Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1926, p. 3

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the home of sty artrnt mntjttbb member canadian weekl newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free tress is published every thursday morning at the free press building hill street acton ontario the subscription price is 200 per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising bates transient advertise- merits o cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line lor esch subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches ormore per annum z8 cents per inch each insertion advertisements witftt out specific directions will be inserted till forbid anil charged accordingly h p moore president and editor c a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office ltesidencc of president residence of manager j 131 j weeding out impute fiction fiction of the type which is generally described as salacious and which in the case of some best sellers- has proven itself to be as popular as it it unhealthy will commence at the coming session of the ontario legislature to come under the ban of the provincial government legislation to control lend- tug libraries with a view to preventing them from supplying this typeof literature was intimated at ths parliament buildings the other day by hon mr feyguson as oneof his projects for the legislatures sanction dear little boy dear lltue boy with wondering- eyotj that tor the light o knowledge yourna who has buoh faith unit 1 am wise and know tho lhin tlult you would loarn 1 though oft 1 shako ray head and emtio to hoar your childish questions now i niubt not meet your faith with juilo i cannot tell i do- not know thursday morntng january 7 1928 editorial perpetuating national unify in addressing the annual dinner which j marked the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the can adian commercial travelers association thr e w beatty chairman and president of the canadian pa cific railway last week made a strong appeal on behalf 6f the gospel of a national spirit in canada and called upon the travelling men present whose duties he said gave thenj a singularly favorable opportunity to do so to make the economic interests and special problems of the east known and ap preciated in the west and vice versa and to assist in bringingabout a feeling of sympathetic under standing and goodwill that would surmount the barriers of sectional prejudice and make for a strong spirit of national unity seed buyers protected by the grain system judging from the high regard in which canadian seed control work- and standards are held in other countries pur system of conducting the commerce of seeds on a basis of legal grades has proved its sound ness the fundamental principle of the system js that tho quality of seed sold must conform to defini tions prescribed by law in his report 1925 the dominion seed commissioner points out that our grades are based primarily on the general quality and purity of the seed determined by its freedom from noxious and useless weed seeds and its per centage of pure living seeds the general appear ance of the seed as influenced by weatheror season il conditions cleaning maturity and disease is also taken into consideration cereals grasses sweet clover field corn and alrcther forage and fodder crop seeds have been brought under this compulsoi y grading system and all gracing is done by th5 qualified official inspectors of the seed branch dear little boy with coffer heart forever on tho queeft ojmruth your riddles oft are past my art to unswer to your tonder youth hilt nomdqy you will understand the things that pour i cannot say when lite ahull tukeiyou by the hand and lead you onlts wondrous way bear little boy with hand in mine together through the world we fare where much that i would fain dlvuie i have not yet the strength to hear like you with riddling- words i ask like you i hold another hand and haply when i do my task i too thull understand the sunday school lesson for sunday january 10 weekly fashion hint editorial notes it will be mayor- irving and reeve blain for 1926 and everybodys quite satisfied to ruvye- it so as to the latter we would not be surprised if he was elected warden of the county for 1926 milton re former the workmens compensation board during 1925 awarded in total benefits including medical aid- the sum of 556544739 as compared with 6- 12282034 luringihe year 1924 the payments have required an average of 646 checks per day as com pared with 14 the average tor 1924 the town of digby n s has attained an en viable position in the matter of the collection of taxes the past two years last year the town col lected 97 per cent of the taxes due last week it was announced that 98 per cent of the taxes for the year 1925 had been paid into the treasury bacterial life in winter 80118 from many standpoint- thesolls of canada present bpeelal problems whloh dgrlei rom those of soils of many other lanav especially where a mlldercllraute prevail one point of difference lies lh the fact that throughout the greater part of can- adu the soil to a depth depending on soil type temierutuie and amount of snowuil in in a froxen state for a con- stdcruble part of the winter often for three months or more thlri condition naturally affects the activities otthe bacterlu und other small 4rganlsma which play an indlanonsablo part in the preparation of plant food and con sequently bears upon the general question of soil fertility 1 soli bacteria ure of interest to the farmer because theyjjrepare soluble plant food 6ut of materitils wnich exist in a form unavailable to the plant another important part they play is that of adding to the solis supply of nitrogen by taking thin element from the air it is estimate- that nitrogen- fixing- bucteria associated with a leg uminous crop ure uble to fix go pounds to 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre u year while other groups which thrive in most solla rrfrjood texture and well lmed are able to add 10 pounds to 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre per an num to the soils supply ltlbtneretotmporait to knowtke giving the people municipal information the town 0l aurora hasthisyeanniade their financial statement an interesting and attractive year book of the municipality it is embellished with engravings of the public buildings of the town the war memorial and a number of private dwellings and gives int rep of the work of the board of health the fire brigade and has copies of the bylaws agreements and resolutions passed by during the year the names aivjjf various officers of the town are given and altogether is a pamphlet containifcinteresting information to the citizens of the municipality its preparation has entailed much labor by the mayor and clerk but it will be much appreciated and will be of real value to the town with a view tojiavingthe xevenuesfromeergus waterworks system meet the interest on debentures aer-wells-e-cost-c-f- thff puhli llt ties gommisaionofthat townisincreasing the water- rates by nbout forty per cent the system there is operated on the flat rate not by metres the county council of the county of ontario has decided to purchase 973 acres of waste landtiojx bridge township and to set this area out in pine siirtofortestthofrmve4nwhtet the support of the- provincial government this is practical preparation for future revenues r i the new council is off reeve mason and councillors holmes thetford atkinson and parker the men chosen to govern the municipal destinies of acton during the year 1926 are in harness and have commenced the duties of their administration these elect citizens have be gun their work with the determination to transact the business- of the year in ah intelligent economical manner and with a view to the best interests of the town they have started out with the purpose of cooperation and team work and as was suggested in his inaugiiral address by reeve mason each com mittees rights will be respected and each chairman of a committee will be given the proper dignity of supervision of the work of his committee without interference after the activities undertaken have been intelligently discussed and a policy of co ordination agreed upon in the open sessions of the council the prospects are encouraging for a year of progress and careful aggressive service in which real advancement will be made and without any ad vance in rax levy a policy of this nature will be endorsed by citizens generally time to take stock oiica a year business establishments take stock weigh resources against liabilities turn back the old pages and- put pen to new each year the well- regulated business strikes balance and starts again not over again from- thtr beginning but fresh from the old years finish once a yar the individual serious minded man or woman or ambitious girl or boy takes stock stock of happiness and the health and the wealth upoft which it is founded each measures with the yardstick of conscience the xom- pius health of body and mind and spirit and wealth of experience mental resources friendships the will to dp and selfesteem inventory is important to the corporation and to the individual because it points q b tr eirstrperhapsr in that life is- growth another that the matter jot our growth is in our own hands and still another that we may guide ourselves to a more productive and happier future bi knowing and correcting the mistakes of the past to know thyself continues to be the first ruje of happiness prd success which are one and the sarne honest selfexamination is profitable but painful as most unaccustomed exertion is prob ing a lazy mind a sore conscience or a hollow tooth is unpleasant but it is absolutely necessary to pre vent further decay and eventual dissolution ex- pjtjrierrce exposes the weak links in tho chain of life- as in the chain of business inventory is the read- ing of experience it must be done honestly courageously without selfdeception else one day the chain will snap let us take stock nor fear to know our weaknesses knowing we may correct them and tuilu stronger and surorvhappier for our selves because more useful to others carletpn place canadian canadas exports for the 12 months ended no vember 30 1925 totalled 219861088 an increase of 162352222 over the preceding 12- months while her imports were 8742957 an i of 61- ij390 jnaiing a net improvement of 1w10832 in canadas favorable balance of trade against the world the british government will pay pensions to its war veterans now residing in canada direct after march 1 instead of through the canadian depart ment of civil reestablishment this applies also to canadians who served in british units and draw pen sions and other awards from the imperial govern ment this new plan should result in pensionmonies reaching the recipients with more dispatch than formerly x fute of these bacteria in froxen soils during the long canadian winter ex periments at the central experiment al jeairm ottawa have shown that bacteria are not loilled off to any measurable extent during the ceurse of the winter but rmaln jn a dor mant state their various activities are suspended durlns the period of rroat but fortunately their numbers do not oecome depleted and with the advent of mild conditions are able to resume their work in the early spring the frecxlng of toll under canadian winter conditions should be regarded as beneficial rather than otherwise for although complex food rriatertala would be little altered yet during the winter there would bo no over-produc- uon of soluble nitrates to be washed away andilost with the spring thaw ing yet these nunioers of bacteria are not lessened so ttsat in the spring there la no necessity of general soli tdnoculatlonoruieipiocedurethan good cultivation a c lochhead do minion agricultural- bacteriologist bringing others to christ general lcnoon title flvo men be lieve on jesus scripture losnon john 1 1951 golden text behold tho lamb of god thut taketh away the sin of the world john 1 29 devotional reading pealm 40 58 tho text explained is tho witness of john tho record of verses 19lo 36 is busoct on tho baptists own testimony the jews jewish authorities at jerusalem sent adeputatlon of priests und lovitcu- to interview this wilderness iireuclier and and out who he was and what he was saying to the multitudes 20 i am not the chrlstthla em- phatlo dental roflccts the state of ex pectancy in the popular mind regard ing the coming of tho mohhlali john disclaimed being called elrjufti whoso reappearance was to precede the messiahs coming or the prophet promised in dout 18 1g 26 why then baptizes thou so sacred arlo of initiation und clcaris- jng- could bo administered only by duly constituted authorities or by a creator prophet in his own right 26 i baptise in wator or with water in either cuso a purely sym bolical rito for whloh john disclaims uny intrinsic virtue of clcunslri pow er such power belongs ulone to him who utrtndeth in the midst unrecog nized me it o thut buptlzotli in the holy spirit verso 33 29 tho lamb of god john em ploys the languufre which the people familiar with the rltuul of sacrifice can understand in tho hucnllfatlon and suffering of christ tho symbolism ox old testamont sacrifice and of all similar pugun and prochrlstlai sac rifices has its glorious fuljlllntcnt and comes to an end for it is christ and christ ulonc that taketh away the sin of the world 32 as a dove the nearest physical resemblence to the visible manlfesta- tlon to the disciples at pontcost the same spirit uppeared us a hoverln namffmwlrntrmgtieaofre7rtrdtir descrlptlons ure approximations or hu twenty years ago from tho issue of tho freo press of thursday january 11 1906 wiveff work for the second time in the history of the west ern canada grain trade the shipments frdm the head of the lakes this year during the season of naviga tion exceeded 300000000 bushelsjof all grains can adian vessels handled approximately 9000000 bush els more than were carried by united states vessels taking down the lakes 157062753 bushels of all grains the development of grain growing in the west means much to canada everywhere north south east as well as west the minister of education of ontario with a view of cementing more closely the bonds of the empire has arranged with the british government fpr an interchange- of high school inspectors for the first harf of 1026 on the firstof the year l m levari high school inspector of toronto wjll leave for england where he will inspect the high schools and mr e e savage m a a graduate of cambridge university and an inspector in london will come to canada to inspect the schools of jhe province of ntario a e caiman of the picton gazette has the honor of conducting one of the oldest newspapers in ontario with theendoflthe yearitcompleted its ninetyfifth year it shows absolutely no signs of decrepit old age but is as virile and sprightly as the most youthful paper in the province during mr calnans thirteen years guidance of the gazette he has made it a most valuable journalistic representa tive of its constituency it is cordially welcomed to hhomesof thecountydl ellncejdwaiandits environments s5s- malcolm macbeth whose paper the milverton sun is a weekly visitor to some 2300 homes points oat that during the thirtyfour years in wfiich the sun has becn illuminating the milverton district every one pt thtr fourteen weeklies in huron and perth has changed management and twelve other papers serving that district have either gone out of business or been merged into others this is dif ferent from he experience of the newspapers of halton county only one of the papers of the county has changed hands in- twenty years neither mr hamlin or squire heat- son in noted an a wcrker but their wives are very industrious and noth ing slves either vnthinen ihore fun than to boast of the wonderful things that hln wife accomplished i dont know that the- red cross would have done without my wife said mr hamlin one day she knlf twenty- ave aweatera aeventyfour ialra of aocka and 0110 hundred and fifteen wristlets tbe siiulre fact i call it a real good record for an jiverase knitter now i dont know how many articles rhy wife turned over to the red cross she didnt count them she utarted to count them but when she had knit several articles of every kind she said counting- tired her und ihe quit after that she estimated jier output b need laimtkrn wn leb i by needles what do you mean by needles asked mr hamlin a lit tle gruiny i mean theneedlesr my wife wore out explained the squire she wore out three sets of needles knitting for the red cross and the fourth set ras so near wore out when the war ended that they wasnt no thicker than horsehairs man language which la never adequate to describe unusual or hupernalurul events 4 cephas tr poter the ara maic hebrew dialect of puioatlne and greek forms of the same name meahliur a rock 44 liethbulda in galileo on the west ehore of the lake 4l nutluinuel the name slijriffles lftof god corresponding to the- greek theodore commonly identi fied with bartholmew 46 nasnreth an obscure village far fromjeeuaalem tind the bftcred associations of the temple but apart from the gospels nothing is known to the discredit of nazareth v 48 under the flgtfee probably in his own garden where he hud been ac customed to find seclusion for- medi tation and prayer since his homo was near nazareth jesus may have 1m own hlmithoughthe writer jmokeslt ap pear that jesus knowledge of na- thnnaels character and life was due t hu pnwpw the surplice fjrock here in all of its french chic and distinctive treatment is tirie surplice frock favored by leaders of the mode this model may be carried out tfi the soft woolens in the creper satins or velvet i in dark tones it may be brightened with a band of embroidery or braid certainly paris has sent over nothing more enchanting- than this design in a season of exception ally pretty frocks medium size re quires 3 yards 40inch or 24 yards 54inch material why he hesitvted 50 51 greater things than the such aswould reveal the immediate contact of jesus with higher spiritual forces constantly at his commany like messengers angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man lesion theme first his own brother personal evangelism should begin at honqe the example of religiously divided ftttnllleii weakens the preaching and example of ill spirit each disciple is first of all his brothers keeper a revival of family religionwithtnrth echurchvwon id soon extend beyond the circle of present be lievers by ita very contagfon of vl dent sincerity and genulnenest the family circle is not the limit or the individual dluclples responsibility for others it is its centre and starting point come and see tho written and the tho brooklyn citizen- printe an ex perience of a man who travelled all over europe and declares that he did not meet but one person wlio- hesitated overtho acceptance of a fee i was wandering throuflh an old graveyard in an english town and i had stopped before a a which hadi qotjon been in nlace a tyihq wfrn must have boon following me stepped up and said ah air but she who lies here will be mlased for ycurajo cube she was for half a ufctlmo the presidontiof the charity board in an absentminded way i handed him a sixpence said tho traveller ho received it turned it over in his hand in a hesitating way and anally stam mered as sno was my own wife sir and aa i was here to plant flowcrq on her grave perhaps it would xiot be ox actly proper to accept a feo i replied that but for him i miht never have known ubout her helne tho president of tho board and he swal lowed his scruples arid pocketed the sixpence with one motion and wita evident satisfaction millers worm powderh will clear the stomach and bowels of worms ao that the child will no more bo troubled by r their ravages jtho powdera aru sweet to the taate und no child will object to taking them they are non anjurjqim in -thph- rsimnh and saw logaavoiiow being teamod to the mills quite- freely tho methodist choir sang tho glory song which i htivlng- such a proni- inoht place in the torrey and alox- andor meetings in toronto at the service on sunday byonlng knox church choli held their weojc- ly practice by liivltation at tlie resi dence of dr cjniy frederick street at tho close of tho regular practice dr and mia qvuy entertained tlie members very liiispttubjy a courtesy which thoy nil iiiiprecluted very much our new ekatintr rink is to bo open ed tonight band in attendance ov- ing to tho mild wwitrrerlf has been impossible to make ice up to this late date tho acton house var opened to the jnibllc on tueadiiy tho appoint ments are very neat and attractive and tho travelling public speak very favorably of tho renewed premises for years marks bros concert co jittvo been tnauhier three and four- nlght stands in tho town hall here with a matinee on one of tho ntfter- noons thoy wore here onmonday tuesday and wednesday arid at every performance the hall was filled to the doors the members of acton womans in stitute inaugurated their meetings of loogwlth a very enjoyable at home in the town hajl last friday evening after a very pleasing programme a so cial hour was anent and dainty re freshments were bervod the ability of mr j b jake tho head of the kkek press mechanical department was flatteringly attested in the award to him of the first prize for ad setting in the competition held by printer and publisher of toronto last month married biptonebbage at glovorsville n y on wednesday january 3 1906 walter n riplon of glovers- ville to mary margaret ebbage daughter af thomas ebbage acton died hillin acton on sunday january 7 1806 jano graham widow of the late charles 1 hill in her 70th year railway time tables at acton golno west no 25 sunday only 1041 om no 29 809 am no 31 10 it am no 39 229 pm no 30 goino eststt tt09um no 24 iiunuay only 718 iini no 28 721am no 30 1143 am no 34 335 pm no 3g 017 pm no 38 813 p m car jad ian national electric railways cm vvit bound jdally excopt sunday 743 am ually 1 943 am nil 43 am 143 pjn 343 pm 543 pjh 743 pm dolly dally daily dally dally dally dolly 943 pm turn eaitbound dauy dally except sunday dally dally r dally dolly dally daily dally j 1m ajm 943 am- li43 in 143 pm 343 pm 648 pjn 743 pan 943 pm 1140 pm for rheumatic pains tho p ndache3othcraiittdmi rheumatism should bo tronted with dr thomas eclectric oil- tho soothing and heal ing propertfen or tlilh famous remedy have been demonstrated for 50 years use it also for inflammatory iialns cuts scratches hruishes und sprains either in human beings or the lower animals dosing a cat while income casesthdytnaycauhq vomiting that mum not be taken as a sign that they are nauscating but an indication of their effective work 80 long old pal so long old pal f c w whether the porn be old or new trrowth it must yield do holloways corn remover almost invisible screws the smallest screw that are mad i those that are turned out in a watch factoryioro cut from steel wire by a machine as the chips fall from the knife it looks as if th operator wotc a imply cutting up the wire to amuse himself no screws can be seen yet n acrew js made at every- third opera tion the smalleat of the crcws says the mew york herald are next to invis ible to the naked eye a pile of them resembles dust with a good micro bcope however you can see that each tiny object is a icrcw with no less than two hundred and matty threads those tiny screws are four one- thousands of an inch in diameter and the heads are twice as large an or dinary thimble would bold a thousand of them about a million of them are made in a month y no attempt however is made to count them to determine the num ber one hundred of uiem are placed on a very delicate balahce and weigh ed and then the weight of the whole divided by the weight of the hundred shows how many hundred there are the number of all the small parts of the jwaich is ascertained in that way for both house and stable there la a sood deal of similarity physical ly apeaklng between human beings and the lower animals both are sub- omanyallments fro in nomination and to all manner of cuts and fcrulses tr thomas eclectric oil is an entirely reliable remedy for such ailments and mishaps in both human beings an g the lower animals 6nthjvutdhqtack a medical corps ococer says thu argonjiut one day met in france a negro whom he had fcnown in civil life at home how do you like the army moset lie asked all right so far capn replied the negro but ah dont lenow how ahm xplng to like it when dem germnnirt nooot- at-mc- dont worry about that replied- the officer all yol have to do is ig- aff and he danced from side to side the next time the two met the negro was in u hospital whats the mattr with you moset asked the officer ah nlnt sure capn but ah must have been xhuln bout de time ah ought been sagglnv people understand and follow christ they must see him revealed k not in the christ as- did theflretcoiiverta then in the transformed lives of his professed followerst 1iving enlatles l known and read of all men paul calls tho disciples at corinth written not with ink but with the spirit pf tho living gsod in tables that are hearts of fieah propared to recognize and follow life la a series of linked aeauenccs- thosejoung nien who nrst followed jesus and were invited to become better acquainted with him had months before gone to hear john the baptist preaching and having become convinced that he was a man sent from god thoy had asked for baptism and had then joined themselves to a small group of learners who werenaorw intimately associated with hinn so back of their coming to jesus there had been a series of right choices us there had been also in the life of na- thanael who when jesus found him was a young man in whom there was no guile it was indeed a real high privilege to be selected as were these young men to be the closest friends of jesus to hear the words that the multitudes who came to his preaching could not hear- to have- explained to them the teaching which they could not fully comprehend and to be per mitted to share in his service but it was hot iby accident that thes men were chosen nor was it merely be cause they were there when tbe opj portunlty came fro man goes from the lowest to the highest at a lngle bound had they hesitated to begin the ascent heavenward or had tlreiy become discouraged or indifferent and ceased to climb they would not have bften ready for the htghest aaoent tho foundatlonshad been laid and now through years of training the innate ability of each individual would be developed add strengthened unwhole some tendencies inhibited and tlio life equipped for the work of an apostle for study and dlscuaor have you like john the baptist ihin perno tcb to c how much of tho spirit of christ docs your life reveal to others can a christian talk too much about his own religious experience what part should personal testimony play in the work of the church todoy what other factors ond wayh gf working sides persoyinp testimony and ex ample rfre important dally readings for next wik qmonday john 3 117 n tuesday john 7t 4562 wednesday john 19 3842 thursday john 1 6a3 friday 1 john 2 2820 satur day titus 3 17 sundayjohn 3 3136 dem fatal woids aint you goln o work today uiur i alnt gonna jatimy foot in cat coal yard till d bom takes dem words back he- said yesterday well what did sayf youre fired uy9 old mpcartep helped by simple mixture after taking adlcrlka i feel better than for years at my ago 60 it is ideal so different- from other medi cines slgnedw w carter adler- ilea is n simple mixture of buckthorn bark glycerine etc which removes qas 1n ten minutes and often brings surprising relief to tho stomach btqpa that full bloated feeling brlnsj out old was to matter you never thought was in your- system excellent for chronic constipation a t brown drumllsl the night must end the brightest day qckcbjmes- just one more sonb wovo had good times ah well so long so long old pal tho years have boon too fair to part no cloud between tosay goodbye would all bo wrong a sob a sigh ah well so long- disagreeable dose at last a youns- irish girl just from tho old country wna received into the kitchen and heard of tho cat dif ficulty sure said she give me the med icine and some lard and ill warrant shell be nting all i give her she mlxort the iinwdftr und th lhnl and smeared the cat sndea with tho compound pussy at once began hck- itig h ttfiolf rl onn nx nt tto hw lowing tlvo mcillclne the master of the house expressed his pfeasuro and eratitudo faith said tlie elrl in ireland everybody knows how to give medi cine to a cut j o long sweet lifer the rose must fall a little strife a little gall then when we die a faith so strong thatour goodbyo is but so long the cheapness of mother grave worm exterminator puts it within reach of all and- it can be fiot at any druggists masculine constancy in tho days when lord kitchener the invincible bachelor wast remaking the british indian forces u youthful officer asked for a furlough to so homo and be married kitchener listened patiently and thonspoko kindly kcnil worth youre not yet twenty- flve youre in tho midst of a piece of work i value and which youre do ing excellently wait a year- by that time youll have cleanod the slate and tried out your own mlnd if then you still desire to do this thing speak to me again and you shall have leave and ill take you buck ont the staff afterwards the year passed and tlie officer once more proffered his r easiest and- you really- tell naoasked- kltchener that after thinking it over for twelve monthsyou still wish to marry yea sir very much indeed adjutant communded krtchener kenllworth is to have furlough to go to his own wedding and frankly my boy i scarcely thought there was so much constancy in tho muscullno world kenllworth ubout faced and march ed to the door but thcro turned and said thank you sir only its not the same woman there are emergencies and they are not infrequent in which a measure of common sense or motherwit is of more service than much learning and so- it happensthart one may sometimes receive aid from a quite unexpected quarter a gentleman in new york had an angora cat upon which ho set a great value unhappily she was in some what frail health but could not be persuaded to tulcomodlcine it was put into her milk and mixed with her meat but all such experiments wore nnsuccossful attempth to force it into her mouth and down her throat proved equally toronto terminal keolo street and st clair avenue freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto j a smith real estate and insurance get our list of karons andtown property before buying wo may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation xlfo association london iiancoshiro fire insurance loifdon lanca shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your business solicited eesldence mill and wallace sts telephone 10g acton ysal rnriltn shir iuia hoi- take he nights of agony como in the train of asthma the victim cannot he down and sloop in driven from hit brain what grateful relief is the lmmediateeftcctof xtc ljx keuogga asthma remedy it- banishes the frightful condltlorih clears the pans- ages and enables tho afflicted one to again sleep as soundly and rostfully as a child insist on the genuine at your nearby druerglst the cloth told the story mr portly found himself stranded for an hour or uo 1m a strange town says the argonaut and he decided to have something to cat he enterej the only restaurant ho could find and called for a menu there alrt one fdr said tho wait er who looked an if ho had been blighted in infancy hut i can tell you whats on lets have it then said mr port ly the waiter took a deep breath and reeled off a lengthy list you have a good memory my- man said mr portly no sir said the waiter meekly not particularly good i just looked at tho tablecloth 1 rtsi isyrupj aftftrbctnctsgxflawrfjirl j for coughs colds j and bronchitis g castoria mother jptetticrs castoria is a pleasant hanriless substi tute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared for infants in arms and children all ages to oid imitations always look tor the signature of cx zutcma proyen directions on tx3 phyticiaiu everjrwhere r it bonds stocks and grain private wires to nw york chkabo winnipeg and toronto 1st mortg real estate bonds t j hannigan ouclph typewriters remanufactured underwoods direct from factory to you guaranteed same as new but they cost you less general typewriter appliance co 99 king st west toronto 2 advertisers thu free press is anxlou to mivo you and smvo you wall wa oan glva youc advartlaa- mant faattar attsntion and twn-o- forsj inako it mors attractive if tho copy ia aupplisd to ua on monday or tuasday if copy faila to raaoh u unttt wadnaaday f orsnoon tharo ia a ruah to aat it up baforo tha forma close and tha reault la likely to be less mtlttfactbry send in your ad8 early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know wr can please you savage co jeweltets guelph ontario

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