- tationa of fearful antediluvian dlnl- saursond their several relations xriust havo been of the same family as those depicted in the present tnovlng pic ture the lost world which i note is showing in a barrio picture house hiawfiftksna fairly good idea may easily be gained of thb tcfrlbleness of those oldtime circus billboards and every old boy will remember how his hair stood on end as he view ed those lurid pictures of those 1 ferocious animals and wondered if it wasnt really ono of those torrlblo creatures which had escaped from formerly visiting menagerie that was really the sea serpent which was so frequently seen in kcmpcnfoldt bay back in those days then too he won dered how they could get a plank that was strong enough to hold that- mas sive elephant or if the girl in tho gauay skirt roally jumped through hoop of fire or if she did show how she managed to keep from catching pn tire those billboards which were the most prominently located at least so far as the writer was concerned were erected nt the gore where elizabeth street turned into allandale road and covered the rnmnnnklo nlrt wondcri the circus of yesterday in tho binys i carried water to the thirsty elephants or wormed a surreptitious way be neath the circus tents it seems to mo the camels were a tall er lot than now tho lions fretted roaring was more terrible somehow tho peanuts were a crlsper sort tho lemonade i think wasvenrniucfarbnperior-7te-what- you get to drink at any circuses today in short im frank tosay the circus of my boyhood wasniuoii better thun today the scats are so much harder now the tent is not so high tho elephants arc not so big as they go shambling by tho toy balloons ore not im sure as brightly red and blue as those of fifty years ago the sprightly kangaroo seems not by half as wonderful as those 1 used to see the polar beara are not as white- and do not interest me they do not have such funny clowns- tho show is not as vast i dont think theyve improved upon the circus of the past the sideshow tent is smaller now the banners out th front dont bear such splendid pictures as was formerly their wont the hulr of the circassian girl is not as long and queer sho isnt half as pretty as sho was that bygone year the iatooedman has faded some the punch and judy show lacks half the bubbling huipor that it had so long ago the wild man caught in borneo 1st tamo and -when- 1 see him smile i know the circus is not what it used to be iknowtheydo tho loop- tho1 oop tuid death defying feats that freeze the frightened people with terror in their seats but as they feed tho anunals wben the bis show is through my hajr stands not upon its end as it always used to do i do not feel that anguished hope i know it was a sin- that bade me stand out front and say pease mister take me in nor do i seek the circus grounds whin all is moved away to mourn the vanished glory of the gladsome yesterday phone no 32 pv o box ms harold nash farmer m a barrister solloltor notary puhfle convsyanosiv eta perryman block acton out money lent ok mortgages hours 980 us to 6 pan saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dtnutt honor graduate of toronto uhtvor- slty the latest- anesthetic used if desired 1 office at residence corner of mol and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8urgoon office over bank of nova soot hotjrs9s0 to 6w evenings by appowtmant miscellaneous francis mjnan k bookblnatr account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description v carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street over williams goelpa onl stem rjkm auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property ontario with mb acton and while those tfhows df tnat time vcro smaller affairs than those of tho present day there was a much larger proportion or horses lieesidtat- er through having to haul tho entire outfit from town to town ns well as big powerful mullcs doing tho heavier work und as these overnight hauls were anything from 20 to 40 miles the smaller places unlike now had their regular yisltf of thoso tented shppys and throucli that necessity some of thoso circuses were noted especially for their timefniflpent bpraes nil of ono color vxoeiu the performing horses of caurso stonas cjreua used only cream colored ones kemps had irongray ones roblnons wcroti ways coal black steeds while dixon for a tlmo were of the piebald vnriety and everywhere created a sensation upon their appearance 7lnigkun insurance agent life fire auto accjdtnt a health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plata glasshnsurtinrea trustae for estatts calleotlona business entrusted to my core wlubecarcfully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton aom rarkhm0hd5rvsr tfrqmto canada and this gives a good description ot the oldtime clrous and managorlo of fifty years ago some of them do have wheels important question of the month why do little girlsr smile and little boys grin another dry vote r v ii wsiihy 7 draw then soft corns are difficult to eradicate but holloways corn remover will them out yoliilevsiy a burnt child dreads the fire an nounces the teacher during the lesson in proverbs now give me a sen tence different in wording but mean ing the same thing a grfmy hand shot up from the back of tho clnss please teacher came a small voice a washed child dreads the water a fact wo havo been told all our lives that money did no bring happiness wo think of that sometimes now with america tho richest counry and iho peonlo tho richest people ip tho world ihq ifomo of dlsoontenipneht and dls- nathsfactlon a- nation is made happier novnore by money than la on indl- vldu-mohlgonjwt- advertlaer buildings which at that time stood there adjoining the corner of ellxa betti and mary streets both sides and all around tho market square where the public library now stands- and duringthe couple of weeks or so each season they wero in use they held an interested goggleeyed widemouthed audience of schoolboys for v most of the time and mighty littlo attention was given to lessons either at public school or sunday school so long os tooy had 5laas uiem several tfrnes enoh day leaving a lingering impres sion and glimpsing back to that time when finally tho day arrived for tho appearance of that circus hes a queer old curmudgeon who dobsnt even yet remember the thrill of get ting up early in tho morning and trudfjlug out to meet that show as it lraftied on its way to the show grounds i in queens park nearly every boy r and many of our ciders too was a volunteer member 9t tjose roceptlon committees which used to arise at 4 a by prearrangement getting snoozes through tho night for fear he might not wake up and h untie three or four miles but into tho country to meet the coming clraus to our ixir- tfculnr gang it w thb general prac tice toftip a string around your ankle and then hang the cord onlofuia window ntid the first one up avjteil as a nnrt of callboy and in turn visited each member and pulled the sngnalj curd until everyone was nreparedfotj ihelilke out to klshermaiia wlrtltfew sunnldale rond or dbwri hy oldgio depending xipon which fcj clrcua was comlngsome people ca3am littlo mary is a born searcher after information flnd tommy her brother is always ready to supply her with it- mary was poring over a large book she had seen her father reading tho night before- phi1osopher she spelled laboriously then after a moments inward struggle she said philosopher whats that huh said tommy think youd know its a rides n phllosophede start monday jan 4 at guelph business college 8tenoi3paphy and bookkeeping win capitalize yow brain und your nbluty mnko them nny you dividend a l bouck principal and proprietor people shamefully neglect their eyes about tho last tiling tho aver- ago person decides to attend to is an examination of tho eyes some folks like to boast of their ability to do without glasses even though they admit that they need them no greater mistake could be made you do differently if you only sub- they should be have us give them a thorough feoiiig ovcr a d savage metrlat and mfa optician tight at thopoat office 0 buildino quelph village of acton notice gp regiotration of bylaw notlco is hereby given that- a by- law was passed by the hunlclpol council of the village of acton on tho eighth day of december 1926 provide ing for tho issue of debentures to ths amount of 14000 for the purpose df defraying the cat of construction ot cement aldewavllc on the northeaster ly side of wilbut etreet between the rosldcftjto of 3q o- arnold und mill street and that such bylaw was reg istered in the heglstry ofllca irt the county of llalton on the 10th day of becemfier ms the old and rahmble granite and marble lsorics wa are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of uonumonul and headstone work wt sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus saving our customer 40 per oehl we have tho boat appliance and the only mechanics in the dominion who oan operate pneumatic tools properly v7e can give references from hundreds df our customers in toronto and other places where others have to hava law suits in order to collect we hare the largest and best slock of draolte in th dominion or more than any three dealers in the west wa ore logtm- mata dealers and employ no agents pnd do not annoy or peat customer tw i rlrmf muat bu l oraarwo employ only mechanic batslbpswpiwl h wy competition gpamiltonsons jf guelph 0ht

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