Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1925, p. 4

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birthi marrkgel and death are now chirred for t the following rales birth rac merrugea s dealha soc1 memorial cirda 50c loo per line extra for poems of shed- married cltoftmilxis in the prcsbytorlan church stratford on saturday do- comber g 1925 strachnn croft to mra miuh both into of durham now of goderlch hajirsnydeu on 26th december 1925 at 632 victoria avcnuo st lambert quo by rev george dewey assisted by ilov- wa ham llton elvolyn alice daugbterbf mr and mrs up snyderno ernest clifford mnrr of toronwi jpon of mr anil mrs david bt ma don- ont diei cartwr10htxrmllton on satur day december 26 1926 eusaboth mcmostor wlfo of jarnoa cart- h- nfvntvfilyi mitchell at nor liorno lot 11 con 6 eramosa on tuesday december 29 1925 graco isaulo thomson widow of tho lato oeorgo mltcholl in her 06th year in memoriam lambert in over loving memory of our doar mother elljaboth lambert who passed away december 27 192j it was hard to lofie you mother dear but god who knowcth best hold out his loving nrmsi and said come unto me and rest sadly missed toy sons and daughter t3itn atlmt3trggfrgga thursday deceafber 31 1925 it brief local items 1926 tomorrow happy new year the lost day ofifl25j school reopens next monday the year ia dead tho dear old year goodbye old year 1925 youve been a good one police court news pollco magistrate moord had ot busy day in court ut mihon on monday four cases camo up for hearing john h maud of georgetown who was arrested ten days ago for having t supply of liquor and who had been hi tho county jail awaiting trial pleaded guilty ho was llnou 20000 and costsor threo months in jail at hard labor ho has not paid tho fine so readily as ho did last summer when fined 20000 for having- a still and was still in jail when last heard from tom moscio storekeeper at milton hoightswho was charged with sell ing liquor on tho 20th inst requested an adjournment of the hearing for a week tho case was remanded until tuesday january g mrti joseph cremaacl of milton who was charged with selling liquor to two officers on tho 20th ot december pl guilty w toronto in court with two babies ono a year and tho other two years old judg ment was rosorved until january 6 a chnrgo laid by wilfrid fca-ther- stone if trafalgar againaj a klold- man of toronto who was alleged to have sold featherstono gold mine stock for j60o tho market value of which wn3 less than ono quarter of this amount was on the dockoujtlold- man claimed that tho woo was ov lonn obtained fromfeat he rstpne brought tho money and paid it to mr feathorstono beforo the caso was call ed upon payment- of tho costb the case was allowed to ho withdrawn social and personal mr w nlcol was homo from new york mr kay oumljlc wao homo from detroit mr chorion gibbona was homo from detroit j mr allan lelsimmn was homo from detroit v mr george jierglns was homo from aurora miss bcrtio smith wan homo from toronto alias mamlo masai ea is homo for the holidays miss clara stewart was homo from miss ciara haniz is vialtlng friends in buffalo mr and mrs llalton lelbhman of kitchener mr d taylor apent tho wookondl in toronto miss jvicritta kirkncaa is home for tho holidays musical corn calendars for the new year are now in demand snow shovelling haa been quite in vogue during the week- tho year 1926 you have not passed this way before even toronto had it fourteen bo- low on sunday evening nobodys i sorry that tho holiday cold snap was of short duration report the names of your holiday visitors to the fner pioxsa please sundays snow storm resulted in late trains from northerly points the holiday weeks has been favor ed with very fine moonlight nights the low temperatures of the week rendered motoring- rather less popu lar a lady reports a new and clover rift mo forawellrknown and hlffhly- esteemed canadian food an englishman and his wife eat near me in a cafe on the avenue tho day before yesterday i know they were english as soon as i saw hia coat and hep hair even if i had not saen these two unmistakably english things t should have guessed their nationality from a name they gave to a canadian dlah the man was order ing luncheon 1 dont aeo it on the bill of faro he said to tho waiter but torlng me some flute corn if you have it flute corn repeated tho waiter in surprise yes said the englishman flute the wattestinhesitated why went on the englishman dont you have it the sort of corn you know that one eats like playing the flute mr hector macdonald was homo from dotroit was home mr george anderson from oafcawa miss bertha brown is holidaying at her home here mr and mrs joseph hynds of de troit wero here mrs r e nelson of toronto was with relatives here mr and mrs j wv barbarreo visited friends in toronto mr earl vincent of chatham was here for christmas misses ettio and myrtle dills wero home from toronto mr and mrs jnnaea gibbons and children of detroit mr austin reld of toronto was home for the holiday was she commonplace you know that x cannot write papers u charming woimm nald wlon asked to join a very popular club and if i could i ohould 0o too frightened over to read ono aloud 1 think lulents wero loft out of my makeup you know thut i am not a society woman i never rise to pro gressive bridge and sunday golf and piiualontito interest in frocks i am juhtu lookeron of society although aho regarded herself as only 3x lookeron of aocioty invlta- tluna crowded upon her and although hhu thinks sho could neither write nor reud ii cluh paper hor characteristic plhttsea nrojpf ten lncluded la thoao ol othora oh i am such ocbmmonplaco per son she said laughingly and tho next club reader searching- for a tltlo made it the glory of tho common place a friend stopped at her house one afternoon for a cup of tea juat ua her huubartd came in and joined thorn conversation turned on a lecture she had heard that morning on vocation 4ml avocation and turning toher friend aho said i do not know any bettor example of it than jack hero ho can collect rents undf look after tenants all day a hd uaon turn- happily to his music neigljborhood newb town and country churchill tho following is tho standing of the pupils in order of merit for the fall term at school no lrf erin clasa v edwardwftjjjrerrtn siv ivjean creo and davfd swackharnor equal tuahlneham foster v r anditortqliiabooirn nnd grtcoat sit irr daia nut hf lilu mnn rnunilrfnn business amenities wlidn a man stxuta on the down grade he always expects his brakes to work th0rrtntnnftnax1fcrrwatlirdpeif s3 here siiipmenta have been made this weekr tvho loiters on an errand will bo able to hurry if his suppers on the table tho- merchants of aoton report the best volume of christmas sale a massachusetts business arm prints this paragraph at the top of lt3 letterheads errors we moke them so does every one we will cheerfully correct them if you wlil write to us try to write good- naturedly if you can hut write to us anyway do not complain to some one elao first or let the matter pass we want tho first opportunity to make right any injustice that we may dto this little sermon deservos a wide audience few people have not had occasion at some tlmo in their lives to regret tho sending of a harsh ot hasty note of complaint it may be- necessary to assert ones rights in subsequent letters but there is no better- rule otcorrespondenco thant5 make tho first one goodnatured mr thos morton jr of toronto was a holiday vlsltor- mrgeorge agnew of detroit visit ed the parental home mr and mrs h- srlcmell of toronto were at mr jamea relds mr h e sutcllite detroit spent chrlsbxiaa with friends here mr and mrs ellis mclaughlin were at mr nelson mcluglilhvs mr and mrs john mceachern and sons were here from guelph mr william miller visited friends at mlldmay over tho holiday mr lachlan mcmillan waa homo from detroit for the holidays mrgordon brown of toronto spent christmas with acton friends out of lilu many resources tho why tired mans faco lighted up with such a smile of love and thanks us hoatretchcd hia arm along tho back of tho sofa and for a mo ment touched hetvghoulder it was characteristic of her to give auclr kind ly pokos to ones eelfrespcct before aomobody for whoao good opinion- the recipient cared i confess i should like to go with you bertter tnan to do anything elso this afternoon flho said to some of hor friends v proposed a pleasant excursion but i havo just learned that our old coachman is 111 in tho hospltacl and has asked to see- mo and after that i havo a dinner call or two to make in that neighborhood people have been so kindaibout invit ing mo i cannot postpone letting them know i appreciate it oh bjr tho way grace x heard such a nice tiling about you la not that all character a tic of alice said orio of them to the other after sho had gone she thinks aho has no talents oroooom pi lah mentsjrfrar if evory there was a velvet soul it is hers her wistful attitude not to hurt her constderateness of speech her eagernesa to give help and pleasure are more potent than any talents wo have social genius i call it printer was peeved tit for tat- miss marguerite stewart 01 xoron- to was in town on saturday s mr and mra roy mcintosh and grant were here from oshowa my- speak to all moro kindly tho year before thnk a little ortener lovo a little moro santa claub rather wrecked tho christmas stocks in the stores here on christmas eve the low temperatures gave tho plumbers a busy tlmo for a few days with froren water pipes mako up your mind to take tho ice out of service during tho year which opens tomorrow tho dqr old year wo loved him woll greetings he broufiht us and now he hath said farewell mens trousers snickers a local philosopher seldom bag nt tho knees and tlio- pockets at the same time tho skating rink is now in nno condition and the young folks are en joying its smooth surfaces creatty any tree citizen can do just as ho pleasei except for his coiucience- his wife his landlord anil the neighbors sho was a very gaudily dressed lady and she tendered the bus conductor half acrown for her penny fare with the air of a grand duchess im sorry sho drawled but i havo no ponnica n dontyou worry lady replied trio conductor affably you are going to havetwentynlno in a minute tho county of peel will end the year with a credit balance of 657749 as against a debit balance of 1282247 in 1024 fergus creamery company was fined 9225 or 925 on each of nine coses for violating the egg grading regula tions figures may not he but sprae- m we think th 44 le gulltyofal least abiel exaggeration toronto telegram oftentimes there is heroism in be ing willing to play your own simple part in the game try it during the new vcar some men go through life thlnk- ing that they are express train whereaj they are only engines run- nlng light a mere mortal man neer realises how weak he is untlf he trios to quit smoking as -a- result of his new xe resolutions j tr mitchell tho reurlnbmuyor of alilbton was presented with a goldheaded cane by his feliow counchlors lot us make this tfow year happier better more profitable and muru uflficul tnftn all other years we havo known nowr years ovo is always a popu lar timo for o family or house party- wntchlng the old year out never falij to kaveron interest observations of oldest inhabitant i kin remember when a parlor was tho placo where a girl got a husband now its u place where she gets her hair bobbed oldfashioned spelling matches are being revived markdale andpunt- dalk schools held ono christmas week and hada real good time including a christmas lunch ton monday the mail and empire waa reiluccd in size from twontyfourr to twelve pages the globe froan thirtytwo to fourteen and the star from fortyeight to twentyfour the worshippers who attended the eight a m services on sunday in v albans and st josephs church vrltn the mercury nearly twenty below ien are certainly stalwart christians have you ordered your new motor license plates for 1926 yours ia waiting for you and the government expects you to commence the new year with them if you drive your car- there will be watchnight ser vice in st albans church on thurs day night at 1130 so that the flrsc act of the now year may be the ro- ceptlon of tho holy communion all welcome tev robt mcdcrment ma formerly pastor of boston presbyter ian church esqueslng httsr accepted the unanimous call to tho presbyter- intrcongregationsofbowmanvllle and nowtonvlllo miss margaret j macdonald of tor i tl ionto is spending the holidays at her wmnt it a k lomohorc eve clear winter night moderately j cold and the orthodox christmas en- mr laird mcdonald of the bank of misa olive mowat ia home from toronto for the school holidays mr jack kontper of windsor spent tho holidays with acton friends mr and mrs bort mason of kings tonwexewithtbelrfriendsjhere mr harold- kennedy wid his friend mr kelly were hero from detroit master jack russell of oakvlllo is visiting hia grandparent in town messrs roy and ernest brown of toronto wore home over christmas mr joscphgrnham spent christ mas with his sister mrs a c currle mrs william malono and family of toronto visited tlio parental home this week mr and mrs mcenchorn of hes- neler are visiting at mr william mul- lins miss ena taylor of toronto spent the holldayswithhcrftunt mrs dr gray mr charles davldson spent tho christmas holidays with frionds at orlllla mrs james l warren and mr fred warren of toronto were with acton friends mr stanley kuasell of oakvihe spent wednesday with his father and mother mr and mrs newton powell of brampton visited mr and mrs j k anderson mr and mrs john cole and family of toronto were at mr and mrs noble mclams mr fred fank arrived on christmas morning from blnshamton n y- for the holiday charley harris in the printing busi ness got slightly peeved at a letter head from a doctor who wanted v bids on several thousand letterheads dif ferent sizes different grades and dif ferent colors and wan tod the printing form held standing so charley his typewriter in hand and wrote am in the market for bids on one operation for appendicitis one two or five inch incision with or without ether also with or without nurse if appondlac is found to be sound want quotations to include putting back and cancelling order if removed succcss- ful bidder is qxpectod t hnm m mihh vifiot smith waa homo from windsor for tho christmas holidays mr arid mrs w h walker spent chrlittmas at mr albert smiths russell johnston wa bercavod last weok in tho death of his mothor mrs james jtohnaton of trafalgar mrs johnson died in hamilton hospital after a lingering illness sho was woukaonintrafalgartownship sho is survived by hor husband throe daughters mrs e dleabourg of bollo river mcra ernest johnson of wost lomo mrs vm hamilton of milton and three sons harry of dayton rus sell of erin township and ira of oak- ville wood3ide school edith russoll jr ih loulso swackhamer mil dred f63ter jr ii ituthlebn faroy jack colo stewart russen sr i frank swackhamer vera mceachern roy foster primer ruth cole boaslo splera i marks lost tlirough absence w macmillan teacher crewson3 cohner8 a number from this communlty-at- tonded tho municipal nominations at rockwood on monday mr archlo mcnabb waa honored with tho roovo- shlp of eramosa to succeed roovo dickson who hus hold tho position for a few years mr lvcd day will sup- coed mr mcnnbb as councillor both theso appointments wore by acclama tion mr and mra fred tinder of paisley blocks wore guests of frlond horo oil sunday mr murray iclngbury who lias boon spending two weeks with erin frionds returned homo on monday it was gratify her to tho mombera of this community to loarn that the rumor that tho radial was bolng stop ped waa unfounded thero was many happy christmas gathorlnga hero on friday whoa mom bera of familleu returned from the city and enjoyed tho day with thohomo folks i despite tho sbvero weather on sun- day mornlngy a goodly number at tended service at rockwood union church from here mcessrs george bain and frank day assisted material ly with tho rendering of tho cantata tho everlasting spirit by tho choli of tho church mr and mrs f wolfe and children f lyiiduu m1chiffa7tvi5freaaur ing tlio holidays of mr nnd mrs parker mr james moore and miss lauretta and mr and mrs norman burns motored to detroit and spont tho holidays with friends there rockwood no 8 eramosa tlio voikrt of school no 8 era mosa for december 1925 is as fol lows sr iv x4byd mcphall edward maude tom troup earl mcphall goorgo day ruaael paterson gordon nelson harvey bayno jr iv marlon miller doris wat son r 2 sr iii marlon day pansy troup jr iii marjorio miller charlie mcnabb colin miller margaret len- fcaty duncan macphedran claas ii roy day gertrude crow- son tom maude verna lqnjcsty class i isabel watson mary tone primer nelf miller edna maude thoso marked missed examina tions mary c masales teacher ballinafad open for about sixty days as i expect to borinthe mafelcct t6rdrrvpecatibn for gallstones at that time and want to save the coat of cutting kansas city post a queer advertisement anything but a compliment to some oho la implied in the following adver tisement which a french provincial journal iubushcs -for- solo o nemon keyrt wo pood lcr dogs and a parrot the owner mademoiselle l being about 0 get married lias no further use lor these cpnimals sir for radlld an instrument that makes a nolsp like a baby with the colic but which you can turn off without hnv- vjng to walk tho floor with now jrearat resolutions are like the resolutions oitvovery other day ex cept that thoy have ho advantage which comes from a fresh start 1 increase your business avo wor ry shoe leather temper- and tlmo by giving folks the news dbout your store through ynxm pnssa advertisements some of tho invitations to tho npw year parties tonight bear this phrase please come at ten and itayto hbar the hells ring tdut the dying year cjoniblncd pro communion and watchnight services will be held ti knox church tonight new year eve pipe organ and ehbr services ttv ylronment of snowy trees jingling sleigh bells and happy folk every where aiming to make others happy the office and waiting rooms at thajjanadtan national station are all spick and span for the new year the painters were hero a week ago clean ing painting and varnishing and now everything looks tidy and attractive mr chas w lambert hp taken ovcrthb contract of mr george lantx as mail carrier for rural route nrii actbn he- commenced tho work this week mr lambert is an experienced courlerand will give satisfactory ser vice gnn d 20 r e zimmerman pastor of tho united church officiated at tho baptism of pearl helena daughter of raymond and mrs webster and helen altaic daughter nf norn nh mrs mo- an impudent iumanneryd vtrjknjp visited a number of homos in lotnon monday damandlng money women when hsifound thore men aboat each re n there will be an exciting election for councillors in esqueslng fivo candidates are in tho -rfleld- for throe seats mr gowdy has ably represent ed this part of the township in the past his reeloctlon should be as sured in a torontp dally last week wo observed hn advertisement of d florida real estate holder who wishes to ex change florida- summer cottages for summer cottagosjon lnko slmcoo this party is evidently getting out of nho aunny south while tho getting is montreal brant ford was home over christmas misses dorothy and vera coxe spent a few days last week with tor onto friends mrs reid7of hlllsburg is visiting at the homo of hei son mr j h reld main street mic and mrs thomas pickle of dracebrldge are visiting his sister mrs massey mr and mrs c w mason and mist eleanor of kitchener were with rela tives in acton afr nnrrmph vttr a amhi nnl mlas smith spent cbrlntthas with rel atives in toronto mr and mrs jolley and daughter o niagara jpbi1ib spent tho holldayb good beaver to rt express i tho name of mrs john lawson of jununc man was inadvertently omitted from tho list of surviving sis ter ofth latev mrs william gwack- hamer lnjatisirae the pallbearer wer moirtirs tpomaa wak3n georbq mewbichorlescmbyv sniitk grft mmjl car j and pblifckei the fn acton r mrn mcleod and ohlldren of tor onto were guests at the home t mr nnd mrs r j kerr mr and mrs james thorn and babe of onhawa were visiting at mr and wrs ta mortons mr and mrs r f johnjttone and fnmily of london spent christmas with relatives in town mr and mrs harry strauascr and miss ituth of guolph were guests of mrn thomas stutham mrs george hodrlnn entertained a few of her friends at her birthday party on december 25th mrs c a wright of toronto wan a christmas visitor at the homo pf her cousin mrs alfred soper mr joseph soper of ouofph was a weekend visitor at he home oflils brother mr alfred soper mrs robert garvin and miss mar garet onrvln spent the chrlktmas holi day with toronto rolatives mr and mrschism6xeod and mr and mrs gordon moiopd of toronto city enffineer h s nlcklln mm nicklln and mary of guolph spont christmas at the old homo hero mlsi lrettit dobbic and miss beat rice fjshcr of kitchener visited at mr- andrew dobbles dolly vnrdon mr w d forbes and miss marjory and mra lirunt of toronto visited at the home of mr and mra n ivrbcs- mr alfred soper is now progressing nicely toward returning health after eight months being confined to his bed mrs axinetta barnes returned to toronto after spending a week with her brother air william swackhamer -dr- tv mknnnawin7mrs kannu- wlnjind family of hamilton spont christmas with mr and mrs a kan- nawln mr and mrs w t burt mr and mrs e r burt and mr and mrs s f wataon nnf children spent christmas at fergus mr and mrs william mcnabb and misses mcargrnret and jeaslo and master cameron of toronto wero christmas visitors miss joslo stephenson of toronto and miss clara brown of now ham burg spont christmas with mr nd mrs charles mckeown s pnt of prangoyille rfliw brated his 90th birthday lately and appearsuat aa bright and active as lots of mlddloaged men mr jordon lawson waa homo for christ mas and tho weekend miss marjory accompanied her brother back for a weeks holidays mr and mrs f a mclean and master hilly of cheslcy spent christ mas here mrs mclean and billy remained until after new years mr john wriggles worths friends will be pleased to know that he ia able to bo around tho house again after his recent accident and severe illness mr and mra jns skinner of poter- boro and mr john mclean of tor onto were christmas guests of mr and mrs malcolrn mclean bower ave owing to the mnrrlago of hor flip tor nex tu mis tho entertainment and christmas treo hold in the community hall on the 18th inst was a decided success mlsd bessie blhnle teacher of tor onto is spending tho holidays wth her parents hero miss marlon rold la visiting with her brother dr potor reld spokano washington miss m- m young- nurse ot tor onto spent christmas at the parental home misa annie shortlll l last weok for a thtcc nroiltna via it witu her sia- tersmra p o vannattor of -athena- ga and mcrs a s walters of now orleans la she will attend the wed dtng of her niece miss virginia van- natter before- returning home mr and jmrsa efarnoll and son graham apont christmas with mra fornella father mr r graham of norval imr jerry kontner spent christmas with hia aistcr mrs tho a hughes of george to wnr rev n waddoll and his son mr leslie tvaddoii spent christmas with their daughter and sister mra com fort roszel georgetown tho weather has been very cold lately tho thermometer wentdowit ixi low as 20 below on sunday morning there was a fairly good attendanco at the midnight connnunipji in st johns church this la tho first time such a service hus been hold it is hoped the habit may grow last wednesday ovenlng col and mrs mjutrlo hod a few friends in to- apohd a social tlmo with rev mr simpson beforo ho left for his homo in california owing to tho cold spell on sunday the morning and evening services wero somewhat at a disad vantage as sovoral were absent and missed hearing mr simpson deliver his farewell sermons at tlio close of the evening sorvlco col mutrio spoke a few words appreciative of rev mr simpsons stay in ourmidstand hia earnest effortsln behalf of the congre gation beforo dispersing for their homos tho choir took tho lead in sing ing god be with you till we meet again mr simpson left on monday morning for his home on tho pacific coast among tho holiday visitors hero wero mr and mrs charles harris of niagara falls and thoir son gordon of toronto university mr and mrs d- barrio and son of mcimico and tho rockwood people from slmcoe who wero obliged to return sunday morn ing in order to bo- ready for thelr work on monday mlss mary hill mr and mrs wm mccullough and daughter nellie spent christmas at the homo of chas hill in stratfordj richard harrltf spent tho holiday with hia aunt miss treffry in nor- wlph and relatives in hawtrey thofrlonds of mr buyno who went to tli w ft couple of- years uyur att auttragijait a 1wj anil profir- itill street acton ont store openall day wednesday ospringe a happy and prosperous new year to all tho weather was surely ideal for christians vlth our country roads in a splendid condition for both motors nnd sleighs a largo number of our neighbors en tertained friends during tho christ mas holidays mx and mcrs w mclean of guelph spent christmas with mr and mrs goorgo hobcrtaon at maple grove farm mr and mrs l spenco of toronto accompanied ly mr and mrs t aitkcns vlsitod at the home of mr h r mccutcheon over th holiday mlsa nellie cook of guelph is en- joying a few days visiting at tho parental home in this vicinity miss a murtln of toronto spent christmas with her parents miss hazel webb of toronto en joyed a few days holidaying at tho parental homo tho sovoral christmas entertain ments held in this community last weok waa each aucceaaful and largely attended by our citizens our young people are busy prepar ing a splendid programme for thoir next literary meeting to be held in the community hafl on tuesday evening january5 weropieasedtpseejilmftackagaln ho looks as well as ever and booms to be ablo to enjoy life as woll as tho youugor peoplo of the day imrasrpenitvnsablotoroturn homo lust week from the hospital and spont christmas with the rest of her family it ia hoped that tho- operation sho underwent recently will be- bene ficial to her -anotrler-watter- strlct devotion to the truth is al ways commendable but it someimea leads to curious situations a young man who was paying court to a yourjg lady waa thus addressed by her mother who was perhaps tho moht agreeable person in the world and so you want mo for a mother- inlaw ahah its nnot exactly that stammered tho young man but i dont see how i can marry your daughr ter without your helng my mother-in- law encore not appreciated burlington a little girl who does not r-under- stand encores found fault with the audience at a recent childrens con cert in which sho helped to sing a chorus 1 know wo didnt make one mis take aho exclaimed on the wayhome jand yet thoy made us sing k all ovo again ling ffuti storattu all a jfapmj ana tabpnam nctti rar missx gaebra1th millinery and fancy goods phone 109 j caolesky of toronto eyesight specialist wiix be at a t bbowns drug store a3ton monday jan 4th anyone suffering from eye strain defeotive vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be mado with mr a t brown erugglst jj consuxtation free office hours 9 m till 4 p m teacher nt xrorho school will not ro sume her duties until thursday jan uary 7 dr langtry of fort wayne indlanna js spending a few days with his nephew j a emerson caroline street a class in home nursing will start nt the night sohool on the roopeningr of the vocational classes on monday evening january 4 mlsa macdonald a nurse experienced in teaching has been engaged to take charge of tho classes on monday evening tho mayor council arid water commission were hnnquctted at the estamlncnt by tho directors of tho chambor of com merce together with a number of in vited guests the mayor was present ed with a handsome chesterfield mo hair easy cnalr mr p j carey late of tho p- rumley tractor school start at toronto jan 12th 1926 ono week of wonilcrul training in ono of tho boat schools of tho kind hold in america fanriflrs mil- rid thrhera ovor 6000 uttended those schoola inst year if you would like to como yriitj ha1sinabkos rumloy distributor guelph rorr to f rivevi ir village of vcton notice of registration op bylaw m fruit pan sod away lit his homo in toronto on sunday last tho deceased tidclroesed mnny fruit growers mcctlriffs here and the nowo of his deat will he received with gon- m inblejm r n w rg tho funeral took placo to ljwiwr w ftt mr norman moxeodi wmm miller and family of crowaona corn ers and mr and mra w j van norm an and family of guelph spent christmas at mr g h lantaa mr and mrs andrew anthony mr and mrs v 0 bessoy and boris and mr mckcrral of georgetown and mr and mrs c c hueston of hamilton spent christmas at the homo of mr and mrs h 8- wilson tho oitunboment l annouueed of alma irono emest daughter rff ijr and mrs r 10 jmy to mr hnrvey v patterson hot of mr nnd mra robert patterson of nelson tho marrhiffo to take placo early in january mlsa margaret forbes daughter of tho 1ato itov t r forbes for sonrio tlmo tho pastor of tho congregational church churchill vlalied acton friends durirfr tlio week ml fqroea ih a trained niirso at ilngaton the annual chrlatmaa gathering nt tho children and grnndchlldron of mi and mrs wunnbrbugn lake avenue was happily colehrateil all tho chlp- dren wero present mid onjoyod the freedom of lie homo and were plenhfid and thankful that nil wore spared by u kind provldunce thrdugh unotiior year port hope on tuesday morning last wednesday night tho burling ton citizens hand sorennded a num ber of the citizens in order to raise funds to buy rnuslo and other instru monts tho soronade will bo continued tonight and thursday niglft and tho band hopes the cjuzons will got be hind thorn in their attempt to havo a band in tnwn mr horry t watson a- former bur llngton boy- died nt hamilton sanl torlum on thuradny hist wiero hjj wiih employed a hnclcrlologlst of tho lnhtuutlmi ite resided hero for hov- oi1li t years witli iiih undo the late goorgo wat won he la survived by a brother in 1oterboro nnd a siator in tho west and two unclos johoph wataon of nolson and fred watson of zimmerman a delightful christmas party was held nn saturday evening by tho staff of tho boll telephone company here gifts were raoolvod from tlio chrlst- mn treo and rlnrlryttho evening miss alice barrett gvo a very pleasing reading a feature of the occasion was the pr rami um ion of shorbot glass es to mihs kva hunl a former opera tor on the oeeaftlon of hor approach ing mnfiiarro and an undcrnrnf urn- brella to miaa busa robinson whc leaves shortly gasette notice is hereby given that a by law was passed by the municipal council of thpjvillabo of acton on tho eighth day or december 1925 provid ing for tho issue of debentures to the amount of 24000 for the purpose of defraying tlio cost of construction of cement sldowalk on tho northeaster ly side of wilbur slroet boftveen tho naldoiico pf i lulji- look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we ploco 34 yoars experience at your disposal and nnaumo all your collection trqublcs send us your list wo will do the reat no note or account is coneldorcd too small too larffe too old or too far away wo will tacltle any honest debt fr kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound j m aikbn manager jos j jceuly manaeer referonce sterling bank of canada q arn i m street and that such bylaw wasrce tstored in tho roglstry offlco in tho county of halton on urn loth day of decembor 1925 any motion to quash or set aside jnrrjotrmrotttnyinirtnnsieorinubt bo mado within threo months aftor the llrst publication of this notlco nrtd cannot bo mado thereafter dated tho 17th dny of decembor 1026 263 hi n fahmbb clork start monday jan 4 at guelph business college stenography and bookkeeping will cnpllalilo your irniln nnd your ability innko tfiom pay you dlvldonds a l botjcrf prlnolial and proprietor we wish all our friends wd customers a very happy and prosperous new year fttym w j patterson c0rnkb mill and main streets acton ont iviwilvir

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