Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 3

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the home of ilu 2itiani vsbb member canadian weekly newspaper abaocjation ii ember selected town weeklies oi ontario the acton fltee press is published every thursday morning at the iree press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is joo per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is mdjlatcu on the address label advertising rates transient advertise- merits 10 cents per line agate measure for first tntertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum ib cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 have we made a net gain thoyearis now at its close it is time for us all to be balancing the years books no business man expects to go through the year and make a profit on fiverything he touches he is satisfied if nis net pro fits are greater than his lossesfby a fair margin no farmer expects that every crop will be good and vitl bring large returns he is satisfied if his success ful ventures outnumber the unsuccessful and his twbitx ag years work shows a balance n his favor few of usese jy 2 thursday morning december 31 j925 as we look back over the year find everyihing as we would like it we recognize many failures we are humiliated by our shortcomings we wonder that so often we were selfish and unthoughtful we blush tq realize how much precious timewe have wasted yet we have no reason to be discouraged if our years gains have exceeded oifr losses if in the twelve months we have made some progress and gone ahead if we have learned something achieved something and made some progress we can accept the years setbacks philosophically the most that the best of us can hope for is that in balancing our books for the year we find a net gain from the lnue of the free preu of thursday january 4 1mm i the new rink and waiting room hova been removed to the north side ottho rink the young folks nave had a jolly tlmo skating on fairy iake during the week mr s koberts manager of first- brook bros fl h hatchery went to editorial dont shirk responsibility we are on ththfesholdt3f natur ally asthoughtful people we give some- reflection upon what the year is to bring to us to get the very best out of it we must be prepared to shoulder the responsibilities of life as members of the home and members of the community to envy the people who always get out of things is a mistake though sometimes the temptation to do so is very strong we all know peoeple who succeed in dodging all responsibility in sidestepping whatever is hard and leaving others to shoulder the burdens most of the time they are mere onlookers and when we realize what an easy time they have we sometimes wish we were like them on second thought such immunity is dearly bought responsibility develops character the people who tackle difficulties and get the better of them soon are fitted to cope with hard er and harder things the shirk on the other hand becomes a weakling the onlooker at life misses all that makes it worth living a happy new year the old year has run its course jhe4ew yea- stands before us some of us dissatisfied with the old year and its record are fondly promising our selves that the new year shall be something vastly different something so different in fact that it shall mark a new epoch in our lives but as a rule there are few violent breaks in human history and the new year is apt to be the old year over and over again only more so the idea that some day there is going to be a violent break with the old life and that we shall suddenly put behind us all its failures and blunders and as suddenly rise to a higherlevel of beingwhere we shall forget how to blunder and shall for ever lay aside all our selfishness all our folly and all our ignorance is a captivating one but is seems to rest on very flimsy foundations the roots pf the future lie deep in the past and the pres ent is the stuff out of which the past is ceaselessly being made weafe serrirrghnmotiontoayjfprces thatwifjantmue to operate for generations after we are gone what we are going to do isnt half as important as what we are doing there are- a thousand good deeds we intend to do tomorrov but if we omit doing the one which is now at our hand the prospects for the future are not very bright there is always some reason why we should neglect the present opportunity and we ften deceive our selves into thinking that we are really the people we expect to be when goodness is easy and the lions are all dead but eternal righteousness never judges men by what they decide to be which is after all what they really are but is it not possible for men to change it certainly is and to change most decisively and quickly but it is well to recognize that it is no easy task and we need to start at once there are no moral attitudes inaccessible to the pa- depoalted in a private- ashing fcround on lilly lake mr david williamson has decide 1 to give up farming shortly and will remove to acton messrs b ryder and j a murray left last week for the northwest and messrs w j chapman and frank mcintosh for the maritime provinces on monday on new yeara night knox church sunday school presented their cantata to an overcrowded audience in the town hall tfcp cantata was an amusing and huily combination of prlxles brownies mermaids and sv group of little fairies some wideeyed or openmouthed sleepy and alto gether quadnt in the foreground the appearance ot utile ifo peep and utile boy blue and jack and iuv with their ditties created a humorous reception and tjie little old man of the seii in bin matrimonial- hopes caudal the funny sldo ot the audlenoc two dnllls a hoop drill by the young er girls and a slwiiherdeaa drill by the young ladles were very cleverly and pleasingly executed mr and mrs santa cluus andi a good night song- brought the programme to a oloae trie old year- xdist night when all the village was lying white and still with starlight in tlio valloy with moonlight on tlio hill i wakened from my dreaming and hushed my heart to hear the old clock in tlio steeple ton out tho dying year they say that when tho angola the blessod now year bring the souls that wnko to listen can heur thorn softly sing the samo melodious anthem of peace and love on earth that told to jilllin shepherds tho dear redeemers birth no sound came through the silence but waiting there i thought of all the gifts and blessings the year to me rind brought and something sang within me o hapuyttonrt today remerhber all who sorrow and wipe their tears away so in that sqlcmn morning when ilrst thy feet shall stand where dawn in light unshudowed the years at gods right band the words of benediction thy welcome home shall be thy deeds of love and mercy have all been done to mo i weekly fashion hint the backward glance pilgrims of the press w rupert davies president of the british whig publishing co kingston htte president- of the canadian weekly newspapers association has just published in book form the story of the tour of the canadian newspaper editors and their wives to europe id 1924 mr davies organized this rettiark- blevisittogreatrbntainandthecon tinen trand had much to do with carrying it to the successful consummation which the members of the party ex perienced being on the instdetbf all thearrange- ments mr davies was better fitted to write this in teresting description of the- trip than any other mem ber of the company the story is aptly told and the interest in theitinerary is admirably sustained in all details of the prolonged trip through the various countries visited much interesting information is given respecting the receptions by kings queens presidents and men and women in high positions politically and socially a well as respecting the palaces castles homes and historical places visited mr davies was generous in distributing a number of theo wellprinted and illustrated 225 page vol umes among members of the overseas party as a christmas memento the recipients appreciate very sincerely this great kindness and revel in the perusal of the story of the tour which they enjoyed so great- may we have a gettogether year in many respects we have in acton an ideal town comfortable and attractive homes churches which offer a welcome to all manufacturers which give per manent employment tidy streets excellent highways convenient steam and electric railway service and withal a patriotic citizenry in one respect there is room for improvement we would make even better progress if the gettogether spirit were developed to a higher degree before a town can accomplish all that it needs to make it a thoroughly progressive town it must have team work its citizens must cooperate they must show willingness to helpone another a spirit of cooperation and pride in the home town must be instilled and crystallized into every thought and action of every individual t that are giving evidence- of ithe reatr progress are showing this spirit as a town we cannot hope t progress as we would wish while some of our citi zens pull one way and some another this results in dislike and distrust among thjse who should be as sisting a uiuiiiiuinly in a y fa we should remember that there is some good in every person and we should exert a proportion of our own energy fn seeking to uncover that which is helpful in bringing our people into closer citizenship we should be awake to our opportunities and it is essential to our wellbeing that we stay awake we view with atutlspirtrorbpttrnism the possibilities o our town in 1926 and we have reason to believe that thereis not a town in ontario of actons size which has greater prospects for growth than our town in the coming year let us stand together in this movement for a bigger fcu better town and if the proper spirit of cooperation prevails we believe our hopes will be realized and our town improved in many ways n president coolidge has not only decided to ac cept the invitation of the league of nations dis armament conference but is now considering the personnel of the probable united states delegation the white house announced the president was still working on the questions involved in the league invitations to see what response cap bo made and that he was progressing in what was termed con structive alu affirmative way toward acceptance of the leagues overtures 1 is ours to make- it so we cannot pftaqge the uni verse we dont need to for jt is gorts handiwork and is founded- upon righteousness hut we can swing into line with gods plan h ifiws and we can so link ourselves up with- theforces that make for righteousness that we shull flntj our jour ney both pleasant and comparatively easy and will enjoy a real happy new yegr editorial notes hope for a prosperous year in business the world over is indicated by reports retching the department of commerce and other government and private agencies both in canada and the united states the burks falls arrow says that readers who never thought of telling us about it when we wrote something in this column that met with their ap proval are full of condemnation and peevishness when an article appears with which they are not in sympathy the settlement of the boundary question be tween ulster and the irish free state has evidently a very salutary effect in removing the cause of dis turbance last week 700 constables of the ulster special constabulary were paid off being given pay for january and february as well as for december ano year another year ot mercies of faithful ness and grace another year of gladness in the shin ing of thy face another year of progress another year of praise another year of proving thy presence all the days another year of service of witness for thy love another year of training for houer work- above another year is dawolng dear master let it be on earth or elie in heaven another year for theel frances ridley havergal the wholesale trade finds fewer failures among the retail dry goods trade during the past year the outlook for 1926 shows signs of a slow but gradual improvement in the business situation the large crops garnered throughout canada which sold at high prices will give the arming community a much greater purchasing power which money will circu late through all channels of trade hundreds of copies of the free press go every week to regular subscribers in faraway places all of whom are deeply interested in the home news subscribers at home can help us make the paper mn intffrpsting to their distant frienfls and rela- tives by sending in local news items every item- of interest helps as it is the home news that makes the weekly paper worth while send in the news often and send it early german leaders are begjnningttorealfze the peed ifprohibition of ffreliquor traffic last wielc gen eral ludendorf was asked to contribute to a book by prof schmidt on why germany lost the war he replied that the author might render a greater ser vice with a book in support of prohibition he has demanded that the dangers of alcohol be pointed out in all schools we lack a compact organization and a leader for a vigorous prohibition campaign he complained british emigrants evidently prefer canada- to any other englishspeaking country a dispatch from london is to the effect that british figures show that during the first nine months of the current year 26817 emigrants of british nationality proceeded to canada this compared with 17708 who went to australia 743 who went to new zealand nd 44- eea who went to the united stares la surely credit able to the attractive features offorded to settlers in canada this is my bedroom and when i asked ned why he couhnt have hod 4he brotherllness to cloae my door he said oh he said he jvom so used to seeing it like tbisj he never thought and a wet ihollow in a pillow which had evidently been doing duty beforo received hazels unhappy face hazel said mies heywood prei ently if youll take orders from mo for sixty seconds ill teach you some thing that will prevent you ever hav ing this trouble aalnr i call it the backward glance hazel was sitting up in surprise go stand by the door began mies heywood taking out her watch we will suppose you are starting down to breakfast but as you reach the door you give one backward glance to make sure that your room looks as youd like to have it if the person whose opinion you value most werp to pass the door you see several tilings to do don you but you have just one mlnuto miss heywood topped at hazels bedroom door i presumed on being your godmother and came right up she called a mlnuto later a tearstained girl lsh fuce peeped out and miss hey wood was drawn inside a room that looked as if a whirlwind had struck it hojrlblo isnt it hazel agreed as miss heywood lanced about you see 1 was late for breakfast without doing a thing to this room and then l rushed off to school and mother left it ail just for a lesson to me and oh nod has had that nice mr wilson s j he saved the train f mr a m pearco an old telegraph operator tells a very interesting and even thrilling story out of hia owji experience he was at the time tele graphic operator at a station on the new york central railway bight miles east ot him was the station of bergen one night 1 received a message from tne operator at bernen that as the train was passing he noticed from the sound thut a wheel on one of the cars was in bad shape he suggested thut i should stop the train acting upon his suggestion trput out my flag and stopped the train the engineer was pretty sulky and the conductor got oil and wanted to know what i had stonped them for i told them the message r had received still scolding they startod to look for the broken wheel a broken wheel wan a serious mat ter going over that hill with the pos- lblllty of plunging the train off the track and- rolling it down the steop precipice as it happened the con ductor had his wire und child aboard too well we looked down one sldo of the train und then down the other the sunday school lesson for sunday january 3 1926 stressing youthfull line to be tailored and youthful is all that a frock could ask even in these days of critical modes 7hc supple ness of the new woolens gives them a gracious softness that is closely akin to silk and makes ihcm espe cially appropriate for trie develop ment of this model with circular fulness introduced at the sides the dress buttons straight down the front and has long sleeves and a collar of selfmaterial medium size rcqiures- 3i yards 54inch material hi8 inspiration tient determined soul who is willing to pay the price for h lofty climb but he needs more than human- help and he needsasteadfastwilu and he needs to learn the lesson that in the struggle up ward it is the little things that count most the petty advantage of today which is so small that we scarcely notice it is the key to greater advance to morrow and the petty surrender of today may pave the way for disastrous defeat tomorrow do we wish the new venr in he the hpit we ever had ittlf me hstetownij nd turn lsn tne ew year to de t nest we ever na ft jtsmochiyprmpuafthbd one side of the train we had a bad light and so taking the lantern went down again and found a quarter of one of the wheols broken well sir when the conductor came up and saw that wheel he picked me up in his arms and 1 believe if i had been a little younger ho would huve kissed me he was so glad for catarrh it is one of tho chief recommendatlone of 3r thomas ec- lectrlc oh that it can be used intern ally with as much success as it can outwardly sufferers from catarrh will and that the oh when used according to directions will give prompt relief many sufferers from this aliment have found relief in the oil and have sent testimonials the value of a mulch winter protection for to do them in now ready begin i plokupthol nightdress from the boor and hang it on its hooki take the slippers from the bed and those shoes from the mid dle of the and put themjnttie closet good snatch that towel from the back of thechalr and hang it on the rack lmy those gloves and dangling ribbons and tha fflllar in side the drawers und close al tho doors quick nloose take that ugly lay the nlhflw w ihftt shalr by the window and throw up the window oopl pwsel mamon you did all that in one minute ran etretchea ml laughed hazel breathless wlh iho race not one second denied miss hey wood nnd f my room looks tidier than yours today it is simply be cause i never from the hour it waa taught me have forgotten to give the backward glance oi i reached my door tell me now and she took the girls face in both her handa wouldnt it pay to get up just one minute earlier t art and the new oirftctorv tho man who wanted to consult the directory was evidently of a modem disposition one of jjione retiring in dividuals who hate to interrupt he stood first on one foot and then on the other watching the young woman who had got possession of the volume she was a nice leisurely young woman and she had a large sheet ot paper which she had spread out on the drug store counter beilde her and on which she nqw and then inscribed a name from the volume itho man looked ot the clock he was surprised to find that only one minute had elnpaed ilnco he last look ed at it for he had expected to ttnd that tho minute hand had advanoed anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour he coughed- politely and the young woman turned and looked at him 1 beg your pardon she said you wish to look at the directory now that- he saw her face he real ized thut sho was a prattler young wo man than most men would be willing tn ior hs s from one toot dont let me to 4he other no hurry he said interrupt you 8he resumed the directory inter minable minutes followed at hut she closed the book with a- sign of satis faction thank you she said sweetly i am afraid- 1 have kept you waiting but you see im going to write a short story in a prize contest sad i really didnt know how to begin until i nick ed out the names for my characters two new veartv days lord dundas being wished a happy new year replied it had need be happier than the lost for i never knew one happy day in it vllber- foroe said the last year has beon the happiest of my life romaines new tears wlih or his people wag god grant that ttili may he a year famous for believing an excellent proteotlon agalnit worms can be got in millers worm powders they render the stomach and intestines untenable to them they heal the eurfaojs that have toe- come inflammed by me attacks of tho parasites and lerve to restore the string th of the clillo that has been undermined by the draughts that tie worms have made upon it ndtht their operation la altogether health dwns snow is one of the most important mulches for winter protection but un fortunately in some iwrts of canada jt doe n cum soonenoush lo af ford the necessary protection from severe frosts or sudden changes of temperature foi certain plants that vre dealre to 1bt6tt nor rjoeeftl remain long enough to protect the plants from addden temperature etwnffea and hard fronts in eprlnv where otw ts not sure of snow comingr early and remaining late in the spring and whero there la little anow- in t winter it ta desirnblerjo protect many plants with some kind of coverings other than snow soil is iinfr of the best of auch covers 01 jnulcbeshence in many parts of can ado k should be used to protect rrape vines raspberries roaea and ether rattier tender woody plants that can t readily covered by it at ottawa upl a means of protection has been found very deslraole after soil thtr next best coverings perhaps is eaves and where these are readily available they should be used to afford a pro tective jtulch and for additional pro tection where it is detjlrable but not very practicable to use much soil on the prairies where leaves are not abundant straw may bo used with sood effect especially en strawber- rlesv both there and in tho bast is atrw valuable to protect from sud- de chances of temperature in winter where the ground is bare and also to delay growth in spring until danger of severe frosts is over strawy manure applied just before winter seta in also makes a good mulch for herbaceous plants as ll protects both the roots and crowns and helps to fcold the snow theodore de banvllle a beardless rosycheeked youth of nineteen was full of a poets ambition and had even published a thin volume of verses one day in a mood of fitful nudaclty he wrapped a copy of the book in paper hastened across the city of paris rantf a door- bell and placed tlio parcel in the hands of the servant who answer- id his summons the house was thut of the celebrated alfred de vlffny jjaying seen his prcci book de livered the boy hurried away already lie was seised with alarm at lilo own temerity so excited was he that he had no thoughts of returning home but went on and on till he was far out in the country and still he walk ed till lute in the afternoon the pnng of hunger drove him back to the city ata he says he slipped like a thief into hia fathers house and there in tho hall the servant handed him a card on which the boy read in beauti ful enerllsh letters the name alfred dflvigny yes the famous poet bad actually called upon mm and not finding him at home had covered the card with as many lines as it would hold compli menting him upon his verses assuring lilm of sympathy and lnvltlns him to colfcr that precious card says xe ban vllle writing his souvenirs many years afterward i still keep and 1 any discouragement comes over me i have only to look at that bit of paper that night the boy could rjot sleep and whe daylight finally came it a millionaires advice tne following story is told of an american millionaire a young man came to him ono day and asked for money to start a busi ness do you drink asked the million airs qnce in a while stop it stop it for a year and then come and see me the young man broke off the habit at once and at the end of a year he come again to the millionaire jdo you smoke asked the mil lionaire once in a while stop it stop it for a year and then come and see me the young man broke off and wor ried through the year and then pre sented himself again do you chew- tobacco asked the millionaire yes i do was the desperate re ply stop ltl stop it for a year and then come to see me when asked by his anxious friends why he never called on tho millionaire agatnjfce replied that he knew ex actly what thqinun woo driving at hed have told me now that x tiavo stopped drinking smoking and chew- inoujrh and not a guide book the house had quieted after tho wedding the old shoes had been picked up arid tho rice swept from the plaitm wfillo some one was pclt- inr the gifts somebody else took down tho dropping ferns mother und aunt mary were in the parlor talking tt over they sat on tte sofa and were as one of the giggling children re ported after lookirrg through tho doorway holding hands for aunt sjnry lived three hundred miles away and she did not come often so its over she said smiling into mothers eyes yes aald mother bravely at though a little tearfully its over- and begun theyll le happy im sure ye they are very well suited to each other very i coutd see that they both have studious habits s ven but mary mother paus ed and the gleam of mischief evoked by aunt mary sooner than anybody elsa darted into her eyes mary thfy ctrit have much sense of humor though its my own vlrl i say it why not j you know what they took to rad on tlytr jounuryt stevensons travels wftfc a donkey seemed as if the morning would never pass the hands of the clock were imralyxed or had gone to sleep iow everte time- wore itself -ocwayrand- at the earliest reasonable moment dc ilanville again rang the great poets doorbell already- there wero many people there awaiting mtervlewaj with the author of clnemars but the new comer was not compelled to wait ro vlgny took him asidetmrnea lately and sympathized with his impatience put into his hands the copy of hia lit tle book annotated from end to end do vigny had had it hut twentyfour hours and already the margins of all the leaves were covered with notes compliments and suggestions the hoy devoured them and de vigny happy in the boys pleasure read them with him enlarging upon this or trhat dwelling upon a beauty here or a possible improveunent there till the boy was fairly intoxicated with delight from that moment saya banvllle i feared nothing let critics say what they would ho was a poet and a poet he would remain the purpose and power of thd incarnation general lesson title tho son of god bccornch map scripture lcsuon john 1 118 golden text and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we be held hia klory glory as of the only begotten from the fwthor cull of grace mid truth john 1 14 devotional reading bph 5 b 16 tlii text explained 1 in the beginning tho very same words with which tiie old tehtament begins for the biblical writers all things begin and end in god re is tho source of life light truth and love revealed in tho word christ in whom they tlnd their fullest ejepres- slon the word was god both bo- fore and after his selfexpression in human form 3 au tuimet wero made thrreugh him all created things are part of the divine relation which culminated ln christ qod speaks to us through nature its laws and processes of growth and change are- mis humbly and reverently- pursued the study of nature and its laws which we call science adds to our understandings of the greatness and goodness of god and is in harmony with the spirit and redemptive purpose of christ 4 life was the light of ran tho life which god gave become to man intelligence and enliehtmenl 6 shine thnow and continually in the moral and spiritual darkness ap- prehended it not overcame it not although tho darkness was at flrst universal tho penetrating 11srlh was not engulfed and obliterated 7 that all might believe john tho baptist did win for jesus his first dis ciples one of these was john the apostle for whom our gospel is named 9 the tiue light the selfrevealing and selfgiving word 10 in the world in the midst of his own creation ho was not generally recognized nor received 12 the right to become children thte first acceptance of christ is only the begthnfrrtg of tho christian ex perience and lifer 13 not of blood race color and ancestry do not dctermjnfe the indi viduals relation togod the will of god makes aonahh and daughrtenshlp in hia upirituutl family a matter of individual frco choice- and obedience compare verse 12 as many as re ceived him 14 tho woid becumes fl03h that is the great historic fact of the christ ian relation god in christ revealing himself to mankind how he came and how he left this humble human form arc mottei s for revcront con templation but not us important aa the fuct that hc did como to show us the father 17 grace and truth in christ and though him these are to supersede the stern compulsion of law by majkinc law and force unnecessary leisfcon thames in tho beginning like the author of genefllu the evangelist does not undertake tqjuxy jiow far backthat beginning was he had been thjirkinii about the matter il time he wftu railway time tables at agton k 3rl nadjan n doing wert no 29 800 sum tto 31 104b am no 38 220 pm no is e do pjo no 30 830 p m no 2g sunday 10 41am going east no 28 721 aha no 30 1108 am no 34 s 3 36 pan no 30 017 pjn no 88 ft 813 pjn no 24 sunday 708 pm canadian national electric railways wsstbound dally except sunday dally daily daily daily dally dally daily dally dally eaattound 748 am 943 am 1143 sum 143 pjn 343 p m g 43 pjn 748 pjn 943 p m 1232 am n 748 ara daily except sunday 94a am daily 1143 jub dally dally dally daily dally dally toronto terminal kesls strsst and sft clair avenue freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto 143 pm 343 p m e43 pjn 4- 743 pjn 943 pm 1140 pm j a smith r real estate and insurance got our list of forma and town property beforo buying- we may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agbtet for coluteaeratlon hfe association london lancashire kire insuronco ixmdon lanca shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 acton 4 tim has tested it or thomas eclectrtc oil has been on the market upwards of fifty years oaid in that time it has proved a blessing to thous ands it fir in high favor in canada and its excellence has carried its fame beyend the seas if it were double tho price it would be a cheap llntmcnt magnanimous it is a common human failing to feel an unreasonable impulbe to t any innocent person we may happen to meet when things are arcing wrong with us no such meanspirited anger was cherished by this sorely tried lioulslana gentleman we had an hour to wait a a rail road junction in louslanna says a writer in the albany argus and four or five of us sat down in the shade on the edge of the platform and hung our legs over while we were talking a man with a rope in hfe hand evidently looking for a stray mule como out of the bushes opposlto us and stood looking up and down the track by and by he directed his gase to ward our feet but we dldnt mind him until he drawled out you alltliere well querle one hlst up yer feet wo hlsted without waiting to ask why and then looked down to see a big rattlesnakke just colling himself for a strike a handy grindstone was dropped onthe snake and when some ono thanked the native he called hack some men who hev lost a mule and huuted for him three day would hev been on cry about it fcut thars nothln mean about me ptatrrufltrp at hfimff a man of prayer and of dally com munlon with god me was familiar with the piilloso pftles and religious bellefoof this day then as now sin cere and wise men differed in their judgments and beliefs regarding the when and how of y creation 3but to john the vital question about creation is not tlio question of time when nor of method how for him the deeper and more lmortant concern is the question or ihe almighty tower the creative mind the omnipotent person back of- the whole process and production of creation whose handi work is man and the visible uni verse in which tie lives whose in finite mind and will do these reveal how arc they related to the revela tion of god in christ these are for us as they were for john the all- important aucstlons if once these questions are lightly answered we may rest content keeping our minds opon to further light regarding the when and the how the word becomes flesh a mans wordls the expression of his thought his will lils charter in a sonee it ia himself and cannot be separated from himself when a man pledges hia word he pledges hia honor his character all that constitutes his personality is committed iri his pledge so when christ tho word came among men he revealed qods personality his life on earth may be regarded as the most convincing proof of the existence and character of 3od there are other evi dences mankind everywhere has a deepseated conviction that there la a higher invisible power nature has spoken of its xreat creator con science has reproved the disobedient andhistoryhaa recorded godsdolng among men but blessed is the man who in addition to these voices has also hoard the testimony apokcn to us in these last days of his son and has the christian conception of qod as the infinite heavenly father whoso greatest concern ts that all races and conditions of men shall know tho real truth andbe set free for study and dlsousilon does god think as men do in terms of time and sjniee what fraction of eternity are a million years how is the will- of god related to tho laws of nature are all of tho laws of nature known and understood by the human mind is gods work of creation finished in tho world in human so ciety how would the universal knowledge and acceptance of christ change human society paily redino for next week monday john 1 1984 tuesday-john- 1 3542 wednesday john 1 4351 thursday 1 john 1 friday acts 9 1022 saturday acta 2 3742 sunday isaiah 53 412 mr john a hennemy who hoe had some experience in looking into official corruption in new york tells the washington star this story of a cer tain politician whose reputation was fee better thffntils deserts he used to farm you katow well i met an old farmer neighbor of his last month si i said would you call him an honest man si scratched hu whlakeru and then smiled but he made no answer well 81 i went on would you call him a liar then si scratched his whiskers again and then he saldr now mr hennewsy i duwio id ao as far as to call him a liar but they as know him hereabouts do say that when he wanted his pign to come for their feed he had to git somebody else to call em rallaf from asthma wjio can des cribe tho complete relief from s-uiter- inr which follows the had of dr j d kelloggs asthma kemedy who can express the fooling of joy that comes when its soft and gentle influences relieve the tightened choking air tubes it has made asthmatic afflic tion a thing ot the past for thousands it llever fails good nrurlflt overy- whera have sold it pot yoaus wife and husband b hi wi g for years i had gas on the stomofh the ilrst dose or adlerlka holpea i now alcon well mid all gas is gone it dlsoholntd my rrashand artzrred- mrs b drlnkloy one spoonful adlerlka lerflirei gas and often brings astonlaliirib relief to tho stom ach stops tliat full bloated feelinj brings out old waato mailer you neve thought wns an your system thlb ex cellent intestinal ovneuant is wonder ful for conartliatlon a t browo druggist bonds stocks and grain private wires to now york chicago wlnnlpaf mf toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds tj hann igan mist f quumi kitty danced and mow she pays she la tali and slender wkh co quettish blue cyea and hair that la very definitely auburn bobbed of course for kitty ii nothing if not uptodate tt net uptodatoneaa didnt include tbs aliinty to guard her health dances and parties cold and weak spells then more parties and more stele spell brought on what nor mother might ssto foreseen had sho lived no you cant blame kitty her ciuth her prethnef pa her jopr rity were who friend to her sho la only lg tnmr t 1 llhly oars of the ifuskokat hospital for consumptives where expert medtcal attention and nursing are hers will perhaps see her restored to health and usefulness contributions may be sent tohon7 w a chariton president 223 col lage street toronto 3 ontario typewriters remanufactured underwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 09 king st west toronto 2 advertisers the free pre88 ia anxious to aarva you and isrve you wall we can giv vour advertise ment better attention and there fore maka it mora attractive if the copy ia supplied to ua on monday or tueeday if copy fail to reaoh ua until wednesday forenoon there la a rush to set it up before ths forms cloe and the result is likely to be lass aatiafaotory send in your ads early 4a does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we cari please you savage co jewellen guelph ontario i 1 aijlwk-f-

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