Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1926, p. 2

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ntr tor u it arjg acton jtra ftoag thursday january 7 1026 the snowball shop tho anowbojl whop la up in tho clouds jjoi ho aa of course you itnowl thoro snowfliikca guthor in rpatloaa crowd a waon tho aeaaona arrived for snow and thoro they wait in their cloud homes gray ho ho to bo autre you knowl till iffftimo to start on their earth ward way to ail the whole world with snow the snowball shop has x showroom erroat s ao ho dont the children icnow and tho doors are open early and late when its ahalves are filled with flflovt lye 3fm tyttm lfiirt toru cordelias doughnuts by sophie sweet h and this wonderful room is tho whole outdoors l hoi ho yea the children knowl for- there you will and the fleecy jstorea that come from the ahoji 61 snow you may run and shout and help yourselvea thol ho as im sure arou know for thoroa always moro upon iho shelves of this marvelous shop of snow oh the snowballs and anowrnen and slods and rides ho ho all the children know oh the snowhouses snowshoos and forts and slides that come in the time of snow ho ho hurrah for the flhop of snow- anniewhha mcculiough weather the first interest that invades our sleejy heads when we woke la the morning the first topic of conversa tion at any hour in the day when we meet a friend and the lost subject- to receive our speculative cons i deration when we open the window before pop ping- into bed for the night is usually the weather tfau year in most ports of the country the weather has been excep tionally interesting it has interfered seriously with our comfort our en- jo and our business in a perlo d when peoples dispositions- wore af ready tried by the high coat of living and by the afterthewar animosities disturbance and unrest alonat comes weather of a most violent and per- blstent sort- and intensifies the general glunaness rightly regarded weather even bad weather is a tonic and a disciplin arian of course there are some ex tremes c meteorological activity for which no good word cantoe said tor nadoes hurricanes and blleiardfiijjui the ordinary oreven the out-pf-the- ordlnary run of bad weather is a bless ing in disguise as the superior pros perity and progressiveness of the in habitants of countries exposed to such vicissitudes demonstrates variety in weather seems always to mean versa tilttyln man the reason is of course that people- arc not going- to be dominated by un favorable weather if they can help j t 1 where the conditions of- climate are h oars of cordelia as she moved nearly alwayjfftvoxajilaiiiid a li ha is to be had with the smallest pos sible effort it is different people are n au to b y stances butthe fight toovercome conditions unfavorable to easy living has developed the most valuable auali ties of character the complaints ogalnflt the weather that hay e been so general and ao just this year though they have indicated usgust havo aeldo b tho note-of- doggfed defiance to defy bad weather in act as well as in thoughts is for the healthy por tion hq best wny nt rtanllna wlhi u there is certainly no better way of working- off the sullen spirit that it sometime engenders few storms ore ao severe that one who is in grood physical condition and who is appro priately ctdd wlirnotbdbe better for getting outand battling with them bad weather cuts off sometime from pleasures to which webad looked for ward but if we take it in its own challenging spirit we shall find in it pleasure of another and it may be a mora substantial kind iiyyokdhxy whoso gplng to m i write the valerdictory l grandma doanes quavor- ing voice floated down to qordella- from the v porch as soon as aho opened the garden gate luuritto trull you dldnt think it was me grandma cordelia yras not- oven grammatical her lapaea mortified arvilla arvilla was her slater who taught english literature and french in the splrea female seminary cordelias tone was light and gay she switched her skirts over the horder of pinks and almost tipped over the spider lily in its pots on the steps ieber phillips is the class historian and lily daggett is class poet 000 added standing with one foot on the step and vvith hor young flushed face upturned to grandma doanes keen- eyed wrinkled old oner grandma doanea boston rocking- chair swung vigorously and her knit tingneedles clicked sharply th ere vn ever been one of our fam ily graduated jit the academy with out speaking a piece and having their names in the paper she said huskily john was first in his class and was the poet- the ministers on the plat form shook hands with him when ho got through reading his piece arvilla was the valodlctorlan and she made folks laugh and cry and afterwards twas printed in the paper i sent threo copies out west to your uncle amoss folks when your cousin it u thy ellon graduated she pjayod two pie a sung an folks threw bouquets to her and her name wras in the paper cordelia with averted face played with a tendril of the hqpvlmv and ray name will be poly in tho list of graduates she said lightly but grandma it will be almost at the head of the list will it w111 it said grandma eagerly and rocking and knitting come to a full stop it begins with adjyou know grandma the list is arranged al phabetically i sho whisked off with a gleeful httlo laugh and grandma groaned shes the first one of our family that didnt want to be somebody said grandma to herself despairingly she haant a mlt of pride not one mite all she quints is to scrub up and do the baking and thats all she over will doj grandmas murmur had reached the tho reclpo at alt events said the ministers wife since i hopo to go to housekeeping next year cordelia wrote out tho recipe ac cqrdlngly in hen very best hand en a sheet of tho dainty french paper which she had used for tho graduation essay which had not been found brought a vivid color to her high cheek i dont know aa i expected that ull rijy children would be as uraart as john and arvilla she said with a touch of sharpness in her tone every one knew that mrs orpha doahe was a very ambitious woman whose heart was set upon her childrens success lnllfo cordelia is a good girl if she isnrn sm and- shehas made over her old white musllnl for a- graduating dreys ao that it looks real stylish it goes way ahead of an thai miss fl d pretension by roaxhing out for happiness many people contrive 40 make themselves unhappy they think that if thoy can only pass with other persons as a lit tle dttfferent from what they are they will have a richer and moro interest ing life so they assume pretensions sometimes harmless often ridiculous occasional insidious and corroding they pretend to knowledge that they have been too imy or too dull to ac quire they protend to experiences that have never been their portion and to interests that they do not have but the most common pretensions aro the pretensions that are ostentatious in effect pretensions of dress and dwell ing and equipage the automobile with nil that it has done for the com- fort and convenience of people has often stimulated pretension people who do not really need and wjio can not really afford a car sometimes feel that they must have one in order to keep pace with their neighbors they sometimes feel that they must have a blgsorand finer cur than the old one ino in fhfr flnmnmnliy m thrift and pretension never go hand in hand and in fact noyer the twain shall raeolt just tho same some one says a good many of us find a certain amount of pretension necessary for our own siikc we need it jniour business we can ul afford it but we have to keep up appearances weve got to pretend to be busy even though were not wve got to p look prosperous even though were hot weve got to talk big sometimes when were- feelinar very small if we dont we lose our mor ale wo set slovenly and discouraged we lose faith in ourselves and other people lose faith in us truth and fallacy ore intertwined in such a contention pretension is cer tainly excusable when the motive for if is to maintain self respect though perhaps we may question whether it cti acnievfi such a result it is al- most certainly inexcusable when the majtlve for it is to- impress other peopl- sho might upprentlco herself to miss fluorl said grandma sarcas tically craridma did not think that dressmaking woavgood enough for any of our folks cordelias mother set her lips- -tightly- together and stepped or ejlheajllyiiboiitiucaicewasu tho only art she knew whenit carnc t6 getting along with grandma but girls voice called gaily from the sitting- room gaily yet with a pur poseful rpgv as well i have thought of- it grondma sometlmes i believe i have it in me but it takes real genius to boa dress maker nowadays besides miss ftllorl wouldnt have me sho has her nleoe a moment later the sittingroom doocciosed sharply and there was a rush up uio back stairs it did not interrupt grandmas grumbling monologue about girls who bad no proper pride and would turn out like ijobornh gil key who married the hired man an hour after cordelia prone- upon her bed raised a flushed and t tear- stained face from the pillow at tho sound of her mothers voice cordelia i wish youd come down and make a batch of doughnuts tho arkell minister ancvhiancw wife ore sure to stop on their way homo from conference and he sets so much by your dougnnuts because they are the only ones he can eat and the plum- cake is getting kind of dry cordelia bathed her faceandputon her long- sleeved apron mechanically if i do say it theres nobody that can make doughnuts like cordelia her mother was saying ts she entefed tho kitchen i dont know how tis but antjrnako them myself sothpy dont uoailc the least mite of fat no mnren if they never had seen a fry ingpan and nvo most as light as a spongo cake seema as if cooking came by wvturo to some dont you remember how the stated supply that stopped here said your doughnuts had cured hhn of dyspepsia cordelia there was scarcely any intention of praise in these remarks of mrs doape or of refutation of grandmas asper sions culinary skill was not very highly regarded in chester mothers were ambitious to have their daugh ters acquire accomplishments in stead of housewifely skill and this was especially true of the doane f am lly mrs doane was thinking of her prospective uostsvontl the pleasure of having something nice for supper rather thcth celebrating her youngest daughters- ojbllity urn a cook but grandm e worthy of a reading and tho minis ters wife made her- husband put it carefully- into his ttermoncaae tho next day cordelia wrote out u few recipes of all the things that as her mother said she made better than ahyooayelse in a ncait little book but shohud toft jnuch on her mind to think much about cooking and ehe did not believe that the city editor could realy her rocipe for those doughnuts it was but scanty comfort to wear the prettiest dress in tho hall even if one had icut and 1 made it with ones own hands while one was oppressed by the mortifying oonsolousness that she was the first doaxio to be gradu ated without a part and without pros pects arvilla whoa she was gradu ated had already received her ap pointment to tench in the splrea sem inary john had passed his entrance examination to college with- great triumph and cousin ruthy ellen had been offered a salary to sing in a k city church old mrs keever down on tho shore road had offered cordelia two dollars and a half a week to keep house for her that was her only opportunity sho said she didnt know but aha should accept the offer although her gnuidm wept t nt onjs jofjerj os ter ity should think of ibelga hired help- cordelia was not needed- at home she said she could bo contented enough if she were she know sho wasnt ambitious like the others but she wasnt going to just hang on especially as they had been obliged to sell a wood lot to get along every year since their- father died it was not necesfcary to bo smart in order to understand that before long there would not be any wood lots to sell grandma wept but said- she didnt expect that anybody could get the inci ter of cordelias chin which was in deed a square and lajge- boned little memborj3etokening a strong will one day grandnia who scorned culinary skill slyly seized upon cordelias recipe book and carried it to her own room and lato into the night her lamp burned a wholly unprecedented tiling as was shown by the excitement of the b in the old elm tree just outsldoher window while she copied copied toilsomely in her cramped oldfashioned hand tho right person- for the placo and tiro editor wo a a man of dlscrlnilnu- 4ton theres one very queer thing about it aalct cordelia in the bosom of nor family when the chorus of congratu lation had begun to wear a littlo thin i h topped at arkolt to thank tho min isters wife and she aald sho didnt send the rcclpol sho mount to hut sho forgot it sho hua boon ill with a fovcr and it wus ono of the things that worried her in lier delirium that aho hadnt sent that recipe but sho must liavo sont it and then forgotten it a grimy lltlo chuckle canao from grandmas corner but no ono observed itgrundma was always making queer noises in her throat i ulways told you twos better to have your name in the paper long o doughnuts than not tohave it there at all sho said unblushed threshold beauty one day about a month after the academy exhibition cordelia receive a letter from an aasoclato editor of the k city eagle thanklng her fot the recipe that aho had sent them cordelias doughnuts had been vry highly praised he wrofo a mun had como in a week after the recipe was brlhteflrto8athat his wife had lost it and he must have another copy of the paper this woirwin had told ao many of her friends and neighbors of tmrroniarkable excolltmcu of tho ruclpe unlucky selection p- bi v i pi- fafoxmigrttiirfastin teethe choir but some of its member were almost ready to resign not long ago on account of one of his announce- montst so many of them wero sick that the choir seats were deserted the good man was sorry for it but the idea uppermost in his mind was to choose a hyhnn that the entire congregation could sing h njentloned the nbsence of tho choir this then said since provi- detitie lms seen fit to afflict them w4th hard colds let us all join in singing fralse sod from whom ull blessings flow newi yock herald cat in four languages i a neighbor says the argonaut see ing the sevenyeardid daughter of a gooiogist playing with a bedftaggled but cherished kitten asked what her pet was called j welc replied the previous voong- ator that depends anther calls her a scgrogation from hh intrdslve mag ma of doubtful gerieals mother refers to her b the bnaeroont ooroptyx atr helen insists l she is aiyploalrejfe jwfonrvetwofh arkell ministers ample of- secondary impoveriahimehtr fcutlst cm her myaearlutue wtty she neednt think its any feather in her cap anybody can make a srood mess of fried cakes of course any body opuldl cordelia felt only a little bitter sconr of her skill in doughhut- maklng as she bcought out the frylng- basket deircloust i like to hiave people who object to fried cakes taste these said the new wife of the arkell minister if i were only keeping house i should beg you to give me th recipe oh alias doane i wish- you would send it to the k city eagle my brother is one of the editors and he is distracted with the womans page a great deal is made of tho cuhnnry department arid people will send such unreliable recipes prists jiave been offered for the best family menus upd oneortwo that have been aent in are published dally- accom panied by the recipes then follow an avalanche of correspondence and a great number of visitors complaining that the rqclpes are unsatisfactory the editor are very anxious to got recipes tho have been tried and arc realyyajmble the womans pago arid wpeotally the- culinary de partment is becoming quite n feature of tho paper j i should have a chance to get my name into thepaperi shouldnt j i grandma said cordelia mischiev ously doughnuts t cats foot wild grandma who wan no- reapeoter of that the demands had almost forced thenvto print anothor edition of the poier that contained lt would mlbo- doano kindly favor him with tiny other recipes of equal reliability that she might have cotdoinrreaoteh6tefter aloud to the family arvilla tind john were at home nnd ruthy ellen was visiting them tthe queer part is that i didnt send the recipe she said with a be wildered iodic i didnt think that a doughnut recipe waa wolth while and i didnt want grandma to be any more ashamed of me than ehe is the ar kell ministers wife must have sent it i shouldnt think she would have call ed it cordelias ioubhnuts cordelia was blushing brlllluntly she scarcely knew herself whether it was with pride or shame what should sho have called it cried grandma shrillyi maybe you would hko to have it printed out mtaa xoanes doughnuts your grand father bad a church named after him t and your greatuncle had a library i aint goln to have the nnmo of doane in the paper long o doughnuts iantl who cant make a batch of dough nuts marllly jopson over to the falls has got a piece of poetry in thepqper with her nanio printed but over it and jeiaonh neyer were any body since the world began theengle is welcome to my whole recipebook if it wants it but i shouldnt have sent them tha-dough- rrut recipe said cordelia grandnia raised herself suddenly to her full height it wasnt much she was but a tiny old woman and her littlo eyes snapped no you wouldnt have you have nt got honao enough cordllly doane sho cried in her thin quavering voice airs doane in the background shook her hend at cordelia ono had to got along diplomatically with grandma cordelia did end her recipe book to thokt city eagle thevory next day and with it tho directions jfor making over an old silk ureas in n hovel and effective way that sho had discovered and for making orwlhdowscnt as she had made one for her room out of materials that no ono would have ever thought of using she said that those were things that she really did know how to do and if that distracted editor the ministers wifes brother could and a use for them in his wo mans page he was quite welcome a week or two later she packed her t an set out luj pin we ure too apt to complain -undre- plno because in our common dully humdrum jiving we have not access to the great strange beauty of tho world we feel that what would real ly satisfy us la tho remote the un usual far countries the unascended mountains vast un travelled rivers tho snowy solitudes of tho north or tho wide sands and blue warm waters of the tropic- climes we aro restless for what we have not seen and keep our eyes tight- shut to the beauty that throngs about us every day yet after all tho beauty that en dures la- what isconimonandnear and simple a great french writer aald that only commonplaces and woll- known countries have inexhaustlblo charm that is because what really touches us is what is inextricably hound up with the human heart the exceptional the extraordinary may thrill us for a moment but it almost instantly becomes ordinary and we only renow the restless craving for something else that we have not seen before what satisfies us is what touches the deep qurert permanent in stincts of pur nature such beauty as is intensely fraught with memory and hope blowers trees birds that wo have everyday about ua are the real sources of natural loveliness that aro indeed worth jwjjjle j2yniha-dweller- 2th- in cities who complains that nature does not como near him has the bky and what is more inexhaustibly boautlful than that the roublo is that our busy hearts become indifferent to beauty that la familiar in the admirable phrase of tho poet vg let fair things pass by unheeded as a threshold brook in comparable loveliness in winds and clouds and stars flows- by ua and flows and flows and absorbed in the driv ing hurry of our sordid cares we heed it not and yet tho wiao do hoed it all the same even half felt and noted strangely as a dream the threshold beauty enters into their lives and moulds them and sweetens them and to souls jsane simple and well temper ed it is the threshold beauty abovo all that counts just to step out the door and be filled with the ample splendor of the world humanlres harmonises trnhquillrcs the spirit more than travel ii fnr o untrio or to see strange sights neighborhood news- town arid coitatry burlington on monduy last thlovoa atolo mr mitchells car from iitffront of hia rcaldonco 6a water street- it waa recovered in toronto v tucaduy at noon but tho culiirita wero not ap prehended i tho band serenaded a number of the citizens in tho various parts of tho town on wednesday and thursday nights last and wero well received the contributions netted nearly 100 nnd tho boys expect to increase tho amount when they continue their rounds this week the annual mooting of the nelson township horticultural socloty will bo held on wednesday evening junuary 13 1926 at eleht oclock in the school- hhouso appleby on wednesday ovoning last tho members of the glover hunt club wero entertained to a goose dinner at tho home of ilr herb dynes mr dynes proved himself to be a real hoat when it came to supplying the wanta of iho inner man tho club took the opportunity to present mr- dynes with a lovely table reading lamp in appreciation of his services ns cook for tho ctimp gazette erin mr jack bush of leamington spent the holidays with his parents mr and mrs j p bush mr jamea cooper of owen sound is spending tho holidays with his daughter mrs- geo cooke mr and mrs mcglnnis and son of scotaguord susie aro visiting with friends and relatives here miss nellie miller r n of-wnl- laceburgls holidaying at the home of her father mr john miller messrs jos sanders of detroit and jos sanders of toronto spent the weekend with their parents mr and mrs h sunders advocate readers will be interested and pleased to learn that mr ambs mason formerly of alton- was elected reeve of acton on monday december o an many the first consciousness of tho sur face of life 18 ohiofly its multiplicity our senses giveu u manifold of splendor shifting varying confused chaotic bewildering one lmprosslon succeeding another many impressions piled an- top- -of- one -another- audi all so disordered and tumultuous that it is difficult to and u way to enjoy or evon comprehend them 3 who offloeam effo o ilgerice la to reduce that confusion to ordor to arrange the multiplicity to simplify it to clarify it to enable us to grasp such parts of itms tvo cioi digest and assimilate and to pasn l new wife tthink i woj aek you to give me farm wagon- sitting on her trunk be cause jeremy calculated the seat might slump in with two on it tokecp house for old mrs keover on tho shore road grandma wept again at the spectacle but o said she cx- peedjthaxcoxduy jsoajubt what the lord meant her to be when ho gave her that chin jeremy pine stopped oi tho post of fice on the way and brought a letter out to cordelia sho finished rending it foe the third time and pinched her self to toe certain that she wan cor delia doane just as jorerriy turned into the shore road then she aston ished her driver by jumping out and asking him to tell old mrs keover that she must hire martha jettison if she didnt hear jfrom heir within threo days and to store her trunk lit his barn until alio ent for it then she ran asltast da she could to the rail road station and jumped on tho k city train just us tho engine shrieked in the cars she renil tho letter over again- it was from the same editor who jiud thanked- her for cordelias doughnuts he now asked her to call at hla office vtho eagle waft seeking an editor for its womans page her domestic abilities and also her ca pacity for writing descriptions in ter so arid simple english thins tow one- could crow over gnrandma with thutltonethcr with what his sister had tbtd- him of her led him to think that she might acceptably nil the posi tion i i cordelia went and saw and con queredof course since she was just or not at all the function of human reason is to apply the principle of fdontlty to bring out in the tangled ehaos of multiple change the essential unltywlthout which thought and even conscious existence would be impos sible and if this discussion seems too abstract it has its intensely practi cal bearing upon the daily life of alt of us the easenco of that- life is multiplicity variety change to be healthy to be normal we must enter into the movement of the world must avoid fixed dull habits vain rcnetl tlontj nothing is mere deadening thnn ruts toiboe tho same always re thjnk tho same to be tho same why evon ono of the great objects of order and system is to give mare spice and zest to variety and change and it is a wellknown profound principle of all beauty in all art that fundamen tal unity irirhythm or design only em phasizes the sweet and wandering lawlessness of the creative imagina tion humanity must pour out its heart in many phrases of action and patislon of hope and effort monotony is death and yet ojnder ull this ardent mul tiplicity and variety of life the wisest prosorvo and cultivate always the sense of un underlying harmony the instthct of unity la tho instinct of re pose and after the fullest enjoy ment of the surface aplendor and violhsituile of tho world what tho tired heart moat cherishes in tho con- aulousncfiai of lnflnlto peace mr and mrs joe mccralg of scotaguard saslc are visiting with friends ihere and intend taking up residence in tholr new home recently purchased from the estate of the hub j d loltcii the friends of david douglas of hlllsburg who recently was the -vie- tlm ofa dlatr easing accident mani fested a friendly spirit on christmas eve when n committee who had gotten together and organized to present a gift to mr anit mrs douglas as a token of aymimttiy in their trouble presented thorn with a voucher on the royal bunk of canada to the valueof 974435 and an accompanying grect- inavadvocate the oldtime schoolroom door a the light is warm on auburns hills with quiet meadows crowned and sunsets shadowy snlepdor- fills jfho memoryhtruftled ground 0 howery fields illumined trees my eye to you oneo more is turned nnd dim with footings seeks what once it sought with glowing cheeks the open schoolhouse door 1 walk tho upward path alone where once i walked with friends a pilgrim to the halls alone my halting steps ascends i seoithe glimmering treetops rise axound me ns of yore bolow the placid river lies above the blue lakes of the skies and fading hills before o shaded windows that i see by pilgrim years endearod whcreofjlxjhgamejwhjfai to m georgetown miss annie alcglbbon of new york spent tho holidays at her homo hero mr stanley godfrey of detroit spent kewyearfl athishomehero mr john lollop of petorboro spent the holidays at his old home in rntvni tn 7h years lie has only be lngmlsficd boiughomo to noxyalfor christmas once col and mrs ballanttne of hamil ton n y spent tho holidays with mr and mrs john ballantlno sr and visited friends in montreal boforo re turning home sgt alphonso henham wh has spent the past six years with ilio american army at panama is visit ing at the homo of his father mr j3 a bonham mr and mrs w c dickie of de- trolt spent the holidays with rev dr and mrs dickie miss dickto return ed vyjth them and will spend a few dayain detroit mr and mrs william arnold and over those which must iirolit us later juibslnganaaon jlr and mrs p the soil was pretty rough a farmers daughter who thought that sho was destined to jjecajne- a great vocalist started to practice in private jo ono except her mother know the secret ono day hot- fuuio came in from the fields unexpectedly just when jane was practicing hor top notes whats that extraordinary nolae ho inqulrodi that dear replied his wife very proudly is jnno cultivating her volco cultivating hugh i ejaculated tho farmer that aint cultlvatlne thats harrowing n galloway and daughter mary elizabeth hamilton and miss eliza beth lungon toronto spent tho holi day tit mr john jjangans on saturday night last mr w honeys house and contents at silver- creek on tho highway wero completely destroyed by fire it was a cold night and mr ronoy had loft a are on in tho stove while he came to george town to meet ills wife who was re turning on iho 8 pm train while in town he received word that his home was on fire air ronoy is a heavy loser by the fire and he has the sym- 1 wi thy of many friends in his loss wo understand ho intends erecting a new building on the property herald xifcs happy skies appeared grounds where i used to sporf and play with classmates seen no more springless and aummerless today i wind alone my- autumn wayv- to4jiat old schoolhouse door where are thoy now where are they now the frleridsthat gathered there that stood beneath the mornings brow in lifos celestial air vthcre aro the warm young faces met so froquent at tho door 7 wy youth is green in memory yet and never can my heart forget that oldtime schoolroom door sonne sleep beside tho mobile seas whose lives had but begun and so mo beneath tho crimsoned trees where slants the southern sun and liero kind nature spreads the fern tho graves of others oer and flamotlppcd leaves abovo them burn xhelr feet alas will noer retu tothaf old schoolroom floor green springs have not the light of old the deep spuing on stauf- feit6 farm i dont remember thai i havo ever told you much jabout the bottomless spring at the head of the stream near tho rear of the farm of isaac stauffor tho good old citizen of long ugo who was tho father of 19 children this spring la buck oast from the houso and burn over the rlso of the hill and about throe holds away from the big spring whero actons flno water sup ply la now obtained when i was a boy there waa good trout mailing in this spring and in the creekrunning from it which joins tho tannery creek about half way down to tho old grand trunk railway tracks it waa aurrounded on tho hillsides by a flno berry patch wo- picked rasp berries there for years in the berry season this spring was generally believed to bo bottomless and waa often- talk ed aboutby the men and boys of the community one night shortly aftor tho new year a group of residents of tho town and noihborlng farms was sitting around the stove in johnnlo mckeos atoro on main street when the following dialogue took place the characters were wellknown about here back in tho sixties but of course i must use fictitious names hezeklah dolmaeo was sitting on a box near the door of the store when hiram sturgls who was somewhat superstitious said emphatically i tell ye there bo things right in yer daily fife ye cant ngger with no earth ly rithmetlc j hezeklah chuckled he we know yo dont lean over much toward the things- weve been talkln bout sturgls went on and yet we have things all round us that puzzles us i aint laugh in at the things yeve been talkln bout said hezeklah i am laughln because ye makes a big mystery of what aint got mystery now yo aay theres things we cant explain right round us all tho time whore be they jes fer instance take stauffers spring said sturgls everybody knows that spring aint got no bot tom manys the time ive sounded it when ive been flshin abe stauffor after ho had rundijwn two twenty- foot poles lashe toget claimed nor summers bright that follow j each year from sklca of duller gold flits autumns purplo swallow and life goes on a fireflys light its lost threads ever spinning and that which makes tho future bright wo lose alas in winning behind us longer grows the ways and shorter rise before ive travelled further than tho rest xownrd aunaot windows of the wcat o comrades seen no more milton her moneys worth when mrs slddons was acting in tho grecian daughter her partwn one nlgrht taken by ah understudy but the character of isabella was amov- lng one and one irish lady present wan almosehysterl bally affected by it it- is fortunate mrs slddons is not- acting tonight said the gentleman bosldc lior if this moves youso much you would hardly bo able to boar it at all mrs slddons not playing cried tho weeping lady i thought she was i never should have cried if i hadnt mr and mrs geo langtry milton celebrated very quietly on tuesday tho fiftieth anniversary of their wedding mrs j i biirtleman of tlmmins is visiting her parents mr and mrs g a hematroet mr bartleman waa iero during the hollduya mra lillian hugglea and her son mr merrill ruggles of clovclund ohio have been spending tho past week with mrs- a l miicnabb mr t mcjannot munuger here of tho dominion store has been con fined to his room with a serious catio of blood poisoning in hlh arm tho churches of milton aro to ob serve tho international- week of pray er services this week union r arc being hold george clonicnts of cobey mon tana ih hcntllng a few weeka hero with his father mr w j clenwmta judging by npnen ranees tho climate in montana r agrees with george mr and mrs ijelson rydor of ham ilton john stoplienaon of detroit mr and mia rons swnckhnmer and mr stuart pertcoelc of toronto- spent christmas at jog j peacocks rev s w and mrs hann nnd flm- ilyof lindsay spent the holidays hero with her parents mr arid mra r j hare mrs hann assisted st pauls church- choir at thtr evening service hist suntluy mra mary e anderaon widow of the lute robert b andersop of milton wliihes ronnnounco tho engagement of her daughter mlugnrul cameronr o- oswold c sturdy of fort william son of mr and mra jus sturdy of hamilton the marriage to take place early- in january reformer only in tre mornings noticing a man who appeared to bo a laborer standing lii front of a build ing under construction tho foreman inquired hey want a job sure but i can only work inthe mornings why ilocaiisa i have to enrry a bannir in tho unemployed pnrndo in tho aftornoonsmohtreal witness from appearances when tfce sixyearold son was one mornlnar taken in to aee the now baby he exclaimed o mtamn it hasnt any tooth o manin it hasnt any hair then dktsplng his hands in distress ho crlodt somebody has cheated usl its an old baby tete her age it is npt an ordinary lcfwyor who can overcome a romans reluctance to tell her ago an exchange reports ono of many ty huron in that line of offort and what is your ngq madam waa the attorneys question my own she answered promptly i understand that madam but how old are you i nm not old sir with indigna tion i beg your pardon madam i mean how many yoars have you passed none the years have passed me how many of them have passed you all i novcr heard any of them stopping mndnni you must answer my ques tion i want to know your ago i dont know that the acquaintance is desired by the other si do i dont soe why you insist upon re fusing to answer my question said tho attorney oointlngly i am nuve f would tell you how old i wus if i were naked but nobody would aakyou for im sure everybody knows you nro old enougiro rnow better than to be ask ing a omanhor ago o there and the attornoy passed on to the next question wluit sayest thou hl class tonight amid theao years of cares wiiosoon -must-seelc- tho tapers light before lifos altar stairs our hopes in hoaven remain alono of all our quest my brothers and all tho joys that wo havo known and all we own or yot can own are those weve given others the achool of life than all moro wise tills final session leaves ho who himself the most denies krom heaven the moat recelvea and in the nightahndca of the past trio eternal stars wo see each year is better than tho last and will forever be one taper lights a thousand lamps one wave through thousands flows one bugles notes awako the camps ueset the hidden foes and alt the efforts wo have made tho good for which wovo striven though baffled oft as gold is weighed in tho true scales of heaven a nobler achool in mornings bright heforo our eyes appears and wo are happy in the tight of graduated yeara or for or near old friends of yore or pupil teacher guest hca ever loves times schoolroom door mio does in life his best tho light is warm on auburns hills with peaceful harvest crowned and stlll hopes happy prospects fills tho memory haunted ground farewell o hhadowmantled ground i neer muy aco thee more be nnine to go where duty calls well pleased wheroer the- sunset falls that i may scenes like these- renow come back nnd take a luirting vlow at lifes old schoolroom door hezeklah uutterworlrv that the bottom opens up in lake ontarlp crazy idea of course but one idcea jea bout ez good e- an other anyhow stauffera spring hez a place where ye cant find no bottom no bottom at all hezeklah chuckled again yo dont say no thin hez blame foolishness hezeklah said at length then his chuckle turned to a derisive snort wheres the placo what yo says is bottomless ho asked draw it on a bit of store paper sturgls designated tho location of the deep springs fathomless depths and hezoklah pooketcd the paper then he stopped to the counter and bought a pound of threeinch nails and handed tho package to sturgls you mark them nails with a fllo so yoll know om agin and the next tlmo yo fish in stauffers spring scatter them whero yo marked on the paper i spose ye think yo can grapple em up sld -sturgls- ill nittrkrthv nails arid drop em on the follpwinrg saturday even ing hezekmuri was again at the atoro when sturgls appeared i notice hez yo aint say in no thin bout them nails sturgls remarked i went fishing thursday and i mark ed em when yo fish one of iem up bring it to the store wont ye slowly hezeklah roae qnd puilod from hla pocket threo nails red with business directory medical dr f a monlven ptiyietarrand burgwsn oolce and residence corner boww avonue and elgin street phone s8 dr e j nelson frederick 8trbet aoton ontario legal pbone no 22 p o box ul harold mash farmer m a barrlitar 8olloltor notary publle convey anocr eto perryman block acton out money lent on mortoaqes hours d80 ajn to 6 xun saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s- l d s dantm onor graduate of toronto onlvar- slty httcsl nncgthetlc ir the dealred v oflqco at residence corner of uhi and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgaon ooloe over bank of nora hotjrs0 to 60 eltenlnaa by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndirj account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description oarefully bound ruling- neatly and promptly done wyndham street ouelpn onl over williams store rj kerr auctioneer and real estate 2q tears experience list tour property with mb acton ontario hew rust are tnese the nails llfut you marked sturgls sturgls examined thc nails curlous- lv then ho unld hog yts rhnnr1 si tltading in acton in th kauly days heros a atory i ciuuo ucross tht otlior day from a reaident older than myself it was in those early days when tkkti nnd htmiti other farm pro ducts wero uaed ua common tender in th is- community thia ulderly friend said thai a wellknown scotsman who had ottled here aevcrul years before wont into itcnzpoa ntore which wan then where mcleans store is now located to buy for hln wlfo an ogga wortn of darning nccdlca in thoae- days tho general atores in acton gen erally carried atocks of whisky and othur htrong liquors in their cellars mr jqonzlc whom uio scotmiian a- proncltcd had given out thnt he wuultl treat every cuhtoirifir- sandy olrtalned the necdlea then waited with bo mo patience for the treat at length he was constrained to remark im henrin yore gloln a treat to file mark near tlie heads and put em overnight- in water hezeklah reached into his other pocket and pulled ont a spool of heavy linen thread on tho end of which dangled a big horseshoe magnet no one has a sixtyfoot anchor rope- ho said atid i figgered the bottom of stauffers spring boyond tho three hemlocks was smooth rock with sixty feet of fishing line out a feller cant feel tho bottom anyway so i borrowed the dig- achool- magnet from mr little and thats the way i fished up yer nails sturgls ef yo goes at earthly things right and doesnt tangle em with things ex aint earthly yo can git uio bottom facts of any earthly thing whatsoever stur gls tho joke was on sturgls of course but all tho same hezeklahs story never convinced many of the folks around here that he had found the bottom of the aprlng at sixty feot- i know moat of tho old folks about hero still talk about tho bottomless aprlng on tho stauffor farm its a good many yeara since ive been at the spring but i confess i never saw anything to convince me that the bot tom would bo found nr sixty feet messrs bcurdmoro co now own tho stauffer farm and mr william fryer la tho farmer in charge per haps aomc of the boys of this gen eration will get permission to ferret out the old sprlnn and find away to ascertain the depth of its bottom ae nicklin insurance agent uo7irv insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plata glass insurance trusted for estates collections business entrusted to my care will be careful lylobked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 howktt ave acton antwuoisse ms jsrkkwowsrvtot tforonto ouvam s he wanted it rubbed in every cuatmer youd scarcely expect a treat with an ckba wotrth of darning noodles mr benzlo replied ati wool bit ya cunna draw tho lino too cloae a customers a cus tomer all right whath you have til take a bit of whisky mr benzie poured out a horn of whliiky nnd placed it on the counter tnr used to habin a bit of sugar in llsiiid sandy smacking his lips tho storekeeper opened the bin and dropped a lump of sugar into the glass sandy looked at the concoction hesi tated a moment and then spokeagqln tip used to haeln an egg in it he yontured j mr benzie reached boh hid and took from a shelf the very that sandy had trad eel ho broke the sholl and let tho contents drop into the glass and wonderful to behold there wore two yolks sandy lookod oh and a air lie of aatlnfnctloit came ti nls face as ho raised tho kaaa to hla lips im thlnkin ho aald theres an- ithcr eggs worth o needles cotnln to me ouandmotiiers work she raised geeso and plucked each feather cut cloth ana sewed togotlier every strip to make a homemade carpet gay and ho knitted avory stooklns oh twas shocking all tthe work that woman wont through la vay day t -v- i la a wealthy western congressman says the argonaut rnuch agalnbt his will erected n mnbnillcont manafon in washington to please ills wlfo and daughter tho congressman was of plain taatcs and had no liking for the social activities of the national capital ono day an old fclond visited him wearing rtface of tho deepest gloom tho owner ot the stately homo escorted his caller through the place the vislt- pr was admiring and enthusiastic hut the host said little or nothing when the inspection- was finished and th two hud returned to tho library on tho first floor iho visitor said well jim you certainly cant say that you havent everything that you want yea i can replied the millionaire sombrely i want a parrot why a parrot i should like to hang him over the front door so that every tlmo i enter this place ho can yell out here comes that old fool again i is your child thin and weak cod liver extract in sugar coated tablets puts on flaih and builds thm up in just a few daya qulckor than you over dreamed of hhesc wonderful health bulldlngr flesh creating tablets called mccoys cod liver extract tablets will start to help any thin underweight littlo ono aftor sickness and where rickets aro suspected they aro especially valu able most peoplo know hat from the livers of the lowly codfish vitainlnefl of the first class ore extracted tho kind that help all feeble underweurht men women and cttldrer v try thoe wondtrjra tabuts for so days and if you frau puny ajhlld- dont greatly benefit t yflin- money book a very slokly obw o gained 18 pounds in 7 room llvsrttraot stjoya- 6o4 easy to take 60 bent start monday jan 4 at guelph business college stenography and bookkeeping will capitalize your brain and your ability make them pay you dividends a i 130uck principal and proprietor people shamefully neglect their eyes about the last thing tho aver age person deeldes to attend to 1 an examination of tho eyofl some folks like to boast of their ability to- -dowithout- oven though they admit that thoy need them no greater mlbtaka could ho made you do differently if you only sus pect that your jeyes aro not aa t sh be have ua glv- thorn a thorough going over a d savage optometrist and mfo optician right at tho postoflbce 8vg building guelph t the old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headatono work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale price thus saving our customer 40 pw cent wo have the best appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly w can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to navavlaw suits in order to collect wo have tlw largest and bent stock of grohlta in the dominion or more than any threo dealers in tho west we are lespui- rnate dealers and dm ploy no agent arifl do not annoy or pest customor by seildlng oiit ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanic and dsfy competition hamhton sr sons quelph ont

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