Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1926, p. 1

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t 4 ffftyfirst year no 21k thursday morning january 141928 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 14 1926 single copiesifive centf the icton united church of canada minister rov r e zimmormon b a parsonage willow street uoo a in the minister subject the ijurning hush 230 p ni sablmtn school session 700 p m the minister subject tho mblo in miniature young peoples meeting on monday at 8 i m b prayer and praise service on thurs- day- at 730 p in presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a manborwlllow street 1100 a in tho minister subbed tho divine love 300 p m sabbath school and bible classed 700 p- m tho minister subject take ileetl how ye heiur monday 8 p m tho guild the programme to bo put on by tho y w a a splendid pageant will bo pre sented strangers leaving address with tho uahers wiuvbo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w qoyd pastor 110o a in tho pastor subject the supremo thing in the christian life 300 p m sunday school classes r6rnll 700 p m the pastor subject christ the son of god second in series faith of our fathers jfonulay 800 p m young peoples meeting short bright helpful thursday 730 p in prayer and praise meeting t all welcome special notices advertisements in this column j cents per wopl minimum charge 30c pr insertion autoknijter vabns wheclintr scotch fingerlne worsts ed all wool ninety cents per pound delivered sumples free a y shops ptimrtmeiit a orluia ont snare drum for 8ale iru eiiod state of ronair with now onrryinff strap not lined for baat 18 months apply in mornlnffs to b harris hattys terrace rockwood ont houses for sale 0ooa brick hoiihe on frederick street lielonjrine to entate of the late ciflrfih troilgall mst bo sold at once also ouoslxroonied guml liiltk house on bower avenue situation tho best trice s1s50 r ask kerr he knows tenders wanted tenders wanted for h cords of green hardwood 3 uf heechantl 5 of maple cut 2 leet long also 2 cords of dry ceilar16 fnchelong to i10 delivered botoro kfarcl 31st tho lowest or any orwell joritfston secretary ots s no 12 notice to creditors tlio creditors of sarah ann lac- dougall ato of tho vlllruro of acton in the county of hulton spinster who ilea at acton on tlio third day of tw- 1b rmilrel to send b post prepaid or otherwiso deliver to tho uiiilersigned solicitor tlielc full names addresses and descriptions full particulars of thoir claims and tho nature of tho securities if any heltv by them and this notico belnb slven in pur flupnoo of ftoctlon so of the trim aot rso chap 121 nnd amending nets notice is hereby rurthor given thnt on ant after tho 22nd- day of fobrunry 1920 the executors will pro ceed to distribute the wsaets of the saltl deceased among tho parties legal ly entitled thereto and tlioy will not be resuopslblo for any claims of which they have not received notice at the time of such distribution dated nt acton this twentyfirst day of january a d 1026 marsraret moore macdougall and hubert mtnn executors by ii n parmer acton ont their solicitor 233 hockey match at acton skating rink friday nightjan 1 acton vs toronto c nr en commercial oniric starts nt skutlng aftor the game admlsoion 25c and 15o j wom5etegf v friday january 16 ihe keeper of the tbees by gone stratton porter with an excellent cast headed by the grand daughter of tho author comedy hot and loryyfeux cnrlbon prices 10c and 3bo saturday january- 16 sporting chance v racing drnma starring dor othy phillips and lou tcllegen somedy wages of tin fox news tuesday january 19 too many kisses slurring richard oix chap ter 2 of tho fighting ranger comedy twinnlng pair coming the family secret with bby vcmy the tfnwanted a britfih picture jt l gregory son qi a deluge of economies in our planned for a storewide reduction of stocks before the taking of inventory s sasihgsojljhtiraejyand substantial sort that will- make a strong appeal jto every home in which good manage ment is a virtue green sales tickets abound all over this bfg store point ing out the rich savings involved quotations here irjust examples look for a host of economies like these irivery department j all the womens coats and dresscsat small prices mens suite up to 4000 for 52495 mens overcoats handsome big burly english storm ulsters fifteen dollars underprice clkiqil when going at v if7j mens 250 to d1 yla 450 shirts at 4hk mens ties up to 1 00 each itl 1joo all the womens fur coats clearing at wholesale prices amazing bargains ar the counter of dressgoods and silks some of the cloth dress fabrics in cluding these groups 68c yard reg to 200 98c yard reg to 300 4148 yard reg to350 9198 yard reg to 40 silks lip to 450 yard in the clearing at 198 also values up to 250 yard for 98c rayon silk knitted under wear at surprisingly low prices vests at 97c knick ers at 149 hosiery and other lines of wornxns underwear at marvellously low prices all the framed pictures at 20 per cent reductions wallpapers many lines re duced in the clearance 2000- rolls for instance worth up to 30c 1 ol roll clearing atjc2c allthezjbllga at deep reduc tions room sizes and scatter rug sizes wiltons velvets brussells etc stripe flannelette 36 inches regular 35c yard 0 for 4 white flannelette 27 inches- regular 25c yard ifll- for ttnr i jc comforter prints at 25c and wool batts at 99c jb cheesecloth or gaue at 7 yard write for a supply if you cant get to town old bleach linen table sets cloth and a dozen napkins regular q 3500 set for ziq voiles and mulls d1 f four yards forvlevu fancy turkish towels reg- ul 50 eai regular 100 each for 69c bed spreads many kinds in the markdowns blankets and draperies a wealth of good savings macdonqlds fof befter vglue d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store daily closing 530 p rh excepting wednesday at 12j10 noon and sntiirdny nt ftw p m news of local jpiport saloof homo- m ado- baling tho iimtltut will hold a nalo ot ilamomatto bakinpr at stuckoys rcitiiurtnt on saturday january 23rd afternoon anil evening como and have iv tup of coffee i k leslio gregory in smaihup lcalio gregory of oakvillo austnin- ort tncil injuries on thuraday night when the automobllo he waa drlvlns crashed into u pole at sunnyaido tor- ontp nir prorory waa tuken to st johtphr hosptal and la proereaalns as well a could be expocted oakville star tho glorious twelfth at milton hi i been settled that tho orange cutcbmtiuir of july 12th for this dla trict will be held in milton for the first tlirko since 1914 tho local broth ron nre bent on making it one of the biggest and are already iropnng for it iby issuing invitation to thoai- of other plticeahamplon steam shovel at dolly varden a atenrri shovel la at work on th high bank on the rightofway of the canftdiiiwnational railway at dolly vardenv earth la being excavated loaded on cars and transferred to georgetown new piling and now fill- in ih being placed near the viaduct there to widen the railway land at tho hwitches at that point wants excursion fares again an amen to the railways act has been intrbduceflintbohousotc commona by t l church m pnak- lng for tlio restoration of special re duced rales on tickets purchnacd for holidays audi as thanksgiving day weekends fall falra conventions and sporting events in his explana tion of tho amendment mr church said that the special rates referred to had prevailed prior to the war dr w barnard opt dr 0 optometrist eyesight specialist optician georgetown 0ot registered optometrist by examination graduate joynl college of science yojir eyes examined ijy modern methods glasses fitted when needed at reasonable prices make your appointments at hintons jewellery store mill street acton the best way fvrry rusiness concern no matter what -the- problejas may- be wile tfind that continuous advertising is the safest surest and best way to assure continuous increasing business give it a years trial and see just try t if you dont believe in advertis ing comments the goderich signal just put an ad in this newspaper offering tf buy cats at a dollar a head and see what will happen oiifer your goods at attractive prices in everyweek advs and see what will happen miko nicoluks condition mike klckoluk the austrian who sustained the loss of both arms through nn accident in the tannery in november 1ms mndo good progress toward recovery at sl josephs hos pital guclnh it 1b hoped that after three or four months have elapbed and the remaining sections of tho wounded members have healed over and tho ncara become hardened that artificial arms may bo satisfactorily adjusted miko expects to return homo in a week or two capsized on detour when inspector reevely and pro vincial constable pewtrell were drlv- ln up the centre road from cooks- vlllo to urampt thy had rnthnn nn undesirable experience at the de tour where the subway is being put in above cooksvllle tho car slewed on a hidllns place htruck tho rail in tr and ca paired neither of tho officers wero injured and tho ford coupo escaped with alight damage a crush ed fender broken glass of one doo and a bent radius rod the car was driven to brampton on its own power actons fine new fire truck the parlianwit now iii session the crisis as to government has not yet been reached vijitptfprmop pastorv enjoyed rev j a johnson of toront6 formor pastor of the baptist church here vinltod the meeting of the b y p u on monday evening ho gave a atlrring address on hotifz distance christianity- tho conduct of peter in following afar off then cursing and denying christ was given as an example the young people wore exhofted to llvnoar to christ an a always to remember that christ has a welcome oven to those who do wander from him as ho had for ptiter whon he came ponltcntly back to him rev mr johnsons visit and address were much pnjpyedi bramptons efficient bandmaster resigns mi v e3 downs conductor of tho citizens band brampton has resign ed iahft year the town council in creased jiih salary to 1200- and later reduced it to 000 he resented this ho in going to renfrew where he will take charge of tho citizens band at a salary of 1200 and positions will be found for his sons fifty per cent of hih mo vl riff expenses will be paid mr downs brought brampton band to a splendid condition of efficiency so that they wore successful in taking flrnt placo at the band contests at toronto exhibition his removal la greatly regretted by tho menrrbera pr tho band gathering of actonians in michigan on the 5tl january- ah interesting social gathering was held ntiho home of mr and mrs peprge esloy cook liio wtotint vernon avenue grand knplda lllch january 5 was mr3- cocikh hlrthduy and mr cook planned a hurprian in the forhi of a gathering uf acuii iotlo and thoir descendants to celebriite the happy event a de lightful evening was spent and mira- cook wh showered with congratula tions tlftturally tho main jtoplc at converaallon for tho ovening was acton a tho residents of the com munity jinst tand present the guests o the evonlng were mr christopher cook anrt his fpur t and one daufihtcr mr and mrs horace cook mr anci mrs nowman adams anfl their son and daughter mrs charlotte nlcklln and her daughter miss lourac mr and mrs rich cook wero ftlso invited- lut uwin to m cuuk itl neas they ivere unable to be present- mrs nicklin who had tho misfortune to full and fracture her nrm on nov ember tlio 22nd and la still carrying it in a hllnc enjoyed the gathering ats much aa any of the guests coml t wedded at milton knox ivesytorian church milton wantho hcno of a prolty wedding on monday january when margaret cameron- anderson of toronto daughter of mtis mary e anderson and the late robert b anderson f mlltoii dircamo the bcldo of mr qh- wohl s sturdy of jort william aqn of ifr ftnd mrs jimea sturdy of hamilton ftov jnmclwiull ofllclat- cd the bride who was given awjay by her brothel william andersqn q milton lqokcil charming in her giw of hrown georgette trimmed with browrfvflvot with a hu to match and carrying a bpuquet of opheltu- rosea tlie- bvlde was attended hy her sinter wihm isabel anderson toabher at lprno school near aoton while iholprooni was supported by hl brother mr frank sturdy of fort wihlriifi aftpr tho ceremony a wed ding dinner was served at the milton inn a reception was aifterward nt the homo of th hrldes mother snrnh street milton tho happy en up n left on tho evening train for toronto- montreal nv york bonton nnd chlcngo on an extended woddine tour on their return they will re side at 1ort william ottawa jan 13 ciins boomed from nopoun point krlday afternoon as his excellency baron uyng or vlmy formally opened canadas fifteenth parliament glittering mounted guardvnccominicd ftis excellency to the parliament ruff dings and lined up before the buildings was the guard of honor within the buildings too were alt the glitter show and form ality of days cone by the senate chamber whererhs excellency rouu tlie speech from the throne was bright with color olittering uniforms the scarlet and ermine of tlie supremo court judges and evening gowns in the ladles galleries gave color and lljht to tho scene it waa a few minutes to three vhon the members of thecininons met in their own chamber with mr speaker temleux vho was unanimously elect ed on thursday in tho chair the commoners were then summoned to the bar of the senate whore mr speaker lemleux lit formed his ex cellency of hla ainointment as the speaker of the house after tlie cus- tomaty formalities his excellency thegovernorgenerftl read the speech from thfc throne announcing tho sos- alonnl irogramme of the government as follows 1 substantial reductions in taxa tion 2 consolidation of certain public departments 3 measures t retain agricultural population on land to encourage return to land of urban dwellers and repatriation of canadians j rural credit hohem acton free library board rev a c stowort m elomed chairman for 192 social and personal 5 tariff advisory board for which provision was ma do last session to be appointed forthwith- 6 board ot- railway commissioners instructed to include- in its general rate investigation now in piogrpss a special ipauiry uhu thfc cuye if the diversion of canadian grain and other products thjqugh other thun canadian porta the board also to take such ac tion under the hallway act asit may deem efficient to ensure tho utllixa- llon drcnnnaiun ports for canadian trafflc 7 gomptetibn forthwith of the hud- bona bay rallwuy 8 royal commission into maritime rights 9 bui to tranafer natural reaqurces to alberta and to aanend the dpmlfiion elections ac the speech hid wprdjs of affectiop- m rcfnembfapco fi qubbu alexuhui and indlcfbtef that i resolution uf sympathy will be aubmitted to tho parliament it sfiejika of tho erowlng prosperity of qui favored land and pmphuaized the increase lncanadas oxport trade and greatly improved earnings of tho national rail way a it in announced further that simpli fied forms of public accounts will bo issued periodically in order that the people of the dominion may have an exact knowledge of tho sources of revenue and tho objects of expendi ture it intimates that the canadian west indies tnulo treaty will be aub- m u ted for the ratification of parlia ment tho speech further expresses the view that a general increase in tho customs tariff would prove detriment al to the countrys continued pros perity and it lays down tlie princlplo that taxation should bear as lightly as posslblo upon necessaries of life nnd on agriculture and other prlpiary industries hon arthur mciflhen leader of the conservative party moved a resplu tlon of van qf confidence in the government on friday tio house has not as yet ben divided on thla motion just when the progressives were seemingly in process of being wiped oft tho political miip they havo come into ilioro power than ever and now are in tlio unique position in tho houmo of commons that the- future is lurgely dependent upon how they decide to voteon t bofore the houset if aufilclent of the pro gressive members vote with tho king government the government will be sustained and- the public business of the country will bo proceeddawith if however sufficient of them vote with the conferva tlvo party jhe government will bo defeated and a new general election will be tho in evitable reault bicyclist killeltetr motorist willie- merchant toronto run over by sydney thomas and left dying on strcotsldd laat thursday evening a tragical accident with fatal cotihuqiiciiccs oc curred on king streetv toronto- when willie merchant a 17yearold hoy was killed while delivering neys- lnpers sydney thyinas was driving a truck and ran into tho lad crushing his bicycle and throwing hint against a hydro post with culpable cnreleshness thomas drove away leaving the poor hoy at the tjldo of tlo pyvyniont where he vy undisepvored for hour or more thb matter wna put in tho hands of tlio city police who after a strenuous search discovered uio cur and tho driver responsible for tho accident thomas finally admitted he waa tho driver of tho truck and stated that he was afraid to go buck when ho realized the boy was killed he has been charged with manslaughter nnd remanded for aweek on bail of-20- oodhoo willie merchant was a bright teory- who attended the pnrkdale collegiate and wun a member of the parkdulo united church sunday school h recital at knox church january 3 fuller announcement later the twentyightthl annual meeting of the hoard of acton free lfibrary wiia hold on monday at 1030 am in the office of police magistrate moore ilembera present he v h g l baugh b p rev a c stewart m a john cameron reeve mason h p moore and h n farmer 21 a sec retarytreasurer rev miv iiaugh tho chairman of last year gave a resumoof the years activities of tlio board ho spoke of the effort of the book committee to secct tho best books available which they had catalogued and available for the readers of the library every three montha occasionally a book would creep into the number selected which the committee felt was not desinvble reading forthe younger putrons of the library and these wero immediately withdrawn tlio ofllcers of the year were elected- as follows chairman itev-a- c stewart ma uook committee all the members of the board three to bo a quorum with power to act secretarytreasurer if n farmer m a the chairman was appointed rep resentative of the board to the annual meeting of the ontario library as sociation at easter cordial votes of thanks were passed expressive of tho appreciation of the board of the services of rov h g l bough chairman and h n farm er secretary duclng tho year the need of a new library building witli accommodation for renders and for students us ins the books of ref erence was freely expressed the members live in hope that at no dis tant date such a library building may be a reality in acton mount pleasant church reopened bunted a year ago this attractive houso of worship rebuilt a year ago this month mount pleasant presbyterian church was destroyed by lire with commcndlble enterpri and selfdental the con gregatlon soon set to work to rebuild the edifice which was one of the most attractive- rural- churches irr-this- sec tion the newly rebuilt church is the fourth for this congregation the original church log structure was erected upwards of 100 years ago on a site given by john mcclure this was followed by a brick church built ip 1862 and tarn down to make room for ibo third church which was open od 21 years igo on the lirst sunday in january the foundation and part of the walls of the former church were used in rebuilding nnd various im provements were made in uio original plans which wero otherwiso closely followed about tho time of tho fire last year the congregation voted for union and is now mount pleasant united church reopenlng sermons were preached on sunday by roy james little tor onto formerly of brampton to large congregations visitors were present from brampton norval cheltenham and other pointy an offering of 200 was placed on the plates on sunday this flno church is located on the torontosarnla highway- about two miles or so east of norval and a aood view of it may ba had frniiri the can adian natiqnal railway trains v mrs james mcdougail of alton jvhawushere for sycralweelta dur ing the illness and burial of her sister- inlaw miss sarah mcdougail re turned home on saturday last wednesday evening at norval sheriff and mrs webster celerbrated the thirtyfourth anniversary ot their wedding they received congratula tions from a large number of friends whn wprenrrnent mr and mrs william j leach of oakville announce the engagement of their youngest daughter beatrice flna to mr wm macgaw macdon ald m a l lb of port dover the marriage to take place in january mr and mrs william johnatone of acton announce the tmpurement of their youngest daughter alice mae to mr victor b rum ley son of mr and mrs thomas rumley also of acton the marriage to take place quietly in january protest against township boards haltpn trustee and ratepayers as sociation opposo the bill strong exception was taken to the proposed bill for establishing towin- aliip school bourdsata meeting of the rlnlton trustees and xtatepayers association at the meeting at milton last thursday the meeting decided that should the minister of education insist on passslng tho bill it should be ho amended as to leave its adoption optional with the municipalities irispec i or mr d en yea was eec te d president of tho association d f ford trafalgar vicepresident and william ellott nussagaweya secre tary treasurer our cordial appreciation we appreciate the patronage ot our merchants who anvcrtlao in the col umns of tho ikkk piusss because they imiiatr i it am j their bua ave- apprcclnto the cntpr ct onr- country coireipondenta who send in their wellwritten budgets of neigh borhood news from weok to week the fame of their respective localities goes abroad through their interesting items vyc appreclator tho thougntfulness 3f those who send in wrltton particulars of parties and weddings and other funotijiiih for through oioko iteoiis of newa are received which would other wiso bo omitted we appreciate the kindness of thosq who call up tho fiikii pjikus or its editor or manager and give informa tion uf events worthy of publicity whoa ihey occur ye appfeelato all of theao because thy assist us to mako a newsy home paper and cooperation of tills nature is reflected through tho newspaper to the outside world wo appreciate also tho promptitude with which hundreds of our subscrib ers huve renewed their subscriptions wlilcn expired with the old year and will be glad to extend rlmilar thunks to the hundreds of others who intend to renew within the next week or ten days tho frteb puesa management tho foster ryney shoo repair shop on main street in surprising the people of acton attne lowr prices- for goijd workmanship the people are well satisfied and mr ronoy reports a brisk business a happy now year to all foster roney 28 mrs c h harrison visited toronto friends last week mr austin reld of toronto wiui homo over the weekend v mr karl cooper of guelph was home over tho weekend t rov brown of tqronto univer sity was home over the weekend mr and mrs john leavens of rockwood visited friends in acton on sunday mrs adah ostrander has returned after spending ten days with friends in toronto mr arthur johnston- has beca spendlng the week at his home nt peterborough mrs mctavlsh of acton vlslted at mr j mcdermids during tho week georgetown herald mr david roarell of albernathy sask is visiting at the homo of his father mr george roszell mr stanley russell of oakville spent monday with his parents mr and mrs d c russell mill street mr and mrs g a dllla and frances spent the weekend in toronto visit ing at the home of mrs a ramshaw i mr john s moore and mibb ruth moore of dundas have been spending the week with mrs james moore mill street messrs dan and archie mclntyre of saskatchewan jare visiting tlielr brother mr john mclntyre young str c ot u mr edward cleave who lives with his daughter mrs victor watson frederick street has been quite hi during the past week mr and mrs w k grabam who have both been seriously ill are now convalescing thler friends will bo glad to sec them about again mr and mrs earlc broivn of kitchener and mrs albert erovui motored down and spent sunday at the parental home bower ave mr vv h speight and miss aimee of tqronto wero here on sunday visiting mlas lottie speight who has been seriously 111 the past week miss viola rumley left hist friday for a months vacation in new york her sister mrs e w masters ac companied her as far as toronto mr robert scott has completed his contract with the glove company at waterloo and returned home he will continue tlue manufacture of gloves here news of local import chain tea tho ladies aid of the lriltcd church are liavlnk a chain tea at the parsonage on wednesday janunrjr 20 every liuly of tho congregation is invited admission 25 cents death of james a owens j p in the death on tuesday of james a 0yenh j p georgetown lost one of its very liest citisens mr owens was esteemed by all who know him the funeral will bo held this after noon at 230 oclock internuuit will bo made in the family plot at glen- wllllams reevo mason visits montreal reeve mason was in montrcalsoii a business trip last weok ho found among the imsincss places liovi8ltel a distinct revival of trade lind was favored wth orders f very encourag ing volume from a number of houses where last year it was impossible to secure any trade at all at this tlnie last year mr muson believes there are bright prospects for manufacturers and general business during 192g the business is extending the acton machine shops had a very busy year in 1925 and tho pros- pects for tho present year are very encouraging the demand for a wider range of motor part3 and accessories of their manufacture has grown bo that over a dozen new lines will bo added for this purpose now machin ery is being installed port of it auto matic in operation messrs harrison and blow are building up a fine busi ness by their careful personal atten- iontoralldctnrils ij mr hutchinson father of mrs c a conway church streot who has been residing there for some time had a serious attack of heart trouble last week mr hubert mann of fergus one of the executors of the of the late miss modbugull was here until sat urday administering the affairs of the estate police court news four men were each fined 76 and costs for dynamiting fish at cold water by the police magistrate there j for issuing prescriptions for liquor to imaginary patients dr hc wolfson waa on friday in toronto police court fined 100 and eosts or two months william major aged 23 yara was sentenced to three years in the kings ton penitentiary by magistrate max well on monday at st thomas on a charge of stealing an automohllerrom county clerk k w mckay last sat urday afternoon a charge of keeping liquor for sale in room g07 of the king edward hotel toronto on new years eve was made againatbertdrago in the toronto police court onfrlday and the evidence showed that tho police wero not idlo during tho festivities on that occasion a fine of 800 was accordingly imposed with an alter native of two montha 4 at a session of police court in georgetown on tuesday two charges of intoxication in a public place wero made by chief jnckaon and one by inapoctor r throo young men ono a riieichu anoth a m urcr and tho third a farmer pleaded guilty to having been the worae of liquor in all cases it tvas moonshine liquor the youngs fajcmer was ar rested in glen williams thto swore ho got the liquor from a friend thert tho two georgetown men wero in toxicated at the arena during a hockey match with milton last friday night their sworn evidence as to tho aourco of their supply of liquor is sugges tive it was as follows i was at tho arena on friday night when milton and georgetown fellows played i saw some of the milton fellows bad liquor i asked for a drink and got several from different fellows it wan the liquor that i got from these milton fellows which intoxicated me 1 do not know the names of these fellows and t did not pay for ho liquor i got what was broken a recent issue of life contains a short dialogue which will be appre ciated by th knights of the wheel it is opened by a young man cabled hobklna my brother bought a wheel here last weoki he says and you said if anything broke you would supply a new part- thata right said the dealer what do you want i want two deltoid muscles a new set of knuckle and akneesbuw the united church last sunday tlio pulpit of the united church was occupied last sunday by trwo bright young men whose services were both appreciated in the morn ing rev john t hlslop of paisley memorial united church preached an able sermon on the christian llfo he took a very apt text and enoch walked with god and ho was not for god took him in the evening rev lennox douglas the now pastor of tho congregational church churchduv preached he was given a fine recep tion at the hill church and met many more friends at this service mr douglas preached a helpful gospel sermon old tyme village quarotte coming an entertainment of unusual inter est will take place in tho united church on monday evening january 25 when a former acton boy a c bert chapman will bring his oldo tyme village quartette to put on a real highclass concert the enter- tatnment will be under the auspices uf th p luuguu and aa they areplaclng the admission fee at the very low amount of twentyaye cents for qdults there js sure to be a full house as the date on which the concert in being held is the anniver sary of tho birthday of bobbie burns the quartette will provide a number of scottish numbers on their prograon the wecessary printing l with the beginning of tno new years activities many of the business mentvtllbetrplenishingtheirsuip piles of printed stationery at the same time aeenta of city printing con cerns will be scouring the country soliciting orders its a tree country and a man can buy where he likea but may we remind our business friends that it la much the bettej policy te buy lrom the local printer and enc local enterprise prices and quality will cohipire fllvuratjly with any competitor as those who have taken the trouble to enqulro have ascertained besides the local printer pays local taxes the city- man does not the annual skating party the annual skating party of tho members of tho young peoples league of tho united church and the young peoples guild of knox church was hold on monday evonlng and proved in all respects a very enjoy able affair the party which num bered over ahundred spent a couple of hours skating at the rink and at ten oclock proceeded to the school room of the united church where a substantial lunch awaited them after partaking of lunch an hour was spent in social intercourse which proved very pleasant rev mr stewart ana rev mr zlrnaicrman hobnobbed with the young folks during the evening acton citizens band provided a rink band for tlie occasion which supplied suitable music x victorian nurses in brampton tho value of the victorian order of nurses to brampton was amply dem- tmstratct by th6 report df tlio local nurse miss smith at the annual meeting there on monday afternoon she said that she had made 2554 visits to 272 patients during 192g the total number of hours on duty were 2530 the total amount uf fees col- lectcd fro the patie was 79430 the total amount of money raised in brampton by the order was 179402 including tho fees grant from tho town 720 collections 27855 and tho balance an hand is 14622 thq newly elected ofllcers are honorary president sirs robert crawford president mrs john patterson jr vicepresident mrs t mcmlcliael secrotary mrs mitchell treasurer miss olive beauty mail mndftrld in municipal polities our esteemed former fellowcltizicn mr nell mcdonald is climbing up rapidly in municipal matters in bis adopted town of- hastings ho wm nominated for he reevcshlp but de clined in favor of dr hess who was reelected la tho contest for coun cillor with severi candidates in the field mr mcdonald and mr r c doxsee ntoo7f at the head of tho poll with nn equal number of votes the hastings star alses up tho council for 1326 as follows tho 1020 council is a very htrwiig one tho reeve dr j ii bess while holding that honored position for a number of years ajso served oh councillor for se vera f years and he is to bo congratulated on the excellent vote he polled mr r c- doxaee and mr nell mcdonald bolbt membera of last years council wcra a tie for first place honors roth are mon of keen business ability utnl nr the right mei in the right place mr- w m fowlils a third member tin had a wide- experience in municipal affairs heintf reevo on many occasions ns well us holding the highest honor in the gift nf the counties council that of warden in 1024 mr wm lynch tho fourth member has hatf many yoara of paat municipal experi ence and hi timely advice hat always been a source- of- strength to past councils keep friday january 29 for knox church organ recital s v

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