Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1926, p. 4

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v z i births harriaffcm charged for at the folia wins rates birtflj st marriages 30j deaths 50c memoxiil njs 50c toe per line extra tor poem t born gregory- n goorkotown oil sat urday iccenttor 26 192g to mr and mru hodncy gregory u ouutjh- tor if lawson at stewiuttown on satur day december g 1925 to mr ami mrs walter lawhim u hon russell at cnmi mario hospital hamilton on january 4 1026 to mr and mrs s s husaoll of oakvllle a son r- uw 2iusband in hoeheater n y on thursday doccrnbor 17 1025 to ml and mrs gladstone husband a son jack spencer- died ryder at- toronto on friday jan uary l 192g david ryder in tila 95th year wilson at grantham on thursday evening december 31 thomas hus band or the lato huldah wilson in hlb 94th yenr wilson at grantham on saturday afternoon january 2 1926 huldali widow of f he ja to thomas wilson in liox 86th year stewart at milton on sunday january 3 1926 elizabeth m deaf- ly beloved daughter of robert arid marearot stewart hewetsonat the home of hr daughter mrs k e mccleary church street acton on sunday january 3 1926 mrs john hewet- son aged 92 yearn wacdougall- ajt her residence on frederick street acton on sunday january 3 1926 sarah daughter of tho late hugh macdougall little at los angles county old feoplos homo california on satur day december 26 1925 sarah john son widow of tho lato robert little of acton aged 83 years jyid 13 days police court news at police court in milton on tues day tomellu aluucio of milton heights was charged by inspector reovoly with illegal purchase of miiuor he pleaded guilty through his counsel c uowlby of hamilton und wan lined 15000 and costs in tho charge against mrs crcmas- do of milton heights who pleaded guilty to soiling liquor on tho 30th december tho deferred judgment was given tho mini muni penalty of j2njitt0 and costs and 0110 month in jail was imposed tho warrant was deferred for fifteen days to permit re ference to tho attorney generals de partment tho aral case of tho ncwyear came uoforcr police magistrate mooro on saturday afternoon when ken coxe of nussagaweya was charged by chief mcpherson with having liquor in a place other than a private dwelling houbo in which ho resides tho evi dence of chief mcpherson was very straightforward and decisive and a penalty of 5000 or two months in jail was imposed coxe is a veteran was a soldier in the lg4th battalion nnfl saw sorvioo ovemeas ho did not bring his military discipline homo with hlirii- however for ho admitted trying to brlbochlef mcpherson to settle tho case for a consideration when ho dis covered that ho and hla companion had tho liquor in tho rear of tho town hall in memoriam coon in memory of- our dear mother mrs isaiah coon who died january 8 1921 in our hearts your memory lingers as it dawns another year in tho lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are always near the family ttmxmtws zgsf w vtta thursday january 7 1926 brief l5cat tt ems schools in again very good blelshlng these days have ypu renewed your subscrip tion has it become natural to write 1926 yot now for hava work until the eastec holidays opportunity istwo willing hands an alert brain and one strong will this is renewal time is your free press label corrected for another year ono bad habit will break down a mans character enough to admit an other put it down for reference that tho first january thaw of 1926 came on the 3rd inat 5000 fire at prison farm dairy barn at ontario reformatory guelph badly damaged fire destroyed a section of tho main dairy barn at tho ontario reforma tory on saturday causing damage to the amopnt of 5000 or 6000 fortunately tho blaze did not do sufficient damage to cause any great inconvenience und tho 125 head of holsteln cows rescued from the burn ing building were back in their quart ers next day the loss was confined entirely to the front section of the barn where 25 tons of alfalfa was con sumed the origin of the nro is un known but is believed to have been caused by defective wiring neighborhood news town and country rockwood oakville levels in a swamp nearby was one of tho first to notice the smoke issuing from tho building and when a general alarm was sounded tho in mates and members of the staff were soon on- the scone- tho prompt action of the reformatory brigade holding tho flames from spreading until such time as they received nasimanco from the guelph firemen had it not beenfor the quick response for the men at the institution the structure would no doubt have been completely consum ed no free list januarys first sunday had a very pleasing temperature a few degrees above freezing l fergus council ia having its by laws printed ana 500 copies will be made available to citizens james a matthews tlio chrthtmus cantuui of tho united cujirch wum repealed sunday wiling- tlio cdmlco buing crowded to tho doors tint choir was asulsltd by georgu ptuinmer ojfsimcoo and between 30 and forty voices took part th weatuor conditions were all that could bo desired to enublo muhy to at tend in comparison to- the previous suntlny imr mclarry of knoiz college tor onto conducted tho presbyterian ser vices on sunday among tho- now year visitors in our mlclflt were mr and mrs elmer thcaker from the west at the home of mr and mrs isnnc theaker masters lloyd roy and george ou- bouni of fergus miss emily peach of ixamiljpn robert henderson j hewat avm royce of simcoe mr w j teal and son hurry of gueh everett lovlness of niagara falls ont mr home of chatham at geo h pearens home for thu weekend mr and mrs chus harris of niagara falls ont returned homo last saturday also gordon harris of knox college returned tp tho city to resume his studies after spending tho holidays here visiting- tho pearon and mcphedran families mrs m cameron spent th holidays in jjrantford and slmcoo week of prayer services will bo held this week in the different churches mr and mrs angus carter and family of brandon man arrived inat thursday to take over tho store where rnljjh b richardson carried on for several years we welcome them to our mrtlst and wish them success in tho new year just commenced last week jm tuesday evening mr and mrs r b richardson along with a few intimate friends spent a pleasant time at tho dominion hotel whero they partook of an oyster supper tho citizens of the villogo will miss them as they mvere alwaya taking part in anything that was going on in con certs socials and othor ccairs mrs richardson will be mlshed in the wo- monb institute and in church activi ties where her7muslcaratlinyvaa always appreciated wo wish them every success in their new surround ings and hope to have the privilege to meet them occasionally august youngs sale last saturday was fairly woll attended r j kerr of acton wielded tho hammer in his usual manner on christmas night a reception was held at the home of mr and mrs elias plummer harris street in honor of their eldest son stanloy and his bride of a few weeks guests numbering about forty the immediate relatives and friends of tho family wero in at tendance the host and hostess with tho bride and groom received at the entrance to the living room under an arch of streamers and bells the brido wearing her wedding gown of palo groon georgette with gold ldco trim- mine and dainty rosebuds of contrast- mrs c l young of niagara falls wits a visitor with mrs john it ryors over- the christmas hfilidays l j uruy d mcdonuld and j u thurstbn were reelected polieo vil lage tiumtech of llrontc a hal ton liuly tnok thirteen turkeys lu mnrkot- aiul brought- hunirtlo there was nothing iinitiekmibiiil that thlrteon f there was an interesting wedding at st johns church piirsoniiko on saturluy when rev j h fttcllaln p a united in marrlngo m1h laura liray of bronte and norma 11 w cuntelon of hornby oakivllle is nut to have 11 municipal eloction of any kind this year it docs nopfton happen that thowitiro re quired number ofotuccs are titled by acclamation but such wits tho casu this- year and lt was better bo 11 h mclean who has a largo cotonlziitioh road contract in far northern ontario is spending- a week at his home here and hud tho sad mission of attending the funeral of his father in the orillla district this week his father was in his eightieth year after lelng confined to her bed for some time miss mary fitzgerald pass ed away in her eightieth year at tho old fitzgerald residence on church street which was tho homo for many yenrs of jas fitzgerald father of the deceased miss fitzgerald lived there all her life and was the ninth mem ber of tho family to tho buried from tho home st jurdos church waa not long without a rector rov c e riley preached his farewell sermon on sun day last and this weckrem6ved to st catherines to becoirio rector of st georges church thjtre ho preaches his first sertnons on sunday thla week it is announced thai canon r russell smith will becomme rector of st judos coming from fort eric star erin- a merry christ inns wan spent at the home of zmr and mrs fred john ston sunnysidi farm on tho hucqnd lihe erin when a largo number of tho brotlioih a nil winters and their fam ilies met uieyc riieie wan also pres ent mrs hubert johnston kr from aotiitr hiving inutlier is in her eighty- third year ijiit enjoy td this happy cirihtilfian with her family very much lorne school the followlnif is tho lorno school report for the christ mas examina tions sr iv leslie swackhamer gcorgo graff lcona waller jr ivharhirru guthrie crlssle swaokhamer teddlo hiirroir so iii j tholnm graff corinno macdonnld brandon cruson sr ii lauril joltnson wallace swackhnmer sr i douglas guthrie etta swackhamer draco graff primer ilea trice- graff dora den ny ettvood joiiiison miss i anderson teacher notice the strike qf hard coal miners is still far from being nettled we have u mipply of hamilton domodtic colto whlrli wo are in tuiting at 1450 per ton off car 51500 out of khod you would bs wise to get kohio now as cold weather ami no further miiply of hard coal will create a short age j b mackenzie phone 48 n molaod mgr nas3agaweya a travelling entertainment says tho argonaut was vory proud of posses sing a genulno stratfivarlus violin and so informed the editor of tho local paper of the town in which ho in snudes tho hostess wore a gown gave one of his concerts but tho of dlfl satin with touches of coral report of the concert next morning did not mention tho stradivarius rlolln and the entertainer hastened io tell the editor of his disappoint nncnt if old stradlvarlus expects any ad wguei in th columns of paper the editor replied ho pay teacents a llrio for it thut will new way of judging age a moving picture man delights to son of j of a proposal that hapnotred whilo acton was ro elected a member of i no directing one of hl3 lateat orangcville council on monday pictures it seems that a young writer had laid his heart at tho feet too much work ruins one and too little work ruins the nlnetynlno others after over fifty faours of heavy fog it lifted on tuesday evening the fog was very troublesomie to motorists beyerley r6bso7rof guelph was elected mayor of that city on monday ervwbtosevon candidates running tho annual meeting- of acton fall fair will be held at tlio council cham- i- jjcrnoxt wednesday afternoon at 330 oclock the watch night services in the ubrted church and in st albans wcro well attended and the services wom full of interest brampton electors voted for the bylaw to guarantee a loan to the memorial hospital but did not give the required twothlrda majority at the pre conam union service in knox church on new years eve cl number of new members wero re ceived and several baptisms took place the city of toront received 201- 02816 from the canadian national exhibition last week as the citys share of the pro fit a of- the exhibition of 1925 erin village council was elected by acclamation as follows reeve j p bush councillors jas blnnlo kenneth mcdougall c weddell e wright mr a il bishop has installed a steam heating syaterxi in his green houses and is now in a rnuch better poaltion to supply plants and flowers wheni desired where has the old year gone gone with all kb hopes and feam gone with all its joys and tears dead and burled rllh tho years thero has the old year gone at the election in cuelph on mon day the ratepayers decided to resume control of tho street railway which wsb taken over by the hydro commis sion several years ago grace church arthur of which rev h g i baugh jx d was rector from 1917 until he came to st albans was destroyed by flre last week tho church was built in 1880 there was only 4 insurance on the build ing itwb liko an oldtime love feast that watch night for lt seemed that heaven was just no near to us its l around us streamed jerusalem u6 jftojidcn flung all its- portals wide 4 and wo tel the shining prcsonco of the crowned and crucified won bro c r mcintosh was tho installing master of cedar ledge a f a m no 270 gtr c oshawi nt tho festival of st john tho evan gelist tho brethren of his mother -lrtdinr- in are prnvntl to sccrthla distinctive honor placed uiion him fling woman and had been coldly turned down perhaps its best- after all he re marked acidly after all a man of 25 would soon tiro of a woman who hovers around 32 but im not that old gasped tho- woman whatever led you to believe that im thirtytwo weu perhaps youre not ndmitt oil tho young man but it certainly fll mo that you must be some- wlier near tho freealne point during tho evening which was spent in dancing and gamea tho- brido and groom were called to tho centre of tho room and presented wltli ahlcely decorated bnsket filled to overflowing with pretty and useful gifts for which t s t the gu tur apprcirlate manner previously tho bride and groom wero given a miscel laneous shower from tho y p a and choir of st pauls presbyterian church at simcoe of which the bride was a member aftera delicious buffet luncheon all left for their homes after extending hearty good wishes to the young couple for a happy and prosperous weif ded lifemr and mrs stanloy plummf will ro- a real happy new year was spent at the home of mr and mrs thomas jiellls jnuabocaweya wh on tho brothers and slaters and their families visited tho old home to wish them a happy new year mr uaimrs nellis havo both had poor health for some tlnie but they were able to enjoy the happy gathering it was quite a sur prise it is our sad duty to record tho death of miss margaret mahon eldest daughter of tho late jamc3 mahon who died on sunday morning at her home in brookvillo mlas mahon had peen in poor health for some tfme tho funeral was held on tuesday with interment at campbellvllle cemetery three sisters and three brothers sur vive mr and mrs w f darby of knntchbull spent new years with friends at campbeltvlue mrs g- t- wilson nnd san of knatclihull spent a few days this week with- friends in milton the young peoples league of eb- enoiorand eden mills will hold a dc bate on tuesday evening of nextwcek at ebeiiezer united church mrs arthur nightingale of knatch- bullls vialtlng relatives in toronto s rr has lioltl bis toxin o the annual meeting actn tall fair will be held- in tho council chamber at acton on wednesday jan 13 1926 at 230 pm sharp rumley tractor school friejivri start at toronto jan 12th 1026 ono week of wonderful training in ono of- tlio eest schools of tho kind held in america farmer mil rs and threshers over 5000 n wended these schools inst if you would liko to como today or phono 1129 hanjna bros rumloy distributor guelph mclean co mui street aelon d ijusiness receiving the annual reikrt of the auditors election of olllcors and dir ectors for 1926 transaction of such other business as may be necessary c b swackhamer president w j a kins secretary aotoh january 7 102c a job for you a8 a new year start inexperienced mon wanted who desire a chance to work themselves up to jobs paying 5 to 10 dally wo have work whilo you learn plan and guurantce to give you thorough practical trnlning until our em ployment department obtains work for you as garage mechanic elec trical experj engineer chauffeur barberlng mechanical dentistry bricklaying plastering and other trades wrlto t once naming the trade you dealre booklet free hemphill trade schools 163 king lstwcstrtoronto branehescoabtrf to coast side in tsimpoe mr wni burns went to toronto on now years day to see john r watson who in still in the hospital ho ls in m uch the same condition and lt will too a mntter of time when hew4u bo abjri to lcavo his bed tho westerly gales on now years tiny drifted tho crossroads pretty bad- ly and a number of motorlsth found 100 acres to george robliiboh mr carnuhan has bought a farm down on tho highway- john heatley has bought george robinsons flftyacre farm the classes in domestic science and agriculture commenced on tuqsday in the township hall there is a fairly good registration many subjects of interest on the farm and in the farm home nro being discussed it difficult to get through tho line burn of mr percy kitchlpg at corwhln was destroyed by firo last friday the stock was all renjovod from the stables but the seasons crop was destroyed tho structure was burned to tho foundations the origin of tho fire is unknown the heavy loss is partially covered by insurance this is the second time the t calamity of lofling his barn by fire has befallen mr kitching about twenty years npo iiir kirn was triiek bv llnrlitnlmr and destroyed those delicious roasts these winterdays are the onesjwhen those good toasts and fine soups taste the best and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the best place in acton to go is pattersons pkime roasts of beef choice cuts of pork select pieces of veal fine roasts of lamb bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage 1n fn i h a-cut-af-meat-that-you-could-deslfe- that you will not find at our counters bought right kept right cut right and sold right the meats you buyat pattersons are the best that you can procure w j patterson corner mill and maim str acton ont after the christmas rush we find a few odd lines to be cleared out at reduced prices dress goods all wool poirct twill in a rich shade of navy reg- fljf c ular price is 225 yard to clear at plvx line 500 circle bar hose iji fine rib snnd shade this line is worth 100 special 7c at per pair fc circular pillow cotton heavy even woven quality free frpm dressing 40 inches 00 wide regular price is 50c special joc mens fleecelined underwear at reduced price tiger brand shirts and drawers f an regular 125 special at each 01uu floor oilcloths can give you a good range of patterns in l yard and 2 yards wide at 55c per yard 110 for 2 yards linoleum 4 yards wide newpatterns at per yard 400 i mclean co mill street acton ont store open all day wednesday 244lbs vwhu norvalmills the greatest pie flour is our flour- plen like mother used to bake were always- made with thin brand of flour crisp tasty pastry you know the acrt resultn from using this flour aolflbyuip has and at acon staht demand r made speciallyfor rrvbbrowni norvau ont norval flour mills kings choice bpad flbur w b browne co prcp norval national pastry phonks jlnnicllkil 37 r 3 norval blend kelt 00 r ffaf v mr vjmf h vafy iivivitl al avj v vjv jvi vi v1vf i viavwsviywwvswiwmwayvsvjvsvm january sales at macdonalds vvorth coming to guelph for right away good choices for allyearround wear in mens suits at 2495 regular up to 4000 smartest styles that men or young men could wish to find mens suits at 975 broken size ranges from 34 to 38 former prices up to 25 and 30 churchill si tfiiut grftft of powaaaon has iition visiting ftt thehnmn of lier uncle mr john gran during tho week jlcv lichnox ii douglan tho new pastor of thv churchill united church will commence iiih ministry next sun day air douglus lu n bright young nian of ability aonocrev w h douglas of- norval hto had charge rtlf nasasagaweya clrciflt last year and was highly esteemed far his eucccss- ful work tlie lunoral of the late david ryder on sunday afternoon brought many old friends to the hui mr ryder spent his boyhood days here and hns always been closely associated with ihls section mr el r howe and little daughter isobel spent christmas and new new years at mr and mrs j grafts mj clara qnut of blueynle went new tears at mr arid mrs jj graffs mr edward nelson 1 improving irleolraftevms serloun operation mens wool combinations stanfields watsons dqqq truknit values up to 750 suit clearing at j mens natural wool shirts and drawers reg cq 200 and 250 garment clearing at slfo all the mens felt hats reduced regular 750 to 575- regular 650 to 495 regular 500 to 375 and a group of broken lines formerly up to 50 clearing at 295 mens silk ties regular up 100 clearing at 35c each or three for 100 me overgoatsji9g5 all sizes worth 1500 more wjtisimsjqxjbgoat-s- at wholesale prices and in some cases eveivless savings abound in the department of home furnishings 550 bed spreads for 4s035o silk window panels for 250- 1j25 colored drapery madras for 69c 5000 velvet floor rugs for 3506 sizes 9 ft x46 ft 6in1000 scotch woof blankets for 795 a host of such good opportunities just when wardrobes and household stocks of linen and bedding need replenishing come uie great january sales all over this big store clearance pencils have been busy marking down prices for quisle stockreduction before inventory smart apparel in new styles and of excellent quality is a special feature mens and boys clouiing womens and childrens apparel and accessories yard goods home furnishings throughout all departments you will find green sale tickets pointing the way to extraordinary economies it will pay you to think ahead of your household and personal needs and come to guelph in time u reap uie biggest benefits this space can give you just a few examples silk and woollen dress goods include many sensational figures iikethese wool dress goods up to 200 yard for 68c also up to 300 yard for v 98c- likewise a group up to 350 yard f or l48 and a group up to 450 yard for 198 silk fabrics a group of silks and satins and crepes reg- an ular up to 250 yard for jfoc crepes and satins and other silks in another group regular d1 ftq up to 450 yard for 41 70 black duchess satins qq natural pongee silk at ro at tpljy j v joc great bargain picking among the rernhants home staple goods as well as dress goods included usable lengths nt mere fractions of regular figures youll be surprised at the drastic reductions on womens and misses furtrimrned coats these are a few example quotations coals up to 2950 for 995 and1495 coals up to 3500 for 1795 coats up 4500 for 24775 coau up to 4950 for 3250 wall papers and wall pictures twenty- percenu off all the fram ed pictures of the better class picture franfes in post card size nt scenic and old masters subjects framed at remnant lota of wallpaper at fractional prices 35c to 175 per bundle 29c 39c 2000 rolls sidewall papers reg ular up to 30c sirigle roll for 12v3c room lots of wallpaper in high grade lines regular up 07 to 100 roll for lt c 2of0 yards burlap reduced in 35c the january sales to daytime and also flannel and balbriggan frocks 495 regular up to 1575 for misses and young womens silk crepe dresses 14 to 20 years marked away down q af to p7f large womens sizes in wool crepe dresses reg rt oc up to 1605- for vijud satinand c regular up to 19j5 for evening frocks satinfaced crepe dresses regu- 1795 1395 lar up to 3500 for georgette party frocks misses sizes marked 1c qc down to plof9 cloth dresses charmeen and poiret twill sizes 16 to 40 regular up to 2450 for 1495 and 1895 evening gowns of cut velvet sizes 36 to 42 reg- j- q ff ular 2975 for plif j womens and childrens hoseey ani underwear gloves too astonishing economies marked by green sale tickets macdonalds for better values d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs big store save on home staples travellers samples at wholesale prices linen and coitoit towels linen and cotton table cloths embroidery linen faiicy huck towelling-etc- flannelette white nt 19c slriped at 28c crearn twill at 45c re markable values factory cotton 750 yards 36 inch es wide in the january sale at 10c and at 23c bleached cotton 6 inches oq salepriced ttjq wfc bleached sheeting 72 and 80 ins wide 320 yards marked tq away down to fafc floor cloths at l for 25c wash goods for little 6000 yards cheese cloth at just piques gabardines vestings up to 100 per yard aqr viyella flannels and wool cq delaines for just yard otf c 300 yards checked ginghams marked low 32inch width at 29c yard 30inqh at 33c voiles and hullsv 4 yards for 1 1 1 ivllrr iv ivytt llyiwvl i iyi kiti t i i i iik sfelissl v lsbmmmmmm mikfxljiim

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